Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 16, 1929, Page 4, Image 4

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Medpord Mail Tribune
Dalle, sunder, tYeeUt-
, . ruWvhed It .
IJ-ST-3 N. Kir at.
IIOHKI1T W. ni'HU Editor
a. BUSI1TKR UITfl, Manatee
An Independent Nenpeper
ftnlercd as second class Killer it Uedford.
Ottaon, under Act at Males , 187.
Br Mail In Adtinee;
Haiij, villi tundiir, tear 11.60
' ltalle, vttil Sundar, Buolh 75
daily, wIllMUt Sundar, year
Iially, 1lliout Sunday, month.... 63
Weekle Mall Telbune, o rear.. ... . . 8.00
Sunday, one year.. 3.00
By Carrier. In Advance tn Medford. Asliland.
lacLnorrrllle, I'mlril l'olnl, PnoM.ll, Talent, Ueld
Hill and Mi IIKhwari:
llailr, wltb Sunday, mown wo
pally, elthout Sunday, raoolh 65
Pally, without sunder, one year f .00
ilally, villi Sunday, on year 1.00
All term, east, In alliance.
uirln Villi lued Wire Senlee
Tlw AunrLlrd Press la eie Uliltly entitled to
the use for uuiillcallon of all news dlspstches
rredlled to It or otherwise credited In tma paper,
iiri alui tn the tarsi nrvs nubliahed herein.
All rlclils for ponllcsuon of epeclal dUpattbea
Herein are also resenea.
. OffkUl paper of the Oily of Medfotd.
Official paper of J action County.
A. B. C. aterace elrculatliio for 111 BODtha
enillrm October 1, 1920, 4174.
Ilally amice distribution for III Bontba to
October lit, 1029, 411.
Present press run, 4825.
Adrertklnc RepreaenUtlrej
Offlrea In' No York, Chleaio, DeUolt, lag
rrancisco, Los Anctlca, ueallie, roruano.
Ye Smudge Pot
By Arthur Perry
From tho front pages, and the
editorial pages of tho Portland
papers, there seems to bo a putrid
condition existing In the liu-tru-
liolltan underworld, ono queen
thereof being arrested seven times,
that show on tho records, and Is
still as free as the meadow larks.
Towards her soul-scaring cussed
ness, tho Portland police malntiiln
an attitude of childish Indifference
tho papers nllego. It Is hoped. In
view of tho facts, that next spring
WI1U1! M1U fllllllUljr UIUULIUII KOlO
hot, no candldato for governor
full of a suddenly acquired 'right
oousness, will try nnd round up
tho church vole with tho ancient
slogan: "Tho 'Portland pollco all
belong, and' aro back.tof mo. to. a
man." 1 i v
) ; i ! ".
SKLrK, U HANO li jtVK RS'tt (3ti loth
Statesman.) This hi' qulto a feat,
but cun lie 'accomplished If tho
farmer is beside himself.
The blankcty-blank-bnnk blank
eted bow-legged Buslon bulldogs!
say allii'Cd-bloodcd he-men, after
seeing one of the, emtio -i In his
blanket. - '
's v for YiJAiCKaUuiahuUEic Institute of Pittsburgh, thet('arnegie Endowment fo In
iuni TrcHH.) urrectv.And ternational, Peacethe Carnegie Hero Fund commission and other
i ' V '
Uncle, US, cnlled todny and was
inrluncholy.. HIk brothor, till, will
bu at his house Thunksglvlng, and
under tjie senlurlty rule, will get
nil tho turkey gizzards. ' ' ,'!
Upslnto authorities are puzzled
ovor the problem of-what to do
about two maidens, 10 & 17, walk
ing to Hun Francisco, who tuckorcd
out in wind, umblllon, onii fi
nances half-way to the goal. The
Jussles should bo ninde to walk the
rest of tho way to Frisco. Autobus
ore losing "tholr chivalry, when
young ladies with tho wanderlust
nro conipolled to wulk'over a block
before they cutch a 300 mile lift.
, No formor Texns jurist has mur
dered anybody slnco the first of
the week.
Tho oarly morns ttro colder than
n barber's hand.
' A reward Is orfercd for tho ap
prehension nnd conviction of tho
unknown heartless nnd . euroless
fiend who used tho word "Institu
tional," In the presence of 11.
