Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 13, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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ment of tho radio public. The lord yesieruuy an" uuuu u'uih i even with months nr mini weiir
premier broadcast of this lauph- to business matters. They form-; Aik the woman who owns one.'
able littlP nlnvlpf h:i hnen nernrp.l ! erly resided north of Medford on . visit Adrienne's. Monday, Oct. 14
bv the Oalifornin OivL-nn Pnwer i orchard property, which they re- where these Raiments will be per-1
niado thru the Community i company for the local station and ! cently sold and purchased a dairy i soimy presented by Miss Charlotte'
rive, and every donor of . next Tuesdi.v October is from ranch at Sams valley a snort unie;Kurx, 204
Ao the regular meeting of the
At the regular meeting of the
A merkun ' Red Cross on October
13th, plans were discussed for the
annual Red Cross campaign to
be held from Armistice day to
Thanksgiving day.
, In Medford, tills year, the call
will be
chest drive
one dollar or more becomes auto
matically n member of the Ameri
can Ited Cross, in other parts, of
the county the membership drove
will be carried on us in former
-yea ra.
To those acquainted with tho
work that is being done In this
county and elsewhere it seems in
credible that .one disinterested
person should be met when tho call
: From the Portland "Oregonian"
on October lith to quote the fol
lowing, "as usual the Red Cross
Is on the job carrying forward re
lief work umong tho distressed
people who were burned out in the
forest fires that wrought such
havoc In the vioinity of Dole,
We of the Rogue River valley
have been mercifully exempt from
such major disasters requiring the
help of the Red Cross but Miss
Lillian Riberts, the local secretary
traveling over the county on the
errands of mercy something of
a neighborhood quarrel here, and
helping a destitute family there,
assisting ex-service men and their
families to obtain government
help. In her home service work
covers a multitude of actions
which no one can fully compre
hend. Viewed from this angle to
give a dollar is a small thing, yet
by so giving you do your bit to
help carry on the great work of
the-American Red cross at: home
and abroad!
Ira and Julia Canfleld of Tal
ent were awarded a judgment of
$818 in a damage suit against the
luieni irrigation umnnji mi-
T. K. Thompson, assistant air-j John K. Smith motored in from
ways traffic superintendent of j his runch in the (iold Hill dis
Oakland is spending tho week-end j trict yesterday and spent several
in the city, having stopped over hours in the city on business.
age alleged to have been caused here to inspect the new Medroru j . losing out screen doors at Men-
by seepage to their orchard and radio communication station, on j ford Lumber Co. tf
farm bind. The plaintiffs had sued on inspection tour of the Pacific Harvey Hall and J. J. Munsell
tn fiifiiHL coast. of the Applegate district wore
Orchard run Winter Banana np- j.r miidam or mademoisello the
pies for sale h.t Sgobel & Day ware- Miriam Cross Wonder Frock
i Medford business visitors yester-
y. j day afternoon.
youthfully smart. It
Another clever radio-comedy t bouse.
drama with "Amos Corner" as ai Mr- Rml xlrH- Adolph hcnulx 8nnpless, buttonless and
background, has been written by : nd two children of tho Sams val- lne nider. larger woman.
Miss Helen Xorrls for the enjoy-' ley section weie vistuns in .ei- ;nut stretch, cup. sag
is bookless.
It docs
Attorney Frank 1 VKouzu and
F. V. Kelly left yesterday for the
Applegate district where they will
spend the week-end mining.
to 10 ii. m., has been selected : later.
for Its presentation. The drama
has to do with the difficulties en
countered by the ladies of the vil
lage improvement society in car
rying on a business meeting under
the regular parliamentary proced
ure. "Robert's Rules of Order,"
may be all right for some folks'
to follow but '"Amos Corners'
Rules of Order' will probably
long be remembered by all the
Copco radio fans who hear this
clever new Morris play. The cast
of "Copco Players" will include
Jo Murray Rostell, Stella Quisen
berry. Mary Cireiner Kclley and
by special request. Mrs. Morris,
mother of the playwright, will
take part in this drama. The male
leads will be played by those In
imitable favorites, Fletcher Fish
and liarle Davis.
