rxr.T. fix1 F3BE SEE I ' 1 I i I I I . 1 1 I' M i MEDFORP MATT; TKTBTTXE, MEDFOTtD, GTlTXt OX, TUESDAY, OCTOBER -lo, 1929, Honesty Is Major Trait, Says Lawton, Who Checks Southern Oregon's Scales (By Mnry (Jit'lncr) "The majority of people nro . honest; There aren't so many crooks in the world uh Home folkH would have us believe." Thin com ing from D. T. I-uwton, 77 your old head of tlie Hiute cepurtment of weights and meaHuros for the southern Oregon d.Htrlct, hIiouM he authority. JHh work contemn of measuring the hont'Bty of hi fel low mn. , T With' his headijuarteiH In the local court ' houno, tho official upends niont of his time on thu rood, propping (always unexpect edly) ;in on driiKgiHts, jewelers, grocerymen, butchers, b u k e r h, automobile dealers, packing houne ownertf; In fact upon anybody and everybody whose busineHs buccchr revolves to uny degree around scales and units of measure. ' "When a man deliberately sets $ut to cheat the public, he only Hucceeds in cheating himself," said the official at bin office yesterday, his long sensitive fingers testing u set of small scales on his desk be fore him.- "Komeiimes a man's whole character is weighed Into 10 dents worth of powdered alum," he., added and n slow smile spread oVor his features, lie continued tip, busily, with his work. ; rljajnd his desk wero copper measure containers, from the BinailfcHt units to those the capac ity of which readied five or 10 gallons rii row of sturdy f0 pound Weights frtr testing largo scnles, and along-side them, weights of smaller and smaller proportions, i,- pi); the floor wero beautiful ma hoganyV boxesi tbo contents of whJuli. are a rovelation. One of these held the Fairbanks scales, standard measurement for butcher shops und grocery stores. Jn sep arate erases within the box were the shining weights tlie largest of wliieb was four pounds and tlie smaiU-Kt only u 32nd of an ounce. pNearby was another type of scales, the metal weights of which runged from 10 pounds to u sixteenth of an ounce. , Then there were the avordupols scales .and tho Troy scales special druggists scales and the jewelers scales, the measurements of which range down to a mlnuto fraction of a grain. Kept In little mahogany "Jewel" boxen, these delicate weights must be bundled with pincers. Jn cusu ho finds the 'scales In any place of business faulty, the official tags them and orders them repaired. .Most people thank him, and are obviously desirous of cor recting the fault. If, however, the business man or woman falls to have them adjusted, and continues with inaccurate measures, the arm of the law steps in .Mr. Juvtou swears out a warrant for arrest, and the offender can tell his story to the judge. The penalty for this offense is from five dollars to S50O, with a prison term up to six months, according to Mr. Jjiwton. Hut ns in the days of the little red school house, there being a penalty for misbehavior, ho also is there a reward for tho honest boys and girls in the , drug, jewelry and grocery buslnesH.. Ami Mr. -Lawton, who has taught tho business many a worthy lesson during bis long carrier, affixes a golden star on thu scales that are giving honest measure. "Miss Silvertown" Goodrich Test Plane No. 3 . WOULD HOIST PRICES! UPHELD BY U. S. COURT PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. 15. fl1 Male Portland nwuko today, rubbed Its whiskers and won dered whether the corner bar ber shop was Btlll selling two bit shaves or had tacked on the extra dimo somo tonsorlul proprietors hnva urged. Master barber Interested In relegating to obscurity another American Institution the two bit shave along -with a good five cent cigar, scurried from shop to shop yesterday petition ing proprietors to boost the price HAN KRANCIHCO, Oct. J 5. (P) Affirming n decision of the Unit ed States district court at Seattle, the circuit court of appeals today upheld the right of the govern ment to aba to buildings "where intoxieatlug liquors are habitually brought upon tho premises by patrons" In violation of the na tional prohibition laws. Tho circuit court held that the lower tribunal ruled rightly when It n bated the dining room of the Hut lor hotel In Henttle for a period Pilot Leo Sclioonlinlr Is resting Mi right band on tho now "pants" that wero Invented to add speedto "Miss Si!vcrtovn". This