MEWOIID MATL TRTBUNK. MKDFORD, QKI-XIOV. SATURDAY, DKCKMKKTt 14, 1929. f I f J V'MU' SIX RAINFALL SINCE! CATIIPnAV HITS1 i umuiium iiiiu, n rn nil iiinif u .1.111 n i 11 i ii ii nil if VKi IIMI.M V uKI iiiiji mnmi j f. m Wm w w w w w w w Latest Deluge Swells Rivers; ;' and Creeks Tempera ; ture of Yesterday Record ; for December-Crops Arc 'Benefitted. Annllinr ilitliige nf ruin full In Minlfunl uml vli'inity iliii'lnu hist inulil uml early tiiiluy wlilrli lillliiiinluil, iiiiiinllim In it niurlul riiuilllin liy lllu wtiullinr liurmiu llimlu at IU:3II u. in. Iiuliiv, In M nf iui I lit' It Binca 5 p. ill. yuHiiinliiy, mukliiH, III nil, Hi" t'liliiliill "Ii I" lliut huiir frmii luut Hut til tiny uvtni Ink, wlien the iii'uHuiil mill hiuiiii HlmlHil, Inrlitm. IiiiiIiiiIIiih UiIh uniuuiil tint tulul iui ii Iti 1 1 hern hIiuii Ht'lilmnher I IiihI uniiiiinltnl to t. III! Im lifts. .' miuwnru full Inliirmltltinlly Hincit 10 u. III. Itiilay mill furllier ruin lu rmacuHi fur IuiiIhIiI untl Huntluy. Hi) fur iih cuii Iib IwiiiiimI thu ruin NO lilt' IlilU tlllllU lllllt) tllllllUHII liu ymiil flllliiH iii InwIyiiiK I'lurim lulu iniililluu ur hiiiiiII liiltuu, uml fluiuliiiH utiniu HlrtttitH, nnluliiy Woni Muju ht'lwufii It h uml uml l.uurul Hlteuli whni'u llm wulnr run uwlt'tly In llm Kiitim on llm mwl uliUi ul llto ilmiuiitiliruro iiIiiiuhI liulf way UI'I'OHII I lit) Hi l ent. Tim Htm id Hi'WfiH of tint tlly wttiu tuit'tl in ruiuit'liy. IIi uim ift-k wiih riling ruiililly, ihiuith mil lu-iti iii to ilu liutikH, Ihiu furuiiuiiii uml Die river uml oilier ulreuiuu tiiroiighoiit IIih valley were vImIiik. While no rtiinirla were letelvtul In lllu vulley tuiluy In that el'fut'l, il WUU Bmierully iiiuuumeil tliut miuw llilil lieun fullinis 111 lliu lilgli liitilm Ml) tllMl ilt lH. Temperalur Ii High One putnilliii' ftiiiliiru uf the Mt-n. enl, vtllny Hiell In I Iui I lliu (euipein. tttto Iiuh been iiiiumuilly wunn fur uuverul iluyu pimt, nntl yiiulBriluy'ti wu tint It with u mxlimim nf 71 tin liieBB muilu It lllu wurmeut iluy hi Utsiietuner in Ilia luitttiiy nf Hie wiuiinur iniieuii. Totluy wua quite WHi iii ami iiitiilerule teiuperuttu-tt l (utetuui foe luuigni uml Humluy. , Un Hie other limnl, Hie lltrKii aniiiiiiit i(l' ruin Unit fell thin week linn been of great vulue In the lew drain frtipH that huii ulreuily been plumed before the rain uliinetl; In HuttenliiH up (he groiiml no Unit liluwlug, which hail hueti ileluyetl by the long ilrotight, ran be ilone when the ruin ('annua- untl In attir ing moiature U) In tlm ground tor next auiuiuer'a una. The ruin la alao very beneficial to the fruit trues, and the granti la tue city anil rural iliatrli'ta huu mailed to grow again, liiaurliig good pant tire In the latter. tly awelllug the river and other itreama. which had been reduced to a low level by the drought, pres ent and future fUhlug In greatly allied. The salmon uml nteelltead, whinh are the only fish that van be caught uow, are atari lug to run mi the liver, untl a uumber of them were aeeu ut the Savage Kapldn llHttl vicinity yesterday. Priest's Romance Wits Rocks When 1 1 Jobs Hard to Get t.'. 4.-5 l.l.NXKl'S. Mo., llyo. 14 Ml A romunoe In which ltli- Ills lH'iviH'.v. u young I'ttlholle iii-leel of Miircclliu'. Mo., for- sook hN parish and i-lopi,,! In rhlcililo with -Mbi .M.iudle Myers, has ended here with fc the grautinx of an iinconteHt. ed divorce lo Mrs. llowney. Nearly two years ago the llllle town of Miucellne was almost stunned hy the elope- meat. The bride was a popu O lar nieinber of Iho low n's youimer et. and Kather Itowney In a brief iieiiod as prliitl of Si. llonuventuie I'lithollc church, hud litude 4 tunny friends. Mrs. Downey, In her pell- tlon, anld her husltaiut desert. id her In Ivtrolt. a few uecki utter they were iii:.rrled. He had UH'l with scant success in M earniiiK a living during their 41 wedded life, he mild. , L 10 VIE FOR COP: rviVk'lltJITV ii-Tiri'i'iiv l- ! ..... . . . ... .. jtwie. U-e. U.