MF.DFORD MATL TRIBUNE, "MKIVFORD, OUKflON". Fit! DAY. X O V K Ml'. KR '22, I ffJ! . PAQE THREE KBEHEKP.-U TO BUY GAS LIGHTS 1IKKSK 'KKKK, Oic. Nov. (Spccliil.) The I'.-T. A. livid IIS "a ii hi i- ini'1'Uui.r lnt Friday. - numbor of thini;8 wto dlscussi-il, ynv of tile important lu'Inj; ('" mil-ly of tin- ollll.l. Mr. ll.'iir.' IC prize winning dessert is Jdhwell It's clearer more . beautiful. It fa'; jells WELL. , Its six luscious fruit . flavors provide desserts cf unlimited variety. It won Grand Prize at the Exposition Interna : tionale, Paris. Accept no substitute. 'tvell lecause it Jells so WELL hTell Soda crackers, like lettuce, must be crisp .and fresh... Snow ki.akks, light, flaky ami oven rrisp, arc n complement to t lie crisp yrecn lettuce of the saluil. You can ahsolutcly depend upoii their freshness and quality. They taste ovrv-criP' and they are! Tacked warm . from the ovens, in one of six big plants near your home, Snow Flakes are wax-wrapped lo retain their tempting rlakiness instantly scaled in sanitary cartons triply protected against moisture. As a further safeguard, they arc sold under a definite "Guarantee of Freshness." Tacikic Coast Biscuit ('OMrANT, 1.0 Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Taeoma, Spokane. Don't ask (or " " Mta Buvi' u sliui't talk on "Tim CliH.I, Ilk Nature ami Hi -NiuUs.'" .Jti.-s lliyll rulluwcj IWitli a sllult ta.1t on "I'syelioUi:y ' mul the 1-uriTit." It was di'ckli'il by tho usMoehitio-i to tilkil up llln sillily of "Till' Ni'W I'.syclioluKy mul llio I'arcni." Thi' suliji'vt of more lljtlits for the nrlumlliuilse was ilisi'llsseil nil-l It was Ui'i'iilril tliat yas lanterns j woiilit In- inireliasril. ( The l' ll r i s t in a k treats were. liruliKlit up anil it was ileeliliil t- , ,lo as it lias be,.,, ,lue In previous! vears. The pt.rems or imv whoi lleH e lo help nmv semi 2 5 ecntm ,,. .1,,. I..,,,. i...,- 11 1 1 ..v.m-v ehihi ibev i wWi to treat. The tearh- ers will then turn the money over : lo a iiureliiisliii; eoiiiiiiiltee wlio will see that the eanily anft nuts aro purehiiseil ami the sacks filled. Kaeh member drew mouths on which tliey wouhl provide some kind of eiiteitaliuiieiu and refresh liients. A ' public libraryi lias been in slalled In the . school for the bone fit of the parents in this district. Those who like to read may now have the use of library books by culling at the school and picking thein out. ' SAUDINR CHEEK. Ore.. Nov. 22. (Special.) Ban Jlartoll who lives on the left fork of the creek had the misfortune one day last week to badly injure his left hand by tho accidental discharge of his shotgun, lie went to Metlford for medical aid, but we have not learned how serious the injury was.' SAMS VALLEY DINNER GIVEN ENDORSEMENT S.VMS VALLEY. Ore., Nov. 22.. (Special) The last meeting of the Ladies' club was held at Hie homo of .Mrs. M. A. Schulz, with a good attendance. The principal business ot the nft- ernoon was endorsement or the community tThanksBivins dinner, j w hich will be ln-lcl as usual at tho school house, where everyone is j welcome to bring dinner unci join I in llianksivih! crackers say SAMS VALLEY GRANGE ...,,,, ,-, .... VAI.U-.V Ore., Nov. (Spcciull Thu ivsulur IlleetillK of KVUIIKH I"''1' Sllturiluy nlKlit, The muster, Albert Straus, iheiiiK III iittemlamo ut Hie .hiioiiiu , (.runKv his flmii- was, IllleU by u. j r.. .M'aliin, overseer. overseer. ItoaU dlsctission occupied most of i the business sessiun, when I.. M. i Sweet talked on thu mutter of ask- j tiiK me county court unit oilier road ofl'icliils to review n proposed roadway through tho IteaKlo section i Unit will complete, tho unfinished ' section to thu Crater Utko high- way. i After considerable discussion a j motion was carried to this