P5GE NOT By George McManus BUSINESS DIRECTORY V EAGLE POINT PTA MEET SCHEDULED FOR NEXT FRIDAY BRINGING UP FATHER Abstracts MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Ab stracts ot Title, Title Insurance. Rooms 3 and 5, No. 3a North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSON CO. Abstract Co. Abstracts of Title and Title Insur ance, 'llie onlr complete Title System In Jack son County. reDFonD rirrJ tribune, medfobd oreoo. totontsstuy, ootobkr mo. EAGLE ; POINT, Ore., Oct. 9. (Special.) The Parent-Teachers association will meet Friday, Octo ber lli at 3 o'clock in the assem bly hall. A good program has been arranged and Mrs. Bltterling, presi dent, is expecting a good attend ance of mothers. The school children are all en joying their two days" vacation while the teachers are attending Institute. Mr. and Mrs. Al Hildreth of Butte Falls, Dell Hildreth of San Fran cisco and Joe Mattox were In Eagle Point Monday calling on friends. Mr. and Mrs. Emll Pell, Lydii McCall and Mr. and Mrs. Vaupel and friends, all of Ashlnnd, we-e among the guests at the Sunnyslde Sunday noon. Mr. and Mrs. Del Pozsta and son Dick of Santa Barbara, Cal., Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Stoner and son Jack and Mr. and Mrs. Hoyal Brown were also guests enjoying the chicken dinner at the Sunnyslde. Members of the Eagle Point school board, A. C. Mittelsteadt, 1 chairman; Edith Weidman, clerk, Mrs. Hurst and Lester Throckmor ton, directors, met September 27th and issued warrants. POPULAR COUPLE OF ITALENT ARE UNITED TALENT. Ore.. Oct. 9. (Spl.) A wedding of " considerable in terest took place In Medford Octo ber 2. when Miss Peggie Hamilton was united In marriage to Law rence Burnetto, both of this city. Miss Peggie is' the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cluy Hamilton, while Laurence Bernette is the Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Uernctto of Talent. Both young people nre well known here, Mr. - Bernette having been born and raised here. - 1 Miss Hamilton came here a few years ago with her parents from Oklahoma and was very popular among the younger set. She was a member of the Crater Lake Camp Fire Girls. Both young people linve a host of friends who wish them well. Rev. Carmen Mell of Medford married the young couple, in the presence of Mrs. Cluy Hamilton, mother of the bride and Howard Bernette. brother of the groom. Mr. Bernette left October 3 for Chelan, Wash., where he is cm ployed. The bride will follow as soon ns permanent arrangements can bo made. , Daily Meteorological Report 1 Ootolicr 0, 1029. 'Medford and vicinity: Fair to night and Thursday. Not much change In temperature. Oregon: Fair tonight and Thurs day. Cooler In east portion to- nlghL "l f 3 O a Local Date Temperature (degrees).. 62 Highest (lost 12 hrs.).... 66 Lowest (last i2 hrs.).... S3 Rel. humidity (pet.) 77 Precipitation (Inches).. .01 52 62 52 95 .on State of weather.. Cloudy Rain .Lowest temperature this morn ing, 61 degrees. , Total precipitation since Septem ber, 1, 1029, 1.01 Inches , Temperatures a year ago touay. Highest, 76; lowest, 47. rSunset today, 6:40 p. m. Sunrise Thursduy, 0:18 a. m. Sunset Thursday,' S:38 p. m. 6bie7vTtlons taken at 5 A. M. 120th Meridian Time - '. J a p'p if CITT I i - fl jl 1 Baker City 66 Bismarck 62 40 60 50 50 66 40 60 44 60 60 64 48 48 56 44 60 48 64 34 Rain Boise Denver Des Moines Fresno Helena Lbs Angeles Murshfield Phoenix Portland Red Bluff Roseburg Salt Lake City... San Frnnclsco . Santa Fe Seattle Spokane Walla Walla ... 70 70 68 76 46 74 , 58 98 . 