PAGESEYEN BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus FOR BAIiK MlflCBXIiAJfTOCi WW r FOR SALR Goa ovU app!e ArtA ? peara. 509 Welt' (Eleventh !St'.i .c opposite Oakdale Grocory. mm. iSM'T. l- MARVEt-OOS)'' I .a ME l-oi AT A ,TW6 STAT(9M- IsJ-X. l AMD H CAUUSD OlMlslER AT TI-vC. FOR-SALB Blue frlbhorf 'Mrfirt .' mulh ItrnnM hiWMllnii tlirkftVM." ROAqCA"SXltiC FTSQNi, The 5TATE PEWITEKTIARV "THE PWcOwWb ARE URN4loHNlG THE.- . I j nar Ked Top ichooC r J. Oi THE RADIO .HER UiTTL-t .. MOTEL'I'O OkCE. A -. tvllUJONJ ierrtu, ji. is. . HAn FOR BALK Dry- tir and hard wood. $3.00 a'hd- up,'- Uellvftred Phone ft&x-Lv 2S TALENTl r . YTT i?'PSlIE DOWN ', i UJrJStary i.rnliHiu Uoiuirr. . - , 'WIIritoii In -Mr for on.a re- J ; - WAV?. ' r- ,S MILE6) '"'51 -a. if FOR APPLES Call 113J-R. 1 y 206tf fi, freshriUiVt." tire Little T.lrtck Clock) FOR BALE Used aewlntr max . chines: all makes, $5 up: terms tf desired. All ' makee -rented 4 old the- children. , i."Vhat n very queer house," Peg- ; and j repaired. White Sewing V Machine Co.. $4 North Bartlett,' uy remnrlieU : ' ..." . "Just nn JrteA; of tho.- ouvner, the Little Ulack i Ctuckisaid. ''rU o v nor: decided j It h a t 4sxv ' many i m o r of . it i 6-; . MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD," OREGON", SATURDAY,- XOVEfTJER-lG. .1929. - r J VyCUU HEAfi T -i-Tt "TA.TOtNl AKJNOOblCE- I . MENfT IN -S r J ..L.I, . . . Ill V a m. .Auiy. i . -ii. . . , . j . ? i. s i - u ' snM' j,-v '.,i..' J ' ' ' V.vWL . I i- vwiwi r I'rrn'rnniaf '- 'i n hazsu-Mum' i i mi v Awri m t.titf u i i tri tvt.m - -. i vr-o k jtwwst. t 4 1 ii&iia 71: . ' wvmm mi mnmn m uw. ixsfmm-K km -. t w Mm , . . ... ,wy nvswms dirkotor . t.. ; from the air nd ; clouded their;' i' 1 1 a'n e h on hit I ' :.p-o of tini t. he, t wot) Id . have .'..his 1 1 v o n t doorsteps np there. . "T hat' why you ee - he has tho- chimncvH duwn'ivhore thO'Collur used to be. CtoVVH un 'openintf down here fn we onrrj?et In from the Rround. Our taxi driver wont a little he yond, or r.tthor u 'little -.below, the placa Ho,. should have uoiw. He could left us on the roof., '."Then... we. could huvo Kone in the front door." ; ,r '.'J What a .V(ry, vei-y. funny idea,'! J'eRtry inuKlnuJ, y t ... , They iwoiU InMlde and It was Just tho 'strnnf.'.e.Ht- place they h:id ever tiCon. ' ' . Tho nwiKi did nnt, -seem to be around'. .-At". any rale, they wr.n lotVd jl.fut. . " At the tojt of tho house was the fiuiu hull. -and tho living room was ih r, Vort. Tho 'hdroomR wore all down- uandorinff nhout. nht adored honeys :uiii Iroepinft house nnd play ing hotiso-and vcVythiiif? that had in do Willi ,st,ili phtw-K. Th rofrty.hni'-iii.s lhtydi:wl Wer .dolloi'ous, put they lutd (ot. tht'W It mflT.jtn odd 1'ashiou. The Little llmk Cliitrk pressed hells here r.nd im food on plntos ram? rlht out o openings in th.P walls. 1 . . - "The owner aid we. miist make ourselves -at. homo.' hc..3ntaincl- Tomorrow "T.hi Ounor's Name. ,Simmous Tor PiihMo.ttion. , No. 43-tilKqnity, In'thfl f'lrodlt rortrt of the Rtfttb of Oregon for .lacksnn County. M-VlfiuM' Ti rijtation District, d public-corporation, l'itiiittiff. 1 K.'n. ruble, .lane Doe Cable, hus band and wife; th" unknown heirrftof K. It. Cable: Irvin Smith. Karah A.1 Kmiih. husitand and wife; the unknown heirs of Ir vin .Smith; J. Al. Keene: Laura Nicliols, liyron Nichols, wife and ' hupbund: the unknown stock holders of Kru it Growers Trust and Title company,.! dissolved Oregon corporation;. Jackson Courity, ' Oregon, a :puhlic cor- ' poration; nnd also nil other per- unnui rw iint'ttf.u linlfllnivn, r'tfllm- '; ;inH any riKhf;"1it1e,r estrt'O, lien or interest. In the real; estate ' described in tho cftmplulnt herer in,' Defendants. To. IS." U. Cable. Jano Doe Cable, husband and wife: the unknow'n heiis of K. H; Chhle; liln Smith. Sarah A. Smith; the unknown heirs of Irvin Smith; Uiuru Xiehols'P.y rott NichoLs, wifo and husband: the unknown stock holder of Fruit Geo worn Trust and Title Company, a fdl&.