The Weather Forecast: Tonight nml Thursday fair; no change in temperature. Medford Mail rrn iiu 3UNE Temperature Highest yisitcrdny .... Lowest Ihls morning Dilly Twentj-foufUi Yar. HMtlT KUU-dfliUi Vetr. MKDFORD, OliWiOX. V KDN'KSDA V. NOV KM 1KK 2, No. 2-12. Quite An Earthquake. Backward Modern Youth. Where Is John L? Prince and Wall St. Cured (Copyright by King Featurei Syndicate, Inc.) T li e eastern earthquake, reaching from' Long Island to Halifax, was not quite "" u'l fling incident." Trans-Allim-lic cables lying on tin.' bottom of the wean wore snapped in two, three out of four French lines made useless, Western l'n io'.i and l'oslal cables also suf fering, service crippled. Fortunately, no earthquake run break the atmosphere, and radio messages will always be available. Koliert Maviiaril tjLly :!(), is bead of 'hiciigo I'liiversily. At 'J.'i, be was dean uf the Yale 1iiiv School. . In old days, ol'tcner than in onr day, great things were done by the very young, Alexander, Napoleon, etc. Young Captain Nelson, later Admiral and Lord Nelson, when only 2"), rebuked by an older officer for youtl)ful picsump tion, replied: "Sir, T have the honor to bp of the same age as the prime minister of Kng land." The young president of Chi cago rnivcrsity might quote 1 hut to anybody criticising his youth. lie is six years older than Pitt was when lie first lie fame prime minister. ( An Italian Riant, IVimo Car Viera, heignt li feel, 10 weight 280; having beaten the Ameri can," Stribling, in London, will come here and may fight an other Italian giant, Vittorio Campolo. In the featherweight division Kid Chocolate, colored gentle man from Cuba, delighted New York's refined civilization by fighting Jose Martinez, from Spain. Until speak English. "Where are the American ex ponents of ''the manly sport!" Where is John hi Where is Jack Dempsey, McGovern. the terrible Hattling Nelson, liiueli puzzled when Jack Loudon de scribed liim as "an abysmal brute." Nelson resented the word "abysmal." h A" England is gratified to heat that the king's second son. the ' Duke of York, thanks to an Australian specialist, is cured of stuttering, due to a physical defect. . The young prince is no long er compelled to refer to hi: father as the "k-k-k-k-k-king." CRESCENT Medford Chamber Shows 11,090 Cars Shipped By Rail in 1928 Portion of Tonnage Awaits Ocean Outlet-Copper Ore Ship ment Handicapped By Lack of Harbor. C'ISKSCEXT CITY.'Cal., Nov. 20. -P) Transcripts of luslimony pre sented ;it a hearing Here looKin 'toward development of thht liarlior t liv me government ,-,-- i--- , 1 1 .. i ..i. : .... l . . . ... .- i.... in iho i 1 I IHI'll 111. I Njiri'tl ItlllilJ I'M rui'uii. 1 :.. ..f ,1... I'liit.-ll couimcicp coiiiiiiiiitr.- ... .... States senate, v. hose action result ed in nn economic resurvey of Iho large w.ullMTli Oregon nml norlll in California territory involved, in ils relation to the harbor. Representatives of six -oil colll oiolos. lumber exporters a u il mines testified before Major K. 11 J ltopes. district engineer niy boarn TodavTELL ED !L ' ACTIVITY IN By Arthur Brisbane I I I ft 11111111 hi ,EOJbiVi ' . . W U" V'U UV U V mmmKv; ipr n m r m Forty New Liners Will Be ' Built, Is Word at Hoover Conference On Business Prosperity See Bene " ficial Reaction in Industry " As Result of Discussions. Unu , 'ty Gets Thy ickage of Sc. Vic Matter , V i:i'(;i:.NK, Ore. -The sniall- est shipment or nay HUhsiaii- ! lance ever received liy any- one in the world as far as call he itscerliilned lias nrriv- cd nt Die I'liiversily of Ore- pin. J. It u'dlirliml one three hull- 4 ' died thousandths of on ounce and Is known ns tiatl neiirliic , vitamin. I ! it was received hy nr. Km;. DLlsh Orders Send Leadinn lllltlllint 1'iun.inoi ' clicmiHiry nml Ih to In used in vt'Hcarch work. I BUYING HAS BULL TREND IN MARKET 4 t UTAH PLEA of the who presided at the , hearing, and Lieutenant 1'. Ilutier. All lold how development of this harbor would benefit them and the territory Involved. Mines llantlhiippcil I.. A. l.evensaler. head of the northwe.