Flewhcr, the baker, with a baked
reputation, who Imiurdlutcly he
cume Infatuated with the word
"Institutional" and now employs It
with or without provocation. Mr.
Flowher Is now working on "Insti
tutional' co-ordliintlon," "Institu
tional efficiency," "Institutional
delivery," "Institutional advertis
ing," "Institutional harmony,"
"Ineroasu of tho institutional as
sets," and "Institutional dynamics."
Tho drouth continues In tho
Jocal supply of snappy stories,
with no sign of relief.
Our Intorest In .the football
game this afternoon between "Oh!
Oregon" nnd None. Too-Voting
Oregon Statu. Is neutral, which Is
just tho way the wldo-awiiko Port
land Chamber of c. feels towards
another ruilroad In the stulii. A
great deal has been said nbotit
"Oregon's two-ton tackles," who
ara about tut vivid as a box car,
and in the Hliinford game, about us
effective. The Stanford teulii, be
Ing lirttJully couched, ran' around
them, Instead of Into them, ns ex
pected, running up an ungodly
score thoreby. OrcKou Wale lias
boon inaiilcd by every team of any
Importance In the conference nnd
Old Oregon nrt fully ' dodged tliu
numo fata. Instead, they (or she)
played the minor holy terrors, and
then bravely and ' boldly claimed
tu bo. a contender for tho cham
pionship of tho northwest. Im
partial observers declare that the
IHillllclaiia on tho Kugonu campus
are worse thnn those ut Corvullls.
This is a decided advantage.
Your eorr. told City Engineer
Frank Dlllard yesterday that Ore
gon Htatn would maul "old nnd
Mighty Oregon" tomorrow, on the
Hi'ldlron. Our old friend .Mike
11 ti n ley was In tho fund, but Wu
were fiercely surveyed.
rORTLAND (P) -Police were
informed a truck load of live tur
key wu stolen from ft. farm -near
Knterpiise, Ore., and waa headed
toward Portland In. a now truck
carrying a Texas license piste.'
TIIK recent Wall Street colliipse aiipeui'H to jileiiso some Kui'o
)eiin observers, jiidiiis by eoiiiiiients in the Knropetiii
)i'0ss. One Frencli writer expounds us follows: r-' .
' f ' "The Hcnxatioiial (lrop in Wall Klicct sccuiillcs Is a major
tragedy for tho United States, comparable only to what the (Ireut
Wur was to ICurope. For the avvrago American regards money
hs more Important than lifo. This evidenced by tho number of
suicides that have followed tho panic' Nowhere else ill the worli
I would the loss of a fortune bo regarded us the loss of everything
worth living for, and render death such an attractive escape. We
are told hotel clerks, In Now Yorli City, when strangers ask i'or'if ''(
room, now Invariably usk whether tho room is wanted Ln live In.yi
or Jump nut from. Perhaps this collapse may demonstrate to our 'y.
friends that money grabbing Is not everything afteivaH.',' k; ', ,
"Jfoney unibliiiii;!" What n popular f liwtsp .lhat,,iej "Ujla-
rope. And how convinciiiK tlic iii'Kiinii'iit' hnt .'Ailirioanii, cure
so much more for money than life that "When tlifjf lose the
former they promptly sacrifice the latter. If this wcretni'e,
there would have been more casualties the past month in this
country, than there were diirhikf tho world' Wfir. ,
There have 'been a few snicitles, it is true, but tlrV majority
of sufferers have taken their losses stoically, mid proceeded to
devise ways and means to recoup.
AJIKRICAXS do care for money perhaps too much but
as n matter of fact tlicpeople of France, from peusaiit to
plutocrat,' euro more. Americans like to miiko money, but they
like to spend it; and above all they like to give it away.
