MKHFORD MATL TRinilXK, MKbp'ORD, OKKftOX. FK'IDAV, TlKCRMUKU fi, hWilchhiK of thu HlecpltiK bableH t the pioneer Iiouho party, by Hteve and tlio VU'Klnlan. Jlrro and there in tho dialogue hrouKiuut, occa sionul laugha a to contained In th linen. Tho latent Knx movlolone nown Ik a part of tho cntcrtulnment pro LA GRANDE LADY Good Led Iusy Life as War Secretary AS PORTRAYAL OF E! CUT T0 1 2 CENTS KI'UIII. A. K. PLAINS PIONEER i I DIES IN KANSAS; i i DO NOT CALL! i Tho genuine worth of "The VI' KlttiiUiii,' buKcd on the popular novel and atane ploy of the Hani" I name, ' having loiu; preceded ll yie of the oulHtandlitK sound niov-1 inn plftiircH on the diiy, drew a j capacity hoti-1 1 at the Fox I'm tcrlan t h o ator LA CiKANDK, Ore., Dec. O.iVl The will of Mm. Anna lloiian. admitted to probuto here, distill)- ntuH $170,000 In the United States. I Canada and Great Hrltaln hiiioiik I tliiiiclifH, organizations and friend; ; The Catholic church here will i receive $:i!,ooo to he used In erect- Hntfa Catholic hospital hero. Park J'lucc orphanage of Portland will (Contributed) j will receive $1000; the local Kpls- TuberculuHla Chrlmmas aoalBicopal church will recelvo several tmed to he culled Seals" bora use tile lied Cross Ited Cross Iiihi n Itrli l nn.l IUI lu 1110 wor " cuumy, full housoa will ! but ln(lt waH l,,n H' i..iii.iitUU L't-nt't ! The work became ho big that tills wnUHUuMv ln 1919 1,10 utll,nnI TubercuJoHiH L,m,(i iirniiui'tlmi association took It over, und It Ih during the ri-ift "'M'urate, self-supporting oi'Kunl malnder of imitation. e n g a g e m ent, ! -,r- t'harleH .Mayo, Internationally afternoon a n d notd phyHlclan, recently made the nlfcht until Hun- statement that tubeivulonlH, once Jay, one of tho notion's dreail discuses. "Tho Virgin-' ,H rapidly decreasing In serious Ian" was n o 1 1 new. Then he KeakK of the nn- dlmippointlim' In I Hun's health hablta Kenerally. Onry Cooper, miy way J:i ' 'I'Iicko lmblts are primarily the t , ' fact, much can j rcHUltH of ChrlHtmuH Tuberculosis be said glowingly of Its Kenenil j seal money. excellence' and , charm, great cast Hut the problem Ih still one to Of characters and repressed, su-jbo gravely reckoned with. Ninety perh ucting. vast outdoor ncrnen of thousand men, women ami chll- runtlc grandeur, and the romance. dren. iiiontly between the ugeo of glamour, suKpcnxc, . thrlllH and heart tuga while the story depict the life, among' the -rugged n'" Olid-women of pioneer Wyoming anil' Montana cattle days. No Hentlmcnlal heroics, no tdop py, Hiswy love-making Jiini reil drama; glamour, naturalness and liumor and altogether a superior sound and dialogue picture of much allurement, which kei'pH you In absorbed tension from the open ing of the story. Hhowlng gi'"at herds of cuttle attended by nhotn- lng cowboyn. until the exciting gun duel between the Virginian and the detestable Train pas. at the finish. Seldom is it that ho meritorious a cant of prominence, ho well fitted to their varloUH roles, Ih seen on ntnge or Hcrocn, an feat urea "The Virginian." headed by Clary Cool er, a the handsome, silent, self- vellant and brave wentenier .nd ir and 25, died In the United Slates alone last year from tu lerculoH'. The JuckKon . County Health awo-iution followa out the national program of teaching how to prevent and cure tuberciiloHiH. No greater argument for buying can be. made by the hcuIh than Hint. Fur th health of our com in unity Ih one of It a greatest us hcIh In family and buHinesu life. thousand, the remainder of the eK tate after other claims and taxea have been paid. Among the hegueatH are the. fol lowing: Itev. t'pton H. Glbba, Kb tacada. Ore., $000; HlKhop Hubert U Paddock, $.VM0; local Catholic church. $2000: Mra. Mary Lewia, New York City, $10,000; George I-cwIh, Newport, N. Y., $500; Mar garet. O'Connor, Ottawa, Canada, $2000. 