-vilved OrKon . corporation; and ,lso nil other persons or par ties 'unknown claiming any right, title, instate. lien or interest -In the roul (tstale described in the com plaint herein, Dofondants: In the name of the State of Ore gon: . You and each of you are hereby summoned nnd required to appear in tho above named court and' cause and answer tho Plain tiffs onmplnint on file therein f tin Inst you within four weeks after November lit. 11129, tho date of the firt publication of this m u-m m o n s. You are hereby notified that if you fail so to nn ponr nnd answer .said Complaint within the time aforesaid, for want theiNW.r. tho "Plaintiff will apply to said t'Ourt for the relief domunded in wild. Complaint, a sucviiiet state ment of which is; . ; That a decree be entered adjudi ntltiK any and all right, title, es tate, lien or claim which you,, or any of you. or any of the above named Dofomlants. have, or claim to have. in. to. or upon real prop erty .situated in Jackson County Oregon, described as follows,- lo wit: .The West 4.71." neros of the North b:ilf ii f l ot 1.1 of Iho fit- brook Orchard Tracts, in .lacsoiW t'oiinly. Oregon, ns numbered, des Ignritod, and described op tho of ftoiul pint thci'eif, now of record; subject io n-right of way in favor of tho MedTitrd liTigation Distriet, as descrijtcd in Vnhmn- LlO. page H7..of the Deed Uooiu-ds of .lark son -County. Oregon, and declaring nny.-nnd all such claims to be null nnd ivoiil. find decreeing that said PtnfflUf'hi the Owner in f'"e simple of the , whole, of said promises, free and clear of any and all-right, title, ostate. lien or Interest of said Ie fendnnls.and that en oh and all of the 'Defendants In ihht suit, and each and all of their servants.' agonta and employes, and nacfc and all portions -ciaimlnir. or to claim. by, through, or under them, or any or them, and all other personK or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lion or interest in Jd real estate, be forever en joined, restrained and barred from asserting, attempting to establish, or claiming any lien or interest in r to said real properly, or nnv part hereof, find that Plaintiffs title to said premises he forever quieted mm net r rent. .And rr Mich otnor and further relief a.i to tho Court may aeem just and cqtiitahle. The date of the Order herein for servl-o ,,f thlM Sumnioti by piiMI- FURS ; HIDES PELTS Wrapper, yti'liir o mn' ' kt for yonr fnr, at botne. Let lis put (mate, or set : your own 'prleo - Traps at cost. Medford Bargain Honsc ; 27 North Grap 8t Phone 1062 Wjr GRAHAM , - ...7 . KMMK THE NEBBSThe'SaciiHce vy- ... . ; k0V W'4 fft ' iTLADV, VJHEM 1 TOOK VOOU ttlNJGS.l O'O BTso' WO'J p"Jr TMEM l4 MV "l V'D'0 OOEyjEH WAVE A "N.!St1 . TITLEST" J V VWOM'T - WffT BECAUSE I COWUOMT 8t TEMP- 1 WW , u- PC. -m r .A, r , fffl "A'TTUE GIlSL?-WNOO DIO.HOVW "J --r.r.crr-- VWOKi'T .MONAJ, FOLKS. RGFOfce OUR PICTURE PLA.V iKJ TtM CAMS WtMKJE(?5 OP" 929. and ! cation Ik NovomhPi 2, 1 said Order fixed once on for four successive wpqIcb a.a.,tjo time for auid publication. RAWI.tSS MOOr.13. Attorney tor Plaintiff. Addrefw: Cooley- Tiioaler I'.uiUl iiiK, South Genlrnl. Avenue, Med ford, treuon. Notice of District Itoail Meelinir.. Run, I IHstiirl Number 5, Jav'ksun ..t?ounty, orcKon. ... Notice is hereby eivon that in pursuance of .a petition duly und legally siuned by'-more--thaii -three free holders and legal voters resid. k' in itond District Number 0. Jackson Counly, Oregon. 