-:t mining department of the American Smelting and Refin ing company, pointed out that mines In this territory nre paying a higher freight rate per ton mile haul than any other customers of his firm. Ho declared that In all eases transportation had been the chief drawback of mines tributnry to (SrantH l'ass. Ore., and tills city. "We are buying copper ore from three properties that could In crease their output and ship via Crescent City If harbor racinues nermltte'd and a railroad was built to the coast," l.evensaler declared. Ho explained how these properties at present are shipping via Kiddle, Orants Pass and Medford, Ore., by railroad at greater expense than If this harbor was developed. Amu I'ntlcnlevelopctl Levensaler said his company is interested in finding an economic outlet for the ores of tills district as it is considered one of the best undeveloped mineral areas in northern California and southern Oregon. The chamber of commerce of Medford in a report submitted at the hearing listed 11 .091) carloads of products shipped from that sec tion during the year 1H2S. The report said: Should development of the Crescent City harbor reach a point where ocean going craft could be accommodated, a large portion of this represenlatlvn ton nage would be made tributary to that point. Transportation facil ities between the Hague ltlver val lev and that harbor would result." Hobbs. Mall & company of tills city reported they are forced to export lumber in small boats, from which the product is transferred to ocean going vessels at San lianeisco. Development of tKls harbor, their report stated, would eliminate, this transfer. Ship More Oil The oil company representatives testified to shipping largo iiuantl ties of their products through Crescent City in the past. They were unanimous In declaring these shipments would Increase in num ber and size if this harbor was de veloped. A statement by Standard Oil said tile company has erected a large plant at Crescent City and has shipped to that city and by truck and boat LTm tons of bulk products since August litl'll. Associated I'ress I'hoto. mimviii- ll,- review His ro" the I nlver-ity of t alilornla llo-pllal ..tier the firemen ha.l fought the way" I., the ha-e of an evplosion which tl,,.,,,iil .I.Mr.. :tl.. ,.t .h- building and .He lives of tit any invalids. :-- ClNTYiURT 1-0VES1CKALBANY OFFICIALS PAY PAYS RR Rill BOY ANNOYED LOIS) FINAL TRIBUTE oHEi'MOR; WIL T0SEGY.G00D Widow of S. W. Dunham Calls Aileniion to Debt Illness Came in. First DeAutremont Trial Eagle Pointers Seek Road The widow of S. W. Dunham a Juror In the first trial of Hugh DeAutremont, serving a. HCo sen tence In stale prison nt Salem for his part 111 the Sisklyoim Tunnel hulriup murders whose death re sulted in a mls-trlal, appeared be fore the county court this morn ing and asked that Jackson county assume a debt uf $18.60 for medi cal services to iJunham. Til'-' county court needed to her request. Mrs. Dunham told the court mat at the time of her husband's lll-i ni ss and dealh, she was nssurcd , any obligations Incurred would be borne by the county. llecenlly! a collection agency called upoiv her, and asked payment. The I county court said It was their first official knowledge of the non-j payment. Dr. C. T. Sweeney was the attending physician. ! An order waft signed hy thc countv court thin morning, triina-l AI.BAXV, Ore., Nov. 20. (!') Arrested on complaint . of l.o.rf Wilson, motion picture nclr I who told authorities he had nn-l noyert and threatened her. Cllf-I ton I'hclps. 21, Albany youth, wnsj 'in Jail today pending a sanity I hearing. I Albany police were Informed; j Phelps had written Misa Wilson I many letters and had made one trip to lleveriy Mills, Cal to nee jlisi Wilson. - Phelps, arnordln to police, mailed the movie star a large butcher knife smeared with red paint, which was accom panic! by a note bearing ;"sj East Room of White House Is Scene of Service for late War Secretary Sample Dignity Seen in Presbyterian Rites. of skull and the cross - likeness hones. l'bclns Is charged with misuse of the malls, but authorities said the charge probably would ho dropped if Phelps Is found Insajic. SENATE VOTES TO WASHINGTON. Nv. 20. VJV