Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 15, 1929, Page 10, Image 10

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    . 1
t-j j!lLj.' ,1 .Hi. J-1
' STROKCIS: Rita, obsessed bv an
Intuition Kay allll loves Unr
Intra, now t hr. When alia
Irnriis Unit Haetiara l tlio ivlalfiil,
aail-i-yM lil-wiit. (rpiiu'iiily ;it
nhuio ut ilia iluldeii Millar. Una
'allies h" cannot nliuiv lluy lo
I." imi'tod from llarlini'a. Itltu anil
lliirtuiia iiocoina frliida, Illl Hut
night Klla t' li-l'limo-a alii has
PI111 to reunite tlio man ' loves
Willi lila estranged wlfi '
A few ivifks IMor, a hillllane
first Mlaln crowd Is allirhit fur
lilt. niietilni: of "Tho Knave H
..lam." Itay'a revue. In whloli IIIih
la lilll-il fir A specially unmf,
'Tlio New Vorker," . .
. Chapter tl . '
Ol'h'NI.S'Cl night for "Tho Kn.ivo
of Jars!"
Tho alula of tension In tho midl
ands win as nollilim compiti'f il with
that which bud prevailed hchlnil Hie
scenes since early nrtornoon.
Hopes nnd emotions inn riot.
Chorus Klrls Huslorod and KlftRled
over their mnko-up; nnd tiroihicer
busilod hlthor nnd thlihrr; nil nr.d
sundry dead sum tho dhow 'would
flop. ' ''.
liny moved nhout like nn onto
ntnton, his fncti while, his oyos
Rlnaey, not hearing oven tho en
couragement of l'oto Aiihelm.
Hlta hod boon apportioned a lllllo
cupboard of a dressltiK room nil
to herself. Ited nnd while Ameri
can Hoaiity rosea mood In a long
pitcher on tho lloor. Acrtt.s 'one
comer ot the room was a., hided
Japanese screen. . r '
Behind litis sat Barbara-- llurhu'rn
in such a liluli stnlo of iiervotls ten
sion that she kept locking and mi
locking her fingers, .Incessantly.
Hit. powderlnK her Iouk slim arms
before Ihe mirror, altino. eeem;J
Now, bending near Hie mirror,
the threw out over her shoulder:
"Do you think yoli'va sot Ihe
steps dnwu pat?" '
"Yes. . . . Hut really, Itlla, I
don't think wo had" boiler go
throush with It. .Don't you think
Ihe whole Idea's rnlher er.isy?"
"Sure It's criuy. But If It
weren't for llis criuy thlrms ot llfo
we'd nil commit suicide. Say, whllo
you'ro dancing don't foritet to koep
your bands itulug ut tho sumo
time aa your feet. You've tlnipiy
pnt to put the New Yorker ncroaa,
Barbara." '
Rarb?r.i swnllowed twice, chew
ing tlio pnlut from her underllp. '
"1 know. You'ro "nil soria of n
sport to have given mo this clutiice.'
Itlla. Bui do you hoitrftly Nihil;
It will do mo any booiI?'1
"Yon mean wlllr Ray?"
llarlmra nodded.
. "Sure! Do yuu think I Wfiuld
have none in tho bother of coach
Inn you If 1 h.uln'l? I tell you.
you've got lo do something drastic
lo show him (hat you are now' one
of na." ...
halliard's ruuful . nolle . was by
way at coullNuatlon. . Klia, la the
turned hor atlenllon to her hair,
mentally reviewed tho scheme she
had put Inlu tuollou fur the recon
ciliation of Kay and his wife.
.... As !o marrying Hay herself that
dream hou foundered tho mninont
niio had Identified as tho
sad-eyed, wistful Utile girl she had
so ot'.fji seen sitting nl.iou In the
booth at the club. That proved
wiibi.ut qucatlon that ilir Kill was
anil In love wllh Kay. Also, that
she- regretted Ihe Impending ill
vorcj. Krom that moment to Ibis
H had never occurred ti Ulia to
takn her own hnnplueas at llnr
ban's expense.
Ttn very tact that she should to
the means ot briiiKini: them to
isetber was comic In Itself. Regard
lug -.ho scheme she bad devised for
furthering tills end llnrbara hart
been right In denoting II as eraiy.