'Uhd fitily and legally presented to the Counly Court of .lackson County, Oregon, a district road meeting of the legal voters of said district number & will be held at Oak Grove School, in Jaokson Countv. Oregon, on the 2Uth day of November, 1929. nt the i hour of 10:00 a. m. on Bald day for the purpose, of levying a special road tr,x nut to exceed two mills on the dollar on all taxable prop erty; Within said. road district for the special 'improvement of the roads within the distviet and for any Nother purposes which may seem proper to come before said meetings. Dated nt .Mcdtoru, Oregon, inn .linn nay Ol wciouer, JV. lt i:f:i. VICTOR BtTKSKI.l,, . County Commissioner. G HO, ALKORD. County Commissioner. Xotlce of Distrlit Rontl Meelinir. Road District Number ii, Jackson County, Oregon i Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance of a petition duly and legally signed by inoro than threo free holders nnd legal voters resid ing -in Roud District Number 0, Jackson County. Oregon, nnd duly and legally presented to the County Court of Jackson County, Oregon, a district ruad meeting of the legal voters of said district number tf will lie held at Lake. Creek, in Jackson County, Oregon, on the 27th day of November, 1929. at the hour of 2:00 p. -m. on anid day for ;the. purpose of .lowing ii .special road tax not to exceed ten mills on the dollar-on all taxable prop erty within sr.ld.road' district for the special improvement . of . the roads within .iho district -flml fur. any other purposes which may WANTED SITUATIONS WANTKD Job. What can you offer able-bodied. Intelligent young man, unxious lor any kind of work. L'seful in garage or electric shop. Phone 017-J. 24 WANTKD Housekeeping and cooking by. competent person. References. Rox Jb., Mall Ti'ib. line. ' WANTKD Position ns housekeep er -in aniall family: motherless home preferred; middle aged willow. References. 401 South Riverside. 239 WANTKD Cooking In cafeteria or small restaurant bv experienced b dy. Hinno 3:tl)-Y Apt. 2. 2 39 WANTKD Married man wants - general ranch work or on fruit I ranch. P. O. Box 91", Medford. . .... sail WANTKD Work by ynnng wom an, plain sewing or care of chil dren at nights.. Mrs. Hale, Lozirr Lane. 237 WANTKD All-around hand wants work: preferably Janitor work or caretaker. 1". O. nox 4XS. 237 WANTKD Carpenterlnu, hln Hling, painting. G37-X. 243 WANTED Work, by bteh .ohool " boy after 1:10 p, a, fboa 142. .le.v"-.. ty,"rA"T!N UT wueaj WEWW'WAS OiS- osj Mk!.VQu tSifd m Dim Ckii SMS -WOOUO VOOUKE A FUCU-6BOJWM 7IUaTiil 6l5a '.?. , Accountant' ; 1Vo.vw, i.v .oovdaGD- AMD SECAUSS-OP. ' PAST I s$r APFAi&i OM ME WITH MP MESOR ' BSs Hr-lAM TO PiM A CRIME OM ME L M' EM sutsts MOW FOLKS REPUTATION, 1 KMKVAJ.' I WOOUD Be.SUS- Bm0uju,tWHV DO S'OU TI5V- TO i- v W riCOW FlOOO TOLO SOO- :-S uz.n,c iPECTeO AVJO PClWAPft-iSTSAIHtlWtEOj'SO :'lrfA ASlrl INAL OP ME ' A Pf I fiAD A fttte?'WOWM " ' '' BEFOfte OUR I'-VPOT TWCHI IV1 TWtVljCJCKEsVSO IF'TUeiVy OffEtOSECCSS CSlC ? 1-tOCD-StJO ' ''- A CROOK 'ANIO MOO TOOK-" , i., ' 'Th " . pl(TieD.a kWER.C D1SCOVEI3ED-SeFoeE'rAtS A I qC UMTOeTUMATC H-lFe3' 7 i AOVANtAOB. OP 'WB HOSft :.' ' -mi G8e : '-WULPM'T BE ' SUSTCITEO.- .' ' B. Zr '.'vm'.. J.-rwfc- ' ..iV.vt-. wM - .'7'. . , ,- ' . . ' ' ii j'.-,'- .v ; STATE SAYS SELL ' t. . .,; . , ;. State has token over 5 acres oir a mortgage. Jiost o lnnd; fully critiipjicd chiiikon .rnnnh; electric voter sys tem supplying several liutiscs in neighborhood two miles from Jledfnrd; sninli orelmrd; good neighbor hood bcau--tif id grounds, near school; plai'c for a gentleman 'a coun try .homo. ' l'ricc tlOWt, 10 per centlown, a years on balance. . . . .. J. C. BARNES, Real Estate . ' Phone 409 or 1198-J 15 South Centraf . V v-rnuv.. .u wv i; r B3I , OP MV FATME.R ' 'BEl M& A . "' X V-'.