METVFOKO biATT; TRTBTTNE. MEDFORD, ORKflOY. SA1TRDAY. NOVEMBER fl. 102!). pxqe Tirrnim BE SPECIAL FEATURE 51 "Armlstlco Sunday" will lie un nerved In tho Fivst Methodist, ut 7:;!0 p. m with address ami .s ) o c I ii I nun-leal l-rRram. lNuaor Alex mid or CI. Benneu, who w aa ki s t u r to so Idle cm at tamp FuiiKton, Kin sas during the world L ijP war. and whose pou f - ffcr sc.rvcd In the 35th di vision over hcuh, wm tpeuK on "What A merlin Minn Show to the World." . , Mru, C. II. l'asko will sinir, 'There la Xu Death," by O'Hara. 1'alriotii! hymns will he suns by the congregation. Mrs. Mutio Heu nei'Kard's organ proKnim include: tho "Kvenint; 1'rayer," by Nelson; Tvili;ht Hours." by Paulsen: ".March," by Ashford. Sunday morning Pastor Hen nett'H Hormon-suhject is to bo "Tho Other Half of tho Meaning of tho OrosH." Tho finuncoH of tho church i year will be 1 presented by C -'. Darby and the. finance committee, and tho. annual every-member rull.i made during the day and the week. C. A. Meeker HintW MeDermott's ; "Niijcty-flrst Psalm." The an- them by the choir will be Shel ley's "Christian, the Horn Breaku - Softly O'er Thee." with incidental soloa by Mrs. Paske, A. L. Wo man. C. A. Meeker. The orxan numbers are to be K Tsi-halkowskys "(Chanson Triste." Deethoven's "Minuet in V and Kheppard'a "Allegro con Moto." A delightful reception was ten dered tho new pastor and his fam ily last week, a larRO company attending. The Ladies' Aid, Mid. O. ArnspiKer presiding, served re- freshments, and arranged the pro gram, it W Pastor Bennclt leaven Monday evening for Portland, to address the Kiwania club Tuesday, but will return to Med ford for the Wednesday evening mid-week de votional hour, leading In a study of "Tho Love Song That Trans forms a World." . A Hcoro of young folks from the Ashland Methodist church at tended . the Medford Kpworth league meeting lattt Sunday night, when, tho local members presented a playlet and wervod .refreshment in the rtecrcation Hall. L BE TOLD V !- , Scores tif l'resbylerlun churches throughout tho Htate of Oregon will ' releltrate November 17 -as "Westminster Foundation Sunday, wlien pastors will tell their con KreKatlt'hs of the work beinj; done at Hie.. Westminster houses at Ku Kene find Corvullls where 1-10-j I'resbyleriati younK people are at. tending unlverslly and college. Money Ih needed to carry on the. work and many. of tho promi nent men and women of Oregon have promised to assist in fur thering the enterprise which is recognized by leading educators to be a valuable asset to the youth of the. Btate. Dr. John Straub. President Kerr, l'residenj Hall. Dean Duback. Dean Kate Jameson. Dean Vir ginia' Judy Ksterly and many others have endorsed the "West minster foundation's activities and influence for goud on the cam pun. Hamilton Patton, Claude It. porter and William W. I. Holt aro Medford tnemliers of the state advisory committee. Paul T. Shaw of Portland Is chairman and Dr. II. Howman is perma nent chairman of tho board. The ladles of the Lutheran church will hold their annual ba- :aar on Monday and Tuesday, No- vember ll.ond,l:i. 'The regular monthly dinner will give way to the. . big chicken dinner to be served in the social hall of the church nt noon. 11:30 to 2 y. lo on : Armistice Day. Fourth and Oakdale. "Attractively displayed in .beau tiful booths will be lovely pieces of needlework by real nrtists. Then, too, there will be a dis play of household articles, won derful fiulllH that have a history, making them invaluable. Ther will be u fish pond for the chil X.dicn.'and wonderful dolls for the littlc-oncs: " Tho post office will 7 ;tvo be n big attraction. Don't ' fail to call for vour mail. (Contributed) ' llo, 'e People! You nre cor dially Invited to Join us in cele brating" tho anniversary of tile birth of Martin Luther Sunday. November 10.-at 11 . m. Dr. Funk will speak on the great itilestlnn. "Ho May a Man Have Peace and ft Just Ueforo God?' The church that bear the name of Luther comprises ninety mil lion members and Itepcher de " i-larcd: "Our civilization is th. result of the open Bible, which Luther irave u.." Moreover. Protestantism derives Its name from the protest of Martin Lulher. St. Mark's KuIm-oimI. Corner Oakdale and Klftli St. X a. m.. Holy communion. 