PAGE SEVEN BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus FOR SALK JUBCKIiIiAn0OCa FOR SALE Kindling by the load. Medford Fuel Co., Tol. 631. - 1 , ( . 24.6tf- MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, 01EOONT. MONDAY. .DECEMBER 1(1. 192fl. THE MARKETS: I I 1 "' I.rvHldpb .-'" .,4 PORTLAND, Dec. HS.-P) CAT--TLB ami CALVES: Active., steer Jiind heifer . 2o'.? to JHc . higher, pother, matured, dimse steady'; bid-, -ding, $1 and more lower on calves wind vealers. Receipts cattle 1050, icalvea llll. Steers 1 1 110-1 JIM 11m. ;t 10.(10 0 1 1.2fi, good 1 ll.f.O fff 1 1 .3T,, -.'i.iA.llim, 1:8 TT.ffi to r.n. eninnion ff.7 rlH. 75. I lell .ih. good. :i.GIIf. 1 0. 1 ;:;onci S0.5tli 9.0O, . Cows, good S8 i'8.&0, .compion-tn medium ;$5iii'K, -Slow cutter S3.00WG.on. Dulls, yrnod, to choice 87.001 8.00, cutter S.i liieilitlin, S0.r,0Ci'7.fill.,, Calves, liieillum to choice S7.00T9,O!J, cull, flo common (0.00 M 7.10., .VealerH,.' jbuilk; fed, good, to choice .8.004) ill. 7.1., cull to common S5.0lif K.oO, I 1IQ(;S: Active; steady for kill lng classes, 25c lower for feeilers. '3 leayy -weight SS.&Oifi 10.00. Mr Wlim ..weight t!l.00i 10.20. Light weight SIO.iiowio.25. Light lights J4:i.2:ni Ki.i'G. Packing sows. S7.uo Tn.25,' Slnugiiler, pigs 8.2nf?i p. 23., Feeder nml slocker. pigs it8.sqft9.2.-i. (Sod or. oily hugs ipnU rousting, pigs excluded in nbove Quotations.) , . . : ' I KllEUI'i anil .LAMBS: talking ;tioKtly steady; receipts. 850,' in - eluding 3QI on contract. Lambs, ;p4 lbs, down, good -to, chnlco.SlO.OO 'in 1 1 ,00 , medium S9.00 1 0.00, ail Velgis. cull'lo I'oiiiiiion 'JT.OiKc : f.Oil.,, Yearling wethers, 110 lbs. r il)iiwij, mt'diuin' to choice '$0.r,o J 5ll. , Ewes, 120, lbs. down, mertl- II m 10 choice $3,75 ?i' 0.00, 2(1-1 'jr. bs inediuiii lo choice J.6iiB ,.00, jjll weight, comnum ,$1.1101 3.00. 5 ' Proihiep ' ' '' '. Portland, ore;, Dee. in. P) .".BETTER Steady; cuius: extras, 4le; standards,. .40e prime' firsts, ' $no; firsts,, utic. - Cruamauy ..prices: prints 3o over eulfe Ktnndaids. . j Ktsrss, steady;, prices to retail ors: . Kresh extras, , 40 4iie; stan- Hants, 4:iei. 44c; fresh' mediums 39 $ 40c; liu-dlllip, firsts, 3t!c; fresh itlloui, 8234i:; pullet firsts, 20c. ices ti, wholesalers ' 2c utldcr iee ,to retailers. MILK Steady;, jaw niilk 4 per ontl(S2.i;5 cwl.. delivered Port end, .less 1 .per cent, Riltterfnt. station, 39c: .track. 4oc; deliveries at Portland 43c. POULTRY steady: (buying Bricas) : Alive, heavy hens over 4 '-2 .lbs., 24-fi. 25c: medium hens, i'-i to A'fj Ins., 20i)21c; light, lin er ,v'i "IIik.. : 1 Til 18c: broilers, 1ndir. I i,- . lbs., 2Xc: springs, over tlis.. 2'lti; spring l',eUin ducks,, 4 s. a;xl over, 2 1 tfi) 22c; ' old l'ekiii neks, 18iS19c; colored ducks, 18c n keys, No.- 1,. 28MOe; ' No. 'J. ir.c; culls, 20c; live, IS 5i 20c. 1 OOpNTflV SIIIATS Steady; ibuyinir' prices) :. Choice veal. 17c; s jjpnrk, 14 it iSrlQc:. choice lambs, 17 fi Ihc; mutton, Rfi 10c. ONIONS Steady; Yakima fancy il.7.riS2 pec cwl; .OieBon, $215' lCiTATOl;S Stonily; Coins. No. V(WI- Steady;, exslcrn Oroffon II A V Su-ady; buying prices: a.stp.i'n OiTRon timothy, CO.&OfiT i: do vallou Sinrt in.r.(l: nllalfn. j!t; eluveiv $LU; nat liny, $16; ti'av $7Tii8 t,n; nt'llinj; prices $ .San I-VanrLst'o UuUOffaf ' SAN KHANClHt'O; UfC. lfir-(ft jRuttcvfat tf.n.h. Snli I-runelsco 4c. j ROnVR R1VKR. Ore., Dee. 12. 