T0.1. It was theatrical In the ex.
lrtme. Hut Kiln, trained to the
stage: saw everyihlng in tor his of
the theatrical.
Ray had KhvaVs made a point ol
stressing the unsympathetic nni
tudo his wife hail adupiril towards
hla work.
! Chiefly w ith the idea ot overc.iin
Int this had Hlta planned lln ulmlr
llltiig. Towards the end of tho lat
act slie was tn Introduce a pen
dance, the New Yorker. Diuina
this nemlicr Kay w.ia lo aten oiv.n
Western Girl
Prize Winher...
"TITAUY JO was rtcli.-ate and
' I'l nmrl- l-,vs fretful." aay-s
Mrs. T, D. McGinnia, ltr.'S Dttael
Avmu, Sin Antonio. ' Sh
sallow and bilious; didn't want to
Pat and couldn't digrst ber fod
Tiht. ,
"California Fij Ryruphajc'ianfej
iill that: and mad her a different
jrirU h rrviUtrd her hewers rfirtck-
improiTd her apfielite and d:
hon. Ph has kid no trwuMc since;
but h continued hi tain until tnday
friends my ehe's a regular prin
tnnr lor health."
Mot he- ry thousands r praia
trt Calilivris Kbjt Sj-rup, fttfvTa;i
tdors It, A pur vt etabie prod-
C At t
l&Wf IVn VYT
iT 1VI alliUr iotj
AN O tOUIC tOft taUltDftlN
f i' ? I .
tho slngo plnylng hla saxophone.
Kiln's iden, Hint tlnrliarii, In
stead ot herself, should Inkn her
place 011 I lie opening iiIkIh and m
throiiKh tho dunce. This should
glvo liny sulllcli.'iit proof thut Ibir
bara's snobblah Idees had i-hiinr.eil.
At tho sumo llmo her appearance
In this revue, tho acuro of which
he had wrltleu, would lie a 'public
uaSitruncd Hut alio una now In otic
with him In his profession.
Having nitiilo herself up to her
complete Biiilsfactlan, Kiln thought
It time tn go above. The live inlu
utes warning hail already sounded.
"Cheer up, old girl, nnd wish me
luck,"vslic said, squeezing : Dur
ham's ttrtn as sho passed mil of
I bo door.
Ilnrbum tumid the sitspi.tiae of
Unit nral net unbearable,. Anything
sho would liavo given to liuvo been
out lu front. How was tho audi
cnci. rending tn II? They must bo
otijoylng It they must. The mere
thought of ralluro appalled her.
Hho knew tho dreg- of disillusion
that would then bo Kay's.
Sho could mpo Itny standing before
tho public at tho Until curtain keep
lug 11 stilt upper Up whllo bin soul
rocked In agony. It must ho u
success! Too, ndded to her four
for him win tho suro and sickening
knowledge. Unit with the success or
flillnro of "The Knnvo of .Inz?." lay
tho rlso or full of her own holies.
Crushed, defeated. Irrclrlovubly. sho
would lOso lilm. ,.;
Suddenly she found herself pray
ing, a strangled sort of prayer.
"Make them like this show,
l'lenae, please.- . . . Otherwise It
will break Kay s heart. . . ."
She paused abruptly. Faintly at
Ojst, growing louder, she heaid the
din of applause tremendous ap
plause. She wrung her hands and
Cried. "Thank Hod. thank . liod."
without being In tho lonst nwnro
thai tears wcra streaming down
her cheeks.
The next moment Kiln hud burst
Into ilia dressing . room. Rita,
springing about, shouting In her
excitement nnd throwing nn absurd
golliwog mascot front one onj Of
tho dressing room In uuother,
"It's a succoss! It's a success.
A huge, roaring, bowling success
Did you hear Ihe bond? The llrsi
net's our weakest. If flint's Mine
across so big the next la goliE lo
be a riot. Yon wnlt nnd soe. . . ."
! Unit laughing, half crying lu her
excllcnicul, sho dashed onco more
tor Ihe door.
'I'm oft to see lliem nil."
AloiiR the corridor sho rushed,
bumping Into men and girls.