10 a. m., Sunday school. 11:13 a. m., Morning service. AVm. It. HamiUmi, recto. Chtircli or Ciotl. . West Holly and Haven. Pastor, lie v. Chas. A. Cooper. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Preaching, 1 1 a. m. livening service, 7:.IU p. in. Wednesday evening prayer meet ing. 7:30 p. m. ' A hearty welcome extended to nil. Tiill (iosjK'l Church. Main and Newtown Sis. Hible school at U:45 a. in. Morning worship at 11 a. in. Jail services, 2 p. m. Young people's service, C:30 p.m. Jjvangelistlc services, 7:30 p. in Mid -Week Servians n r 4inlI fit 325 North Oakdale street, Tuesday and Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Kverybody welcome. T. S. AV'Incy, pastor. KimNsh Lutheran Church. Fourth at Oakdale Ave. "Where the Way Is Mude Plain." Luther Dlrthday anniversary scr vice. Dr. Funk will speak on the great question, "How May a Mm Have Peace and Pe Just Ueforo God?" at the 11 o'clock service. Special music: Prelude, "An dante Itellgioso." by Lautenschlae ger; anthem, "Praise the Lord," by Wilson; offertory. "Melody In V," by Itubinstcln: postlude. "Hymn of Triumph." by CuHibert. Wo invito you to worship with Phoenix Christian Church. Our. church services and Sunday school were well attended last Sun day with visitors from a nearby church. The Sunday school hour is 10. and tho preaching hour Is 11. Com munion is just before the regular preaching. Sermon subject for next Lord's day is from the words of Christ. "A. Kingdom Xot of This World.' loot's try to see just what Jesus meant by this statement. You are kindly invited to spend n hour of divine worsliip at tile little white church, with llio old time gospel program. M. IJrownrlgg, pastor. Itevtval .Mooting. Advent Christian church (Not Seventh Day.) West Jackson and Welch streets at end -of North Kir. Peglnning Sunday. November 10, a 11 a. m., meetings every night uuring tne week, beginning at 7:30 p. m. ICvangellst, J. S. Lucas of Port land, Ore. Come where God meets with IIIh people .and 'blesses. i ; Kvangellst Lucas will bring forth things new and old from tho word of God. All children are welcome in the Junior choir. All arc welcome. Come. Valley Itndio Church. IJ111 Hay, pnstor. P. O. Pox IMS. Office, Herald Uldg., next to Post office. Itesldenco phono, Jackson ville 102. P.roadcasts from studio o KMHU Sunday nights between 8 and I) p. m. A. J. MacDonough, gospel solo ist, will sing two numbers. Prelude, Armistice Day. Pastor's subject, "Let No Man Deceive You." Come to the church o'er the radio. It's tho oid-tlmo religion. "We invito you to worship with us and enjoy the old. (line gospel hour, o'er the Voice of a Great Country. I'lrst Christian Church. Xini Ii mill oakdale sts. carman K. Moll, minister. jOfflce and pas tor's stuily In tho church, phone 1 out. lti-sldeuce phono 1331. "Test Our "Welcome." Morning worship and commun ion, 10:5.-1 a. m. An Armistice day service will be held. Appropriate music. Sermon. "Tho Divine Mes senger of Peace." Popular evening service, 7:30. Good singing, special music, a hap py fellowship, and always a large audience. Sermon, "Tho Dlble's Golden Text." lllble school assembly, Q:4?i n. m. Christian Kndouvor groups. 6:30 p. ni. Mid-week service, Wednesday. 7:30 p. m. rlrsl Mctbisll-t Church. Alexander G. liennctt. pastor. Sumkiy morning sermon by the pimtor. 11 o'clock. "Tile Oilier Half of the Meaning of the Cross." An nual Finance day. church lilblo school at 9:13 n.m.. young people and adults studying "Our Share in Promoting Interna tional I'ndersiandins." Armistice day observance In thi evening at 7:30. wllh address by tho pastor, "What America Moot Show tile World." Youths' hour nt (l:3o p. m.. two Kpworlh leagues. r F Mid-week devotional hour 71.10 p. in.. Wednesday, led by the pas tor, consideration of "The I.ove Song That Transforms the World." All folks aro more than welcome. First llapllsl. Church. ; Cenlral Ave. at Fifth St. I ' W. II. Union. Ph.D.. minister. Phones: Ofrice loss: residence. 