MEDFORD MATTT TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREO ON", FRIDAY, NOYKMBRk. 1, 1)2!). PAGE THREE 4 1 Twir In succession clothes .have been Hiwleiv oft the same line' on Mouth iUvci'.sklu uvfcrtue, according to a; complaint received at the police station .this-forenoon. The first 'theft took place a tew days uk'o when the ttne was in the back yard, nnd to prevent further thefin the line was moved to tho. back porch, but another thft of chilli's took place last night. Royal Coal $14.50 per ton, de livered direct from car to you within city Jimlis. We have test record whuwinfc1 RoyaL la best Utah roM mined. Iiuy now at thd .lower 'price. Phone 83.1. F. K. Samson Co. Office 220 frorth Riverside.. 213tf A.' delightful Hallowe'en,' party was held at the Presbyterian church parlors last night by mem bers of the Grace circle of the "WmAerH association1 We cater to parties. Blue Flower LoiVkp. Phone 341-R-S. 22G The local weather station was being removed today from the lib erty building to its new quarters in the administration building ut the new airport. ' . ' Dance at Jackson Springs Club Siiturday night. 224 A pep assembly was held at the high school this afternoon at' 3 o'clock, in order to arouse enthusi asm for the Eugene hieh school eanio to be iplnyed -on.VanSc6yoe Held Saturday. Delicatessen and groceries at ! Huson's What-Not, Cth For hunting birds on enclosed land, nnd that, too, without a 11 cens. Frank Moult on. in years old. of S16 East Main street, re ceived fineH of 25, and $4 costs in ouch case In justicri court yes terday. He hunted on the Alice llanley ranch, heedless of the "No trespassing" signs scattered over U(U ranch, nnd following his arrest on that charge Deputy Cume War den F. M. " Urown preferred the charge of hunting without a li cense. Bounty warrants were issued at' the county clerk's office today to Uay Ouches of Medford. one coy ote, and ' to George Jirownlee of Jacksonville, tne "coyote;'' " Californlans registered at Med ford hotels Include Mr. find Mrs. J. H. Aldiieh. R. M. Vox, D. F. Leroy of Los Angela, Frank WIN son of Berkeley, Harry Janes of niendale, 51ft and Mrrf. It. H. Nor rteen. H. Brammer, Robert Littler, D. W. Harris of San Francisco. T. F. Nichols of Eagle Point spent yesterday in the city on busi ness. Mrs. Belle GHHngs was visiting in Ashland on business yesterday.: Frank Green has returned from a short business trip to Yreka, Ca?., and other northern California points. Every member of the volunteer fire department is expected to be on duty on Armistice day to take part In the annual Armistice -day celebration, Fire Chief Roy Elliott announced todayk. A special drill Is scheduled for Monday evening in preparation for the ladder climb ing demonstration to be held ut the Hotel Medford. A 100 per cenl attendance Is urged at the drill. , Seven carloads of Jackson coun- and Ivy. ty sheep were shipped to portianq 229 1 markets yesterday. 1 City Engineer Fred Scheffel was busy this forenoon completing a schedule of rates for the wvti niclpul airport, including hangar and office fees: Overnight storage of planes in the hangar will be two dollars fur ships of 40-foot wing spread and less, and more for larger ships. Private concerns will With girls from each of the four ckiscs ru1 tin', htph schoui 'piquing otr short- plays n the-G ms Khiku-j party this evening, nn interesting program is ansured. Mothers t-f j all high school students are urged, to be present. ! Students of the high school will bold a rally this evening for the IS RESULT also . bo chargou for tlio prlvllow KiiKi'iio-.M.