Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 06, 1929, Page 13, Image 13

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Flying Squad of Prohi Agents
Important Enforcement Factor
Is Report of Attorney General
tut 4Trnl
Ily Hnhliln Coons.
HOLLYWOOD no raiiKs 01 1 A
former "prop" boys who Decani
movlfi notors. following tho ox-1
ample of Kddie Nugent, nre rov
6. HP - -!
prohibition !
here ami '
int; lttrg
l bo latest of them
t aitiiin a desrec
if prominence is
Frank Alberlwon.
A 11 o I 1 y wiod
boy, Frank has
w u r k v d.ln and
around pictures
about seven yearH
tvhlch may not be
rnniiKh to muV:e
UJ m a finished
uctor at 20, bu,
apparently h a. si
been sufficient t
leach him thai,
"working in thi
movies is a funny i rank AHieriMin
proposition," and
certainly to forestall unv
ut rated Ideas of his
porlunee. . I
Frank lift high sehool to find;
work when ho was 13. He found j
it as a studio ' prop" boy, but i
"worked extra" between times,
lie went from
room to laboratory, until one day
be decided lo become a full-time
itut his calls were too few, and
, he was about to return to huf
i, fling net furnitura when Director
Dave JUitler pave'iim a chance in
"I 'rep and Pep." That led to a
studio contract, but did not end
bis troubles.
flying squadron of
f prosecutors, speeding
there over the country to tend aid
t to local officials. 1i;n Impressed
'Attorney (ieneral Mitchell so much
ported to congress
own Im-
tb:it be has r
t liar Its creation marked a highly
important step ib the progress of
dry law enforcement.
I sing funds transferred from
the prohibitum bureau and other'
.sums granted by congress last
March, ten
lawyers have been made special
assistants to the attorney general,
to act In the capacity of assistant
I. nited Suites attorneys in places
where their services were needed.
The flying squadron, which,
however, does not generally travel
by airplane already has rendered
assistance In trial work in many
states. It stands ready to aid dis
trict attorneys in any place in flie
hibitiou enforcement work Increas
ed during I'riminal prohibi
tion prosecutions instituted during
the year totaled Sti.TKit, the num
ber of cases terminated were &ti.
4.15, while-U.HO were pending in
the close of last June 3D. Of the
cases terminated there were 4 7,100
The aggregate of fines, forfei
tures and penalties imposed under
the prohibition law totaled $7,470,
300 while a total of $4.00,05 was
collected. During the year the gov-
,-iei icni-eu i-i iiuuiiii ernmeiu hecurvu 'juuguiem iisrh" j came
gating Moi..4Mj in civil proamnion
cases as compared with' (382,803
the year before.
Included in the report was a
statement by Sun ford Hates, super
intendent of prisons, who said the
problem of coping with the "tre
mendous increase in the number
of persons committed by the fed
eral criminal courts," had reached
a climax.
Hates said the Tniicd Slates
prison bureau today does not know
how many fedmal prisoners are in
county Jails, although he said there
were about a thousand of these
institutions now housing such pris-
The report of the attoriH-y Gen
eral Haiti that litiuiil- xmiiKKlfiiK
from tht hinh was and across the
Canniliun border continued during
the past year and that the ocean
prop shop to mi""-r ::. r, " - , .'.v;.. ...,,.,.......,' .
hoals. It asserted that St. Pierre- j Hon of federal penitentiaries, he
Mitiuelon. French possession, in said the Atlanta prison "even with
the month of the St. Lawrence ; the questionable practice of plac
river, had heen the chief base for Inir two or more men in a ceil
the illegal liquor supply of those might house comfortably 1 7 1 J per
engaged In smuggling Into the ; sons, but that it now had 3777.
I'nited States. The Leavenworth prison, with a
Almost every phase of the pro- 1 normal capacity of liltin, had 37-3.
lie ("aine t'p Smiling.