7(M-H. Sunday s hool at H:1."i a. m. P.e on time with your Ulhlcs. Classes for nil ages. Mrs. K. K. Wilson, superintendent. Dr. baton's sermon subject at 11 a. m.. "The Light House and the Keeper." I.nlica' qunrtet will sins" "Drifting." Sunday afternoon will be the an nual Every Member Fellowship canvass of the church. It. Y. p. f. at :0. At ":J0 Dr. Katon will give his third address of the series "The lilble and Science.' Special olo. Walter Scott at the console. We welrome you to all our serv ice. Make this your church home if you do not worship elsewhere. Try our welcome. Apostolic 1'aHli Mission Sunday eivlees ut 1 0 : 3 1 a. m. and 7:30 p, in. About 100 young people and children uttend our Sunday school at 2: 30 Sunday afternoon. All children are welcome. A fourteen piece orchestra will lead the hinging. A ladles tiuarlet and also n mixed quartet will furnish the special singing at each service. The Word of Cod Is preached lu its fullness. No collections are ever taken, livery body welcome. Main St. Methodist C liurcli. South. Tile Frleldly Church on the Cor ner. James l;f. Cornier, pastor. Sundav school at !l:4."i n. m. D." ituiicna moiiiu oe giatl 10 nave you i if you aro not attending elsewhere.! ell organized classes here. Preaching at 11 a. m. Dr. S. 11. Shangle will gpoak. . Preaching In the evening at 7:30. Sermon subject, "Art Thou llo?" Special music. In tho afternoon Dr. Shangle will speak on Borne phases of the mis sionary work. Uring your lunch and spend the day. A-t noon 'the tables will be spread and ' the lunches nil put together. Don't miss this discussion. Prayer meeting "Wednesday even ing at 7. Choir rehearsal after prayer services. You aro cordially Invited. Cent nil Point Federated churches, J. M. Johnson, pastor. ' T'.lble school at 9:45 a. m. Young people's services at C:30 p. m. Men's prayer meeting Monduy evenings at 7:30. Ladies' Itlblo study and prayer circle. Tuesday afternoons nt 2 o'clock. Mid-week prayer meeting, "Wed nesday evening at 7:15. Men's Brotherhood meeting on Tuesday evening. November 12lh. Special program. Choir practice on Thursday even lng. In tho church services of tomor row the pastor will preach on the subject, "Preparing for Pentecost," and in the evening service on tho subject, "The Church: Its Message, Negative and Positive." All are welcome to these services. First Cliurcli of Christ. Scientist. Authorized branch of the mother church, the First Church of Chris;.. Scientist, in Uoston. Mass. Services aro held every Sunday at 11 o'clock, church edifice, 212 North Oakdale. Subject for Sun day, November 10: "Adam and Fallen Man." ' Sunday school at D:1i a. ni. Ap plicants under the ago of 20 may be admitted. "Wednesday evening meetings, which include testimonies of Chris tian Science healings, at 8 o'clock. The reading room, which is in (lie Medford building, Is upon daily from 1 1 to 4. except Sundays and holidays. The Diblc and all au thorized Christian Science litera ture may be rqad, borrowed and purchased. ' . The public 1s cordially invited lo. nttend the services and visit tile reading room. First I'rcsbytcl'lan Cliurcli. Claude B. .Porter, minister. Itesl denco phono 1372; church phone 194. Church school at 9:45 a. m. C. Ii. societies" ii't 6:30 p. in. Worship services at 11 u. in. and 7:30 p. m. , . Tho morning sermon topic will be "A Pertinent Answer to An Im pertinent Question.". In llio. even ing Mr. Porter will preach on "A Christ-like God." At 4 p. m. an ArmlStlt "day ves per service will be held under the auspices of the auxiliary, of the. American Legion. The public as well ns all members of Legion and Auxiliary aro invited. Commencing Wednesday noon, from 13 to 12:45-the church will he open fur worship nnd medita tion. The organ will be .played during the 1iour. . - -1 " The mid-week 'Service will lie omitted for (ho men'a meeting. The following music will be pre sented Sunday mortiijtg: Prelude, "An Old Ihiglbh Air." Miles: of fertory. "Deep Uivcr," Illilielgh: anthem, "Prepare Yo the Way of the Lord," Garrett: contralto solo. "Arise, Shine, For Thy Light Is Come," McDermld Mrs. lCdna lOlfert ' Isaacs: postlude, Marehanl. lOvening: Prelude, "Narcissus," Ncvin; offertory, "From the Land of the Sky lltuo Water." Cadman: postlude. "Allegro." Archer: so prano solo, "llabylon" Miss Mar garet Arnold. Ministry of music: Florence Iliuelrlgg McKliiose, soprano: Kd na F.lfort Isancs. contralto: A. J. MacDonough, tenor: Dr. W. W. Howard, bass; Eva Ilazelrlgg Marsh, organist: Margaret Arnold, director of evening chorus. Am ii now jiorvlc'e, three days .1 wrt'k nt tho noon hour bikI until 12:45. thr uuditorlum of the Fir: Presbyterian rhurrh will he open- oi! in the public. Orsan murfcwill bo pl.iyi fl tlurltit; the hour nnd Mlt Marian AIvnrdMereor will be j.t the c onwile. People iirn Invited -to cinio to nny part f the noon 'tv ice; ti roine wjfn possible, to utiiy ris Iiihk -h Jn'ritotJie! inl ti leave whenever noee.nary. m .,. rf Thj service Ik (or till purpose of iifferinir n iwUt hour ir -wundilp nnd metfitnUun to Jipymir -who m dewlreM. Thi orffun H-IM bo played fT those who ami Joy jrtud muMc. lOveryonu w at liberty tr une thl B'-rvire. These. rvicirj will be cn Monday. Wedneadr.y '. nOd,- Frid iy noons. Next Monday, liu Armis tice day, th ttrnt aenrtrti vrtt heln on Wednesday, Novembor 13th, A.trlniii AnllitiMty. WASINNOTO.V, Noil P Authority for tho state of Oretjun and the Haynes nlouKh dmlnan district to eonMruet and operate a dam nnd Pike to prevent the flow of tidal waters Into the sloiifth at Coos Itay, Ore., wrh asked In a hill Introduced today by Nennror McNfiry. PPKRYTFPIAN PH RP.Hl I IIL.ULS I I LI III til UIIUIIUII 4 HAS MEDITATION HOUR NAMED ON COMMITTEE MEDFORD GIRL SCOUT - nnnuimTinu onnuo THE LUXURY HUSBAND SYNOPSIS: Bnrb.ira's earty morning vigil at lllta's alinrl:ieiit ends in a wicked iniund?rsUind Ing. Ten minutes after she departs, determined to divorce her huxbaml, Kay leaves the apartment building. Distraught nnd oppressed by Rny'a seeming tnOdelity. Burhara returns home. She is awakened from tor mented sleep hy her telephone tiell. ller uncle, Vandaveer Landon, Is calling. Shortly nfterwurd he ar rives with startling news the rev elntiea that Henderson lias been borrowing money on the strength of his prospective marriago to Harhara. This discovery ends the relntiwn between them, and Hen derson sails lor home. A few weeks later Barbara reads the an nouncement of his engagement to Cora Maidstone. ... Chapter 3 '$S A CORNER TABLE ' fNE particular night, about 10 days after ber dismissal ot Henderson, Barbara found herself alone In her apartment. She had been feeling very blue since din ner, lying on the couch, books and magazines In great array around her, but there wasn't one on which she found herself able to concen trate. Perhaps this was because the Inevitable lore theme made her at the same time both wistful and angry. "It's all absurd," she cried aloud In resentment as she came to the end at ona story. "Stupid, clap trap fiction, written so as to throw a rose hue over life that doesn't exist. Men faithful-blah! They can't remain true to one woman, once she's out of their 6lght, for 10 minutes." A clock' struck ten. She stretched herself lazily. Hours before she need go to bed. Anyhow, she was sleeping badly and the prospect of long, weary hours of wakefulness appalled her. Gradually, as she lay there, she became conscious of strong desire (o see Ray again, Just to see him, If only for a few min utes. She didn't quite know when the Idea of going to the Golden Dollar club came Into her head, but, once it bad, It look a Arm hold ot ber. Why shouldn't sho go? The club was open to the public and, this being Monday night. It was unlikely that sho would run across any ot her set. Anyhow, Just to drop In for a tew minutes could do no pos sible harm. She wanted to see Ray desperately I Of course, she wasn't weakening in her decision to dlvorco him. That Henderson had been discred ited In her eyes mado no apprecia ble difference. She had seen Ray In the girl's apartment at an hour when the Inference she drew was the nnturol one. In no, time Barbara found her self sitting tense and straight In a laxlcab, rattling down Fifth ave nue towards the Golden Dollar club. Their progress was slow. To Bar bara, afovar with Impatience to be there now that she bad definltoly decided upon going. It seemed thnt every obstacle possible cropped up to hamper their