MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE,- MEDFORD, -OREGON, MONDAY. 'DECEMBER 9, 1929. PSGE FOUR It U; I ! i : (A o 1 1 : t.ifi . ii.. " Medford Mail tribune - Pallr, Bunder, Weeklj ftiulliim) ir. , .. . .v' MEDFORD l'MNIINa CO. 54T-89 N. Kir St. Footle II KOBKRT w. riiiii,, mm 8. SUMI'IRK MIHH. Manner An Independent Nemoiper ' Kntffcd u ifrond rim milter at MUord, Orffom under Act of Mitrb 8, JH7. ,r BUBSCKIITION KATEfl 11 Mill In Adtaiire: Dally, ttirh Hmnlijr, yrir Daily, IHi Sunday, muiiUi Daily, witltout tSimdiy, year.,., Daily, vlttwut Rumlay, month.. , Weekly Mail Tribune, una yrw.. Hutulsr. une war ..IT.BO .. .T5 O.BO . . 2.00 2.00 llr l-arIir. In AilraiW. .. In MfWi.rrl All! mi. Jarkwitille, IVntrit I'olnt, rixxnii, Talrnt, liultl i lltii iikI (mi HiKimayt: Daily, vltli Hunday, month.... Dully, nitboiit Siutday, mouth.. 1 ' Dally, witiwut Sunday, one year Dally, itli Ktimlay, Oiw year. All terms, obli lit adtinee. .75 .(15 f.OQ 8.00 I . MKniKR OP TIIK ASSOCIATED PIJK8S Hrcrlvlilg Kill I Wire Ktfuce ,: 'the Asocialrd I'm la ricliiahely entllled to the if for pulilfraliiiti of all nevi dlspilfhea mditnJ to It r olhrrwlw credit ed In tliis piper, ''Hid also tt I ho local new pulilMied herein. All rlgltts fur tKil'liratioD of ivedil diapitcbM herein are also mmd. MKMRKIt (IV TUB UNITKIl Olfirlil paper of Hie Cily of M-Mford. Official paper, of Jackwn County, ... A. K. r. imaie rlrmlatlon for ilx nontlu cncliiiff itclulter 1, ll'2'i, 4 174. Dally areraxe distribution for iff nonthi to Oclulter Ut. 110, 4ill. 1'resent prew run, 4K25. MKMIIKR W AUDIT HUIIEAU -OF ClltCIJUTIit.N Adrerlittnt; ItfprexrnlatlTes M. C. AHK1K.NHKN A COM I' A NY flrrirea In NrW York, Chirac, Detroit, Han Pranrlsco, Ixa Angeli, Rett tie, Portland. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry , '. On' .Saturday, lion-Is. t'nllf,, ! 11 ' cliled fo Viuit serving' I'leuor by ihc . tlnf over tlir loir. It has only been HI year. 11 months unil u i "X days since (hey wore supposed to stop It. in accordance with federal statutes il lily made anil provided. tut. ' TJio frtothnll RiMiunn Ih over for ..., Ihf cdU-Pmoil llf(). lcm. 'J'hi' . .ili'ff'ntH thoy HUHtalncrl worn ixr . ilnnnlly bitter IIiIh yeor. Kvory .,)1(rilliiH llwy were trounci-n. the I'lirt (.(,jlnnil pniMM-H roifii-trd Iho . cniifh lirillhal lir'iMi tiffcrod a hi'ttcr JoW at a 1 ,'jlilKRcr Cdlk'Bi", at a IiIbIiit milaiy. ' llnln Is Hllthi'iltiK flown from on IiIkIi In a l)UMlmHri-iU nianntM', J IB a ml was about time. ltopiirtH, hh UKtinl, announce thai the farmerH are "rojolulnK. ThiH Ih a myth, tin no nei'f of the Moil Iimh even been apprehended In Iho aet of rejole IllK. If he (11(1, It would he n very fimnteiirlfth performunee. The In eumbent rain Ih the bnly one In the hlHlory of the valley thai failed to catch ft fimtior Willi Homii hn.V down. Notlen Iuih been Berved on iiKrloulturlHtK and hnrtlutilturlMH, thnt their favorite iillcKatlnn: vlK. the rain Ih runnlnK off before It HoaltH In, will not .hold water Ihto year. The i-nln Ih welcome, If It will ni'riinRo for' n di'outh of foi? anil ffalOHheH. ' ' 1 Oratory In on the lncranne In these jinrtH The new crop of ortttoi'H are in ' coliHClentloniH lid. They want to know , when Ih the lient Unto to Htop. In the bent cir cled It Ih rixed at JtiM before they Htarl. ' -' The llend juror wlio (juiKled the t evidence In n ntnonnhine