His f.rst contract picture was
"The' Karmers Daughter." Yes,
tie was the traveling salesman,
but he did not get even screen
credit. Another actor ' had been
cast for the role, and when he was
unable to play the part, they
shoved Frank in. but billed him
under the other's name. Nobody
knew the difference, and Frank
did not mind it was a sorry
Then he was given the lead in
First Alphabet Drive Fails;
Turkst Sent Back to School
For Further Period of Study
- PrlGcUla Itlng, I ten years, when it is believed that
(Associated Press Correspondent.') , Turkey's aotur.l Hi per cent lllitei
AXOORA. tP) Turkrsh adullsj'y will he reduced to zero,
who lalt year were rounded up and I "Ten years from now." the offlc
packed into hastily - constructed 1 daily ".Milliet" writes hopefully,
schoolrooms to learn the new A j "an illiterate Turk will he pointe l
l: C's. are now finding out to their !ut its one of nature's monstrosi-
a newspaper talkie. Hut the story . dismay that they must go to school ""
was revised completely. Ills part
written down" to practically noth
ing, and finally the whole thing
was seraitped and re-filmed with
another set of players.
Hut fortune now seems to be
smiling on this kid who took with
n smile everything else she gave
'him. Frank now is in demand
at other studios as'well as his own.
and will be seen in tt number of
the new talkies.
all over again this year. The Kern -1 ' eniorce tne existing law re
alist government declares itself j quiring all Turks between the ages
dissatisfied with present results of ' 16 ' lo intend the popular
the alphabet reform. ! schools, the parliament Is expected
During the two months' func-i'o lu laws Inflicting heavy pnii
tionlng of the popular schools last I Isllment even lo the nolnt of exile
irut-Si7.e Xo Ijiigcr.
It is obvious in nil he says that
be still considers himself far from
real success. He's 'Just trying to
git along." grateful for whatevor
has come his way, and possesses
a large slock of common sense be
hind his smiles nnd wise-cracks.'
w Tay Oarnett,
t first became
now1' a dlrcctoV;
first became a screen name
through writing screen stories,
which he still does occasionally
"lust for old times' sake," while
Alun Hale whom he directed in
year, the government taught hair
a million illiterates their A B C',
but the continued increase in the
circulation of Turkish newspapers
nnd periodicals, gives sad evidence
I that the' half-million holders of
ntphabet certificates have not be
come a half-million new readers of
books or even of newspapers. It
U even, hinted- by a semi-official
dally, "Aksehain." that many of
those who passed the A It C ex
amination six months ngo, could
not do so today.
After six months of vacation for
the popular schools, six months
during which nothing has been
done to further the dissemination
of the new alphabet, the govern
ment is petting ready Tor a fresh
onslaught. Now another half-mil
lion Illiterates are to b" taught the
me spicier. wrote muie ....... .,..,. , ..... milnthV courses
ten: . . ., .,, .... i
''00 screen stories before he ac
in one. There nre many film col
ony men who thus change their
professional status, but scarcely a
single actres.
he reonened throughout the
land, and those who attended the
A II C schools last year are to be
rounded up again for obligatory
attendance in a new set of four
months' courses wherein Ihey will
be inslructed in reading and clvlcj.
In Constantinople alone the mim
her of such popular schools will
be "00.
These popular schools are lo be
continued year In nnd year out for
on those who play hooky. The
"Akscham" points out that heavy
penalties must also he imposed on
official examiners who have been
delivering the coveted alphabet
certificates "for n consideration,"
to those who actually don't know A
from Z. ltaksheesh, this paper de
clares, must be banished from" th.
realm of seolarshlp.
The same paper points out that
the new alphabet Is in a far from
happy state as far' as the already
literate population Is concerned.
"Students of law," It. writes, "who
can now obtain copies of our vari
ous legal codes only in the new al
phabet, are forced to transcribe
them themselves Into the oH
Arabic In order to understand what
they are studying. Moreover, in
order to facilitate th.e accomplish
ment of official formalities, copies
of .official documents written in the
obligatory nlphahet nre sent out
to the government bureaus with
copies of the same texts added in
Arabic letters." x
Thus during Turkey's present
difficult transition period, govern
ment clerks peruse beneath the
outward covering of official texts
written in the Latin nlphahet. their
officially wlnked-at and likewise
officially conceived "ponies
Hy Doming Seymour.
