Medford Mail Tribune1 Dillr, Bundtr, WetUr Published by renpoiiD fjiiNiixa co. IMMt N. Fir 8U ROBERT W. RniL, rdiUjr I. Sl'MI'TEK BMITU, KlDIM An lodrpendcot Ncwipapir Entered M iwond. elu nutter tt MJd, lOrefon. under Act t Wired 8, 18f. , Bl'USCIIIPTlUN UATKfl Bf Mall In Adnture: Oii!y, wlib Htmday, jretr , Iially, vlih Buniliiy, month. .... , Dull j( viihtmt Kiniday, year , Dally, wit limit Sunday, uiuiilh , We I. If Mall Tribune, one year,.., .1 o ai .en 2.00 Huna.iy, tine year. . . Ily Carrier. In Aitnmce In Mwlford. Ashland. Jack.ui.Hlki. (Vhlral Point. Phoenii. Ti Wi. (Sold Jllll iimJ uit WKnways: I Dally, tilth Smithy, month .....$ .79 Dally, illhout Sunday, month..,,.,, .03 Dally, llliut Sunday, out year T.00 Dally, with Sunday, one year 8.00 All ternji, caib ii) advance. WKMIIKIt OF THB AWSOnATtttl J-KK88 lim-fuii Kdl I lasvtl Wire fiiriire The Awiatnl I'ress U euiusltelt entitled to ths iw for imMJration of all news dbuatcfaea tfremmt tn it nr nilicrxte rredded la tlili (taper, Ink) aha o llw local ww9 publbiied bexelo. AH re')M fr imMli-atkia oX ipeclai dl&tiateba herein ara also resennl. j Mi:liti:i (IF TUB UNITED I'KKKS (trrirlal pl"f of Did City or M'dford. Otfkial iiajitT of JarltKirl County. A. 11. C. average circulation tor tlx nontbi lending October I, l!'2!i, 4174. Dally imago distribution for alx bodUm to October 1st, 4fJll. I 1'rrsent trm run, 48'J3. UKUUKII IIP AIMHT IILHEAU UK Cim LI.ATKIN A'lifrlNInc Hi'pr.nlatlipi M. C. MtHiKNSK.1 4 CO.Ml'ANY (irrirn In Nr. Ycnk, CliiMxo, lietrolt, rrillL'ifico, Ijm Anln, Beatlle, J'nrtUnd. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry 'roiuoi:j;ow ts.- Thanksgiving. ;In rK'.porilance with eustoin. all hamls ,wlll niPcL It with 11 ftlll. Iioiirl. nnil 'einl It Willi-' a full stonlai-h. . T;ie turltpy kHxiU'iI.s. M'ill ho tfh'Pn lu t-hoso wittioili- lpth,;.or m-nrly ov iih they -aunot inaslicato any olher portlon of tin. pii-ei. Hp reistanep. .Nftir liny 1I111..M. of the ti.lliits. they will take a ehanee ami ihew oil sollli. while nival, ailfl some dark meat, withoux regard to Its teinlerness. The feast day will cause a lull III tho dietiiiKT of the iik-ndc-1'ir.itiK Kills, who are thankful they are not fal,ler. The community an a whole has heen faVored with prosperity, he Iiik iihlti to keep in and out. of the road of aijlos. without KettlnK tiny nearer the poorhotise than normal, Thero have heen no phiKues, disasters, violenee, rrlmrs, or ro turi ylsllatlon of a shirt-tailed evil, as the unueiKhhorly ilanupil last .June. Ohio dance hall has burred women without stockings and men without neckties. Whudyc mean. iunl Hulas, when koIiik without it tn-ektit consiitutes nudity for men? ( Arkansas (Jazette.) The dim pled doorknob knoe v. the knobby. Knurled Adanis apple. l'hp ptiteelued Portland OreKon-l-in pitltorlally dpclai'ps that "thp tenilcncy of Saluiilny's crowd to chocr the visitors (Hawaii) , . , did not lniily any unfrlpuilllncHS to the University of Orcuon." Tho just ns PstPbint'd Alhany iJeiuoerat-Jlp-nld declares the cheerluir "was carrytnR siortKinunshii too far," utid charges "the crowd turned traltor to tho hunn team." Tb ' J'oi-tlaud News, also cNtepiupd and untpi-riripd, rpveals Just what was Kolng on, as follows: .Ami there are some ll.tillfl lno-llaallan u.ut vt the li.'.aijt, (. ...nt. ..i.i.i o.ii.i. .