-' ;I ' Tl--r .' . . C.i;Y fc-;7 1A'Lii-1 JJ1 ri -r lriN ,v - T:1; T 1 -Ji ; : .! ' " ' I ' i'.''..iu ' "';'. '2iZlZL ' :. , A: - ' ' ! '-. ; :, . I 1 ' , i...... -" v.'ii i. : , -' ' " proper ho , c?'?C Dated at MedfoMiHOrei;oii;tM 30th dayf Octohe'r; A. 1.' 1!29: ' VICTOR l:URSEI,L, f'nuntv Commissioner. , GEO. ALI'ORD. County CommlsBloner. '.WANTK. ..iAI,E-JIKI. WAXTKll A man to sell the com ! line of liattery ChaiR (' o m pressors. Test pl-te II . era. Air ltenclies, Car- Washers, etc.; to garages, filling llionind; fflC' - ttries-on f. ,siri;ll'- co(mmiasion basis.).. Ample commissions ; for the right man. Close factory co operation. Address Hob AVhlto. llnhnrt Krothers; Troy, Ohio.'239 WANTED -8 Or 4 t-'red C. Sander. irooa pruners. rrmaBU-'J MAN with a ,car as ll rect factory ,.repi;eii.anta,t)v5 -ill Medford alid nearby counties. No experience necessary. ; , ..Vn usual oti'tortlinftt'' "for" (til vnnce--ment. Must lie willing" to Wait on reasonable. bntdfi. JyVnero Mo tors Co., Hattle Creek, Mlch. 238 WAXT1S1 IlSCEMANEOUS WANTED' Team of horscs.'Weight not less than 1400V also harness. Hux S. T.l Tribune. 239' W.VNTK11 7o headi ewe. .. Write age and price. .. .U-. K -.Tucker. Uroynsboro. .. . , 244 WANTKD Local or long distance hauling..- Insured carriers. Spec ial stock moving equipment. We guarantee to save you1 money, llawiey Transfer. 619 X. ' River side. Phone -1044-X."' ' 207 WANTKD Good motorcycle reasonable.- Call aims Cedar .St. , . ( .... , 240 WANTKD Ono boll, :mlll that will ci'ilsh-4 or.ff tons-of ore,-a-day. 11. N. Diinnelly, y.f.oJtdi.Cal. 242 WANTKD To buy rn home for i cash, direct from. ownor.-Must be cheap -And worth tho- money. Also have n.240r&ore ranch., 20 milis north of Centrnl Point, to exchangO'-'-for - anythinfc, - Direct nil communications -to. Centrnl Point, or see mo at Kodoc Or chard. Geo. Ronkor. 239 WANTKD 3 econd-hand wood sawing outfit. Williams & Keeg mlller. near Anlioch school, Mains Valley, or write Central' Point. Roulo X. 22Dtf WANTKD To buy , all kinds of cattle, sheep and hogs. ; Phone 50G-L. . , , . -l -245 WANTED Cletn cotton rax. at Mall Tribune office. - - - tf WANTKD 2nd hand Koods :Junk Pat's, 1C0S Prune, Te.l 841-b. . . ... sno FOR HUNT MISCEM-ANEOUS Ffilt JtKNT Store In Phoenix, inqtllre at' MVs. Hf it Imgin's. -240 FOR llKNT-nnrngn. -J04 Bo.'Onk du lb. . .ilinw .lea?! -j -tf lKAt,IIS IV RAW ITIts FUlta will oon- be prime.. I buy ifor eastern firm, -Can he found around fourtho,urp Sntunlays :ffhpn wnwiri opens. Located 'on Fnvl Btllils'.-''b'l:i Yeek. Aldlas-J HI "llttmeU, Trnlb Ore: - , - .-, I, I f- i ..- 23. l.o.T lllack Vanity ease at Kcon nmvtjgroecirrlu, , Iteturn to Mall 'Trllnine; ?j jew'ard. 240 LOST Hiring 'of , -amber enilsj Kindly repirn 1o 4IIP 'TrHmne office. ' ' '.'40 l KO!T "ItlONT 3 -room l'lirnUbctl I" (iArrmen:r" hiodei'nl ' Moe in: ' aduliM only. Call HO So. tlrnpe. :'3Si( KOU Ur.XT Modoi n furnisnen KlUllH. I'liono btf-r.- jni 'KOR l:i:.'T Desirable apt., -nil .hnU'l accommodations. -11 u f-e 1 Clrand.. - ;WS pon hunt - -apt.- lir, N - :Ioro In furnished Holly.- . If41 FOR' RENT Apartments. A piU. . ;334 238 FOR RKNT . -apartment. Mgdern furnlslied MU a. Central. 240 FOR. RKNT', 2-roorn furnished apartment,' t12. 710 Welch. 238 EOR RHNjv-Two burnish ed npts., $18. Onn, 6-rm. apt., $22. GO, . J.ImIhh -anil water fur "..ulsheii. ' 41 2 No. Ivy. p30 FO ri' ft K'T 4-room duplex opa rt- j :mini; furnace.- electric range, electrlo-.reCriReriUor, ( firoplac'e. I'hono W. A.-Cates.. ' : 238 FOR RKNT i ;Fiirnlshl nnnrt ment, close In. ' J'hone. 303. tf SIM. . 