Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, November 05, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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. r ,
, rlectiun. At Ihe budget election of .
lust year only S5 votes were cast,
I of which but U were against tho
l budget.
' The members of the school
board ate Howard Scheffel, pres
ident, t'arl Kwlgiirt. Dr. H. K,
' (Jreen, C. C. i,enimon, and N. II,
! Franklin. The members of tho
j citizens budget committee, which
;on October 11 prepared tho budget,
i which was published In tho local
' newspapers, consisted of John C.
Mann, W. W. Allen, K. M. Wilson,
I Marc Jarniin and O. O. Alenderfer.
which fount the in in the J Hack
Karth district of Southern 1,'kran
la. .Stone Implements and articles
tnadn of tho bono qf mammoths
were Included,
Muxxolini'H office in tho C'IiIkI Ial
aco from to this autumn
when be transferred hlw donk to
the Venessia palace, nan been turn
ed into u FuHcitst hlHtorical mu
seum. ! '"The Washington TimoH had it
right to Hay that 1 should be culled
I and made to testify," said Brook
I hart. "1 am going to do that. I
havo, been called and I am going to
i answer every question put to mo
now. Reporters of the Times should
i do the same."
(Continued from I'ase One)
ambassador ho would bo in favor
of luifiHlntluu to mako them quit
serving )ictior.
Hiooklmrt contended that tho
three reporteiH of tho Washington
Timos who have boon Jailed for
contempt of court because they re
fused to give the naimyr of those
from whom they said they pur
chased liquor should sive that in
formation to the court.
Famous 'Golf Champion to
t Play 18-Hole Match With
Jack Hueston, Medford
OHTKND, UelKlum. (A') Tho uso
of airplanoH in convoying cables to
diwtreHMcd vowel ban proved ho
HucceHhful that the authoritieH have
tlerlded to adopt this method In
preference to ucndlng out tmlvage
liltol'SfciA, Turkey (A) Tho
first non -military aviation chool
In Turkey will be opened here next
Hprinu by the Aeronautic League
of Turkey. Jt will train civilian
pilots for a projected Hiousa
Constanlinople passenger and mail
(Continued from Page One)
.Mcsdumcs True Piatt, Nora C.
Kirkpatrlck and Kate Young were
th election board at yesterday's
Ufi I-; P) The Hall of Victory.
Pro Admission Is Re
cluced to One Dollar.
AVnttcr Uagon Kcncrully rctturd
td iih tho gruuli-Ht tournament
Kolfur In tho world, will luy an
18-holc match with Jack lluuntrin,
2lcdford pro, at tho local club thin
Friday afternoon at 1:30. lHt
year Humeri appeared hero wit l
Johnny Karroll and Hip two pluyd
Chan EKaii and HucHton. tleln
them in 18 holes althounh Kjtan
nhot the best score of the day.
Jack JlucHton wax badly off hln
tfumc that day and he Ih enKer to
Mrc. Lowell F. Hobart, president general, Daughters of the American
Revolution (left) and Mrs. John F, Slppel, president of the General
. Federation of WomM'o Clubs.
LKADIOUH of two ureal groups of
women both interested In
Ilio public welfare of tho citi
zens and (ho nation Join in asking
nembers of their organizations and
ull women to enroll in the annual
itoll Call or the American Red
Cross. They nre Mrs. Lowell F.
(lobart, president general of the
National Society of the Daughters
'. tiic American Revolution, ami
Mm. John F. Kip; el. president of
tho General Federation of Women's
Mrs. Sippcl declare;!: "The Ited
Cross fs an emblem wliich Is recog
nized and respected by tho civilized
world. Tho annual membership
Roll Call is about to bo issued by
this worthy national organization,
which extends Its humanitarian
service the warld over. Its Held of
action Is not the battle field alone:
its Ideal is not merely to care for or
relieve distress, it alms to prevent
disease and to preserve health.
"The valuo of tho work of the
Red Cross Is known to club women
Special Plea to Women
"This year a spe- ial plea is being
made to tho womr-i o( the country
to enroll In tills worthy cause. Per
mit me as the Prosidcnt of the Ccu
oral Federation of Women's Clubs
to urge every club woman and
evory woman citizen of those United
States to become u member.
"Blessed nro Jjosq who work for
the Uftd Cross."
In her call lo women lo enroll,
Mrs. Unhurt states: "The American
Red Cross has the admiration of all
for lis muguUlccnt disaster relief
work. When catastrophes are vis
ited upon our citizens, we rest con
tent that the Ited Cross will soon
he upon the scene arid that suffer
ing will he minimized through Us
prompt effort: in succoring the vic
tims. "I wish to emphasize that the
activities of tho Red Cross in public
health work. In llfo saving and lirat
aid teaching. In reaching scbool
children through tho Junior Red
Cross and its disaster relief work,
all are supported from the annual
Roll Call for members. Only during
this one period in the year, from
Armistice Day to Thanksgiving
Day, does the Red Cross ask for
public support for Us own activities.