- tiiai inu lshindet-H were rohliod of a touchdown when some. OrcKoii "jl'laycr Interfered with a Kain Miow pass over the lino unit It should have heen declared u touchdown or Klvcn to the visi tors on tho ono-fnot lino with ' I list down lu tho third period. The officials were well hooed by the line nu. 1 iloulit If they weren't nhout !10 per cent justi fied. Tho Mawaiinns therefore seem to have heen the victims of some freak refereelnir, which wail very timely fon .tlreton, and the con tlnuaUon of the apph'sauee nhout u'achlev.i!u.nts the imsv season. ti Stan .'tticrVopii,'' the ' liushins postofrlce toller, has completely loeovered from a had attach of neiiralKlil, and u dinky mustache. iiu:i, i-it.wu iiv kati-: (I'limilalii Inn Tilhiiuc) . Alu.'ul fl'rteen ' years aii". Opportunity knocked ut my iloor anil found , um pat don the mId-Vletorlan vuls.iritv ' v. iih my pauts down. . i'i.i:Mi'..ei:.u '.s l'iN'At. 11.1. SKSS IMtoVKM I'AT.M. tlldline 51l.n1 Ulatestnan.) .Maklns ll a Oead clnelt. lie sendeth out his word, and fclellolh Hi,.,,,: ,p oauselh his wind iftl slow without end' tl'salnis 147:IS). Text for today, fl AeconlinK to any number of re liuhle illllli. n ill,. s. atheism finds It tlmst fertile rield "anionR ooIIpkp muilenta of I101I1 sexes." It s the fcelKht of gall for it wlilpiicl-Nlinp-Bet- kid of either sex, to utiestlon Bib exl.stenco or n Supreine llelng. Ilh.'tl It Is n tremendous mental tkak for the youtiR in. onus to come f "" ,,f the I'll". All nnsancd In llipeetlnB bew. and Im estlKntlnn ,h. in tills state fhould he .Icpu- '"' Intely as fool-kHlcrs. With power to act. A number have rauaht rold, the t two days, and Koveral have (Ids that catiKl,; Vour V"IT. heal n cold to the druSstoie iflonila.v. .j AI.I1ANV, t),.'i7c", , , nn f ninty durlnx the week end rat t S '! than dnmaae. The leson Mleclrlc warehouse ill Do. nr and n IrrKe ban, on the J u Pyde farm were ilcstloyeil. !, (lltKC.ON- CITY. Or,.." 11 , 'tftnllh, farmer, suffered the loss nf his left hand an.l a part of the 4m when It became mucin In 1 tfuod chopper. ... .w , THANKSGIVING ! A 1101 t (in HOl'T :)l)() years ami 11 (.'roup ntl-feurini; I'ilcrim fathers mid mothers celebrated A mnfmn Nl. I . i. s, I oniiKMUIVIII).', of .Massachusetts liny. According to present sit ai-ds. th,.y had precious little for whic h to he fill, nid very Imppy becnuse it meit:i'e crop hti liecn withered mill they were rensniuihly sure of surviving: the winter. No one wishes to return to the iliseoinrorts tout (leprivnt ions i 'f 1 (!2t), hut the spirit of tlmt he tt'eitsnred nmt renewed, I'm I I'uvl ifiuln i i w t nL n- L ,,t n, .., r. , , i thnt not eonspieiioiisly jiltiitidiinf today. It miht he well, therefore, to let no Thmili:ivinjj o hy Avitlioul callinjr the attention of the eonteinponiry reneration to the .serf i itj and atmosphere nf thnt first Tlmnlisf'i iinr. The picture calls into sharp relief the lesson, that all human values are relative, that happiness and thankfulness urc not so much a condition, as nu attitude of mind. HOOVER IS MAKING w 10 iir! (old ilini lmniiii'ss worsi!' Ihnn .snppnsfd, Ixm ; E II W SO 1II1U1.V COllI'lM-lMil f'S, llllll Spclld il(J SO lllllcll lillll' ill III! t'f- ! fort (n sliiiiiiliilc indnsti'i.'il iiclivily in nil purls of flu; connlry. I This iimy lie iuiIiiimI icliisinii, lint it is not, lo our mind, ii sound nni'. IT iinyolliiT type of 111:111 were in the V!iitt House if foriiicr 1'ivsidcnt Cooliduc Imppi'iird to lie tlii'ic nt t ho present time, lor I'NjiinpIc it is iloulit lul if imy nrlion of this snrl would lie fiiki'ii. And proluilily from 111.