Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 16, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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Thirty-Five-Year -Feud of
Oregon Schools Renewed
'. Undefeated Bears Meet
Losing, But Determined
SAN FltAKCItiCO, Nov. 16, (N)
-The thunder of decisive buttled
destined to either make or break
leaders of far western football, will
echo over half a dozen Pacific
coast gridirons today, us six con
ference i teams fight It out, and n
like number tear at each -other
for non -conference football honors.
-Undefeated and unrivalled thus
far in .their most difficult con
quests, the Golden Hears of Cali
fornia will come -to- grips at Iter
kctey with an old rival from the
north, Coach Knoch ttugshaw's
Washington Huskies, wfio, thus far
havo fulled to win a game thjs sea
son, but still are- rated a formid
able foe. ,. . ; ; . 1 ,
, ''WQ rivals, wjiq,, jfor ?!T -yojirs
havo been struggling for gridiron
supremacy in Oregon will clash
ttt Eugene, wliere University ; of
Oregon meets Oregon State, the
University of Oregon elevens have
n a majority of the games in
Wio past, .but today the Oregon
Staters were ready to give battle
with a vengeance, still smart ing
under the,ir defeat of hist- year.
Oregon has lost but one conference
game this season.
Wa.sli. State tf-'tovorcuV
"Washington State and the Mon
tana Grizzlies were staging a
party at Missoula, with prospects
bright for the, invaders of -returning
home with the lion's share of
the honors. It will be the last
home game of the season for the
Grizzlies. -'..".
Looking forward to the contest
of next week ' against California,
Stanford's Cardinals today were
pitted . against t the Bronchos' of
Santa Clara university In a non
conference . affair. Coach Glenn
Warner planned to use his. second
nntl third" stringers, with possibly
Hilt Slmpklns, fullback, in the
The powerful St. Mary's, eleven,
undefeated and tied only by Cali
fornia, will meet the University of
California at Ix . Angeles Bruins.
St.' Mary's was the favored team,
holding n record; among the best
elevens of. the season.
Idaho's .Vandals and the Ilull--dogs
-of Gonzaga will battle it out
PH Moscow in another non-confer-
enco Joust; .
1 CIliCAUU. Nov. 16. Wr Tho
program of My Hulllvan of St. Iaul
towuril a clmnco at Jnckic Fluids'
welterweight title, hu boon ruined,
anil a member of tho Dundee fam
ily of Baltimore- ptood toduy. as an
outstanding challenger for the
crown. .
Vlnco Dundee, - brother of Joe
from whom 1'lehls won his title,
used llic oceiiMlon of Jaek 'Denip
Boy's third show nt the Coliseum
last night to stop Sullivan' Htrinu
of triumph by a decision victory
in 10 rounds.
ISud Tnylor, veteran Tcrrc Haute
Intl., featherweight, walloped San
tiago Zorlllu. Sun Ulna Indian, in
, another 10-rounder.
V, The show drew 7078 customers,
n ho paid S30.U40.
ASHLAND, ore., Nov. 10. UFh
Tho C'lik-u. Calif.. Stale Nurmul
school cloven went down to a
crushing defeat before the South
ern Oregon Normul team here yes
terday. -Tho wore- was L'o to J.
Tho Onlltorniuns scored first.
The Oregon teachers matched the
counter in tho first half, and
held tho visitors scoreless there
after. '
The southern Oregon' team was
outweighed more than SO pounds
per .man.1 ':''''.
Ashland Imsinens- men declared
ft holiday In lite- nticriloon to at
tend, the guinc. A committee also
'ld tickets. .. . 1 t
; -v ..... v.
' NKW tOKK. Nov. IB. M'i A
hundred bid time baseball fans,
players and sports writers attended
tho ? funeral of Joe Metllnnlty.
famfil "Iron Man" of babll ut
. the Church of oar Lady of llefugc
In Brooklyn today, ', . '
Among this' little, group of
mourners were ,'John J. McUraw,
manager of the New 1'ork Giants
and for whom McMlnnlty won dou
ble headen and pennants 15 years
ago: Abe T eager, Brooklyn sports
writer, who named the brilliant
.Mtcher the "Iron Man" when he
?tu In his prime, and John I!.
Illeydler, president of the National
league. '"'"'
Sacramento Fighter Will Show
Wares in Medford Ring Monday
Joc Martinez of Sacramento, who meets Hilly ltreedlovo of IlendJ
in the Ncml-wiiuliip of the bljr fight mill lien next Motuluy flight.
