VI" - ! ronFORD MATT, TRTP.UXR AlWrORn, 01.K.OS. SATl'RDAY. DKf'KMBKR 7, 192!). FIVT3 ' t 1 I .:' i THE MARKETS j PrtH.iiee. ' ' VOUTLAND, Ore., Dee. 7. Ml Huttcr, ork's. ' milk (hulUrfau, toultiy, country meatH, onlonu, po tatoes, wool, nutB, hay, cnscuvvi tfarlc1' nnd' liopK, steady anil un changed. . - - Ktteni n ml KInnr. '" 1 ! POUTIiA:i. Ore; Deo. 7. (A) Oano nuirav (AackeU Ih'.kIk) ttlenily; ' eonev fruk'bi berry, $5.45 per owl; ' beet'sURar, $5.55' ewt. Flour- (city delivery pricen)-- Steady; family patents. 40s, ?S; whole whent, 40h. "7.10; graham, j 4!t. $11,907 ,aK?rs hd wheat, 9Ss,; ' bulceYfV hlucstem patents, i'8s, j ' 5; jinstry flour,. 4Ji's, $7.50. ' ' 1 Jvcslnrk. . I ; PORTLAND,'- Ore., Dee. 7. Cl'l, -Receipts: Hogs 210, nil direct orj on contract.-. Totals for week np-l proximately: Hogs '4880, cattle 10110: calves 2.15; sheep 1745. j ' ' HOGS' Compared week ago,! : mostly '25c higher." milk llitlit '-' butchers,; over and under weight; $ 10.25 'down': henvloi, clown to ':' packing Sows, t-t.So to $8.25, mostly 17.5(1; built slaughter plus. $9.23 to $9.30; feeders mostly $9.50. - CATTLE :Conipnicd week -ago: '. All .classes qiiolnbly steady with - trailing oxti'omely slow ort all nut tHe"bctter grndek: High medium fo good steers, $10 to $11: less !-- sli'abVe kinds, $9 , to $9.7 n: com mons; tfoWn to' $7; good heifers,, mostly $9 to! Sfl.40, With one oui- standing load Monday nr $9.7 S: top! - cows' in loads, $8.10; odd lieu.l,! $8.50? bulk desirable she stock.) $1:60 'tip: low cutters, down to S3: j cutter to fairly good bulls. $0.50 to 7.0: odd head butcher type at SS; j oesi eigne vfairn!, ti.. i.nuo, down:- off grades' down to $6; SHEEP' Compared week ago. quotably steady but demand weak. Strictly choice Iambs' 'quoted up to SI I; bulk of kinds arriving. $7 to ' Slojt): yearlings; quoted SO. 50 to $8.50; ewes, si to ". SAJJ. PHANClSeO. CfPf .7. CP) niittHf a t'.-'f .oJb.'iW h'pr rtelwo, $4 c. . ... . Rod La Rocque Star ; ' in Craterian Talkie ; Tito first sound picture of the , sea, with waves breaking over the bow of a ship, the 'hawsers sronn- ins and the crew chantini?, conies to the Craterian theatre tomorrow ' when "The UeliRhtful Ilogue," all .talkinc radio picture featuiind Rod l.a Rocque, oponsv a' otie'ilay ott . gafionient. i "The DcliRlitful Hosue" is tlie i story of Lastrn, the pirate n 1929 pirate In well-pressed linen suits. who plays the fuitav nnd Jias a radio In his cabin. Roil I.a Rocque plays the I.utlii i lovor who steals a yacht called "Tho Cloldcn llulo" and sets nnt to '. plunder a Rioup of Iroplcal aisles. The slory Is replete with th'.ili . . 4iik adventure with a tropical set :: tins of scenic beauty. Rita I -a Roy, a tall, , . girl, whose entrance Into pictures inflates with tho tnlkio era, plays op IKjsitc ln Rocquo as nii"isiniul cab ret .dancer.' .- ' . Western Thriller at Rialto Today : Hoot Gibson gnllolied Into the .. Rialto theatre today in "The l-oii!!. . 1-oiiB Tril," a talklntr picture of i: the romantio west that . will thrill tho hearts of younn and old. j Hoot appeal's in n devil-may-care role Hint Is guaranteed to ciikiX3 the attention nnd Interest of any , audience. Ho plays tho part or a cowboy who gets HimHltimoously enlagled in tin; nets of love am! the snares of villainy. t Tho pleturo gives Hoot a chance to display his remarkable riding ability to tho fullest extent. Notice. Ill the District Court of the United i Slates for the District of Oregon. United States of America. Libelant, vs. One Dodge Roftdstrr, 1930 Model, . . Motor No. 11-70375. : Public notice is hereby given that on the istli clay of November. 