ftfEPFORT) MATL TTimUNT!. MEPFOHV). OUKfiON', WKDXKSnXY. OCTOBER fl, 1020. " PAOTC TTTRTCTC yu had to fry a dozen chickens you 'i wouldn't fry them " all at once Somr would be raw some would be burnf. One chicken at a time is the best way.' And by roasting coffee by their pat v cntcd, continuous process a few - pounds at a time instead of in bulk Hills Bros, roast every k berry evenly. This process ( Controlled Roasting produces , . a delicious flavor no other coffee has. , HILLS BROS COFFEE INCLUDE VALLEY FRUIT, VEGETABLES a- caiNAicimiEE; 3t2Kl ' FOR GRH) GAME Ntmk-nu in tin? eighth ki-iiiUi has Nton-i that m-ll fiultn tiiul vtKet- been Inulltruriltt'il In the Junior ' uliles to K.rll uilly good tuul Hound ; Mrs. MriTltl II.ij.U-ss .Miss 1'llsoll lOllll-rlllllls A enuifc in nature study fur - warnlliK tJ piiIilli'lH unil the Tiv-I) U-l-Inn Woillrn j tiili'tlk III. Itl'illuv. . The .Merit Woikeiu eliele of 111" MNs rinra Mary p uaim eniei- I'l-esliyterian Women's iiMsui-inlion talm-a a nutnUer uf . her frii'ir.ls met at the home of Mrs. J. V. iTuesilav evenlair at her home. X 1 :t hlKh M-liuul this year, with tpeelal fruits anil veBetables was issued ! j01.,i,t Tuesday ! al'ternoon. The - li.-nm-tt r venue. The evenliiK was emphasis placed on knowledge of today by A. I Allen, resident atleruoon was spent In limkinK spi'iu playing bridge, after wlilill ii... i) i.... . ..ii..., -vi,.. ',,., ,i. .,, r ii.,. Mtuto llneileiiltinal anions for the ba.aai' whleh Is to ! refreshments were served. .... . . . . i ...! .. ,ii.. r.. .hi ..'.liiifriei is '"' i'"ll' 1,1 leeeniber. He-, xiie r-Vlests i , .', . ' ifreshlnents were solved by ally for the local stu.lenis. with follows: - 1 hostess the followlllK as Ml), of tin- re- ..It 8 u.iwfu', , ?tu, ,. ,.,.; iliiiiein.-iiis iieee.-.sai n.i pi.ius. , ,.....,..,..,.: HlflllHTlllMMl Class I,.,..,, i l.i,..ff Ann-. Ma. lo.oKlilr.p 5'J varieties of birds at Included 'llorolhy Dorothy Hleail, l-'loru -Me. Additional cuiiimllli'i'S hiivo been tipiiiiluteil by Meillonl Aiuerican Le gion poyL fur the Oregon I'rusli mill Oregon Stale Itooks jiiuno nt the Modioli! liltih sclniol fluid. Sat urduy, Nnvttuber It. The enera't conimltti-'e, I'onipused of Anu'ticim Legion meiiheiK nut) appolntti! uy '- The tin.- ! Orlli. I .Math, llariht Cumpl'.-ll. "I .aur.i i .,....,,.. i-ninin:i mer i.;. .C. Ft-reu Di iny. liarlinra Prury... Hilly '"' son. Is C. T. Baker, oliiiirnuin. 1-jirlo Mary . r.lsehuff. Anna .Ma".,vs .,j .;. . Hvdriuli. New co'Jiinlttees. .niiiointeit !iy, Iho new c,initnaniler. Hub Deuel. ; melt. ! Fusou and the hostess. M.U,f l..iwli.. sight, different types and vuiieties , ed or dbieaseil fruit. Any such I M..mi,.,,. ,,r ... Urolherluiod lif fruit:'the various classes of nni- ! frnli teltl 1m r-niiilpmiipil 'lv the : ..i. i,..(i, u,,...i.... u..h,,..lt luuls, Insects that ore Injurious as inspectors when found, and the i ,,., in ,10 church purlors Monday!' ""'J ' " well as beneficial, anil the many i person selling, or offcrlnc for sale 1 eveliiiiK. KolluwhiK a short bust-! ,f,l1K"'0 '','1' , ,, .... . , varieties of plants. ' ,' ' . i such fruit Is liable to prosecution." ! npsa 8ef8lon, ,u,y wcnl , ,hp ,, I he luncheon ror t ie ' A course in general science has So far,, uci-ordlns .to ,)r., Allen, ! of Dl.. C..1W, whl.ro mcM hum-! '"'" ''n clu 1. m. -n b.s w 111 l also been added at the junior high, the' luw, im been obeyed here by ' was t,njov,,,i. The planning com- ": s, "' hl'11'1 "l ', , ' which allows the students who ih stores ami most iimlrt'lors. but...., ... .... i ......... ...ii.,.,... i"1'1' "ednes.bo, has been post- iverc unaldu to'enfor lligli I school ! h, some .other nans of' (lie stale I .. i.