- Now sho had found Itny, n
stunned, dated Ray, as though' ton
much good fortune bud turned bis
brain. She put up her nuns and
shook him by the sltonl-Jers.
' 'It's a success, liny wo've put It
across! We've 'put It across!"
jThey wero lu each other's arms,
rocking to nnd fro 1ri an ecstasy,
of Joy.
"Hlta I've got yon to thank foi It
all every bit of It. Rul oh, girl,
to think that we've actually put II
ucross". ..
Sho closed her eyes, something
was swelling In his throat, Instinc
tively her arms tightened nhout
him. Sho wanted so badly to fee"!
him close lo her . . . fur Iho last
time ... tor the last ttin?
- Oh! Hie temptation In that mo
ment to forget the lllllo wife In
Ihe dressing room. Why should
she sarrltlce her happiness for any
girl? Why should she?
It only she could forget Uarbara
. . .forget that somewhr-o down
deep In his heart Kay loved the
poor little rich wife he bad de
sent d.
For one moment longer she clung
lo him, her greai-e paint rubbing
ott again! bis shoulder. Then, set
ting her teeth, sho wrenched her
self free from him.
'Sc. long, Ray, I want to find
Whllo to herself she mutlercl
as she continued her headlong wa::
"You've got to be n sport. d.?r:
yen. You've got to go through wit'
It now!"
fri,t.-ii...)iit, '(.'.it rit
St la ct! on ,oi et tM
piiiios of ice (Hart. CeiVnui
fie story low Jrrow.
jet; ft is safe for ot cMM, Tho
prompt relief it hrtrts lu'.iou. head
achy, consii;tTd ;Siltlrrn lt.: bc
raw ft hetrs tono and trecRtlien
tK-aaWs and stomach. Appetite. In
creases; dipftiticJi improv"3 ith its
r! A jwi-sster'a retire sj-stem
lnrfit. rtt ttma had breath,
ccitf tor cue or fevenslimw arn
if eonatiraitlon, tT It nith ur
child and ee how it helps!
When luo-init. look tor h
A "" tVJi.'orWM!; tjiat marks
,h tu7 iwvduct, famous
itEnrohn' MAtL
I Col. J. P. O'Noll of PortlutKl,
j often referred to as the bonu Drum
!mel of the army fur hla facllo mnu-
ner mid hocIuI churin, muilo a fnro
1 well vIhII to ,Medtori yestorduy
i prior lo Inking a threo months'
I leave or abaenee. With Mrs. O'Nell
I ho will leave u week Irom Sntur
dny fin- 1 'ami inn, where thoy will
I visit for a time. Then tlloy will
I take In New York City, Phlladcl
I p! lu, Hiill..iiuie. ,'nniiingtnn, I). C,
j and other points of Interest
I throughout tho country.
I Helng schooled In army tactics, I
1 Colonel known tho value of com. j
pnunlsc. lie told his wire, ho siild,
j that they woro going, dlruct to Now
1 Yurli 011 their vucntlon. Sho de-1
j elded they wore going to Panama.
"So we compromised, f This Is '
our schedule, auld tho colonel,
(racing his pencil through the I'nn
! auia runitl, und divarllng hla llHton-
er's attention from the twinkle In
I his oyos.
; The nruiy oflleer. who made a
brilliant nnd cnlm-hil record in the
world wnr, und Inter v.r.a Btntloned
wllh tho nrmy of occupation In Cier
iiuiny. had umblllons In IiIh extreme
youth to be an netor. W'hon he
was i'J years old, und tittoudliiK
.N'oli'o Ditmo prep school, lie hnd
his first 1 reul ilramnllc treat
.h'llli's O'.Velll. father ot the fnmoun
phiywilght. In bin most niitslund
lug success "The Count ot Moule
Cristo " The show opened 111 South
Heud for a weeK ; engugeuient.
Silting as ni.u me imut of .the
gallery as he could get. tho small
O'Nell drnnk In every word, K.a
turo and movement of the great
O'Xclll behind the fnotlli-hts. He
carried his iinngo nwny with him
ilium me uieiiiiu nun iny nwnive 1111
I ...... ,.l..t. .1 n,' l.l ....-l..' ,11,1, v L-,iiiiiitrs ,i 111-t lltnij-
found hero.