'tltlUllS. I'llOUO Ifl'tf-r.' fflll ' ...fl- .Art . n.i.An I p.,'. I N. Holly., , . ,.;t3x;f j r '" K"V IFOR RENT Desirable apt.', -nil '''el. 825. .'..'.: ; .2-12 FOR RKNT a-room apt., $18. Phone 452-H. - 231tf FOR HAI.K Two doHen Rari-ed ' ' i.-i ' , - Rock pullets. -McCnll, . V4 mile FOK RENT Steam-ncated, apart- uvest of Talent. ' : ; '240 ments nnd sleeping room. 1006 T: ; . , . ', W. Main. i29tf t'OR fiALK - Turkeys, d r I o d . " prunes, Newtown hppIoti. ' Tel. FOR RENT Modern furnished ,039-J-l. Mrs. D. W. I.uke. 243 downstairs'. rooms; - adults. -34R- ' ' N. Ilnrtlett. 224tf FOR KALE Mammoth Bronze ' ' ' ' turkeys, -Goldlmnk atralnt young FOR RKNT Fully modern fur-- toms $10 and $16; young hens ntshed apartments; .hot and cold 8. anil $10. J. K. Quackenbush, water supplied. Kunlso Super . Desertvlew'Turkey Farm. Itonte Station, cor. iith ant Riverside, 3, Medford. Tel. 1S2-X-1.- 243 Phono 1338. 224t ' U J." " FOR PALE Mammoth Bronse FOR- RENT Desirable-turn, ant: breeding turkeys. . J., M. Nerv. garage. 10 Quince tit, 2181f Phone 132-L. - - 238 FfTlTRKVT-JnolISM ' 7 FOK "T?0? . V ... ,p you WAN'T A HOMB " FOR HUNT New. modern 4Jroo'm Modern 0-room house; -bath, full house, Imiulre 264 Hentty Hrl' lot. shade, garage, good location, ' 2gg .paved street; $1800; easy terms. FOR RKNT : B-'room" Valise, ga- Modern' 4-room bungahiw. emrrt' , rnge: dcslrtiblc location. 20 Ross ; jiietely furnished; garage; $1660; Court.' 237tf terms. ' w..." T,i-' ' ..' . T'"-; ItKAr. EST AT K KXCIIANGB FOR RK.NT Tleniitlfiil 7-room N. Front St. . Phono 149(1. -modern 4iomc, 404 Kotuh -Ivy tst . "39 $3ll f)i:r month. Cull 277-R. 239, .,.,, r,,.v,. TI l.'i' ."V ' COI.'NTRY HOMB Tho best In FOR RI.NT Furnished house. , v.ipy. h,r ,i.use, modern: iiii; rtments and goniHe, 04 V . , KOO(, wrni , Hinlted free water r ,, i. - U right; excellent nelgliborhnod. ,. ,...,,. a ltd If n district nnd for few days kll riLTn' Tm ii ho can-deihir-ai-hnrgnln price; honso, close In. Imiulre 246 Ho. m,(ll . pnymir.n, ,iwn. 1 -e lvy- " ' '" -"' llol.MKM for HOMKH. Nash I In. FOR RKNT-One furnished liouse. I"l eorneiy W' oun liufilrnisbeil- houso; - bolh . close 1)1. l'holli) .149-J. ' 23''itt ' , iron iM.-N-rwi , ' PRK!Kn F0R-'0irnk''AM! ' ,.. 1 U?nlm iJ r'-r'""'' """lern, hungalinv. well lo- W.. Second. 228tt , prif.,.(1 $2non; easy lerms. One FOR RENT .4-rootn furnlshea -.r. tn ''"Vk In r-ity. . bouse, VA. DaVo, 1610 W. . " 'in "ifc, S ,. ' ' Main. Phone f.a3-.(-2. - .82i'tf - .. . :,!.,' .: f "t"' . v.. i FOR RKNT 4-room furnished ''" '"' ' U1' ' oottngo, $27.50. 628 No, River- , ..... .. , ,, side In rear. i20tf i " . .. , ,,. .. Miii MOW IS TIttfl7V " '' F(?,R...n,TTr,5"r.?0m. vnla,Vnih.t'l "-'""m houso, wlth"90 feet on n house. Inquire Redden Co. tf . paved street. This Is a stent at FOR RENT S-room bouse, off f2'i.'t ri nif iirntrr mn West Jackson, Phone 106. t7tf , . pkiipMUTV-- ": pOtt RKN T Homes. Furnished Kir SI. Phono 1410. . or unfurnished, Brdwq 4k While. " ' ' ' . , r :Sl i 'i ,,tt FOR SALE rjirgn 4-room modern FOR RENT 6-room unfurnished hnm.i, wired -for leirla range; i bniisf, 1035 W. 10th. Bee n. A. ahaily lot: atom extra' lot with lots DeVoe, phone C2t-J-I. 193tf berries; good garage, wood- : .. r-t r fM-.i .'ttzz shed and small rhlcken house; : ' i ' ' i,n good graveled street. Small ' :i;OR RICNT PURNISIIRD imyiiienl ilown.' bnltinee at $30 .: f, ItOOMH i,i i i i per month. Call at 80S Cedar St. -.w ' ) ' i - - I 239 Foil-RENT Furnished sleeping , ' . , PiMim with beau 32J Ho.-Itlvi-r- r"R "ALl'-4-rm. modern home . sid" Ave if on Siskiyou llnlghts!' partly fur- . . ,. . i i i .nt ni.hed; very nrtlstic rock -fire-FOR RENT Furnished room with Pl"'o( sightly view of, Aledforrt hoard, r, fl. Wnlt-rmun. Phoin- , nn vnlley; ono aero, ground, l)-W. IU So. Ivy. $19 I'lndscaped. priced nt $3300 for ' -1 i iUic-k sale. Convenient terms. FOR HUNT Front room, close In: Charles It. Itnv. Realtor, Med- hot and cold water, shower. - 20 ford; Center HWg., 'I'hone Poi Kir. . i , $41 .