rei-riiif,' SH.nou from the murki't I im jfn:ito tmlay votr1 to .iljourn ru:ul fund to the Ronoral road ' in(, nt j0 o'clock Friday nteht. ailowinc for a werk'n rcHiulo be tween the special and rcpnlar ncy- fund. for rental and use of county machinery, in market road con struction in this county the pant summer. Th market road fund is provided equally l.y the. cminiy and Htatc. Sell i:dilinnc. A hill of Hitlo was signed trans fcrrintf to Attorney William ItrtKK" of Anhland for J"0, an Kdiphono l-urchased by a former prosecut ing nttormy, from the prohibition runa. mr use in ; . ot(ll(, .,n u,nuhU an fet- no (MM " ; ... (Honai r:i in i.u n nun in 1 1 n-c ilbt for tonlulit by cnairnian smnf. The vote was 4f to 33. WASHINGTON. Nov. 2ft. (7I Th house leaders today Haul Ihey were confident that body would offer no objection to ad loiiinnicnt 'oT coiiKrcMs next Krl- day. WASHINGTON, Nov. 20. 'l Flagra at half must throughout the land today ulKiialed the cessation of Koveiiuncntal afl'ulra as Presi dent Hoover and other officials of both the American and foreign gov ernments assembled In the historic cast room of the White House and paid final tribute at the funeral of Janioft W. Good, the late secretary of war. The services of the Presbyterian church were conducted with simple dlKiiity. Around I be room, in which many epochal events of American history havetaken place, were flo ral tributes from personal friends. .foreign government and many or j Kanlzatlons. ' , The services opened with a pray er by the Itev.' Joseph It. Sizoo, pan- tor of the New York Avenue Pros I byterian church.- Alter all had left (be east room the secretary's body was left with the military guard of honor., A few minutes later employes of the war department filed into the room for a "last trihue to their late chief. WASHINGTON. Nov. I'll (P) Henry Kord, Owen L). Young, Pierre Ibil'oiit and other financial leaders have been invited by Prosi- 'dent Hoover for his second busi ness conference at the White House tomorrow. ! WASHINGTON, Nov. 20.! I A more optimistic psychology, in ducted by the prospect of easier railroad,- shipyard and novern- mental const ruci inn, was foreseen today iih the i'irsl product of Presi dent 1 1 Oliver's pniKrnm for In creasing and Ktultilizlng American prosperity. Those close to the administra tion looked forward to a prompt and beneficial reaction from the chief executive's conferences wi'.fi Iho presidents of the Kt'cut eastern railroads ami bankers from all sections of the nation and from assurances of large orders for rail way and marine equipment that have grown out of .Mr. Hoover's campaign.. The chief executive's schedule of conferences with the leadqiw of American economle endeavor will be resumed today with n dis cussion of what the luanuractur iiiK and industrial field can do to advance bis plans, attended by a group of men prominent in that phase of the nation's business. Ship Yards to Hum. ThrouKh the operation of mall contract awards and loans from the $2!Q,0Ou.0U0 fund established by the J ones-White law to assist -in the expansion of' the merchant marine, the administration expects the shipyards to be humming with activity within the spnee of hIx months. Construction of a total of 40 new vessels, largo and fast enough to compete with nny on the seus, la planned by companies which have Indicated nn intention of sub mitting bids. New liners for the north Atlan tic service estimated to cost ap proximately $25,000,000 are plan-nod. It was pointed out tlit the prospective marine construction should mean much to many branches of American commerce, through the variety and extensive ness of the articles .which go Into the making of a modern ocean liner. These Include such wide spread needs as steel, plumbing fixtures, electrical appliances, up holstery, draperies and furnish ings and fittings of all kinds, HEARD Shares Upward $1 to $15 Genl. Electric Touches $216 Biscuit Stock Split-Up Enhances Value Trading Heavy in Eariy Day. - NEW ROUTE Expansion of Coal and Iron Industries Would Be Re sult of Keddie-Klamath Link, Is Testimony at Hearing Klamath Inter veners Wind Up Argu ments