speed. Perhaps she . was .afraid that should they linger sho would Ipso her nerve. That she might, seemed fairly evident, for, when Anally the brilliant, twinkling sign of the Golden Dollar club blinked at her from across the street, she made the driver go round the block once more before she bad sufficient cour age to pay him and run across the pavement Into the arched doorway. Down the steps b ran, quickly, breathlessly, colliding with the manager, a distinguished, sauve look'.ng man who might have graced the diplomatic service had there not been more money hi night clubs. "You have a table reserved?" he Inquired deferentially. Barbara shook her head. She was beginning to feel slightly foolish under h!rt polite scrutiny. "1'ou are perhaps going to join fi lends?" "No," said Barbara. Then, with show o( Impatience, "I want a single tabu, as secluded as possi ble." Afterwards she congratulated herself upon carrying It off with a very high hand. A perceptlbls second longer his glance lingered upon her, taking In the rich cnnlno lined opera cloak, the bcadod sapphire gown that LOCAL PHOTi Members of the Photographers' AHKueifitlon of Htiulhern Onou leathered at the i.Hlila hotel In Ashland last night, when? n ban mint was enjoyed. A husinePM sion followed the banquet. M Cirffey. president oT the Pacific In ternational Photographers' usfod -atlon, outlined plans for the and gave a comprehensive report of the natlonM counrH of Die Pho tographers Association of America recently held Jn Chicago. J. If. (Jensler of the Columbii Co nun pit! 11 1 studo, Portland, ami one of the directors of the Pacific IntcrtK.tlonal association, gave .m address on the "lieneMs of Or ganization," nnd brought out a good many points of Intercut to all photographers, stressing the evils of the "coupon" and advocating activities In the photographic field alonjc nioro constructive biiKlneMi lines. ( R Klchardsnn of Milwaukle. Ore., summed up the addresses made by Mr, Coffey and Mr. Ocn ler In a way that left a hutting Im pression on those pn'snt. J. Vern Snaggle and A. J. Anderson, secretary-treasurer, were appointed publicity committee for the associ ation. Next meeting will bo the second showed bcucn'h II, I lie so vera I line, Inconspicuous rings that adornc;! her white hands. "Cortalnly. Como this way, madam." llo seated her In a liltlo boolh near tho door, from where she wni able to see much without horseli being seen. By craning her neck a llttlo around tho' 6lde, sho had a clear view of tho orchestra, tho gay and impudent clowns of jazz known as the Golden Symphony Eight. A few seconds it was before she could bring herself to look directly at Rny, although he wa3 easily llio tlnciilsliod towering, as be did, abovo tho other members in tho band. At sight of him she felt n queer, sick feeling inside her. She had to blink very hard to keep tho tears out ot her eyes. The waiter, a swarthy, handsome youth from sunny Italy, was speak ing as ho presented the menu. "Madam, she expect some one?" "No no." Looking up, she saw, or thought she saw, a look of pity pass over the waiter's face. Then sho laughed silently and mirthlessly at herself. It must seem a little strange to see a girl ot ber type come alone to such a club. ' She ordered a lobster salad. When the wniter had gone she sat staring fixedly at the table. One moment she wanted Immediately to leave the club and never, never set foot In It again. The next, to rush towards the orchestra and force Ray to notice her Just as she had forced him to notice her that first night on board the Vendeua. She fidgeted with a knife; spinning It around In circles, dropping H An ally upon the floor. Then sho began nervously to crumble her roll Into a little, white-brown, speckled mound. "I hear the saxophotilBt In your jazz band is quite a composer," she remarked presently ns tho waiter swept the crumbs away with a napkin. "Madame, 'e ees wonderful!" The mau was all enthusiasm. "Ze patrons adore him. 