- slandpoiiit of nvorlinif n real (conoiuic disnslcr. such net ion is 1101 iirccssii ry. sury. . B I'T I'rcsidcnt Hoover luippcns (o llc. Willi onoiniil ideas of his sions, actual or tlirciilciicil, should lie tv;iilivl. ; -And ho is simply cHrt-yin;; into ,.iVet tln-sc ideas, lie lie licvls iiml .S ithvitys tl.f lmdy politic is not unlike llic indivi.lual. Just sis nil individuals have a hidden re serve, only called upon in sino unusual crisis, and eapalile of siivinu' the individual from what under normal circumstances iniuiit result in dUaslcr; su has that colleclion of individuals, known as a nation. W Til I'linractci istic energy Ihlcnt rcMcrvc. A 11111 ior simply wishes to ilciiKHi.stintt tluit hy iiitoliztmly utilizing tlio lifiUIfn forccH jivaihihlc, even 11 minor tlt prossion can be avoided. ft w he very intcrestint,' tn set! how his proifram works out. It is, as far ns wo know, the first time that the theorv of pre ventive medicine has btvu actually applied, in any country, in an effort to prove tluit .nermdie ,ii.nre;ooo 1 1 t . .... iiianuiuiiiiir tiai; iMit can he effectively checked if not. completely elimi- , , ,i i I .. . i ' ami uppiyiii tires. THE REAL RAILBOAD ISSUK r'h hiriintre runt llie main lieiirni"; in Huh Krnneisoti is 'So The S. I'., for cxnnii.. devtili tlie liie! Ilial if tllis llill lino liniilt-nii w tl... ilself will not pay an.l will' also result in ' (lecreased revenue ' lur.lie ve,,y.s'icl(cn Si P. v , Jhis may or may not he true.. hut iinmin. U .11,,;.1II,. ! ,..1... 1 1 !, . , CIII lIllllIO IN :l It 1 !.-.. ,.iil ,,1'F J ... . : . ",l " .iMsent-tiu .s . . IM)i:i'i:NIKNT l-XIT, ,li, liot produce a profit on tlie investment ? , ll ii'.ll- 'I'll.... - l. l i i .1 leu . . M.tltlh. I lien ihy slionld the Hill lines lie prevented from ; lillildill"; this Western Pacific connect Inn siniiilv l.....,i.,t .1.., i llllit AI.OVP would mil i.i'.wlii. nu, -MA-.M.. 0111,1 not p,,ce T IIH DO nt sunt lime ...,.. I.i " ". "w sl rip of nnrtliern California. how will another north an.l .south continental railroad connection the Northwest ? The Kcililic eonnecliiiii not I r . , . isoillltll lill'ter is not worthy ol a necessary link in chain, that . . . . . ' ' " "" "mijici 1111111. iiisteail ot Selt eotllllaeent ' f"! r '"'""O- '..onopoly; i, is supremely i,,,or,a,. and it i i" in. in sncii 11 stantipoini. ami such n standpoiiit alone, that i the question should he eoiisid'M't'd i I .Stiulenls ill a Sontherii eolle - "'!" 1 or nreiiKiasi. the . . I . . . . liooii is one who. reads ot j what made hint tin it. . .... -- MUTT AND JEFF WHAT'S Trt I KID.iMe Kt? GAMMA I DeV. TMft TUCKS !..,.! I ru Bft6u,,n ...... I ca.tu,ti,., , ... r-,... 11 L UTT? Js-iaM0RR9W. y. , . . CORN TRAIL. J " M THAr tuow crVoiMr, f He UilMS FIFTY rUMTi. 