. VJIT.g.i-, Vfrt " M -UK MEuFORD MAIL TRTBUNE. MEDFORT). OREOOX. TUESDAY. OCTOBER '115, 1029. in December and has. a long and tedious task. Ix-Kiylatlon by tho last BOBsion of tho lexhilaluru, uffect 1ns taxes and budget, will also bo taken Itno consideration ; in the I... :. t KAHLK I'OIXT, Ore., Oct. 15. (Sperlal.) The Indies' Aid aoclety of the Presbyterian church, will hold its first regular business meet ing after the summer vacation on Wednesday' -afternoon. October If. In ltrnvn hall, at -:S0 o'clock. WHEN LEGIONNAIRES PARADED Mrs. Morgan, president, pri'sldhiK. As. there Is muih Unsiiiftta to bo' discussed, all members are asked td bd present. ' - ' Hoad Worket Injured - SAliKM. Ore., Oct. I t. (,V Arthur Gaudier, 33, whb . badly burnt m! In a ko ollne explosion near Aurora Monday morninK vhilj a pasnllnu truek was HUpply injf a dif,'siiiiK maehine. fiaudier, n no i u iiiuiui'vr ui win ivir, j f county road crew, waa iven firnt aid at Aurora and rushed to tha Til Nam Oregon City hospital . .. r , i t i Tiiard-i-rieauty :u-lov -iuMojI ;tu; Minid tWfiftnlftw 1-fhrber iihop.1 ' RrnzH'tj ' area lenuala rtipproxl-il J mntPly that of 1 Etiro pe.' preparaUon of tho bud;;et it Lengthy Statement .On The ' Proposed Extension Of 1 Logging Railroad Butte Falls to Klamath Sent To general Manager. I '.T-T '"'Aur ws"T " " ' m M:, JXffiTM t vim. r 1 1 r A: :r. rrm m v & "mm sa uB'H mm mm n mm mm m i . mm mmt m m m,a mm m i wi 4S mi-mm ., . V. - I M II m N I YwL. .E M1V-S ' J .S Tl IT IW U M I'M m. lXte Ttyu HUrvey fr . the . proposed construction of an Owen-Oiegon Lumber company railroad, from a point seven intletr beyond Butte . Fa I la to Klamath county, Una been completed and JamcH H. Owen, general manager of tho timber , co tii pa ny haa reported to the board of directors that "the road ia feas ible and practical from an engi neering and financial standpoint." 'The lengthy report of Owen will be acted upon by the board of directors, It Is exected, at their annual meeting next February. 'The survey runs from camp No. 2. in tho Butte Falln district, to tho Woyei'hauKer Junction on Hpencer creek, with oji easy grade front' 'that point Into Klamath- Falls. The disUtnce ' to (Spencer 'creek from camp No. 2, Ik 37 miles from At ed ford to camp No. 2, ia 44 miles. The Weycrhauaer com pany is planning to extend its Unes from five to seven milea northeast from the present terminal, further 'shortening the distance. The survey calls, for a junction with the Weyerhauser line or transcontinental lines at Klamath Falls. No figures on the eatlmated cost per mile were made public by Lioneral Manager Owen. The report sets forth that "even tually a railroad will be built from Klamath, county tapping the Bead Indian district, the Big Butte basin, and .the uppei,HQgue , River valley, shortening the distance east for fruit and lumber shipments." Daily Meteorological Report October 15, Medford and vicinity: Increas ing .cloudiness tonight and Wed nesday. Occasional rains. Not much change in temperature. Oregon: Increasing' cloudiness tonight and Wednesday; occasional rains In west 'portion. Cooler in east portion Wednesday. "2 too! Data Temperature (denrees).. 73 42 Hlchcst (last 12 hrs.).... 