4 Slate Traffic Sergeant V. 1. Tal jent was planning toilay to begin former wl... fitH .,hl. ,,,,,-t ,,.,. ,.ll,.11 f,.u, ouy: Ikn ,i bIovo: ; KK-Imn) Arl.. ,, ll.; , ,.., , ,.,, llml c1 lovable, reckless, weak-willed audi , illluuil .,,. , , , rniirngeouH Stove, tool of Tramp is; "Waller Huston, that versatile actor of striking peraomillly, as the cruel, vindictive a ntl despicable bad man and rattle rustler, ami Mary Itriau. na Molly Stark Wood, the little ffchoolmu'nin from Vermont, with whom the Virginian and Steve weiv both in love. l-3ven the minor roles were splen didly filled, especially those, of Honey Wigman, corpulent cow puncher, played by Kugene I'i.I ii'tle, and Ala Taylor, played by Jlelen "Ware. Therq are aconen of much pathos Jn this .drama of the lawless days 'in Wyoming and Montana. In which alcin men forced right by stern measures, which allocked the trans ported eastern school teacher. , Kspecially heart-hmgitiK were tllO scenes between t hat pair of Mt range, deep friendship, nllhoiigh opposlteH In character Steve and the Virginian and notably so when the luckless Steve Hmillncly liiet iealh by. the noose for his part I iV Tra m pas ca 1 1 1p st ca H ng uperatloim. when caught by thf pouHO of which the Virginian war In command. Tho big scene of the story, which ends the picture and fairly makcH tho audience grasp their seals wlih hushed cxocctniiey Ih when Tram pa and tho Virginian, commltl"d to kill -each other at sight, seek 4ach other around and In the hotel building and saloon until finally 1"n rfvovr berk HlinultanooiiMlv. O'rampna falls dead and the Vlr t;,itHU guua into i no arms of hfo waiting bride. Thorp aw comedy scciien (.f Slnuch humor, Interspersed with th anoio eerluus ones, ncludln;r ihe Hpceted coniiiletcly, including a cheek on brakes, steering appara tus, sanitary conditions, lights and competency of drivers. There are 22 busses in Jackson county, sponsored by the following districts: Jacksonville. (1 r 1 f f I n Creek. Valley View. Kaglo Point, M t . Pitt, I )ewey. Sink lyou. Soda Springs, Kvnna Valley, Shady Cove, Itngiielniids, Kenwood, Ilb orty. Rogue HIvcr and I'inchuiHt. Any defects found In the busses must be repaired at once, aecord Inir to the orfii'er. re tif untlctermlned origin early tills morning destroyed a barn, owned by W. Nelson, u gar dener, west of the city water reservoir. The building, filled with three tons of hay. was a mass of flames when the city chemical fire truck arrived. The file caused the denth of a horse and several ehlok ens, unable to escape from the barn. WILLIAMS CltKKK. Ore., Dec. 6. (Spl.) The second Itoostr club party was held last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Heetebry at the parsonage. After a short business session with Miss Thelma Wilkinson, president, pre siding, during which a committee was appointed to draft a constitu tion and by-laws, the remainder of the evening was spent lu playing games. The next meeting was indefinite ly postponed because of the nie Ings which aro being held at the Methodist chapel. r The liooster club is composed of the members of the Young Pen pie's class In the Williams Sund.iy school. Refreshment of sandwiches, pumpkin pio and cocoa were served. i i i CALDWELL, Kilns.. 0. M'l Thomas II. Murihy, S5. a ul'vlviir of a Irfiiiil of 5u plainsmen mi'l 'olllor who In Spptembor. ISO';. ' Hiu'ccssfully repulsed nn attack of i thousands of Indians in tho buttle ; of ArU karee. died yesterday. The beselised party soUBllt sa.eiy on lieeeher's Island in eastern Colo rade, and there stood off the In dian nttack for nine dr.ya. Most of that time the band of plainsmen were without water and had iw medical attention. Margaret Hill McCarter immor talized the battle In her book. "The Price of the Prairies." Tho fiuht generally Is thouitht to have pu' an end to Indian depredations in Kansas. Murphy settled near Corb'n. Knns.. eljiht miles west of C'nlri well, more than 50 years nso, and hud lived there over since. Ills shorthorn cuttle won many prizes at state fairs. IE SCENE OF HOLIDAY PARTY WILLOW SPUIXGS, Ore., Dec. u (Special) Tho Thanksgiving celebrution nt the J. W. Klden home was an all-day affair and a Jolly one. With tho young peoplo home from college a royal dinner, music, games and dancing, the time passed all loo quickly. Those; who enjoyed the oeeu s'on were Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Kl den. Mr. and Mrs. H A, Uultuque, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hirkholz. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Parker. Mrs. li. l liruphy, Misses Hose Jones, Leah, Krances, Wylamae Parker. Poland 1 lilrkhol. and Ceorge and Harry Kid en. Associated I'rcss I'hoto iMic .laiiu's W. ;mmI, whose recent death resulted fnim M-plic po lr,oii Is shown at. his dk in Wash-' Inton and iiu-HX'vlliig troops at Fori flyers. Va. HOUSE WARMING FOR EAGLE POINT COUPLE j from Mr. Wlllson. Mr. and Mrs.' W'illson have returned to Coquillel 1 to make their home. ! WILLIAMS CREEK PARTY ENJOYED BY CHILDREN RAGLE POINT. Ore., Dec. 6. (Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. Charley Jack son received a pleasant surprise Saturday evening when a group of neiKhbors walked In on them and announced that they were stut'ln a house-warming. A in e r r y evening was spent. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. William Holman and family. Mr. and -Mrs. ltay Harnish and family. Mr. and Mrs. Thcron Taylor and son Hilly and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Younf;. Refreshments were served. HEADACHE PILLS KILL LITTLE PENDLETON LAD CENTRAL POINT YOUTH V HfllWF PROM HflSPITAI WILLIAMS CIIi;i:i, Ore., Dee WILLIAMS CltHHK. Ore., Dec; (Spjl.) Mrs. John Lettekcn C. (Special) A Mr. Smith f rum ,asl ,VL,ek rct.eived a letter from; MMithern California has purelmsed her daughter, Mrs. Florence Wool-j the plaro known as the Joe Ce-J folk of Central Point, stating that) fcrth raheh, from Mr. Stephens. their small on Billy, who has been' Mr. Whltestono of Southern in the Shriners' hospital at Port- California has purehased the place land for several mouth, returned; known as the Hick Lewman ranch homo Saturday, grcntly Improved. I WILLIAMS CltKKK, Ore., Dec. (!. (Spl.) Little Miss June liige low of Grants Pass visited a few days last week at the home of Mrs. Kmery Ilutts, where a group of little folks enjoyed u party in he: honor Friday afternoon. Thosj present were Loretta KUis, Wilma Leminon, Florence KUis, Mass I La rl more, Jerry Sparlin, Gilbert Kills and June Pigelow ! PKXDLKTOX, Ore.. Dec. C. rP) I Jimmy 3tice, three years old, died j today after eating headache tab lets, tho youngster lounu me mo lets and ate 95 grains before ho was discovered. Five grains Is con sidered u normal dose for an adult. Portland. Oregon Stages, Inc., purchased land on southwest corner of Hood and Sheridan streets, who plan to construct operating garage for motor buses on sit NKW YORK, Dec. 0. ffl'f Down with smoicea In chains! Chain tobacco, grocery and drug ator.-s have cut the prieo of aomo cigar ettes to 12 cents a package. Some stores aro selling cartons of to packages for $1.13. The reductions': apply throughout tho country. Tin hew retail prices aro less than tlia: listed wholesale prices. Discounts permit a minute profit if cost of -handling la not reckoned. . ; SAX F!LXCISCO, Dee. 6. Prices of Standard brands of cigar- . ettes were reduced from 15 to 12 cents In all United Cigar stores throughout tho city, Tho redu.?-.. tlon was ordered by eastern head quarters of the company and brin-rs ; tho price per package to a new low level. C. F; DAVIS HONORED AT EAGLE PT. PARTY RAGLE POIXT, Ore., Dec. C (Spl.) C. F. Davies was honored at a surprise party arranged by a group of friends at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. It. T. Seaman Sat urday evening In celebration of his birthday. The evening was spent ' in playing 500. Delicious refresh-. ments were served by tho hostess- Guests Included Mr. and Mr;.' George Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Worthington, Sir. and U's. Spen- cer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown, Mr. and Mrs. "W. C. Clements, Mr. and Mrs. Caster, JItv and Mrs. Kent and Mr. and Mra. C. F. Davies. THANKSGIVING DINNER AT WILLIAMS CREEK WILLIAMS CREEK. Ore., Dee. G. (Spl.) Mr. and Mrs. Georie Sparlin entertained a group of younu folks at their homo with a Thanksfjiving dinner. Those en joyins the dinner were Mias Thelma Wilkinson. ConKlance Lemmon, Laura Lofland. Iris I.ofland. Har old Pierce, Maurice llutts, A'ictor Sparlin, Wilma Spurlin, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Larimore and small daughter. Hazel. Jerry Sparlin and Mr. and Mra. George Sparlin, the host and hostess. v !llllllll!llllllillllilllllllllllllllllill!IIIIIUIH weiii's Gift Shop i: TABLE ROCK PARTY 1 FOR C. E. MEMBERS GitHint Accessories li you arc looking for KOiiiutbiog different , sou our coinnlett.' line ;!"of-men's acre.ssories. 