3"e POMGV r .A of sombre-faced, straitrbl-liiced, ... .1 t . ! I - a .1 oil inn IIM-IIK, HIIOW-SWC It BllOrCS thimlifiil. Hut they WEUK thiink dny is something t hat wiiv well it is f imc In mrn I ji II v t!ie sinrit of l :..,! mm .. .amuu. n um ECONOMIC HISTORY gondii inns "in llio ICnst must lie - iiiinp I'rcsidcnt Himver is cnll- .... an economic specialist own. us to Innv Imviiiiw um skill, lie is rllinjr on thai nnnic k nnt wliui bo 4f b.. f i:t MMMlcni 1 lit! IISI 1 la I eiVl lii- ,- , ' fipitinientMl propiivlaetie mens-i issue in. tins ti. X. and 8. V l're(iiciitly (iverlnoke. I lieiirly a; week tn eslnlilisjiin . ' . - ! IV : 1 . . . . Mausueinnt. fount snow that ' r;. .1 a profit on the investment 1 i : ,. t'.'n. con iic raised hi ii s The point is. as we see it railroad, and another tt'HIIS- benefit California Oreonn and ; ... ......... t :., i ! in .is- on i sel'totls consideration. lint as; will L-ive Ore.'.m two rtilronds ! , tv.0 1 all 1 otitis , ' e voted on the proposition of eyes Have It. ( J ; a cashiers suicide and wonder': ! , Birds of a Feather Eat Personal Health Service By WILLIAM BEADY, M. D. tlxnd lt. WTUMM U ttTtonil hull). j ftSE. "i ft "o'Vti T&l Ml btt. No reply cm t wU to irl sot aimj, id hi w yum mniww a sticonc;, sim:t iii;iio comkk into his own W'tH-n a man' a tfridcpioom h niny itnnfdno he lias Hunk to th" very ih'i)li of dPi-rarlation an n tig. urc In tin world. IJc f(M?l a total nonr-ntity. and mithiiiK can be lower than tlirt. Don't disturb hin HWtv: y o ti n k dn-atn. thf. Kovi-rnmcnt issu,. ft-,.,, pamph- I I. Is (lor a iiii k. l api.n.) on pro. ""- .n u .- ,00s o, rn lonal litcraturo (listrlhuto.l -I.V; .-... mi ......ins 11111 j.iii unci 11 sinnii' icimi't oontalnllli,' rul.'S'ti,,. liiiiomlnalo anoui. (iii-t. pxi-n-lsi' anil wliiili. Homo nmuspini'nt.s for tin- priisprp Uvp father? On tlip ypry eve of the urpnt eveni one such forlorn father t- Im was coaxed out for a country hike by his wife. Thfy covered a bout st ven inib'.s east, ami the missus wanted to about Tovv mile north before turning bark toward lurnw. but her eo in pan ion lierse..ded her to turn straight ' iaek: .My dear, you must ro- mein'ipr I am about lo hecomo a j father." There is nearly as much truth us ,,. ln ,. .,.. .,.,., ., many books, pamphlets, lectures j mi what not available for younr.T ! women wnn want to.Jearn some tiling about parenthood, but lh yonnir man has to aetpiire hia edu cation, if any. by takini; a course iti tln-university of hard knock-. ' These remarks inspired !y aj stran't' book that has ben knoek-; ln about my play room for weeks.! one ;: at ih" title and I toss ii into the discard In ap. wonder I ri-i why publishers delight in sa-ia:,- sueli drive!, y.-t s f m so Cov about print iii' sensible stuff. This moniiiiir I had to .-.side and wait while some repairs were un der way, and to fill the vacancy I picked up the strange book aaiu. It is entitled "On Ileitis a Katht r." and is by K. .At. :vnd K. M. AValkov. V. V. Norton & Co., New York, publishes the "book, and as Norton the publisher of -MouramV IMiysiidoKy,'' one of the finest sen sible things in print. 1 felt I ou'.'t to tpen this one and make ur: lo contents Were such as one W,V'M OXI0(1- i 1 ViiS !il'l,,1M(- i iii u oe. niii.j v, and If'you'rP as Innocent I the Vrriinary youmr man you'll b" I eu lightened about some of these ' mysteries of life. In fact I've browsed "lust far enough in tin stranmi? .Ittlb book ta.dl?rover that i there's a genuine iuvor.'ln an i ,1 am. glnd 1 d'.scnwped my-amor ' i in tlmy, for I'm going to keep the j luok lit ri-serv. to fall bar If "O, , somo '.