-ilfcml football Kann to-j 1 1 I I I OMfrjril 11101 IT of lanflinif on tho field fop passen- morrow. The Kimeno team loft I I ( A I- V 1(!,H I ger ..carrying., purpoaro. Rentals iiielr home city at noon today by I IHI I If f f I I II IllnJII from theJliolnK system: anil the i stnue, and will bo quartered at the ."awfi Coiiper Kinfc company huve al ready been received. A chattel mortgage of S8.000. in favQr of .Mr. and MrB. Oeorge A. Huntr signed by Harold Frank lin and Albert Leeds, president nnd . Ihfre will only be a. few cars, op assistant secretary, respectively 01 the Vox AVest Coast Theaters com- llotel Medford. ' , . , , Kennel h Wattenburg of the Kagle l'olnt district was a Mud-j Hallowe'en passed by more or ford business visitor yesterday. less quietly In Medford 08 tar as ura.iimiiy dwindling until soon(1 concerned, but lo- pnny. was filed at the county recorder's- offico yesterday. T U o mortgage w&s- drawn in eonnee tlon with the sale of the Crnteilun and 'Rialto theaters, recently eulu to the Fox Interests. The sum In cludes the entire purchase price. A marriage license was issued this forenoon at tlio county clerk's office to Herb Hothchlld, 4S, and Juno McMnham 3n, both of Snu Francisco. L. Harding, district manager for the Standard Oil company, with headquarters In Medford, spent several hours yesterday' visiting the local office. He Ls on his way back to Medford from Portland, where he enjoyed the stock show. Hose burg News-Ttevlew. C. N. Culy, who is at St. Mar tin's pprlngs, Wash., seeking a cure for his rheumatism, is reported to be greatly Improved. Mr. and Mrs. James Pecket left last evening for their home in Glendule, C'al., following a short visit hero with relatives, while en route by motor from Seattle, Wash. casionally, only six cars of fruit i"" i""i were sent out from Medford jlast ! niisclilevousness, musing from cur nignt. Probably a number equally j rying on jack o' lanterns to moving small will be. sent out this evening, j porch chairs, and in some cases . Court Hall.' who has been con-, damage of a minor degree. A few rinet to, bin bed with rlieunmilsm j windows were reported broken and tor the past few weeks, Is report improving slowly. some porch lights were not burning today - because milk liottles had been carefully aimed ut l hem. Out on West Main street some ambitious pranksters moved from Jacksonville . 1 1 1 o city limits sign "HnterliiK Jacksonville; speed limit 20 miles per hour." A few wagons, resurrected' from some, junk yards, reposed this morning i on somo front yards and pieces of , , . . ,,, I scaffolding were on front porches. Declared a huge success In i The biggest joy, apparently was in ! every respect the American l ' ' ! wlmlHWa ,, ; Rion Halloween- dance held ft , . ' y tiattha,, n.,ina . tiun-n i rii'Uiilul ' ir-il-ilOTW llluf llluht. ! imi hum u LEGION DANCE LIVELY WITH SPED CONTEST the attracted an mhnslastic crowd of!' a, Beneral window wasliliig over COO people. The evening wnsT" '" lively with j .z treats contributed Hallowe'en pnrtieg . kept other bv the len l'eddlers' orchestra, , ' ' ' . r ' , . , nnLir ..f ontoriaininu' oE the evening, but they took part stunts, arranged by the committee in some niisclilevousness when the -ii. Santfords Saving Stores 807 East Main Street NOTE: Every price in this ad is good every day next week Compare Santford's all week prices with thejprice asked you at : " other stores Say next Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Fri': day See for yourself what a wonderful saving you will make at Santfords You may return to us any article purchased "if un satisfactory after you examine it, and get the price you paid; ': 1 Pancake . .. Sperry's extra quality Pan cake Flour. It's a saving. Oleo Hams 10 -lb. sack.. ,53 Umeco. One of the very best. We guarantee (t satisfactory or money back. Nice sugar qured, medium weight. Whole or half. " Per joound .15 Per pound 27 Onions 12 25 Extra fancy Local Onions. They are mild. Walnuts Per pound '.;.!.. 19 Lard' 1929 new crop at a wonder ful price. It's a saving. Extra fancy. Made under United States Government in spection. ' In palls. - 8 ... j... lbs. net .. 