trlnl, nnd ' created ft iteene with the bnllirr, liml Hhot off hlH face IndlHcreetly In ft rcHtnilrnnt. received n terrific Jolt and wnn fined $211. He Wan tumble to think 'of anything oriK lual In the way of nil ullbi for bin dlMKHKHifiil ronduct, ho Infoi'iiied the court lie wan nick. An upHtato rcHldent, claimed by both luino. rnltnty find the metro pollH. emerRed from an entnnKle tinlnt with AVnll Ht. Homo 3 or 4 million liuckH to the good, llo Ih n fariner, find will no lonRer have to fret r about the Iiixoh, and the lack of molHttire, or the price of hay In the nthck. 1-:re irbod foi tune Inundated him mid hlH fl6ck, he HtriiBf;lcd alnnff In OroKon win nltlK prizeH at' the Htate fair. Willi' Hie cnmiiiR of affluence he nn nounccH he will iniKrnte to milltll ern rtillfornla. and the otdent buy will take HintiUiR Ichhour. lie now linn iho rlnht find Hie ennh to put oil alrH, mid Ih ROiui- to do it. flrcRon wan n fine place to he poor, but no place to Ire wealthy. I'alifornin Iioh no Htnte Income tax. "MIhh Alice Hnundei'H hnn re turned from Kureka. wliere nhe wan Hcixed by the flu" (liel Norte Triplicate.) Selxed, hut not HiMH'ch ed. "l-'or Sale I'opular nednn. Not much Knnd. N'III take any offer. I'hone 111. fllanhelm Time.) At hint an nircd auto mat Ih not mechanically perfect, and lookn nnd ruiiH like new. Locally, the excitement hns died "down nnd tr'nnoitiUlty prevnlls as n result of (rone "rimnoy returning from Kurone. nnd Com. llyrd fly ing over the South Pain, all on (he wiiiir day.' s T1IK SINKIVI mxit l'feel dejected, nnd nnd punk, To see li low the Dink, has sunk: ' It1 ptt Ifn lavender and pink, Avid Is nn moro re it hoiiCHt sink. A itchen sink "was not designed ' Toi posr as socially refined; , , It's not the grand piano's twin, ' JluCnomctlilng to wash dishes In. Hy Providence's wise Intent A alnk can be ho nrnament; It should Tio checked by labor's leiish ' And kept from being nouvenu rlcho. (ririi. It would blight ttie happiest homo 3 To have a sink In polychrome. HAnd. It would wreck tho stoutest A GREAT LESSON COMSfAXOKH HYRD'S fidwiitiHi'fi.iit tlic Soulh Polo ihalte intcrcsliiic rcndiiin, bufc.wo would liltc to . lui vt- the opinions of Mnjor-OVncTiil A. W. (irooly nnil lrii.'ii(lior-OcinTl Ditvid U. llriiiniird rciiriliiif; tliis cxpcditioii, . ' . AVc don't nii'iiii their puhlie opinions, which would, of course,' be ffiinpliiiii'iitHry, for tliis is n very important nnd intcrcstini.' scientific excursion into the Frozen. South;. but we menu their private opinions, whiit they think of it inside,' mid whnt they luust he snyinn to their circle of. intimate reltitives find friends. FOI! to these two men, the entire nl'fitir must seem lil;e n poor i mi t ii 1 ion ol'lhc real thinpr, n sort Jif pink-tea junket of liixury-lovitiff dilleliinles, (liitieiiiK ti New York niidtt eluli or chestriis in their eosy (pinrlers Hi nij-'hl iind lifter hearty bieiik fiisls of biienn, eirts mid flnp-.jacks, flyinp; over the ice fields, in comfortably, healed airplane cabins, by day. This would not be in deropition of the Ityrd expedition for no doubt both men afrree it is worth while and praiseworthy in every waybut because all our values are comparative, and Messrs. flreely and liraiiiard could not avoid eoinpariti"; this Irip In the South I'ole with their own attempt to reach the North I'ole nearly 'ill years euro and thron-Hi this comparison feel a eerlain amiable contempt for the loudly advertised ex ploit. ..