-isiK.H'lali bwk mhool ami ull IiIkIi schols uf I0, stale which publish a school I IHT, or Whero mildeilltt UIplV l un io kciu ituiteii,, win nv Vliuini lo coiiiiK'tu lii the Oienon llixh svnuoi frvHX association JuurnallMii contest, neld UOUer lht llus'iieua uf I he achoul uf Juuriiulltim uf the Vui rlly of Wnnhlnictu:!. It l an nomiced by (!eur H. ll.).lfrev pi-v fviuiur of Joiirnallitiii, why la In t'tmrtte uf arrauMetuenls, Thu Hi Times, naimr of MuilfuriJ hinli ichuul, wan lust year Klven hunurublu iiiviitlun in the section for papers In mhoulg uf ovr uml In al ivuUitiictt. Hale in hluh schotil lecelved Ui KiiHeua OuurU cuu for the firm place In thin nection. ThlH year contest closes Janil any H and uanl win he matin al tb btimpiet of the anniiul hlKh achool cunlrvncv to bo hulii Jiniu ry W aJiU 1L "Flu," Auto and Suicide Deaths Show Gains in United States Heart Disease Worst Enemy NKW VfiltK. iHlieilul.) Tim litiirttillly itlmtMK llfu Initllriilirii Iimllt-yliiiliterH tliiu yttttr fui-eniiitit thai .H.tiun inure iiiTHiiiiM will illf I III III" Ullllt'll HIHII'H lIlll'llIK I US II lliuli If llm limn ili'iilh ml" Ini.l mImii i,f IM-. Ilt'liry W, I'ihiIi, vlri" IHi'tililiMii Mini niiiillriil illrtTiiir or llu Niirlliwi'Ktfiii Nnlliinal I. Id) liiHuranru l'".. uf ,Mliiiii'nMillb, Minn , iih eyiii'HMHi'il 111 nil iiililrpHM I, i-fun' llm Iwt'iity-llilrtl ii jiiuiii I I'llllVt'lllllin Of tllM AHHUI'llltllHl if l.lfit liiHiiraiii'ii I'ri'Nlilnniti. Dr, riHik'w Hiait'iiittni wiih IhimikI iimii lint iiirlual iiiiiiiiilliy rm'unlH uf fifty-twii It'iutltiu lint liiHiirani'ii rillllittltll'H fill' till dl'Hl It'll IIIOIlltlH tf llm yt'iir. Tlit' hiii vi'y t'tivt-i-H nun" iliiin sn, imiii, iiiiii inn of llm 117, tint'. Hun iul!i'y!ltilititi-H in lllti ftiitniry. "It uiii'urH," hiiIiI lir. t'w.k. "tlmt I lid ilfiuli ralf imiioiih liiilli'yhiilili'rH liit'i't'iiHi'il f I'tini HUli.ii ,i.i- Iiio.liiiii In llil'K in mil. 7 In I Hill. TIiIh nu n iih llilil I hurt' will tin IX. 7 mum (Ii'iiiIih milium hill, null iiiMirt-tl ifi'Hi1iiH Oilri yt'iir than lnut yttar, an lilt'l't'iitti' uf 2.8 tier fi-M, liiriili'll'ttll Tiikltri .Wiiny "Tlw tiifi't'tixit In tlt'iuliH frtiiu In flut'iiua iilnmi inure llian iiiu'titlntH fur t Iih yt'iir'H Illfri'tiMi' In Hut itt'li t'l'lll llt'lllll rtlltt, Tlll'ie WIIH a rtt t'UITIt lli'tt ttf lllf lllf'IIKII, llf t'lllltt'llllt' ii'iiiiiriltniH( tliirlnK thtt t'arly part ttf thlH yi'iir. Tim ilt'iillt lilltt fnim thin, tlltit'iimt i-titttt frinit 17-4 iii-r inn. mill liln Iiihiii unit' iHilli'yliitlil i'1'ri In 87.11. an Int'i't'iittit uf li.n tlfiilliH iih iiKalnttt I hit liit'i't'iiHit In tilt' ili'iilh rati' from all i'iiiiiu'h nf U. 7. "Tint cnntrtil uf liirliiriixu anil 111 muxi falnl t'uitiiilit.attun. piii'iniio. fela, I't'iimhiH ulti' uf tilt' lliont m'rl ttiut iiiimiIv,.,! intihlt'iuH uf ititiilfiii mi'tlii'lutt tit ivliit-li ct'iiliiiut'tl Htmly antl 4'i'ftirl iniiMt hi. tliivi-tt'tl, "Tin' liiiiult'iittt ratit rt'iualiiH tttti littiiary. whlltt tlit'i'o U an InrrcaNO ill a Ui Milt'liti' rum frtim 18.1 ttt l.'t I iu i mi. nun. I lentil Itim I 'cc I on, null ivi-mmi In limit as Couiiuinil Willi IIKIK ll CllliM'N or IU'lllll (t'tiinlilucil l-Jxiierlt'iice of t2 