NF.W VOHK King Lardner and
(leorse S. Kaufman have dug a
pen point with mad glee into the
ribs of the song writers, and "June
Moon." the excruciating result, is
a satirical c o m-
edy right up Tin
Pan Alley.
It tells tin
story of the bov
from Schenectady
who thought he
could write t h e
words for popu-
i lar songs, and so
lo llroiul-
way, where he
succeeded in such
a hurry that he
quite forgot the
little' girl, as
dumb and naive
as himself, whom
i... ..n tnr .... the .lean
train coming to New lork.
The llroadway siren who wooed
hlin for his royalties didn't quite
win him, though. She spent a loi
of his. money, hut the dumb little
girl showed up in time to marry
him and to share the major portion
of bis profits from (he wow song
"June Moon."
This framework supports a skein
of crackling dialogue, nnd there
are signs that this running gunfire
of bristling chatter is largely the
work of l.ardner. For Instance:
"I shunned him." says the dumb
Utile girl, "as I would a leopard. '
ln:l :mjiiii: "Well. . old liov. have
ii good trip. 1 hope they don't take1
you to Monte Carlo." To which
"the sap replies: "Oh. -if they're
full up there we can go to a hotel
somewberes else."
Kaufman's contribution to Uu
collaboration apparently lies large
in the shaping of the dramatic ac
tion; and he has directed and stag
ed the piece himself. Part -author
of "The Royal Family." "Mulcy,"
"liecgar on Horseback." ".Melton
I of the Movies" and many more
plays, he Is the busiest ol voniem
porary collaborators.
Ijirdner wrote Hie half a dozen
songs with which the comedy is
interlarded songs which are shee.-J
hurlesquery, yet so subtly faithful,
to the Tin Pan Alley mode that two
of them, no fooling, have been
bought by a music publisher and
will soon appear In the song stores
with no apologies for their mis
chievous origin.
The Iwo songs referred to are
"June Moon" and ''Montana Moon. '
A third, the Insnncst of the Gard
ner lyrics, is quite too mad a par
ody to be Ihus dignified; it starts
"shout. i a father's carnal sins I
might the lives of bahykln'.'
All I nsk Is: C.lve our child n
(I mean n last name.)
The cast assembled for ".lune
Moon" Is more than so-so. having
Norman Fouler as the Schenectady
sap, Linda Wntklns as his vapid
sweetheart, Lee Patrick as the
llroadway siren, Jenn Dixon ns the
bored wife of a song writer, and
Philip Loeh as Henny Fox, the ad
dled soiig writer responsible for the
ditty quoted above.
nut lints were tossed highest,
perhaps, for Harry Rosenthal, who
was lured from the keyboard of a
night club piano to play Mnxl
Schwartz, tho ' plano-poundcr of
"June Moon."
The Audit Bureau
of Circulation
ADVI-'.HTISKIi'S the contiiioiil over slionM inliiiiiilclv .icininiiitci! villi Audi!
liinvaii til' I'iiciilatinns, I'm' it is siiv'mj; tlicin money nml lsl motion nnd cn:il)lin; them to taUe
full iidvimtiit;!' ol their litisincss opportunities The Mnil Ti'iliuni', which is a niemhci' of thr
A. B. C. has prepared a scries of advertisement s to explain to the advertisers ainonv; its read
ers what the oi'tianiziition is doiii'j: for them.
Till-' ITIil'OSK OF TlIK A. B. C. is to jiive the publications of the I'nited Slates and
Canada the opportunity to tell advertisers and advert isinj; agents liy a standardized method
the size of their eirenlal ions, where they distribute their copies and how they liuild up and
iniiint-.iin their subscription lists. These details enable space buyers to know definitely what
they will get for their money, when they insert advertisements in A. B. C. publications. :r
'nil-: CON'TWOI. ami AlANAIil'.MlCNT of the Itnieaii is vested in a Hoard of twenty-five
directors. Thirteen are advertisers and two are advert isitipr usients. The publisher members,
althotitih "really outnumbering- the advertiser and advert isin"; audit members, from llie
first voluntarily turned over the dominai if the Hoard to their customers, the purchasers
of space. They also agreed that only an advei lisi r could be president of the liurean.