62 Cloudy P. Cdy Rnln Clear Rain P. Cdy. Clear P. Cdy. Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Rain Rain Clear 64 74 68 68 64 68 70 Winnipeg O. K. ANDERS". Temporarily In charge. ' Lookout Near Bolt BEND, Ore., Oct. 9. (AT En""" Putnam, forest lookout, escaped In juries last night when lightning struck n house on Pine mountain ' inrinc-i heavy rain storm. A tree was- shattered. . VrtTIPR In the County Court of the Rtate of Oregon for jacKson .oum.t. In the matter of the Estate of Robert II. Paxsnn. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has filed her r Inal Account In the above entitled mat ter, and the above entitled Court has fixed October l?lh. 1929. kt 10:00 o'clock A. M. In the County Court room. In the Court House In Medford, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections In "' Final Account; and f6r the settle ment thereof. LELIA M. PAXSON. Executrix. I I, ' U33 I ) ..'48, Im'J feature ScrrfccIac., Great Btt" f? iImLi Lilfl 111 llll liailfiiMinTTr mm Ti1HIM i wmmI ' llf- ""' - " - . i -. - 1 " i I THE N EBBS The Way of the World 1 , ' ' r--; .. . 1 . By SQL HESf v Jt-M. bi&HTIM- V I nOU'U- DO-VOU LOOK . VuSJ, uIS F? T&OTTOS-TOP-l.rcLEol- . WeSAOUMP 1 55feaJ THIS IS THE 1 1 LIKE A SMART LITTLE Km tOOXIKiaV , irrte 6IRl-HE K DOMT CARE MAI LS,5J K,r H ADVERTISE LITTLE GIRL.. r I UUWCH TIME WE'LL GO A'M NOT LOOtOWG l , A(JO j WAS MOM EV X MAKE . , VEAES AMO iIforasj N X I OUT FW A W OF.. MR FOOD OK, Jfl-A Vt BREAKING, T.WUodW VMEFIMOW K3loPF.ce . -WotlR ( EMTERTAIM- LL ALWA BE W HEART J DArre, SEftRS OLO- li 7" HT0- T . V MOMMV-KJEVE1?' "Hearia AUame I .. t. iBT KXiSl X trNU, E I AkJi' (inrJai i - moan L-fcv In tWM CX1 1 rd . I "Alias Kocnj i ' ' ' ,'r" l TMTOM , N v- JV 10 7 "' ' ' ICopyrietii, im. by Th Bell Syndicate, lnc ) Treat Mirtt Kef U. S Pit. Offi" Yfi. J : - ' -r- r " I FOR SALE AUTOMOBIUSS I , KA1,M POULTUf ' ' How Do You Greet the Merry Bell Ringer When He Appears at Your Door? Asks' Bill' "How long since the merry little 1 hell rlmrer has disturbed you V" I said "11111" Dollar. "The suave, sleek slicker who rings your bell and tells you how be can undersell the home merchant on silk hosiery. 'SUREST. CONMissioms GEIHICH-J QUI KIND OF A W0FACED PROPOSITION Indies' wearing apparel, mens clothing, haberdashery, watches. household gouils, furniture, medi cines rtnd many other things. 'He steps Into Medford, this business bootlegger, ns a stranger representing, as a rule, an un known firm. Ho comes to your door unasked, often disturbing you when you don't want to be dis turbed, and offers you merchan dise for sale, and expects you, nn Intelligent person, to ncccpt as a fact the word o( nn unknown con cern and tries to Induce you to sign an order blank and make an Initial pnyment to him a total stranger. ... "Assuming that tnis peddling Itinerant is honest the lady of the : house received her merchandise some days or weeks later. It may not fit it may not bo what wns ordered or it may not come up to the peddler's representations, but It requires n lot of correspondence to get the matter adjusted. If you haven't been bothered much lately with these peddlers you mny be assured that you soon be be," con tinued "Bill" Dollar. "How are you going to receive them, Mr. and Mrs. Medford? Will you fall for their blarney and their blandishments and send lots of Hill' Dollars away from this city for things that you-could buy as well or better at home? No one wants to tell you where to spend your money, but your own com mon sense should guide- you in your dealings with theso strangers. 