When the slmw closed nnd sinn
ed on Ihe road, tho i:t imi'-nhl boy
inn nwny, sought out his famous
mimcsuko nhil begged him to lake
hlm.lnlo bis company. Amused by
the enrnestness of tho lad nnd per
haps moved by tho similarity of
their mimes, the netor allowed him
to remain w-ith tho company just
86 hours. Then, giving him good,
sound, fatherly advice, he sent him
back to school.
s. After O'Nell bad served tho nrmy
and received his Hint lieutenant's
uniform, he had his second oppor
tunity or meeting tho netor. Dress
ing up like 11 modern Count of
Monto Cristo, he attended tile same
production after which ho made his
way bni-ksto-ie. It took very little
explanation to roc.uH ta the. nilud
of tho tu tor U13 lllllo boy who sev
eral years before had ran away .to
join his company. , Ifo was genu
inely pleased that he had come bayk
to accuunt for himself. Kroin thou
on, a strung friendship sprung tip j
between the two. which enduud
until tl e death of the lainous actor.
"And to this itny that lovable
Count of Monte Cristo has always
been my heix),''-UK'luded Colonel
JAOKSONV.M.K. Oi-e., Nov. IV
( Sneela 1 , lr. n nd M r. It. U.
Klllott nnd Miss Vtin Meier nil of
M etl f o rd wero il I n n e r it u est Sun
day evening of Mr. nnd Mrs.
r.eorne Maxwell.
Word has been received from
Mim Chester .Moore nt the Good
Samaritan hospital in I'oriland
thut ihe is recovering nl!y from
her recent operation and hopes to
he home lie (ore many move weeki.
M f m I'aroHne Stevenson, who(
was III t her home last wevk. Is
now Improved nnd nttendtn-;
Mre, Veter Klsher of Klnmatt.
Kails Is now nt the Kogue Ktv.T
1 1 a 1 1 le I .ok n rem rued Tn esd ay
from a few days visit with he.
noUi Mvk. James ltncklcy, on the
A Pi IrKute.
I : George llrew sler. who passed
inunv at his home near Much
Tuesday of this week, was laid to
I rest In the Jacksonville cemetery'
i Thursday.
! MiMi Wstn MaU. htph chool ,
j KiiKllsh Traeher. spent the Veek-
nd In Vor.innd. returniuK to hirj
work Tuesday niornini;. I
The health unit of Jacksonville j
held n clinic for children of pre- j
chool us (it their rooms here, j
This was under the dlrvetion of
ihe ommy vhvslelan. Dr. lUilwm I
and rtiuiity niti. MUh l.nuhshrr. j
TAIil.K KlH'K. Ol-.. Nov. ti
lSpis-lal.1 'The lansley family of
Sams Valley are movlnil this werk
Into their new home tn the Tuttle
tntet. This will add two new pu-
i iill- to our school.
IvvnnKt U'ilsoii and ltetty ltrown
are nlanntna va attrndlna the
1 homeoomine: pnsram at t. et O.
1 at Kllpene next Saturday,
i Mrs. Hlatr Srnrley and son
iyI of M.stford ni nrtln at the
i; IV Wttson home and ealllni; n
frinU if tMSt etirhtHM hn1
j Mi. Illnaohe ?re)try rntertatn
jrrt the 1.ttey Sewinn chih Iam
j wvek. ixtwn iemln- weVe
j prrmcnt t rn the afternoon,
i Mr. a Mi-. lte SirHh .intl
! on of Anhlanta Ment MunOay hrre
1 vUitinic Mr. S:nHh i.ier, Mr.
i M IV Wilin.
! Mi. L.. C JhJifer fnmlly.
Mm. PeAro..e. nl aUutthtrr.
1 .Mir Kv ltnr nnl Kittth Sit
f Minvnfr tho fri here whv
MtU'tiileri Ihe (Hlhi) VAiite At Mni
)ftitl Monlav ftnHn
SprlnafleW Anwnaled pranvht
to operate hnaea on eltT'a airert
every minutes ciante.1 lo re
o St aire. Inc.
TumuNE, medfoud;
m.yv ' i-aV JlJ
Nuliuiiiil llttMHli-UHtliMr 1'otiilHiiiy.
i.-J..' ..' i.,..., ... i .u.!