-evening when the murder :ories fail tu keep, a feliow- on; """" Khn ,h Wall:t"s m"V ZT.Z; 011 out volutne that I herebyieo:-- niauy oi ly Women who want nn ilu xne-, . - IVH Vf V:llll:iltli t'lir .i orncnt " ,,;.,V .-",::, " 1 A f down. : ' " ' If these Walkers liavn.'rccem - pllslipd milium: .else wuh ithe'r i k "On iieiK Kather." th. y have at least put a wholcsoni" ' erimp In the mawkish stuff novo!-1 , is:3 and playwriplus pull off ahout I ("the Wan spirit hoverlnu hetwec.i ! .!'"' "P nnd death" and the pai-inr; the llhrary or drawinir n and tearing his hair in suspense. I- Americanism: Scornlttf; the cruel l''or this hooji I. for one. off. 1 j hull fluhlini," l.iillns; feeling a d.' hear.lfelt thanks to the WalUem : Uclolis thrill 'when a nuarlerliacli rind the Norton people. is carried off the field on a ! stretcher. OVKSTlONs AND SVl:ltS ; This t'liap (nit ti (Miial ludt In tic' Sometlniesi we almost of ..,,. Kv.'n thouh I have a Kood fam-, Uy "h'vsl,-1," vm' l,av, eonvine.-.i I thai you know your littsincs. j 1 '' "een stirrerlnc rrom a Imp!, . ".r. ZXti' J&'iZy n"'es. Thrnunh your pers 1 health service you suggeste.! saero - llla,' hell, which has mi.ile m.'i jweiu I just want to tliank yen in? .1""?:. ""' ""1 Answer. I hesitate to pri'it vein' ph'U'-ant ini'ssaiii'. a 0:1 iv.idei's dctmmd full p.triii iil.n s "'"'"i my iliac i.eit for an I laches or pains l.ctwecn the lu-Lxl an.l the patella. That would lcae I Alone J h.,1... n.1 t ,11..... i. ,. &?Zfi!Sft i??&7!!LSl mtfomlog U lutructioog. tddriU Dr. fflUUjfl 1 mo all hot iwirt hothorod becauso j T don't know what kind of a hell 1 may imv; MiWKOHted for you. ! U-t us way brlct'iy that Niicrn-lllac ! r'-f'MH to the junction hpiwecn sac rum (t)asc or spine) and Ilium (v.intr of hip 1hh- on citln-r fdd- This nornii lly Imniovable junction orni'timefi lnr-onieH rtdaxort or ovi-n " " "'! Kliirhi ry illslm-aUMl from, .-it rain i-. I"nimra " - In.inry. and any mrnnn. whip, fh-! I """ ''!"'. l-lt. -.,r.s. i . similar suppnri worui lliiv.- you .viT.h.w arou.ul Hi,, hlns Kiv ....I ... a i,oii icih-r In much rimi'H. This i.f on " I! a it I a n t in. ill. Ic simply was not iccoi;niz,.il Knt h p rlitiod?") i,y ii Biilar pliyslrians until the 01 Up any hurra. 1 M. opaline phyirians tnuiiht up that or ilt'partmcnt or it S tlw. rn8l, r ,.,,,,. ... ,,iointK of humwsB or .Ilsahilitv in ; ,,(. i.a,.); ,. ,iwn u.e T, oopatni,. physicians it --hI nnoinlnatr," I hellcvp. Tlip hip hoiif. is medically calle.l not that hips nro 1111 men ttonnblu today; not at all. only the Latin nharks bad run out of mean names before they nrrivrd a: the hip bone. I.cs NU-oiitlne. Hut Wlml nf le? I have tho tohru-co fmokin hab it and have been reeeivinj; a'ooJ de:il of literature from com pany ui'MldK me to try their hrauJ of eiars. einarets or pipe tobacco, from which they eiaim the bulk of the nicotine has been extraeted. making their produce almost harmless, ii i. my undersir.ndinK that the nicotine in tobacco is the principle that docs the hodv harm., ... .1... 1.1.. 