4-(Spec(al) Mr. and Mr, .lnmea Whipple, Mrs. ("red " DeiiBler, and 4liRi, I'Morsnoo WJiitc-yv$re Med toril vlHitirN riilfty.. ' WlUlam Ends returned Tuesday &on a short trip to. Klamath Falls Btid .San Francbico. . . C. N. Culy.was a huslnoss vis ilor in Hokvi& Rlvo-r.. Friday. - R. fi. Fowler, county asent. was bulling on - Heed Carter and Os- ir Shephcvd .Tuesday - . . Oirvillo .Turhcll of ivntral Point as . a Hokuo I live r -visitor the post ;veek and rallvdnt tho Taylor .tflueifox farm. ... if S. II. Porry and wife of Moil ford ttilled last, Sunday;, at 4 ho Taylor lox farms, to s-ce the foxe , . I rnrl Mayerle ltft Saturday for jiiirlouH Calirornla points .wiih, a urh.Ioad of rhrlstmas troest pnd -erKreens. (: I Mrp, Karle, Smith and baity dan-. htec ' returned home from the Wed ford hospital Saturday. , " 'H The- Kewplo Confectionery hns aJi own. tho Christmas spirit tho Ipst few dayn.with tnsteful doco rnilops of reil nml Rieen. - PORTLAND MAN SHOT I IN HUNTING ACCIDENT -? PORTLAND. Ore., Dec. 10. (,V) Ibert I), itrown was In a serious condition; in Jlo,fpfil today nuf rine fi-om ftiinshot wounds re opived yestnrday'liy nccidcntal tlis (tfiarge of n shotgun in . tho hands of 'a JiuntinR companion, wiio slip tifii and fell.- V The. shot struck Iirown In the hcad.onil left hand.. He walked a mile. In his brother's house, nnd Win taken to, a hospital. g , i d I,. .- MEW ; -- . ?. ftu Vl WHAT fl KCCP IT J. IJir VOU DO , I WlTrt Tmc. f WITH TE. MA5 LIST i.'J& 1 0VK W MY I jSND XMVfSS-1 I DSAW6R l J cmj& Toy v..-, If v . EvK-one , j Ghritm Seals' , ,t f e ,ftUopR '- -J- m- ...V.;..., fPOP I'ilfcfcJfV "' i &.ik lull Funs !wrvH.'w.:ciM llnbikrwtu itMrmd. f (((? 8 " a, ' ' , . i&i " IJc " ;' ' . -i' , iv'v : . L.' 1 . , . THE NEBBS To the 50 vouee toOiwb om VOU8. VJORUD5 TRlP KJ SOUKkJOW WHAT TME oocroe sAo.iA&oor a TJ-tVCe NOT &OIM& TOTOCM w.toaM0 om told voo i vtA- .. ; , ' "I jr1' A- vrl.V I f.""v. r 3j b'vouia VJORUD5 TRtP k soiios TO MAKE v I X OUST A MINUTE! - . KS7 , TME SHIP ABOlMD FOI3VOU.FIKJO OOT VJMERE I IR MOD KICK- OFF VOULL GO OveC Ti-I 31DE IM I ) A BAfe.AsJD MO yPOS'E OR WOTMIM G:.fMA.7:ftQ p.iri. OonemU Mfttorh J ,: Fnnilly t'anty (tninHobminental) j STiO service to K(-!0, KIIQ, KO.MO, KOV, Klfl.f j 7 :0 '" to- T'Vao'"'he " TRtflrnal I Quc.tiont ., (tnpiscontlncntal) j !s'llt; service to lio, KHQ. 7:30 to S:0o ii.m. "Kmplro Build-! . ors".- (tranficontlnc.ntal).. r NUC. Hi rvlcc to KCJO, KIIQ, . KO.MO, KflV, KI'I. . , , ..' . . S:00 to: :W0 .p.m. Illldy . SoiKcr's , Shell Syini..honlsta--Nl:c. nrvlcc lo ., Kl'O, . ,KKI. KHQ. . KOJIO, KfiW S:00 lo 8:30 p.m. R:.10 to R:4;1 p.m. The 1'cpijodent hroRram Amos 'n Andy ' N'Ht! nervlio lo KOO, KIIQ. KOMO, KCW.KKCA. I"S:4.1 to . !l:0 - p.m. The Jolly ! Hovers N11C ficrvicc to K(U), ickcav . , .: 9:00 to 0:30 -p.m. "Volon of Flre stono',': Xlit' Hervlce. . lo KCJO, i KKCA,. - ., 0:30 to 10:00 p.m. 'The Ciunv Pnnd" NW Ki'ivlcc to KtlO, KMJ.i KCIO. KOVV, Kl'T. 10:00. to ,11:00 . p.m. Hlumber Hqui; Ni)(; service to KOO. KSU KOA. 11:00 to 12:00 p.m., Tiliffhncr- . HimtIh Hotel at. Francin Dance Oix'hcstro Mnc service to. KfiO. ' Radio Program KMED Mall Tribune-Virgin Station .;'- '-".'- 228.9 Meters 1310 Key. Monday, December 16 ' P.- M. " - -t. - fi to :l!i PoiiulaK.rocxuililias. -i:lfi to. fiiaoNows 4ina Mar- .,. koL Heporu iiy' Mull Trill- .. line.. ' - fi:M lo 7 P(!iulnr,,l'Qnrilii)K.'i. S lo X:S0 Kails Transfer anil .. Storage. , . ... .8:30 to il Old Time Music. Tuesday, December .1? i. A. M S:.10 to 9 Good .Morning, I'm- Kram. i 9 lo ::I0 S. & W. !I:.H) lo 10 l.awrenco .1velry ... Store., , -.,.' 