- FOR (icnenils (Irecly and lirainard are the only two livin" survivors of lhal ill-fated cxpedilion to the A relic Circle in Ihc early 'rids, which, wilhoilt airplanes, radios, ice-cutters; or:, eyen dot.' . teams, attained the farthcrest point north ever reached by .Min up to that time. And (Jciicral Urainard's diary of that trjp has recently been published under the tille "The Oulpost of. the l.osl " -in many ways the greatest book, the most Ktirriu";, account of human courai;,' and stamina, in tin face of unspeakable hardships, suffering and death, lliat we have ever read.. ; ' NO review can do the book justice. It. is a perfect exampli or a book that, to be appreciated, MCST UK liK.M). Sal ient iililaliiius, if skillfully selected and arranged, can epi tomize the charHcJer of most literary works, bill to print ex tracts from ( (bis diary, without Ihc context, would' give an entirely, false miprcssion of what is loally a bit of pcrmaiicu1 and opoeh-makinjr literature. "Our liiut Millil fond will bo oaten lonlclit. 'I'll Ih coiihIhIh of 0110 tiuiiro of lallow Tor each mini I linvo eaten n Kreut many of the dark-colored rock llcheim; they ore very palatable. This oven Iiik wo dfneft on a Ktow cninptmcd of n pair or hoot hoIch, a tiandful of reindeer hiohh, and n lew rock lleliena re di'ensed the bodies of Dr. I'nvy'nnd Header for their Kl'nVeB The nil-tanned sealskin wti divided between four of uh (Ireoly thinks It may have Home nnnTlsliiiieiit.-Hntli of UllHon's fCfet and one of his hands dropped off today he doesn't know It lie says hiH feet hurt him. iS'oth ItiK to cat for 4K hours. "e nro badly broken nnd nil will no to ' (-ether. Who will bury us with our departed comrades''" Not very pretty .vending, lint these details are mild com pared 'with ninny of 1hclu which, taken separately, would no doubt .));?, rcvo'liini;."' I5ut reading the book , as a whole, im tragedy is so graduHlfy .unfolded, (thc atmosphere so perfectly created, (hat one is neither shocked nor nauseated.; merely Wlirred and impressed bovond all words. i ' ' , ( '''' WHAT an epic of peaceful heroism I Kighceu men dead, the sevui survivors, iucluiling (Jreely, and Itniinard, snatidied from (lentil when all hope had been abandoned and then their rescjio wi accideiitnl 1 . , Xii there is (.'onimnndcr llyrd in his warm furs, deliberating us to whether they will have corned beef and cabbage, or chicken for dinner, and whether they will tune in at New York, piny bridge, or listen to tin; Philadelphia Symphony! ."Child's plny---ra powder pul'IVehainpiim !" Some such reac tions must, he experienced by (leiiernls lirainard and (Ireely. And mi one who has read this ordinary bonk can blame them. Head it yourself, and your Christmas should be a happier one. , Particularly , if you belong to that despicable type of (leniis Homo that raises an awful howl when he gets mutton slew and rice, when he had his heart set on a rare porlerliniise Smothered in onions and linked potato! FIX THE STORM SEWERS CKRTAIN'I.Y no improvement is more needed in Medford than the const vuct ion of storm sewers which don't fill up and flund our main residence streets every time there is a rain over one-twentieth of an inch. As usual, with the first heavy downpour of the year, both Kast and West .Main are rnirintr torrents, in some places from curb to curb. .The.situalion is not only very inconvenient, but for motorists and pedestrians, positively (Innjrerous. The reeoiist ruction Of our street run-off system is an impera tive need, and work on it should IllOlliellt. . , . The present situation is n sire and standing. . 