Appeals for funds for relief In great
disasters such as In tho Missis
sippl Valley Hoods or the - Wost
Indies hurricauo of last year are
only made after sanction of the
President or the United States, who
is also president of the Red Cross.
Patriotic Cafl
"IJecause of this, I believe that
every member of tho Daughters ot
'Ife American Revolution should an
swer this annual Red Cross Roll
Call and join the membership. We
all, 1 am sure, wish to be enrolled
in helping 'The Greatest Mother' la
her humuuituriuu work."
'redeem himself against tho former
open champion of tho world. If
Juck eun maintain his recent stride
ho has an excellent chance of
doing this, for he now holds the
course, record with a 0(1 4 under
par, and the nine-hole record of
2U Hovcn under par.
Tho public Is Invited to see 'tills
match, and In an effort to se-
-.euro a gallery worthy of, its Im -I
ortaiice, the admission prices of
11.50 charged last year will be' re
duced to $1. Tho match will start i
t promptly at half past one. i
m Walter. Ulngan Ih eiithuslusll
liver Medford and southern Ure-
i con and will probably Indulge In
tUHiio duck hunting white here If
tlie weather should show Hlgns
. of changing. lie Is en route to
. California and Hawaii, where h
will bo n contender In tho lin-
porta nl open tournament.
Screen Life in
t PORTLAND, OriM Nov. fi. (A)
.Matt liyrkman. Nuprrlnlendenl
j of hiitehcries of the state, game
; cummlKHion, salt! today thai tape
worms have deserted fsh In KIU
lake and fishermen are now u
liberty to catch the limit.
Uyckmnn. who invcsligaied the
lake last week, snld no deml fli-Ii
Were on the banks and a sttoly
uC thoHu caiiKhl Indicated no pres
ence of dlwNise.
ciiic.uio. Xnv. r,. i,vi cui.i
CtutHt anil (ihrltii Hal last uluht
In n 2ti, iKMi.iKio t, .tuple t muV
I'IhIiik Klli'cr from llii- ludikn nf llir
ChltiiKo river mid licanl Vi-nll'.-"Aalda"
iltilt'at tin Skysrt'a'MT
theater tn mutte'M most Mlimvy
fitrin Ki'aml apera.
ft ii ii' Ti itiiKvs vi;ii:sii.v
V (Contltitied lYnni l'aufl One)
luckcy receipts are expected an
The Fann )-ixchancn t'a-npei-a-tlvr
unluadini; platfarin wax n live
ly place thu niornlnu. with the
turkey ralnem iiiiIiuiiIItik thilr
fUWlfl.. ,Thn linul hi In chaiKe (,f
clay I). I'arker. farmer manaKcr
of the ro-operallve.
, Aalliiirlf I arm ( nilll
WAHIIINCTO.N. N.iv. fi. M'i
I'lle federal rarm IiohiiI today
nulharlieil n Hue of credit nf
tS.OUIl.dOa tn the Natlnnul I'rn
duwrM' Kvedrr I'tnil, a iiilipihary
of National I.iveritucli I'rixlueerH'
llllltw In VhIiIiikIihi
WAKIIINfiTON, N.iv. 6,.(,
Accompanied a iimuiI by hiK
undeiKlllliK plie and lipparenlly In
the hem of humor, t'hurlcK l.
l)iiwe, one time vice prexldent and
now umhRiwador to II rent llrllnln,
urrlveil here today for conference--,
with freiildenl Hoover on the
forthcomltiB naval nriniiiinni con
ference In London.
" BISHMN IA) City alatimlelanK
reckoned that HOD Keiilm-rn com
nilttled eulcldu In the tlrm lx
months of the current yeur. The
Wen numliered r: and the women
Ity ltohhln C-ikiiik,
HOLLYWOOD. Tho talking
screen's newest recruit from Ih"
ranks of thu phonoKi'aph recording
artiHts Is Charles Kaley, with a
face 11 kc a collar ad and a like
able personality
In spite ir that.
K a I e y. vh-
u s e d to p I a y
i r o u n d movie
eln when he was
w I I h Abe Ly
man's oiiheslra
?HS,''-k' never
&tlF A ibmiL'bt of "tra
in g Into Ihe
m o v I v s," al
though bis hand
some face might
have made him i
h-ad I ok m a n as
cm ul tin any the
h irlc-. K n Icy. silent screen had
'k n o w n . K o r
Monie rc'iMni or other, the movlcM
illd not Interest htm, and he went
on. Ilvlim his own musical life.
When the MM'cen found Its voice,
however, that was a different mat
ter. Not that he whs then a vet
elan of Hie nl am', or a finished
actor, for bin whole "legit' experi
ence was obtained as a slnuliiK Ju
venile in Lin I f irroll's Vanities,
except that lor Ihe past two ami
u half years he has been a "mas
ter of ceremonies In t'hlcauo theaters.
CiiM Tlcnl) Wrlh II.
Kaley. vacationing here this
summer, was invited to take screen
h'sls. ami as a result received sev
eral talkie offers, but he wan un
der contrai l In Chicago. Still, ihe
talkie apiM-i led to him five shown
it dtiy. day In and day out. back
!u Chicago, constituted a grind of
which be was getting; tired.
