Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 14, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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Iocal and
Approximately 150 earn of ap
ple and pears were shipped from
Med ford last week to eatern mar
ketH, making a season total of over
2800 cars. The larK"t shipment
took place Saturday nlk'ht when 40
or 60 cars were shipped.. The peak
of the fruit season has been passed
for several weeks and a Kood many
of the localpaektng houses are
working on half, shifts, with ap
ples and Winter Nellls pears the
njuln fruits in season.
. The Rogue Nook Inn. formerly
the Vernon station, at Gold Hill,
has been purchased by Mrs. Susie
Coy and R, A. RoblnBon. They
serve chicken dinners, short or
ders and have fountain service.
Mrs. I. C. Sisernore of Fort
Klamath returned to her homo yes-
lerdny after spending the week end
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John
J. Wilkinson here.
Rest Carbon Briquets, $17.50 per
ton. 'Medford Fuel Co., Tel. 631.
3 87tf
See Charles A. Wing to buy your
home. ' 21C
Mrs. Lyda King, county nurse,
left Saturday for Halem to Join her
husband, V. W. King, to start a
vacation of a week, to be spent
motoring through Washington and
Into Canada, where Mrs. King
plans to spend a short time visit
ing her brother ut Vancouver,
Ina M. Huson and Darroll Huson
announce the opening of "Huson's
What not," formerly "The Sweet
Shop," corner 6th and Ivy Sts. Your
patronage will be appreciated. 207
Included among the OreKonlans,
other than those from Portland,
registered at local hotels are J. P.
Franzen of Oregon City, Robert
Hartley of Salem, Mary -Hickson
of Dallas, James Myer and S. A.
I fan ford of Roseburg, Lee Met
calf and E. M. Holman of I-ake-vlew
and Rohert Moser of Tilla
mook. ,
Hemstitching, plcotlng, pleating,
button making and hose mending.
Hondicrnft Shop. lB7tf
The condition of Mrs. Fred I.
Colvig, who for a week past' has
been quite sick with pleura-pneumonia,
In now much Improved at
the He c red Heart hospital. All the
fever has disappeared and her re
covery is expected to proceed fast
from now on.
" Buy them now, factory blocks $"
per load. Medford Fuel Co., Tel.
681. 187tf
Tomorrow will be "Farmers'
day" for the Klwanlans of Ash
land. Every Klwanian Is being re
quested to invito n farmer or fruit
grmver friend as his Individual
nunst at the luncheon.
SpitE apples for sale, AIn Vista
Packing House, So. Fir. 201tf
Any subscriber to the commun
ity chest may designate the Instl
tutlonal member to which ho do
, sires his subscription credited. You
have a right to know what your
money Is doing and It will be at
rl times possihfe to obtain any
Information desired through the
community chest.
Complete showing ot the 1030
models of the new Dndge 6 at
Eakln Motor Co., Dodga and Ply
mouth dealer. 20rt
W.. F. Isaacs and W. I. Vawter
spent yesterday afternoon below
OrahU Pass, fishing In the Rogue.
Mnyor and Mrs. W. C. Ieever of
Central Point are . grandparents,
having received telegraphic infor
mation last week that n son, Rich
ard Constant, was born to their
son Karl and Mrs. I,eever, at Van
couver, WnHh., where Karl has
been employed for sometlmo by
iho Montgomery Ward company.
The parents are well known here
and are Iformer Medford residents.
See Charles A. Wing to buy your
homo. 816
j, There were no fatalities In Ore
gon due to Industrial accidents dur
ing the week ending October 10,
according to a report by the State
Industrial rccldent commission. A
total of 021 accidents were report
ed to the commission.
Krag-Jorgensen army rifle for
snle; cut down to sport model:
looks like new, $10. Inquire M
Ilrnwne Hdwe Co. tf
W. T. Orleve was In the city
from Prospect this morning, and
returned home before noon. He
reports thrt there wore no fires
of any consequence In that dts-i
trlct this yenr. j
Det me write your fire Insurance.