I.ckiiI ltettttrvt' Life liiKurinice riiiiiiiiinlcN) tiritlnury untl liitlUHtrial IIUhIiii'hh DciiiIi Unit' I'd' Itin.tinii I'ciNtniH ' IWtfll llll'llllMt CuutiCH of DciiiIi Slioiiing liii'i'cascN IHUH mail or liifniiw TulierculiwlH 7S. S 711.1 3.4 Kt'splrttlory dlHcaHtts nnl Hiieclfied ll.a 10.1 1.1 t'fl't'lirtlt lleinori'lllige M.5 2.3 I'Ufl licinl stnttt III H II. S S Typlliiltl fever ....1 2. S. , .3 Mt'ilsles 3.1 ' , 1 .11 1.8 IHplithcrhi tl.ll 5.1 . niiiirlicii untl untciltls 15.2 13.3 3.0 Tolill flttl' I of tllNllll SllllMlllg llltTI'UMCM liifllli'iiuil i I'uctitiiuniit .'. fulli'nr tirHiltilc ilitieuMcs i,f ticui't Itrlnlil'a dltteiiHc Wtuttipliia conali Meningitis Nlllcitlca AtlttnnelilU' uccltlents tMlicr t'xlernul cutiwcs- All other calltes , Total CauMs of liitutti .shoiiliuf Ni'llhci' IKH'WNI'.I Nor Illl'IVUM'' ItolliicUles Sciirlet fever Tt.tiil llrnnd total HUNGARY ARE HUSBANDS OF GIVEN POISON ESCAPED CONS Middle-Aged Women in Ex- Tunnel Under Wall of Okla tensive Campaign to Ex- noma Penitentiary Gives terminate Men-Folk One Charged With Mur dering Seven Relatives. SZOLNDK. Ul't - I lu.Hlt.nitt mui'dei y. loo. t l s on an cx- tensive male hy mlddle-uned and , ! oldei' women are be- nK inviilaled by the govei nintni I lH'U'' l''"iv l"' "K"'1' lh-'" I"-' " .tons have hern exhumed for . I j umiM.-.ti...,. j S.oliiok has but 4II.UD0 Inhabit- ants, but a sunn ism number h ue . been cbaiued nh p.ullcl pal loll mi the inuitlers which extend over some i,.i'ik.d of time and have 'n volietl not only husbands but other : relatives. The Ju.Im has reccivd ... ,o.. .nous tellers s.lvinu ine mur- 'tiers! contimie. i vne of the accused who already 1 , h. s testified Is Ju,liane Lipitka, who i Us iiH 'ncd to have murdered seven , "'',"v'''"' "'cludmK her molher. j nvr nusnauj and an uncte. she KtMl .,.,. ij.a o:a. ni.u.j her. .v woman named ltoi. Ilovho is accused r k.ll,, t K...'. k-' bands. ne t the accused women , Ih HI e,HN old. Ono or twu .te-; Iclaivd themseiven lnno.ent of mur- del but ndmllted almlntalei nu ..... . , .....I LMlVIMIr1 I KIU HtLU i FOR DAIRY RQB8ERY INDICT K. F. PLUMBER KI..M.TH KAI.LS, lire., IVe. II ! FIRST DEGREE CRIME - lCi -.shortly lifter they had been tiirei.ted yesterday, Ned K. West. KLAMATH KALIJ, Ore.. H-e. Mary Ked and l.'lar..' l-'vutt ; 1 1. i John II. Wrtahi, ttlumh were Indicted hy the ainnd Jurv r, waa Intllctvd fop first deure,' on charsea of robbery by force murder yest.rday hy tht counlv ami viuluuc not firmed with ulartuid lury. Hw will r nrrtiittned tlnngeroiis weapon. It Hi nlh-itwl j a man ai iniry and 1 rolihed lh proprietor ut 1 1 (I. "ThtM'H urtt vory tnrifiruK-t)if lit- ll It'll tllillH Of I'OjKlDUlllK huvcohh 1m iUv flKlit iiifiiliiHi (IImiimh ii ml ilnlh ! In fill (Iih ciiiniiiitnli'iililo iIIhi'iihi-h t'Xt tm InfJut-ir.ji uml Mi(uiiinnl(i. i TiiIumtuIuhIn wilt cliilin ii.4 fwir m'Iniiiih jHtr Kiu.diMi in llt:'f ilimi fllinlniMiil. "Tliu iiMirt'iilliy flKUi'OH In I'hil- (ll'ttn'M (Urit'UrH' H'W i'VlllflH'lt of I It t HIICi'i'HH (tf (III flKDt U-UK'll uni'lMMt them, , ln lit:1 it, only two uhooiilnu iuiikIi uml iiicmIiikIMn (if l hit hIk iIIhimimch liioHt tr'Vitlcnt 111 llllllflllUiHl, hImiW IlK'I'I'KHfd (U'ltlh niltm. ro (iii'iiMh'H, (llflitlH't lit ii lid ilian tion r hIiuw ilffrii'iiHCH, Tim rati- fntm himii let fi'Vr tf nutiiiH .slat hmuty. Aulo Toll liM'miHf'd "A kIiiiicu tit UiIh yt'ur'H inortal Ity xii'i-htM(-it Hhmvu uiMiiliKr ml vnrxij and HorlmiH fucloi'. Tin uk (iri'Uiiln iltmlh lull fi-iini ttio tuiUi iiiiiliilt Iiiih hooii Hlonillly mill u lu i in I utt ly liu'i ciihIiik (Iui inu tlm