MEDFORD MATT, 'TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OUEOON.-FRIDAY,- NOVEMBER I.-1020. PXGE FIVE T BUTTER STEADY "i AFTER": DECLINE .;.- ' " , :t- r PORTLAND. Ore Nov. l.iJV) Tho butter n.arei was steac. to day at Thursday's declines. There was n good movement In the better grades. Kgg prices remained firm here, nlthough it ooht advance was mnde on mediums and Bmnlls by the Sin Frr.neisco market.. Heviewing the fruit 4nd vecr talile situation; the Portland inur ket news service of the Tntl-id States department of agriculture says: "Trading on tho wholesale fruit nnd vegetable market wiis light In nearly all line of produce.. Tho potato market continues firm, with slinht advances registered on Yik. ma fiem.M, which sold to retailers " as high ns $3.10. l THE MARKETS , Livestock. PORTLAND, ;.Oro,l: Nov.'' 1. fP CATTLE AND CALVES Quotf.bly steady; "receipts,'' cattle' 35, calves 10. - ' irons Steady i on slaughter Classen; feeder plus Title lower; re ceipts 400, - Including . 87 on con tract. Pigs, feeder anil stocker pigs, 70-120 lbs., medilltn to choice, S IO $0.75. SHEEP AND LAMRS Quotahiy steady; receipts 75. Yearling Weill-j ers, 110 lbs. down, medium to. choice. (0.60 to $..-..- Produce. . PORTLAND, Ore.. Nov. 1. Wi Eggs, firm, unchanged. Sutler, milk Omttorfat), poultry, onion, potatoes, wool, mils, h.'.y, cascara bark ami lions, steady nnd un changed. , s Porlland Wheat. PORTLAND. Ore., Nov. Wheat' futures: Open Distil Low Deci . Xl.2 2 1.22 14 1.22 Close 1.22' Mar 1.2!V4 1.20V4 1.2014 1.20V4 May ..i.1.32 132 "4 1-32 1.32 14 Cash wheat: Rit; I!end bluestem, hard white ..$1.33 Soft white L21 V4 Weslern white 1.21 li Hard winter .1-211 Northern spring 1-2' Wfstern red I-2" Oats No. 2, 38-lb. white $3-1.110 Today's ear receipts: Wheat 43; flour 2C; corn 1 ; -hay 2. San Frnnclspo llulterfnt. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1. W) Dutterfal, f.o.b. San Fninclseo, r.ic. November 1, 1H21 v 3 Forecasts Medford, nnd vicinity: :. Flr-: to night and Suttiftta. No chnn'Ro in temperature. Oregon: Fair tonight and Sat urday. No change' ill temperature. Local Data, Teneraturc (Dcgs ) - 5S 34 Highest (Last 12 tint.).. 04 . 5S lowest (1-ast 12 hrs..).. 2S 33 Uel. humidity (Pet.) 48 79 Slate or weather. leat Clear "LowesT temperature this morn ing, 31 degrees. ""Total precipitation since Sept. 1, 1929, 1.14 Inches. Temiicratures a year ago today: H I ghes t, 0 1 Mowest ,4 7. Sunset today, 5:05 p. m. Sunrise Saturday, fi:45 a. m. Sunset Saturday, 5:04 p. m. Ob.ervatlons Taken at S A. M. ', 120th Meridian Time CtTYV . is 3? ' " 1 I Daily Meteorological Report i Baker City 52 2fi Clear lllsmnrck 32 28 Snow Holse 54 30 Clear Denver 3G 20 Clear Des Moines 2 32 Clear Fresno 74 4G Clear Helena 3d Cloudy Iy)s Angeles .... 74 5il Clear Marshfleld 6 3 'leIir Phoenix 72 40 Clear Portland 58 4(i Clear Red Uliilf 80 54 Clear Hosehurg ..: 02 30 ''I'-1"- Salt Lake City.. 40 32 Clear Son Francisco.. 70 54 Clear Santa Fc .18 23 Clear Seattle 62 40 Cloudy Spokane ' 52 30 Cloudy j Walla Wnlla .... 40 42 Clear Winnipeg 30 Snow ' ' W. J.-lllvTCHISON, Meteorologist. 