1929, one Dodgo Roadster; 1930 Model. Motor No. 11-70373, was arrested nnd taken into tile possession of nnd now Is in tho possession of the . United States Marshal for the Dis trict of Oregon, pursuant to a war rent and process dulv issued bv the Clerk of the United States District Court for the District of Oregon, .-in a suit for cotidomnatiun iind for i fcittire entitled: .... .... .... "United States of America. I.lbel- ' lint,' VS. One Dothse RoadsteK' VMO Model. Motor Nn. 11-76370. " brought under the provisions of Section 2ff. Titlo II, of the National Prohibition Act: that nlj persons CtnimlnifinV right, title or Interest , A Tear or Two . Makes a 't Difference .rl'' 1c l :i f ' Properly rallies change. Your buildings have become more valuable, your equipment more complete additions and Inv 1 provements have doubtless 1 raised tho total of your iAt- ' erty Investment. Kvertf proiwrty owner should ; take alock of his possessions once year. Perhaps we rn i assist you. If your protection la adequate, you have Incurred no obligation. . If otherwise, we can advise you on a depend ! able; economical and iin-todate Insurance schedule. See CHARLES A. WING AGENCY, INC. BRINGING UP FATHER tNOW MOPE YOU WILLTOO TA.UKIK1G ASOOT MV BROTHER ME GOTAJOB COMpOCTOl rk. vuc c.voK irT fo 1 . . Ye.&TEiT- v r 1 1 Ttj.-3Tfc.r-.i-"vT- y THE NEBBS Know In and to the automobile aforesaid are hereby notified, to appear in the above-entitled Court on on be fore January 0. 1930. at Portland, Oregon, to show cause. If any there bo, why the same should not be decreed amiinst and forfeited to tho United Slates. CI.AP.KXCE R. HOTCHKISS, t'nlted Slates Marshal for tho Dis trict of Oregon. .. 1,1 VV STIPP. Assistant United States Attorney, Attorney for Libelant. Summons for Publication. No. 4343 Equity. In the Circuit Court of tho Stato of Orenon for Jackson County. Mcdtord Irrigation District, a pub lic corporation. Plaintiff. vs. R. Coble, Jane Doe Cable, bus- , hand and wife: the unknown heirs of E. R. Cable: Irvln Smith. Sarah A. Smith, husband unci wife: the unknown heirs of Ir vln Smith; J. M. Keone; Laura Nichols, Uyron Nichols, wife and husband: the unknown stock holders of Fruit Growers Trust and Title company,' u dissolved Oregon corporation: Jackson County, Oregon, a public cor poration; and also all other per sons or parties unknown clnlm , Ing rtnv right, title, estate, lien ' or interest in the renl estate described In tlie complaint here in. Defendants. To 10. R. Cable. Jane iron Cable, husband and wife; the unknown heirs of E. .R. Cable; lrvin Smith, Sarah A. Smith; the unknown heirs of Irvln Smith: Laura Nichols. I)y Ton Nichols, wire nnd husonnd: tho uirknown stockholders of Fruit Growers Trust and Title Company, la dissolved Oregon corporation; l and also all other persons or psr ! ties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien nr interest In tno real estate described in tho com plaint herein. Defendants: In the name of tho State of Ore gon: You and eucb of you are hereby summoned ami required to appear In Hie above named court and cause and onswer tho Plain tiff's complaint on file therein against you within four weeks after November Hi. 1929, the date of tho first publication of this s u m m o n s. You are hereby notified that If you fall so to np pear and answer said Complaint within the time aforesaid, for want (lin,....r .1... I..llfr ivlll niinlv In said Court for ibe relief demanded I In said Complaint, a succinct state ment of which Is: That a decree be entered tidjudl atlng any and all -right, tlllo, es tate, len or claim which you, or, any of you. or any of tho above named Defendants, have, or Claim to have. in. to, or upon real prop erty situated In Jnckson County Oregon, described as follows, to- I wit: I The West 4. 