The Miriam Gross Wonder Fro- k
which will be presented at Adri
enne's Monday. Oct. Mth. by Miss
Charlotto Kurx, is the one garment
which completes the wardrobe. U
will give tho most satisfaction of
any garment ever purchased an 1
one can feet assured that one is
wearing tho ultra smart whether
motoring, golfing, in the office, nt
clubs, or travelling. 204
The polico department is daily
Miss Katie O'Roiirke. employee
Son t Mi Klie.
Stated meeting Siskiyou
lidge of Perfection, 7.i
p. m., Oct. 14.
I,. K. WILLIAMS, Secy.
of the Maytag company, was rush- Trailers Attention!
ed to the Sacred Heart hospital The fur season will soon be here,
yesterday, having taken suddenly , uv can n,k,, l1Uin,,y ft. yu with
lit with a severe cold and fever. connections. Let us estimate
Mr. and Mrs. William White of on ymr frH iu.fon, tU, ship.
Medford are the parents of a six-J MKDFOUl) HAIUJAIN HoUSK.
pound, 12-ounce girl horn at the j 27 North Orapo St, tf
Community hospital yesterday.
Hynge's Danco at Dreamh.n 1. 1 Notice.
Wed. and Srt. Admission liOc. 204 I All Hopkins Lateral users doslr-
A. R. Chapman of the Valley lag to purchase more water, who
View district was a Medford busi-
looking forward to the arrival ot j npss nml pleasure visitor yester
iipw traffic signs to be placed on ! (lnv
Olen laidley is one local resi
dent who refuses to take "no"
for an answer even from Mother
Mature. No one, who has seen
Olen washing windows with a
hoso In front of Mcpherson's
Clothing store for tho past few
years, knew what was going on
In the back of this dreamy-eyed
young man's head. The unthink
ing public, seowled at the fact
that he was soaking up the ce
ment sidewalk, simply because it
necessitated them stepping out In-,:
to, the street upon several occas
ions. But like the poets of spring,
the scientists and other misunder
stood people, the clothier went on
faithfully, irrigating the sidewalk
and dreaming a dream that the
less sensitive soul would brand
as hopeless. Hut It has come to
pass. . Perhaps he, like other
prophets will not be acclaimed In
his own home town. Hut to one
ot Glen's unselfish make-upt vir
tue Is Its own reward. And he
is happy in the realization . that
lie 5did make ' a blade of grass
spfqut upon tho hard stir face of
the pavement.
Thanks for the "buggy ride,"
and also for tho theater party,
have been expressed in advance by
the folks at the Jackson County
poor farm near Talent, who will
be guestn of the Craterian theater
next Wednesday afternoon to see
tho opening performance of the
super-special talkie, "Tho Cock
Kyed World." The folks will ho
taken into Medford In enclosed
Chcvrolets, donated to tho cause
by the Pierce-Allen Motor com
pany. In celebration of the twenty
fifth anniversary of William Fox's
activity In the movie Industry, the
entire next 30 days will be de
voted to the showing of stiperspoc
lal talking picture features, in 'l
the Fox theaters throughout tho
United States.
According to the arrangements
made, the guests of tho Crater
Ian theater next Wednesday, will
be called for in cars at 1:15 and
taken to the theater where the
curtain will rise on the opening
matinee performance at l:4fi. Af
tsf dhe show the cars will again
call for them and take them home.
y- Daily Meteorological Report
October 1.1.
Medford and vicinity: Sunday
rloudy and unsettled with prob
ably occasional showers: not much
change In temperature.
Oregon: Sunday fair In enstt
cloudy and unsettled In west por
tion with probable occasional
fhowers; not much change in tem
pers tore.
1 01 H
Mrs. Borothca Moore was given
&' divorce decree in circuit court
last week from Kdward Moore,
and given permission to use her
maiden name of Dorothea Reddy.
Hertha,.Timmer whs also granted
a divorce -from Jacob Timmerman.
Spitz apples for sale. Ala Vista
Packing House, So. Fir. 201tf
Rest Carbon Briquets, $17.50 per
ton. We save you $2.50 per ton.
Medford Fuel Co. Tel. 631. tf
Mrs. Harry Prentice, of Med
ford, was In Grants Pass Monday
as a guest of Mrs. Albert Mc
Corkle of Grants Pass.
Will teach you to drive any car.
Telephone 10J5-X. 210
Corona adding machines, $60.
Free trial, Vhone Hierma, 1363.