7!l ' 711 Lowest (lust 12 tiro.).... 43 42 ltd. humidity (pet.) 113 !r Precipitation (Inches).. 0 0 State of weather Clear Clear Lowest temperature this morn ing. 30 degrees. ' . Total' precipitation since Septem ber.!, 11129, 1.06 Inches. Temperatures a year aBo today: Highest, 63; lowest, 50. Sunset today, 5:30 p. m. Sum-Use Wednesday, 6:25 a. m. Kunsct Wednesday. 5:28 p. m. Observations Taken at 6 A. M. 120th-Meridian Time If? 2 as ? ll C1TT Baker city 76 3S Bismarck X2 44 Boise .'. 7 46 Denver 76 411 Des Moines .......I' do ' RS Fresno '. 00 56 Helena 72 42 Los Angeles 74 60 Murshfleld 66 411 Phoenix '. 94 62 Portland 72 52 Red muff 92 56 rtoschliru M) 46 Halt IJike City 72 46 San1 Francisco .... 62 52 Santa Ko '. 64 46 Seattlo .-. 68 68 Spokane 78 46 Walla Walla SO 04 Winnipeg - 48 Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear, Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear P. Cdy. O. K. ANDE RSON. Temporarily In Charge. IN PHOENIX OCT. 29 PHOKNIX. Ore.. Oct. 15. (Spe cial:) On October 29 a popular nubile meeting will be held at the Presbyterian church t 7:30. The prufcratn will consist of an address by one nf the state officers of the Antl-Haloon league and a moving picture, "Tho Transgressor," which depicts the conditions before and after prohibition. The Phoenix community Is cor dially Invited to attend, there will he no charge. The same program will be given In Medford and Ash land during the week. Hev. W. O. Johnson was a din ner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hartley on .Monday night. . t - 1 t.lvfn Damage ' ; PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. 15. W A federal court Jury awarded Mrs. Ceclle S. Cole, Portland. J21.000 damages in the suit she brought against llie S. P. H. -railroad for Injuries minted suffered In an nccldcnt near t'nderwood, Wash., August 10, 19JS, - Legionnaires parading past the s-lcan -Mgion national convention in Past Ia Irons Have IjunOlirtni A no-ho.stess luneheon was served to the members of the I'.ist Matrons club at the Hotel Medford yesterday at 1 o'clock. The tables were beautifully decorated in aut umn flowers ami leaves. Covers were laid for twenty-five. Following" the luncheon, tho members wentito the Eastern Star rooms, whgro the afternoon was spent playing bridge. Mrs. Kato Young: received the prize for hiKh Hcoro, and Mrs. Itoyl for low score. Mrs. C. D. Thompson and Mrs. K. Cr. Fowler were in charge of the afternoon entertainment. Pureiit-Tearhers 1 Convention Ojk'iis The State "Parent-Teachers con vention opened this morning In Grants Pass at 10:30, with the reg istration of ull delegates. A short program was urranged for the afternoon, and a reception for alt delegates 16 he held this evening. Medford delegates Include Mcs d nines Fichtncr, Kroeschel, D'Al blni and .lanes. k FILLING STAIN IN THREATEN JOIN STRIKE! NEW YORK, Oct. 1 5. (P) A threat of filling station attendants to join the strike of tank truck drivers today increased the gravity of the motor fuel distribution situ ation precipitated by tho diRpue be tween the oil companies and their employes. Three persons have been Injured in disturbances attending the strike. Police Commlssionery Grover