705 ncres of' the North half of Lot 13 of the Crest- brook Orchard Tracts. In Jnckson i County, Oregon, as ntiinberi-d. des 1 IgnatedJ and described on tho of I fleial plat thereof, now of record; i eubjeet to a right of way In favor or the Meflford Irrigation Ulsiricl. ns described in Ynlunie 130. page 87, of the Deed Records of Jack son County. Oregon, and declaring any nnd all such claims to be null and void, and decreeing that said Platntlf Is tho owner In fee simple of the whole of sail! premises, free jnnd clear of any and all right, tllle. estate, lien or Interest of said ue fnndants, and that eacb and all of the Defendants In this suit, and each and all of their servants, arentoand employes, and each nnd I ull persons claiming, or to claim, i by, through, or under them, or nny ! of them, and all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in said renl estate, be forever en Joined, restrained nnd barred from asserting, attempting to establish, or claiming any lien or Interest in or to said real property, or any part thereof, and that Plaintiffs title to sold premises lie forever quieted and set nt rest. And for such other 'nnd further relief as to the Court (may seem Just and equitable. The date of the Order herein for service of 'this Summons by pubjl I ration Is November 2. 1929, and said Order fixed once each week for four successive weeks aa the time for scld publication. RAWLKS MOORE. Attorney for Plaintiff. Address: Cooley Theater Ruild Ing. South Central Avenue, Med ford, Oregon. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Younr man 1 miuh ILL. . . W.. r'TSS Wl TMIMVC VWE'LC SET V ITtmAS A M.CE mOL.DAV 1 WASM'T COT OUT FOR WpvT . . SOiMO TO DO QUT OKI TW15 PlCTUReV Ipresemt TO 6NE OUR HELP BIG 'O-IINJ&S EVERVTIME 1111 MOVAJ ?.XWG MAVEMT , fAklD MAKE SOME Swmv MOT lEf P TH !LM UNTIL ( I. SOAR. OUT OF MV SPHERE MOMDAV ' lnirl JMON BOT ,KJ E MI APTER THE HOl'daVS? JouR TAKE' A MOSl DWG TMTO WE EXPECT TO PAV MORTSAGE j MEANTIME 1 GUESS SSSSSsM APTER THe HOUOAVS..IW OUk, PiruT m0.., , OR MAKE AMOTHESV .WE BETTR CLOSE 0 PeESE FIM ASJC AU . COMD.TIONj i I f ruts MM A0LE S. PICTURE y UP-UMTIL. WE M MOTKIMS MATTERS MUCM AMD l 2v TUP !isnr vf TOAMMOOMCE ' C VWE'RE y MANJDLE THE SLOOM laVo 't-- - , ... V. FOE THE: OUTFIT UMTIL.V ' ! T r 1 ' TRIXIE : BACK'S 7 ' jr'i11 fcy tii syndic! v ' i rn. oart T A ' IN Thyself WANTED Two ambitious men with cars who want to make money; experience not necessary. It will cost you nothing lo Inves- '' tignfc nnd we' hiive a good prop osition' for tho right party. See Mr, Chamber. 19 N. Bnrllett St.. Or Phone 1206 for appointment. 258 WANTF.D MISCFM.AXF.OrS WAXTIOl) Good tralier; must bo reasonable. 401 So. Hlvei-fide. 2 511 Ai it.u i o iraoe i ncrc nr neat - i in fics near Fresno, Cal.. for ncreauo near .Mciiioro. wnnor I-. Arncy. 8110 W. Main. Mcdfonl I .'..'' 259 WANTED Royal typewriter in good condition. Phono 1119-W. 258 GOING to California in 10 days: hvant married couple. Expenses. 