" ' " ,,,t w""H j
HeuKle, tenor, will be the fealur-1
ed itrtltftH durltiK the coneert.
0 to fl:30 p.m. Interwoven Pulr.
mtly Joiiom and IOrnle Hare arc
' rhe two funinnkers who are j
heard , with 1.11 orchestra under Will ;
' 0. 'Perry'.s direction. ;
Ilrnndcnst tbrouKli KOO KM.i
KO.Mt), KOW, K,; and KKI. !
:30 to 7 p.m. 1-hilco'a Theater ,
- .Memories.
i..uui Ti,.,.,.ii ,..iii i.,.',
will ulniz i
the 'title role In Victor. Herbert's j
' "Mtle. Modiste" as the micro- i
tihone production of tills favor-
lie llKlll ojiera is euniinueo
Hrondcnat through 'KfjJO, KHQ,
KOM(. KOW. KPO alfd KFI. j
7 to 7:30 p.m. Armstrong Qur.k-;was
1-oIh Itennett, soprnno; Mary i
Hopple, contralto; u male qunr
tet and Victor Arden and hh
Annstroiifx Quakers will enter
tain for the natlon-wido audi
ence this evening through KOO,
7:30 to X Armour ProKrt.m.
The 8u-ilec orchestra con
ducted by Joseph Koestner. a
chorus of IS tdnnei'8. Kred Wald
ner. tohor, nnd a male trio will
participate In this half hour of
popular and seml-classlc musi:
from the Nltf Chicago studios
liroi dcast through KH, K1KJ.
it tu 9 p. m. KCA Hour.
Enactinc another dramalomi
In the series of "Oreat Monieni-1
nf Hlator. members of the N'.t
tlonal f Mayers will provide nn tin
portant part of the broadcast
liiniidfiiot thioiiL-h KOO. Kilo
to U:30 p.m. I tonic n Program.
A musical proKiam presented j
by the Horden Hlue nnd White
lltmd unili-T Jtiseiih Horntk's
ton and by the Uorden Ou'arti-t
will he heard throuKh KOO, KM
SI. and KOA. j A'r- .Metinnn. of Fort Ktiiniath.
!l:3ll to Hi p.m. I'nlon Korvl.-ei'" ln Husue H;vei- at the present!
Station. Four. tllne lonkitlK fm a new loi-atloil. j
A quartet of musicians will Ainonff Rogue Hlver people who
appear before the microphone wore "visitors to .Mcdr.ud Tuesday'
tonlKht. I'ncle- Hlrnm nnd liar-1 were K. It. farter. J. Whipple, j
nacle mil ni-e two others who will I -'"bn Treffern. Tom Owens and J. .
r sslst Frank, Siiuily. Sally an.1 j "'"
Jack in the preBentatlun of this! -Mrs. Sum Sundry, local postmls.
half hiiiii-proKi am throush KC.ll. ItresK, is spendliiK a few days v.ic.i
KH'Q. KO.MO. KI1W. KPO, KFI. OonlllR ill Khlllliith Fulls. Her
10 lo 10:311 p.m. "In the Parlor." i daughter. Miss (Jlailys S:indi-y. Is
Social lite ns it was In the up-1 netlliB us her substitute durini; her
town flat of any large city nt the absence.
end of the Inst century Is depln- -Mis. Dick Swncker and Mrs.
ed in sons and , dialogue dui lim! '"'"ice motored to Medford Wod
. Hits production, -which has tor nesday.
, its 8CHlnK. tho parlor of Mr. and The dance given by Knterprise.
Mlta. Svlveslei rdlibke's flat. Thei ''nnse was enjoyed by a large
' continuity Is. by H. C. c'onnette. ! crowd Saturday evening. The.
ilroadeast throush KOO. KH. ! Grange bus their own flve-piere
and KX)A..' i . ' j orchestra, and will give another.
10:SOlo 11 p.m. "The .Nomads." ; dance two weeks from last Satur- .
nest iiftor the tui-nioU 'of the, d"V night,
tlnv Is' assured listeners in the; M'"- nil Mrs. Oscar shepherd
melodic program offered by the ! accompanied l.y Mm Fbilueiy. left
. Xomnds: ,' . ' r'"' Seattle Sunday moi-nlng. Mrs
ISroi ilcast through KOO. K.HU I'bihi ety will stop nnd visit her
nnd KOA. " I mother nnd sister In Vancouver.
