. is 1 H VAGK FT VP! "! MIWFOPJV Mn; TUI lUTNI'V- M li'DFOUl), OUKCiOV, SUNDAY. NOV KM I!K1 17. 1!-J!1. (I r OUTSIDE THE LARGER CITIES, THE MAIL TRIBUNE IS UNQUESTIONABLY THE CREATES E A SPAPER ON THE .-I This is true regarding not only Number, but Superior Quality qf Features v s V ..is iV 7 . - 1 y Ira. f - : J' ft r Here is a partial list. Read them over and compare them with those 'in any other "small city" paper be tween Seattle anf San Diego. , " : -. and Sunday Morning Features SOCIETY PAGES ' , ' SCHOOL NOTES Two ami sniiioliiiirs llil'cc"i,'i!-'i, ' tl(!volP(l caeli Snmliiy tnoriiiiij! lo ho fcicty linpiM'iiiiifrs-of t lie week. Wed- ", diiiKs, pin-tics, cluli, nativities and nil little bits or iiossip in the, 'society world limy lie found on Irene De Iosli 'k )iii(!es. SPORT NEWS 'i'lie 'SiiihIh.v Sprt pfl;e hits a speeiiil iippenl to the men-folks. 1 lure the eoniitry's most nlile sport, writers "cover" the hijr sporliin; cVeiils on the Kridiroii, diiiiiioiid, fnlnvny nud in the rinj; while 'Mail Trihuiie writers Supply iiecurale, first-luiml sport news of soiilhiM'ii Oregon. AUTOMOBILE SECTION Molonsts will find, in the' Sunday Tribune's illustrated auto section, a wealth of iiilcrcstiiiK news nnd viiltc able infiiniiiUjoii perliiininji to the , motor car industry.- The Klivvcr Sum eol i i in it will iniikc a hit with yoiinp mid old. . JUST KIDS ; ; V is Hiiolher popular comic strip which Always delights the juvenile renders of the Sunday Mail Tribune. . All of the news of the school oC Mcdl'ord nid the Kogue Uiver Vul ley limy ; be found, in condensed form, every Sunday morning in the , Mail Tribune, , ', COMIC SECTION "' A l-pa.'c pink sheet 'every Sunday willi paue of Itud l''islicr's famous Mult iiikI .left comics, aiiollicr paue. flf Konlaine Kox's illimitable Tuncr villc' 'I'rollcy funnies' nnd. still nn-' oilier pajrc in which Sol llcss jfives. the homey lurppcniiiKS in the Ncbbs family. These are the three most, piipular comics of the decade. CA M lOlf AtiKAMS (,'ivc n fiill-pnyc pho tovrnphic. glimpse 'of tlie news of the. world. ' ,.. - SMUDGE SMOKE Art I'crry is ngain with the Mail Tribune' renders on Sunday morn-. ins with his SML'IXjK ' SMWlslO column, ' which, in , genuine laugh-, provoking wise-cracks, rivals his own daily Sinudgo l'ot. reriinent press comincnU, timely cditorialn and Yc J'oet's, Corner complete thu . Sunday editorial page features. DAILY RADIO BROADCAST Southern Oregon people may enjoy the last-miniitfl news by radio when they tune In on KMDIJ, the .Mail TribiincVirgin broaden.sling stHtion. This paper was the first ncAvspnpcr between Portland and Oakland to adopt the. radio as a regular medium for news transmissions, a service now., growing in popularity by leaps and bounds. THE Is unquestionably the GREATEST FEATURE PAPER on the Pacific Coast among the outstanding "small city" dailies. Mail Tribune EVERY-DAY FEATURES ARTHUR BRISBANE Kvcry day the best known and highest priced editorial writer in the world, lie comments upon and interprets the news exclusively in Southern Oregon for' tlie Mail Tribune. Whether or not you always agree with him, you can't resist rend-.' ing him. The Mail Tribune was the first news paper in Oregon to carry " Brisbane's Today." WILL ROGERS Kecogiiizcd as the foremost humorist in America. The l'riuce of Wales says, "t admit I can't resist Will Kogcrs. I subscribe to an American news paper, for the sole reason of getting bis latest." Will Rogers is featured daily on the front puge of the Mail Tribune, his "wise crack" of the day being sent directly by wire. ABE MARTIN Also a daily front puge feuture. Cieorgc Ado lins termed Abe Miirtin, the best and "most churacj teristie Aiuericun humorist. of the present genera tion," His (unint rural wit is unsurpassed. DR. BRADY Thero are newspaper doctors and newspaper doctors but by gencrnl agreement Dr. Drndy is king of them all. Never dull,' frequently witty, Dr. Urady is above all distinguished by his snnu judgment, up-to-date spirit nnd common sense. Thousands of intelligent people in the country "consult Dr. Brady first." Ifo has been-'tr daily feature of the Mail Tribune for many yeuts. ; , . DAILY COMICS ! MUTT AND OKVF; BRINGING .Ul' KATllHR, TIM'; NKI1US. Who, young or old, doesn't know . Ilicin, and 'inugb at them? The threo outstanding comic strips of a cqmio-strip age. ' JCvcy dny they apiear in the Mail Tribiine, n constant source of delight lo nearly 20,000 renders. In downright . .humor, sustained interest, and iip-to-thc-iuiiiute timeliness, these three features have ulwnys been and fitill are absolutely in a class by 'themselves. CROSS-WORD PUZZLES .The new AP feature daily, good mental exercise for the young and not too easy for the growii-ups. A great diversion for nil the family every eve ning. DO YOU REMEMBER? A tjaily Icii-aiid-'-'U-ycar-iigo-coliiinn,. taken from back files of the Mail Tribune. A link between . tlie prescnl and the past one of the most popu lar features ever started by the Mail Tribune, particularly appreciated by the old-timers, but in teresting lo all as n sidelight on what Medford "used to be, compared to what it is now." SMUDGE POT My Art I'crry. This eoltimif lias been 'conducted by Commodore I'crry in' Medford for almost 20 years, nnd is generally recognized by newspnper uien ns being the best column of the kind in the, 'eul ire state. Perry's (pinint and original snyings have not only been quoted week-to-week in the newspapers of the Pacific coast, but have appear ed frequently in the Literary Digest and the "New Yorker." Only a few months ago. Punch, Kuglnud's famous hiimiu'ous weekly, quoted Mod ford's "Smudge Pot." It is a daily feature and an amusing variation of it is published every Sun day. ...... 1 QUILL POINTS Robert Quillcu, the author of this column, has nn jiilcrnntiniiiil reputation, and is the most, widely ' 'quoted pnrngrapher in the country. With humor, satire mid sound sense, nicely mixed, this illus trated column, is probably more frequently nnd favorably commented upon than any other feu ture running in the American press. Then there are the regular fiction serials, a daily feature by famous authors both of this country and abroad. . , ' A Daily Radio Resume "On the Air"; regular let ters of piquant interest from Hollywood's Movie land and New York City, ' Daily reports of all sports and timely sitort 'ar ticles by special writers of national reputation.