Today. nevei-1 1 ne fjaipnoue coiimm , ,,,, ... .,,if.rHbhi t there nvo been content since lie rumors of din designated the l iirni nels hi ii ec AULIM J t:i. (Continued on Page Klgbt) J rFlm a lit a ririonm yApti. u mum UL.IUill bILLUUli 1 TRYING RESCUE V I 1 lirt'sclit olflnal allirimu n'l lnl tne Killlilinin.' nsi'il It. a iiHiingMK l. a rocnlvlnn bcI. a jicralM'r anil two dirpn recunlH. A ilpleKatlon of Kaxle Tnlnl rr-niilcntB honiloil by Kiank lirnwn nkpd fur tin- innKtinctliin of a ni-w nail In that wrllmi. to PXti'lHl rrom near the foi mor Jno Itaik-r , HEALTH FORCES KIPLING place io iH-iii nn- GRANGE ASKED END SUPPORT KI'tlKNi:. Ore.. Nov. 1rV - Henry Itarker. youiiK ileaf mute -ifl FEDERAL BOARD noar tin raior hli-hwav. fiii-mini,- a link roan ano i innnlnit In a noitn anil sonin m-r I rrM'linn. The matter wan taken under advUenient. Till! county limit of Douglas rnuniy, palil a visit to the eoarity roiirt, anil talked hp. tax'M. enurthoii!e conflrin tlon, and other malleiM. The vIkHUIk "iirt was in route home from a trip mvr InrpniiMn Q h J p i r'''"" ' ULUUUIlU 01 III U!r!!nl'yrinathin h'i"W at .la. li.oB- vllle. The Jatlifon ouit pioni lued to return the call al an early NOME. Alaska. Nov. l. iT date. Word that I'llot Curl imn Kl-lv.n The iinal'h of routine mnt who. nssisted hy Pilot Frank Uor- ter wan lrunat.l hy the ourt. lu nifi.miitinir to retirue nari- t:onimiHilotK-r tleorwii Alfonl was ..n ivi-o hlo leehonnd near ; wearlnir Ii Ih Sunday, mil. "nd Voi Hi oe. tljlieria. had li"etl i""n I bent mile an lie hei nme native. flvlnn within b milon nn ilia first of llie.wreK. imu is K"prn lteiuhli'r-n Independents M.-dford, (Ire., who was returniim; Ihe "iionM of wild J'ifkasseH." j home am! hiklUK to save expenses. ' I was alluei;ed by hoboes on Ihe (mt- sl lits of huaene lale lust niKht ami . r ., vinii (Iniimo robbed of his money and most of t,1(,y hy cmrip H. Wilson of the SKATT1.K. WmIi., Nov. 20. (A1) -A pli-a lr milipnrl for tlio fed eral farm boiiril wim utldrcHHetl to TO TAKE TRIP ABROAD ,,"1I,I"K-V'1' '' '"' who imia iiiy coum im f IU IHM1 mir nonvnu ,.UnMK m,.n.hl,M supplied him ,',.,.,, ,llr ,e 11 doh- . with n warm eoat and other neces I.OMK1N', KnK.. Nov. 2U (l'l siry rilb-s of wearlnK r.pparel Itudyard KIplliiK. who linn minis the pralKOK mid faullH of tho llrillsli empli'B for nearly half a renluiy, must gu iihroad f"f IiIh heallh. Ills physlelan ha no ordered, nil vlsluc also eaneellatlon of n radio speech m hediiled for December 11. KIpllhK will be CI yearn' old next month. and Kimene police K'lVn him a b.-rt In the dclenllon cpiarlers. Cold in Pendleton I'KXIil.liTON. Ore.. Nov. 20 (,Vi 'I he nierciny ilroppcd to !l lie uiepH ulmve ein here lusl nlehi. Ii wim th e 'olilent niKlit of tho sea- biuio KrutiKn sun so far. ureal aBlHtanie liy doing oil ok Hllilu to encoiiraKn Iho co-operative marketlUK movement. "Wo hellcvo that tho form or KiinlzatlnnH, find imrtlciiliirly the (IreiiKM with Hit long lilatnry of Burvlio to nKrlciillure, can ho of Kreat aaHlHtnnce," Wilson said, buk ReHtliiK that the local, county and Hive support nml Night Vigils at Miracle Grave to Be Stopped After Sunday Is Order hi Ki-anil guidance to tho coopcrnllvo nno- " I cliitlntifi within Ihelr territory, lln itlso (tuggesied that local grnngPH devote much tlnto to a Bludy of the farmerB' iniirketlng prohlemii. In addition, Wilson discussed In a general wny the pollcleB of the. farm boiiril and told of what lind nlrenily been done to n"slBt tlin r.f the Nanuk. one of tho vppi. i proml of It. ! was received lust nipllt. Infor mation wiih nlso received that h'J motor had been heard within 50 nillen of tho hip by a Itussian trapper. It wan bo foggy, hnw- I ever, that the trapper did not e I the plane, tho report Mid. The filers are attempting to I bring those a hoard the Nanuk i.b'l Lovlpl shin Staxroiiol. Icehonnl Thit II funny time to hobble', near Nanuk. to Nome, women with long skirts when they They made one trip to the N.i are liable any time or anywhere j npk and returned hero with e x to need all the speed they kin mus- ln-scnser. and a ipiamHy of fu.