11 to 1! midnight Musical rU3-jwhile -Mr. and Mis. Hhcpherd are
keteers : ' "i
Walter Retain directs the ll
piece band which will interpret! Alr- nl ,rs- ;- Oliver were
a Kronp of especlallv nrran'd I 'lne visitors to Portland the
son it nnd dance fnvorites. j Pt Ml- Oliver runs the through KHQ. KO sawmni 1,p,t-
MO nnd'. KPO. . .. , Roland Taylor has his fcx pens
H to 13 mldnlKh1lVuIihner.lIar-l,e!M'rl"r'a flow aml hns -six pairs
rls, Motel t. Frtinci tlaftco of fnXes-, M-Hors are welcome and
chest ra, KfiO.
JAOKSOXVH.l.K. Ore.. Nov.' 13
tSlieeial.) Mrs, Henry Miller limit CLIMAX. Ore.. Nov. 15. (Spec-,
son 'Hobble were luncheon surma! Climax school will close to
Thursdi.y nt the home nt Mr. mn.l day with a program nnd picnic din
Mrs. Art Tenner on Uiurel suvet.lner. Three children have not miss.
Ashland. Other cuests present' ed si day of the term. Kolierta and
were Mrs. A. A. Madden. .Mrs. Lyla Norma Wertx and Martha i'orter.
lieek and Mrs. Arthur Young. ; '
Notice ' I Orepon: Vail- tonight and Siit-
-I have sold the balance- of -my 1 urday; no. change In lemiH-nture.
stock to tho Kobblns Kurnltur C;vj Valley fos In west portion Satur
and all accounts past due piust be j day mernlns. ticiule variable
settled immediately. i 1 winds, moderate southerly on the
2. SOliTT A'CW1I.P. north coast.
,6ifef?oyyiMj)A;'oAnir,Kif i5;-1020:
i !nin rim r nnniT 1 infi':'och,an
ii'i'il hih lump v;ih hUII burnint;.
P,n .lu....,.,, ,
ah -...v. u v.....r
on his search for an linntMl man,
In the opinion of Mrn. M. K.- J-a
den, who whh in .Med ford today
and told if the return of a blarU
liandhaw to her home., containing
tho $4:t she had In It when ohe
last It over throe weeks ano.
she nilveitlsed In the Mall Till,-
une two weeks uKo for Us return !
tint when a week passed Uy and !
then two, she wn nvlneed she!
i.i ,. i, i,.., i..i!
would never see It a wain. 15 tit last I
Sunday, she noticed boxes no
on hi'i;
rrmit porch had heen iUsuri'iined !
and peeklnpr up at-her from un
I dcrneath the covering of a yac't(
was her purse someone had left!
It there while tho haden family !
awny from homo. No cultinir
was nnxinus to locate the parry
to Rive them Uovf thanks, espec
ially In view that nothing was
found missing from the purse.
She said she lost it on the Cra
ter Lake hifjhway between Med
ford and .KokIp Point when i
fell from her car." .
KOGL'i: KIVR. Ore.. Nov. 15.1
iSpecial. ) The correspondent '
wishes to correct u statement made j
' in last week's items. Due to mis-
the item concerning
Ilia firo fit t lua Dtiiuu liuvitiii-'lr u-iiu !
untrue. j
Friends of James Blackburn will
"V foi'ry to hear of his serious i
illness at his home here. j
lU-xsle Harden, eoadi for the;
ItuKUe River hh:h school, spent!
Oie week end In Albany.
Mva. Agnes suineri. n, who is :
days fast week iii .Medford in that
. uii'-miing uie iia.iunai urange con-
. vention In Seattle.
ninny ni-e rnlling to see them.
"GaJt, George don't mm
thermos is filled with Qoldcn
I antra., nnmx I
Mr. and Mrs. Frank
foe n ran wero entertained uy Men-
f.tfA fl'lwwl.