1 BEAGLE HOME SCENE OF ENJOYABLE PARTY TlEACiLE. Ore., Nov. 1. (Spec bl.)4r1'he home of Mr. and Mr? Eugene Orny was the recent scene of a galherlni) of the young Tolks The nflernoon was spent in play ing games. Those present were Vanlta,' Jessie and Victor riibbor.s. lwis Pulman. tleorge Mason. Jac!. Shrit. Lnfe Sunderland nnd Merrill llusby- of Medford nnd Herbert. Marjorie and Roberta Mayfleld. Ella nnd U.ura Rlack'man. Thel mn, Milton nnd Iiwrence Sind-r-non. Alfred lledingfleld. Leo and Lorlnst Marfln. HOWARD HIST. (Sporlall-r-Mr, and Mrs. Fret Hell drove lb crater Lake on lasd -HOWARD DISTRICT . - Mm.. Nov. l BRINGING UP FATHER I WSST VOD"rO SHUT bP KiO OkJE BUT VOUTHINK THAT MV SROTHlTf? ROS8E-D THAT 6MK- HE la BE-VOMO SUSPICION! HOW vou EVE.NJ SUSPECT HIM ? HEo CiOiMG TO JJ IF ME DOES HE o y TAKIrO Ki H WH mm Mm THE NEBBS The Holdup ' ... REPRODUCTION ' OF THE TWilLL IMG HOTEL ROBBER.V EXACT LV AS IT WAPPESJED, SAME TOVAJM, SAME MOTEL, AND MOST OF THE SAME CHARACTERS w THE PART OP, BOCKMEV FLINT IS PLAVEO OV JACK HARQlS Sunday. It was snowing , while i,,. , ih,., (..nseOiieriilv. ....... ..... . n4T.. i mo view oi loe iukb b i.ii.;, disappointing. , Mr. and Mrs. Collis motored to Kaule Point lust week nnd spent m,. n.i yiik A. R. McDonald. I Mrs. Deaney nnd children motored to- Kagle Point Sunday, and after a very enjoyable drive up the Rogue to see rile wonile. ful workmanship of Jack Frost, spent the rest of tho day at the McDonald 'home. Mrs. J. C. Woods returned last Friday from a trip to Pendleton where she went. as a-delegate to the W.. C. T. C. convention. She reports a very splendid meeting. .Mr. nnd Mrs. James Parke and dnughter Mabel, left last week for Midvale, Idaho, where they in visit for a month with .relatives. They were accompanied by their daughter nnd son-in-law, Mr. nnd Mrs. Johnson. , John Shrnyer nnd Robert Hogue spent the week-end with home folks, returning to Klamalll ra-is Sunday, where they are employed. Miss Yvonne Devnney, .1 jur.ioi at o. S. C, has 'been pieogcu if Alpha Gamma Delta, social soror ity. Mrs. D. W. Jones from J'Ort Jones. Calif.. Is visiting at the h.ime of Mrs. Mury Smith. Mrs. Jones Is an aunt of Mrs. Smith's. Wilbur Smith, accompanied nj his mother nnd aunt, visited over night with relatives in Grants Pass nnd Applegate. Notice of Sheriff's Sale. Ttvvii-tuo of an execution on tore. closure, duly issued out of and un der the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, 111 ana ior me County of Jackson, to me directed and dated on the 5th day of Octo ber, 1U20, in n certain action there in, wherein The Federal Land Hunk of Spokane, n corporation, as Plnln- tlu, recovered judgment Anna Mansfield and -Harlan .Mans field, same person ns T. II. Mans field, and Medford National Farm l-oan Association, a corporation, the Defendanls, for the sum of Seven Thousand Four Hundred Flftv-eight and 56-100 Dollars. ($7,4511.56). with Interest at . with costs and disbursements taxed ,, Tvvonlv.flve nml 40-100 ($25.40) Dollars, and the further sum of hl i v n . Hundred and no-100 itr.nnnoi Dollars, as attorney's fees, which Judgment was enrolled and docketed In the I'lcrK s omco of said Court In said County on the 5th day of October, 1020. Notice Is hereby given that, pur suant to the terms of the said exe cution. I will on the 23rd dav of November, 1II2II, nt 10:00 o'clock a. m.. nt the front door of the Courthouse in the City of Medford. in Jackson County. Oregon, offer for sale and will sell nt public aue rlon fur c:iHh In the highest bidder. tn satisfy said judgment, together j with the costs of this sale, subject to redemption ns provided by law. all of the right, title and Interest that the said defendanls. Anna Mansfield nnd Harlan Mansfield and Medford National Farm Loan Association had on the 7th dav of February. 