'Take, for instance, the Incon sistency of their main selling talk that they 'can sell at a small mar gin of profit because they repre sent the manufacturers direct.' The truth of the matter Is that they took their peddling Job - because they were offered big profits Hnd the first payment you make Is their commission (and sometimes only part of It; for they get more later) for goods that you have never seen., with onty tno promise of a man or woman you never saw before In your life and the chances nre will never see again. "On the other hand, consider the Medford merchant. Ho Is known hero nnd his business Is established. He has a reputation nnd prestige In this community. He has complete line of merchan dise of whatever character It may be and Instead of asking for rash In advance he will extend credit to you If you are deserving of It. He Is prepared to make any nnd all alterations, accept 1h return of merchandise, make an adjustment or meet nny other demand of the home buyer on the spot. The Medford merchant Is wllh- in easy access of th telephone or a personal visit... In- short, he la where you enn find him when you want him without carrying on a lengthy mail correspondence. The most ot our local stores hero nre alert abd on the Job.-1 They have the latest styles and the best qual ity for -the' money you pay. They are dependent on regular business from the. same people year after year. The peddlers nro like light. ning ' though they don't strike twice In the snme place. "If everybody, or even a. large percentage of the people in this city, were to stop buying In our stores, business would stagnate. real estate values would shrink to nothing and the whole town would lose Its era of prosperity nnd de velopment. "Good merchants do not fear these fly-by-night peddlers. They can meet nny 'kind oi good com petition In Medford. Let them prove .It to you. The question Is 'whom will you pntronize the Medford merchant or the transient bell ringers?" The answer Is 'If vou want to see your dollar again spend It In 'Medford, V" concluded "Bill" Dollar. (Copyright, 1!)29, F. W. Mozart.) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ' Rltti per word ifar tint Jmertlon, 2c; each iKcttdino insertion, lc: minimum 25c. Indu your adi with For Salt, For Rent, itc, oed count thou worm, m woll u uch Initial, ttlopwtw numtcr, etc., M s word. Clasiifiid adi in advised and not taken am phone, unlet adverther haj monthly account No allowance lor ptwna rrort. . .. i WANTED FEMALE RI'XP WANTED Womnn for general housework. Phone 2S7-X. 200 WANTED Stenographer. Apply , Southern Oregon Credit Bureau. 119 N. Central. I!l8tf WANTED A person for general housework, fall 973. 200 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED A ranch to rent or run t on shares or salnry, by experi enced orrhardlst and farmer. Ceo. Knotvles, R. 4, Box 62, Mod ford. 200 WANTED To borrow $1000 ftl 12000. Al security. Box D. c, Mall Tribune. - 198tf WANTED Local nnd long dis tance hnullng. We save you money. Insured carriers. Hnw ley Transfer. 619 N. Riverside. Phone 1044-X. 219 WANTED Bundle work. 5II7-H-.1. Phone 104 W A NT ED Washings. R-3. Tel. 597 204 WANTED Laundry. -aIled for and delivered. Phone 437-J-2. i WANTED Clekn cotton rags St M.-UI Trlbuns office. tf WANTED -2nd hand goods A Junk - Pat's. 1606 Prune. Tel 647-L. 13$ PSW LIKE SKIN MILK I tfliSi ? SOT POURING OUT OF I Wffl A CREAM BOTTLEJ WANTED MALE HELP . FOR RENT HOCSKHJUiriiYU - ; ; , . , - , ROOMS I PICKERS WANTED. Tel. 1122-R. 1 - tf ! l.'OH RRNT HousekcepInK rooms. ..r..c 32S, K. Jackson St. . Tel. 14U-W. XvtaSTEto SITUATIONS , 202 A NURSE would like to care for elderly man and wife or elderly1 ladies, In her -modern country lininn HPfiP Mertfni'd. HaVfl II good furnace so house Is nice and warm. Phone 634-W. 200 WANTED Carpentering, shih 213 gl!ng, painting. 