-n. t,r. li h.rdlv n. to be a aentle- n thdr ttteniptvrt reiurn to the smm in. mn with men act-1 Nanuk th i .. .... ....l.l I.lll.wl tlw. nlhr m.w.pi.n .Mass. .mh. "-"'- 'riii, ii v'tlnie visit in ' groin, wool, mohair, HveHtock nml All n.ght vigllB at the grave of the hiee days. The d.;tl ne V s II u h . cooperative OBBO- I Il..ii'..r ,'Pn l.f IIOU1B iinnolllCI'll Will -ii-.m; '.'. L .,!.. .,n,.. Of ihnllSlfllls of ' II- in. Bnd '' P. Ill- A half llOUl' ' ; people seeking aid for their l.t fll - I" fore closing lime Ihe chapel bell lion- will be -.topped .Kuniliy. "f- will 'log a warning to visitors. ficlalB of the Holy frns cemel.'ivi A crowd of r.T..""H came lo tile nnoiinepil ibivtilne visit ng grave yeaterilliy. r.owaio . flif-goll Weal her. Oregon: Pair tntllght a"d Thill .Im- u ilk vtiIIpV fliLB In Wi'Sl I f oila " portion Thursday morning. No hours oul). beginning next Men change In temperature, (lentle to; day. mod'ialelv ea-t-rlv winds on the! Tens of thousands of people (.,inHt I crippled, blind and diseased, bav . i : ! journeyed to the grave In Ihe la' T..ii..r v, .vi.,1 !i I. ii! Doil.andl i lliree weekn on reports, of miraeil turned back. Willi the exception lolls were forced down at of the times lie a sliMili d by nallven and his motor heard by th' j trapper, Kielson ha not been he-'ir-l ; from since. He wa.s wi ll suppli 'I , wlrh food nnd carried a sleeping bet linu- there. l,;ist Hund": juri.ede earn'' and on two prevlotl occasions llirotlga of toil. ban. I'eilie'.erv alll llol ll IPS also H,..v '..,. corislilerini.- li ami of al-. l-ivune. io rsk am .... ioilng four days of each week forMllc. Hevpral cures were ' vlf-ltB by the nmicicn. wnn im- ' hi-ii..j. 3.'., of New Yolk fit v. a World, aviator who companions said shot down three Herman planes before he rrashed himself ovr Verdun and suffered a paralysed left side, prayed for relief for hlm relf l' lid other wounded veterans. MrH, Curt In flulld, widow of a foiiner governor of Massachusetts, knelt' with her sister. -Mis. John Mrs. I -i lainie 1 elatlons to organize the nnllonnl coinmodlly iniirketlng agencies. WEE WILLIE DOODY TO BE EXECUTED DEC. 13 HAN I'-KANCISCO. Nov. 20. (l Considerable expamilon of Utah's coal and Iron Industries wns fore cast today by spokesmen for the stato In testimony hero before an i Inleislnto commerce commission examiner should their Intervention In tho flreal Northern-Western Pacific railway Unking project win the commission's approval for the proposed line. HopresontiitlveB of vnrlous Utah shipping orgarrlBiitlonB told' of' the Improved rates they expected to get over the proposed route from Keddle. Oil., to Klamath Falls, Ore., and added that the recent purchase by tho United Htntes Steel Corporation of the Columbia Sleel properties In Utah would contiibutn to development of the state's resources. Ili-ncrit t'lah II. W. Prlckett, representing the Utah .Shippers and Traffic associa tion and the Utah C'oul Producers' association after much of Ills testi mony had been thrown out be cause of Hh argumentative nature, flatly asserted thut grunting the petition to build the 200 mllo rail road would bo In the best Interest of the people of Utah, Prlckett said coal shippers ex pected a decrease In rates from S7.66 to from Utah to Klam ath Kails. lie pointed out that Southern Pacific rates to Oregon points became lower as tho Houth ern Pacific line approached tho coast ulthougli Utah shippers woro unable to enter tho territory by water competition. This he claim ed was unfair. Mviin J. Knulds, Southern Paci fic counsel, objected because "this Is not u rate case." ills objection was overruled, however. Other Salt I.ako City witnesses were O. J. (Irlmes, secretary of the I 'In 11 Coal Producers' association, and .1. H. Hurley, representative of the Utah Hhlppci-H' association. K. I-'. Concludes Tho morning session began with conclusion of the case of the Kbi malh Kails district as Intervcnors. K. A. Henderson, a representative of the Klamath Kails Irrigation I llmi let said production from Irri gated lands In the Klamath basin had tripled, from IU22 to 11121). I This made greater transportation facilities, especially with