10 lo 10:30 Southern OroRon . Klectric . . ., i .10:311 Market News Service. 10;.10 to 11 Medfotil Dnmes- tic. I juindiy. 11 to ll:3u M. Si. Department nioie. 5 11:3(1 ta 12 The Swem (lift Shop, . t 1. M. 12 lo 12:30 Texaco Service Station.'.. 12:30 News Flushes by Mail Tribune.. . 1 lo 1 :30 Isaacs' Slnrc. Ash- land. " ' . .1:30 In t Model C'lnllilng Co, 2 lo 2:30 l'eoplo'a Klectric Sioru. vi 2:30 to 3 iDtemallonal Mil- timl llroailcast. . , G to 6:15 Popular recordings. 0:15 lo fi:30 News anil Mar- .. kot Reports by Mil -1 rib- line. (1:30 Edurallonal Keatiire. f.:3fl to 7 llrake Shop Super- V Servire Station., .. . 8 lo 8:30 Pig Tall. , .', :30 lo 9 ItoRim Itlver Can- r nery. 9 lo 110 California Oreiton Power Co. . . is Dock, Jiimes . - '1 TOLD VOO V SOIIOS TO MAKE THAT 60AT WHAT MAPPEWS 'ApretlH-lAT, SE.T THE 6lA6. VQU (WENT OVERBOASD AMD 6ET,A.CFUMD I Daily MeoroIogicalitcpoFt U ' - loiHltiy DocvnilKU. HI., . . ' i. I ,"T1 I 1 : I'l K-,T,''- . Jt:.-, ... If 1 3rr- k I a, ,-r- it Ill I I ; ' I'M: , , ... I-- and. TjijOstlav. iinaouled proIa'')ly J Ioln 3 ami 4, nine; 10, of the .Ji. -vU i2fcVJrf 'iU ;tHAWni.,..-n Tqwi) .ofThmmix, fU enon, as mini- railiK piS,hnn lj) tpijWPCaJW.M,M,rcHU desiKtiaied and described on rtiicmni; uii-skum-m; p r. a-iiy rain tonight a n l ; Tuesday.' .N ) chnnK in tempr.niivt.' ' Hi en. . 3.Sr j ' Ixical ntm. : K- Temperature (deiireos).. "!. , ,42 HlKheRt (lust 12 hts)..,.., 55,,. ftl Lowest (last 12 hin.) 4S '41 Uol. humidity (pet.). !'2,i. :" Proripllatlnn (Inches) to"-.. Al Stale of wealher..........r. Cdy. , Clily . Lowest tempi?raiifr.e .thisj.. morn ing, 40 deRrees. . , v . Total precipitation since Hepteai ner 1, 1929, 6.69 Inches. Y 1 Temperatures a year'llpo today: IliKhest, 44; lowest, St.- -' '' - Sunset tloday,-4:41 p. n.... -.:. Sunrise Tuesday, 7:34 j.. m. ' , Sunset. Tuesday,, '4 :4H; p-Wi'' V ' TbierVatlonV Taken it-S A'M. ' 120th Meridian, Time.. Baker C'lly.. 30. 40. is; 40 114 88" .',11 8 r, 40 r.ain lllsmarck P.olse - I .. oo .,--(U .. 8 .. (14. .. 40 .. or, ...7IL :. 4 a:-. .. tn:, .. r,o.. .. oo ; .. OS', .. is.-, .. 44,; .. 42 " Know .'clear ;t:iear Misfc 'Cloudy Snow KOBsy . P. Cdy. P. Cdy. Denver Des Moines v-....1.. l'Vesno ' Helena Los A nfreles .. ...... . Murshfic.hl,... Phoenix ...,v....;. Portlanil ..... I!i!i llluff"..:. Hosi-huri;' Salt Laku City... l4;,n Krancisco,... Santa Ke flenttle Spokane Walla Witjln. ,...v to ;itiWn wi iV'cijm'iy 42'5r,P.;Cdy. 48 Cloill'.y 04. 47 34 32. . Cloudy Clear -I Cloudy Snow, ltain., 38 . WIlllllpCB P.Cd-,'; . W." 1.. H llTCll ISO JT- - ., ',, MeteoroloBlKL ' Salem Smith & Walkins HUpnr nervice station, changed hands for consideration 01' Hiio.ouo. - Summons tar Publication. No. 437fi Klltllty. -. In the Circuit Court of die Slate of Oregon for Jackson County. Medfinil IrriB.iHon nisli'lcli'n piib-' . lie corporation, Plnliiliff. vn. ' W. .1. Woplen and Mertle K. Wor den, husband and Wife, Millon , Wordnn, widower, n sinnle man: i Cora Metsker nml til A. Metsker. ; wife ami husband; Ix'lloy (atfo known ns- Roy) ttnw r.nd Ida Howe, husband and wife; Kthel Smlih imd .1., II. Hinllh. wife nnd : husband;. Oeo.' W.- Noilson. as ' Administrator of tlic ei!c of Clara KUIjPttli'iik. iUceuL.a: al so all other person .of. parties unknown . ckiimlni;.' any riKht. title, estate, lien or interest In the real esinie drscrllied in the pom- plaint herein, Dof enittntO,. .