X. J. Wiley and sons, contrac
tors, have returned from the Lake
of the Woods, following two weeks
spent there in the construction of
a cabin.
We buy, sell and exchange men's
women's and children's good used
clothing and shoes, "Mac's Place,"
Nash ltldg.. Front St. Phone 556
.1., Medford, Ore. , 204
Plck'infer- of grapes' by members
of the association Is scheduled to
start Monday, it has been an
nounced by members of the organ
ization. Time has been allowed
for the grapes to form sugar while
still on the vines. Efforts of the
Grants Pass Chamber of Com
merce to get a reduction on grapes
between this city and eastern mar
kets has been carried to the Ore
gon traffic bureau. Just what
action will follow remains to be
seen. Grants Pass Courier.
F. W. Bartlctt, furrier, 15 M.
Fir. 206
Medford-made factory blocks
now $5 per load, clean and dry.
Medford Fuel Co.. Tel. 631. ISTtf
Glen J. Jackson, sales manager
for the Copco and Mountain Sta
tes Power companies loft Friday
on a business trip to Kalispell,
T will sell the modern S-room
furnished house nt 52H South Grape
or $3000, cash or terms. C. A.
DeVoe. lOStf
Scabies exist In the Talent school
according to Miss Kdlth Laubscher,
county nurse, who mnde an In
spection of students there last
week. Sho said she found twenty
two cases.
Ruy them now, factory blocks $5
per load. Medford Fuel Co. Tel.
$31. lS7tf
"Lights' Golden Jubilee" will be
the subject of an interesting meet
ing nf the women's committee of
the California Oregon Power com
pany to he held nt the Copen build,
ing Thursday evening, October 17.
This national celebration which Is
being observed throughout the en
tire country this month is a tri -bnte
to Thomas A. Kdison and the
fiftieth anniversary of tho first
electric light. In this connection
some interesting motion pictures
of Kdison and the history of light
will be featured on the Copco pro
gram. Free shampoo Mon., Tues., Wed.,
Thurs., with mnrcel or finger wave.
$1.00. Phone R7. Rnwman Harbor
and Heauty Shopne. 21 !t
Mrs. Kmma Whiting of Spo
kane. Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Mils
pauxh and son Ray. and daughter
Annabelle. of Rrldal Veil, Ore., j
arrived In Modford last week to
spend a short time as the gucstel
of Mrs. M. R. Runnels at her homej
near Medford.
Complete nhowlng of the 1330 .
models nf th new Dodge fi at j
Kakin Motor Co., Podge and Plv-
mnoth do-.inr. ?or,
lamp posts In the business sec
tion, giving tho new parking lim
its, which provide that one hour
parking Is In effect in the busi
ness secton from 8 a., m. to 6 p.
m.. and to p. m. on Saturday
nights. City traffic officers yester
day were only able to pass out
five tags for violation of overtime
parking and double parking.
Ruddy Squirrel nuts at Colvig
Drugs. Fresh, crisp and delicious.
When Fdwln Smith and Karl
Snyder, young Ashland boys, ap
peared In juvenile court on Fri
day on a bad check charge. Judge
Alex Sparrow paroled the boys to
himself pending good behavior.
Roth boys are said to have broken
previous paroles.
Corona and Smith typewriters.
Typewriter Exchange. Phone 1363.
Runners removed and snags
worked back In hose, silk under
wear, golf box, sweaters, etc. Han
dicraft Shop. 157tf
Mrs. R. A. Robinson and Miss
Rertha Coy. of Gold Hill were
among the Medford visitors Sat
urday. They report the purchase
of the Rogue Nook Inn by Coy
& Robinson and have opened the
dining room aiiatn serving chicken
dinners and short orders.
.. 500,000 feet of cheap lumber.
Speeinl nt Medford Lumber Co. tf
East Main, Near Bridge
Admission 10c and 15c
Dressmaking nml romodrllnK At
tho Knshion Shop, 424 Modford
Hid!.-. Tol. 11S1. If
havp not already notified tho ills
trlet, are requested to do so at
once. Phono 317, Medford.
1 K 1 1 1 ( 1 AT I ( N' DISTRICT.
.12 North Central Avenue. ISTtf
Perhaps your furnace is
greedily gobbling more
than its just share of
fuel. American Radia
tor Heating Equipment
has a foft're appetite.