1 ' "I j 1'lease trive mo your opinion or ad- i vice about this. K. II. A. , ! j Answer. Analyse of numerous ! I brands of tobacco purporting to be! deuicotinized" more or Icss atldj exploited as harmless for that rea sfiit, have shown that there is prac tically little virtue in the claims and even if the amount of nico-' tine is materially reduced, we d ! know that nicotine is the chief' 'l harmful principle in tobaeco or to -Jf.aci-o siatike. My opinion is th:. such tobacco offers no practici ;td vantages over orIinary t4)baec: ('..pyriht John R Dille Co.) Quill Points War will pnd soon r.ftcr tritinip.i :il nivhea .m'p madp tp r.oiirpsont crossed crutches. Still, it s unkind to mention on l:li-fl,ik dinner irivpn vpars aeo. ''e-i'." if "liU,Vas:iVhi"l;1"": Yvi: w-.n tell ;n iiixufj-i froni .-ccssi:y. Nobody js ashamed : lo without a necessity. riicre can't he a ierinaiieut caste systchi In a latitl where Jour harhpr can tell you willed Murks Went up III points J'cs lenlay. A womt.n doesn't need !n- """"" lo lnI" "' n"ly at .11 lo Blless that the stock to fit her will he priced tictuvus lioy Cohen says girls of all sections talk ulike. - Since whe'l ! has Kansas maid called her car "keyah"? If he cusses the Federal Reserve hoard, it is B,,od form, to express cvion.rl.e , r.... .1... i cleaned in Wall street. this wicked world, and then we ip- fleet that the old Literary Digest's ciculaiion still keeps ai.ove the million mark. , '" can JihIkp tile cvlent ami ilcaice of a iiaretit's tut llici'ily by the lime ill. Mliicll his kids leant to drive. Collier's says a tax on 1pk.i1 liquor I Il'i!lmi.''' I"'inc la a billion dot- 1 ;' '"N 1 i ' o ! 1 MAIL TRIBUNE ' ' DAILY CROSS-WORD PUZZLE Acnoss I. Stupid p prion 4, Intended t, Caritentcr'i ' tool II. ltrifrct la. Curniiuund f UlHf 11. liliiil lw. Isno forth ft tun u nuurro 17. Anirrj 10. Aurihm ti. ."Mine rtitrnure SI. Milk limisa Sn. .Mrrrlfnl SC. ( imti-M of ilufd ' 7. 'I linrftiM tn. Whlrlnfii.t off tin? I'liruu I In tut t ?9, XiialiN vpi1 i:nKlM( rhcr SI. 1 irenrut 3i. T)i'irt Jin-m-ii -JtU bi.tiiusIiMtle dc voices: ultiriir if!. Stnnil plv '7, itilisou 5. Swabs 1 Solution' of L.t 8ff- Itnn annj 1 4i. 1. iral fiicm of a Inimuarrtt 43. I'on lne nnlmal Jfl. Sturm v 4. Fish i vtrt 4. Mtmtiy All. Tlirnus off 31iilo oiTKiirlny 11 A TFislHlAlME SS i InItIo LkET IjP AjTiEINMriJptog a n.x S HoTpo wis M tr!e 1e I 1 ! T ITW Tier ni p Is 'MiAiPiii b o Lit aTdieirU mm :0lLlAISiTIOlLiEa . f ' " " X'f7- : IS lb . . ! X r I 2f i "ft-'i 3 " ' ' vpi?),. . : - Is- 1 0T ' " ; " , ' ' ' - . is ; '; 4T I7 W: 'j .TT ' 7J7 j T I I ' 1 J lars. And that would almost pay j to mention that, since you hear so tho salaries of th new federal in- much abor.t "foroign crime." speolors rettuired. - - i 4 . Von know what these thres-j A!l lho ,,eaII' iPorlnnt million toned sirens on big ears are sav-jr-it'ea. are planning ' to continue ing. but as a rule those three words prosperity.. The nation probably aren't given-a rising Inflection. i wi bu,W mads, railroads will or Wtritesmen silling liefore a fir 1 may promote peace,, hut somebody ntist get the munitions makers, to - get her and hold their feetto the fire. I horn will he the last; '"'J fl' ' tueir money anil I so'ind ' for mortal cai-.s. i AiuI . hy .'" they will provide work ' tor Mlmt time the business of passing others.' ' ' ' - 3-'-' ' out just ahter a horn toots will be I II' they are cheerful,, the .nation ; a kind of hat.l; , 1 will lib cheerful. ' i ., ' ' '." ''I Allthe mltlibnalres, aIl''lio-Ri'eat 1 'Deaf and dumb pupils were' not ' fudust rll'.lists, nll 'the ciiiiKresses i impressed hv Xew Vol'k.' Tn ll 1 r nd leeisln ...nn.i :.n New Vorker. everyhoilV who' isn't people that which they must do i impressed seems dumb. - ! for thcmnclres, WORK AXD KEFP ' S i THEIR C0ltaGE I Correct this sentence:" "I -am! - 4' , ' " ' 1 0 sorry.'