53i-.V WANTED Housework by woman with references. 2U4 Bo. central. 200 WANTED Carpenter work. Geo. Iverson. Phone 830-M, evenings. , 21 WANTED Work, by high school boy after 3:30 p. m. f none 22. FOR RENT APARTMENTS 'URNISHED 2 and 3-room apart ments and garage. 604 W. Kith. 2011 IP FOR RENT 2-room apt, furnlsh 202 ed. 12. 710 Welch. FOR RENT Close to school, fur nished 2-room apt;, gfirage;; is.1 Also furnished newly papered apt, $12; light and water paid. Inquire 310 Portland. 201 FOR RENT AptB. 334 Apple. 205 FOR JtENT Desirable furnished npt. All hotel accomodations. Hotel Orand. 204 FOR RENT 3-rnom apartment, linstalrs: bath nrivlleues: adults: $20. 307 N. Ivy St. tf FOR RENT Furnished apt. Tel 452-H. l'J.U' FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent. Hotel Holland. 194tf FOR RENT A newlv nnnered and n&lntod 3-room furnished anartment. nice bath room, hot nnd cold water, steam heat, close In, gas for fuel, ready to step Into. Address Box AA, caro of Mail Tribune, giving your name and address, and owner will call you. l7tf FOR RENT 3-room furnished apt. with sleeping porch and garage. Close In, Adults only. 240 S. Grape. , 1 n 1 tf FOR RENT 3-room furnished apt. with sleeping porch nnd ga rage, close in; adults only. 240 So. Grape. 189tt FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 3-room house. II O. Youtnans. Thomas road, off Stewart Ave. 201 FOR RENT OR RALE B-room unfurnished house. Redden it Company, 119 N. Central. lOStf FOR RENT 5-rmXurnlshed mod ern house, $50. 3)4 So. Holly; electrlo range, furnace, piano, irarnire. Call 45-Y. or call 718 West Main. 198lf FOR REN T Homes. Furnished or unfurnished. Brown '& White. 17tf FOR RENT Modern 6-rm. house close In. Phone 224-R. 202 FOR RENT b-rm. modern house, 4 Iota. Inaulra 928 So. Central 201 FOR RENT 145 N. Ivy. Furnished Tel 849-J. - house ittatf FOR RENT 6-room unfurnished house, 1036 W. JOlh. See C. A DeVoe, phono 623-J-2. 192lf FOR RENT Bungalow, Ross lane. V. I.. Ton Velio. Jaeksonvll a. Ore. Phono 112. . 17fitf MISCKLLA.NKOl'S Fl'RNlTURr. MOVJNO aVKTOII- A(1E We will move your furni lure at a reasonable coBt to you nnd guarantee, satisfactory serv Ice, If you want storage space for your furniture, see us first Rates reasonable. Best storace warehouse In Medford. HO.Ml Ef W A R E HOI'SE PROTE' TION. Tel. 833. F. E. KAMSON CO. I'JOtl FOR HIRE Oood pack burro for your hunting trip, call Loom" 1$ Irom I to I, dally. 1 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT In private home, reasonably priced room. 1ft oiks from City park. 222 H. Holly. 203 FOR RENT Clean, warm furnish ed sleeping room. 4di . ""' FOR RENT Large, lovely fur nished front room, private en trance, heat. Also smaller, well furnished rooms. Board If de sired. Phone 1314. N. Front St.. ,842. - 201t FOR RENT Furnished room, 116 Mistletoe St. 203 heat or not. Phone 905-M. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT Oarage, 104 So. Oak- dale. Phone 242. it; LOST LOST Craterlnn theater, biuraiu $5 currency, certincuto oi uo nnill IMense return Mall Trib une. Sultuble reward. 'Box T. A. C. ?0 LOST Oentleman's wrist watch . . Kumlnv near ltutte Creek covered brldiro. Reward. Call 3113. 