1 When you think the outlook MUTT AND JEFF rAim, for Twe Ir'tM posiuG for f l I HA, HA, HA Monk WHAT AR oOI ( ANtY MLlom tVs "wCLLmAT's I Tic-ib T vuouLlYI I U off MKS, . TATUe OF I a STRiNj6 OF A LAU6HIM6 fc6BUCD 1Y INCOM'e 66ot NWS, ' JUfiiJ- 1hT' feiN- i 3L i ! " IN CONTENTMENT start at the earliest practical .. r.lnl,lv he hml he..n re.-i-l. disgrace ) a ,.j(y 0f .Medl'ori dark, it is usually the IXIook. The Ticker Tape Worm Personal Health Service By WILLIAM BEADY, M. D. l!nl lettm p-rtttnlnt to pmn.l Mth 'lint 'dyfl-M, not to dlstin dlainoil, or truttnent. will lie iri4frpd by Pr. Brailr if a mmped, Hlr-ulilrm-wl tmrflApe if cnclonnl. Ittrn aliould l litl-f lixl nrlll-n in Ink. tlnlng 10 tile lurtt mimlHT of l-lten rn-rlved, only I frv tin t-a Miptw-red iH-rt. Xn r-oly ran Ik made to queries out ainfufwli-f to lnufuclloni. Autlreia Or. Wllliafu Brady, In rare of llii new.iiaoer. MODiniX TltKATSiTRXT It Ih not too apparent, yet there Ih Home evidence' that we regular ilnetorn are becorrflnis more con - HCi-vatlve or less radical In our attl- tude townrd cnlnrKt-d adenoids and ioiihiih nnu oik- eased or Infected! tonsils. It Is still I the practice, J;i some poor com-i munllles, to dele- fiirle the eonden. - nation p r o ceed - InKH to .nurses. even 1 1 a c n era. .lust a line to tell you that I and (o stase I don't ntcree with you on the sub wholesale opera-' leet of eatlne before retlrlnir. Nov.-. lions In "clinics." "healtn centers!" , for example, when n. liersnn lays and lliu like t the ever ready down, the stomnch . i . D. A. J. youme operators snnrlnii or rouk- I AnsWer. When ft person lays inc out the visible Imypbold tissue ! down what? I do not insist thr.t from every thror.t presented, with- . ynu eat before retiring, nnd I hope out discrimination, no I paint an i yo wm not caution me again! cxattseratcd picture? Not at a!l. I tnfcln? a snack at that time, if I I give only a fair impression of , like. Vour experience, nightmare the procedure in communities after a lute supper, may warrant where nurses are employed by your vow not to do It again, bu; health, depi.rtment or school rte-1 KI.arcely applies to the proper bed partment.and then reuulred to ac: ' time lunch or nieal. as little tin doctors. It any health' Hurrah lor the Poor risli. officer or representative of the j wnnt to report what the cod school medical Inspection burep.'u liver oil ration has done for me. desires more particulars, I shall 1 .thanks to your column. It (1) he pleased to furnish them. ' j cured me of a two years' "cold?" In the last yer.r or two a newly nnd cough: (2) cured me of an developed method of treatment has! Kuslachian tube collapse habit that been placid nf the disposal of th'jour physician ascribed to anemia; profession. Home readers may rtf-Jo) apparently endowed me with call having read newspaper Items, murp Immunity, for now I rarely about the "radio knife," as somo:K(. nose and throat Infections and Imaginative reporter called it, when I do they clear up quickly when he raw the apparatus w!thjaK i,v magic, where formerly I was Irs dials