A. Whalen said 1800 police have boon HKsigncd to strike duty. He threat ened to withdraw jioIIcq protection from truck and property of com panies employing "guerrillas." whom he blamed for the outbreaks of violence. REHEARING DENIED F0R:SM OF FUND NEED T SALEM, Ore, Oct. 15. P) The supreme coint, ninoni; other opin ions handed down tolnv, lenlel the petition for rehcarinK of n suit i Involving ihe Sum-rest orchards. j '"TP HE most beautiful bl.ick vnu've i ever scenl "AH my fnendj admire my new black silk I" "The coat I thought was hopelessly spotted is now a new, beautiful black I" , These .are typical comments from women who have used these true, jet black dyes. Diamond Dyes Black never gives cloth, a greenish or bronzy look, as so many black dyes do. Like Diamond Dyes Red and all the other Diamond ' colors, it is easy to use and gives such beautiful results because it is rich in pure anilines. It's the anilines in dyes that- give them brilliance, depth and fastness: make them go on smoothly and evenly, without Diamond Kim PrnnP EASY TO USE-BETTER RESULTS Associated -I'lTfit t'hoto reviewing otartd durlng the Arncr- ' Louisville,' Ky. ; Women Gtdfers . -- ',- Have Luncheon A luncheon for - the women of ;he IIoruo Hivor Valley Coif asso ciation who arotaklng art ln the '.pialifying rounds of the: tourna ment wiui held Uiis noon ' tit the. club house.. Tho luncheon was in charge of Mrs. Gain Kobinson. I Covers -were laid for thirty. ,' Mr. and Mrs. W. H.'Merrltt re turned homo .Sunday from a two weeks vacation trip to iSoattle. - Mirs Krnestine Flury of Chilo- , 0,uin. formerly of Medford, is in the city visiting frioluls. The Wednesday-' Study club will : meet tomorrow, nftornoori f at tho i public library at 2:30. The sub- ! Ject for discussion will be. VJapanV ' : V;'i- The annual Ht. Mark.h- Ouild dinner will be served at the Parish, halUon North Oakdalc avenue, to morrow at 6r30 p. p-fJil (J- The 'i egulaf'-meetlng ft the St., ,nn',s Altar society was held In the. tiiirish hall at. 20 (hit) afternoon. . GUESTS MRS. HARTLEY PHOKNl.t.'Orc., Oct.; 15 (Spe cial.) Members of tho Ladies' Aid society and the. Ladies' Missionary society and their husbands gath ered at the home of Mrs. C. C Hartley on. Monday evening for it surprise purty. Tho party was j given in honor of Mrs, Hartley's birthday. Uetween thirty-five and forty were present to enjoy the visiting, and singing. Refreshments i 'of sandwichos, cake and ooffco were nerved. Mrs. Hartley was present ed with a lovely floor lamp.. The budget committee met will) tho, county court today unci pored over tho financial state of Urn, county before Inking up Iho allot ment of funds to the dlfforent do- imi tmentB, The comrKlttoo will be in session until the first Tuesday Beautiful BIACKyouhaw ever seen streaking or tpotthig. And Diamond Dyes contain Ihe highest quality anilines that money can buy. The irn" packatje of Diamond Dyes is the highest quality dye, prepared for general use. It will dye -or tint silk, wool, cotton, linen, rayon, or any mixture of materials. The frfur packare is a special dye, for silk and wool only. With it jou can dye your valuable articles of silk or wool with rcwItsTmial to the finest professional work. When yon buy remember this. The blue package dyes silk or wool only. The white package will dye every kind ot goods, including silk and wool. Your dealer has both packages. r Ifflllli 4 ALL DEALER! 