Pari Y. Tengwahl, Hotel Medford. I
Phone 003. tf j
' Porter J. Neff Is spending n fw
days In Portlnnd on legtit biul
ness, having left for the north the
latter part of the week.
Call find look over the 1030 mod
els of Dodge 6 nt Etikln Motor Co..
Dodge and Plymouth dealer. 20R
Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Danfleld left
yesterday for their home In San
Dleeo. Cal., following n short stay
In Medford attending to business
With the Coming of
W suggest plenty of
rinhrcr'i Milk Bread
tout for all meals.
Guests from a distance register
ed at Medford hotels include Char
lotte King and H. H, Rogers of
Milwaukee, Wis., und Mr. and Mrs.
Karl J'rleHH of Falrlmnks, Alaska.
Members of the D. A. R. wish
ing reservations for the luncheon
Saturday, October 19, please cull
Mrs. J. H. Cochran, 142, not later
thun Thursday, October 17.
Call and look over the 1030 mod
els of Dodge 0 at Eakin Motor Co.,
Dodge and Plymouth dealer. 205
Coming! The Chrysler Road
Show, 204
Guy Harvey, vltdtlng , fisherman,
reached his limit of steelhcad Fri-:
day with a total of three fish.
weighing respectively 10, 8'A and
7 pounds. The catch was made
on a No. 0 royal coachman with
junglecock wing, using-light tackle.
Mr. Harvey Is hero from Portland
to visit his father, J. It. Harvey.
Grant.! Pass Courier. '
Ina M. Huson and: Darroll Hunon
announce the opening of "Husun's
Whatnot," formerly "The Hweot
j Shop," corner Cth and Ivy Kts. Your
I patronage will be appreciated. 207
Wanted At once, packers. Pin
nacle Packing Co. 103tf
Dr. Krnlly Bolrom, county me -
leal director, and Miss Kdlih Laub-
scher. county nurse, were giving
her.lth honor roll examinations to-
day In the (Irlffln Creek school
district, southwest of Medfurd. All,
rural schools In the county can
avoll themselves of this service,
and It is the desire of tho county
unit that schools not yet exam
ned get In touch with tho unit as
early as possible, taking advan
tage of the present 'prevailing good
weather. A number of schools
have already undergone the exam
inations and moHt of them In the
county were expected to he
(let those fenders and auto
bodes strulghtcned at Brill's Sheet
Metal Works, opposite Lewis Super
Service Station. Phono 418. .f
Col. and Mrs. K. K. Kelly and
son Bob spent yesterday afternoon
fishing above Trail.
Special on plaster board at Med
ford Lumber Co. tf
"The Narcotic Situation" Is to be
discussed from the standpoint v of
the medical profession, Wednes
day evening when Dr. J. J. Km
mens will present a paper at the
semi-monthly meeting of the Juelc-
snn County Medical association, at
the home of Dr. F. O. Swcnetlhurg
in Ashland.
Dr. Him kins, tho Chiropractor.
with Russian mnssngo. over tho I
Woolwurlh Hlore. Tol. 1290. 17ltf
V. W. Hartlett, furrier, in N.
Fir. 2(lfi
Mrvynard Hush and Charles Kl
llott are two Medford fishermen
who qro tryinff their luck today at
Kish lake, where on previous visits
they had little trouhle In catching
the limit. They plan to do a little
deer huntinK on the side.
Ina M. Huson nml Darroll Huson
announce tho opening of "Huson's
Wh&tnot," formorly "Tho Sweet
Shop," corner Oth nnd Ivy Sts. Your
patrnnaKO will ho npproclated. 207
Oallfornlans registered at Med
ford hotels Includo Mr. and Mrs.