and other gadgets resem-ln great sufferer nnd each attark hling those of n radio receiver. This! lingered . . . Mrs. M. M. H. new method is diathermy; th-l Answer. Which may be just special application of It In til,- i coincidence or perhaps in part treatment of tonsils is called elec-1 n-ihut.ible to the vitamin A in the tro-deslccation or electro-ro.igula -1 P1M jv(.,. nj. Anyway, what a great lion. I can't explain It technically, i i,i,.s-ng the codfish Is to man. lirruiiM I lo not nndepHtnnd tin-1 lechnlcitl Hido, fuihop than to snyj that It is a means of converting :ui olpctrio fiirront of xumo kind into, heat !n the tissues of tho hoily, ' Diathermy means literally hoatir.tcj through. One doctor made the I first iajift of the newspapers hy I annoiineinf,' that he had first "tried j would he "hus-minded" if the bus it on the dopr" meaning a hot dog. i Hhes charged more than the rail nnd ft cooked thnt all right, so h-l roads. . tried It on hiH own tonsil, nnd '' " nn Tlishwny.s 40 feet wide won't Ko-.v It requires not only specie 1 and expensive ;uipmcnt but norm thiiiK a Rieat leal more precious, namely, skill and much patience, on thj part of the doct o r wV.o would employ tills modern treat ment with Hiiccey.s and saliHfaction. Many doctorw have tried it with out proper preparation nnd with out the necessary skill, and they havo fulled, nnd their failures have heen heralded hy ono of our badly edited medical periodicals to (he Hfeneral profession. Tho prof est slon hn,s thus been Klven a had lip piession reardltiK a method of which tho profession urenernlty knows Utile or nothing. Tiien, to save- its own face, perhaps, the same medical periodical has cop sistently refused to publish tip favorable reports of men who are employing this new method with success and Rrcat satisfaction to their patients, tio tho pee-wues of our profession ami we have no end of "em flfo mill 'turning nway patients who seek this boon, with the assurance that the nit hot! Is "no Kood," or "danKcrous" or n "pipe dream." tSome patients, so rebuffed, pive up tho quest: others look farther, nnd sometime find what they seek. Personally. 1 know tf only a few physicians throughout the country who employ this new method sui cessfully; but doubtless many mv usitiR it with satisfaction and not ayiii much, lest tlieir wiseacro confreres deem them quack Ish. Just the Fame, If my tonsils or ade noids were doomed, I'd want elec-tro-d"sleeation. (JI'KSTIONS .XI .xswi:its ItintlHi Thrives, on Iron. Six weeks ago my two-year-old son swallowed a star-shaped iron object the size of a penny. It was smooth, with no sharp edges. The baby seems full of pep and healthy. Shall we have him x-rayed? Mis. J. A. Mac. Answer. If It were n penny, you might be Justified in going to some expense lo recover it. but if It was !JU" " Mt "f Jllnk' '"''give and lug some of the testimonials tell ing liow strong the putative writers waxed on somebody's iillltiialcil Iron. Such objects swallowed by Infants are almost Invariably ex pelled within 41 hours. Never Turns OP IMMKANKD TOXSII.S I fniidy nnil Splee find Kierjlbln-: Nice, , Would you pleaae tell me whnt I should eat ftnd whfft not to eat ( on account of pimplea on my face ami hack ! MIhh A. J. (). ..... Anwer. Won't let the pimples Interfere with your diet, child, There Ih no (food reason to Iniairine the diet him anything; to do with acne. Sfend a stamped envelnnei 1 bearing your address, nnd mention1 1 y,,ur trouble. Hbmrd Here. I . (Copyright John !'