1.19 Coffee Farina Extra quality breakfast blend in bulk. Vou can save the cost of cans. ' Sperry's fancy quality. It's much cheaper In sacks. Salad Oil Pure vegtable. It's fresh and it's a saving. Per pound . .35 10 lb. sack.. .53 Full quart .43 Old Dutch It's one of the very best. You have used it. White King One of the very best for washing machines, at a sav- Royal Royal Baking Powder Is one of the very best. It's a cream of . tartar product. Cheap. ,5 cansil.A .,.29 I Pkg. ..... .37 5 lb. can 2.19 Hens Per pound . .28 Fancy fresfi Cod. Guaran- Nlce fat hens," fresh dressed. teed fresh. Fresh Fish .15 Per pound WE DELIVER Veal Chops Cut from prime milk-fed veal. Per-pound . 28 Santfords Saving Markets tl.i-l lnu ..iw. Tlin linl!.A Considerable excitement, as well niatle no arrestH and had no trou an amusement reulted with the!''0 in preventing any Herious dam opening of the flPeedy dancer's "Sf- Thfr t-annon in th epark wan I contest, in which Mr. and Airs. Bw. ! Lester Cash and Don FnhveU and i was last yenf -ns since that time m,.-m.. mw.i-tm- tiAii r, ii.iiw.rn A piece of artillery was anchored ..... V.L J"" "' , til . r.n.wlntln.. nF nnntA n n .1 I cash prize was the couples. This was the introduction to a 't series of fall and winter dances ' to be given by the Legion. The m;xt one will be on November 11. jat which a program of equally in- teresting stunts will bo carried i out. 4 Ii C.rnndc vs. "Suics" LA (JRANDE, Ore., Nov. 1. (fP) The Whitman college super var sity football team will play La Grande high school here tomor row. Permission to play the game was received (rom the state' athle tic board. ' was placed there to stay. EUGENE SALESMAN IS DRIVER OF DEATH CAfc TOLEDO. Ore.. Nov. 1. (fl1) Kenneth Hones, H, son of Amnion Bones, Kernville, died today from Injuries suffered when he was struck by an automobile driven by ft. L. Schrlber. Eugene, said to be a shoe salesman. Kenneth stepped from a school bus and darted across the road, ad-, cording to witnesses ' Reliable Grocery C. A. Whillock, Manager No. 1 Johnson's Market I I 117 North Central It's a real pleasure to shop at Reliable Stores where low prices and high quality 'go hand-in-hand." Ouyr self-service plan enables 'you' to choose at your leisure. The lower prices found at Reliable stores are made possible by quantity buying .". .'Hundreds of groceries, associated with the five southern Oregon Reliable Stores, buy in conjunction, as suring the lowest possible prices on nationally advertised foodstuffs. Get the habit of shop ping here! .' , '. :- ' : !' " Reliable Stores Owned by Rogue River Capital Your choice, 1-lb. can coffee 50 Shasta tea, -lb. pkg,, green or black .....27 Bulk shortening, 3 pounds '....:l.45(t Holiday Oleomargarine, 3 pounds 49 . Golden Age Brand Egg Noodles 2 double packages 22c ' Baking Powder Special Eumford Baking Powder 1-lb. can 33c 1 Cookie and Cake Chart and 1 Cooking Fork FREE! 3 packages Calumet Corn StarchL 23J Red Salmon, No. 1 tins 29t? Miss Lou Shrimp, 2 tins .,.2f)? 10 bars Crystal White Soap..............'.1. ..33:- 10 bars P. and G. Soap 33 Sperry 101b. sack Pancake Flour.......'.'. 65 Where You Meet Good Things to Eat Gold Hill, Jacksonville and Central Point People May take advantage of these bargains by shopping at Reliable Grocery No. 3 in Gold Bill, Reliable Grocery No. 4 in Jacksonville and Reliable Grocery No. 5 in Central Point. - : , 700 Store Buying Power Reason We Sell for Less EXTRA FANCY" APPLES and PEARS We now have extra fancy pears and apples in storage, and if you should want to send some to your friends, you can get them anytime. We have extra fancy pears in half boxes and extra fancy apples in small gift boxes or , full boxes. II New Fall MeircKandise Preserved Ginger Heinz Plum Pudding HH Crystallized Ginger ' : Heinz Fig Pudding Candied Cherries C. & B. Plum Pudding MM Candied Pineapple New Raisins iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllipiM FOR SATURDAY Fresh