4j)p j Headquarters for Veteran Hunters ' - Western Field .Hammerless ; 12 gauge 28-in. barrel Perfectly balanced and shoots for smokeless .powder. 1'ositlvo Famous WealEIfl Repeatmg Shoteun 11 gauKe: ISOriiich barrel; shots In as many seconds. powder. Easy to take down. IIll ; Hi it UttB ! ii 1IB Mm V Radiators $9.25 to $10.25 jj FOR FORDS ,- Kor. model T, tubular and -honeycomb typos, half Iho regular price., . , $2.47 Marproof Varnish l"rr KlrjfMM No finer 'varnish r' Kfirrihwr of prler! I'omI ilvely will not turn white, o von If rli'iun'd wllh nrxl(!in!,' KUdx! Drtes hard in to hr. 1 Pt. Can 41c 27c llolils blades from 8 to 1 2 Inches. ; !ll-in. Modes 4le doa. 12-iu. blades Me do.. "LAKESIDE" ii.wi) C?0 OO saw 3.6.70 THper Kround of fine quality rhrome alloy . Hteel. fiuaranteed. I i.akksm.i: i fy l'lt,l. r.ln. ' 1 Ut Hotter ster-l, temper, cut, durability and uni formity. 6 for Mc. 10 Inch '.. ....'. 15c 117 So. Central ? lKUSE .PAJNT M0N Iu they cuitK' Imjje boxes of freight f I to the lifint with Ihe newest Full jiuTchtimli.se. Now they're tmpiicUctl and on display! .Sec liow the whole stoj-e tahes on it ehmisied a.speet ! Winlev will stmii he here, l'leptu-e for it at AViiyd'svliei'e in-ie.e.s live lower, cii:ilily is ! hinln'V "i"! '.sloe.Ks m e .eoinplelc 1 ' At AVaril's, where y)it fiii'l every thiitj; for yourself anil family lit a .saving; ! Shotgun Hunting Coat' Heavy Army Duck $6.98 30 n r - A Q J..jtO accurately. Hoied automatic safety. l'"ull BilA til itched, lllood proof g a in o rockets. Loops for 21 shells. 1 76c fflQ QQ full choke.. Tires six Bored for BinoUelets ' Riverside Batteries $7.59 KX'I'KA ItliSHUVK TOWER IN Illv ei Bldes nteotR tlio strain of 'Kail and Winter, burns tho lights .longer dur- , tug longer hours of darkness, whips over eolil motors, delivers mora power ' quicker every tlmo. Now Is the Time! To Buy Ward's NON-FREEZE SOLUTION $1.00 (iullon Ho vendy when Iho mercury 'ttikus lis fiVBt biff drop; Ward's BDlntlon elrculalea 'hetl.prt hh kuich more erf Icicnt protection. Dock not thicken. Paints That Save Monay . Guaranteed to Satisfy CovithII HoiiKe I'alnl One gallon covorn 250 l. feet wILh 2 wood foutH, Hplendld fur home ifWiilth who do their own imlntlnK.'-Not one ' dmp of water or flh ull. In OO-fTul. burro Is. Coverall Burn I'alnl Proteetn your burn for yearn! Hleh In puro lln hog(1 oil; HprcadH freely undt Bihoothly;' mifty to upply, Miuto iiM careful ly an litxiHU paint! (M ready for winter now! In 0-khI. bur re 1m, Wardspar Varnish $2.85 Affords perfect protection for uny outside job, boat decks, porch cellliiKs, otc. Scientifically compounded. Tiino-reBlsllnB,.-weatlior-Uofylnt;. 