effect, j and n vonimitteo. appointed to In-1 terview officials. Committees wore nlMi appointed for Hie 'purpose ol' investiaUnt; tho cost or hoatinn tlio uiuMtorittm ami the cost oC new stapo material. Aflor thu closing of knuiko tho youiiK folks eujuyoU several hours playing namos. At the uext regular mootinp, Do- cemher 7, the now candidates will he Riven the third and fourth de grees. VA ; X ) 1 1 C U K K Iv. Ore.. Nov. L'L" (Special) .Mi, iind 'Mm MtH'uIIot-li and family, new com- ers in this vh-inlty were visitors in Mfdford Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. (J. A. Jiriner, who now live in JIiuikHhi, report thai Mr. isriiur's health lb niurji 1m proved. . 1 Mr. nd Mrs. Ollvo liarlow. newly married rotiplc. were visit ing his sister, Mrs. C. A. Khi,'hten. last week, Mr. and Mrs. Krn st J-yda oC Koret (Inivc, while en route lmnio from California, mailt a hort rail on Mrs. Myra 1 trad ley and family lust Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. 31. Ij. Humfners and family called mi Mis. Win. Harri son Monday. Mr. and Mrs. 1 1. .1. Davis ami family visited at tin hum' of Mr. and Mrs. Krank K'-rhy last Tues day evening. Mrs. Klea nor Perkins is in Hie hospital in Ashland, when she underwent an operation for ap pendicitis. Duvo McCoy was an Ashland caller Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. IS. G. Taylor nnd family of I!ray, t'al., are spending the week at the home of her par ents. Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. Kerby. .Mr. 'mul Mrs. H. W. (iriffis and family of Portland. Oreson. re cently moved on to tho property formerly known as the II. ". Lacy place. WILLIAMS CKJ3KK. Ure., Nov; .'.(Special) Mrs. K. It. Cluin ents. from northern California. Is spending u week or two with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Var ner of Williams. .Mr. and Mrs. I'hllip Hoetcbry and Mrs. Temby were dinner uiicsts at the home of Mr. und Mrs. C. W. llobcrts Sunday. Sunday dinner guests ut the home of Mr. and .Mrs. .John Letll- ken included Mr." anil Mrs. Jtert llolzhauser nnd daughter, Kay. Mr. and Mrs. Lunce ( )flVn line her of i Applegatc were visitors at I he home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Sparlin of Williams Sunday. Fred Lieheti," who was in the ho:- it;il at Grants Pass and later was confined to his room at home with' rhetiinal Ism, is improving. Sunday visitors at the home of Grandma .If dm ami Mrs. Stella Slratton included Mr. and Mrs. George Kiddle of Grunts; Puss, Mr. and Mrs. Holiunn of- Hood lltviT and Mr. and Mrs. phlliji Meetol'iy and their mother. Mrs. rvmhv of Williams. PICKET FLOUR Picket Family Patent Picket Whole Wheat Picket Graham Picket Farina Picket Pancake 'Ask Your Grocer . r Distributed by MASON, EHRMAN CO. Medford ! ; -WUIAMS CHEEK- 1 1 1 LAKE CREEK A K 10 t'llKKK, Ore., Nov. SS.r (Spielal.) Mr. mid Airs. I'. K. llellows were helping Mr. Wyant piek turkeys Thursday. .Mr. and .Mrs. L'has. i.eefield and Win. Almy were visilltii; mar l!rnuts 1'as.s Sunday. .Mr. mid .Mrs. Win. NussbaUin were 111 Mudford Tuesday. Mrs. 1'. S. Johuston and little dauuhler. who have been In -Med- foril for a couple of weeks aro o.v ,.,,, ,,,,, , hls, c Wl.k Jln ut,oll ul,j Uauuliter ltutli I,.i, i,v.. been .. the T. I.. Fallow K, ,WV1, ,,ell .,, ,u. .p im, p.ft Monday for their homo m.:u. Heese t'reek. 0- j.; j.-r,.v ,i family expect to I leave soon to locate on a ranch I near Heiiule. .Mr. ami .Mrs. K. It. iiiscboff havo houitht a ranch ihero und are at homo to their friends. .Miss Clover, thu county nurse, visited the schools .Monday, Little Murcnret Walcli was taken sick n few days iiko. They took her to the doetor Wednesday forenoon. It was feared she inignt havo appendicitis. Andrew Simpson has returned to the valley to stay for a while. Mrs. Cecil Abbott returned to Med ford Wednesday. Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Crissom ship ped quite a bunch of turkeys Mon day. Miss lturr, county supervisor, visited tho schools in this commu nity Thursday. Her mother ac companied her. Mr. and Mrs. C. IS. llellows wore at Lake Crock Saturday night helping Mr. Wyant ut the dance. The road crew is still busy haul ing gravel on the North Fork road. Miss llaupt of Washington, D. C, Kave n very interesting lecture about the Indians Wednesday evening. MikeJIanley and his sister, Mrs. Hush, were among the Grango at tendants Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. JI. A. Meyer were in M.ed ford on business tho first of the week. Mrs. Mcssal spent n. few days in Med ford with her mother, who si quite sick. Mrs. G W. Frey was improving at last report. Mrs. IS. IS. Meyer is spending a few days In Medford. Harry Tumi was the guest of MM via Wright of JJrownsboro Sunday. J - Mrs'. Loi'eU Karlow, who has been .flsitlng for the past week In Medford returned home Saturday. Mrs. Frank Karlow was tho ;;uest of her daughter, Mrs. T. F. Nichols of Kagle Point Monday. Leo and Leonard ttradslmw left Tuesday for their Headwood ranch to ride for cattle. Tlie Misses ISlsio and Dorothy Willi lie and Vernon M on la were Sunday visitors at the C. S. Wllhlte home. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Terrill of Yrcka are spending this week with Mr. TerrllPs parents, Mr. and trs. C. IS. Terrill. Dalton is employed by tho Copco. .,, Among those from Lnko Creek who attended the ISaglo Point Grange carnival were JUr. and (Mrs. T.. L. Fallow, .Mr. and iMrs. JS. IS. Meyer, -Mr. and Mrs..Jieed Charley, Mr. ami Mi's. -IT. Ij.'Toiifi, Mary llanley. Mike llanley, KafaM Gard iner, Victor Gardiner, Fred Far- low, Harry Tonn and Pill Altuy John Walch received word his mother -was taken seriously ill. Ho left at once for Medford to he at her bedside. Mr. and Mra. If. L. Tonn nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. C. , IS. Terrill Were guests Sunday at tho H. G. (Meyer home. Kayinond and Wallace Ttngsdale, who have been In Onkland, Cal., for sometime, returned home 4iun- duy. GOLD HILL, Nov. (Hpl.) Toiiey Hops Is employed ill a inlm owned by C. W. Martin, superin leiidcut of tho Denver Portland Co tnent company, which is sit tutted near Jacksonville in what Is known as the "lllne Ledge District." ; Mr. .and Mrs. George 31aff(who resido near this city, are . now the owners of a new 1 S UU Durant Sedan. A number of people from Gold Hill nro employed on'- tho bridge being built over Denr Creek about thmo miles north of Medford. The bridge Is one of the links in the Sams Valley to Medford -market road. MrH. C. W. Martin returned from a visit to Portland the first part of this week. After a short visit there, she was accompanied homo by her mother, Mrs. Ilatti- lineman of that city, who will be here for n short while. SAMS VALLKV, Ore.. Nov. HI. Sifcjil.) Mr. ii ml Mrs. K. W. Wilson of ISvans valley were In our district Monday delivering bians to the market agent of the Sams Valley Grange. Some of our farmers nro com plaining over tho nuisance of two unknown, horses, n and light gray, which have bothered around premise all summer and of whose ownership no one seems uble. to give any informal Ion. - Saui- Valley grangers who t-l'-nded the L'ktfle Point Grange c;tr nival hud many compliments for those In charge of tho affair. PHOENIX DELEGATES . REPORT. ON MEETING PHOKNIX. Ore.jiNov. 