- Tn Milton Wrirden. Cora Mi'ffker. CI. A. Melsker, l-'.thel Smith, and J. H. Smith, nml also nil other per sona or paroles lUtUnuWii clainilnK nnv- rlxht, tlth-. mtuun.llcn or '111 terest in lhe teal, csiute described In the ComptOtbit- neroin, Dfend-' ants nbovo named!. t, In the name nMne Jtato of Ore-R-on: You, and- each of you, are hereby summoned nnd -required to appear in the above nam eU -Court snl cause and answer the lMoin til'I's Complaint on "file therein auainst you wi4hm our- weeki from ihe 2rth day of Xovemlirr. J 92t. .Hie date of 'the firsts publication of this summon. 'Von' nro .hereby notified that if you fall so to ap pear and answer within the time aforesaid.! for want thereof, the. I'laintirt will apply to said Court for the relief . demanded rift said Complaint, a'sucelhvt' sihretm-nt of which Is: That a decree lie entered adjudl- - I23 . , v W.3,.- . lu,.- 5-i'.! .. vdoCK.PiM STAR. ) i I I CORrjeR t IT OUST CANT IhovJ-VLL HAVE TO VQ ' V l 'Um I UNJE5ASJD LCT. I I BE'.IIT I-IUST BB A I IshoOT HIM TO fif - Ui JT CH ' V ... .THE 6AS RUM . ... ' E A COWODEMCE OttMAVBe i I.Kt&P MM FROrl 1( - - .-LJ' r-Orrr-l v lj A, , i it rZ- ' I lOF . tf ItUT 1 MUST JF&U !. .iT-T-.,. a I 1 J N . . 1 ' kgi .- . Ssri . I Z -r-1. &QT MUCK 1 -gL STICL BE OUT OF KsKSSl'l REt-APSE r--rTZPA ', catiiiK any .'nd afl rifrHt,. tiiio. or-ford. ')repon, lins" Iteep appointed Halo,, lien or claimvvl)icli you. oriSy ihe eourt an itlu.Unio and place jtany of you. or any of: tho , above :f or (he'ln of:; objections to .nanied DefendantH have, or' claim I'said report afl ' Iho .Hiittleniont j;to,.lo,.,or..Upon real prop- i th proof. : i erty niliiat.ed In Juoltson County,1 Dale of first liiiiillcatlon, Novom- .rMnn. ,l....U..,.l .... rnlln..-u (..- l.i.K 111 -in thw official plat thereof, now of record. i And doolarlrts an.V find all such ciauiiN tn lie. nun. , and ' void, nml docreeinK (that -naiil Plaintiff In the owner in fee Hlnfple uf.'the whole o Kiilil .premises, frne and clear f any ,1ml a!h rlj-ht. -title, estate. lien or of ...ahl lhtfeiiilMiils. ..n.l that each pn. uli of theUefenilants in this suit, ifmV1 each -.and all of thetr-1. servants, 'ftucnts ! and em ployes, und each und all persons chiiiniiiK, or tb claim by', throuah, ;or under them, .'or, any ,qf them, and all'olhl'r persons oiJ"parlles un known i-la In. I ns nny riiiht, title, estate, lien or Interest lu said real estale,- be forever ' enjoined, .'re strained nnd barred from nssertiiiK. attempting to establish, or clulm inK any lien, or Intent-in or to saliL real property, or nnv part thereof, and that Plaintiff's title to. said premises, he forever quiet ed and set at rest. AOd for such other and further relief ns to the Court may seem Just and equitable. The date of the Order heroin for service of this Summons by publi cation Is November 23,. 1!I29, 4nl said Order fixed. once each week for four successive Weeks t.s the time, tor such ntililic.tilon. . itAWLiw Mooni:. Attorney for Plalnilff.' Conley Theatre' KiilldlnK, Melford,. Orejioll. ' Police of I Ilia 1 Accoimt. In thu. (;ounty Court, of tho Slate j of Oregon for. tho, .County, of . Jackson. 1 Ih the Matter of the Estate of Ella r J. Pattei-son. deceased. . , Notice Is hereby Riven that i the undersigned. Executor of tho above named esiato, has filed his final wcount In said County Court of .lacksiiu County. Oregon, nml that Friday, the 27lh day of December. 