-.. i'-,.,.!.,,.. ' ""lied until l'ridny ill ' : SO also -enjoyed the social. . Hoslness and Professional liocauk-c of lack -of' iM-edlta. to tUM 'far' from nent'ect fruit has been some .lilijh H.clnlc.1'. Vvorli: l)n I'offcrt-t! for stile. Mr. Allen warns senier.ler of this work is taught in housewives to especially be careful j The The 1'ythlan Sisters will have a. aid imrty al K o'clock Thursday.. Junior high, anil tile second semes I ter in the senior high school. Mrs. I Xoe U, llulibs is science instructor. I Frtiti from the eril imt Vacuum pack. IiMSity prntd with Ike key. O 1929 Ticker's Tips Pear Friends:, Well I've got my ambition. Tltere'a two tilings I always wanted to do". One of 'em was to get my nnnie In the paper an.) (lie other was to work in a jewelry store. Yesterday I asked for a job at Larry Schade's Jewelry Store, and Mr. Stliade told me to start right In as publicity man. In ordinary lunguuge that means "nd writer." -Ho gave me (till authority, which took a lot of nerve because 1 never wrote an ad. in my llfo. Hut of course I didn't mention Unit very loud in applying for the job. . The boss wantod mo to start In right away, but I told him 1 hail to have n week to lenrn about his stock. That was . Just a stall. I know it's going t-i'tukc me a week to think up an ad. ' ,- ' T1CKE11. . P. 5. Sec, I got my name in the paper too. PLAN SCHOOL ESSAY BjTOON chest Ail essay contest on "Why I Should Support the Community ; lar js making through the Mail Chest will be launched in the j Tribune to. convince the Medford schools of Medford soon, accord-( public. It Is ulways most wise to build up their community by buy ing at home, as is shown by the following announcement bv Pilnel pal 11. H. Conkle of the high school this morning:. Any local concerns that are in In buvhig fruit and vegetables ! Women's club will hold a luncheon 1. 1 m evening win oeM.v. iu......n from unknown peddlers. I tomorrow at 12:30 In the small I bridge, five hundred and pinochle. dining room at the Hotel Holland.; I Word has been received from j The Uulldlng lirldge club wIMLmIsh Dorothy Hails, daughter of I meet Thursdi y aflernoon with Kirs. ! Mr. and Mrs. llverelt Fads, that j It. L. l.ewly at her home on' Cath-) 1 she has been elected to I'l Sigma, erine'- struct.' ja nations! Latin honorary sorority. have, the following members on the llcke-t sale,. Katie Davis, chair- , man: Hurry Moore. Clarence Fry. j Lee CnrUnli,. 11. II. Conkle. Irish . Cnleinau. .florb llussiing, John Mot"-1 fittt, Clayton Isaacs, James Huss I and Warren Hut lor. : ; , i 1C. II. Ilediick is In churge ol : Uie groiiuil coiuuilltei: and Horace i llrotnley in charge of advertising, i Lloyd Williamson is In charge of the ushers and O. O. Nichols will direct traflic. whllo William llolger will entertain the frosh tiniL Wilson Wnlte the ltooks. ii MR. FARMER: AFTER THE RAIN YOU'LL NEED FIELD SEEDS AND WE HAVE THEM- SEED GRAINS GRASSES CLOVERS ALFALFAS Get our prices. Sample our stocks. You'll find none better, for wo know. . ' It Pays to Plant the Best! Monarch Treat Barley with Ceresan Seed & Feed Co. Tre?!' Grain With Copper-Carb. The litHh public school offtcinlB reinforced Ihe campaign Hill Dol hi to Hamilton Pntton, chni,miin of tho eiimpuiirn oonimittto. in an announcement made late yesterday. The elementary schools, the Jun ior hih whuo! and Junior high hchool studt-nts will pr.rticipate in GIVE PLAYLET AT L "Taklns Sloi'k In (ho .Man l'owe: of a Community" was the subject of . an i interesting talk given bo- fni'e the l.lons rlllb lllls noon 1)V ine conuieuuon. wnicn win eiose ; interested in Handling the orders : j,-re(j Mozarti author of the "Bill around November l. he said. Given j for junior class rings and senior j Dollar" ' campaign now being put the endorsement of Hunerlntend- nnnnmn-nmpnia will hp ilveti snn-1 ... .t..ir i cnt K.v It. lledrick. tho details of rial consideration, as It has been! i .ri.i.i' twa.