n-.v Etro:m lining nddod about nix milco an hour to tho npocd of tlua now croaturo r f Vr.l air. Tho plane, a lock'noed-Vcga with a Wasp laotor has a cruising speed of 183 miles an hour -h a maximum creed of 200. j of olio yeai'4 The Ihlllor Hotel ((Miiimuy, Inc., htul njipeiilcd from Hip ih'dslon rtt Hie district rourt. i The Drug and Dope Addiction Situation in Southern Oregon "Now I keep my underthings like new tivice as long thanks to Lux" 'T JUST love pretty undcrtliings, nnd JL I do have more dainty things than most of my friends, even girls who spend much more! ''My secret is simple. I pot the sug- gestion from a friend who held a , position in an exclusive New York shop. She told me they always washed models' underthings and hosiery in Lux, because they found Lux kept them looking like new more than twice ' ms long. ' ''Since then I've always been careful to use Lux for underthings, negligees, X, stockings, dresses. ''They stay new much longer! Some ' of my nicest lingerie is 3 years old and still looks new. That gives me . money to buy extra things which I could never afford if it wcren'tfor Lux." Give your pretty underthings this marvelous Lux care that keeps them like new so much longer! Then, in stead of spending all your clothes ' money replacing worn out things, . you, too, can afford many more pretty dotheil " '" 1 - ? ' II! o CI rM it 1LM FAMOrS New York dress makers say, "Lux keeps sheer underthings and hosiery new looking twice ms long. (Above) pretty model for exclusive t ifth Avenue establishment, in Unci lingerie and uigligce. I'lmrlsct or Sitniiii'iliiii? j To the Editor: i The uhoVc fUOHtlon forces ItsoU upon uh when we lire reviewing ; the Harrison nnrcotle law. Tlie word diseawe UU volume In re-j Uiivi to this euiMe or jt:inue nar cotic mldiellou. An luUllct is K : diHensed man. He Is sleU. Onoi nittHtandinK UiIhk Ih tluit an nddlot' want.s his medication, not to sootlio. him Into laiiKorous, dreamy sleep, hut to atop suffering. A new horn hnho from an ad diction diseased mother also hits tho disease. , Surely habit or de mi re or appetite could not onte'r Into this unborn babe. Any warm blooded nnimitl, If Kiven opiates, say a larue dose for three or four weeks, acquires tho same malady,,! lias this- animal (dUK row or what J not an appetite, n hahit, an un- j broken will nnd a desire not to i fpilt a hahit, or Is it n disease? The symptoms In all cases, man! or animal, or any class or race of i man. or an Individual of tlie rare- n weaklinK, or u Klant of moral and physical stamina; are the same, constant, charaeteristie phe nomena. The addicted judo, the iddictetl clergyman, or the man of business or the youth nnd dissi pator, alike succumb to this so called hahit, this disease more for midable In many aspects thnn any in the cateKoryof human illnesses. An addict Is n victim or a di.4 ease, an honest sufferer of n death-in-tlfe malady. He finds himself where tho oplato Is as necessary to him as the food ho onts or the air he breathes. The drun then becomes to him a therapeutic ncj eosslty and the doctor, alono hiuttj the monopoly of his cure. ' I What has happened' I,et ufi see. if we (ake dlphtherin Kermsi Into our bodies, they at once maint-1 fact urc n poison or toxin. Ourl bod lea meet this toxin with an' antitoxin, but not quick enouKh, its a rule, so wo Inject antitoxin for curative measures. The theory In addiction disease is that the, opiate or toxin Is Injected Into tho1 body, produces the body to manit-J factnre antitoxin or nntl-bodies.'' Finally the hotly Kt'ts surchai;etl with antitoxin and requires tho, toxin or opiate poison to ho iiw jretrd to neutralize the antitoxin. The symptoms are at first a va a ue u neasi ness n ml rest lessness, ! mental anguish nnd torment, nerv ousness and twitching. p;ulent talkative or morose; Jerky move-! ments. dryness or skin, then sweat.; lug nnd mucous secretions; Itch-! log of nose, sucexlng, numbness.' darting pains, nuxious nnd worried expression; cramps or muselrs and1 In abdomen; vomiting, purging, ex-' cruclat Ing bodily pains, weiikness, difficult breathing, rapid, wonk heart, exhaustion, collapse, death.1 Then are many addicts who were defective before they became addicted. Probably 7ft per cent f addicts nro unworthy of any sym-j pathy. but on the othr hand, per-i haps 