TI1K IMilNVlI'l.K OK ADVKIiTISI'.l,' DO M I N'ANCH is oeneinlly eoneeded to bo the
, principal reason tor the f-'eneral confidence ill A. B. C. reports. Its auditors work under
rules laid down by a hoard of directors dominated by advertisers. Publisher members have
never evinced and desire to have it otherwise, linowinp; full well that any hint that the pub
lishers were "auditine; themselves'' would kill the very confidence which alone makes the
liurean of such great value to their own business.
ADV HHTISKRS are the ones for whom the A. B.(C. was founded,
always borne a lar'e part of the responsibilities for its iniinncoinenl.
publishers profit mutually by its operation, because buyer and seller
in everv honorable transaction.
lint advertisers mul.
must profit inutiia.lly
Mail Tribune
The only newspaper in Southern Oregon
with an A. B, C. guarantee of circulation
Published Every Evening of the Week and Sunday Morning
Planes Made Safer, Young Says,
By Year's Progress in Industry
CKN'EVA. (T) An opportunity
for practical International econom
ic cooperation will bo presented at
Paris Pee. 5 when representatives
of states which signed the conven
tion for Abolition of Import nnd
Kxpnrt Prohibitions and Restric
tions meet under League of Na
tions auspices to consider the fate
or this Inactive treaty.
The I'nited Stales nnd sixteen
other countries have ratified this
agreement, which is designed to
break down certain barriers to in
ternational trade.
Rut the past railed lo go into
effect because on the "dead-lino"
date, September 30, it had not
been ratified by eighteen states.
9 Moreover fpur nations which
were named as essential parties to
the treaty by states which ratified
provisionally, have not put their
final approval on the document.
These non-rirtlfiers are Czecho
slovakia, C.ermnny, Poland, and
The purpose of the Paris discus
sions is to consider whether the
countries which have ratified the
convention wish lo make it effec
tive among themselves, regardless
of unfulfilled conditions. The t'nit-
tl stales has Indicated it Is rendy
todo this.. - . ' '
Vi'hls conference, however, will
y'l'ulljllvHS provide an ocension for
ill King government w hich have
signed hut not ratified to take the
final, step. All signatory govern
ments,' well as the seventeen
ratlfltrs. Itiive been Invited to send
Tin results of this conference
wtil,. be -watched by the European
iToiiomtc. world as n possible index
to the nttitude of ninny govern-
ments toward me proposal im .
WASHINGTON" (Pj Notable, lug extremely successful in improv
advances irr aviation have been K landing characteristics,
made In the last year, says the re- "There is a general tendency to
pot t of Clarence M. Young, assist-! substitute metal for all parts In nir
nni secretary of commerce for aero-l plane construction. In fuseloKe do-
mail lcs. 8". W001
Maxlnc Cnntway. the heralded,
"typical chorine" of the movies,
already hettlns to profit by her dis
tinction. She has been Riven "
bit In an Alice White picture.,
'I'layinn Around."
Is the public sick nnd tired of
crook pictures? One local tr enter
manager nppnrently believes so.
He advertises boldly that Ills cur
rent ultraction contains .o oo
inSrworld, no Runpluy. no booze."
Coffee Drinkers
to Get Paid for
Test on Nerves
nnd wire construction
. . i nuif Voiniir said i nave neen inmost euuieiy su lei
lnto the plane itself, ) ouiiR said.
oilier metal.