I Mint iltM'inl to rcinh iho mrixliiiiiin rato nf O.fl per MMi.ltoii inillryln.l (tci'M Iti I Ii :.Mi, an liifi-oiiNu of 15.8 I ctiit (ivnr Mt'JH, wiifit llm rain wiih 17-7. Nil nm tier how efficient traiTIc ii'Uiilutlon may l, the uon ttol (tf iiu((innlllt acclilfitlH In tlm final iinalyttirt In ileM.nlunt upon tin rant an( juiltuiienl of driver and ttedest riuiiM. "Tlm MH-enlled denMieralive dl MeaneH of iKtiill lift nIiiivv n Ulead liy iiMiiinllnK dealli rale; for exiuiiple, heart dlHeuHe, which (IuIiiih uune vIctiniH than any nlhcr nperlfled caiiMe, ami lx r 'MiMniHllile fon-iover Ul er cent of Hut dent Iih I unit all ciinis(iH, hiH hIiowh an upward trend for yearn, and cancer hax a Iho hIiowii a Hleadlly iidviMU'inK rule. The iniMii taiii-u 'of lieiiodic idiyslcal exit ut hot I Ion. early tllaK iiohIh iiikI 'oiiiieteiit treatment in these. tllKfarH' caiiilul he loo Mt roitKly eindia wilted." (lniiiM and hixmH urn hIiowii hy the followhiK t'oniparioii: 1730 ., 17.4 su.u 72.3 131.7 U2.7 3.2 t. 131 17.7 4U. 1114.6 111 1. 3 -11.7 37.11 KII.3 7J.S l a u r. 115. 3 3.5 7.11 13 4 2(1 41.2 111 J 3 111. (I .7 .1! I.S 2.5 .3 1.2 .3 2.K .3 .S .1112.3 672.11 SO. 4 5.t 1.7 5.1 1.7 tt.S 822.11 tl.S K4U.7 .11 I.S. 7 TRAILING FIVE Freedom to Five Miss- ing Men Among Most Dangerous Criminals. ! .McAl.KSTKlt. Okla.. IVc. II.--! i'Vi Kive men. believed to b-.-: anions the most damteroua inmates of the state itenilontlary here, were at lurtfe today after dinning untl-r th l,f lh I""'10" unJ ;!- men e.e reported' mlwinx' at th- o'clock roll-call list n Ik tit. fviso,, Buawds. with a pack o' bloodhounds. Immediately look ut I the trail of the missum cnvtvi.. McAlvsler poilce and the t'ltlslim ; i county sheriffs odce were askc.l 1 to watch for the men. hut ntuim-i of the mlssiii convicts were not I revealed by either of these forces,! a Ihuuh I was s.,1,1 one of tie ,,,,,,, .h.. ,..-ai...l ,,:ii...l ,l . d,,i hill. ThU was believed lo be Wilbur I'nderhiil, servinx a life term for Hie muidei- of tli'ou" Kee, in a ;drug Mjt- hobfup at Okmulgee Christmu.t flight. Us!7. Tl l.SA, Vkln.. Ibjc. H --I.P'- The Tulsa World niVA todav I H ..s Informed t.y Kvnnk Th.. -1 b. deputy warden of tho slalM penitentiary at .!. .Vlosior, that the five eertviels who escnited ),,.. I.,I.,,..K.,M ll..vt... l I Allison Ivey, Ktlward Youna and! unavallahle. Monday. H t iMHite4 he will Pie.1.1 uiiiy to sjuymB Hiirliim. Kliinuilh hotel owner, I BLOOD HOUNDS BABY FACE LAYS GHETTO S PRIDE ; Goldstein Hopelessly Out Classed By Irish Lad jiuby Near Knockout in First Canto Game But Ineffectual. l.y Alan .oiihl, AHHoelateil 1'renH HporiH IMItor. NKW VOItK, Dec. 14. ! Tho haliy-Taced kid lx ntlll the Killer of On' rliiH. , . Ii'IhIi Jimmy McMirnln, the cho ruhk welterweight, who looked :in thoiiKh Ik; didn't havu a Niiviavi thought In IiIk head, cruslied the Jewel of New Vork'H (llietto, Ituhy (lohlHleln. hod nllit In Icmh than four inlnulex. After a short hut Nen.sntliinal and highly drainatlc hit Hie, .McLarnln Mtre,tched tho handsome Jewish hoy on tho can vhh for the fill) count of 10, wiih only &- HecondH of the xecond round eluimed. , There had lieen Koine talk he fovehnnd (hat Ktihy wmild not or could not "take It," hut the pride of the Kiihi Hide kuvo a magnifi cent exhlhillon of courage and Jimmy Mcljiriiln. KamoncHM before he was hattorod U a limp hulk by the terrific punch inn of one of tho hurdotd hitter of modern rlni history for his td2o. It wan the end of another broken trail for (loldstoln, but Huby wim the admiration, the roars of a capacity crowd of close to SO.tMio, oven thoih ho