1022. or now have In and to the following described property, situated in the County of Jackson, Slate of Oregnn. to-wit: lleginning at a point which pears East 1805 feet from tho one-fourth Section corner between Sections Fifteen and Sixteen. In Township Thirly-elght South of Range Four West of the Willamette Meridian, nnd running thence South 3 de grees West 1105 feet, thence Hipllh Seventeen degrees fifteen minutes West 1037 feet to n dilch. thence Norlh "4 degrees Knst no feet, thence North S3 degrees 30 min utes East 153 feet, thence. North 75 degrees 30 minutes East 24 5.5 reet. thence South ! decrees East 102 feet, thence North 75 dcgri-es East 35C feet, thence south S3 degrees 30 minutes East 104 feet, thence South 70 degrees 45 min utes East 250 feet, thence South 12 15 minutes West 1034 ! feet, til Cfnter of Aipleqate River. 'thence ill a Southeasterly direction abing the e nter of wild river to the mouth of Humbug I'reek. thence In a northeasterly direction aloncr the renter of said rreek to a point which bears West 33 feet srrom the Xirthe:ist corner nf Donation Land i laliii No. .11 In ssid Township and ICnnge, thence West 2211 feet to a corner of said Donation Land ' ' r,.. WiLf'-' "-??5rr"Th. B.IIEyndicm.W.) Tr.d. M.n.R.eUS. P...Offic.l ' ' ' '. -' ULjk ffaB J ' " I SHOT UP' VOO ARE THE OMUV OWE THAT Suspicious- I I CAUL. HERE t(?laim, thence Ninth S04 ,let to .corner of said Donation Ijind Claim. Claim, thftnee West 000 feet, thence - IAA . . . nr tlon i,'ift,.(,ni j aai,i Township and Range, thence West 775 feet to the place of beginning, together with an undivided one-half Interest in and to that certain ditch and water 1 right which takes tho waters out if said llumiiug creek oown... 10 and upon said premises, subject to any rights aeiiuired by school -District No. 40. Dated this 23rd day of October, 1920. , RALPH O. .TRXNINC-S, Sheriff of Jackson County. Oregon. Dy Olga IV Anderson, Deputy. CUSSIFIE0 AOVERTIStHO "TtS Rltrs per wcrd tor tint Imirtlon. 2c; Men njtcm'iitg imtrtion, lc: iiiinimuin 25c. Indti rc-L-r adi with For Sail, For Rent. tc. on tount thHC words, to well u each Initial, telcpwant numbrr. etc., as a word. Classified ads in adrance and not taken tr phnne, unless advertiser hat monthly account. Ha alluwancc for phoca arrori.' WAXTEI) FEMALE UKLP WA XTBD ' K X P TC R I ENC1ID WAITRESS.- Apply in person. ' Crowson's Cafe. tf ! WAXTEl SfAlE HEtiP I HAVE A LIVE WIRE proposi tion for a real live wire sules nian. Expe'rlence as salesman solicitor absolutely necessary. Car not needed, A real money maker for the right party. For nn pointment write Rox L. H. T., care Mail Tribune. , 224 WANTED SITUATIONS WAXTKD and fancy, Fnmlty sewing, plain 220 Apple. 22.1 EXPERIENCED lady wants work as cook or waitress In 1un"ii room. Phone 05-,M. - . 225 WANTED Work for trnetor. plowing or other kind... phone 623-J-4. 225 .WANTED Carpentering, shin gling, painung. nai-Ji. . 