401 So. Riverside. 259 WANTED Eggs, butter and but termilk, delivered at residence. Phone 390-L. . 25S WA.VTED-2nd hand goods & lunk. Pat's. 1506 Prune. Ph. 047-L. 2K0 WANTED Money to lonn on Jnck son county farms. The land bank Is unable to place loan nt pres ent. I havo lots of calls for gllt edgo loans. If you havo money 'and lave faith in the R0gtie River valley, let me plaeo it for you. J. R. Iiowen, lloguo River. 259 FA R.M ERS FIJvE IMSfTItANCK Farmers, let mo writn your fire Insurance ill the Farmers Fire Relief Association of Portland; only S3. 51) per thousand. Just us safe ns liny company in Ore gon. Wily pay more? Just drop mi- a pAslnl. .1. R. P.nwen, Rogue River, agent for Jackson coiinlv. 259 WANTED To buy nil kinds of livestock foj- slaughtering. Phone 505-L. Roguu River incut Co. 2S2 WANTED 'eb-niiing. Washing or iiouse Phonii 437-.I-2. 259 WANTED Local or long dlntancn Imiiliug. Insured carriers. Spec ial slock moving equipnfunt. We guarantee to save you money. ' Ilnwlcv Transfer. 019 N. Itlver ' side. Phono 1014-X. 207 WANTED Cleun ootton Mail Tribune office. ran at If Wanted 2nd hand goods Junk Pt'. 150 Prune. Te.l 647-1.,. 256 FOR RENT AI'ARTMENTS :ENT Modern, attractive st en m -hea led u pa rt men I in new Hollv. 227lf Arthur Arms. 330 Xo. FOR- RENT Furnished 4-room apt; private bath. 220 So. Grape. - ' 259 FOR RENT Partly furnished -room- ffrrmhd floor apartment, private bath, garage. Tel. 1075. ... 258 FOR RENT Upstairs furnished apartment, 3 rooms; electrle range, garage, $15 per month. Phono 1075., .- 258 POR RHXT 4-room apartment with -butt) and gnr&ge. 327 S- Oakdale. 250tf FOR RENT it- 3-room upt, unfur nished: hdw. floors, steam heat. Frigldulre, hot water and gnrage. 603 H. Holly. 2S5tf FOR RENT Apt.. and garaec: en tire lower floor: .unfurnished ex cent range. . Inquire 140 S. Ivv. 253tf FOR RENT 2 and S-rm. furn. ants: enrage. 604 West loth. . - 247tfJ FOR' RENT Modern furnished apt.: adults. Phone 60J-Y. 116 N. Holly. 218tf FOR RRXT Btsam-swated apart ment and sleeping room. 1006 W. Mala. J2Stf FOR RENT Modern furnished downlnir . apartments: ndull. ' WANTKIV-MAI,15 HKI.P , WANTED IIF.M MAU5) OH j FOU RENT SIISCIiMiANEOUS FOU SALE REAIi ESTATE FOR SAMW roOTmtY tVAXTKD A first -class orchiirrt ; . ...a.,--. - .' - FOIt ItK.VT Cabin. 1'at's Second-j , primer. Phono 355-U-2. 2U0 : THtREb THE OHOWE- EXPECT TO HEAR FFlOl-1 GUV WHO fMrM'T I ,-lC,ir SJ IVl"NJEV THE STOCK. MARKET' I SALESMEN and Women, to tulle orders for Little Arnold Check writer; something new In check nroiei-lor. (1 o o d cominlsslim. Sells for Si2.r0. Jack Syron. Sheridan. Oregon. . 259 FOR KKNT FOtNISHKW ROOMS KOlt KENT One attractive room: leacher or business woman pre ferred. SlU E. Main. 34 FOR RENT Large, well furnlsb ed sleeping rooinJU9 W. Main, Phone 12(ll-Jw, ... 257tf i,.rii 5XT Front room, private , ., entrance, gas heater; board, ga rage. 33 N. l'euch. 2 00 tOOM and board. 323 May St. 258 FOR RENT Front room, closo In: hot and cold water and shower. 20 So. Fir. 259 FOR RENT Board and room. 339 Ko. Central. Phono 1211. .0, . FOR RENT HOUSES FOR It E N'T Modern 4 -room uiw furnished house with sleeping perch, $25. Inquire 540 Penn sylvania.' 2 59 FOIt RENT Cosy, comfortable, newly decorated modern cottage of 5 rooms: also -garage and wondhousc. Adults. 