!' IV. " i; it M T MEDFORD -MATT; TTtTBTTNX MKDFOED, OUr,(i()W VIM DAY. NOV KM l',KI J. WJ5). w Jl HVrm, eve Today i Prices of Fora Car s an dT 1 Y " ! . ; f ; 1 v. I racKS i-k'.'-x-' I Will Be Rediace d The Ford Company believes that basically the industry and business of th is that general business conditions will remain prosperous. I We are reducing prices now because we feel lhat suchisk step is the best contribution that could be made to assure a continuation of good business throughout the country. ) ':J i ' Following Is Phaeton .... . Roadster . . . Business Coupe . Standard Coupe . Sport Coupe . .. Tudor Sedan . . . Fordor2w'ndowSedah Fordor 3 window Sedan Town Sedan . . . Town Car . . . . New Price Old Price Reduction $440.00 $460.00 $20.00 the List of New Prices for Ford Cars and Trucks ! .-' .. ' - ,..(.., ..' . ,'.. (' , '' ' 'f...:.: , . 'Ml ' i, ; ' ' ' "vV,Vf-Y).'.l .'-i '.: . ':"' New Price Old Price Reduction Cabriolet. . . . . $645100 $670.00 $25;00 Station Wagon . . 650.bo Taxicab ..... 725.b0 Model A Chassis . 3500 Pick-up Open Cab 430.00 Pick-up Closed Cab 460.6b DeLuxe Delivery . 550.00 Model A! Pane! Delivery 590.00 Model A A Truck Chassis 520.00 Model A A Panel Delivery 800,00 435.00 490.00 500.00 530.00 500.00 600.00 625.00 670.00 450.00 525.00 550.00 550.00 525.00 625.00 650.00 695.00 15.00 35.00 50.00 20,00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 1200.00 1400.00 200.00 695.00 800.00 365.00 45.00 75.00 595:00 615:00 540.00 850.00 45.00 7500 15.00 15.00 15.00 4500 20:00 50.00 All Prices F. O; B. Detroit I ! V , l'...'. ' e. i H' It has always been the policy of this company to pass on to the public as rapidly as possible the advantages of quantity production and newly developed manufacturing efficiencies i ' I FORD MOTOR COMPANY Detroit, Michigan PAGE SEVEN V