Obnilie. a I'. S. C. man ohm's
I'nlverslty of Southern California,
famed for foot bull prowess 1. had
seen only otic football game In all
that lime. (llo never bad time of
his own. So eventually he set
tled the matter by buying ills con
tract. It cost him XKi.niM) but he
says It was worth It.
j County Engineer Plans New
Route Between School !
! House and Hopkins Place
j Buy Lots for Alteration
j -Up to State.
(Oiiccrniittf Hokum
With one movie executive offer
in ht ii priire for the best definition
of "hokum.' Director Krcd Niblo.
not a contender, has interesltni
coininentK on the subject. Hv
"hokum." he believes, wrlteii
nieiMi scenes which are used re
Heatedly to Secure specific audi
ence ret :H tons. The dividing I""'
between hokum ami geulU!. he
say.H. Ik the "heart line."
The reiteration of certain situa
tions in pictures becomea hokum
when It niftnalK its Inleiit. m hen
the auilienci senses that t he dir
ector ha tflven the cue for, it to
langh or cry. he believe. In other
words, an emotional scene Is ho
kum when It does not react emo
tionally upon the audience.
A moiig t he highway improve
ments Hehcdulctl for an early dale.
Is the straightening out of the IM
jcific highway, between the Main
j street of Central l'olnt and the Ike
M err I man curve, eliminating one
half-curve, and the hair-pin citrw
at the old Kred (!. Hopkins pluec.
I'lans to this end have been drawn
by the county engineer's office. It
Is a matter for Mnal consideration
by I he state highway commission,
and an early decision Is scheduled.
The present plan calls for a
nine degree curve to start, near
the Central l'olnt school, and
hweep gently Into the highway
agaln, about a quarter of a mile
above the l-'red Hopkins place, now
occupied by .1. O. Love.
The county bought the eight lots
and portions ot lots from the city
of Central Point, and individual,
for the road alteration, at an out
lay of $J3"0.
Cnder a law parsed by the last
leil:liit nro r tirt it 11 1 1 ern t Lttiu fi -
solely within the Jurisdiction of I
the highway commis-sion. T h e J
county will be reimbursed the '
amount expended In securing the
rlght-of way.
The Improvement, will eradicate
Ihe notorious Hopkins turn which
was among tho sharpest, If not
the sharpest, In the highway yy
tem. It was close to a right atigle
oblique utrn, a worry to autoists,
and a thorn to speeders,
And Niblo. by the way, Contrib
utes todnv'i wisecrack:
"The next world conference will
be a pnw-wnw on tihsal dlsurnm-men!-for
talkie actor."
: Louis Harthoit. minis
ter of justice in the V'rench cabinet
tiHfl hcn elected provident of the
council of the Lower ryrenee for
hit iwentyflfth nuceeMstve term.
Ho wan given modal lo commem
orate tb event.
ttl'lAri:sT tV A musical con
servatory run by gypsies exclusive
ly for the training of gypsy mus
icians bus been opened in a sub
urb of tills city. The Ktudent
range from children of six year
of age to adults of 30 or more,
LKMNOKAH tV) Uelle of a
Crnmnuumi man, the race which
lived In France 25.1100 years ago.
w e re brought h ere by an ex ped I
tton of the Achdemy of S ienee
Walter Crltchlow, 4t45 A Street.
Wheuton. III., ha patented n Va
por .Molxturc Cm Saver ujtd Car
bon Lllmtnator for all Auto and
Limine that reports big new rec
ords. New Fords report a high as
mile on I gallon; Old Fords
fi t?L
other make report nmnxlng; In
crease of 4 to in more,
.Mr. Crilrhlnw offer to nend 1
to Introduce. Write him lodav,
He also want Countv nnri MtMt-i
Agencies everywhere to make 1250
to Jl.OeU per month, 1
Mann's Week ' JlaiVk&ifiMtmadt
Nov. 6th to 13th . ' f -THE STORE' FOB EVEPYBODY" J
Mann's Week
. Nov. Cth to 13th . .
1000 Yards of New
Fall Silks
On Sale Wednesday Morning
at 8:30 o'clock at Mann's
An Eyent of Great Importance to the dressmaker
and to every woman who sews. We have neyer of
fered such lovely Silks as these before at such a
sensational price. By all means be here Wednes
i day. Come prepared to buy many yards!
Wt. fl I
Regular Values up to $3.45 a Yard
Included in These FALL SILKS Are
40-inch Faille, Crepe Satin, Flat Crepe, Moire, Suede Crepe, Georgette, Canton .
Crepe, and fine Crepe de Chines. The colors include Copen, Flesh, Plum, Rose
Beige, Cordovan, Light and Dark Browns, Egg-shell White, Wine, Biscuit, Navy,
Green, Orchid, Tan, Gray, Pansy, Fuscia, Brick and of course Black.
See Window Display
... ,. ,.v ,
Remember this is the Opening Sale of Mann's Week