719 W. 11th, Call ut 723 W. 11th, of mornings. tf FOR REXT Close In, small 3-rm. modern duplex, completely fur nished. $22.50. See CHARLES A. WING AGEXCY, Inc. 259 FOR RENT Strictly modern 4 rooin house: paved si red. close in, good neighborhood, garage; not for sale. Only responsible pnrlh.s n I apply. Karl II. l-'ehi. owner. 320 West tith St. or Phone KI5-Y. evenings. 2'.7(f FOR RENT 4-room furnished . new house, 518 Haven St. Geo. Iverson. 258 -'OR 1 bath, .EXT 2 furnished houses; garage, $15. 1154 Court. 258 FOR RENT -Crater I.ako IMottorn ItoiiHe on Ave. Tel. Msti-.l. . ' 258 FOR RENT Xeat 0-room home. 542 V. Haven. Phono E. I!. Hopper, 932. 259 FOR REXT 4-room cottage, closo in, furnished. Inquire 114 So. Rartlctt. 250tf FOR RENT 4-room furnished modern house. 009 W. 2nd. Call 315 or 1113-J. 24 Iff FOR RENT 6-room house, gn rage: deslrablo location. 20 Ross Court. 237tf FOR RENT Small furnished house, close In. Inquire 240 So. Ivy. 230tf FOR RENT S-room modern bun galow, on "javement. Jnqire 817 W. Second. 228tf FOR RENT 4-room furnished houso. C. A. DeVoe. 1610 W. ' Main. Phone E23-J-2. 223tf FOR RENT 6-room unfurnished house. Inquire Rodden St Co. tf FOR REN T Homei. Furnished or unfurnished. Brown A White. , ' , i ;. . - 17tf FOR RENT 6-room unfurnlnhed house, 1036 -VV. loth. Bee O. A. DeVoe. phone 623-.T-t 19?lf FURS HIDES PELTS Trnpperi, you hare a mar ket for your fun at home. Let ns estimate, or set your own price. Traps at co,t- o,;'.t-.i-"- ..-..i. Medford Brjgatn House 37 North Crape St. Phone 1062 rH - VIS' MEUl-O MH JIGC3 THftft THK CISEjtPENJT OP THE STREET RAILWa.V'1 WOULD LIKE TO bPEK TO VOL) IN) REGARD TO "TOUR WIPE'S BROTHER MOW UfSTEIsl - . ytZJ 12? If'-H Inll Fatun'.ti.A-H.p. tm llrriit llnlnin FOR KENT Cscd car lot, close In. Phone 1278-U. 259 FOR RENT, Hoarding house, fully equipped and doing good business. See owner, 414 S. Riv erside. 201 FOR RENT Oarage. 104 So. Oak lnl. phono S09-L. tf LOST LOST Haven, 31x1 tiie and rim. 319 25S LOST Tody's brown drlver's-glovd, cuff fur-lined: left hand. Re ward if returned lo Muil Tribune. 26K KSTRAYED STRAYED : From our- placo on ('niter Lake highway. 2 spotted . heifers. C. A. .Leonard. Phone 4IIK-R-3. 258 FOR EXCHANGE FOR TRADE Good Edison jihnn . OKi-nuh, dots of records, una vlo linc. Phono 341-J-l. 204 FOR SAI.K 1JVKSTOOK FOR SALE Six weeks old Jersey heifer cult. lie it Stancllff. I'hilenlx. . 259 FOR SALE Weaned Duroo pigs. J. A. Perry, Cull Maurona Pant, i - i i 259 FOR SALE Milk cows and heif ers. W. W. Hartley. Tel. 334-.I-K. 259 POR SATE AIJTOMOmiJEH WE CAN TAKE. IX SK V ERA L LATE USED CARS OX XIJW UK SO.TOS. We also have several good boys in lalo used enrs on our floor, among Ihem Chrysler 00 2-iloor sedan. Plymouth 4-door sedan, and many others. MEAD 1-l ltCH MOTOf! CO. 125 X. liarllett. Phono 990. 259 SCIIERElt MOTOR COMPANY Rulc k-Marqiletl'e Dealer. We offer exceptional bargain til high -grade used cars. All prices, types, makes. G.M.A.C. Inv Finance Rates G.M.A.C. Rear Craterian Theater. Phone 1 505. Hob Elder Mgr. Phone 7.1. . 259 FOR SALE Reo touring enr In good condition. 950. 511 X. Fir St, 259 FOR SALE .Maxwell sedan, good v condition, good balloon tires; clicup for cash. 417 Woodstock. ' 2110 FOR SALE 1920 Ford Roadster. 175 cash: 1923 Ford deiivory . chenp. See ut Flchtncr'a Oarage. 2!i3tf FOR SALE New Ford truck, run 3.500 miles. Priced right. 12. J. White. 4 miles west Phoenix or lit, 1. It. F. V., Modford. 