J. T. Beam, Mr. rind Mrs. F. K.
Downey of I.oiik Meach, H. 1 Hol
drun and parly, O. A. Michaels of
Ixis Angeles, Mr. nnd Mrs. George
W. Harvey ol Owensmonth, Mr.
nnd Mrs. C. W. linker of South
land, M. M. VVIIIIts of Mania Maria
.Mr. and Mrs. (1. H. Peterson and
Mr. and Mrs. V. (1. Hare of Han
Krnnelsco, W. V. Short of Santa
Hosa nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. H. K. Onkes
of Kusnnvllle.
Carhon Briquets, $17.50 por ton
Th&Hnmc you have heen paying $20
for. Medford Fuel Co. Tel. 051.
Ridding Is expected to ho henvy
next Saturday afternoon at the po
lice station when Federal I'rohl-
hltlon Agent Terry Talent will sell
a seined Chrysler automohlle at
nuctlon. The car Is n 1125 model
and was seined last May from
local resident, arrested for hoot-
Funeral sprays and cut flowers.
Snmuclsnn'n Flower Garden. 20R
Clnrk St. 215
Illlss Heine will lenve tomorrow
with n crew of decorators for Itnse.
hurg, to do some special decorat
ing work, after which he will spend
a short time In Marshfleld doing
special decorating for a Shrine cer
emonial. Ho plans to ho hack In
Medford tho middle of next week.
Jleforo leaving the city, he com
pleted special decorative effects for
tho Craterlnn nnd Itlnlto theaters.
celebrating tho Fox Silver Jubilee,
nnd the I'nllfornln Oregon rower
company, eolebrntlng tho golden
Jubilee of light.
Palmist Jiere. The famous Amer
ican palmist. Prof, liohert H.
Knight ,1s now at Sunrise Tourist
Park, npnrtmont No. 1. Heads past.
present nnd future. There Is no
price. You pay what you wish
Here one week only. 207
Mrs, Lena Sweetland of Portland
nrrlved here Friday to visit at the
home of her daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Karl sweetlnnd. During the
week Mrs. Sweetland will Inspect
tho local Itellef Corps.
Dinner at Lutheran church. 4th
and (lnkdale. Wed. Oct. 10. 5:30 to
Adults HOe, children 25c. 206
j Among Seattle residents regis
tered at locnl hotels ire Mr. and
! Mrs. F. 8. llnldwin. A. H. Hnldwln.
j .Mrs. II. H. Fisher. A. Allwrda. H.
II. Cosgrove, Mr. nnd Mm. .1, 1..
1 lleneh.
The Miriam flross Wonder Frock
Is known on Fifth avenue ns the
"Olen Hogle Onrment." It Is ultra
smart nnd Is the nll-nrnund utility
nrment of unbelievably soft Aus
tralian wool itcphyr: It has an nlr
of Paris chie about It, Miss Char
lotte Kurx will give a personal pre
senilation MonJay, ' Oct. Hth, ot
Adrienne'fl. 204
Nearly 1200 members of Ore
gon boys' nnd girls' clubs took part
In the recent Oregon state fair at
Srlem. according to figures Just
compiled lty If. l Seymour, state
club lender. Seymour found that
the contestant averaged three ex
hibits each.
$5.00 per limit, summer price
still on. Medford - made factory
blocks. Medford Fuel Co., Tel. Ml.
Fred J. lllnkeley spent the week
end In the Kqunw Creek district In
connection with mining develop
ment. Preliminary surveying pm
paratnry tu Installing a water and
Irrigation system Is now under way.
The condition of Mrs. U, G. Cole
man, who arrived homo last Thurs
day from a Portland hospital,
where shti recently underwent an
operation, continues to Improve,
and her complete recovery is look
ed for In about two weeks.
Dynge's Dance every Wed. and
Sat. at Dreamlund. 212
So far this year there have been
230 cases of meusles in Jackson
county, with none reported for the
past month. This Is a heavy In
crease, for the sumo time corre
sponding with last year.
Our first carload of Royal Coal
will arrlvo in Medford very soon.