has been built much of the Inner
eat stability hoped for nnd prom
ised hy aeronautical cnulneers for
many years. Moreover, this sta
hlllty has been achieved without
sacriftcinK maneuverability or con-
"In the majority of Instances
wines continue to he built of wood
spars and ribs with coverlnR of
fabric; but a number of manufac
turers aro Rivlni? attention to the
Tk. inroodne- number of multl-i construction of all meiai
io eronior use of lib the sheet duralumin
,etal nrnnellers nnd tall wheels I lH the fabric and several of these
Instead of skids, increased use of : ileslBns are in extensive commer
melnl In winss nnd fuselages, de- e"!l u"e-
velopment of the Diesel engine and "Until recently the large supply
attninment ol' more speed In near- of engines left over from tho war
Iv nil types of commercial aircraft, materially retarded America's de
were cited by the air secretary as I velopment of aircraft engines; now
among the most striking features j however, this supply is virtually
of the year's development. : exhausted and large numbers of
"Anotl er striking feature." said ! new engines nre being developed,
his report, "has been the general , "Exhaust manifolds nre receiving
application of brakes to airplane considerable attention In an effort
wheels. Not only does this develop- ! to reduce noise as well as rarry
ment shorten the landing roll and exhaust gnsVs clear or the pnssen
takeoff distance, but it also aids . ger compartment. '
materially in maneuvering an air-i "Through improved installation
plane on the ground, as the brakes of intake and exhaust manifolds,
;;re independent in action. ' together with mnndatory utilization
"ljinding gears of oleopneumntlc ' of lire walls and the elimination of
and oleospt-lng design are being j air-pressure fuel-reed systems, the
used almost exclusively for shock : possible rush of fire has become
absorption purposes and are provjilrnjisnj'glhTjhleV
A leaking package from Germany
labeled "honey" led customs offic
ers lo Investigate. Inspection re
vealed the package was divided In
to two partitions, one of which
honey and the other
ECOKNB. Ore., Dec. 1. UP)
Adam Wilhelm, 3. Oregon pio
neer and known as one of the
founders of Monroe and Jlrnton
.(Miotics, died here today. A:
head of the firm of llhelm nnil capacities
sons, lie operated one o
largest department stores In west-1
rrn Oregon outside of Portland.
maintaining branch establishments
nt Corvnllls and Junction City.
a. vwv vrinl. Hoc il. iJPt
lC.ghleon boys and eighteen j contained
it rls nt Column a university t
are lo he paid $1 an hour for 1
drinking coffee and answer- MARGARET TURNER
lug iiuestlons. They will lie vi
Interrogated after each cup
until their rapacity Is reach- .
ed. It Is described as n psy- vxiVKIttilTV or oU KflOX,
chophyslcal experiment to de- v;, (Special) Margaret Tur
termlne the orrcct or cntiee i-
i nn Ihn eletitnoli. I'v mid motor 4 i
no, senior In education, from Med
ford, will play ,lho part of. Miss
Uora, il character In tho produc
tion "Kscape" by John C.alswor
Ihy, December 0. The drama will
j he presented at the (lulld theater,
I campus stugc, by members of the'
unlveislty class in technlnue of
acting. -(
Miss Turner Is a member of the
! Sigm.i Kappa, social sorority, and
i has been active In campus dra
' matle affairs slnco slio entered the
' university.
Nominate (Jlover.
Tho nomination of John' C.lover
Soulh of I'rnnkfoil. Ky.. who nnwi
Is minister to Panama,' to b min
ister to Portugal, wus. sent to the
senate today by President Hoover.
ION 10 P
WASHINGTON. 1pc. fi. Pi A
ftar department mirvey of the Wil
lamette rlvor In OrrK"n with u
view of muMm: U niivlfcitblp from
il'i A.HMirrincf wore ulvon ly S'f
rotiirv Ad urn initiiv thut Din nav I
Portland lo Ktigone nnd ontru-, J(jrri0ft carrier I-oxinnton would
tlon of a count Kuarri station ' ilV permitted to furnish elentrh-
ly Senator
port Or ford, Oregon, win :
In till Im Introduced today , a-h,.
MrXiiry, Ilep'il'H'
to Tacomii and Sent IN
if in administrator wpi
appointed by (lovernor Hartley to
allocate the mtjiply from I lit Hlilp';i
I "" '--rr- ; 1 : J X I
Marc Antony Erased Debt to Caesar
After Brutus' Deed, Says Old Record
CHICAOO. III.. Dec 6. ifll
Moim about the lites of March. 41
H ('.. Marc Antony oweil Julius
tarlir truce. They believe too that I Caesar l,ab!i,, whlcn mis a 101
the necothitlons w ill be In some re- j or money In those days,
spects it test of the strength "f j The Chicago Civic theatre, clo
the vlll to economic cooperation" , . . Shakespeare, has found
ns contemplated hy .M istl.le I ,0.,, i, rron, some old records.