'K make r.o music so they zey cannot help but dance. Zum nights you shooulit hear ze applause." , . Barbara wos suddenly uncom monly interested In her plato. She kept her face lowered towards It, conscious that she had flushed a bright scarlet. Absurd but at the man's words sho had been nwaro of a sensation that sho might have described ns pride. , The manager was announcing Miss Rita Gllmore. As Barbara heard that name she seemed to freeze all over. Sho sat motion less as the room darkened, hor eyes fixed to where a changing spot light made a colored ribband from the platform across the dancing floor. Down that pathway ot light came Rita, her personality compelling In stant attention, ber beauly catch ing every eye. Barbara, seeing her at close range, sat amazed. ' Certainly hero was not the typo of girl sho bad expected! Sho had thought to find her hnril ot face. But there could be no denying the fresh; sweet quality, tho look thnt shone In Rita's countenance. Bar bara, watching her through her song and dance, found It impossi ble to believe her hail. It was re luctantly brought home to her that this girl might bo. sincerely In lore with Ray. But, oven granlln;, thai, why had Itay turned from her, Barbara, to to this singer? She puzzled over It as, miserably, she tried to swal low her salad. In the end It was the waiter who unconsciously gave her tho key to tho puzzle. She had remarked to him casu ally, as ho refilled her glass with Iced" water: "That girl sings and dances exceptionally well" "But, yes" he assured her. "Meos Gllmore Is zo finished on Into. Ii Is she who mado ze songs ot Mr. Lowthcr, our saxophonist, s i popu late. She sings thorn, often.". So that was it. Barbara almost choked over a mouthful of lobster A mutual Interest had brought them together. It hurt her, that. (Copyright, Dial Press) Barbs" come to a reluctant conclusion In Mnnnsv'l chapter, week In January, JH30, Ooflnllo flute and place iu Ijo announced later. (C iiiitrlhulcd) The tremendous and rapid , growth of the (fil l Hcout organlza i lion In Medford since Its small beginning two yenrs ago Is indica tive of tho appeal that Clrl Scout ing makes to Ihe girls of the com munity. In keeping Willi tills Is the similar growth made by other , communities over tho United States. I on January 1st, 1929, tho Olrl Scouts had I It 0..1OJI active, paid-up members in national enrollment. (This Is double tho total member ship registered on January 1st, 1 1 vz. ' At tho end of 1 !2 the Olil ', Keoutu were enrolling I !J out of I every 1000 girls In the United j States. 1 There are 7M troops registered In 2X16 different communities, while new troops registered In ! Jfll'H numbered 2,122 in 903 new 1 communities. There Jias been a , much greuter IncrcHse during I ftosebitrg Mercy hospital rom I pirted Installation of modern X- ray machine. ! UIMIMIIUimUNO TO HEAD GRANGE i:m:i:k imvki:, ore Xow 1 (Special) A regular ( ircng-e hhm-i - lng was held Monday night withj good uUemluiH'C. Election of of- i fleers was held with the following 1 elected: Master, Oscar Shepherd: j oversei'P, Perry Waile; steward, i I. T. (ialligar; gatekeeper. Mr. Ileek; assistant sir ward, Mr. Kuih nian; lady assistant steward,, Mrs. Ileck! chaplain, Mrs. Kmina Hull; lecturer. Mra. U-la Sheplird: Ceres, M rs. hchrman; Pomona, Mrs. .losie IaiVc; Flroa. Miss Km ma line hrliniian; secretary. Mrs. Laura Carter and treasurer, Mrs, Perry Wait p. LOCAL MINERAL WATER ASHLAND, Ore.. Nov. H. Spl.) Ashland looks forward to the capi talization of her wonderful mineral waters and the Civlc-Municip-ii group of the Cham Iter of Com merce, under the direction of cw H. Hanson. Is making an effort 10 list all mineral holdings, A ques tionnaire has been sent out to n'-l owners of mineral properties ask ing for the name and locution of such properties, general descrip tion and area, what curative qual ities tiie water may possess, and whether the water has been ana lyzed. The question is also put whether tho owner plans to develop his property and whether It Is for sale or Iohhc. The committee has arranged with n chemist at the Oregon State college to obtain If possible the complete analysis of the mineral waters of the entire district. It Ih the plan of the committee to use the collected Information for a folder to make the assembled facts readily uvailable for the pub lic. ON BIG STATE ORDER ASHLAND. Ore.. Nov. !!. (Spl