This Is the best quality coal mined
In the stato .of Utah or the north
west and it ls!our wJkIi to have you
try some of It. Arrange with us
now for a ton of Royal Coal to be
delivered direct to you from the
car, which will save you money.
Phone 833. F. K. Samson Co. Of
fice at 229 N. Riverside. iflCtf
- State prohibition operatives par
ticipated In Kl arrests for liquor
law violations In Oregon during
September, according Jo George
Alexander, state prohibition di
rector. Fines of $8465 were Impos
ed, with Jail sentences aggregating
iji0 drys. The officers destroyed
0473 gallons of mnxh. 1130 gallons
of liquor and seized 16 stills,
Hurry! It's getting cold. We
sell Carbon Briquets for $17.50 per
ton. Best briquet obtainable. Med-
ford Fuel Co., Tel. 631. tf
Mrs. Wallace Bruce of Long
Beach, Cal., who Is visiting her sis
ter, Mrs, M. J. Loonard here, Is
much Improved In health since
coming to southern Oregon.
$17.50 per ton now carbon
briquets same as you paid $20
for before. Medford Fuel Co, Tel.
631. tf
Floyd J. Cook of Portland, sec
retary of the Republican state
committee and former well known
resident of Medford, who in on a
political tour of the stale, arrived
In Medford by auto yesterday, and
who spent today visiting friends,
will leave this evening or tomor
row morning for Klamath Falls.
Spitz apples for sale. Ala Vista
Packing House. So. Fir. 201tf
The Loyal Women's class of the
First Christian church will hold
Its regular monthly meeting to
morrow afternoon at the homo of
Mrs. Mary Sabln near the Oak
Clrove Hchoolhousc. Those wish
ing to attend are nslyd to meet
at the church at 1MB, and trans
portation will be furnished.
Best Carbon Briquets, $17.50 per
ton. Wo save you $2.50 per ton
Medford Fuel Co. Tel. 131. tf
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. V. Chnndle
anil daughter linrbarn Jean of He
attle are visiting today with Mr.
and Mrs. O. L. ltcynolds and Dor
othy nt tho Hotel llollr.nd, having
arrived In the city last night. Mr.
Chnndler Is n nephew of Mr. Itayn-
olds. They will leave In n few days
for California to visit other reln
tlves before returning from their
vacation to Seattle.
Will tench you to drive any car.
Tolophono 10U5-X. 210
Mrs. Jnines Ktovens, rvho has
been seriously 111 with an Infected
tooth for the past several days, Is
reported better this morning, (,
Leaving home lout May, Norbert
Corona adding machines, $60.
Free trial. Vhono lllcrmn, 1303.
Herman of Toledo, Ohio, nnd
James MnCnrly of Cleveland nr
rlved In Medford today en route
to California and home by motor.
They were traveling in a Ford of
the old flivver type, nnd It was
liberally phuitered with wisecracks,
usually found on a machine of
such type. On tlio-lrlp so far they
have visited all of the stutes ex
cept New Knglnnd, nnd expect to
visit there next spring. They vis
lied Crater TJiko yesterday nnd
they placed It next to Yellowstone
park as one of the most Interest
ing places they havo visited.
F. W. nnrllett, furrier. 15 N.
Kir. 200
St. Mark's Altar (lulld will hold
a bridge tea this coming Saturday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. In tho Guild
Medford-mnde factory blocks
now $5 per lond, clean and dry.
Medford Fuel Co.. Tel. 631. 187tf
Organisation to take advantage
of the federnl farm aid law was
effected at Yakima, Wash., by a
body to be known ns tho North
west Council of Apple Co-opern-tlves.
Its members hope for close
co-operallon with the federnl farm
hoard. The organisations Includ
ed are tho Hnrtlculturnl union.
Hkookum Packers' association,
Woiintohoe District Co-oporntlve.
Yakima Fruit Growers' association,
Wenatcheo-Okanogan Co-operative
federation and tho Apple Growers'
Federation of Hood Hlver.
Huy them now, factory blocks $5
per lond. Medford Fuel Co. Tel.