competl- j tion, desirable, he said. j Citing the growth of potato pro duction near Klamath Kails as an example of agricultural develop ment aided by Improved railroad triinspnrliitlon. Henderson said production In I ll 2 3 was ten curs valued at tliO.OOO, and the esti mate for IH2II w as I lion cars val ued at J7r.ll.IHMI. .1. W. Curriin, Klamath Kails farmer, testified that In; expected better rales to California markets for his carload shipments. Judge K. It. tloddard. county Judgo for Klamath county, approved tn testimony given by previous Klam ath county witnesses. This, ho said, he was able to do beeausn his posi tion of Judgu Included certain ac counting iltitles covering various public activities, placing him In a position to verify the statistics given. NEW YOKK, Nov. 20. (IP) A I broad upward movement leiuinls- cent of the pre-October bull mar- ket was set In motion by a rusH ot buying orders In today's stock niar ket. Scores of leatlliiK shares roso $1 to $15 a share, with a tew com paratively Inactive issues selling; up as much as $20. U. S. Steel, after faltering in the early trans actions, quickly rose to $lti0.25, up $2.75, and lienoral Electric touched $210, up $15. New developments (luring the day were largely of a character to aid the upturn. Directors of Na tional Biscuit recommended a 2Vi-for-1 splitup and the stock quicklv surged up $11.50 to $1S0. Although , United States Steel Corporation's plants were reported operating at 73 per cent of rated capacity, as against 75 per cent last week, reports from the steol trade were . generally optimistic, stating that the confidence of buyers was re turning. Such shares as American Tobac co B, Chesapeake & Ohio, Air Re duction, . Western Union. Allied Chemical , R. H. Macy, Eastman Kodak, Standard Gas, Union Pa cific, Nickel Plate, and, Westing- house Electric rose from $5 to $10 a share. . J Trading wns compratively mod erate in volume, but considerably heavier than yesterday. Total sales duiing.the first two hours ot the session Were ' 1,902,000 shares, ar compared Witlt 1,559,000 yesterday.' The ticker fell nearly 20 minutes behind the market for -a time in . the morning, but was only 12 min utes In arrears by early afternoon. CONFIRM NOMINATION OF PR0HI ASSISTANT WASHINGTON. Nov. 20. (P) The nomination of G. A. Younsquist of Minnesota to be nn assistant at torney general In chnrgo ot prohi bition enforcement, succeeding Ma bel Walker Willebrandt, was con firmed today by the senate. Portland. t'nlon avenue from Oolng street to Kast Lincoln street will be widened. CIlfCACIO. Nov. 20." (Pi "Wee" Willie Doody, diminutive gunman, was sentencetl today to dlo In the electric chair December 13 for tho slaying of Chief of Police Charles Levy, .of Herw-yn. III. Plans proposed for establlhlng Yaklmn. Wash. Portland, dir., air-Uiip. PICK JURY TO TRY ROTHSTEIN SLAYER NKW YOltK. Nov. 20. (Pi A Jurv to hear the trial of (leorge A. Mo.YliiniiB for Ihe murder ot the aanibler. Arnold Itnthstcln. was completed nt II: IK p.m., today. . Portland. ijo.aeo riding a cad emy will be constructed In this el:y lit near future. Will Rogers Says: HKVKRFA' HIIiLS, Cnl., Nov. HO. America alrendy holds the record for freak itiovtitientH. Now we have n new one; it's called " restor ing confidence." liicli men who n c v o r hud n mission in life out side of the watching o f n stock tick er, are work itt day and ninht, restoring confi dence." Huilroml officials met on Monday with Mr. Hoover and agreed Jo lower the fares on prominent tlcK'Hiitcs rush ing to conference to "re store confidence." "Writers are working- night shifts, speakers' tnhlos nre littered up, ministers are preaching statistica, all on "restoring confidence." Now I am not unpatriotic, and I want to do my bit, so I hereby offer my services to my president, my country and my friends around Old Trinity church, New York, to do anything (outside of serving on a com mission) that I can in this great movement. Hut you will hnvo to give me some idn'-vhere "confl deuce" is and just what you want it restored to," ' Yours, WIU, ROfiERS. ' Teller, Alaka. They took off from bag tin' all th' breaks.