1 pint can Me. Wardway Liquid Enamel 39c 70c pint rpiart New e h a r in and r tdor for every -r o o m! 10 a h I I v cleaned Biirfnre, porcelain f,l n I fi h, , 12 c 1 1 eftiy '. -i;i iltVi'K.y , Ward's ' , Co-Var Finish 39c 75c pint ipiart Coloi'ft at nno hniHli Ktroko! For floors, w o o d w o r U, ridd pieces of furniture. WIIIC.NC'H $1.15 SMTS !l sockets' with bexa - I((in, It wit ll square opMiiiiKH. $3-75 $1.10 l':ay Huiinlmc Machine Oit (ienit COKOMUM ltlMi:it ,-Kor work In-nhop, ff'r vajj tot homo. ' I llenvy Hennib'KH bntHH lank, lyuk-prnof pump. IitiK undrrf low. Xoh , bout handle, (j u a r, t rcME!YWAIffi& cut. Double Box of 2f , , Red Head Shells Hard hlttliiR. Ixiatlcd with VuPont Smokeless lo wrier. 12 gauge, drop shot. Liquid Radiator Solder A solder that will slop that radiator kalt r-, l''llKlil, nl will not clog. 'H4Rtilar 7Go value; " gal. $1.50 Brushes For Every Job 1'tlllly hniHh Tor paint ItiK, lralHomlidiiK, n a , paslr; ' bniBh or for uny , wlinllar j) u r p uHi, 0 J wldB .J I tO l'AITi;ilS IAVOH- , ITK H'jlent rhlnoMO biiHtlen, net' In ltake lltn ... ean't eomo out. I'rnveH Hh rpiallty un. the Job. tf 1 7 C V.AKMSII IIKISII A favoille with VVard'4 CcstomeiH! A reat ' ...btnh value. ; 'L , 1 pound 68c " ' f ' IfifUAaiAIITill W JtlllK ItllK-ll- or , Thes an'y size squaru shank hit. ItlKlit oi' left band r I n k ratrhpt. l'lalii finish. -(ll i-'imv .no Sleel llaillliliT 05C Korni'4. meet (U'ollalied. head. " flT 40c vm;( kin; KoiK(d Ktoul. '3 'LhieknoKn; NO. 4 IM.AM.S 2-ln. tool ntft'l riiltep. , HldrM a n d 'bottom Ki'iimd nnd p6Uho4. Phone 286 There's Fun After School With HAWTHORNE FLYER 3600 Witli Complete Sport Model Equipment A fellow needs a Kood hike to get out where tho air Is Kood after a hard day in school. Parents know it, too. That's why so many happy healthy hoys am ridinit llnwthnrno Fly ers. Hraral lllo n motoicyclo, Tust- safo, complelely cqulpited, ' you can't onunl Iho Klyiu- for lrss 'Milan ?ii0. Moya say It'-i a uarb' . mid their Hails call It a wise in vestment. Oi' Cotton Uuion Suits $159 1-oiiK weurlm;, loni; fiber cotton smith llsht oft fleecing next to :your skin. Warm in coldoBt ..iwontlier. t.;.,., ,', $3.98 ' AH Wool Blazer -Hnturt and practical for outdoors wear. Warm wool weave', Navy and 0ivo 'IJrnb. Flannel , Shirts Hnnular Army style In Gray 'Khaki. Warm, durable flannol. WORK SOX 3 pairs $1.35 A practhnl hoso Tor uvoryilay wnar. Medium heavy, part wool yarqtluiablc and cnintorlnblu. Priced very low. ,, . ..: Dependable Alarm Clocks At Splendid 89c Ono day rloeft, -nickel plated i cuso c 1 on l' alarm. . : I II AM) -PIIIMj 98c; a-J a w r-httck hopln t Ht ralitht iifihnnk tlrllla up to V ,,,,t Beurrt and Hteel ptnimm. t ) :ioiu. Keimlli uwt - 4 - lneh ?r "A,";1.10 12-iiunrt HtronK and aervleenbl1. 'inside seams well m)l dered. ' flood tin plato brlKhtf)' finished. ' J Mso Sold sSEasy Payments All Wool Shaker 1 Sweater Men's $7.98 Boys' $2.75 An ideal swoatcr for sports and general wear. Warm, hand fln . Ished shaker knit, smart roll col lar. --Your choice of -three. ool-ors.-Navy Blue, Maroon or Buff. ' 1 '' Pioneer Overalls ,' and Jackets Each d- CQ Garments 8-oiince ; blue ttenlm with every "con venient imekot;- every extra - strbngth fonturo you find In ?2 overalls.' 'Ixw " or hlph back utylo. : v' or'j Savings $1.49 One-day inovo-' :i cnt.. Plain. ' Stand Grist Mill Also May Be Had In 50-pound Capacity at $375 flrlnds ; Kinall ' Rrans, dry bona, shells, etc. 25--pniitid capacity. Kly wheel ls'124 Inches In diameter. , Med ford, Oregon '