In rcKardod as a. slushing fighter. Tilts will bo Marl Inez' first ap
IHMinuieo in southern Oregon ami he lnu plans or leaving a good
imprecision by knocking out the Bend rightcr, who made Iuh, first
appranuice here in tho last cavil, when ho and Teddy Mtsko fonght
Nix rounds to i draw. 0 .r
n.rdiKFMrafr.6oif Bag)
Ily O. B. Keelcr.
I sec 'by the papers that. Walter
ITagcn has about decided to quit
that exhibition game and devote his
time to business, the business be
ing a very ''we'll organized and, I
thin k. profitable distribution of
golf equipment under his name and
designed with his apprctval.
, Following , his greatest, victory
the Urltlsli open at Aluirfleld ' tliitf
year the old Jlalg showed -disappointingly
nt : tho -United States
open and in some other tourna
ments, while, retaining apparently'
all his old box-office value for ex
hibitions, paired with Morton Smith
under the clever management of
Dob Harlow,
I don't know about this report. 1
do know that nt I'lnehurst last
spring the old llaig said to me,
with a hint of sadness undcr.his
always casual and happy air;
Tm nearing the end of tjie road
in golf. . I've lost my keenness t6c
the tfttme. I can't get keyed up any
more, except for some special
event, say the British open. I'm
Broadcast of ' the Froxh-Hook
football giinc yesterday from the
Mall Tribune-Virgin radio station
KMKI), met popular approval
throughout the valley, according to
Mrs. Y. J. Virgin, manager of the
station, who received many calls
from fruis, voicing congratulations
on tho service.
The Model Clothing storo spon
sored the broadcast and credit Is
also duo Mann's store and Brophy's,
jewelers, who donated their regu
lar broadesst time during tho game.
Today's broadcast of tho home
coming tilt at Kugene Is spon
sored by the California Oregon
Tower company.
A Silver radio set Installed
through the cpurtesy of Palmer's
Music House picked up the lMoad
cast for fans who gathered In front
of the Mail Tribune office during
the games.
I.A. (JIIANIJR. Ore.. Nov.. 1(1.
(!') Knlorn ttrogun Norinal Hrliool
iloeNlvoly d e f v a t o d Muninoutli
Normal fuovfoah team, hore ,,,M
torday to claim the mythical hUiIc
normal poltool ehamiilonhtu. The
eoro wna-i to 7. ' The eaftcrncri
outplayed tlie'Vlsltora except In tlitr
flint lu rloil.V '
i-t- ,,
LA (iltANUK. Ore.. Nov. 16.
IP) La (irando ond Mllton-Kree-water
Mh chool football tcam
will meet here today for the cunt
em OrcRon footlmll lltle. Neither
team haa been defeated In Oregon
this year. The visiting team haa
not known defeat In this section
lr three years.
PORTLAND. IFt Hev. A lira m
D. fkanits, , civil war veteran,
known as the "marrylnn parson"
died .yesterday at Vancouver, Wn.,
lie claimed a record of having
married more than trtn persons
during his lifetime. -.
- cr -"'Jr '
coasting right now. If you want to
know. And I'm having a pretty
good time. I can still get out
there and give the fans a show.
But the zest for the old game is
gone. I don't mind admitting I'm
sort (f looking around for a way
out." . . t yt .
Is this tho way out? Perhaps
so. Sir Walter, Is plpo.tql.fO , years
old. ' Ho. has compiled -a record
which, if h&..nevcr sticks a hobnail
in another golf course, will statu!
up'.withthem nil, and lubove the
most, when A ho records of .sport
arc. 'closed. ' Two American open
championships;, four British opens;
five United r States professional
titles 11". major championships,
not counting the numberless east
erns and westerns and such mat
ters. .f.. - . . - .!.; .
Is It the old Haig's "Farewell to
Arms"? .If so, then the most col
orful golfer, ' tho smartest show
man, and, in my humble opinion,
the greatest competitive athlete In
pWt Is making, his bow to. pub
lic to whom he never has failed to
give the best' ho had.
I Fights Last Night
(By Ilia .Wwlatwl IToaa.)
' NEW. YOHK." f,axle Kohcii
liluuin, . Now. York, outpointed
.lanica J.- llraddock, Jeraey City.
N. d.. (10); Oomlnlck Pctrone, Now
York, and Youns Za7.7jirlno, Now
.TiTxcy, drew, UO); Don Volonto,
Knclaml, and Harry Carlotun, Jor
roy City, drew, (I0.
KKI'IKHT. t liar lie IW-lanuor.
C4viuuli. (MiiiHdntedt Ijco lnickit
Alwrdoen, Wa.-li., (10). '
BOSTON. Andy. Martin, lion
Ion, outpointed Fay KOxliy, Chl
csro, (10). - .
MIAMI, Kin. Dnve Shndo, Cal
ifornia, kuoeked out Dick Kvann.