6ta WANTED Work, by hlRh school hoy after 8:30 p. m. Phone 242. WANTED MISCEMiANEOtTS WANTED Wood cutting contract. Write Huffman, 11 Reach Ave.. Ashlnnd. Ore. 227 WANTED I would llko to earo for elderly, people. In my mod ern, furnace-heated country home, just out of Medford. Mrs. Hans Holmer, Phone 534-W. 22.1 WANTED Smnll acreage near city ns part payment on modern small home on pavement. In quire 31 Meyers. 227 WILL care for cliitdrcn evenings in their hon'ies. Mrs. Chamber lain. 1211 Nlantlc. 223 WANTED l!y reliable couple, home to take care of for winter for people going away. Refer ences furnished. Address llox 1). II. S.. Mail Tribune. 223 WANTED. RANCH Have clear modern house, Ashland: welt lo cated, nnd cash for dairy ranch In Jackson county. Prefer stock ed, equipped, llox 173, Central Point. 221! KMI'.REE'R HOME LAUNDRY Will do your laundry right Fin ished work or rough dry. Prices right. Collect nnd deliver your laundry. Men's laundry u spec ialty. Phone M7-W. 003 No. I'.artlett. 223 WANTED To buy nil klndR of cattle, sheep and hogs.-' phono 665-L. - 246 FI'ltS'lTCRE upholstered, relln Ished nnd glued. A. N. Thlhault. Phone S60-R. 223 WANTED To borrow $1000 tn- $2000. A I security. Box I). C, Mall Tribune. 198tf WANTED OIomi cntlon Mall Tribune office. ratts t tf WANTED 2nd hand goods junk I'at'a. 151)1! I'nilit.. Ti l 47-1. 25C MISCF.I.IiAMXIfS FOR HIP.E Good psck burro for your hunllnc trip. Call Loomla. 108 from I to t, dally, ar1 : rw A - ATlTAETHF WEE TMAT I C , U C PBOWUWG ARCXJWD EARLIER V rSxA pacJagetotme . YT'eTbear J STltme -"n inj the evemimg, so x took all tn.sdo ' VEVEWTWlhJGTN ZT& tSuuZi Iir melscEMS WE mOSJEvAKJO TrtE. VALUABLES AMD MOM EV OUT.Y O.twctr, N M wSwD USOO'PL T OTSOl &OT- t60TM (oEWELS SOME1. WRAPPED IT UP AMD PUT IT UMDER Ak Mil lMTh PACKAGE'?RiAllv SWOuS W SlW5 CESUl'M A ROIMEoJ THE SAPE-I PUT A PMOMEV PACK- F 6t, 1fA Y motjIs Tamo . aive fvoJ a cpleloo, THey V man!.' 7 A&e marked -S,uest5'oewelrV P-fH , Ml r ?EW-LIW 7 OP K.CtSM TriE : PART'J N--1- IM ITS. PLACE-ALL TMEV eOTWAsH - 4-J Xto OarKaSs' t1:.- - ' i .... n....i .tti.,.nnii'Virii.'Q -i.1!! c Al.l. lll-A l, li:s-l'A'l ly - . ALL RIGHT." ALL RIGHT'. . 1929. t! .Ff ! SfCVloe.'lK-. Great IfrlOtlri-rigMs reserved,- FOR liliN'T Furnished apart ments, 203 lilm St. tel. st4-. FOR RF.NT 2room furnished apt. 220 N.-.lvy. : - 221 FOR RUNT 4-room nparlmenl: garage. 200 W. Jackson. 2Z FOR RKNT Apartments. Apple. 334 225 FOR RK.NT Dnsirablo turn, apt; garage. 10 Uuince St. 21Slf FOR RKNT 3-rm nrst floor; hot and cold water, pnono, use oi bath, close In. 322 So. Central. Inquire premises or Mrs. Rlans. Hotel Holland. 201tf FOR RENT Furnished apt. Tel. 452-H. .. -. ... 1ITOT FOU RENT HOUSIgS ' FOR RENT. - House; 5 rooms: stucco. 300 (leni'see.-Inquire '220 Apple St. ' -: " " 220 FOR RENT' 5-rm. modern house. 004 So. Plum. Phone n , 2-.I-?. 'OR RENT 4-room furnished .house, modern. 017 . N. iiart lett. . ... 223 FOR RENT 4-room house, garden and garage, 11 a month. D. Terwllliger, Route 2, Lozler Lnno. ;.. . E20 FOR RENT 6-rm. modern house: garaiio. 1 r,'hone 540 -It, or cnjl at 333 E. Jackson. 22S I'Oll RENT -141 N. ivy. - Unfurnished house, l'hono 810-J. 222tf LfOR RENT Modern 6-rm. housj?. ,1 1 no. urape. inone itfs-is. FOR RENT Modern house with stove. 1115 West 101 h. 223 FOR RENT 6-room furnished house; electric range, - sleeping porch, 2 lota, bam. 320 Port land Ave. Key at 305 Portland Ave. - 225 OR RENT 4-room furnished cottage, $27.60. 