was hopo leji.sly outcliiKsed by a j; renter fiuhtei". t.ittdsteln was floored twice by Mchatnin's 8tadilnx; attack tefoi' he took tho final count. Only tho boll saved tho Jewish youth froia a knockout In tho fii't roun-t. When ho Kiunoly crawled to his foot after a count of nine, and reeled alon tho ropoj. trying to check tho storm of blows thai blinded him. : Slab Kulllely. Uuhy, his pa to ascot ic features ; swollen and his soft, deep-sot eyes j bloodshot, stumbled to his corner. J Ho came out warily in the second j round, stabbing somewhat futileK I now. for there seemod not mm 'i chance for him avhtst the chunky, delermind Irishman. With th Ki'uce of a cat and tho swift stnK intfi power of a panther, Mel-arn n lashed his rixht to the Jaw. Gold stein tt puled over tho lower strand of the rope. His body was outsi.h on the ede of the ring, his tes draped over the ropes. Somehow, at tho count of nine, the JowNn hoy haulo-! himself hack into the rinic ami to his feet. Ho wabbled back, jabbing McLarnln. The halv the wntr of "the niu. drove" hn left, tr.eit the ri;rn to tne n;ii t I'nhv t,,,t..,l .,e.. h ictiiv-K-.t 1 lioKtsteln took the final count ,,f ! ID proi t on his back and hail to ho carried to his corner by Referve I. mi Minolta. Thero was a quick fl.ish of t i n doomed feeling in Ruhy" face in the middle of the firtt round he hot his right three time .Mcl.aroins chin without resul Jimmy not only proved he c-mUi ' i.. ke ;nv thing tho O hut to'- hM j had to offer, but cou ntered w it h weapons of expbmivtf variety. j McLartiin' victory establi?-ht -1 1 him beyond dou'U as the outst.ii'.l . j ing contender for the welter titi ! now held ty jacKie rieuis. vr. hallyh'Mi for this title st'rap c,r iuw no on with the custome OOV:.l. al' WOULD PLAY O.S.C. ....-,..,v- we, T i.- I l.,.t L, s' ,.,. , ,,, ',,,,;; . .. .ire reekiiiK fool ball gumes w:''i Oregon State cvll-'Ktf. accord in ii t , ' . ' . . tnrn 'il from Chirit where he at (n-i.-d the Westi.rit cMiferen.-e meeting They at lniverny .f Kt'iiiuekv. North Dukoni Stale co! b-iie and Kurdham C nlverii.,v, Nnv York. No definite action can ho tuki i on tt i v of the? offers, howewr. until the rnviftc Coast confetviur tcheduh Is made out at the .tnnn.i! j confefenoe nieetina in San If'tan j etitt-o nest wek An intwrseclional iiMi in rtrt!r nd, iep temper 2 ,, ,,,1,1,(1,. western colli-.;.. wtll, hii,.,. ri.uiv hope, t COLD IN SECOND m i EASTERN GR1DDERS FIGHTER IN TEARS AS ATER halts t lUtttTOX, fJec. 1 4. (A) A no eontet vi'iillet ended the nmi-tltie liout iretween Jackie Klcld of Lom AiiKeh'H, world welterwolKht chain ilon, and "(lorllht" .lone of Akr.ui. Ohio, In tho Heventh round lant nlKht. Thu referee, Joe O'Connor, HlopiX'd tho fray, (leclarltiK that JoneH uiih not Hiving t tifiial ox hlhiLlun. Kleldtt hurxt Into tearn. Tlx Hiate hoxltiK coihiuIhmoii or dered Kddie Mack, iirnniutur, to pay hoth iiui'NeH. KleldH made a futioiiH Htart, hel Iiik negro's head and body with Htiff lefu dnririK Hi" early rounds.' Joik'h made tho bent KhowinR In tile third hy landliiK Neveral Mhort hut hard i-IkIUh. KleldH1 left hookx appeiired to ha nlowlnif down in th'j final roundH, Krom tho opening of tho ffhi, the conteidantH wero rontinually Jeered from tho Ballcry, with or Kanli'd tleinoiiHtralloiiH d I recti"! pnrtiiMilarly at Joiu-h. A crowd of 18,000 rtaw tho match. O'l'onnor'H verdict was not ap proved hy KtiKono Uuckloy, mom -her of the Htate hoxiti; commlKHion, at the riimsldo. Ho Hiiid JoneV lack of auKt't'SMlvenesH made the match (hill, hnt ho thought the haulers iriod to ylvo an honoj.t fiKbt. T Yomiff