10211, at 9:30 o'clock a. m,. and the court j-oom of sulci Court at Mcd- CLASSIFIED AOVCRTISINO MATES l l Plr twril itt lint lnitii, 2e:. (uh mccHitlnt Inurliw, lc: nininun 25ft Iniln Kur Ml with For Sill, For Hint, etc., utd count Hun mordi ii nil (uli Inlllil, lili.honi numliir, lie, if I word. ClauiflM d In idtKitt not tiltn onr plant, unlm adwtlur hii nonllili auounb No illowanct for phom. error. . , . WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED-t-Woman lo do cooking mil help with- general house- , work,- Mrs. Krank C. Clark. HH7 Wesi will. 2CJ WANTED MA 1.1-1 HEM" BAKV-MONUV!- Sell SLUR talk ing bonks for leai-ning Erench or English. Kiiidenl, sees and hears at same time. No. coni- ' pelllion. Alllomatlc Itecord In slilille, 154 Nassau Street, New York City. .... ..' . 2(ili :i-:li AIII.E MAN -with car as ill- reel factory reiiresentalive in Medfoid and ' nearby counties. No exiierience nt'eessary, l'n , usual opportunity for mlvanee ' men'.. Must bo willing lo sii.rt on reasonable basis. Synchro .Motors Comimny. liatllo Creek. ' Michigan. 270 W A NTEI1- MISELLA IXIL'S TWO COP1HS of my nccounilng books, loaned to persons whose 11;: lues I cannot recall, have not been returned The return of these hooks will be n ppreclaled. 1.. M. Wilson, Liberty llldg.. .Med- : ford, , . 207 WANTK!) Will py not over 2f, cash for used safe. Thomas Iter.lty Co. 27 I WANTEI)..2n.l hand roods A Junk. Put's. ir.OB Prune. Ph. 647-Li 20 WANTED To buy all kinds of livestock for slaughtering. Phone IH.6-L., ltoguu Itlver Mcjt 'o. 282 WANTED Local or lon dlrtanre naullng. Insured carriers, Hpec liil aock moving equipment. We guarantee to save ynu money. Hawley Transfer. Il ,N. Klver elde. Phone 1044-X. 207 wwN.T,!?c,M, eo,lo ' Wall Tribune office, Ifl. IU AIMMnON) Kx'ocnior of. tho IOstalo of illla J. Patterson, deceased. I : r -r WANTEI ITDATIONS . YOI 'No MAN Willim: to do any kiml of worU. What have you 7 . flox .1. N., Tribune. 2IIS i.i.Icticii viiuu,. , i I'0'1 A I'liAC riCAI. MTKSI. with I best references, call 3S.I-U . 21,7 - ion iucnt rimsisnEu- . HOO.M8 KOit HKNT; Nice bedroom on first floor: beat if nct-lved. ,320. South i liiversldu Ave. . , , -tf l.'OIti iMMN'T Lnrxo,. well furnlsh .. eit sleeping roums. 1119 V,- Main. Phono 1201-L: . .' . - -,. Jl7tC FOIf ItllNT-IIOUSK8 KOIS . In. ItENT 5-rooni house, close ' Inquire Club. . SOilf l-'olt l:l-:,'T- 2 - room cottage, housekeeping. 32.1 K. Jackson .int.- ... . . , 2711 Foil1 HUNT 2-riiom -furnished house, with bath. 220 s. (Irape. 20!l HOI'SlJs will n I'lNT and SALE , Cilll 1 05. tf KOll UENTT-Nlcoly furnished 4 '. 1-nnrn house, modern; , paved ', street; guiagc; 3 blocks from Ll l braiy. Call. lOliB-X. 267 POM RENT Duplex. 4-rm. mod ern: garage; close In. Phone ! 207 I'OK KKNT-'-S-rnom modern cot tage, furnished, $20. ..Inquire 712 w. Jackson. - zontf EOlt KENT Furnished 5-room house, reasonable.- 417 Jay St. ' Inquire at .431 Jay St. 208 I-'Olt KENT 4-room furnished house; sleeping porch, garage. Phone 270. 2117 KOI! UKNT.- n-room house. In quire llungulow Store. Phone 1 4H5-1L '' 2l)0tf Kolt ItENT 8-room house., suit able for rooming house: fuel furnished. Call 031. 2r.Ktf KOIt KENT. Cozy, comfortable, newly decorated modern cottage of ft rooms; also-- garugo and Adults. 719 W. 11th, Call nt 723 SV. Itih.iot mornings. If KOIt ItENT Strictly modern 4 room house; paved street, closo In. good neighborhood, garage; not fiii- sale. Only responsible parlies need imply. Earl II. Kehl, owner, 320 West (ilh St. or Phone 45. V, evenings. 207tf Poll KENT d-rnnm house, ga rage; dosirable location. 20 Ross Court. 