028 No. River Ride In rear. 220tf FOR RENT 20 Ross Court, at 27 Ross Court. Coll 22C FOR. RENT 6,-room unfurnished house. Inquire Redden & Co. tf FOR "RENT Half of duplex: elen trie range and water heater. Call at 007 N. Riverside or Phone 700-L. . 2i0lf FOR RENT Modern partly fur . nished 4-room houso. Call nt 414 K. Riverside. 223 FOR RENT Large home close In; hardwood floors throughout, steam heat. Phone 105 for ap pointment. B07tf FOR RENT 3-room house, off West Juckson. Phone 105. 207tf FOR RENT 6-rm. modern house; clean; on pavement. Inquire 34 N. l'each. 206tf FOR REN T Homes. Ftynlshed or unfurnished. Brown etc White. 17tf FOR RENT 6-room unfurnished house, 1036 W. 10th. See C. A. DeVne. phone 623-J-2, 19211' FOR RENT Bungalow. Ross lane. F. I Ton Veils, Jacksonville, Ore. Phone 112. . I76tf I--OR RENT IIOI'SF.KEKI'IXH ROOMS FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. 325 E. Jackson St. Phono "40-W. Foi'vn FOUND pin. Owner tuny have same by calling at M;til Tribune t.nd paying for nd. "-'5 WAHKHOCHK MEDFORD WARRHOOHB Bonded No. 261 W store anything, and loan tnone! on anything stored. I'houe IK Xlltf - f. ' .v . j k)R RH.VT- Nice front room: prl- vate entrance: board. Iuj iN. Oakdale. 225 FOR RUNT Heated room fori .woman; also board. To!. 0G7-X; FOR RI-;.T--2 nice sleeping rooms, close in: board if desired. Tel. K20-X. 225 FOR RHXT w. v. A., : 543-K. -Rooms. Inuuire Y. 2'J No. Cartlett. Tel. 225 , i,'ou RKNT Large front room, hot nnd cold water, close in; shower. 20 So. Fir. 225 FOR RENT Rooms for men, a month. 8 Laurel. ' S10 223 HEATED ROOMS With board, nt 716 E. Main. Phone 722. 205tf FOR EXCHANGE FOR TIIAI1H Modern homo for acreage or ranch, liox A. 11.. Mall Tribune. 224 FOR TRADE Equity in good 4 i room., residence for vnoant lot. phone 830-M, evenings. 348 FOR EXCHANGE Have new 4 room bungalow, value J3000, at Chain. Vlsia, cal near San Diego, to exchange for small place on highway between Medford nnd . O r a n t s Pass, Address Chns. Wolff, 1807 7th Ave., National CUy.Cal. FOR SAMS HOMES FOR SALE Small house, good let. on east side, for- $600 cash. C. S. nCTTERFIOILD, Realtor. 220 5-ROOM houao, $2,00.0; large cor ner lot. Sold to close estate, fl. E. Blackburn, Rep. Phone 8 53 R. Terms. ' 223 A BRIDE'S DREAM New home, complete;, fireplace, bath, hard wood floors, laundry trays, wired for electric range, $2000; terms. (1. E. Blackburn, Rep. Phone 853-R. 223 SALE OR TRADE New 6-room .house, near school. Will trad" for acreage. Will assume. Tel. 853-R. U. E. Blackburn, Rep. 223 CP CIO STOCKS Hut Iho boys' money Is now safo in the pock ets of Wall street. How differ ent life would have been If tliey had bought the suburban home, with appurtenant water rights We can now sell for $7000. The improvements cost $ooo. and for the man who has use for It, it has a legitimate value of 812. 000 today. See HOLMES FOR HOMES, Nash Hotel corner. 224' FOR SALE 5-room house; sleep ing porch, bath, paved, good lo cution. Try to bent It for $1800; terms. ' For Exchange Will take east side lot for equity in modern west side home. THE REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 41 North Riverside. Phono J 406. 