turkeys are the opposfle from yotiim men, and the stale Kiinie ctmimisslon Js c(mseiuontly ha villi a hard time In keeping them wild. It is Intimated In a let ter received yesterday by Harold Olirford, hui to name warden, from Oeno M. Simpson, superintendent of state Kiime farms- Four wild turkeys, three hen; and a loin, have "taken up" wiih a rancher's flock of tamo turkeya near tirunta I'iiks, and Fred Mer rill, deputy Kiuuo warden In that dUtiict. can't catch 'em. --'r'rvd Merrill says.' Simpson vyrote,' "that tht rancher is willing to 'buy them, provided you can Kivo permission to sell, as he knows no other way to settle the matter, since there is no chance for them to revert to the wild state under the above conditions." , "These birds will probably have lo pay for not leading a wild life." Warden Clifford smiled when he had rend the loiter. "Just be cause ThanksKlvhiK I lt is no reason for then, to feel secure. Christmas is comintr. Anyway. If iH-puty Merrill couldn't catch. them It shows tho birds are elusive enough to make grout game when I hey become sufficiently plentiful lu this state." Oivnonlan. SAMS VALLEY WINS FROM C. P.-CAGERS SAMS VALLEY. Or.. Dec. 1L (Spl. ) The first anil itei-uiul bas ketball teams ut Central Point played attain! the first and sec ond lectins of Sams Valtey Thurs day evening at the local court with the Sams Valley boys winning bU in both Karnes. At the close of the first (tame.' the Central lulnf coach seemevl very dissatisfied and blamed the result on the Medford referee. H s dissatisfaction srew stroniier when the second loci team commeni-eil to score far ahead of the Pointers and at the end of the first half new referees were chosen, sivtn:; Central Point the choice of their own man. This chanwe h id no effect on th? result and .the name ended with a score ot s.tmetnini; like -'I lo a In favor of the locals. j i no v vnnai t omi ooys iouk ineir ', defeat much bettor than did tho j coach. nil H-iiiiESKIMOS LOSE FIRST PUCK TiLT OF SEASON SKATTl.K. Hoc. I I. i.-Pl Friday the i:lth proved a jinx day for Seattle as the rNkimoH went down to their first defeat of the season in tho t'acific Coust Hockey league raceMast niKht. after taking a two to nttthiiiK leatl in the icanto. The Vancouver Lions w'on the torrid overtime battle. 3 to 2 antl gained a tie with Seattle for flnt place. t'.oth teams have a total of 12 points. Tl VAXCVl'VEK. U. C. IVc. n. vP- tiilly Tiwnsend of Vancouver wort the UKhtweiKht championship of Canada here utst night when he toppled the crown from th brow ut Al Korvman of Montreal In 12 hair-raising rounds, Tho loeal hattter ued 'lartinj left juhs t the face to take ihe phiy from foreman tl t the open n-t tf,,n and landed solid rights to the retiring champion' head and xid.v. Central Point Highway thru this town wilt ho improved In near future PAID .ATHLETES proposed FOR Open and Understood Agree- ment to Subsidize College Stars Presented. By Fac ulty Chairman at South ern Conference. St.'" I1ATON ROUflK, Ln., Dec. M. (I1) The Southern conferonco today had before It a resolution propos ing an "open nmLunderstood" ar rangement for the, support of athletes- ip the colleges and universi ties of the south. Tho resolution was presented at a round table dlst'tisHlon lasting until past midnight by Major W. II. McKellar. faculty chair man of athletics at tho University of the South. Major McKellar proposed that each institution of tho Southern conference ho privileged to award scholarships or an emolument otherwise designated'' to athletes, tho, sum to be issued by voucher by university authorities