-' '' ' $41 FUR RENT Nicely furnlslied FOR "AMI New. all 'modern front room, suitable for two; suburban borne, stucco and tlm- wiili or without boord. $1$ W. r tyi", with garag and cement lSlb. - tf : urlve imd $ acres rich, dnen Inml, ' " " ' ' 1 ' ' . ! close, in. well located. Totnl price i KOH RENT Hoard and room. "nly $42r,0; pny $:,00 rash, 319 So. Central. Phone . 121 J. 'ni-e monthly. Earl Tumy, $10 ..... 2S Liberty Ultlg, ' $2Slf , FOR EXCHANGE FOK SALEeAtJOMOBHK8 I L 4l 1 I I. .-4.-. 1. W I. 1 K.-. .-.-M " -- '"I FOR TRADE Equity In"- good t- FOR-A'l: -'l""Dolge Coupe, . room residence for vacant 16t. $240; terms. Boh Portor, 4S5-j Phone 83Q-.M. .evenings. $4a J-2. 240 i for SAL:- uVraTOck -j KOH SAI.K Onn -3rse ivw?..1ust - Vfresll. onn white-fneelV heifer; 'nlso hlucgrnss &eoU. ,-, l'liono 334 't;J3. ' l!Si Vol I fiAl.K 2 Voung frcoh-cows. :.llert Kiancllff. 1'hocnl.x. 240 Ft'R AI.K 'Horses nnd milk-cow. ;U mile ilouth on l.oisier Inne. op ,'poslte drier. A. T.' Johnson. 243 FpR vSALE 2 'freshen -.soon, good -cows; will 222 N. Central. : 239 FOR SAM& DbOh AND I'KTfl FOR SAI.K Thoroughbred wlre1 .haired terriers. 29 H. I'Onch. 239 FOR RAI.K Voung dog, thorough ; bred Irish etusrai8 No. nat-h. FOR 8AI.E WJUITIIT KOH SA1.K ChevroleV'Sffln'l!, All ruulpped;. g,id rtibber'nird'-runs fine. 45 ltoss-Courc. 1 240 4 - PASSKNOBR Rick e.n luicher Coupe. . owin'r leaving lown. hone 1210 j. :n IF YOU WANT A ltEAL-. I I'SED CAR HAIiOAIN . T tec MKAD-Fl'RCll AlOTOR CO. DeSolo Dealers. . ' 1 125 N. lianlvtr.- Phone-tioo. 1 239 :' ': '-.-; i ... FOR' SALE HUDSON SEDAN; ' run 16,000 miles; hydraulic shocks; runs like new car; terms; less than halt price. " .. AH.MSTIIONU MOTORS." INC. 101 So. Riverside.- . ' 210 F6ft SALE S T U D 13 B A K E R SPECIAL 0 2-door sodnn, $300. 8M.f4n iWhlto. ... . - HUDSON ESSEX OARAGE 101 So. Riverside. . ' --: : '24 FOR SALE BUICK SEDAN i Upholstering and Duco juBt like new; guaranteed' i60 days: 18 months terms If 'dnslred. , ARMSTRONG MOTORS, INC.. 101 South Riverside. . 140 RE-POSSESSED . USED CARS- W'o have 12 good ro-possessed used cars at yntir . own 4irioe. Cnmn and see them. ARMSTRONG MOTORS, INC ' 101 So. RltFcmlde. 1 I ' . $40 DO YOU RELIEVE IN 8AVINOT WELL, iniltl'S REAL VALUE, - , . NOW-- ' v.- CHRYSLER 70 COACH; regular performer: new tires; a. good oar that you will like...: .$575.00 PONTIAC COUPE; ' low mllea; runs and looks new. Special at ..:........J....l....-.'.$O0O,0O Let's talk It "over. - ' - t CHHYSLKIl DEALERS. .128 .S. Riverside. ' ' -.... ; !4P FOR, SALE RKAti ESTATE Folt SALE O ncres, mostly al falfa, south Phoenix on highway; 5-room .house,- - garage, , barn. Ouick sale, $3500: sonic terms. W. M. lUngmnn, Hi. 1. Talent. ' ' '240 FOIt SALE Olt TltADK-d-'or good equity, 5 acres or alfalfa under water, 2 miles from city. Jus. Taylor, 240 So. Grape. 244 10 ACItEH pears, buildings, equity Him : less for cash. Ilox P. II. II.. Mall Tribune.' -2.1s ' 4 1 N. Riverside. Phone 1490. ! 240 FOR SALE 500-norc mountain nr. A ....... i. k...... ii,.,.. hi, i, i-m-ui.'m, iiuiim-i iuin I of wood, open rangn adjoining. Rargaln at $1500. A. U Gull. 4 H. Orange. 23 r 1 $2200 ' For 3', 4 acres, well improved: tip ( to.ilaln poultry houses. "Hen:L: , (1. Plckell for further Informa ; lion. 204 East Main. , 1'hoiin ! 9H3-L. 243 FOR HALE OR TRADE .What . have you? 15-ruom rooming ' bouse, doing good businese, Ad. dress P. O. Ilox 531, Medford, ' Ore. $40 I 1 - ' 18. ACRE DA1IIY Close 1n.'