2 24 FOIt KALE LIVESTOCK FOIt SAD: 30 head sheep, In cluding II lambs. Inquire Mt-a, Helinau. Helman Baths. Ashla nd. 22 5 FOR SALE 3-monlhs-obl pigs. Joftcpll E. Lester, 111. Idle Hoard. FOR SALE t'ow nnd cnlf. Commons, Talent. H. R. 223 FOR SAM-. pourrnv 'OR SALE .Mammoth bronzi turkey lorn. 1H mos. old, $10. c. E. Smith, Central Point. 16- 2i Z FOIt SALE Anrona and Jersey I'.hirk tjliitit cockerels. Phone 70'1-M. 223 FOR KALE Mammoth Bronr.e turkeys, Orildbank strain: young trims $in and $16; young hens $1 and $10. J. S. Quackcnhiish, Deserlvlew Turkey Farm. Route 3, Medford, Tel. I.12-X-2. 243 FOR SALE Mammoth Bronze breiMiiHir turkeys, J, M, Nnrv, Phone 132-U 238 By George McManus FOR SALK The shop, established 3 vears. Price $325. One block north of city limits on highway. 224 FOR SALK AL'TOMOrsII.KS DEPENDABLE - USED - CARS at 1030 PRICES Come 111 and look over the fol lowing used cars. They have all been reconditioned and loolc fine. lOiS Pontine. Del.uxe Sedan. . 1027 Type Dodge Do Luxe Sedan. 1020 Typo Dodge l,on. Sedan. I 020 Fm-d 'Sedan. I02S Typo Essex Del.uxo Sedan. 1025 Ford Coupe. 1025 Essex Coach. TRADES AND TERMS EAKIN MOTOR CO. Dodge anil Plymouth Dealer. 220 1027 F.SSEX COACH' ' 425.00 Easy Terms. This car far better than aver age; good looking, good runnln.T. Glad to demonstrate Ibis value. CHHVSLElt DEALERS. 128 So. Riverside. 223 FOIt SALE New Nash coach: run only 5.000 miles bv private party. Some terms, Wonderful buy. Call -110 E. Main. 225 SANDERSON MOTOR CO. YOUR OAKLAND AND PONTIAC DEALER Have a nice line of used enrs we have taken In on new curs. The price Is low nn,l they are recon ditioned. You get the lowest terms hero. 1027 Pontine. Landnu 4-door sedan: a splendid buy $550.00 1027 Star touring; only 8,000 miles on this one; it has .had sldendid care $250.00 1027 Chevrolet coach; new paint, etc $365.00 1020 Rnlck Master 6 brougham: one of tho best buys In tho city $000.00 1025 Flint touring $100.00 Ford roadster $ 65.00 Studebnkcr touring, light C$1 25.00 1025 Essex conch $125.00 Oyen evenings and Sunday morning. 223' FOR SALE-T1020 Ford roadster: new tires and battery; all ex tras; $185. Sixth and Bartlett. 226 THE 1 1 EST USED CARS IN THE CITY FOIt THE MONEY. ALL LESS THAN ROOK PRICES. REPOSSESSIONS AT BALANCE OF CONTRACT 1020 Essex Cnnoh 1020 chev Touring , $165.00 122.60 148.110 60.00 HIS. 50 I 1026 Olds Trail ing 1023 Dodge Touring ... 1020 Klur Touring 1025 Hudson Coach 108.00 Anil several oilier good repossessed cars nt balance due on contract. 1028 Type Hudson Kednn....$K:'5.n0 1020 Bulck Sedan 776.00 10211 Erex Coach 776.00 1020 D.nlgn Coupe . 300.00 1020 Itiudelmker Special 6 Coach 485.00 All these cars are In fine condition. Come In and see (hem. ARMSTRONG MOTOR CO. 101 S. Riverside. .; Phono 18. 226 FOR SALE 1026 stnr taurine: car In fine condition; good rubber. pMnt license; some terms. Cnll 004 -L. 2j3 I'Oll HALE HEAfi ESTATE MY INCOME properly for sale or trade for niT'-ncc or small place. Box D. '., Tribune. 22:i FOR HALE on TRADE One nf the finest little dairy ranches In the Rogue River valley, with or without 16 head of cows. Phone 689-J-l, HlOtfa FOR SALE one nnd one. quarter neres on Kings highway. Phnne IKl-V, 223 By SOL HESS KO I! SAl-U Have few tracts from A .one iiere or more on I'l.cltlc lllun way just north of Medford that will sell at a bargain: excellent soil. Also sonic Improved acre age for sale. Will. Olson. Rt. 2. 