237if KOIt RENT 6-room unfurnished . bouse. Inquire Keddon & Co. tf roll REN T Homes. Furnished or unfurnished, Iirown White. 17tf KOIt RENT 6-room unfurnished house. 1036 W. loth. Be C. A. tl'Voe, phone 2-J-l lJlf LOST Hi own hut at Oriental Oar den.', last Thursday night. Kinder pi.le le:iy.. nl Trllllltie. 2117 FUKS ; HIDES PELTS - Trappero, you hare a mar ket for your fun at homo. I Ait - ua estimate, or. eet your own pi. Trapo at co,t- i , i' l.i Medford Bargain Houm 27 North Grape 8L Phono 102 FOR ItEN T Ar ARTMEATS. Koll UIONT. adults, one apartnient.i: heuted; one. apartment. Kivors'Ide. stoves., J LM)i So. 273-i Kim KIONT Abnouitoly clean ronrn riu'iiinhcil apaiument, It A3 Heat I. v St, Geo. Iveison, Tel., 83H-M. " . 207' .i ill lllONT Modern, altractlve . steam-heated apartment In -new. Arlhilr Anus. 330 No. Holly. 2H7tf I''OH ItlONT Modern furnished apt.' 110 Laurel. 20K KOIt KENT 4-room npartment with, bath and garage.- 327 S. Oukdale. 26Ctf KOK KENT 3-rooin Mil, unfur ,. nisliod; hdw, floors, steam heat,! Krlgidalre, hot water and garage 503 S. Holly. r 255tf KOll KENT Apt. and gurngo; en- ; lire lower fto.or;. iinfuslllslied ex cept : range.. Inquire 140 S. Ivy. : ; "' 263 FOR RENT 2 and; 3-rm.j furn., apts? garage. (104;, West loth. I .1 '. 247tf KOIt RENT Modern furnished apt.: adults; 1'ltone 603-Y. 3IS N. Holly. 238tf FOR RENT Steam-ticated apart . inents and sleeping room. 1.005 W. Main. 22Bt( FOR KENT ,r- Modern, furnished downstairs' apartments; adults. 345 N, HartlulL Phone 753-M. 24r.if I-'Oll RENT I'l'ltNISIIED APAIITMENTS KOK RKNT Desirable npartment; every convpnlenooj gooil locution. 518 So. Oukdale. 2C2tr- VOIl RENT MLSCT3IiA-EOU8 KOK KENT Oarnne. 104 Do. Oak dale Phone (no-L: tf FOR EXCIIANOB TO TRADE il-rm. modern hnuso In Seaside, fire,, for business or home In Medi'ord, Answer I'.ox 1100. Seaside. 208 IllISINKHS OPPORTUNITIES KOK HA LE-4 Small grocery store, service station, on highway near Medrord; ' doing, good business: sell reasonable. Inquire or r.d I dress A II., Mull Tribune. 209 FOR, SALtSlilVKATOCK- STKAYK.I) liny mare, about 1350 Him., bramletl on left shoulder "H In half circle." Phono 392-Y. 2B8 Fon '' I'lill SALE Capons, 30c a lb. J. II. Kiel well, Howard Ave. Kox 329. . 20K FOIl RALE RKAL ESTATK ONK ACRE- On Old Stage road: rich; Irrigated soil; beautiful oakM; new 3-roout house, garage ..iiild chicken ' house: wonderful view; Id I. Hill. The I). E. Mlllirrd Agvliry, 41i E. Mllln, - - 8118 DAIKY RANCH 211 i.eres, Irrl ' galed; gisid house, barn. alTalfa: close in; no stock. Will take city property in trade. . , U. C. COILS'. II Ho. Klverslde.. SIKl LOOK AT TIIIHie . ll8Acro dairy and aKalfa ranch. 80 ncres free water, good build ings, good road, riilinlng slrcum nil year around, fine free sbll: trade for Medford. or what have you? Price SI 4. mill. Tlll'l KIOAL KH'I AI'IO EXCIIANC.K. 44 N. Klverslde. Phono 14911. 209" FOR SALE OR TrtADE One of tha finest. Iluie dairy ranches In i .,.K.n .r.-r .mi.;, won u, jt', wlihnut Id head of cowe. Phone , I) A N I) Y. LITTLE I) A I It Y RANCH Stocked will! niM of Ihe best Jersey cows In Iho val ley: inooine iibonl t.loo per 11111. Will lake some trad" and some clih; long Unto on balance, ,. SEE 1'AIIKIIIIIHT. IS N. Kir. ZBS By SOL. HESS IX)R SAIifD nOMKJ FOIl SALI-Completely furnished modern home In best residential section,' or will' sell- unfurniHhed. I tux Kt, Mai)( Tribune. 2U7 FOR SALR 5-room hnui., handy to schools. Phone 105. 