Fruits and Vegetables " Fresh Honie Made Cakes Personal Attention r ' Prompt Service J Phone ; H. E. MARSH , Phone 252 GROCER 252 Try Our Telephone Service It Is Dependable SAMS VALLEY DISTRICT SAMS VALMOY, Ore., Nov. 1. (Sporful.) Tho hivent toiiipoi'iituro (if tho nouHon wiih roctt riled liero fur the first threo morningH of the week ' whi-n ovei-ythlngr ' that hm" fiurvivctl the coll wouther of a monlh hku wiih killed entirely by heavy froHtH. ' Sumo ime.'iHlneHii In felt by tho few who hnrt dono Rome curly fall HowiiiK for feur tho dry cold will prove dlsnHtrouH to tho grain that Ih up. ' KH'finl i'oinintiniejilion. Medfnid LixIko No. 103, A. K & A. M., Friday, Nov. 1, 7:30 p. m. Work In the 1' C. decree. Ity order of the W. M. C.' M. HOUSTON, Keey. ' 223 ' - ' Coiil of TIuinkH. We doHtro to expreSfT our heart felt thankH to frlendH and nelh horfi for tlu'lr nHnlfttanee and mnny expreKMhtnH of Kympathy durlttK the Ioiik and fatal IllneKn of our be loved, -and for the many beautiful floral tributes. - - - I.eo Tuttle nnd FamJIy, P. O. Shirley, . C. 1j. Khlrley, Mrs. Wm. Houth. 223 " 'nnl of Tlmtiks. Tho family of tho late Lnvled Aliro Henmen ncknowledKO with dep Ki-atltuil tho kindly cxpre Blonw of h.v m pa t h y . 223 Card of Thanks. . - Wo wish to thank Our frlendH for" (belr ltlndhoBH-'and' HympailiV durlnif'otir lute nereavement In the. low of otii hlnvftnv,huhtinrtr'ffirtier nnd brother; oIho- for the many beautiful flowers. Mrs. Adeluldo Phair 't" nnd Family, " R. W. Phnlr, Mrn. Lola liartoldua, Mrn. Iluhy Heckard, J. C. Phnlr.' 222 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR HAIiK fWrm. -modern hnmr. roniplotfl1 fiirnlxhod, Incluritn' wttoo, Vlctroln; unwlnff maelilni. iMhIipk, io.' ltciKly to frtovo Into Jind Htart .koupUiK. liouKu.-KruU.. hIiuiIii nnd Inwo; 2Vt -titookH from v. Irrudu..jclioiiUnnd onlM..3.. Jilotilui-fi-mii hlh Kohool, Totnl nrlop $J2f,0; i bo cmIi, imliinco fin tir monlh and IntoreHt. Sfio', C'hnrlK A. Wlnif AKoncy, Ine... oxeliiHive llKciitfl. 22 . Music. ' TIIARVAT. II. l.-OI.KE.nF.nC!-J! 'IVuclior violin. BludnntorchoB trn; vlnllim ailjuslixl. HHidln 3 and 4 Cull-!---. HldK. Tel. 2ri-J. l''()lt HKNT 2-room npln. rermon iiIiIpi UnhtH, heat and fni'l furn. I'honn 74ri.,I. 412 N. Ivy.. 225 f 1500. LOAN WANTRD Will BlV flrBt moriBdKo on olosn In prop-, ..eitty. value $3,000, AdUruH 1 . J)ox.7"3, Medford. '. 22 i'Dll SALIiElU' corn.-Tol. -201 -.T. 2211 FOR SALE 1324' Itulek, Rood ' eonditlon, bnrKdln. II.' J. Wiley, 61 N. OnkUale. rhuno 4li-J. FOR SALE Walnut rhlffonlcr, table, clmlr-l, lied", henlln Htove, - Maytnp; vtisher,' irarden toolH, other ' hollHeholcl -food.. ' II. .1. Wiley, 61 N. Oukdule. Tel..4M-.r. WANTED 0 men to train for ex ecutive ttuleH .'POMlthin. -Halary while tralnlnir. Apply nt Ron So. ltlvendde, after 8 a. m. Saturday. Nov. 2nd. 223 FOR HALE Hotpolnt etiH'tric ranRe, very cheap, at Jai'k'fi Hi-e-ond Hand Store, 31 H. Front. 2 24 WANTED TO EXCHANOK"S-tlllf. nll-oleetric radio for Fit-lit car. Call Sunday after 6 p, m. 743 K. Main. Anhland. '.224 WILL-SELL a $17.60 get of itenli Ine Wallace reduuini reenrdn fur $5. Hox O. E. It., Mall Trilnme. 223 WANTED Washing, rhono 43.7 ' J-2. : -' ' .' : 2-j'. FOR RENT 4 -room furnished. FOR BALE New 6-room huni-a-"U.TO' S- A-r??."X"S- 16,0.-w; low at 62( Houth Holly, owner.. Main. Phone 623.J-2. 223tf 022 South TIollV; "J" ISIS THEATRE Emt Miln, Near Brldg Admlstion 10o and 16o Last Times TONIGHT! mm Monarch Seed & Feed Cb?s Bulb Specials 2 Paperwhite Narcissus okonabe 35c i in a. , - .;3 ( , Tokonabe Bowl (with Frog) ; Regular Value 24 Darwin Tulip Bulbs . 1 Bamboo Leaf Rake Regular $1.25 Value s Saturday Only, all for ?. ; . . 90c This Special jives you the Broom absolutely TREE Regal Lily Bulbs (Blooming Size)! Special Saturday . 20C Monarch Seed & Feed Co. 323 E. Main . J - Bhone 260 Also Comedy-Pa the' News Admission only 10c & 15c f.,,;., ......