A force of 17 men Is hard at work at tho Hlftlr f.lranite quarries, get ting out 10 tons of granite for the state house office administration building nt 'Salem. The contract Ih to be finished by the end of No vember and then the crew will be put on tho commercial orders that have been accumulating. Negotiations are pending relative to the 'InHtaltatlon of a mammoth saw, which will cost between 000 mid 12,000. This equipment will provide for split ling the gran ite wltliout the present waste. The company has recently In stalled two new air compressorH and an air tank with a housing shed for rock drilling, two new surfacing machines and a new hoist and derrick. UOCri-; HIVKIt, Ore,. Nov. -i-(Special)- A surprise party was held TueMduy oven log. Novemb.'t 5, at tho It. Ilotklti home, In honor of tho fillnd wedding unnl vcmiry of Air. and Mrs. C. H. Hot kin. Tho e v e n I n g was pleasantly spent playing lino and crlbhage. Kefreshmeuts of sandwiches, cake and coffee were served. Those presen t were M rs. 1 'rice, Mrs. Leon Itusho, Mrs. Kimni Hall, Mrs. Robert Lurkhiirt, Airs. McClaren, Mrs. Sundry IMakely. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Swacker, Air. and Airs. - Martin Iturkhart, Mr., and Mrs. Fred Dengier, Mrs. Oscar shepherd, and Air, and Airs. C. It. Jlotkln. SVITItlMV' 1 to .1:30 p. in. Lyric Kumijtm Clinl JriiKcH CriuiiMrontliu'ntul.) SUV hitvIio lu KHO, KKI. , to 7 M. lleniTitl Klrrlrlu llollr (TrunxronlliH-ntuf). NIIC ncrvliif to K(;t), Klly, KOMI), KtltV, KI'O, KM. to S 11.111. I.urky Slrlkt? Hour (TriinNi-outlncnlitl). Nllf' Mnrv. lit- to KtIO, Kim, KO.MO, 'KUW. KI'O, KKI. S to K:30 p. ti. TctuplP of tlin Air. XIIC Krvlic to Kll. Kim, Ko MO, KCW. KI'O, KKI. S:3n to !t p.m. su rni ScTcnuiU-tn. Nlli: M'rvlt'f. to KKOO. to 9:30 p.m. "liunilfrltintl Lyric." .VI 11: mTvlcf to Klo, Kim. KO.MO. KOW, KI'O, K Kl. 9:30 to III p.m. WMtorn ArtlntM Hnrlfii Concert. ,N'I1! nrrvlrn to KOO. Ill to II p.m. "Tiilfn .Vi'vpr Told." Nllf ncrvlrc to KOO. KllCi. 11 to 12 p.m. MudIcrI Mukctcri. Mil.' cm vie,. 1,, KOO, Kim, KO MO. KI'O. 12 mlrtnlKht to 1 n.m Wilt Oun stonilorfr' Hotel W h 1 1 c o m h DiltH'n ll.'inil. VIM' iinrvlrn In KOO, n 1 m nilin m il i HUUUL lIVUA UUuTLL 7" MARRIED 52 YEARS ASHLAND BUDGET IS (pennn iimiicd iqoq 1 I I FALLS TO HUNTER OF REESE CREEK HKKSi: CltKKK. Ore.. Nov. It. j (Special.) Krank I'ettfgivw. while; oUt hunting on Sunday, accidental-! y met a bear half way and It seemed for a while there was a ' question whether Frank was hum-1 ing thi bear or the bear was hunt ing Krnnk. However, after some 1 - shots being fired it was evident that the bear waa defeated. H Is understood that It wis about two years old and weighed In the neigh borhood of a 00 pounds. The pelt was prime ami coal black. It was killed on the mountain between th. Krnest Dahack homestead and th Mi titer estate, and the shooting could be plainly heard from the II. Hall ranch. The animal was said to be lu tho finest condition, due pellvips to tile good crop of acorns In the mountains this year. TALENT CLUB HAS E TAL10NT. Ore., Nov. !). (Spec ial.) The Talent Community club held Us regular meeting November G, with good attendance. Mrs. C Homes of Central l'olnt was In Talent November 5, looking after the property recently pur chased from Chas. Davis. Airs. Harvey Walters pent tho week end with her brother an .1 family near ICagle Point. Air. and Airs. Hubbard, who re cently sold their homo In Talent, moved to the home of their daugh ter. Airs. Crahum, In Valley View. Air. and Airs. Ilurtel, former res idents of Talent have returned and arc stopping at tho Manning auto park. Air. and Mrs. Parker of Klamath Kails are also spending a few days In the auto park. HIGH SCHOOL PLAY AT HOOTl'I KIVKlt. Ore., Nov. 0. (Special) The Rogue Itlver high school scored a triumph with the presentation of the'r play, "Oh Kay." Kvery one did well nnd both players .und -faculty aro lo be congratulated; ' A largo crowd attended tho uudlto rluin being full. Tho cast fol lows: Kdlth Whitman Freda Jmwh. ISvelyn Whitman (her mother) ISvelyn (irlmmett. Arthur Whitman (her brother) Arthur long. Captain lioorgo Whitman Al bert Smith. "(iram" Pembroke Laiirn Smith. Alice Ilordcu Florence linibert The "iJlick Terror' Charles White. "(iramp" Pembroke William Wilson. ,11m llayeH Allan Long. Kay Millls, detective Iai Velio Taylor. . red Alden Hugh Harttnan. ASHRAM). Ore., Nov. 1). (Spl.) A reduction of la.OOO In tho cost of operating the city of Ashland has been effected In the new bud-' get, over the operating expense of last year. This was brought about by the omission of J.'i.OOO payment on auxiliary water bonds, which aro optional. This payment will bo defered until some future time. The total budget for the year Li $71. 