207tf WILL SACKIKICE tlOOO equity In Mndtordi homo, for good jear,- or sell, cheap .for; cash,,, liox 10. J., Mall Tribune. 2531C'. KOR SALr-New modern B-rnom bungnluw, elose .In,. 811 - Wi 2nd aiid iSuiiiinii,. . Payed. .street, near high und Jackson!schools Own er. 72U W. 2nd.. Phumt 821-J. 4r,ltf Iflll SALE AUTOMOBILES ' KOI t' HA LE-1 Model T Ford, deliv ery body; best mechanical con dition,' Iiiquiro.7U Oak St. Tel. ' 394 Y. - 207 I'uit nsi,r,r-, , f ' ' ItlJIClv 4-passongor coupo; '(irst , eniss eoneiiinn. . . HUDSON-ESSEX OARAGE ' JOS' Tr...... '.,-,-,. ...... ... . USED- CAR RAROAINS Wiv have eight used ears, valued ru from I50 to, t2jr will, be sold, nt fcoin. $35 to SI3II. OMT ONE .WII.ILU TIII'IY LAST. AllMSTRONU MOTORS. INC. 4,..- 101 Ho. Riverside. N ' . 2W KOIt HALE l.ato model Hudson, coach 1 In , exciillent . condition, Price 3r0. , Can be seen ut Co-, lonlnl llnriige.' Phone owner nt 728-.I-2. . 207 FOR SAL)' 1920 Ford Roadster, S7& ,. cash: 1923 Kurd delivery, cucap. . see at ji icniner s uitrage. 2&3tf FOR SALE New Ford truck, run ll.r.oo miles. Priced right. E. J. White. 4. nillea west Phoenix or HI. 1. R. V. D.. Medford. 200U, KOIt SALE MISO:i.lNFXUS "OK. H.VLKO round, alfalfa hay. I M c lb: Newtown apples, 2c lb. Ted. I'lsh, Phoenix. 27 Kon SALE Doxen Oncda Victor IrnpH, 3.50.r CiE. Colb;, ,440 S. rtlveisKie. rnone 4 111-it. 207 PlllClOD KOK Q1M(!K SA LE 1 llriiu iiliig-lJidlie radio with Ita rllol.l spenltei- and Phlloo ellm Inalor, $30. 1(1 Mo,. Newtown St. 207 KOK SALE 10-ln. dry old growth fir, S3. 25 1 lev; maiisnnitn, S3.25 and tip,. delivered. Phone 9ri8-I.i . 272 KOIt' jftAIJ)' Oroiind bailey J.lfi (on. Carl Esch, Phono 4-F-14, Emtio Point. 207 KOIt SALE Apples nt MB IV, llth, opposllu Oakdultt -Orocery. 271 I'Oil SAl.E Pedigreed roller ca- niiries. day and nluht ' singers. Phone. 113,, .llieksonvlllo. 274 KOR HA LIJ Illwle, choiip. King St. ' ,207 WMKN YOU, thing of real estate, eve Iirown A White., tf KOR HALE Special holiday prices on cnnuries; splendid singers. Mutual Heed Co. 2A8 KOR . HALE Itnldwln apple.. f,0c and 75c... Phone J-K-4. 262lt KOR HALE Apples, 00c n box. - firing your boxes. C. 10, Smith, 4 ml. west ,Ccnlrul Point, Tel, SO-XX-S. 208 KOR SALE Apples t.pd dried prulies. Phono 73I-W-2. 277 KOIt HALM Piano In Pertoot con- Ulllon. 2'JII-IU 2117 KOK SALE Little Cltlh wheat. VJO-K. 207 FOR SALE For sand nnd gravel sediment and , general teaming -iei, aij-j, sanri iinteman. tf" FOR RALE Used Oewln ma chines; all makes, 15 upt terms If.1 desirwd. All ' makes, rented aad repaired. While Sewing Mucuina co., z Korili Bartleit. tf f KOR al'PLKs Call llll-H. FOR SALE First cutting ofol-1 folfa by the stack. Elinor Hans ley Bush, S28 . Main. , Phono- . 903. ' . 209 KOIt SALE At a bargain, lathe, . li-iii.xiu-rt. ii . jiprtieii. . - , 204tf KOR SALE Bulbosa (blneiraia) , , seed . for pale, 20e per pounds Communlckte with Wllliama A r Baegmiller. Route 2, Centra) Point, or call at ranob, Anttoch ' district. tf KOIl.SALR Page field fence.. 1 yard fenne, gates, netting,, all.., kinds: cellar and steel fence., material. "Wo build fences." ' Caddis & Dixon. Tel. 208. v IICSINESS DIRECTORY- Abstracts MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Ab-strai.-is of Title. Tllle Insurnnce.. Rooms 3 and . 5. No. 32 North. Central Ave,, upstairs. JACKSON CO. Abstract Co. Abstracts of TltlOv.vl and 'llllo. Iwsul. . uiice, T li 0 only,' c o m p 1 e 1 0 Title. System in Jackloa . Count y.j Acoountan. Q. Q; D'LBIN I -Certified -1'iibllo :J Accouniaiit. ' Auditing, account- .,, c, ' lug. lax; service. Office. Cnllegu, , ' llulbllng. ' Phone 800. 