. mile Co.) Quill Points For thnt matter, very few people h",n l,u'h- '''hcy'll just make tho busses ,'iO feet wide. As Wo understand Tlrookhart's critics, it'R had form to tell If your host steals the hotel silver. If . Ilie l'tutible seat wns changed a IK tic Ii would be a ' nice place for the baby If mud-. , ems liiiii a haby. -t Tito benefits of ediicnlIon are largely imaginary. Our ancestors fared Just ns well When tliey called vltaniines "greens," ' , Vlogs root nrourtd in the mini, too. but you can't persuade them to do It Just .to carry a little ball somewhere. . .. A German has discovered how to control stomach nche in wildcats. Now if someone will ienrn how to control the wildcats in stomach ache. Americanism: I sing a vlnb't ray lamp because the sun doesn't advertise; taking reducing pills be cause a sensible diet doesn't charge you an Impressive fee. , If he Is so stupid thnt ,he can't j throne rnonv'here the three knelt, realize how insignificant he is com-1 nnd kissed the wipe's hand, the pared with the world's useful men..! pope immediately raising them, the condition Is called "swellhead." f presenting valuable, ilifts of a re-, " 'Ulglous character at the end of the Learning French in college heips: audience. i j von grcatlv If you ever need 'to i v ": ask n Frenchman: -"Is "(his the Syrian servant of the general's mother-ln-law?" ...... PerMinallty Is the nualilv tliiil enabhi yoif to be illgnl ri(sl wltlinut rnalifng pciplc llilnk you are pouting. Floating Islands for nirports. nrM then, darn It. every nation will need a bigger nnvy to protect the thing-'. - V MAIL TRIBUNE DAItrXGROSS-WORD PUZZLE I ACUOSSo SoliiOon of Yesterday's Puzile ii. -lionirti oi , . ! liiildir 'T. au(i !l. 1'eitullilnir to . a l;uroitfuu country U. Tlieatrlrnl rliurorteT4 11, I'ci-lt.l K. 'Mis iilisolule sulirrlnlive IT. Nntnlita tiniriiii linn between purtu 3s. J'firaillse. Sit. Kniiouae , I. Cli-d . il. Klnl.h !.'(. CiT up ). i:,iii.liei'rlnif SS, ):tirlH: eowb, degree I urlti f on;. . 13. I iir.Rlit r.jrtl . 'of. 9lalr 81. enter (o fer- vilely its. Typo aiinare ' -til. Coiieertilui II&. ('onelae S6. KhII hi-tilnil ns. storpis ' 4u. I.arife waffos -43. (Jrons old ii. Hotel' i. Jluil ;'; .'..,' 4T. ( olorerf 411. 1 ertlic nrjot .111. .(.'onto In -;.l. Uuler M. J'rhieely honse o( llalr tl. 'laker of a lease . . 5iiUJnilXlBlJflN4iS- AX i. J 1 1 1 1 UM E 1 1 NS- -vJaInieI Ir ain eIJS-L S. J. ils tIe'Ui NS t nalElsjE T 'iro s eH' e LJ bWe-iIIjI c H(Hil-t 111 -I o p a. l fl en FdTeInT e. T i AiNqTEHA? a n r s. IS -?,iJ5iiB( ikf. STtTeIP P ElTjAtFrTlT TIRitVll KOP EJRIT X SIT I Mi NflplITR 1 L ISlT 1JR ate1n5aTCjnIe QtToTr e slelAfs UTpjwlGlsUsg Apr - i: ' iM L m- -r Z 77 P - wt---m 2f 3d ' ' ' 13 , 33 834'P ig ! ' JfJ ; ; PT" 1 M Success: Leaving the horse and buggy orf the farm and getting rich enough In town to ride in -a horse - drawn -vehicle. " ,T. ,,, ,h T hy should Industry suffer? 