0111. Ml. With the one change, tho budget for the new year Is prac tically the same as that of tho past year. The citizens' committee that met with tho rlly council as a budget board, coiislts of Karl Isaac, V. I). Wagner, O. W. Dunn, K. K. iluiios, O. S. Ilutler. !corge tfpeneer and Sam II. AIcNalr. MARJORIE GOFF HEADS TICKET SALES AT 'IT FNIVKKKITV OF O It K O O N. Ktigeno (Hpeclul ) '.Mnrjorlo (lolf of Mciironl, was In charge of ticket milea for the OlrlH' Oregon chili, Tochday nluht when the flrnt ill me crawl of the year wan h', i Kvery y-nr the woiin n'H hoiiMci hold dunce at tlin I nlvei Hlly to I which nny man may ho and dance from ll::i( lo 7::iu, nfler IiuvIiik ' pn'd 10 ccn If, All money derived, from Ihe ilaiiceK koch to Iho mm i port of a woman Htudont from ' Home rorolKti mni. i lie loreitfti fftud''iiL HcltolarHhlp Ih one of the profccipt nf the wonmn'w h'liL'ite. kw" FIRST MEXHU1CII 11 . m., Worihlp 7:30 p. m Gospel 9:45 a. m., School 6:30 p. m. League, jwuuu unuu idcu . T1 1 The Rogue-Elk Inn HiiHtlu Helling In I ho inoiinlaliiH. Where tho pino truo Una Ha head. Where the lloguu Itlver murmurs softly. As It flown o'er roeky bed; Where Klk Creek's luzy wnteiH llleuil with Itoguo's cold dush Iiik spray. That's where ItcKuu-lClk Inu uwnlta you. Walts, and welcomes you to Btuy, On the way uloiiK IJokuo Itlver, Where the Buiuey Sleulheuds wait. Where the friends of Isaac Walton Cause to trull with shining bait, Where the plnu trees on the moun tains Murmur soft, as breezes wake Sweetest music mid their brunches, On the way to Crater Lake Under tall trees by tho river, lu the welcome shade, so cool, Hero tho traveler loves to lingor, lly the side of simrklltiK !ool. Where tho speckled beauties glisten. Hero Is where real life hcKins. On tho hanks of tho Rokuo Iliver, At tho famous ltoguc-Ellc lull. lindless pleasure, hero, awaits them, If they lovo tho larger lito ' In tho mountains, near to Nuture, Far removed from strife, Listening to the gentle murmur (If the Hogue, at close of day. Or Ihe whispers In tho pine trees, At the time when fairies play. Eveulngs lure, so well portraying. At tho setting of tho sun, As they danco amid tho shadows When the work ot day Is done; Hero we find, amid the mountains. At the close of summer's day. Quiet, peace, and joy entrancing, 'Tis our wish to always stay. Nature calls us with the music Of the water and the wind, Bids us look to God who loves us, Iliils us tako our caros to Him; And If we would loam life's les sons, Learn, for us, tho onoi best way, Wo should spend some time with naturo, Where tho fairies dance and play. 'Neath the tall and bonding treo tops, I. In the shadows, and the moon Scums to hang so close abovo us Coaxing lovers fond, to croon ' 01' (ho future days, so splendid, 1 Ah they, tliolr new llfo begin; ,., Such a plucu you'll find near Med ford, And 'lis known us Itoguc-LIk Inn. Famous for tine chicken dinners, Famous for Its paintings raro; J Famous for Its sylvan setting, Famous for its mountain air; On the hanks at the Hogue Itlver, On tho road toward tho rim ' " .Qf . Crater Lako,. you're welcome, At tho famous Uogtie-Elk Inn. Paid adv. tf Sunday Dinner Hotel Medford Dinner $1.00 "The Pood Is Better" At the Medford WE DEVELOP Films Free WEST SIDE PHARMACY . YOUR REXALL STORE Open Sundays and Evoningi AU the Time Women's Hose $1.00 Pair Bilk from top to toe wit! French Heol INSURANCE First Insurance Agency . A. L. HILL, Mngr Phone 103 SO N. Central Medford, Oregon 'Will Phone 9 for FURNITURE REPAIRING UPHOLSTERING, REFINISHINQ. FRANK HOWARD 219 West Main Street