223tf I Dirycles .a BICYCLI-5 REPAIR SHOP Work guaranteed. Auto locks and -keys.. for. all curs. . 19 nr si. . iei.. 20L tf Clilrnpructlo 1'liysU-liina DR. E. W. HOFFMAN- Chlro praetlo Nerve Specialist, .tiffice hours 9 to 12; 2 to 6.. 20.3-204, Liberty lildg. Office phone B80; Ken. phone 790-H. Eye SHcla lists U.K.. D. A. CHAM HERS, , Optome- . trlst,. I-' ves examined. Olassea,? fitted. 404 Medford llldg.- Teh- '"" 1X8. 352tf ill ExiNirt AeeonntaBe.. WILSON AUDITINfliCO. V- M.t Wilson, C. P. A. Atlontlon given : to. anything- In .accountying and ' Income Tax Requirements. Look, . Into our simplified accounting, method. Liberty Bldg... Medford. Phone 157-R. Financial WI-: . LEND MONEY to worthy, people to pay their honest debts. . Pacific Coast Credit Association. 423 Medford Bldg., Medford. Ore. Freight Tmnsportallon LONO DISTANCE HAULINQ . Mcdfurd - Klamath,, truck, line. , : Daily service. . Bonded carriers. ' Speelnl rates on load lots. Aute '.: Freight terminal, 30 8. Fir.' Tea-' 1033. . . , Money 10 Toan ' MONEY TO .LOAN to worthy peo , plo to pay their honest debta Also nny amount to loan on cltj ' properly. Thomas Realty. -Co. Room ,12," Palm Blk Cor. Mail - and Front,- Sts., upstairs. Txing Ttrao , Real atst ' Mortgage Isnej , -Pliono I sua Couimen lal Finance Corp -' Mcdfoiil,. Oregon DO- YOU NEED MONEYT t . thnke- short time loans. Trans- -actions strictly confidential. JH : Liberty . Kldg: Open Tuesdart . nnd Fridays till 9 p. m. Phont , ur,7-J. II. II. Banister. 11. q Chrlstner. ' - - Monuments Till-! KltBOON OHANITB CO..-.. Monuments. E. A. Hicks, 0n , eral Manager; P. M. Kershaw,' Sales Manager. 302 N. Front Bt, Medrord. Painting nml PapcrlMmrlmT - II. MARX Quality painting, tint, ng and paperhunglng; savea and beautifies; .color schemea that, are- "easy to live with" at mini mum cost to you: decorating of -new and old furniture. fcnd tl tures. Phone 178-J.. , M. A. 11I.IHM CO. Painting, pa. . perhanging, inierlor finishing, general contracting, 1709 B.. ' Main St. Phone 104S-II. , , l'lnno Instruction FRED ALTON .HAIQUT Teacher , of Piano and Harmony. HMght . , Muslo Studio, 318 Liberty Md..' I'hone 72. .-'. ISStte Prtnlers and PuMlshera MRDKOKD PR1NT1NO CO. Hao . . the best equipped printing office '' In Souther Oregon. HookblneV. . lug. loose leaf ledgers, billlne;' systems, etc l'orlland prices. 37 2 N. Kir St. '' ' Radio Rorvlco ' ' IIADIO -SERVICE on any ' make rudlo. II. O, Purucker, 22 South (In.iio street.. Office Phone 33B; , Res. 1443.- S91 Kami and Ornrel C. A. HARTLEY Sand and Gravel': plant. Cleaned, wiiAhed - sand . . and gravel; crushed grave!,, all . sizes. Phone plant 1203 or. office '. 127. 564tf- Transfer 6 EADS TI1AN8KER & STORAOFJ i ,, C Office , 111 ,N.. Fir Street,- ,. If Phone 315.. Price, right., Servt, I Ice guaranteed. :' .' J ' DAVIS TRANSFER' STORAOH -Servire guaranteed. 20 S. Ornpe.r 1 HI,, phono 644, or residence 1040, , THANSKER AND,, STORAO 5 Fr,. E. Samson (,'".- Quick aervlee. Prices riiasonable. Cargo Insur-am-o proiectlon.- 329 N. Itlver slde. Phone 833. 1'ihnls4rrlna; TIIIHAULT Maker of overstuffed rurnliiire made to order; re upholstering. We estimate, issaw samples, I'hoae -lL 21 WlniKne - fleanhitt LET CIEOROE DO IT Phono 117t, for hnusecleniilnt, floor wailnf. , Janitor eorvlce. uo. A, Hooly. '.in ei!: G'S -is ad . ,(i; r.f Ttl 01 id no ml AT . . t i lft i'l t ..V )..-'.,'. V L .. HI a ..' V X !