031. lS7tf
Circuit court convened today at
Grants Pas., for Josephine county,
with a Jury and Judge II. D. Nor
ton in attendance. The regular
cases will be tried.
Froe shampoo Mon., Tuos,, Wed.,
Tlntrs., with marcel or finger wave.
$1.00. Phone 57. Howman Hnrber
and lleauty Shoppo. 219
About n doxell violation slips,
principally for overtime, pnrklng.
were given out Saturday night by
the police department, an the re
sult of traffic patrols through the
huslness section. Somo of the vio
lators wero ;otit of town visitors
anil were Ignorant o local regu
lations. ( .
Oregon State college nnd the
Pnlverslty of Oregon Will lie In
spected for the first time hy tho
new' state board today nnd tomor
row. Dressmaking nnd remodeling at
the Fnshlon Shop, 424 Medford
lildg. Tel, nm. tf
Women are sayinc: "Pinkham'i
Compound keeps me fit to do my
work." "I was nervous and all run
down. Now I eat better and sleep
better . It helped my thirteen
year old daughter." "I took it be-
(ore and after my bsby was born."
I am gaining every day.
Ray Henderson and Chauncey
Florey are two of the unlucky, deer
hunters who were In the mountain
country yesterday. Although they
shot a good many shells, most of
them were fired at targets, the
former confessed today.
GOO, 000 feet of cheap lumber.
Special at Medford Lumber Co. tf ,
The regular monthly child wel-j
fare clinic, sponsored by the county!
health unit, will be held next Frl-
day at the Y. W. C. A. at 1:30 j
In the afternoon. A much larger!
than average clinic is expected,!
and mothers wishing children1 un-
der six years of age examined for 1 B
physical defects, are urged to call i rie tomorrow, also Tor mountain
the health unit headquarters Inior plumed und California, or val-
the court house as early as pos
sible. The clinic was to have been
held last Friday but was post
poned because of the regional
meeting of public health nurses.
Closing out screen doors at Med
ford Lumber Co. tf
Mrs. Edith Dadlsman Of Napa,
Cal., returned to her home the end
of last week after spending sev
eral days in Medford as the guest
of her daughter, Miss Hilda Lyon.
Runners removed "and snags
worked back In hose, silk under
wear, golf sox, sweaters, etc. Han
dicraft Shop. ir7tf
Applications for building permits
were made to the city this fore
noon by the following: Harry
Keck, 22 South Central, ' garage,
$lfi0; H. C. Hansen, 204 North Ivy,
repairs, $500; Josephine Clark,
1110 West Fourth, reshlngle, $75;
Mrs. Katharine Peterson, 1 110
West Fourth, reshinglo, $60.
Corona and Smith typewriters.
Typewriter Exchange. Phone 1363.
As far as the Riverside Com
munity club and dances are con
cerned, both are a thing of the
past, according to L. F. Pickett,;
who was In Medford today from
nis rancn near vjoiu nui.
clubhouse was sold a short timej
UKO una is living i - mi vi-iru mm
dwelling. Dances had heen given
there for sometime and were 'well
known throughout the county. Mr.
Pickett has also sold his ranch and
plans to leave next month on an
extended motor tour through the
middle west, returning to Medford
In several months to make his per
manent home.
Huddy Squirrel nuts at Colvig j
Drugs. Fresh, crisp and delicious.
. 208'
Temporary auto llcenBPH were is'
sued at the sheriff's office today
to G. K. Obonchaln of Central
Point. W. J. Webster of Jnckson
vlllo. Walter Severln of Medford,
Jesso Miller of Ka-,-le Point. It. 1..
Mayhew of Yamhill and James
Grieve of Prospect.