-t ..tnvtei was I ""is winter. Tile sale will open In the contest will be In charge of I the policy of the nigh school ttt ! enacted before the club by a group i Medfot.1 the first day Bter Thanks- norace i.romiey. anoiner mcmoer , make these nurcliases tnroticu io-'f ,.i,ii,iren f.nm the Washington I "b. ... SEAL SALE WORK V9 FAIR WEATHER TO E uk l'.v the micstion "l.)o you j pose this rain will keep up? Representatives of four counlleH Katl crod nt the lo.ui Y. W. C. A. lieadqunrtera this niornhig' to at tend the tuberculosis sen! sale in stitute held for the purpose of out liniiiR a program to he followed1 Tho "jmpular K'nerat imiulry tip ti last tunilay uf "la' It ever koIjik to ruin atfain?",- which was re pI'H'cri hist liiuht and tills murn- siip- the rainfall here up to 5 a. in. to ", is j day was l.ul inches, of which .0' iipparently answered ly the ofil-.uf an inch fell duiinff last nlRht. cial weather forecast of today i This welcome .rainfall wua not which, ridlowhiK much cloudiness sufficient to woften the ground for. and llKht sprinkles t his inorntn , genera 1 fall plowing thru out tho forecasts fair weather for toniKt,! valley,, hut was enough to enahlo-1 i ml Thursday, and not much. certain sections lo begin plowing change in temperature. .as soon as tho surface dries off a In all, since Sunday niornhjK: ' little. of Ihe community chest committer. Mr, Patton explained that nt no time would solicitation of funds for the chest le mode nmonc the students, and thr.t further rules for the content would be made later. Frost Company at Craterian Thursday cal concerns whenever iuacu-ul. Palmers Display New Radio Sets A fall style show of timc of tho latest developments In radios 1h i:i progress at the P a l.m e r Music House and will be continued Thurs day and Krldi.y. Visitors arc wel come each evening until! o'clock. The extensive display attractively arranged In tin? Palmer Music House show,, rooms Includes the 1 Iiarry Schade ' ' Your Favorite Jeweler Since 1918 Mia Hour St- Vhoiw t4 A Complete euuumio am , Dywikj sewic The . famous charii'-ter of the "You Know .le Al" series created by I'.ing Ijirilner. Is Interpreted for the first time, In "Fast Com pany, by .lack Oakte, popular following models: Stromher young comedian of the smart- ..,lriBOn sc..P.en crid. developed bi t-racking type who was seen fin i tno stromher - Carlson, .Telephone "Close Ilarmony "The. I)umiiiy." xianufnctui-ing compi.iiy; u com "The Wild Party" and other re-j ct(, nne of liruns)vlc,fc. Two of cent successful jiictures. (the Brunswlcks are Sliver screen Tho dialog sparkles with Laid-j g,., manufiietured by the. Kllve:--iier'K ready, slangy 'wit. , Evelyn jiartihall Manufacturing company.' lircnt. splt-flre of many a crook j oldest makers of screen grid appu melndranin, Is seeiV n:i tho hard-! i-atus. . bolted actress who succumbs toj vlctoi--.ooiilUnutleiiu tluii rndlos ,tlvijT(i;uclttiiK..piiiall-toiyn,lieTiij.wl,ibh. n,,, tti'aieWtiii(t so inuch after a series of mix-ups which interest In southern Oregoi). during provide a riot of fun. lliehard j t10 vnt 60 days,, ure also In dls "Skeets" Gallaghei-. inovldes a bti play nlong with tho straight Victor of fun in "1'ast Company." j radio. ' 1 "Fast Company.", which will Last but not ler.st, is theMlgh'v show nt Hunt's Craterian tomor-, xiajestlc, shown l.i .two piollels, the row, is a new kind of boy anil'-mh i;0y" and the "I.ow.ltoy." . girl romance. It Is fust-niovlng "Palmer Jlnslri H0ue anUcipates and unsentimental nnd decidedly i that 1H30 will lie the greatest radio amusing. ; season thus. fur experienced." Kred - - H. Aubert, radio' expert with Pal mer's, said today, anil gave .two rea sons for. his statement: Klrst, ue-' cause people have, learned to ap-' hi.nnlutn tl... I tv. iml'tn lli'n milwlr v. in the home: and second, Inslru , ments carrying the name of radio I arc musical instruments which have ! i ceased to lid luxuries '$nd are now i i reeotrnl'cd as neecssllies. '' conies to an end. Homer A. Cliamberlin. director ; of public Information for Oregon,'! nnd Publicity Director Xewcomb of j New York City wero the main i speakers at the institute sessions : which opened at 10 this morning j nnd 2 this afternoon fur two-hour j perlodH. l-'lrcd with tho purpose 'of stamp ing out tho spread of tuberculosis. tno wprKura win exert , a greater effort thiin ever to raise funds, suf ficient for an ext,cnslvo program '(li that direction during this year's 'campaign. 1 Uelwecn 35 and ill active work ers from Lane, Douglas, Josephine r- HM-AtnrA Mnn ' n1"1 Jackson counties were present t ormer mearora wan,t tlllll lnol.11B-B ,,ssion, inciudinK regular health workers and voluii- school under the direction of Mrs. Josephine Jones. The drama of health work being carried on in the schools, from tho children's viewpoint, was the subject of tho little play, which was well pre sented and hoartlly received by the members. Introduced by President H. T. Hubbard as tho newly appointed deputy district governor of the Lions club In this section, Verne Shanglo responded with a few words of thanks for tho reception this news received among local mombers nnd their generous congratulations. 3C Is Here on Business C. -. Mi-Curdy, who Is with hl . mre CIIDDCD Northwestern Mutual Fire uBsoela- TALEN1 LAUItb aUrrCK Hun. Ik spending several days In Medford, transacting business with. .... , ii, i.i.i ine loi-ai ri'i'i i-snmiin, ...v RETURNS GOOD PROFIT suruncejilepnrtivicnl otbe Konth- eTfl Itullillng' Loan -iissoj-iaiion, and renewing iiciiuaintanceH w-ltb his ninny friends. Mr. MeCurily reports tj-s. Mc Curdy and the children well nnd happy. They all still have a fond ness for Medford and their friends here. .TALKNT..,,""'., Pet.. .11. (Spe cial. lv The chicken supper put oil liy the Ladles' Alii of the Melbo- dlst church of Talent was well at tended by local as well us Ashland and .Medford people. The net profit was XI, which will be used to redecorate the Interior of Un church. ' 3 -BIG NIGHTS -3 OCTOBER 10-11-12 EL,KSV FALL FROLIC MEDFORD ARMORY Dancing Games Vaudeville Band Concert ' "Everybody Frolic With the Elks ft For Glasses That Are EIGHT See Dr. D. A. Chambers OPTOMETRIST 404 Medford Bldg. " " " -: ' ; ' ' WHERE TALKING PICTURES REACH PERFECTION L TODAY Kfiffil ! " GREATER THAN ANY yCttf STAGE PLAY JP f MIGHTY IN ITS THRILLS ff AIL TALKING LjptC j DARING IN ITS "; LicV ff-JWNNY HACK BROWN 1 ,j UiWTy LEItA HYANS J lUj P W?? ' A elaesie lorn from llfe' paje . 'V, jliT' vT yiL ir 1 ' emo,ion l'Bh hadow i y i , I jC lf iSlY -"Cy'vJ urn men Into-'boaEU, Jr F w J jj Pl"nBe them Into the deptrla of rl f I . ' ' n II M ALL TALKING COMEDY SPECIAL , M B "THE BEES BUZZ" iN THE IJ With the Two Vaudeville Start NFWS " B II HARRY GRIBBON and ANDY CLYDE lALUlBU W1.WS K II AdmlHio'n Meet the ball players In the preaent If Matinee, Adul-i 25; Evtnlngt, Adultt 35 World Seriea. See and hear them in ae- ft Kiddies 10c Any Time tit n. I ' .ejf. ' . - -I' .v-iivi'-ii "i. i' ..... NOW! YOU CAN SEE AND HEAR "Bramswick R -AT- Palmer Music Hois "WE SELL HAPPINESS' To assure proper service to the people of Southern Oregon Stubbs Electric Company of Portland, Brunswick distributors, have selected Palmer Music House as y v v JLHJi. SALES and SERVICE Representatives The r " Main and Bartlett Choose Your Brunswick NOW! then S World S eries Phone 788