Honey grubbers, who care more for money than life, would
naturally not only get all the money they could lay their hands
on, but keel) it when they got it. lint this certainly has not
been true of America. In fact, in no country in human history
has the giving away of money' to worthy and unselfish causes
reached such a high stale of development as in the United
States. : '
We wonder if our French critic realizes how much money
will be given away in !).')() by a comparatively few American
multi-millionaires. The answer is si-J,ri00,(KI0,(KH) rather a tidy
sum. Here are u few of the items:
THE LMVKKSITY OF CHICAGO has received $."0,0(KI,000
from the Rockefellers; Senator nnd Mrs. Lei and Stanford
Kave 25,000.000 to the university which hours their name;
George EiistinHii gave approximately $25,000,000 to the Univer
sity of Rochester, ami Duke University will receive as much or
more from the estate of the lates James B. Duhc. Gordon Mc
Kay hcMucathed 20,000,00 to Harvard, John Sterling 'gave
an equal amount to Yale, and Henry 0. lYick left $15,000,000
to Princeton. Besides these major henei'aetions .a huge sum in
the aggregate has heen distributed among both denominational
and state-owned schools in small bequests as is evidenced by the
fact that tjie University of Califonu'a for ten years lias received
an.-average of 1,000,000 a year
Ihe Rockefeller and Carnegie
sources of public benefaction.
son, have distributed $000,000,000
stitute, the General Education Hoard, the Rockefeller Founda
tion, the Laura Spolman Rockefeller Memorial, and the Inter
national Education Hoard. The $:(50,0(K),000 Carnciric beouests
hae gone to IKKH) libraries, 500
altruistic activities.
, 4'Ampiig other great foundations of recent years arc the Rus
sell iie Foundation of $1".K)(,()00; tho Commonwealth Fund
of-$:8,000,000 establieshed by Mrs. Stephen V. Harkncss. and
tho $20,000,000 .halliard Musical
m :i"rc don't know that a man who
bo given any particular credit
But at least be should he spared from being placed in the cate
gory of a sordid money grabber who eares for money nnd noth
ing else.
They have discovered that
live in the alligator's gums, but Jiaveu't yet found -a way to
utilize the discovery in boosting sales of tooth paste.
Americanism: Zealously meddling in another's private af
fairs; looking on in silent indifference while a few men waste
eurths stores of oil and gas. ;
Censors should remember,
terested primarily in the beauty
dirt on the stem.
Mv. Uoosevelt should avoid
of hell. It is a eustom in Porto
he praises,
Nordics are superior people
patroni.e a drug store to make
yaller. .
The life expeetaney of four
increased 20 years. They decided
MUTT AND JEFF Two ,S imon-Pures Compare SalarJ
I I U f I I 1 , I V 71 1 I ...... . X ' V I fM' I ' . . 1 . S U 1 . ,
-nw.0,grr, ututM - ON . ta rAKfc -fOM ;W W DON'T TA-K HI WHAT T0 00 TnPtt? MIGHT HON Much "Do 7
tOly THC HU,J ARC 0Ot rMTRV,NG I A -TTe? J V. lF0R THIS? jtegSfJ
T 'STADmrAl ll IrOTCLUGGroTr -r eAr.a, : S ' VHT PICK V,
0., .k nr
'"P yf2i
1 i . '','' I 'N v ri m.twl,H t;a . r.-.t......i M-enNnif- 0t., (f---lyaejTVt . ; i . -, p i
from private sources.' .
fortunes remain the two great
The Rockefellers, father and
through the Rockefeller In-
universities and colleges, Car
has a hundred million should
for giving away a portion of it.
germs of the sleeping sickness
however, that other people, in
of the lily, aren't aware of the
any referenee to the good points'
Kieu to give a truest whatever
who must suffer in the sun or
themselves resemble a high
prominent Mexicans has been
not to run for the presidency.
'Personal Health Service
iltoed Uttan pertalWot U peeaooaj Dealt! and hyderx, not U dkew diatom ar tratami.
11) be ensnared by Dr. Irady if a auajptd, Mlf-ddroaeed enelopa la anelooad. Letters should hi
brief and srltteo Is 1st. - 0ln la the Urta stnbar lei tare recalled, only t fx can be antw-
sa sere, no rmw no mo
' U aMrlaj M
Brady. Is ear of thai avtajpADar.
Ol'lt lllMI'i:;i t'ltOl' OP
A good medical authority, ono
wljliuut' partlculur claims as a psy-
cdluglst. has voiced the fear that
too sexes are ap
proaching each
other, not only ln
physical charac
teristics but 1 in
mental or moral
traits as well, and
this seemed to
the scientific
mind a'promonl
tion of the do-
cadence of clvlll
ffcmlnnucy always- docs
Indicate the decllno of a race, an
empire, n nation. Signs of fem
ininity in men are not so obvious
to tile casual observer as are
signs of virility In women. It is
difficult to say which sex. If cither,
has the more deteriorated: perhaps
each seems tho worso to tho other.