Tho Miriam Gross Wonder Frock
which will be presented nt 'Adrl-
enne's Monday. Oct. 14th, by Miss
Charlotte Kuril, is the one garment
which completes the wardrobe. It
will give the most satisfaction of
any garment ever purchased an-l
one can' feel assured that one Is
weuring the ultra smart whether
motoring, golfing. In the office, nt
clubs, or travelling. 204
There nre no circuit court sua
sions In Medford this week; i due
to court being held In Grunts J'.aHit.
Judge II. D. Norton will reopen
court here next Mondny.
Complete showing of the 1930
models of tho now Dodgo C at
ICakln Motor Co., Dodge and Ply
mouth dealer. 205
Itosooo Potter, who divides his
residence between Medford nnd
Central Point, was n vexed msn to
day as he walked about the busi
ness section looking for a new hat
he clnlms was stolen from him nt
a local dance hall Saturday night.
Ho thought that If he looked long
enough he might see It come wnlk-
Ing by, as the headgear of the per
son who has probably taken it.
but he did not locnte It. lie de
clares that If It Is not brought
back by Wednesday he will enlist
tho aid of tho police department,
ns ho has suspicions who has tnken
Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Cunning
ham from Sacramento, Cal., who
hnve heen visiting Mrs. Cunnlng
hnm's grandmother, Mrs. M. S. So
llss. nnd other relatives In Med
ford the past few dnys. left for
their home this morning.
Crnter like Chapter No.
32. Tuesday evening, Oc
tober 15. Kogular com
munication, lty order of
High Priest.
1. B. SCllt'l.KIt, Secy.
All Hopkins Lateral users desir
ing to purchase more water, who
havo not already notified the dis
trict, are requested to do so t
onco. Phono aii, Mctiford,
S3 North Central Avenue. I87tf
Why Asphalt
the mines. There Is no coal tar,
in VoWiira. Valtlurn is easier
longer and costs less than any similar puint made.
VALDURA Asphalt Paint
will waterproof and protect anything you apply it to. It is i
particularly adapted for roofs, implements, farm ' machinery, j
tanks, bridges, heated surfaces - everywhere - and on ajiy surface, j
metal, wood, cement, cloth or paper, requiring protection from i
water, weather, acids, alkali and varying temperatures. j
Valdura is made in brilliant, glossy Black and in durable
shades of Red, Brown and Green. It is the only successful
colored asphalt paint known.
You will be very much interested in the VaMuru booklet,
"Ajphtilc and Its 3000 years 0 useful SmiVc." May we send it 1
and a free test sample?
Distributed by
Hubbard Bros., Inc.
Medford, Oregon
W'ith the open season for Chi
: nan (.lionoLnln l.fffl r n I n a mill, aim.
ley, quail, to lust until October 31,
and with the deer and duck hunt
Ing seasons still on, these are hal
cyon days for the local sportsmen.
The law provides for a hag limit
of lour Chinas in any one day and
not more than eight in any consecu
tive seven days, but no more than
one female pheasant can be shot In
any consecutive seven clays. The
hag limit for quail is 10 of such
birds in any seven consecutive
Along with the season for Chi
nese pheasants is the open season
for sooty or blue grouse, puffed
grouse and natlye pheasants the
same length of time, the hag limit
of which Is lour in any one day,
or eight In any seven consecutive
i Inquiries made from various
sources seem to indicute that there
are not so many Chinese pheas
ants as In former years; also that
the number of quail, etc., is about
hat of former years. These re
ports, however, indicate that the
situation in the valley is spotted
some localities with many pheas
ants, others with scurcely any, and
othorg w,(h bul a coml)arativ(i
the season does not
open until tomorrow, a number of
greedy men and boys took a chance
and surreptitiously illegally hunted
for pheasants yesterday, according
to reports reaching here today from
various parts of the valley, where
the discharges of their shotguns
were heard.
Tnigpers .Attention!
The fur season will soon be here.
We can mnko money for you with
our connections. Let us estimate
on your furs before you ship.
27 North drape st tf i
180 Acres. 25 miles from Medford.
near the highway and outside
range; fenced, house, barn. Price
$1,500. or will
400 Acres with .150 acres In culti
vation, adjoining outside range.