22 (Hpe dal.) The ladles' Missionary so ciety met iH tho church on Tliurs duy afternoon, A report of the synodlcal meet in at Port hind was given. Mrs. Vlall, who was the detcRHte of Phncnix attending the meeting gave her verbal report, and a written report from Mid. K. Ivcf-oti of Medford was read. i 1 GOLD HILL , . SAMS VALLEY j i GOLD HILL SEES E GO, mm Grc. Nov. ; (Special) During the past few i weeks there has been considerable; comment in Gold Hill regardim; J the amount of water in Hogue j river. The water is thu lowest 1 it has been In the past years: at this s-.ason. Usually during the' latter part of November, tho river j is rising and is from five to 'i j feet aliovo the usual water level. . At present the river has risen j a boil l one foot In the last three ! months above the usual water i level. Since it has not ruined for j several weeks, the river seems to, be again going down, rather than j rising. No rain Is vredieted in thoi near future by the weather bureau J and if tho weather does not change within a very short time. tho. river will have reached Us lowest! mark at this time of the year. The temperature is now at freez-1 ing point every night, j Creeks which flow Into Hogue river are ah-o at their lowest) stage. In previous years, these J small creeks, some of which were) dry in the summer time, were tor- rents at this season, but at present barely enough water is flowing to( be noticed. ! i GRANGE ELECTS: WILLIAMS CU1S1SK, Ore., Nov.; 2 2. (Special) Williams grange! held its regular monthly meeting; at tho Williams convnunily hall' Saturday. November 1 ti. Dinner I was served at noon. The delicious ! birthday cako was baked by Mrs., Lester Sparlln. .. i Only one was present whose birthday is in November, Mr. Clay ton Stone. Two were given the third and -fourth degreo work dur ing the business session the new officers were elected for tho on- suing year: Master, Georgo Fields; overseer, Osea r J oh nsu n ; secre lary, Charles Cougle: treasurer. Mrs. T. J. Wilkinson; chaplain, C. '. Roberts: lecturer. Mrs. Harry CutigJc; steward, Mrs. Muy Fields:! assistant steward, Clinton Iledge pelh; lady assistant Steward, Tbel nui Wilkinson; gale keeper, Mr. Vahrenwald; Ceres, ' Josephlno Topping; Flora, Mrs, Vahreuwald; Pomona, Mrs. Johnson. These officers will be Installed the next meeting. December 21. WILLOW SPHING-S, Ore.. Nov. 22. (Special.) J'ussell llarrN, eldest son tif Mrs. W. P. Harris, spent last week In the valley as the :,'in'st of his mother. He was here mi business as well as pleasure ami nan been appointed trustee of the 1 larrls estate. A correction Is to be mado in tho item of November 1 , whicli stated that Mr. and Mrs. Pea.l Honnoy cntcrlulned tho Grange drill team. Tho llnner given on Thursday evening ut the Ilonney home was under the auspices of the. Super-Maid aluminum agent. Thf dinner for the drill team Is still something -for them to look far ward to. Curl P.likhulz and Jack Sullivan of Milwaukee, Wis., who have been FI'JchIh at the J. W. Lfrkho, homo for the past six weeks, left on t In. SIihhIu, last Sunday. Mr, rami Mrs. A. H. Clements vls M'd their hoii 'le, who Is a stu dent at1 O. S. C. They returned to JSugene Saturday where tliey attended the game und visited their younger son Dot. They arrived homo Hunduy, v 'Curl Hoer and John liohnert attended the ganio at ISngene, leav ing' hero Friday morning and re turning Sunday night. They visP cd the students from this district and greatly enjoyed the gfiine. Invitations are out to Thanks giving llnner at the J. AV. ISIden home. This is an annual event nnd much enjoyed by tho favored oncf. i Mrs. H. D. Alverson of Grams Pass and her house guests, Mrs. Josephine Slater of Kockford and Mrs. Hattln Cleveland of Chicago. 