225 FOIt SALE 1 neres, 3-rm. house. 1 14 miles out, 2 chicken houses SI ton, $200 down. $10 per mo. L. (1. PICKED,. 204 East Main. 223' A REAL STOCK RANCH 300 Acres, Lnngell Vnlley; 160 In erous. 100 natural nieauow, bo acres under government, cost $1.20 per Aero; good Improve menls. Priced nt $30 per acre, Will lake house or small acre age as first payment; long time - on balance at O'to. , SEE PARK HURST . ! FOR PROPERTY -15 N. Fir St. . l'hono 1410 223 FOR SALE 514 acres, close In on good road; flno pour land; Irri gated. Priced for quick wile, $750. Phone 40U-R-1. ' ' 227 FOR SALE Smnll dnlry ranch: cows nnd hay. 037 Pino. Phono 3H7-J. 223 'OH SALE Equity In smnll place; modern, well furnished, close In. Will consider car. Call Highway Barber Shop or 811 E. Juckson. 226 FOR RALE 3 ncres, close to city limits of Medford; small good bungalow, barn, poultry houses, nlfiilfa, garden nnd berries; $1600 cash. Brown He White, Realtors, 227 FOR SALE Three lota on Pacific highway corner near end of No. Riverside. Smnll 2-room house und garago which rents for $10 per paint h nnnv lot. Lots suit able to be developed for tourist 1 cabins or small homes to rent to mill employes, priced lit $2600. Small down payment and good terms on balance. Churles R. Ray. Realtor, Medford Center Bldg. Phone 302. 223 FOR 8ALE to schools. -5-room home, Phone 105. handy 207tf WHEN YOU think of real estate, see Brown & White. if FOl t S ALE M I SCELLAN EOUS FOR APPLES Call 1122-R. 206tf FOR SALE Nice Hied Winter Banana apple culls. Roots Punkey warehouse, Gold Hill. Cull W. K. Root, Medford. phone 294. 17 ltf FOR SALE Girl's bicycle. Call 230 So. Riverside, l'hono 60I-.I. 225 FOR SALE Girl's bicycle. Ivy. 229 N. 224 FOR KALE Newtown apples 26c, 60c and 75c a box. according to grade. Iiring boxes. 2u7 Beattv. , 224 FOR SALE "Tno Classroom Teacher," any volume or com plete set at sacrifice. Phone 3I-X-3. or writo Edith May. Trail, Ore. 223 KOR SALE Co.-.l healer. Ilh. 1106 W 223 FOIt SALE Apples 60o box. Bring your boxes, c. p;. smith, 14 mll west Central Point. Tel. 80.XX-2 223 FOR SALE Ear corn. 114c lb slock beets. 14c. Half-mile west of soiiili end of Kings highway. . E. Simmers. 223 FOR SALE Sweet potato squash loo-lb. lots or over. J. 8. Van- flurry. Pliotut 630-R-.1. 226 FOR SALE Dry fir and hard wood, $:i.oo and up; delivered. Phono 05S-I. 226 FOR KALE Bullions (hluesrrass) seed for tale, 200 tier pound. - Communicate with wllllnms , Huogmillrr, Routs 2, Central Point, or cnll at ranch, Antiorh dlstrlrt. i tf FOR SALE For sand and gravel sediment and areheral teaming Tl. H2-J. Sam'l Ualeinan. lf FOR SALE MISOEXIiAimOCI FOR SALE Grapes; Missions and - Tokay. Geary Orchard, Griffin cret-K. Phone R-13-W. 227 FOR SALE Used sewing ma chines: all makes, $5 up; terms 1C desired. All make rented , and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co., 24 North Bartlett. utr FOR SALE Pane field fence, yard fence, Rates, netting all klmla; cedar and steel fence posts. Complete line of fence material. "We build fences.", Gndrtls & Dixon. Tel. 168. 