$7000. ; A good modern houee. barn, chicken bouse, etc. I Pear Orchard, IB A., lS-yr..olfl ,trees: 10 minutes from Medford, A beautiful country homo with a good Income. i ., . . Wold a wold, sparta dldo. 16 N: Riverside.. ' ' ' "' 242 FOR SALE OR TRADE One of I Iho finest Utile dairy ranches In the Rogue River volley, with or . without 16 head of cows. Phone fiso-j-i, :3r,if FOR RALK 5-room home, handy to schools. Phone 106. i 07tf WHEN TOO think of teal estate, . FOR iALB ItEAL ESTATUi FOR SALT: p- ncro chicken ranch with good Improvements: family orchard.' H. C. Gilbert, west of hoenix. .... . . .41 A REAL BUY Beautiful lot' 130X ! 150. : corner of S. Ouktlule nnd West 11th Sta.vwnntlerfu! shade trees;, paving,- assessments' all lHild;6-riinm house; -hath. .Niui-i ' resldent'says seii for $; easy ' lei'UlH.- lloll't IKI.SH this tp. ' Also s : '.-" ' ' 00 acres on oM 'Crater tJikti i highway: '16 ucres-creek' hnitom In ''oulllViittonl no buildings, only $(150;. $76 down. bnl. to suit. Also 80 '.acres adjoining Ash-, land: nevorul .ihnusiupl dullarH worth of wood; some good land. ' Only. $4 50 .total prion. -Good title. ' THK i'D. B.' MILLARD. 'AGENCY. 423 K. Main. ' fdS8 BROWN WVIITMi REALTORS . Con-supply your needs in iany . mutter pertnlnlng to Real Estate. -.""Wo 'build, buy or sell homes. Can sell you .lots on your own terms. Wo hnndlo Orchards. Dairies, ! Stock Ranches, nnd small traets. We' lontv -nioney on Improved Medford real estate. Let us talk It over with you. , " i ' .-, , nitOVVN &. WHITE,. REALTORS. f , , -,,-f.4v FOR SALE Beautiful SOnoro farm In Clo cknmns Bounty; good bulldinKs; near school; good roads. Also large'house in Port land. M. M. Miller, 899 E. Bdwy, Portland. 240 FOR SALES Oft TRADE One of the finest little dairy ranchea In the Rogue River valley, with or without 1$ bead of cowav Phone 689-J-l; mtf FOK BALli MISCELLANEOUS FOR 'SALE Between 2011 nnd 300 KllK bottles. Tel, 0-K-3. 240 TURKEYS, geese, chickens, Klom- nht potatoes, Diuard squ.tsn. 229 Bessie St. Phono 016-X. 2.1N FOlt f?ALE National cash regis ter. $50; platform scales (100 lbs.), $18: large onk' prescrip tion oasc "A'ltli shelves nnd draw ers; shelves with cash drawer. Tel 6-K-3. 240 FOR SALE Billiard table, fully equipped. Priced to -sell.- Oil I B82-J or 248. ' ' " .'40 FOlt SALIC Complete bedroom suite, walnut: dining-room suite, . walnut; vacuum sweeper, nl new. Tel, 349-J. : 287tf FOR SALE Grapes, squashes, turnips, cnrrols, , cabbage and rutalii.gns. Mauko place, 1 mile east Jacksonville. - '' 238 FOR SALK Mission grapes. Geary orchard, .Griffin Creek, iphone . R-13-U'. 238 K.' H. (.' tillls nils and mien, but harmless in humans," eats, dogs 'or poultry, , Moid by Monarch ' KoPrt Co- ' ' 326tf WHEAT for sale, $1.05 cwU"orto tmick or a carload, tit Talent, Ore., at the- large hrlnk:,-wiirohonse. Sen I'urlis Grocery. - 242 A PPLY -fertilizer -s tl I p h tt r now while 'the fields Are dry. Use Peorl brand' -non-caltlng, '.rton clogging snlphnr, sold br the iMoiiarob Seed 'o,v for best rc sulli:. 230tf 'OR SALE Dried prunea and ap ples.' Phono 731 -W-2., ' 348 FOR SALE Stock boots. M. H. (Hover, Ross Ijiine. 236tf FOR SALK Dry fir wood, deliv ered anywhere In tho valley. Tel. 0-K-I2. 234tf MADE-UP npple boxes, 16c each while they-tast. Itogue River Co.. Nnrih Central. . i. 243 FOR HALE Uulbosa (bluegrass) seed for sale, 30a per pound. Communicate with Williams Beermlllcr, Route , Central Point, or oall at ranch, Antloeh district. ' tf FOR SALE ror aand and gravel seniment ana general teaming Tel. 9II-J. Ham'l Hateman. r ie FOR 8ALR Pare field fenoe. yard fence, aates, netting all ' kinds; cedar and tteel fenoe posts. - complete fine of fence material. 