5ells, garters, lies, 'jiaixlkereliiefs, scarfs, u'Xit links, suspenders , make gifts that aro always aeec'ilnMe .'and always useful. We Give S. Si H. Green Stamps - Campbell Clothing Co. On Main St. Near Front BY PEGGIE PETERSON Pegglo Beauty Parlor," operat ed by Peggie Peterson and located in apartment Nu. 1. the Palmer building, wan opened for business Wednesday. A color scheme of even anil gold has been carried out In decorating the cozy Mhop. Peggie, who was with the Kin in. i , Ohio shop for the past Tour yea:v, specializes In Hhelton spiral per- I m uent waving, finger waving, and practically every type of beauty treatment. Men may ma lie up. t point ment for scalp treatment i. ! may be accomodated evenings. TAP.I.K IKH'K, Ore. Dec. C (Spl.) The Misses Scabrooke were S hostesses at an Ihideavor party at Z their home last Saturday evening. : Tho fultowlng young people wero : present: .Misses Lois and Doris ; Schafer, Kvelyn Hamilton. Hum : Ciittins, Mildred (Iregory. Mary : N e w in a n, Kdlth Huge. Vivian : Wright, Alice. Ilcatrlcc and .less.c : Keabruolie and Alvln llamillon. ; tlleun. Claud'1 and Ira Wilson, Itoy : Kingo, James Heabroolte, Kuuen ' : Newman, Donald and Paul Wilson and Jiduiny Morris. j Big Soap Special Saturday Shoppers Among the attractive bargain for Saturday, offered by the many loeu) merchants In this paper thin evenin.'i. Is the special nit I'rocto:' 4 Camble soap products. It conslNts of a siXMpiart euannd Uettle filled with one package caeh of lame t'hlpso and Ivory flakes, one bur medium Ivory tautp, three b.M-n P. ,V (I., the while Naphrba and the special Is almost half the n-Kular price. See the grocers ads and the large nd. There are 2ft grocers In Med fird carrying this special and l" others throughout the county. t'. A. Many of Kugviie, th Priteior (imble salesman lu this territory. Is In the city arranging fur the spcc.t: offer. CENTRAL" PofNTFOLK VISIT CALIF0RMANS i t T.NTIt.M. POINT, Ore., Dee. i. . (Sl.) 1.. i Orlmin and lainltv and Mr. and Mr. W. C. Crimea i drove to Tin-lock, c'al., fur Thanks ; kIvIiik Willi the Will Crltner (am 1 Hy, Mr. rrlUer ltflng the brother : of Mrs. OrtnieM, Hr. From theiuo ; they went to Han l-'ranrlm-o, driving (over lit new brlilne aeroi.n the oy. The entire trip covered more than I 1300 mile., without u much an a I flat tire. Alt enjoyed the outing 1 Immensely. WILLOW SPRINGS CLUB WILL PLAN PROGRAM WILLOW SPIIlNdS. Ore.. Dec. G (Special! The December meet lug of the Willow Springs Thurs day club will be on the 1l!(h at the home of Mrs. Clyde Richmond on Scenic avenue. It Is hoped there will be a full attendance, to nuikn arrangements for the I'hiistmat tree and entertainment. Mrs. .1. W. Illrkhols will have charge of the p rug rain. i CENTRAL POINT LADIES ! GET GIFT SUGGESTIONS CKNTIIAL POINT. Ore., bee. i. (Spl.) Mrs. Mabel Muck, home': demonstration agent, held u sewing demonstration Wednesday In tho 5 Orange hall, teaching the use of,: new sewing inaehlne attachments : and giving Ideas for making gii';1; for Christinas. There was an Interested crowd : of IS In attendance. A covered : dUh luncheon -with hot coffee w.i z served at noon and all felt that an enjoyable and profitable day : had been f-penl. I; Serving ,Tras $2 Wicker fninio tray. Hlzo 11x17, in green anil . orange coIoih. MoilcrniHlic crutoniK: unilcr cover of heavy kUihs. I'ractlcal and ' good Inoklim. Magic Artosoope $2 The most fascinating iiiniiacment for chil drenand grownups lift ivMtf.'. 