J.. X. Wntklns of San Franclw-'o
Is here buying turkeys for the Half I
I Moon company of that city, wllh '
.HO ullve to,lay"'" !-!u"er3 ar u.e i nei niansoii
feed toie. - . j
Among those on tho sick list this
woek oro AV. li. Alexander and Mr.
' Howard Hill Is orectlnK a double
I irniKe at his home In west Central
jonn nienner returned Tuescuiy .
from a visit with his daughter at
Klnmnth Kalis.
, '' "'"''",' T '
'- ''".led lluf" Ca V'"'
" " "k "n, 1 ,""' 1' ,
i.Mr. and Airs. Je.sye lticllill-dsun
"-" """" "l- v
was a recent Kuesl ut the home of
. . C, , ....
j i utiKIJt'in.
The baby clinic held at the t'en-
... ri vnn.-- i J i.,'
... h
J "; m C"R
rge, examined 1 7
I Mr. and Mrs. Oeorpe Garrett a:-
j settled in Uieir new home west f
the Christian Mcience church.
Miss "Leota Ttoainoi, left Thurs
day mornint; for Lakevlew to take
up her work of teaching school
during the winter.
Mr. and iMrs. Robert HimminKtun
of Bunsmulr, Cab, spent Saturday
and Sunday in Central Point as th
quests of Obe Pankey, father cf
Mrs. Simmlnpton.
Fruit-filled Buns
15c a doz.
Deviisf ood Cake
with Marshmallow center
Pumpernickel ;
Bread 15c i
" ,!
Model Bakery
111 W. Main..; Phone 103-E
SKe sKould eel
Radio Service Laboratory
22 S, Grapa
Office 335; Res.
know that
r' Kit'
3o7TT.i'Kellogg's ALL-BRAN Will Supply It in Generous
. . ' j J!-l 4Vn lnrlc
, 'i here oangor inu-i '''- .
DUtK. " ""'cll Without it
"Ty"" bl,jnr. its deadly work.
'""a" " ' ;r ,is will
u " lcs.f, . .A beauty, blast
1UIII "''P v
c.iinnr .miileYionsi hcarinch'SS,
, lisllessncss are siftns that eonstipn-
! tion is present, mit xi.i-m.
I banished health and vi.w can bo
numanc" - - Vvellne-e-'B
rcryiined by entitle; iJ-nott,
Kellogg's ALL-BHAN. is liT
,Sf i, 100' elf ectivc. It! is
' guaa" tofng neural, mrc
I Buala""-"' '. t
Scrap Books
Leatherette covers in blue, green, red
and black. Loose-1 saf style. A place for
the "thousand and one" clippings that
you want to keep. r
. "'...'... ;' ' . i- .
Swem's Gift Shop
!! r
Netted1 .Genis-Extra Good Value!
No. 2, per 100 U .....
Near No.J;i,. Per 100 .
Fancy Nciilper jOO,
Spanish Sweets, per
Yellow Newtowns, per 100
Klamath Potato Depot
Free Delivery
Pantorium BIdg. . Phone 615
"The Home of Good Meats"
Swift's Government Inspected Beef
' Swift's Best
Everything for Your
Sunday Dinner
Don't delay ! In order to assure vourself tliir
very ln-st assort nient possible bo We. to put
your order in early. Kvervthinsi in the meat
line f.n the Vlunlny dinner in n delieious.
tempting variety.
Fresh Salmon Fresh Halibut - ' '
Fresh Crabs Fresh Oysters'
Young Rabbits Young Chickens
Pork Tenderloin Beef Tenderloin
Milk Fed Veal Corn Fed Pork
Veal Loaf Swift's Beef Sausage
Just Try Our Personal
Phone Service
Holly Si Main Street
relief. ' E'rit two tablespoonfuls
daily chronic cases, with every
meal. Doctors recommend it,'
A delicious cerenl to servo with
milk or cream. Delicious In cooked
dishes, ilecipes are on flic pack
age. Your grocer sells ALL-BKAN.
Hotels, restaurants and dining,
cars servo it Made by Kellogg in
Eattlo Creek.; i ;. .; . ,. . .
v; .
100 . $2.00
( . m.
ajnwnanufaaaeuujRiMii mi ii ;mWM isjajii m iiiiuij'
Phone 164