800 LOST Female fox terrier: long tall, scars on three legs, iiewaru Cnltln 20. Merrick's Camn, oi ' Phono 73. ' 200 T.nsT Pet doc. red Irish setter, white on breast and foot. Reward. 218 N. Peach or Phone 800-R. 1U5U STOLEN STOLEN $30 reward for Informa tion lending to recovery oi eleven (11) turkeys, 3 montiiB om: gobblers and 2 hens. Stolen from O.-O. Camp 3, Butte Falls, Ore., Sat. night, Oct. 6, 1920. II.. C. Mall Tribune. 200 BICYCLE REPA1RIN GUARANTEED BICYCLE and MOTORCYCLE REPAIRING Lawn Mowers Ground .Snappy Parcel Service JOE RINARD'H CYCLERT, .. 28 So. Bartlett Tel. 1468 174tf WAREHOUSE MEDFORD WAREHOUSE Bonded No. 26$ We store tvnythlng, and loan money on anything stored. Phone 311 , 14tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Established service statlpn; besl location on Pacific h uhwety: U-year property lease. Will consider one-year trlnl lease to ri'SiinnnlhlA nartv. Talent Ber- vice Station. Talint. 207 I FOR EXCHAlOIl TRADE 6-ROOM HOUSE With acre cherries, nenches, berries. In Ashland near school, for house In Medford. No dealers. Box 270, Medford. . 303 FOR SALF MVE8TOCK Fort KALE Horse, grey, gelding, 1700 lbs., sound, true; cheap for cash. I5-F-21. 201 FOR SALF. 2 cows, 3 yrs. old -heifers. 2 vrs. obi: Jerseys; one horse weighing IH00 lbs. Arthur - It, Hall. Eaule Point. Phone 19 X-12. ' 200 FOR SALE 115 ewes. W. Lewis. 727 W. Jackson. Tel.. 026. 201 FOR SALE Team heavy horses nnd 2 sets of harness, at corner McAndrews and Boardmnn sis. 200 FOR BALK Jersey cows and helf era. A. llenaler. 1 mile east " Phoenix. 203 BEFORE RUY1NO See our stock of reconditioned USED CARS. They are priced way below what you would ex pect to pny. Come In. MEDFORD MOTORS BALES CH RYSLER SERVICE 128 So. Kiveraiuo. 203 RIGHT NOWI Is the tlmo to buy a Good used Car. Prices are lower than you will ever see again, come in ana look them over. 1026 Essex Conch .... 1026 Olds Touring .. 1928 Essex Sedan .... 1926 Dodge Coupe .. 1928 Chev. CoUlie .... 1028 Essex Coach .... $170 150 526 J85 ...V....J. 425 660 1028 NjhIi Convertible Coupe 700 1926 Bulck Master Sedan.. 776 11124 Hudson Speedster .... 186 (Balloon tires.) 1025 Olds Roadster - 160 Lots of these cars are less than hnlf of Northwest manual prices. All are real buys. ARMSTRONG MOTORS CO. Phone 18. 101 So. Riverside. 200tf FOR SALE For cash, cheap, Nash Special 0 touring, California top. See Bill Young at Uarnum's Ga rage. 203 .FOR SALE 1TOMES FOR SALE ASK US, WE KNOW. Brown & White, Realtors. 206 FOR-BALE Attractive new bun galow, 6 rooms, bath, breakfast ' nook, fireplace, hardwood floors; best construction; good terms. 629 South Holly. 193tf BARGAINS Modern 4-room bungalows, with sleeping porch and garages, lot 60x100; rent for $30 ench; close In. A good buy.ut fooou. 00-Acro ranch, 10 acres of pears, 10 acres of apples; can be de- velonerl Into A. flrst-clnss place, This place can be bought for $60 per ucre. DEAL KNIOHT, ' 20 N. Bartlett. . 202 FOR SALE OR JtENT Modern 4- room house, partly furnished, east. side. Call kt 414 S. Itlver side. 203 FOR SALIC Dondv little home, I12G0. Verv easv terms, can evenings, C H. Howell, Berry- oiile Ave. issir FOR SALE REAb ESTATE FOR HALE" ASK ITS. WE KNOW Hi-own White, manors.- ANOTHER SUBURBAN, nifd I good one, with 2 acres of land. rooms, modern, closo to high way and grndo schools, city wat er and meter rates; ulready 'IK minced and bare; small acreage will be raken In exchange. See IlliI.MKH for HOMES. Nash Ho- tol corner. Phone 829. 261 168 ACRES Adjoining town nnd school ami hiuhway: 5-rm. house, fireplace: 8 acres garden soil,. 