Price $l!,500; terms.
Good trnct of' pine timber for saw
.mill set.
WANTED Farm to rent.
201 First Nntlonal Hank.
, Rhune 3JN. , . 211
WANTED Elderly lady to do
housework and care for small
child. Call at 613 North Grape
St. 205
FOIt HEN'T Partly furnished 3
room house. Inquire 425 S. Oak
dale. 211
FO It SALE Peaches. Chaa. Hof
beck, near service station, Phoenix-Jacksonville
highway. 207
WANTED Experienced packers,
3 weeks run, at Kobert T. Coch
rane Co.. So. Front. 207
general housework,
or girl for
Inquire 7 I 4
FOR SALE Good tenm horses,
harness and wagon, cheap. Also
alfalfa buy In barn, $12 por ton.
Mrs. J. M. Miller, on Vennblc
place, 2 miles west of Rllch. 207
FOR SALE Singer tirophend sew.
Ing machine, $25. 230 S. River
side. 207
WANTRD Jjuly chicken pickers
at Swift & Co. Produce Dept.
FO It KENT Furnished 3-room
house, close In. Knd ut So. Bart
IctL 20f
FOIt RUST-5-room partly fur
nished; water paid. Tel. 797-R.
LOST At covered brldRe. Little
Hutte creek. Friday, fox terrier;
whlt.e black ear and niark;i;
name Alike; $5 reward if return
ed to I'. 14. Hose, H. 3, Hox 2KA.
Medford. 206
WANTKl) Man to shuck corn.
Tel. Sr.S-lt-2. 207
1700 His.,
-Horse, Kray iieldlntf,
sound, true. 1'hone
Paint is Better
Asphalt is nature's best waterproofing,
and waterproof paint Usts longer than ;
other kinds. ;
Valdura Asphalt Paint is not only
true asphalt paint, but the asphalt is the
finest obtainable - Gilsonite 99.5 Dure
natural asphalt iust the wav it comes from 1
artificial or man-made asphalt I
to apply, spreads further, lasts !
Many radio parties are planned
for tomorrow evening when a new
Helen Xorris comedy drama wll
he trivnn Itu nromipr lirnnilnnut- tiv
I- the popular "Copco Players."
"Amos Corners Rules of Order" is
the name, of this new Xorris play
and the story covers the difficul
ties experienced by the Ludies'
Improvement society in carrying
on a business meeting according
to the . rules of .parliamentary
practice. Humorous situations
abound in this yule comedy-drama
which is to be given Us initial
presentation tomorrow night dur
ing "Copco Hour" from 0 -to 10
p. m. '
PHOK.N'IX", Ore., Oct. , 14.
(Special.) 'rile choir oil life 1'res
hylerinn church will meet at the
home of .Mrs. Koliss next Tuesday
evening for their regular weekly
Ill-net lee. Tho f.illnwini. .,-un.i
are In the choir, Jlrs. Nell Frank
lin, .Mrs. Delano Sloan, Mrs. Dr.
Standard, and Mrs. (leo. Carpenter,
sopranos: .Mrs. Alhert Solis and
Your Eyes First
Dr. D.' A. Chambers
404 Medford Bldg.
Phone 93 1 for
Medford Exchange. 211 W. Main St.
Films Free
Open Sundays and Evenings
. All the Time
' ALSO ' 'a'
Miss Mildred- 'Coats, alto; Mr. I
Sheets,' Mr. Sloan and Joe Hartley, ,
tenor; Mr. Frame and Harold Fish ;
base. .Mrs. Frame Is accompanist
and director. i
Madras, B. S. Larkln Hard -
ware and Implement store building
A new and area
Chaney in a thrill
ing railroad melo
drama, synchronized
Mats 10 and 25
Eves 10 and 3!i
Jklfiii Gives You Eis sr i
P . Greatest Show 'IM y
'Phyllis Haver
James Murray
. i r
Yk,3 .A
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