sufficient to cover the athlete's college foes, text books, board, lodging and fra ternity ur other .college organiza tion duos;; that the universities keep a c.ojunlctu and public record of such assistance; that no other f units should bo received by the beneficiary snre from his parents or other legal guard hut. and that the receipt of Bitch other funds from outside sources should result in the student being dismissed, or in the failure of tho institution to do that, the expulsion of the insti- ttitlon from the conference. ( Major McKellar declared the gate receipts from football season would amply supply revenue for ine suniiori. 01 1110 atnu'ies wuicn would eliminate the surreptitious subsidy now generally practiced, not only lu the south, hut in the nation at large." , tf SETS RECORDS Iff DKTllOlT. Mich.. Dec. 14. i&) A new world.s record for h'gh run and best game as well as for the fastest game ever played in a world's championship pocket billiard tournament is In the pos session of Krwiy Rudolph of Chi cago today. Another mark, that of an n vera go of 19.72 f o r 37 points made In three games also is claimed for this sensational cueist, who defeated Spencer Wv sey of Los Angeles, by 123 to a1 minus two In four innings In the recreation building last night. Ru dolph made an unfinished high run of lit. breaking the mark of 10 1 made by Ralph dreenleaf against Jerome Keogh in 1024. He hIso broke the best game mark of five innings, which was held jointly hy four other players. He eoualU d the five-tnnlng mark , against Joseph J. McCnnn. in his second game. Rudolph also claims tho record for speed, running out the Il'j points In 37 minutes. Another remarkable feat which was pointed out by Referee Fer guson was the fact that Rudolph did not miss a shot. FRENCH NET STAR i NOW SALES LAD! PARIS. Pec. 14. iD Suzanne Lenulen. famous tennis star, is working as a sales woman in a small dressmaking establishment here. Her Job is soiling, demon strating and giving advice on sport clothesi. "I havt always wanted to do this very thing." she said today. "I .idore clothe?. I am through with tennis for the time being at least, t hope to make lots of money. Ratdwin. Raldwin? Leave him out of this. He has nothing to do with it." The latter remark was in answer to questions concerning the grand son of K. J. 5 Lucky) lialdwin to whom she ha.s been reported en gaged al various times. NAVAL BALLOON BASE V.SHtMVn. Sept.. 14. ..V I The holme naval affair (.-ommit-) tee decided today not to consider j rvcommendat ons on the proposed naval dirigible bus on the wet coast until alter th Umdon naval1 conf-renc. j The annountvntont whs made hy Chairman ttritten uf the commii leo afttr an executive" meeting. Orogon Weather Ongtmr Kain tonight and Sun day: mild tern pent ture: strung southerly wtnds on the eoat. EVilKNE Benjumm McElfresh ?. died in a hospital as the result of injuries suffered In an autoino hilo aecideut October 31. He was truck hy an autontohlltf driven by SOUTHERN LOOP A 1 1 a tftk mm a a WILLIE FELDMAN VOORE 'illi Ul vlctoilca nut of 'j4 hat-th-B to hijr 'crodll." Willi','- ildmim. who fi(?lit IW I'elkoy hore next nlirhl . lu futiuliUil'f 1 ,,1)V Hortinp,' cxpertM to ho a sorloim fontondor ror .Micuoy hiiikitb eruwh. He haH hoxod three main I ,! eventrt in -Klamath 1'iilln in the I past s'x veoks. meeting auch good boyH ns TiRer Johliny fline. Hob tfnhinsnn. colored stilt, nnd Jim- niy O'DoWd.