260lf FOR SALE Itl'.AL ESTATE REAL ESTATE ISAIIGAIX'S Two houses In Howivrd Park; 1 i ncres; $2750; terms to suit. Small house on South "'enlral: large lot. rallroud frontnge; $5oo. Terms. Five acres, 2 miles from Med ford: nil in fruit; peaches. ch-r-'ries, apricots and berries: some ' Improvements. Will trade for bouse In town. J. C. IIARXRH. Phone 409. 1.1 H. Central. 2S0 FOR SALK 22..M RE RANCH Nice home. Talent Irrlsatlon dis trict, ,at'li price far below lis value;"! I 51(1 rush and $500 per vear. ' KxrIiistVA with THE REAP. ESTATE EXCHANGE 4 4 Xo. Riverside. Phone 1490. 200" rt . By George McManus THE PREIOENT OF THE STREET RAILWAY JUST PHOMED AW 'oAlO HE'D FORGET EVERY "THIMC ABOUT VOUH BROTHER IP HE'UJOST BRIIIG THECAf? BACK - nitltli rfrn'rU. EXCEPTIONAL- T1AROAIN 6, acres, overlooking Modiorcl: oaki trees, 2 acres garden land, 2 ' houses reining at Sf each: olio ; 2-room wlih fireplaco and ono j 4 -room. For quick sale only $1,800, on reasonable terms. THE D. E. MILLARD AGENCY, 423 E. Main. 259 'OR SALE OR TRADE 40-acre homestead; 4-room house, good well, 1 mile school, store, R. R. station: good car or Font truck. .1. N. Kiclwell, Labor Hull. Tel. '1419-1.:- - ' 259 FOR SALE OR TRADE One of tho finest llttlo dairy ranches in the Rogno River valley, with or without 16 head of cows. Phone 589-J-l. 240tt FOR SALE 14 ACRES UNDER CULTIVATION and irrigation; about 0 acres gouil peals. Tew plums, peaches and cprieots; bouse, barn, tractor, wagon. Price S4.50'). on verMealtractlvo terms. C. S. HUTTERl-'lELD, Realtor. 203 -'OR, SALE A-l penr orchard, big producer; a real money maker: brought over $0,000 this year; $10,000. half cash. bal. half crop payment. D. II. Nichols, Talent. 200 PROXIMITY to the city means much. .The highway ditto. Small tract with ' m plo buildings, mak ing it suitable, for residence, bus iness, dairy, fruit or nolo camp nnd low price and good terms. See HOLMES for HOMES, Nash Hotel corner. Phono 329. 259 FOR SALE flit TRADE 80 acres near Rainier, Ore. oppori unity for fruit and garden or small dairy. Tucker, llox 03, It. D. 2. 259 FOR KALE 4-ROOM ROUSE nn pavement- bargain .at $2,300.00. Owner leaving. . 820 acres first-class' penr land for .sale ut very low prico;. no trades. C. S. DUTTERFIELD, REALTOR. 201 HUDtmriA.N HOME 5-room modern bungalow, one ncre land, ono niilo from Medford hotel on Jacksonville highway. One of best buys In valley for only $ 1000. Small down pay ment, balance like rent. DEAL KNIGHT, 20 N. ISartlclt. . 200 FOIt SALE OR EXCHANGE 20 ncres. 4 miles from Medford; good Improvements: some paid up water rights. . Exchange for house In Medford. SEE PARKI1URST, 15 N. Fir Rt. 260 FOR SALIB nOMEH FOR RALE 6-room homo, hnndv to schools. Phono 100. 101 If FOR HALE 5-ROOM "PLASTER ED HOUSE, on paved street, close In; only $1800; very easy terms. !,. O. PK'k'ELL, 201 E. .Main. Phone 983-L. 2113 FOR SALE OR TRADE East sldo homo for small houso on west side, or trade for smull business. Phone I474-R. 258 FOIt KALE TWO HOUSES on one lot; genuine snnp ut $2,500, v-lth $500 cash iiayment. C. H. BUTTERF1ELD. REALTOR. 201 FOR HALE 6-ROOM HOUSE. well located; only $1 200; terms, L. O. FICKELL, 304 V.. Main. Phono 883-L. 200" FOR HALE Small house, lot 60x 100; bath, gas nnd electricity. Price $1500; $:(nn clown, $10 per month. 622 H. Fir. 260 WILL SACRIFICE $1600 equity In Medford home for good car, or sell c-Iieap for cash. Hox 1-;. J.. Mall Tribune. 553lf FOR SALE New modern 6-rooih bungalow, close In, 111 W. 2nd nnd Summit. Paved street, near high and .l.-ii-kson schools. Own I ' i:.!