To our own generation women
huvo shameloHHly cropped tholr
hair I aay Hhamelctssly, because
formerly they were ashamed to
do ho.. 'They havo not only. adopted
the artifices of the scarlet woman
of old, but they now qulto non
chalantly flaunt tho uso of these
artifices and Jaugh scornfully; or
patroniBlngly ' at any quaint old
body who botrnys dislike of It
An Increasing number of women
now ahavo regulurly. . Formerly
women who smoked indulged pri
vately .and felt rather ashamed of
ii 4
Now by gosh they do so qultewould hel me ,m , j am n
offensively and us pubUcly as pos
sible. Drinking we'll say nothing
ithout that. Hut just a whisper
about profanity and what was
formerly the language one might
expect to hear in the bar room
or tho barber shop; have you ever
listened to a couple of flappers ex
changing 1929 Intimacies about boy
friends ? Hut these modernities
are by no means confined to the
once gentle sex. The youth today
feels a pang of regret at the
sprouting of a beard; ho labors
earnestly uml hard to conceal as
long ns possiblo the fact thut ho
hus ono. If ho does occasionally
sport a timid mustache It Is by
edict of custom or fashion only
a ladylike suggestion of one; a real
one would get the raspberry from
all tho brfys with tho latest mar
eelle, and tho modern youth just
can't stand raspberries. Ho devotes
much thought and time and money
to tho pretty pastime of keeping
his teeth pearly white, and his
breath sweet enough to insuro that
social acceptance which every
make-believe he-man ardently de
sires, when he has perused his fav.
orlte magazine.. And what is hh
favorlto mag? Oh, don't ask--
turn nn the radio. In ull his af
feetatlons and personal conduct
this modern nuin-minura..Js not' srfj
)tinetllfouu.-nui-o 'hiHuUcmrfo,biit
ho does yearn to bo exquisite, liko
a movie hero.
It might give n real old-faslj-Jcmed
man some slight uneasiness
tu observe -the Increasing, supre
macy of women In such sovere
tests of endurahne, courage and
judgment as marathon swimming
contests, piloting airplanes, .' pio
neer exploring, big gamo hunting
and the like; but not the he-flap
We cun and should do something
to stop this-dangerous trend. Ve
can effect a radical reform in our
educational, polU-y. As a begin
ning In such reform wo can elim
inate all professionalism and out
side sporting interest fsjm public
and high school athletics or phys-
It'Itl tt'lllnlllir onn ninlfn n rnnd.
onaldc graled physical test requis
ite for a passing mark In every
grade of public or high school pro
motion. We can make n fair de
gree of profloiciu-y in boxing.
swimming or other accomplishment
an essential for graduation from
high school. In short, wo can
best combat the effemlnaney of
modern life by discouraging the
"fun , weakness and developing In
every hoy nnd girl, if not actual
athletic amltltion. then lit least a
wholesome Interest in and appe
tite for playing his own game.
Whooping tough
Hoy 5 years old. Baby 6 weeks
old. lloy has been exposed lo
whooping cough. Is It possible for
me to send him Hway, If he should
come down with whooping cough,
until he Is over It. so that the baby
will not catch It from him? (Mrs.
M. M.)
Answer. Unless the boy Is to be
Isolated (kept from contact with
all other susceptible persons) while
e , , -
aseiarralai la unruatloos. AAdreaa Or. Wuuaai
away, you cannot send him away.
You can keep him from coming
within range of tho baby, whether
ho seems to be developing, the dis
ease or not.. Keep the boy mole
than five feet uway from the baby
Ut. all times, and the baby wfll be
safe. Of course If the boy devoid
ops Any cough.' he should :be kept
more than 12 feet away from the
baby, for an explosive or sudden
cough can carry -the virus" as far
as that. Whooping cough becomes
communicable from tho very be
ginning of coughing, and It is
most contagious tln the early days
before whooping becomes notice
able. This is ono of the reasons
why every cough should be con
sidered dantrcrous. ami the child
properly isolated from contact with t
other children until the nature oft.JJJiJj
the trouble is known. The bacll5-
lufl disappears from the sputum
by the end of the fourth week . of
Illness, and so progressive com
munities require no more than four
weeks of isolation or "quarantine"
Vm a measure of public health.