1 ''' "' " being spent for radios,, flivvers and such. ; , . , Correct this sentence: "There's an automobile wreck," said the man's wife, .''but let's not stop." Brisbane's Today (Continued1 from Page One) longest steps that civilization and scieneelliave ever taken. Following the official visit of the king and queen of Italy lo tho pope, their son. Crown Prince Humbert, iind his younjter sisters, Princesses (ilnvanai andj Maria, called at the Vatican yesternny in pay ineir n:- , 8Peets to P(e Plus, accompanied by the Italian ambassador to tho Holy See. it was the; first time that ehil dren or the Italian king iind queen had ever seen the pope. " ) As the rofral young people as cended the broad stairway,' lending to the vpopei's'' apartments, three flights up, Swiss guards In strange uniforms. .ilesjgKed.'Jiy Michael An gclo saluted them, oil each landing. The pope received them In the Thus has fnhde complete reconct! inlion between !;tw?nn royalty and , tne Vatican, following recognition ! of the pope's 'temporal power. lint there is still lack of har mony, danger of trouble between the Vatican and Mussolini, who car- lies in his head the, real govern- meat of Icily, aiiil who. nn( so long ingo. whs extremely radical nnd ' anti-religlaiis. .Mussolini's government, and I newspapers, reiuse to aamli the ; right or the church to direct and ! control education. President Hoover reve'Sls to Con : Kress n serious condition In Haiti, 1 where our marines are in charge. ' ... By BUD FISHER T. llunMi niu'ii'.'' . ti( iierofiul tt. llallot ' . Cut off 10. Veiiffemire 11. Null out 13. TfnllNlultler Ifi. CllUlilil. IIH.H- llne .olutlou Is. Ileep linle SI. lore lafre- Ottelll 22. A iirii(ieliea 2.i. Ouelle sell gml ST. Autlrili'l lielliff 2U. .Nil mile 311. 1'linry 3j. roumter of )'eoliHylslila 32. Itecelver of real )iroiierty' by "ill ii. Clirlitninn tree nriiiiiiient 37. Oentlenieiit rolloii. : 3D. AtiiioKliIiero II. liol up 42. Promontory , 44. It ttaiul It. lllnllguren 4s. Jtefore 49. Oodileas of (lie tlnrvest 82. Jlyselt nows i Do till II nut ' , ll(MVA Ol( s. l niu ' 4. Voanif oa ' 5. l-'requelit lilural ternilaa tliin I. 3'ut off Indcfl ultely j United States officers coinmnndltiK native gendarmerie. - ; - . j Yesterday marines, menaced by in crowd of 1300 natives. Heeklng to mve the cily flf Aux (:nyeB, wor(! : obliged to kill five . nnd wound a 1 good many. It is to he hoped thnt Russia s government will not write telling as what we otiglit'to do about with drewing our marines. We should probably reply, "We are only trying to keep order ill Haiti." To thnt Russia would reply. "We wore only trying to keen order in Manchuria nnd prevent China from stealing our railroad, yet you felt it your duty to give us benevolent instructions." H Tly the way, troubles In Haiti may convince some well meaning busy bodies, la the north, that the south should be allowed to solve its own peculiar problem. Let those In doiibt read Froude's short honk on the West Indies. Wall 1 Street started to "come bnck" Saturday In a "hull drive." various stocks rising from $2 to $H n share. One broker's seat Bold for SIOO, 00(1. great improvement on a re cent Quota I Ion. The lambs, it seems, are getting ready to come back for more. ' Nothing has happened in Ameri can values, (lood slocks will be win Ih more some day than thev fiver .were, even "11. C", which in lOddlc. Cantor's language means "before the crash." Slocks carefully selected, by those- who can pay for them, are a good investment in this country. ' Dnt Hamming In stocks will al ways be fatal to the gamblers.! vVhen they win, temporarily, they dont know enough to get out. nnd when the time comes they are thrown out. It would he amusing, if the dig nified Semite should