'Scraps of col ored paper, utrliiK, etc-when . viewed through this optical instrument turn into marvelous designs, beyond description. Handy Andy Automobile Brooms $1.25 A gin for n man. lie will sweep out I tic car oftcner If he has Ihls short handled, compact hrisllcd broom. , All colors. Radio Ornaments Statuettes ill brass, bronze and Bilvcr by famous sruliitors. Dogs und other beautiful animals and subjects are reproduced lu every detail In these perfect models. They complete the bcauly of your radio cabinet. Priced 5- to $ll!..". Rand McNally World Globes $1.00 to $125.00 An up to ilal globe is invaluable. With its rich fund of Information It Is a source of enlightenment on current and iwist develop incuts. They bespeak dignity and good taste In the home and office. World Atlas 3 styles at . $2.75, $4.50, $8.50 Our Supply of Christmas Merchandise Is Com plete. Appropriate Gifts for Men, Women and Children . Myrtle Wood y nP gvr r g L J & l-'or tlioso who appreciate the beautiful things of nature, these gifts aro Ideal. Can dlesticks, nut bowls, boxes of various sorts, trays, etc., made from this rare wood. GUc to ii."5. Mayflower Pewter Popular In grandmother's time. Again In vogue and more desired than ever. You aro sure to please with a gift of this beautiful wire. Candlesticks from ?3.23 a pair to $10. Other pieces priced from 50c to $12.95. Salt peppers, vases, porridgers. sugar ami cream ers, etc. Select while you have tbe choice of stock. Recipe Boxes Card Index System $1.00 Saturday These useful metal recipe boxes conio In every color to match the kitchen. Complete Willi 100 blank curds and printed index. I. P. KICC1PE HOOK. Some people prefer this loose-leaf book. Size 0x8. Bound in washable duratcx leather cover. Complete, with 100 blank leaves and printed Index, $1.50. Delineator Cook Hook. Tested and ap proved. 7SS pages ..$.50- P.oston Cooking School Cook Hook; 2.677 recipes $2.50 Calorie Cook Book. A guide to good health $1.50 Monogramed Stationery SLOW PAY ENDANGERS 1 LIFE OF TURNER PAPER MAl.KM. Ore., Oee. fi. UVi The Turner Tribune, published for the Inst l years. Is on the verge of suspension, aays an announcement In the current lue by R I. How ley, editor, lie says that unless some of the nrrear are paid up w Ithlu the next few days, "We will be compelled to suspend pub-, Ucatlou, for a time, at least." WILLOW SPRINGS PEAR I OUTPUT WILL INCREASE WILLOW SPRINGS, Ore., Dee. . tMpecliiU Kir lil llroa. are gel-; tliiK ready to set 17 acres to pears Ihls winter. They have their trees and fire waiting for mure fH-1 forable weather to prepare the ground, "Cameo" Hand Tooled Leather Bags The Finest Handbags Made The Mot Moderately Priced t'ndcr-Arni Hags, Pouches, Zippers. Ilauil Purses w ith gold, silver and gun metal frames. The I e and styles you want aro here. Prices range from TO $3.25 to $1-8.00 SATURDAY GIFT SPECIAL Silver Plated Relish or Bon Bon Dish 5'i-lnch briuht silver plated, njimce desicn basket with bundle, hold InR n :i-pnrtllion slnss dish in rose, green and canary colors. Specially ultractlve and useful. ' ' Unbeatable Values in Boxed Assortments of Christmas Cards .1 Different assortments of 12 ranis with envelopes $ .1") 2 Different assortments of 12 cards with envelopes $ .2". I Assortment of 22 cards $ .50 1 Assortment of HI cards. Colorful designs S ,50 5 Other assortments, entirely different $ ,50 1 Assortment contnlninit ti.'M worth of cards for $1.00 9 Imported assortments. KtchliiKs, gravures, etc $1.0i) 1 Assortment of rlbbon tlod folders. Friendly KreelliiRS ..$1.00 6 Other various assortments containliiK 1- to I'l cards $1.00 M entirely different kind of assortments. Quniititlea of each assortment are limited, so buy early for bent choice. Ill Shcci I'niK-r (i, AA 100 Envelopes .J't.UU Monogram In silver or gold. What could be a moro personal gift than a box of this fine stationery in gray or while, with nnmo and address Imprinted thereon? Other styles of Imprinted stationery as low ns $1.25 for -00 sheets and 100 envelopes. Christmas Cards THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF THEM Funny Cards, Serious Cards, Religious Cards Cards tor mother, father, sister, brother. Cards for undo and auntie, for cousins and pals, sweethearts and wives. You'll find Just tho card you want hero, that will Just suit tho porson you arc sending It to. Get Your Frco Copy of "The Now York Times Book Review" Satur day. It contains all the news about tho latest Christmas books. It will be of help to yon In making your selection. ,: '