111., were week end guetds at th-3 homo of Mr. and Jlrs. W. K. Par ker. Gollcge fltudents expected home for Thanksgiving are: Miss Wtld.i I'lchmond, Dot and Clol Clements, George and Harry Klden and He- md Ihtver. Cleo Voung arrived home Sun day from a ten days' trip. Ilo vis ited old clas-mates at CorvalM:-. spent a week with relative nt Cot tage Grove and attended the game at ISugene. Frank Stephcn-on lias been n the Kick list for the last two weeks. hut Is Kllghtly Imtu'oved. A. V. Carlson ban u helper an it Improving hU time this dry weatliff by getting his pruning don". The Willow Springs wchool board .lutlmrlzed a, commit teo lo pu- ohkse material for n new curtain fr the pehnfilhoiiHe stage. The ladies of tho Willow SprinnS Thurs drty club will make the curtain, which will be hung by -volunteer workmen. W. K, Parker Is doing romo re pair work at tho Willow Kprlng- H'honlhnue, Tho II. M. P.ush family aro pre paring to move to Medford nnd the Clyde Hansen fhinily to move hltn iho r.uah home. Tho two families have exchanged property. Mr. J. U, SIhkIo, who has been seriously ill for some time, Is able to be bo out aitaln. Mr. nnd Mm. Slftglo wero Sunday dinner guesfs at the M. K, Youuk homo and on Monday thev were enter! rtlnd nl WILLOW SPRINGS O. H. UlackCord'g. . . . three was a gridiron in the kitchen onot which my morning rasher, of bacon teas cooked. . . . Traddlcs cut mutton into jcrrcs. . . . Mr. Micawhcc covered them with pepper, mustard, salt and cayenne, I put them on the gridiron, turned them with a fork and took them off, and Mrs. Micawher heated and continually stirred some muahroom ketchup in a saucepan . . . in the midst of such a tempting noise and tacour . . . my own appetite came hack miraculously. 1 am ashamed to admit it. but I really believe I forgot Dora for a little while." David Coppum-hiliX , 'I FORGOT DORA FOR A LITTLE WHILE' VTOTIIING is so fundamental to man as scaling. is mote delightful than eating well. Charles Dickens like no other writer realised Ahfs: His characters became real personalities through their humanity their relish of the creauuc comforts that wc ourselves arc aware of. Good food, temptingly prepared and served, is a treat (hat all people enjoy in JDickcns' own Merric Kngland or with us today. To think that there was any one age "when eating was an art" is really a mistake. . It means overlooking, Surely, the appetizing, toothsome delights to be haif in I RYE'S DIILICIOUS BRAND 1 IAMS Six diillKlitful Dicliuns Cluuaelor Prints sent on littlest to Dlckuns , niiillliiK. I'lniHiiiil lipugo reelpo book Inclndfil. Address Krye THEY'LL PRAISE YOUR BAKING Win praise from the family with these nicer muffins made with Spcrry Drifted Snow Flour. The improved results you get with this ' muffin recipe will be re peated with everything you bake when you use Drifted Snow (the West's largest selling flour). Fol low directions carefully. 2 cup, lift,d Hour t wcll'hal,n rm 4 levrl l.tipoon. I cup milk taking powder 2 l.H-ipoont ot i Mhl.,pooar melted .homning lugt, t leiipooa icJi raasiairwi Salesman "Well, Fred, how many cases of good coffee do you "Better double my usual order, Bill. My customers are all going 'Qolden West'.'" AND BACON, so smacking good and flavory they might well have graced th boards of those jovial, discriminating con-,-'noisscurs of Dickcnsian adventure. HAM BACON . i i 1 1 raw Sift dry inprtdicnti Into mix ing b"wl. Beat cp, well, add m. Ik. Than gradually dd this mixture lo dry ingredienrt heating until smooth. Add ihortcnin;. Half till well greased muffin pans and bake about 20 minutes in a hot OYcn (425). need this trip!" . And nothing, after all, ..l.V!: lovors.- Sum! 5c to cover - ft Uonipuny,' Portland. COLUMN ( r r m f 6USTER UT MAr got up Nosrfeo to . i (r0Ney with , i -Vtmt radio. cT- Who can blame his wanting to listen to such a splendid radio fronv- Radio Service Laboratory ELECTRIC WIRING CO." 22 South Orp -Phone: Otflot, 33S; Rtt., 144a I