Dogs and cats may carry whooping
cough; may have It themselves. I
believe the treatment of the child
with whooping , cough bacteria
("vaccine") even after exposure,
tends to moderate the severity and
duration of the attack. -Iaost
Mis Feet
- Your advice on .how to rid one
of smelly feet with formaldehyde,
feet and 'eight inches tall and
weigh 187 pounds. I want to drop
down to somewhere near my prop
er weight. (J. K. II.) .
Answer. Send a stnmped envel
ope bearing your address, give age,
height and weight and ask- for re
duction regimen.
Cocoa Versus Milk
Please tell nie, can a year old
child have cocoa? (Mrs. It. C.) .
Answer. Xo. I think it is bet
ter not to lot any child have cocoa,
If good milk. f available. If the
older school children are allowed
cocoa' at all, it should be only ln
milk, nearly all milk and juM
enough cocoa' to impart a flavor.
Quill Points;
Free service is tho kind you' pay
for cheerfully because It Is called
"overhead." ,
Hick-town substitute for having
yourself paged in a hotel lobby:
Is Dr. Smith in. tho audience?"
, If Lucky Strikes have killed
Mipcrstftlon, as tho new ads dc-
Letaror how come that use of the
W0J y
- - v1y3
wosd Plucky"?
should .Mr. Hoover say
what he thinks of tho tariff bill,?
A president can't talk . like that.-
Tlicro cjin't. lm friHMlom fur
Hnll. If. one man Is enjoying
free speech, . tho other must
Quitting the farm to
banker ' to get rich
retire and live on a
become a
enough tu
rTho-lower class In Kurope will
stand just so 'much. A Roumani
an prince has beat up a taxi driver.
1 Americanism: Chasing dollars;
feeling vulgar and inferior when
rebuked by foreign gentlemen who
merely chase pounds, marks,
francs, lire, zloti nnd yens.
Senator - Reed thinks the tariff
bill Is dead. It Isn't that, senator.
They all smell that way.
The silent ilntum ts coming
back. There's no fftcnt fun In
licit ring the kid say "Da" once
you hum he can do it.
. The manners of America's vul
ur rich seem awful to poor peoplo
-Si Europe. And Kurope's rich are
so considerate and courteous to
floor Americans!
NOVEMBER 16, 3 929. '
t. R I lf-IMP! Ill-
mrreii in a lltl
i. A Hon
It. Small car Is a
I. Mnlnrr
ti. ernnitjirnsla
iiiko port
Id. Mir apt collncj.
17. f ii'i into lino
N, fnr
It. liliiilctil clinr
, tirlr
Sit. i piece i
SI. Hrimlar
Si Itrltllr .r.
Winn iilarolt
t. t.pav out
Steep ns It ax
ft. (.nnit raining
19. Port of a baio
linll flel.t
It. bhoneri
ST. San
sft. siiiiii
St. Drslrt wrong
40. hwlii hro
41. Mnlt uevrage
4t. Ituile (Iwelllng
44. Drmnllihet
Solution of
5. Scnntllnalan
(iff. CuMoge aneer '
U. Fold OTr OH
68. Approach :
so. Hand rfirerlnff
tt. Toward inciter
A3, film
4. H 00 tli f i
ti. Sea iilrd '
SI. Porldits -7.
I.nndirapa '.
1. Inroluntary
tractlun v ' 1
44. Siaycd
Kit rem lit i
4H M anient on
it, l,n in.
A8EuriRAl NngME
para e c rIuJLIc" a n
F 111 P A gJH A NIP Sj
e ene1neM n tS
Sftll SffS E TtKlARTE
1 . t R SCfAE sPm!e1
SIT OIL Enslc'tE NTi
p u ftkljooTr A P JD
'TT r r w f iy y w" " " r
, 'Mzk SI '
H - : fllgrfg
M 1S Sbf 2f 3o' 31 33.
yM- 'ML yMt. I4fe; -
'LtML- ' Mil
, ; '
- ik 40. . -:
.;-Y., ,, i. , , . ;
44 S y&i 4( mZti ,;.,
f f&; 4f . 4f S Si
'i&t'iM'Mk- ;
W "I27" "
tt 0m r, 7
I 1 1 I IHrfrral I I I LJ I ' ' '
. The . senate .was Indignant be
cnufe one. .'of' its.niemberKincccpted
sutrgestions f rpm' private'.' business.
