Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 11, 1929, Page 9, Image 9

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    edford M ail Tribune
Second Section
Six Pages
Second Section
Six Paget
Duly Ttntj. fourth Yeir.
Ketklf Firiy-tlghUi Ynr. -
No. 202.
Physician of Klamath Falls
Protested. Rites of Merrill
Sect in 1909 Alleged
Babies Died Without
Medical Attention Left
i; Unburied to Await 'Resurrection
MERRILL, Ore., Oct. 11. (VP)
While Investigators delve into the
Lv hirlpool of controversy and mys
tery into whieh a religious cult
headed by Airs. May Otis Black
burn of Los Angeli'S. has found
Itself, it has been discovered that
in this little Klamath county com
munity the cult was organized
more than twenty years ago. The
influence of the organization
spread to several other nearby
communities under the leadership
of Mrs. W. P. K bonds and her hus
band, who are now detulned by
Los Angeles police.
Several years ago Mrs. Tthoads
and her followers in the Merrill
district removed to southern Cali
fornia where they were lured by
the discovery of oil.
A prominent Klamath Falls
physician, whoso brother. Dr. A.
M. Patterson, now practices In San
Francisco, attended at the birth
of the girl later adopted by Mr.
nnd Mrs. Khoads. Her body was
discovered under the flooring of a
cottage occupied by the Khoads.
1'he physician was the author of
an article In n Klamath Falls
newspaper In 1 901) In which he
protested ngainst conditions In
Merrill, caused, he said, by follow
ith of .Mrs. lihouibh r.ilft. enumer
ated three Instances In which chil
dren had died without a physician
having been summoned.
Dr. Patterson wrote of one fam
ily which permitted the body of
their child to go unburied for days
In the belief that it would be
resurrected. Neighbors were told
that the child was "asleep."
Dr. Patterson said Mrs. Rhonds
was a "practitioner" In her relig
ion and that she even claimed
power to heal sick animals by ap
plication of "thought waves."
Spanish Romance
at Isis Tonight
"The Girl From Rio," now play
ing at the IhIb theater Is a colorful
nnd exotic romance of Spain, with
a setting in lilo do Janeiro, l'no
picture has plenty of dramatic
fire, the love element Is strongly
The whirl of the dance In a
Simnish cafe, the clicking of cas
tenets, passion nnd hate, love nnd
greed are all represented In this
ravishing romance of a Spanish
Kenorlta who gave up all for the
Bake of love.
Carmel Myers plays the title
role. Walter Pidgeon plays the
pnrt nf the KngHshman.
An Exemplary Code of Living for All
Medford s Thoughtful, Progressive Citizens
"It Is really surprising to me,"
said "Bill" Dollar, "to find out
how good natur'ed the merchnnts
of Medford can be In spite of the
many annoying business transac
tions that come to their attention
from time to time.
"There are some people who go
to other cities to make important
purchases of clothing and home
furnishings, while others send by
mall for their needs, but when they
find they are in need of some trif
ling article in a hurry, they rush
down to the home store and de
mand that it be supplied to them
instantly and then blame the store
if It does not have just what they
"They expect these stores to
keep stocked up all of the time
with a large variety of goods,"
continued "Bill" Dollar, "yet they
will not help to supply the nil
round patronage which Is the only
basis for keeping such a general
"It Is a tremendous convenience
and advantage to have a fine
grouptof retail stores such as Med
ford has, in a town. Such estab
lishments furnish a community
with sources of supplies that deal
all over the world. A good store
supplies the comforts and cssen-'
tials of civilization, and it is a
wonderful benefit to have It close
by where you can call on Its serv
ice at any moment and get its sup
plies and Us advice.
"But people cannot expect to
have the kind of stores that Med
ford is entitled to, on the basis
of Its population and .wealth, If!
they are constantly running to or,
sending to other places to buy j
goods. Unless they give their pat-1
ronage to Medford stores the home;
stores cannot expect to serve them j
efficiently. 1 . ' '
"It Is well for the people of
Medford to remember that the
same stores and the men and wo-1
men who own nnd operate them j
are a tremendous force working
all of the time to provldo Med-
ford with all forms of modern;
equipment to improve its civic ad- '
vantages nnd to advance Its pros- !
polity. "When you support them!
you back up and help Medford. !
"The home store is the one that i
Is expected to extend credit to ;
those who need it, despite the fact j
tihi4t very frequently the people'
who ask for the most credit are!
those who have bought tho most j
out of town. ;
"It Is unfair to the Medford nior- j
chants and also to the city, for j
unless a town's business thrives !
and its merchants prosper, a town ;
cannot grow as It sh'ould. j
"Every citizen of this commun- j
ity should think carefully about
this cody of diving," said "Bill" .
Dollar. j
"Buy goods from our own mer- j
chants and manufacturers, be
cause j
"You get good products. i
"You give more work to home
"You help to build your city's
"You get quick service on de
liveries. "You get fresh products.