34 IllISfNESS DIRECTORY Alwtrncta MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Ab stracts of Title, Title Insurance. Rooms 8 nnd 5. No. $2 - North Central Ave., upstairs. - - .TACKSON CO. Abstruol Co. Abstract of Title and Title Iusur ancc. Tito only complete Title System In Jack son Countr ' Aecotiutant O, ,ti-D'AIf!INI Certified Pub lie' Accountant. .Auditing, ac eounlliiK, tax service. . Office. Collece llulldlng. Phono Kn. 223tf Bicycle, Repairing. CUARANTEED BICYCLE AND MOTORCYCLE REPA1RINU Lawns Mowers ground. Snappy Parcel Service. JOE RINARD'S CYCLER 1', 2 8 So. Bartlett. Tel. 1408. Chlropraetlo Physicians DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chlro-' practlc Nerve Specialist, orilee hours 9 to 12; 2 to 5. (03-204 Liberty Bldg- Office phone 580; Res. phono 730-H. Chimney Sweep ' - CHIMNEY SWEEP George Raton; Call Eads k llollroolc Kecona Hand store, N. Front. Phono 1102-.I. '- Eye Specialists DR. D. A. CHAMBERS, Optome trist. Eyes examined. Glasses tilted. 404 Medford Bids. Tel. 1S8. S62tf Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wilson, C. P. A. Attention given to anything in accounting; and Income Tax Requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting? method. Liberty Bldg., Medford. Phone 1 57-R. -. . ' - t . . Financial WE LEND MONEY t6 worthf people to pay their honest debts, Pacific Coast Credit Association, 423 Medford UldB., Medford. Ore. Freight Transportation LONO DISTANCE- HAULING Medford - Klamath truck line. Dally service. Bonded carriers, - Special rates 6n load tots. Autt Freight terminal, 36 S. Fir. Tel 1033. Money to Ixinn MONEY TO LOAN to worthy-petx olo to nnv their honest debtal Also' any amount to loan'-on oltj property. Thomas Realty Co, Room 12. Palm Blk., Cor. If all and Front Sts., upstairs. Lonff Time --, Ileal Estate ' Mortgage Loast. Phone ISM Commercial Finance Corp. -' Medford, Oregon DO YOU NEED MONEY T Wl make short tlmo loans. Trtvns actions strictly confidenttaL $11 Liberty Bldg. Open Tuesday! and Fridays till p. m. Phone 667-J. H. 11. Banister. H. O Chrlstner. ; Monuments THE OREOON GRANITE CO. Monuments, tl. A. hicks, uetv erul Manager; P. M. Kershaw Sales Manager. 102 N. Front Stf Medford. , Painting and Paperhanglmi II. MARX Qunllty painting-, tint ing and papcrnanging; saves ana beautifies; color schemes that are "oasy to live with" at minimum cost to you; decorating of .new and old furniture and fixtures. Phono 178-J. Piano Instruction FRED ALTON HAIOHT Tea-chef of Plnno and Harmony. Halgnt Music Studio, 818 Liberty Bids., Phone 72. 169tt" Printers nnd Publishers MEDFORD PRINTINO CO. Haa the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Bookbind ing, loose leaf ledgers, bllllnsr systems, eta, Portland prices. 27 N. Fir St. . Radio Sorties RADIO SERVICE on any make radio. 11. O. Purucker, 22 Soutk Grape street Office Phone 135; Res. 1442. 281 Rand and Grarcl C. A. HARTLEY Sand and Gravel plant. Cleaned, washed sand and gravel: crushed gravel, all sizes. Phone plant 1203 or office 127. 164tf Transfer EADH TRANSFER A 8TO R AOS CO. Office 111 N. Fir Street. Phone 315. Prices right. Serv ice guaranteed. DAVIS TRANSFER STORAOB Service guaranteed. 10 8. Grape St., Phono 044, or residence 108. TRANSFER AND STORAGE F. E. Samson Co. Quick service. Prices reasonable. Cargo Insur sure protection. 228 N. River side. Phone 8SS. Vplmlstorlng THIHAHLT Maker ot overstuffed furniture made to order; re upholstering. Wo estlmste, show Samples. Phone 08-R. 21 Wabash. Window CtMnlna LET OEOROB DO IT Phone UTI fur hoiisecleanlng, floor vulnf, Janitor service. Geo. A. Heel,