.' said the milliner, ''hut1 Ij: "Tho Women's Patriotic 'Publish. ! don't seem to have ti thing thai ins Company" 'criticises the state! looks uood on you."' 1 '' department for permitt'iiiK. Count I r - r! iKarolyi, disttneuished 'llnnaarian. ' Brisbane's Today (Continued trom Paite On) Cleiueiiccau's last liook will soon lie read all over the world. In it he speaks of those "eter nal puzzles." When asked "What of the hereafter?" he had replied "What of the be Tlir eteiaal puzzles Ineliide three. I How did we come here? we here? Whither do wo ro? Cldlllcnfianii liiiuti'orsiil tin cnnnnfl ; question with "We are here to flcbt for our country and tor justice," i und ignored the others. . I what Russians aro dolus with fly A horrible story or torture nnd Iiik machines there, minder comes from Arka'nsua. A j There is nothing "auxiliary" young- man ot '20. ou the way to he ' about the work that Russian fiv tnnn led with a i!lrl Hi yqars of ' Ins? machines do. . awe. Was seized hv five voiimr men t . 1 (urtitred, then burned to death, the wumiiu horribly treated. I I ; Tnoso accused of tho crime are . ! described as "members of well-1 i.uui.u luoiiiiucm laiiiiues. All of them. It appears, are , Americans, horn here, it Is well Yesterday's Puzz'9 6. Hfvournl J. Ktiritixr irl ' t iTiHl n.'ir;ilh o fit 'riin-fuii:tfi-J . fcjii'ur lit. Slllllll l.t.MT.t II. 'J'in . in. Nri-trii IH. Iliuif frost ' go. It rlii': him 1 1 aJWm; c j uj e Is ';"' ; niiii c in e :ii ii ml of Surnnlt fl. Siiiistiinthr Slri tiliid llir!i( 27. I)rhiv liita in). .Irittiiiiii 3(1. Filet liseil It RiS ClO'PiP.EtRj NiAPEAlRRfAt eyes; rr TV 'T, I Iih tiiiich HOWS t. i:xut -S. Tnlnl 3. Arrccied uiiii 11:111 sen t; ii a vessel 4. I'ltrlniireniix U. J'rhiccly liouao of Iliily 26. l,ik-iiPSi kiih 4(1. Stirl'ix 41. -alri 4 i. I'erMl 4:i. Ntitt nf n iliiva 4 1, JliCniI 4:, Kxi'lnmiitfoii uf liltiisure der steel, nil bis businesses will do what they can. Rut prosperity de ' l30"1'4 .Pn thV people themselves, i ftnfl- largely., on their mental con : dition. to enter the United Stales. ! The ladies suspect lIiat ."Karoiyi harbors I'evolitiionary ideas." ne does, indeed, and so did Wash inirtoii.j iJeffletsoii.' rranlilin' arid nome others. ;. ' V !; '' d Those men all harbored revolu tionary Ideas, anil did more. Thev started a rea! revolution, carried it throuRh siiccessfiilly, took the c,,il'es I'rom another country, oper co'.uilry away from those that were nli:iK overhead. : Patriotic laciies should try not to . . ..... J L : be silly. .' -Revolutionary Ideas that were npoln.l ta T-..:,...i t.. i77l;' are nr.eiled , m.,ary a elsewhere in Europe now. I'llit rvnorla ai.m .1 navy who call the flvlns machine i "an auxiliary weapon in war" "ucht to he sent to Manchuria, tn see The P'llneso take refuse In a mille' n,ul Hslnn flyiiiR niarhlnes kill all of them. I'erhaiis n little poison gas helped. It is a question as to who owns) a .uiiucnurian railroad. The Rtis-1 siaas settle that hy hiowint: up j both ends of the railroad and Its' Do Yoa Remember? TKX YKARK AfiO