-:.. : J I 'r1 -i By SOL HESS FOIt SALIC Large young turkeys, lis Is, SI.75 to $2.25 each. It. I. Red pullets, Sl.OI) each: New Zealand Red and Flemish Giant young rabbits, 05c to $1.35 each: also Tokay grapes, 2c per lb. ami fresh grape Juice 70c per gal. Phone 1522-X. 259 FOR SALE Bronze turkeys, young hens and toms, Guldbnnk strain, Imported stock; cheap. Emily JLammcy, Central I'olnt. R. 2. 208 FOR SAIiBf IK)G AND PETS UOSTOX TERRIER puppies for. sale: pedigreed, perfectly mark ed, very small, 3 mos. old. Prices reasonable. See picture in pfffee. Mrs. L. E. Lindsay, 1051 Glou cester St., Portland, Ore. 208 FOR SALE MISCKIIiANEOUS FOIt HALE Heating stove with pad and pipe:' burns coul or wood. Call 204 No. Ivy St. 258 FOR SALE High grade 5-tube radio with new $30 speaker and tubes, nil for $35. Like new Vt h. p. electric motor $10: dandy pair snowshoes, half price. ' O. V., Howard. 539 Palm St. 258 FOR SALE CHEAU Red apples V........ - ..n.l ....... I ,.1.11., 1. pumpkins, cabbage nud squash. 609 W. 1 I til St., opposite Oak - utile -trocery. "'' - 1 l. FOR SALE At a bargain, 10- stiimp nun, o-ioot water wneei, 24-Inch water wheel. 005 Co lumbus Ave. 269 ORDERS TAKEN for Christmas trees by phone. Delivery made free anywhere. Price 25c nnd up. 405 N, Grupc. Phono C48-J. 259 I1ARI1AIXS IN USED TOOLS 2 I-'orilsoli; 2 sprayers: 1 horse disc; I scraper tractor: 1 Mc Cormlck Deering tractor. Jil.lSRARD BROS, Inc. 203 FOR KA LU Sulphate of uminonln. Monarch Seed Co. , . It FOIt BALE Ding saw- complete, new, $120. Ilulibard I lies. 203 FOR ALE Dining room furniture. Tel. 319-J. lf FOR SALE Vlclnr phoiiogiaph, A-l condition, 60 records, $50. Phone 1239-X. 520 Dakola, 259. FOR SALE Corn. Phono 1119-W. 258 FOR SALE nurgnln on household furniture: ono mohair parlor suite, l mahogany bedroom suite, 1 Wlllon rug, 8x9, 1 muhognny rocker and other articles. Phone 1 195. 257 FOR SALE Hpeelnl prices on canaries. Call Mutual Seed Co. 258 FOR SALE Reavers and musk rats. Heavers 1 1 on pair; musk rats $12. Immediate delivery, liox J. W. W., Mall. Tribune. 259 FOR KALE Page field feneo. ynrd fence, gates, netting, nil kinds; cedar and steel fence material. "We build fences." (iadills A Dixon. Tel. 268, FOR SALE Apples and dried prunes. Phono 7$l-W-2. $63 FOR SALE Stock molasses by the barrel. Monnrch Seed Co, tf FOIt SALE Cannrloa, guaranteed singers. Monarch Seed Co. tf FOR SALE Kindling by tho load. Medford Fuel Co., Tel. 631. 245tf FOR SALE First cutting of al ruira ny tne siacg. Elinor Han- ley Bush. 826 E. Main. Phone 903, 26B roR SALE For sand and gravel sediment nnd general teaming Tel. oiz-j. him iintetnan. tf FOR RALE I'sed sewlna ma chines: all makes, IS up; terms t If desireit. - Air -makes rented nnd repaired. White Sewing Machine Co., 24 North Bartlett. lltf rOR SALK MISOKIJjANBODi iron SALE Bulbo (blueKras25F cod for sale, 20o por pound.) :tfU Communlcfcte wltn Willlim. Beeumlller, Route 1, Central I I'olnt, or call at rancu, Autlocii?-. district, OOT.DKN ISutterklst popcorn nopsii- inn per cint. Delivered ill 10-lb.;t lots for 51.00. Phono S53-H-I. J 20S POTATO ICS FOU SAt.K Good No., 2's $2.45 pur 100. fit Scotli Fruit . & Produce Co., 123 Js'o. ltivr ' side. 258 : ItVSIXKSS DUIFXTOKY Allstnicts MURltAV ABSTRACT CO. Abi siia'i!.of Title. Title Insurance. -RiniuTs l' and 5. No. 22 Nortb.