Your fuel bills will be
You can buy this equip
ment now on conve
nient terms and with
a liberal allowance on
your old heater.
Less than $75 a Room Easy Payments
109 East 8th Street Phone 41S
Tonight and Monday
A Great Story of the Sea
Paths' prtitnti
rw ur
Also a Snappy Comedy
and Pathe' News Review
I Local Dt
t &
Temperature (degrees! 42
MlKhest (last 12 hrs.) S
1-nwest (lain: IS hnO 42
Uel, humidity (pet.) !
Preotpltatlon (Inrhon 00 00
Stale of weather ClearJUear
, TotH7M-et"Ti7i7Mon rlm-r Sep
tember 1. 192?. !," inrheii. ;
Sunrise today. ii:2l a. m. '
Sunset today. 5:33 p. m.
Sunrise Monday. fi:23 . ,
If It's Insurance
We Write It
, This Is
An Age of
Free Lecture
... .-..!. :. ON .. .
Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, The
First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston, Massachusetts.
Rialto Theatre
FRIDAY at 8 p. m. Oct.
All Are Cordially Invited
biw r
clear mother
An the people demand In ev
ery line aa nearly perl'eetion
ns It in pOMRlblo to produce.
This HpplleH with double
force to I'latp Work In den-
liHtry. Tho mastication nf
foofl and terminal appearance
must both he taken Into con
sideration. My plate are an
nearly perfect as it la pop
slide to produce.
Dr. I. H. Gove
235 E. Main St., Medford, Ore.
Office Phone 872-J
Residence Phone 768-J
Getting the kind of a radio twt that in
worth "writing home about" mean
nomrthing more than buying a new
pier of furniture. Choosing a new radio
is like Delecting a fine mimical inntrti
mcnt. Tho Belcction nliould be made
with care the inntullntion mnde by ex
perts who know how. We are building a
KiieceMtful radio business on that basis.
Phone for drmonntratmn in your own
home. Then you will know what real
radio enjoyment menus.
Radio Service Laboratory
(Electric Wiring Co.) 22 8. Grape
"and proud to fc a Rotator merriont
Office 335 ..
Residence 1142
Mrs. Joseph Palmer,
the former Miss
Eleanor Morris ... a
churming Southern
R: --i: v.. l w ; i wfr'i
-!l Ir',
i F
" 1 1 Hi
it H
Printouts Patricia . . .
tho Corhatn pattern
that Mrs. Palmar
chose for Us outstand
ing beauty
HcHldcfl featuring
f I n o allvnrwarp.
wo urn HhowlnK
Iho very lntcHl
models in
nml famous
Longlne Watches
unci superior
ipuillly ot dliiin-nnriu..
.A distinguished bride ...
tJMrs. Joseph Palmer
of Savannah j
cliose the silver for her new home in this
N N beautiful Princess Patricia pattern
The brunette beauty . . . winning smile . . . and
charming poise of young Mrs. Palmer remind us
that the tradition of fair women of the South is
indeed not a myth.
She rides . . . swims ... dances. An amazing
combination of a completely modern young wom
an, with the gracious manner of the Old South.
Ill the heirlooms of her family are rare linens
. . . priceless old crystal . . . and Mrs. Palmer
knew that her own wedding silver must take its
place with ttie aristocratic sterling of her grand
mothers. Yet she felt that it must have value
beyond the sentimental . . . the value of true
beauty and the good tasle that lives forever. And
so for her new homo Mrs. Palmer has chosen
Corham Sterling in the graceful Princess Patricia
We have arranged a display of this exquisite
design . . . and of our other Corham patterns
that are tho frequent selection of prominent
brides and hostesses. In many designs there is
hollow ware to match, and the cost of flatware
and hollow ware alike is surjirisjpgly moderate.
... 1 - i
Quality Jewelry
Main and Fir
Fair Prices
Intelligent Servico
Established 1908
Investigate Our Class "D" Stock
125 E. Sixth St. Tel. 1224
Operated by experienced men who live here
and know values
Close study under
n r 1 1 f i o i n 1 light
causes serious in
jury if tho eyes
are unaided by cor
rct't glasses.
May, wo. serve you?.
Films Free
West Side Pharmacy
Opes lundays and Eraainfi
All th Tina