TODAV (From files of the Mail Tribune.) j Nov. J7. IHItt. fJeorK Trelchler, while attfnd ! intt Klks 'UafKe in Ashuind, ha ear stolen. ' -M dford tax levy fixed at 15 j mills, an increase uf i mills over previous year. advance to dollar a dozen.' I Afc'aln I st ret t. stocks tumble on Wall City buys k round near I. O. O. F. cemetery for garbage plant. ol. If. fl. Sargent writes ThanksKivinn letter with C'hurlea Lamb Kssay on rasi pis ua theme. New York HotroptiHtnn issues order that all Herman grand opera must ho sung ht'reafter in hlag lish. Twrx'ry vi:ai:s ao touat (t'rom'fjlos of thevMaii Tribune.) . November 27. J'JOJI. First car of Yellow Newtowns yold in lOnhuid, brings average of ?:t.06 per box. tol. iind Mrs. ll. II. Sargent of V.'ashiiiKton. D. C arc guests of .Mr. and .Mrs. . M. U. AlMrd. Vernon Yav.tcr, freslinuin at the rnivcrsity. of Oregon, returns to studies, after spending Thanksgiv ing Willi parents, Mr. and Airs. W. I. Vav.ter. lloostcr note: "Medford now has 7."00 populaticn." . , . V. slocks tumble when rreitl Tat't upholds Sherman anti law. ' . dent trust f. J. Hanson sells,! ranch near Tolo to Hnl c phut for $10,00; deal made by lioss Kline. : Communications j Orchard Pests in 1728. To the Kditor: , ne does not ordinarily go to. the poets for advice on orchard I pest control, and so I was startled j to find the following lines in Thorn- ( son's seasons, first published 'n 1 7 JS. 1J mo-sulphur is objection able enough to the operator, but pepper would be worse! Myriads on myriads, Insect armieB warp Keen in the poison'd breeze; and eat. Through buds and. bark, into the fi blaclfrtn'i'i. core.' '.: ' ) Tho'W ieogth- wayi. A feeble - Ktc! yet-hTf' I -i The sacre,Us-.)na Of ,veeenr; ,on 1 1 Tvr rf:ir(" ' iii.' -' I 1 v 1 -. . r","';-.j ?'; '.'.i ;ft'T , . .u , , To check this, plasue, the skillful , turmer charr, , And lila.'.nK straw, before his or- L,.,t, rhar.l burns:, ' '. - T'f'! !' vlved in moke, the lat- ;. . ent foe ' '' Fnm ov'''y cnlnn' fiiffneated fulte; sc:ltu'ra "'' the blooms ' th? . l)l"Went dust. Of popper, fatal to the frosty' trihr; J: "hen th' enveiibm'd leaf hetjlns o curl. 'V','1 sl"'hikled water drowns (hem . . In their nest. , . T"OMAS V. WILLIAMS. ?.fi.'dford. Xovemher 25. railroad stations .WITH FLYING j MACHINES. . . ., 'j,' ,;,.'" j Some diiy this nation wilt wake ! til) ami roullze what the flying mn , chine means. Let us hone that tt w"l nl,t ho waked by tlyins ma- , . - """"'""- w ot thousands of men morn nr lnna badly fed and clothed, to march, and he shot. Now. Russia . sends 12 soviet nlntlCa tn bomb tlm Cliinnun haarl. quarters t Khailar, and Immedl- Ptuly "10, 'osMfnia-are ?,!''' f;1.1?' is 0,1 TUAT IS MODERN WAR. . . , SAT IN DRAFTWrHION I si'i-Ki:in:n! ; i -It .1st never 'safe -t,j sit; f here ; draft of .all- strikes' the. kidneys. Painful couucsliou. severe bank I ache, and a dlslurbed urinal flow ! are usual results. "Impossible to I sleep, ami my back ached so I entlld ! neither sit nor lie down In eom , tort. Foley Pills diuretic cleared .away the pain and stiffness, and I am no lonKer troubled with nlcht cells, an.l sleep sountllv." so says D. .VtcMillen. Hudson. X. Y. Men 1 nil women everywhere ue and recommend them. By BUD FISHER i T' O . ,i Mr);"'3 55 ' '12 1 L ... I 1,,,.- rsJj e. ctx s' . :'.'.'..'. . ' ' ' ' ' . "; M