Now you tell ono. '
If only.' the smart salesmnn
would stop overcoming your sales
resistance and let you grab whnt
you came for and be gone.
Another reason why fho talkies
kill , "legitimate drama" fa becauso
the "original caste" ln the film
sent out to tho sticks Isn't com
posed of fourth-rnto hums.
Correct this sentence: "Fretting
Is childish," said tho he-man, "so,
I endure In putlent silence until
Nature makes mo well." '.
Brisbane's Today
(Continued from Paga On.)
manufacturer of consequence
misrepresents gpoils. ;
Americans: nrc mmiufaetur
intf rugs nnd enrpcts, superb in
color ' and wearing (utilities,
that wilr-take-thc place of Ori
ental rugs iittimo. -.
Ask nines .Simpson of Chi
cago for'dt'ttiils..'
Onco tho Ilomans drank only
Greek wines, thinking their own
jater, French aristocrats ac
cepted only Italian wines, although
tholr own wero admirable.
This country's wealthy would
drink only French claret and cham
pagne, although we mntlo good
wines here until prohibition came
along and sont tho country back lo
tho whiskey of .Jefferson's day,
only worso. .,,..
Ucfore long Americans will real
ize that their own rugs nnd car
pets are as good as any in the
world. . , ,,; .
Charles K. Hughes made a good
speech on Wednesday, demanding
moro generous endowment of wo
men's education. .
Seven leading women's colleges
havo not one-tenth tho endowment
Yeaterday't Puule is
P. Mu.hllr
ti. Animal doc tori
rl. I nit t hll
1itrreMit t
57. Htiy window
S'J. rfurt?d n
ft i eel
31. Mite rliar,
ncu-f ,
35. .Net'ifrlnnit , a
meter .,
.13. Wild Imp
fll, ('nnipivltr.Ht i
Hi. Appear';.1 .
ic. u.-ar.iit.
19. (inkt wore
MuTt m literal
trills lo folic
Ascended '
period nf time
Katen anaj
S. Oil can- ;
' 8. nockbona
4. Decade
& Spasmodic ox
ehlelly thranrn
tin nose
f. Flnt
7. Ireland
ft. lUnd
t. Dregii
10. llamllef
11, Circle ..
muck bird
J. 'Die tltltiK ri
f erred tn
Ut I-tut nf sronpil
X Itattle
61. One who Imi
tates serrllely
S3, Known faets
Organ of hear
In if
CI. Ingredient
vnrnlKli .
of the seven leading men's colleges.
That Is extremely foolish, for tho
mothers of tho human-race are, at
least ten times as important ns
the fathers. . -
Venizclos, prime minister and
ablest man in Grece, knows what
airplanes - will meiin when - war
. '
He will establish a separate, air
ministry, nnd run it himself.
President Hoover, able engineer,
ought to have a separate ministry
ns one of three branched of a na
tional defense system, and bo his
own-nlr minister. Nobody could
do the work bolter. A sub-secro-(ary
could look after details.
Just now, ns you know, tho lied
Cross is making a drive for more
members, and moro money. The
President urges all to join.
Koine busy gentlemen In Wall
Street felt- uneasy Thursday when
a hug Red Cross flag was seen
floating over the stock exchange.
It recalled, painfully, battle, war,
sudden (team.
The Senate, refusing to adjourn
on November 23 by a voto of 51
to 34, will go on working at the
European countries, afraid of
higher duties, had rejoiced to hear
of the adjournment nnd a more or
less feeble move to boycott Uncle
Sam was abandoned.
It may be taken up again.
10. (P) Belmont county officials
totlay said they had abandoned In
vestigation ot the Tom Mooney
ense because of alleged conflicting
stories told by Mrs. Dora Monroe,
who last week made an affidavit
placing the blame for the San Fran
cisco preparedness dny parade
bombing, in which 10 lives were
lost In 1016, on her brother, Lewis
Smith, who died sevou years ago
at Cleveland.
ilo Yon Remember?