30 acres upland, balance wood and timber: estimated it.uiiu ooro wood, t good barns, chicken line. well fenced. Price $1,760, $460 rash, balance $200 a yenr, 6 In terest. D. K. Millard, 419 13. Main. 200 FOR SALE OR TRADE One of the finest little dairy ranches In the Rogue River valley, wllh or without 10 head of cows, l'hon 689-J-l. 199tf 3K- ACHES OAHDEN LAND- Close In. main road, near school Irrigated, also city water; fine view. Bargain for this week Total price $400; $75 cash, ba $16 a month. D. E. Millard, 41 K. Main. 200 FOR SALE 6 to 26 acres land o old slime road, t miles north of Jacksonville. Phone 344-J-4. C. 1. MeCsy. 102 WHEN YOU think of real estate, see Brown While. II 1 FOR SAL1T Rhode isianu pullets. Phone 111 9-W 100 FOR SALfJ IOOS AND PETS FOR SALE Pedigreed Rollf pups. Call 608 N. arope. 201 TWO POINTERS and one fox ter rier for sale. Dr. Stone. 101 FOR SALE WOOD WOOD FOR SALE 10-Inch dry lnrgo body fir wood. No better fir wood sold In Medford. Also laurel and oak. Buy now at right prices. Phone 833. F. E. SAM SON COMPANY, office at 229 JthItlverslde. 10 6tt FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL SALE Onri Fertilizer S nreade'r. new $62.70 Throe "Manure Spreaders..! I SO oach Used Disc narrows. Used Tractor Plows. HUBBARD BROS. Ino, 206 WE BUY, sell and exchange mens women's nnd children's good userl clothlni; nnd shoes. "Mac's TlL.nn ' Mnoh llMlT.. FrOHt 'St., Medford. Ore. 10 FOR SALE Heating stove lor enmp; boy s overcoat, new, siee X vis. 422 Park Ave. zoo FOR SALE A good Krog-Jorgen sen rifle, $iz.u. inquire even ings. 417 North Onkdule. Otto lleckert. '( nn AT.rc Tjttn nenches. not Ir rigated. Carney Orchard, illnck well Hill, between Central Point and Gold Hill. Bring boxes. 106 iron SALE Sweet notnto saunsh a so squash for cow reea. i-none 639-R-3. J. Vandorfy. 203 FOR SALE Clean Blue Club seed wheat. Phone 6U1-J-2. evenings. 201 FOR SALE Fordson tractor nnd plows. H, U. waiiermire, trn trnl Point. 20: port SALE Tractor aub-sollors. Phone 1129-R. FOR SALE Tall mahogany chest of drawers, reed rocker, wainut fitnml. fine rllninir set. Cheap dOU tin iwxlHtnsft. mirror. 714 Welch St.. off West Jackson. 200 s-nn rat.f 200 hit. corn in Held Inquire 339 Hnven Ht. sou FOR SALE Canning peaches, Itallnn prunes, cooging nnuies Wnttr Jones. Phone 1122-R 194tf vnrt HALE Developed mino, equipped, ore esumniea in smut will nay for property. Avsrage tin i, 50 nnr ton. Settling es tntn. Tiiix 64. Grunts Pass. Ore. 200 FOR SALE Great bargain. Victor Orthopbonlc, electrically operat ed, with 60 rocords, In perfect condition! cost $360, wlll? son, dreSs Box K, MsAl Tribune.' tf FOR SALE Cooking apple, Tel. 132-L. 21 FOR BALE Nloe slxed Winter iiiinnnn jinn e cutis, nooia Pnnkev warehouse. Gold Hill Call W. E. Root, Medford, phone 294. lilti FOR SALE For snnd and gravel sediment ana generni ceamini Tel. 612-J. Bam'l Hnteman. tf FOR SALE Used sewing ma chines; all makes, up; terms if desired. All makes rentoi nnd repaired. White Bewlng Machine Co., 24 North Bartlett ntr FOR SALE Page field fence vera fnnre. sates, nattliur. klnds: cedar nnd stool fence posts. Complete line of fence material. "Wo build fonces: tlnddla A- Dixon. Tel, 16. 34 BUSINESS DIRECTORY ftlmney Sweep CHIMNEY SWEEP George Eaton. 'Call Eads 4 ' Rolbroolt Second Hand store, N. Front. Phone 1192-J. " Chiropractic rhysldans Dtt. B..W. HOFFMAN Chiro practic Nerve ttpeciunsi. uun hours 9 to 12; 2 to 6. 203-2U4 Liberty Bldg. Office phone 680: ReS;)hone 790-H. Eye SpeclnlltW DR. D. A. CHAMBERS. Optome trist. Eyes examlnea. uiassea fitted. 4U4 Medford Bldg. Tel. 188. 