'Wa hullA' fenes.M JACKSON CO. Abstract Co. ' Abstracts of Tltla anil Title Insnr nnco. The only -com plot a 'Title System ' lu - Jack son CotmtT. '' 0.' Q; D'AliBlNl Certified' Pub. lie "Aocnuntant. ' Auditing, ac counting, tax aervlce. -Offloe.; r,.,llvn I'ull.lliitf. PhnnA rids. " ' 223tf i ; Cliiropractlo PhyslcJans DR. E. W. HOFFMAN . Chlro- practlo Nerve Specialist, orrie hours 0 to 12; 3 to 5.- I03-304 Liberty Illdg. Office phone 680; Res. phone 790-H. . - Rye Bncclallita.' DR. D. trlst. fitted. 188. A. CHAMBERS, ' Optoroe Eyes examined;' Olassee' . .404 Medtoid Uldg. Tel. UlUe F.ipert AocoanUM .' WILSON AUDITING CO. 8. M. Wilson. C. P. A. Attention given , to anything In accounting' fend Income Tax Requirements. Look , Into our- simplified -accounting ; method. Liberty Bide-. Medford. ' . Phone 167-H. ' -' TV. WE ..LEND . MONET to wonhy?' people to. pay their noneat aeona Paciflo Coast Credit Assoelatloa, 423 Medford BIdg.. Medford. Ore. Freight Trnnsportattoat long distance hauling - Medford - Klamath . truck" llax,; ' . Dally service. Bonded carrier - Special ratea on lond lots. AuM -, Freislit terminal, 8. TK Tel - ' 1033. ' - - ? MONEY 'TO LOAN to worths pie to pay their honest debt' Also tiny amount to loan on cloj , properly. Thomas Realty Co ' Room' ia,Halm Blk., Car. Mali and Front fits, upetalra. '''('i-jLonji Tlae'-jt ''.MRcai EaWt'. Morlgairlraalt Phil.. :U ' ' iCpmmcrClar MitotK-o Ouaa. ' po YOU NEED MONEY f-J-WI-tnake short time loans. - Tranai1 actions strictly oonfidentlatl. .$11 , . Liberty -BIdg. Open ' Tueadajf, ami Evldnvs till $ n. an.. - Phonf 667-J. H. H. Banister.- :M. C' . Chrlsttier. ' " k '' ; . Monvmeata THE OREGON. QRANJTH CO.'-M:. Monuments. ' E. A. HioKe. uea. eral Manager; I. ' M. Kershaw Sales Manaser. " $02 N. Front St. Medford. v , " ; .- r-J:t-ri i-J'L - mi " I t '- li- Muslo.'l5!!i THARVAL H. FOLKENBBRO-y-Teacher, violin, student orchet' i tra; Violins adjusted. Studio f nnd 4' College BIdg. Tel. $6-J. Palntlns ind Parerbaarut ' H. MARX Quality painting, tint-. Ing and paperhanglng; eaves a4 '. beautifies; color schemes thatara : "easy to live with" at minimum cost to you; decorating of new and bid furniture and tlxtttrel. Phone 178-J. '- r- M. A. BLISS & CO. Painting.. iisrW ' perhnnglng. - Interior finishing general contracting. 1709 Hi' Main St. Phone ; - - Piano IiurrncUoe-, FRED ALTON IIAIOHT Teexne' of Piano and Harmony.. , Hala-ht Muslo Studio, $1$ Liberty Jaidc. Phone 72. . ttF' Printers anil Publisher fiKltFORD PR1NTINO CO. Htai 'tta bt-st equipped printing attic' In Southern Oregon. ' Hook bind-. Ing, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, eto. Portland price. $7 M. Fir St. ' . '. -ri-TT i-rr ': ' i 1 -1 ggina Radio Rervlce RADIO BERVICB ' on any . moka radlo. II. O. Puruoker. II Booth : Grape street. Offlee Pboae- $$i: Ron. 1442. Ill ' . - Sand and flimvel C. A, HARTLEY-Band and Ota) ' plant. Cleaned, washed ' aaaat and gravel; crushed graval, all slses. Phone tllant 1201 or of fine 127, ..',' J64tf Transfer EAD8 TRANSFER' 4 BTOBAOB CO. Offlca ' ill N.'Flr mraet,.' . I'hono 816. Trlcea rlfhu fjerv- '. Ice guaranteed. Davis transfer storaot. I Servloo gunrunteod. 10 B. drana St., Phone 644, or residence lfrt. TRANSFER . AND STORAGE F. K. Samson Co, VluIcK Hrnt4 1.I. mammLU. Cam Imm'I ance protection. Ill 14. side. Phone 81$. rprMltf1a ' ' : THIRAITLT Maker of evamtafttd furniture made to order: re. upholstering. We estimate, enow samples. Phone iR. , lit wanssn. " ' " ' ii 1.' U3T OBOROBfDO IT Phae-4 iul 6 tor nouaecieanina, near wWrhMf. Janitor aarrloa, ,; Oaa. eVsssa .' .., . tee urown 4k White. tX ' 'nun ri .,u, , r: , Qedrtle Dlion. Tel. III. II , 1 I i:-.' ii,"-r.v :i vu i. - '! -i i i VV I'l'f !'.'- t .v.,l U i ' ' '' , '' rn-.s-"-..!. . ,