-'' Central Ave':, upstairs. i ., JACKSON CO. Abstract Co. ,j Abstracts of Tltlo. and 'lillo Iiisnr mice. Tho onlyi, co in p le to Tltlo v , . System 111 JacktooS',., i CMinty. Ai'eouiitlint, O. Q IVALr.lXI Certified Publics . . ..litlni. nf.nnllnt-1 JYl'ClllllllUlll. - - r ins. tax service, uiucv, llulldlnn. Phone 8B. zzii-i nicycles UICVCI.K RKPA1R SHOP Work Kiiaraiilec.l. Auto iocks ana m-y for all cars. 19 N. Fir St. Tel. 201. tf Chiropractic PlirslcJnna DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chiro practic Nerve bpecianau miio hours 9 to 12; 2 to 5. 203-204 Liberty r.ldg. Office phone M0: Res. phone 790-H. ; Eye SiHK-lnllstg DR. 1). A. CHAMBERS, Optome trist. Eves examined. Glasses fitted. 404 Medford Bids. Tel: 188. $52tf F.xnort Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. B. M. Wilson. C. P. A. Attention given to anything in accountylng and lncomo Tax Requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. Liberty Bldg., Modford. . Phono 157-R. ' . Financial WE LEND MONEY to worthy people to pay their honest dobts. . Pacific Coast Credit Association. 423 Medford Bldg., Medfora. ore. Freight Transportation LONG DISTANCE HAULING Medford - Klamath truck line. Dnilv service. Bonded carriers. Spoclnl rates on lond lots. Auto Freight terminal, 80 S. Fir. Tel. 1033. Money to Tjonn MONEY TO LOAN to worthy peo ple to -pay their honest debts. Also any amount to jonn on cur .proporty. Thomas Kenny to, - Room 12, Pnlm Hlk. Cor. Mala and- Front Sts., upstairs. s""" SJ " ' fionir Time f 7 : Rcaf Estate Mortgage loa( f s Phono laaa Commercial Finance Corp. Mislford. Oregon von Nir.F.n MONEY? Wl moko abort time loans. Tran actions strictly confidential. SH Liberty Bldg. Open Tuesdnrt i n..' Vi.lrlav- till fl n.- m. ' Phont ' 067-J: H. H. Banister, H. C Chrlstner. ' ' '' Monuments KHH. OREGON GRANITE CO. Munuments.e E- A. Hlcka. Oon- oral Manugor; P. M. itorsnaw, Sales Manager. 303 N. Front St.. Medford. ' Painting nnd PancrlianglnK H. MARX Quality pnlnting. tint- ln .. n .t n.i,.rhani,ilttf! al.VnS and beautifies; color schemes,, that. .... it. . ...Ill," n mini. mum cost to you; docorotlnif or new unit obi lurmiuro ami na tures. Phone 1 1 s-j. 4 A 1,1 IWrf JL. 1'cl Pnlttiincf. na , perhanglng, Interior finishing. general contracting. 1709- t, Main St. Phono lOW-B. ' Pluno Instriii-tlnn FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Jiaignt Music Studio, 318 Liberty in. Phono 72. . - H9tt' Printers ami thiMlsliom MEDFORD PRINTING CO. Has tho best equipped printing office in Southorn Oregon. Bookbind ing, looso leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc' Portland prices. 17 N. 1-ir Ht. Radio Service radio SERVICE on any make railio. II. u. 1-uruc.s.ui-, wmii Grape street. Office Phone $6; Res. 1442. Ml ROOFING Have that roof fixed before the rains. Guaranteed mntorlnl nnd workmanship. .Estimates free. Phono CHET NEWTON. H-F-6. $ Sand and Grnvrl C. A. HARTLEY Sand' and Gravel plant. Cleaned, washed sand and gravel; crushod gravol. ' all slues, phone plant 1203 or office 127. !Mtf Transfer ... ro 1 r t v ti L' L" l A Dliontak C. Office lit N. Fir Street, Phono 815. Prices right, Serv- 1 . Ice guarantoed. J DAVIS TRANSFER ft 8TORAGB 5 Service guaranteed. It 8, Grape ' St., Phono $44, or residence 1066, ; in c vnvpn 1 vn HTnri inff 9 K Humane I'n. Olllelr servtee. prices reasonable, cargo insur ance protection, lit N. Rlrer- - side. Phone 883. 1ilrds4erlag TH1BAULT Maker of overstuffed furniture made to order; T , upholstering. , We estimate, shew samples. Phone SSI-R. Ut Window CVanlatT LET OF.ORG F. HO IT Phone 11T t"M.