"You owe It to your city to co
operate with other citizens.
"You earn your money here and
should spend it here.
"You help to build a better city.
"You will advance as your city
"You can make your money do
more work In yorur own city.
"You will feel better.
"You can face your local mer
chant without flinching.
"You can prove then that you
are a loyal citizen in your own
(Copyright 1920, Fred Mozart)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 11. (.4)
Prohibition Commissioner Dornn
onnounced today tho American
Medicinnl Spirits company nnd the
Frankfort Distilling company of
Louisville, nnd the Olenmore Dis
tilling company of Owensboro, Ky.,
had been selected by the govern
ment to manufacture whiskey.
The three, Doran snld, are to
make Bourbon whiskey, with the
distilleries to manufacture rye
whiskey still to be announced.
Tho selections were made under
the government's plan of beginning
late this year the distillation of
approximately two million gallons
of whiskey nnnually to replace the
stocks In bond whih have drop
ped to about 8,500.000 gallons.
Radio Talks on
Planning Meals
Baking Secrets'
WASHINGTON, Oct. 11. (Spe
cial.) Army engineers are pre
pared do undertake an investiga
tion into the feasibility of extend
ing the harbor breakwater at Cres
cent City, Cal., as soon as authori
zation Is granted by the rivers nnd.
harbors bill or the senate com
merce eopimlttee. Senator McNnry
was informed today by Major
General Lytic Brown, tho new
chief of engineers.
Isano Best of Grants Fnn, direc
tor of the Northern California
Southern Oregon Development as
sociation, had queried the senator
regarding the possibility of ex
tending the breakwater beyond the
authorized 3000-foot limit to road
rock, which Is 2000 feet farther
seaward. The engineers have com
pleted 2675 of the authorized 3000
feet. The senator has assured Best .
that authority for the engineers to ;
modify the project to permit aj
further extension. If found odvls-
able, will be provided nt the earli
est opportunity,
'X'hen 1 was a young
single girl I took Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound because my mother did
and she gave it to me. After
I married I took it before my
children were born and after
wards, and I have eight living
children. I am now a grand
mother and still take it and
still Tecommend it when any
one is tired and run-down."
Mrs. Alfred lverson, Sr. td
wards, Nebraska.
Planning of motils and tin ex
planation of baking secrets, to
gether with new recipes, is a new
Pacific coast railio feature, by IJet
ty Crocker, nationally known do
mestic science authority, every
Tuesday and Thursday morning at
11:40 throughout the winter
Five years ngo Betty Crocker
Initiated this type of program over
the air, and her activities on a
national hook-up have been grad
ually extended until tuday her
talks nrc broadcast bj 36 radio
stations. Women on the Pacific
coast will have tho opportunity of
hearing her on the network. Tues
day mornings will be devoted to
meal planning and menu building.
Including her speciul "company"
menus. Baking secrets and rec
ipes will be the Thursday feature.
Stations broadcasting Hetty
Crocker's Tuesday and Thursday
morning homo Bervlce hour are
KKI, I.os Angeles; KI'O. San Fran
cisco: K O V, Portland, Ore.;
KOMO. Seattle, Wash.; and KH.
Spoknne, Wash.
Lovely hair!
Bank Statement
Indicates Prosperity
at Eagle Point
The report of the'Kagle Point!
Slate bank, published In this ls-
sue shows that Institution to bej
In a prosperous condition under,
the management of II. K. Camp-
bell, vlrc president nnd cashier.
Their deposit nre $2.eo.Pn,l
total resources 1 1 14.000 00 and:
surplus and undivided profits of
This shows the fruit, cattle,
sheep, hay and other products of
that district were excellent this
This is the only bank In Jack
son county that does not charge
a monthly fee on small balances,"
said Mr. Campbell.
Modem hair dressers add beauty
to your hair by graceful lines and
contours. It is just as important
to keep your hair soft, lustrous,
abundant, rich in color.
Millions of girls and women are
doing this at home with the easy
help of Danderine. It is so simple
to use. All you do is put a littlo
on your brush each tims you ar
range your hair.
Instantly Danderine brlnfrs out
the natural color of dingy, lifeless
hair; makes it more sparkling and
lustrous than brilliantlne; makes it
casv to mnnmre: holds it in place.
The consistent use of Danderine
dissolves the crust of Dandruff;
stops falling hair; tends to make
the hair crow long, silky and
abundant Five million bottles
used a year!
The On Minute Hair Beaut i per
At All Drus tler Thirty Flv Cntf
Home Journal
and Butterick
Fashions are
Bon-Ton and
Nemo Corsets
Correct and
The Graceful Silhouette Makes a Strong Popularity Bid
for Fashionable Frocks and Wraps
It's the new that attracts today. The fashionable frock or the smart coat does not
necessarily have to be an expensive garment if purchased at Russell's. We now
display the latest creations selected with great care as to style and fabric, embracing
all the new style tendencies and at moderate prices enabling you to be correctly at
tired yet moderate in expenditures.