2fi per cent are deserving and, honest people who should have the : ennibh'i'rttltm of their trials, suf-j ferlngs. and struggles. (nly about! two per cent ncqnlre the addiction disease from medication from doc-' tors. I A deserving addict probably has! a family, n business, and Is trying' his best to keep up. After many! j years of worry, poor nppctito, suf-' i i in. ne neeome pare, umier-: nourished, stooped, prematurely! sged. Infirm, untruthful, persist-! ent. husky voice, unreliable, sexu ally weak a wretched victim of A self -poisoning disease, i From the symptoms slated one can readily iee that an addict! takes bis drug not for pleasant dreams, for vice, a wonderful jour ney, for new. and beautiful world, enhanced power but to relieve the symptoms nnd have an approach to normal. One of the legitimate uses of opium is the proper use of it for relief and cure of addic tion disease. Other uses of opium, which is one of the most Important medi cines in materia mod lea, is to re lieve pain, stop spasms, cure coughs, diarrhea, to sustain the heart, to give sleep. (To be continued.) 1)11. A. A. HOl'Mi. Klamath Falls, October 15. BREIER STORE PAYS "The Druggist Is Always Ready to Serve You When You Need Him Says "BILL" Dollar it I Want to Stay Usually when a person needs the services of a physician the druggist is called on next. Med icine and the M. D. go together. There is no time to send away for the drugs that the homo druggist carries o n hand. They are usually wanted right now. That is why there are few prescriptions filled out of town. But the home druggist carries a full line of other dependable goods and it will pay you to keep "Bill" Dollar at home in this store. Drugs Toilet Articles Candies We have thousands of articles in stock that are always needed at home, and this is a splendid place in which to buy them. We keep things right at a right price,- and will make any of ybur purchases right if you think they are not right. Our motto is "Satisfied customers" and we can please you, too. JARMIN & WOODS ' THE OWL DRUG STORE at various points whero tho com- J. Jlreler company, according to program through the sale of pany owns and operates stores. Mr. Hubbs. . stock, and nt.. the same time Most of the people who bought j jt is the purpose of tho com- build up a following of cub stock are customers of tho C.I pany to finance Its expansion I toniers and investors. 'When You Expect To Get Something Good for Nothing, You Usually Get, Something Good for Nothing" A. W". Hubbs, manager of the J. Ilreier store here, has re ceived notice from tho Portland off iee that the company has de clared Its first quarterly divi dend of 2 2 tee per share on class A preferential participating com mon stock. The C J. Ilreier company is disposing of its new issue of class A' common, stock through local represenlat Ives nnd agents SAY MISTER IF YOU BUY YOUR TIRES AND PARTS AT AN OUT-OF-TOWN STORE, GET YOUR FREE AIR AND WATER AT THE POST OFFICE. Says "Bill" Dollar ii !w-w iifm Ik. Luxurious MOTOR COACH TO California points and all Pacific Coast cities To Kansas City, Chlf ago, New York To anywhero East or West From Pa cific to Atlantic Canada to Mexico big roomy motor coaches with deep-cushioned individual reclining chairs and many other mod ern refinements assure yoi pleasant journey over glo rious autumn highways tJ wherever you may want to go. Los Angeles $19.00 San Francisco 12.15 Kansas City M.10 Chicago 62.10 New York 82.10 TERMINAL HOTEL JACKSON 102 So. Central Phone 309 Economical tohcmwid6 "You can't expect to send your money away to some other city for tires and tubes for your auto and expect the home merchant to serve your oar and do the thing's he does be cause he is a friend and neighbor of yours. The home merchant pays big taxes for the privi lege of serving you. and 'free air and water' is only free to you. He pays heav ily to install the ma chinery and equip ment, for your con venience. Think of this the next time you put "free air" in a tube that you bought out of town. Tires - Tvibes - Gas - Oil Goodrich Silvertown Tires and Tubes. Northeast and Auto Lite Electrical Service. Authorized Willys-Knight Service. Washing, Polishing, Greasing. Complete Repair Shop and Welding. LEWIS SUPER SERVICE STAT'N Phone 1300 .;;;;.';; PHIL"B. LOWD, Mgr. ' Front & 8th Sts.