accept among Us members, a well known lobby ist, alter refusing to scat Mr. Vnre of Philadelphia, who. at least, wni elected by the people of Pennsyl-, vania. If n man appointed a lobbyist hy big interests, should now he ap pointed a senator hy the governor of Pennsylvania, and nceopted by senators alter their rejection of .1 man actually elected, that would Do Yon Remember? TKX YKAKS MiO T01.T ' (Prom files of the Mall Tribune.) Dcft'tnhcr 9, IBID. ' . ' I'at Welch, through his nttitrney, 'porter Xeff, asks atute for permis sion to sell water lo Med ford Irri gation district. ' ' Oregon .warned of severe storm approaching -from Alaska;, three Inches of snow In Portland. Frank Onuld obtains divorce in Paris' froth'Kdith Kelly Anil Id. , ' .Si?n:ilir' Watson of, t.nillana throws hat in ring for Itepubllcan presidential iiominatliu),"' ( United sutes trrliy nviatnr. Mel vln Maynnrd. declares cause of so many accidents ltv recent crnss- roiiiwrv nlriilane flights was due iu i pilots drinking too much booze. Cold records broken In Puget Sound when mercury hits 22 above. St. Louis. American, Legion at tack breaks up meeting of newly formed American Liberal party. TWKXTV YKAItS ACiO TODAY (From files of the Mall Tribune.) December . 1H0II. Congressman Hawley of Oregon interviews Samuel (Jumpers', in ef fort to prevent extension of country-wide railroad strike. Mail Tribune carrier boys start using whistles. Sale of Ked Cross Christmas stamps starts. "Jacksonville ships Its first full car of apples east." Xew Farmers and Fruitgrowers In nk has announced it will open Christinas da?. H. It. Iteed of Washington. P.l'.' buys .Martin place on. Foots creek of 1 G fl acres, for tiH. 00(1. he something new, even In Unite.'! Stales Senate politics. It is suggested that the lobbyist would decline to take the seat, if tho governor appoinled him. Wiso lobbyist, lie would have an un cnmi'mtable quarter -of an hour with Senators Norrls and Itorah." England nnd the coast of France were struck by savage wind, blow ing 10S miles an -hour. A Cuiiard boat was struck by lightning. No body hurt. A number of ships are reported sunk, even the biggest steamships struggled desperately ngalnst the storm with distress sig nals soming in fro ml lie ocean. flreat anxiety was felt for the Italian ship Leonardo tin Vinci, bringing 70.0(10,01)0 worth, of art treasures from Italy to n London loan exhibition. The pictures could not possibly ljo replaced. According to Mr. Doran; commis sioner of prohibiten, production of nlcohol, official legal production, not including bootleg production, has increased this year hy !ll,l!8!!, 051 gallons. Whnt becomes of that alcohol? Part of It "denatured" is bought at gasoline stations, redistilled, pait of the poison is taken out and then pumped through hypodermic syr inges into barrels of "near beer." Thus the honest working matt gets ills "needled beer" of high alco holic content. Mall Tribune ads aro re.vd 20.000 people evpry day. Women's Hose $1.00 Pair V Bilk from top' to toe wltl French Hoel . INSURANCE First Insurance Agency A. L. HILL, Manager Phone 105 SO N. Central Medford, Oregon r'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii''' heart fp 1,1...... f ..11 1 I i I am a p 1 mpmiiiivicmv m.w . r . w r--:w b i it i vn.' i . i m a w r i j:. v v . u mi ft i if u Hsjn " v i 1 mm r ll liw ajllLJLJJJI.ltlt............i.M..LMl.LM.