- Kach bout wqb an eagy victory for I-euimnn. , In meeting l'olkoy. I'eU1man, who ha boon appearing reRii larly In Madl:ton Suaro Clarden In New York City, will meet one of tho best liht-heavyweights on tho Pacific count and for a time chumphm of tho .United Stutes army in Siberia. Polkey knocked nut Cone o'Orady, Ashland fighter In four rounds In a recent Port land fhiht, and next week ifl to meet K. O. White, Chicago nesro. In a Portland main event card. Pelkey Is a veteran of many lmt llea, nnd Is demanding a stiff Kuaranteo to fight in Medford. K. O. Tiny McCumher, six-foot Dairy fighter, will moot somo good opponent In the Bemi-wJnd-ii p. Mcf'umber hus not lost' n fifcht and wins most of thorn by l ho knockout route. There will also bo several good preliminaries. Promoter Joe Itlckorstaff will bo forced to take in moro than $10(M to break oven on tho show, which lie declares Is tho best he j has ever promoted in southern 1 Oregon, and in Medford. alone, j he has staged smokers that will he hard to beat. lb Is n pro- motor f long experience and is Well known for his ability in mat,-hing good fights. He is not i afnild to spend monev on them ! to TQ Ul(lfr KWPOSa Identify ItiMly. M A KKKI) TltKK. Ark.. Dec 11 (wriie body of a woman found in a clumn of bnhe n-.i- i,r vi-unj vtH.s Kiemuieci louay as tna of Mrs. Hfatrice Clutts. member of it prominent Memphis. Tenn.. fam - "I'lIPay by theckl" The minute you say this, you give evidence of the kind of business acumen that is looked up to wherever busi ness is transacted. Open a Checking Account here and benefit by the prestige and good will which this strong bank enjoys throughout this section. Why Not Come in Today? The Jackson CountyBank ES" ABLISHED 1SSS Medvord.Oregon, Cummm-uil - Savings - Safe Deposit UBUBta I60ERAL HESCavi! SVSTSU I I J, , . .""V . iT . "J I 0 I I A ' J r I II laWI O parking troubles exist t The Manx. The doorman take your or when von mve and ctace it in a garage conned ed with the Hotel. Just hand him your key u you lean the car that's all. Located in the heart of tha Gry near ererything. ' S ervice, QttalityMospitalitiL. ?MANX HOTEL7 SAX FRANCISCO F OOTBALL SQUAD HANDED LETTERS E .Conch Merrill Hasan n warded 21 high school football players, 15 of whom will be eligible to pi ly next year, letters nt the student body dance given In their honor last nigHt. " Clifford Cave, Osslo Newland, Itonn Cireen. John Spraguo. Orvlllo Davisson, Wilton White, Bill Cun ningham, Kill Dobbyn, Lionel Cat tleman, Harntd Archer, JohnMor ris. Oliver Hughes Ivan Harring ton. Alvln Potter. Klmer Zum brun, Ralph Thomas, Chnries Thomas, Charles Clay, Jack Won el, Hill Walker nnd Dick Apple gate were nwarded tho black "M" emblematic of eight quarters of Inter-school play. , Charles Thomas, Osslo Newland. P.onn Green, Dick Applegate. P.ill Dobbyn and Al Potter ore senlnis and probably will not ho back next year. Ilonn Oreen played 28 quarters, which was nil that was possih'.o in the seven games, and "Chuck" Thom is was second, having mias.d only one minute during the season. Kach player made a short speech thanking the student body for the letter and the support It has given the team, and the work of Cnaj;h Hasan. The awarding of football lettois was preceded by a Short program consisting of two solos hy Moiinn 1 Tollefson and a tap danco by five 'of 11 nth's pupils. The girls in the tap dance were Ruby Stone. Dorothy Jane Walters. Zodell Man tis. .Line Anelt and Mary Kate Wal- i tors. Norris Porter acted as mns I tor of ceremonies. The Noted Dead TACOMA, Wash., Dec. 14. (TP) llmii'V l.'vni-att fn Villi UT Un ' ,,,hnr r hi-u ' ix.... ... . v. while on n visit from Vpw Ynrlr He wrote under the nnm nf Kvor. ' ett McNeill and was a member of r'JI a I your, car, sir"