Clc vein nil. (2): Harry "Kid"
llrown. rhiladelphla, and I.uih
(ronzuL-8, Culm, drew, (10).-'
ltCKKAIX). I'hll Zwlck. " Cleve
land, Rtnptieil Hilly Kowalik, Iluf-
fK (). ' " ' ,
'I'lTTSlH'Itc.ll, l'a. Jimmy Del.
mont, l'ltlKliurKli, autiioiiiled (lone
Iteed, AIKCris"(IO). .' I ,
. HOLLYWOOD. .'Oil.' Kdille
Miirdoek, Oklahoma Jilnlor HkIii
weight. , outpollllod Joo (lllell.
Iirooklyn,' (10)..'
SAN KKANi'lHC. Tommy Cr.i
tsnn. Omahii, Noh., and .done (luoi.
rero, Loh AnKelo, drew, ' QfO).
SAN Dll'XiO. Oil. lrjvm-'l.UR7.
() m a h a. Noli., outpointed'; Joe
Hchlocker, Loa AilKelcs. H.':..
I'OltTLAND. Ore.. Nov. l.-(P
Franklin P. J(urthy of Urnnla
Pass. Indicted Jor sending an, Im -proper
letter through the mails In
nnswer to an adyftJoment In a
Portland newspaper by a woman
who sought 'employment as a
housekeeper, was sentenced lo 30
days In Jail, todays ... '
He was Indicted by a federal
grand Jury. Murphy was given
creiHt on hla term for the thr:e
weeks he hat been In jail.
TRIT? iTXfi, ;M 1? DFCYR D,
j . If K. O. White Is as good as he
J claims, the Chicago negro should
i not have muoh trouble in his but
j He next Monday night at tlu Arm
I orv with Tom Corbet t of 4an Frun-
! eisco, the first boy to have over
won over Gene O'Grndy. White Is
In' Medford and will work out uga.'n
at 6 o'clock this evening at the
Armory; where tho public is in
viied to waTch him.
The winner of this bout is to
meet O'Grady "In a fight hero In
tho next few weeks. Both fighters
huvo met the Ashland fighter and
had close buttles each .tlmo.
The six-round semi-windup wilt
present lillly Jlreedlove of Bend
against Joe Martinez of Sacra
mento In the 13rt-pound ehss.
Hreedlove lias fought before in
Medford and is regarded" as one of
tho fastest youngsters seen how
for sometime. Martinez has been
having success in the ring game
around Sacramento and San Fran
cisco and thinks he can fhow tho
Bend boy where to get off.
- A special event of four rounds
will present K." O. McCumber, slxr
.foot-two fighter of 185 pounds,
against- Toting Turner of Sacra
mento. The floor boards have been
strengthened for this event, whicn
follows a four-round bout -between
Jack Breedlovo of JJend and John
nie ' Jackson of Sacramento. Mc
Cumber hails from Dairy and has
six straight knockouts to his credit.
The curtain-raiser will present
Dynamite Iec of Ashland and
Johnny Schumacher of Medford In
the lST-pound class.
Seai Deserts French Pint
AGDE. Franc A1 Suddenly,
without previous warning, the
level of the Mediterranean fell
lie re.
In the harbor. In front of the
City hall, tho water dropped to
such an extent that vessels which
were moored In a fair depth of
water went aground. Large sand
banks havo appeared between the
end of the pier and the lighthouse.
CteTMI g
Oregon Stars
IK 0 k 7
- . Thic Oregon players Who started the game against Oit
isiritc at I'.iigcne, Sutunlay. Air h ,t and Shields ait among the
men on the roast at thvlr respect! ve posltioiis and Itmwne Is
tm tkhtg lnt( varsity rnoiball following a year or tYpcrloiuo with
j frcl men eleven ut IttS. ,
KVdKXU, Ore., Nov. 10. (At
ivan ISroiit of KuKone. was found
Ritllly by a circuit court Jury late
yeatcrilay o:i a rhai'Ke of involun
tary nii.iiKluiiKhter in cotiuection
with I ho death of Kennclh Dilhird,
another KiiReno youth. "
Cars driven by them collided last
AiiKUHl. The Jury recommended
lenloiuy and sentence will be pro
nounced Tuesday.