(Kruin flli'K of tho Mull Tribune.)
' .N'uveiiilHT 1 0, 1919. ; J(
Itoinb. root D'AiiniinzIo landh
nn Ualiiiiiilnn cooHt with 300 sul
dliTM and attacks Kara.
conli'nipt of Joint legislative coin-
mitteo InvcatisatlnB Red aotlvltlca.
i New York. Another cninh on
Wall stioet, : Stocks drop t'oni 10
to TiO polntH. .'all money rises to
30 per; cent,' ttfe hlcbcst-rato inco
1907. .
OroKnn X'lty nearly destroyod'by
$500,000 fire. .
. i. . .'j '.. .: : .'! .'.
Clold Hill cement plant to open
January 1st. : .,
Dr. J. M. Keeno suffers broken
arm when team1 on his farm runs
away. ' ' ' ' '
James Mears. 12-year-old son of
City Attorney and Mrs. Mears. pain
fully Injured when struck by Ford
(From files of tho Mall Tribune.)
November 16, 1909. . .
Fred N. Cummlngs, reprcsontlnB
a Kpokune syndicate, takes over
Fish Lake company.
Bears are reported thick on Fish
T-nlfA nnRu. . -
Clarence Darrow called to Spb-'
kano by I. W. W.'s to defend their
casos before courts. - ,
"Leonard Carpenter of Colorado
Springs purchases 90-acre orchard
of five-year apples and pears from'
W. T. York for J15.000.
llurrell Nellis pears tell at $3.37
per box In New York. " -
Another November Itlutiteody.
Mr. Edlmrj '
One year, today, 'since last ' I
wrote you; and now, isn't It won
derful to have the mind seriously
impressed with a realization of the
amazing distances wo havo travel-,
ed.. along with our mother, Earth,
during that time?
Rolling on her axis 17 miles a
minute und over a thousand miles
also keeping on un evenly balanced
keel while steadily tipping on her'
Poles, with the Inclination of her.
axis to the piano of' her orbit vary-'
inK sj ,3 uegrees soutn to north'
and north to soufli each six
months, exposing her bosom, north
and south, to the light, warmth
and energizing, creative rays of the
run: alternately pregnant with" life
iv nit iiui in, invii iu mc fjuuiii,
alternately afflicted with fading
bloom and falling leaf- Into fall
und winter's embracing sleep. -r
this planet flies with a speed of
19 miles a second, over 08,00(1
mileM nn 'limit- (fiiunltnir .thrf Diil-i7
ling dii-tance of ever 590,000,000
miles a year..- Isn't' that enough
to make a-fellow's .head -swim?. "
Still, you 'Mnow. that Isn't all.
The glubo Willi Its surface' load of
tPPmtllir liilllnna ' "n n t m ,. 1 lifA tu
rushing along with the sun nnd
Hotar ,K'stein through spaeo.'at. a
speed of. 12 i miles a second . or
750 miles a- minute' and 45.000
miles nn hour; bowling cartti and
us 394.470,000 miles distant In
space from the place wo wore one
year ago today.
Grasp mentally tho enormous
speed, the Immensity of the dis
tance we have traveled in ! one
year If you can.
So overwhelming Is that task,
I'm going to get back to my little
flower garden nook, where this
time hist VPUP tlln PnMnni'nild m.aa
In full binuni and Jack Frost was
trying to despoil their yellow -flowering
flame, and now this year tho
frost of each night Is holding back
the. flower and tho yollo'w is lust
beginning to show Its tine tip ends'
outside the door, bravely pushing-''
out dcfluntly against the Frost
King's effort to wither nnd destroy.
mm me nopo is mat it will yet
blooin tills November in all Its
grace nnd beauty; Us hues that nru
associated wUh maternity, golden
yellow thte -spectrum color betwixt
tho green of spring and the ornngo
of autumn's sunset clouds.
And human fellows, please re
member, thnt It you -were swept In
on the tido of life In, ; November,
your gem Is the topaz. ; . j : !
In early times' it nW calicd to
paz, writes French, "because peo
ple were only nlilc to guess the
position of the cloud concealed Isl
and from which it came." tho mys
tic gem of tho mystic month, No
vember. W. Yv. T. '
. ' (Name on file.)-