Ti e iiolnt is that More owed the
Kood talk in lielmlr ot the late Mr.
Caesar "The evil that men do
lives after them: the good is oft In
terred with their bones'" but it
was no more than Caesar had n
rlsht to expect for l,5!M:ir.
by Aristhle llri-
nnd's scheme for Kuropenn union.
, t. t ..... .i.rn,. ! money on the Ides of March
au.'d' off here once a month I eht about the first of April he was
!' the railway rompaiiiej'fare of
ff led in luindUfi of tn. Kvtn
t bun Kb ten ruin shields may be
loo many for un Individual. It is
. Iiood business to bid from 75 cents
to J1.2." for the lot as It enernl
ly contains on or two nod ones.
clear on the books. The insinua
tion Is put forward that ininiedl- ;
ately after Caesar became deceased
via llrntiis Mr. Antony took nn
eraser and obliterated the Indebt
IMIOKXIX. Ore., Dee. 0. (Spl )
M e s a k e received from Itev.
WoodbrirlKe o. Johnson, who I'
confined to Ihe .Southwestern sani
tarium Jn Albiioueritue. N. M., to
Ills many friends here, are very
fyvorable. althouub It will he m-
ess;,ry for him to renuilii In t'i"
hospital for some time yet.
j I'OIITI.ANI), Ore.. Dee. S. '4
t Integra m from Henalor HU'lwer.
! Oregon. In which be announc-il
j he hl.d conferred w ith President
' lluovsr regarding Ihe Inclusion of
ithe Clumblii river project In the
national waterways program w-as
ruelved today by tt. II. Klpp. rx
jeiullvn secretary of the Columbll
i Valley association.
r, .;), While ' (tainting tho ens and turkeys from the Klamalh
outside of his house recently Mr.l basin farms, officers found fowls
Jones of llenll Ume had the ml"- cached In k wnshlng machine, l'a
forlune to fall from the ladder, I lole, were refused because of pr-
ti iiiitu urn Tuirwce
KLAMATH KAI.I.H. Ore., Dec. C. i
1tN l-slle Ileal and Art tsibsou ' UOHICtlCltO, Ore., Dec. tfi
were sentenced to one year ehch m'The first shipment of turkeys by
ii.. kn.te ,,,-i.,.n ,,f.,.,- ul.a.lii.t !auto truck direct from Itoselmtg
guilty lo a chnrge of sieallnir chick
Or course, Antony made a pretty breaking his ankle.
vloua convl.tlonn.
San KranclM-o, wiin tu-nt out la(
nli'hl hy Krnwley Clark and com
pany, I'ortlnnd.
Tho trin kn look n arload lo
Mdford to bo trannfencd to vanH
KuiiiK to t 'nllforniii.
Thai Cold may load lo soniclliins; serious, if noclt'clcd.
Tim liino lo do Koiiiitlliiiig for il, is now. Don't wait
until it develops .into lironeliitis. Take I wo or llireo
lalilels of Haver Aspirin as soon as you feel n cold
coining on. Or as soon as possible, after it starts,
llayer Aspirin will liead off or relit!o the aching and
feverish feeling will slop tlio lieadtiche. Antl if your,
throat is ol'feeled, dissolve two or three tablets m a"
(piarter-glassfiil of- warm water, antl pirgle. This
tpiiekly soothes a sore throat and reduces inflammation
and infection. Head proven directions for neuralgia,
for rheumatism and oilier aches and pains. Genuino
Uaycr Aspirin is harmless lo the heart.
as nD u m n ij
Aaplrio a ibt trad mark ot llayir Manulactura of MunuactticacidMUr of Bailey ilcacl
hoAio ituA
Radio Service Laboratory;
"tUttTHUi wirlinu w
22 8outh Orape i
Phone: Office, 335; Rei., 1442
First Insurance
A. L. HILL, Minigtr
Phone 105 80 N. Central
Medford, Ortgor)