352tt Fxiiort Acconntnnt WILSON AUDITING CO. B. M. Wilson, C. P. A. Attention given to anything in accounting and Income Tax Requirements. Loolc Into our simplified accounting method. Liberty Bldg., Medford. Phone 1S7-R. Financial WB LEND MONEY to worthy people to pay their honest debts. Pacific Coast Credit Association, 433 Medford Bldg.. Medford. Ore. Freight Transportation LONO DISTANCE HAULING Medford - Klamath truck line. Dully service. Bonded carriers. Special rates on load lots. Auto Freight terminal. 36 S. Fir. Tel. 1033. Money to Ixrnn " MONEY TO LOAN to worthy peo ple to pay their honest debts. Also any amount to loan on city property. Thomas Realty Co. Room 13, Palm Blk.. Cor. Main and Front Sts., upstairs. 6 long Time Real Estate Mortgage Loans -Phone' 13aa Commercial Finance Corp. Medford, Oregon DO YOU NEED MONEY 7 Wa make short time loans. ; Trans ections strictlv confidential. 811 Liberty Bldg. Open Tuesday nnd Fridays till 9 p. m. . Phone 667-J. - H. H. Banisters H. C. Chrlstner. . ' . Monuments THE OREGON GRANITE CO. Monuments, is. A. kicks, uen oral Manager; P. M. Kershaw, Sales Manager. 302 N. Front 8t, Medford. Music I PROF, B. F. ELLIS, Instructor of. violin Sovcip method the snort out to violin playing. Instructor of mandolin, guitar, steel guitar, standard and tenor banjo. Be, gluners or advanced pupil Studio E. 81de, 22 Almond 8U Medford. - THORVAL H. FOLKENBERQ-h Violin instruction rrom start is finish; orchestra practice free te students. Instruments on hand and carefully suited to Individual pupils. ' studios, rooms 3 and , College Bldg., II Grape St.. N. Phone 269-J. ' 17Jtf JOHN R. KNIGHT, violinist, solo. 1st, teacher; correct DeginninK artlctio finish; many years' ex. porlence; best of references. Fot appointment phone Jacksonville, 43. Studio location announced later. ,303' Painting and lperhmnglndt ' H. MARX Qunllty painting, tint ing and pnperhanglna: naves and beautifies; color schemes that are "easy to live with" at minimum cost to you; decorating of new nnd old furniture and fixtures. Phone 178-J. , Piano Instruction FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of Plnno nnd Harmony, i Half ni Musle Studio, 318 Liberty Bldg.. Phone 72. 169tf" Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. Has the best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Bookbind ing, loose lent ledgers,' billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir St. Radio Service RADIO SERVICE on any make radio. H. O. Puruckor, 22 South Orapa street. Office Phone 336: Res. 1442. $! Repairing JOE R1NARD CYCLER Y--Expert lawn mower grinding, repairing and cleaning, called, for and de livered, all for $1: motorcycle and bicycle repairing; work guaranteed. 18 8. Bartlett. Tel. 1468. - ; llatf Bond and Gravel - C. A. HARTLEY Sand and Orael plant. Cleaned, washed sand and gravel; crushed gravel, all sizes. Phone plant 1203 Or office 137. , 364tf Snxophono Instruction SAXOPHONE INSTRUCTION Ike Porter. Saturdays. Sparta Bldg.: Rm. 15. Studio to sub-let. 'Transfer EAD8 TRANSFER - 8TORAOH CO. Office 111 N. Fir Street, Phone 8 1 5. Prices right. Serv ice guaranteed. DAVIS TRANSFER STORAGE Service guaranteed. 30 8. Grape St., Phone 644, or residence 1060. TRANSFER AND STORAG! E. Samson Co. Quick service. Prices reasonable. Cargo Insur ance protection. 129 N, River side. Phone 83$. ; Upholster! njjr THIBAULT Maker of overstuffed! furniture msde to older: re upholstering. We estimate, show samples. Phone 361-R. II Wabash. Window Omnia LET OEORGK DO IT Phone for nouaeoleanlng. floor wa- Janitor service. Use. A, a.