IIO.MI-: (At The uniform of the
new Italian aer.dcmy Is of royal
blue with silver mittons and orna
ments. Ordinary moinbers wear
bluek plumes on their eoeked hatH
but tlie president, Senator Tlttonl,
ex-fni'elKn mlnistor, sports a white,
Set for Beavers
i WANIll.NdTON, Nov. 1 . W)
' I'hilippluo tndeiieudcnco was pro
posed in a bill Introduced today by
J Hepreseutativo Knutson, Kepulilie
an of Minnesota,, the nieasuro pro
i vtriiiiK that tho president one year
after ils 1:t.ssa:u issue u proclnnui
j'tlnii for the insular Rovoriuuont to
'cull n constitutional convention if
ho felt the Islands capablu of self
government. CHICAGO, Nov. 1G. p) Jane
Addatns, head of Hull limine, will
bo confined to a hospital only u
few days by the wrist injury she
suffered Thursday night. Miss
AuihuiiH slipped and fell when aris
ing from tho dinner table, and her
wrist wns broken.
llEIRD Experiences crowd Peggy Prescott's thirty-'.
day stay at Mohawk Pond lodge from the , first
moment she crossed its threshold in obedience to a per
emptory clause in her uncle's will. ' '-li
t :, Shcwent entirely unprepared for tlie stirring adven
tures and the determined efforts of unknown enemies
to drive hei from the place and thus lose her inheritance
arid .certainly; se did not expect to, fmd 'romance, m
this sinister Connecticut mountainside. ; . j -
"The Secret of Mohawk Pond," a smashing mystery
romance of one of America's most popular authors, is
being serialized for the first time. '
CPliVAM.IS, Ore., Nov. Hi. iV'
In a wild and thrilling runt ball
ganu hero yt'sterday X'nlvoiHity of
(regon freslimen evt-ned up thi'lr
i to (i defeat at Medfnnl last
wei'k by Cdinlug from behind in
the lost half to defeat Oregon
Stute Uuoks, III to The Hooks
led at the half by 17 to 1J.
The 'break" came In the third
quarter when Krank 'hillle, Ore
gon Ktato fullbiiek got rough mid
was went to. tho beneh. The
IvooUa at tho suiue time nufl'en-d
a penalty half the distance to their
own goal, the Krosh taking the
biill on Oregon State :t:i-yard line.
A 1 0-yard pass, llushlow to
Sheihey, atlviineed the ball to the
2:i-yard marker. Kushlnw, on a
delayed buck, nuddtlnly broke
through to the left and galloped
Hi yanls for a tutiehdown. I'mm
that moment tho Krosh held the
upper hand. A crowd of fiOOO
witnessed the struggle.
IiKLKONf, .Miss., Nov. Hi. (H I
I'-our of the siitad of Sunflowor j
cnllcKu rootluill players, hurt yes- j
terdny when their bus overturned i
toduy were believed out ot Uu.ll-
l gor.
t The ulayers, thouKh shaken up j
and '. 7 bruises wore Unlet
i the , r the experience.
'hy Outi'h 111
X-:V YOKK. Nov. lf Hleh-
nrd J. (llcmlon. he:id crew coueh
j of Columbia university, was Htrlek
j on with appeudieitiH lant nlht
while on the way from his home
riv Chatham, Mass., to attend a
testimonial dinner to tho J 2!
crew nt tho Columbia university
I club In this city.
The Kvcrnmont-nenornl spent .
approximately $2,000,000 on the
Chosen exposition at Keljb, Japan,:
which opened recently. I
:; r r";
mmMim :.''.
Dealer Who Sold Five Planes
Will Be Called On Carpet
By Board, Is Plan Regu
lation of Plane Sales Seen
As Need. '
mi- ,v
SALKM, Ore.,, Nov. It!. P) To
iirrlve ul a policy deais'ned- to pre
vent the or the sale of tin
airworthy alrshlpy In Orewon, tho
stttte board of aeronautics will
meet In Sa lent some day next
week with suite officials and tho
tiiauufaeturers of ulrcraft.
In a conference with Governor
Patterson and -Attorney General
Van Winkle, members of the
board yesterday declared that the
situation In Oregon Is critical, nnd
that unless something is done
yotiiiK fliers are Koinp to loso
their lives during the next yea;.
H has been found that the- Orc
pon law wives the board umple au
thority relative to licensing pilots,
but that it. Is almost worthless as
fur aa ret;u luting tho quality of
planes is concerned. When tho
mocthiK is culled next week It is
prahl that an unnumed uirshlp
dealer, who is Bald to havo sold,
five defective planes in- Oregon,
will be summoned before tho
board. These ships are brought
into () i' e k o n from California,,
Va::hiiiKton, Idaho and o t li 0 r
states where they are no longer
permitted to fly.
'-lilbt ration Wine" On lUtfue
K AiyfcJltLAl'TEN. Germany (P)
"fjierution Wlho" has been plckr
ed, as the name of the .1929 vin
tage hereabouts to recall in' later
years the rejoicings of tho populu4
lion over thciVttcuattori of Hhlrto
territory by, French and English
troops.' 1 . ''
ii. ii