Just today we have re
ceived for your approval,
the new high waist lino,
lhe basque line the gracc
i'ul and long skirled
silhouette models in fash
ionable yet inexpensive
frocks. Of . lovely , satins,
of fine heavy, crepes and
of velvets. . Styles of the
latest moment, priced for
Saturday at
Just by Way of
You wouldn't look for a rose In n
field of dandelions.
You wouldn't expect to buy a por
trait in a paint shop.
You wouldn't sek a diamond at
t lie five and tnn.
And you wouldn't hope to find
clothes of renl class at a storo
where price is (ho only attraction.
Treasures of fashion are found
only in stores that treasure the
privilege of noUictlng Individual
things l'or Individual preferences
and personalities.
Yet there Is little difference In
price despite tho world ot differ
ence in what the price buys.
Choose the right store, Russell's,
nnd you will wear tho right clothes.
The finest of selected
furs topping off these
lovely coats of beautiful
quality broadcloth. Horse
shoe, Queenie and shawl
collars, long flowing
flares, tight basque ef
fects with circular skirts.
Regarded as the finest se
lection shown this season
at any price. Black,
navy, wine, tans and
black. A special Satur
day showing at
75 Fine Silk Parasols-Saturday-One Fourth Less
Parasol Sets
for Little Tots
A rnln cont, a cap, n serv
iceable parasol in blue or
green, 4-U-8.
Pure Silk .16 Rib Parasols
All new shapes with both straight and Shepherd crook handles. Excel
lent silks with jacquard and woven stripes and borders. This is a Sat
urday special at $"). '
; Rain Coats
In all sizes arid colors for
both women mid children.
Priced . ;
$3.75 to $7.50
Phoenix Hosiery Here
Phoenix hose for wear,
for styles, -for colors and
perfect fitting-ead the
field of . b e 1 1 e r hosiery
makes. The new Fall
todies, harmonizing shades
that blend perfectly with
the new shoes and cos
tumes. One special num
ber in a beautifully clear, sheer stocking, with
the new Picot insert at top. , M 95
A special number at
Saturday Specials in Undehvear
Rayon out-size bloomers, flat
lock seams, extra full cut,
elastic tight-fitting knee. In
pink only. A regular $1.23
value Saturday, 98c
Sport satin slips of fine wash
able rayon. A full cut slip in
all pastel shades and black
and white. Regular fc "I ACk
SH1.T5 value ... 1
Knitted rayon u n d e r s 1 i p s,
with wide shadow flounce,
and plenty of pleat fullness.
A regular $1.98 slip $ AjCk
Saturday special at ,
Very heavy quality crepe de' ja
uiiiuu nuij witii viut; Biitiuuw
flounce. All pastel shades
and black. Regular fcO 1 Q
$3.50 slip VO.1V-
Black Transparent
Panne Velvet
40 Inches
in Width
Finest Fabric
This glossy, shining, transparent panne velvet
is a most 'exquisite fabric. For gowns of the
finer sort, for street, for afternoon or for eve
ning, you cannot find a more desirable fashion
fabric .,
Tho new Fall shades in flannels, all wool and
ill indies wide, are here at a. very low price
considering the fine soft quality of JO 39
fabric, yd " v
The Newest
Now comes nnotlier Jewelry
season when fiiHhion tlie
1 ii f oh you wear some ilein
of j c w e 1 r y adornment.
ItnieelelH, chokers, pendants,
ear I'inu'S, heads of nil hinds.
49c to S5.98
70x99 Size
White Sheet Blankets
$1.85 each
All white, extra length to turn back and use
as sheets during the cold winter nights. Long
warm napth and a popular and extremely com
fortable bedding need.
.r)l-inch Dul'ont Fabricoid for tabic cloths is
durable and looks exceptionally well also. s
not affected by heat and comes in neat patterns,
green, blue, gohl, yellow, white, .
Or egon City Blankets Know n o Equal
When Quality and Price Are Both Considered
Now comes an entirely new lino of pat
terns in a full size 72x84-inch
Oregonian Blanket
Mottled designs in all-over patterns
with-wide striped borders. I'laids in
new colors and designs. All pure virgin wool, Oregon ("ity
Rlankets, insuring the finest quality, longest j1 O 50
wearing blankets on the- market 1. JJ
When you buy a blanket for a gift or
one for your own use, buy a new
Astorian Blanket
The ever popular 3io finger, Indian
design Marking in white, tan and grey.
with the multi-color stripe borders. Other new stripe bor
ders and new plaids and colorings in this '; 1 A Cfl
5-pound virgin wool blanket nt .....4T.?