Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 09, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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    Ill' 1 1. I
Iocal and
Tha public schools ro9um?il their
Bf-sslnns this mornlMK, after & four
dnys' vacation due to the fact that
following Saturday and Sunday tha
county teachers' Institute of two
days was held hero Monday and
Good dry hody'ljiack oak,' any
length. Phone 858, Jacksonville, tf
Mr. and Mm. Ollen'A. Wlllltms,
of I.os Angeled are spending "
short time In Medford ylHInK Mrs.
Williams' mother, Mrs.; John Blll
iiuh. Mrs. Wllllamii wan formerly
well known iiere H Miss (Hose 1111
' inifs. ' 1 1
There's no need for you to grope
for words when called upon to make
a speech. Knroll at the Medford
Business CoIIoko for night classes
In Correct English. 20l
Ouesta from a distance reentered
nt Medford' hotels Include Cliff Kel
ley of Flndlay, Ohio, C. C. Bullock
of Coverell, 111., Miss Lucy Halse'i,
Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Hean of New
York City. Miss lna Can-oil of Van
couver, B. C, E. R. Clifford and
U P. Henries of Chicago.
Hemstitching, plcotlng, ple&tlnz,
button making and hose mending.
Handicraft Shop, , ' 1B7tf
Application' hns been made ut
the clly building department by
1 In 11 ft. Hull for the construction
' of a concrete floor In a storeroom
on Kant Main street, nt a cost -of
F. W. narllett, furrier. 15 N
Fir. ' 2n0
Marriage licenses wore Issued 'it
tho county clerk's office yesterday
and today tn Leonard rtnmscy. 2'l,
of Klamath Kails and flrace nod
enberger. 21, of Oold Hill,, and to
iinmo Clllmore. 44. of Los' Anil
geles nnd BesB ponton,-!;.. of;Ven-i
Complete showing of tho 1930
M,uia nf the new Dodgo 0 at
Hakln Motor Co., Dodge and Ply
mouth dealer. i : 2.05
Mrs. A. V. McAllister. 'resident
nf Medford. Is visiting In the city
with her son and daughter-in-law.
Mr, and Mrs. C. T. :Huggins, She
will remain here tor several dnys.
Klamath News. a:
I will sell the modern 5-room
furnished house ot S2 South Orape
for 18000 cash or terms, u. a
nVoe. - '.. 196tf
Wet pavement was the cause ot
over half . dozen cars SKinning
Into the ditch between , this city
j, ml Ashland dining the past two
dnvo. according' to Stale Trnffln
Sergeant C P. Talent, t He warns
motorlsls'to use caution. when trav
eling on wet paving, ns not enough
rain ha fallen so far to wash off
the grease and oil thnt has fallen
from passing cam diirlng the pat
summer, i , ' ' ' '
New orop home-made sorghum
now ori salo.. -Hutchison Mercan
tile Store.. : ; 202
A. S. Rosonbftum, general agent
for the' Southern Pacific railroad
In Southern Oregon, arrived Jn the
city yesterday from a several days
business visit at San Kranclsco.
600,000 feet of cheap lumber.
Special at Medford Lumber Co. tf
The Oregon state' board for ex
n m I o a f I o h und registration of
nurse. Will' hold nnj examination
for VnppllcahtH for reglslrutlon In
Oregon, November 7 .and 8. at Ca
thedral ,Hi: Portland. No appli
cations' wlll; he received -aftqr Octo
fcee Ik.'yand' 26,. ', '" '.' - '
Call find took over the 1980 mod
els dt:podge 6 nt Kakln Motor Co..
Doiife and Plymouth doaler. 80S-
.0. :K. Anderson, under observer
nf the local weather slailoh, is act
ing meteorologist In charge during
the abence of W...I. Hutchison, the
meteorologist, who Willi his family
loft today to spend a two weeks'
vacation nt Boise, Ida;
Always a good dance at 'Jackson
Hot Springs, Sat. night. 208
Callfornlans registered at Med
ford hotels Include Florence M. Mn.
dary of Pasatlenm II. . A, Swnln,
ltlchard Aldous of tJon Angeles, W.
11. Mturltnan,. Mr. and Mrs. (V. A
Hulhorlahd of Oakland, Benny Hill
of Fresno. Irene Carried of Alhain
lmi, J. H. unn f Iconic Tleiioh. and
the following from San Francisco:
Mr. mid Mrs. F. .!. Crattlm, J- O.
NaltrWJ. W. Rodgei-s and L. M.
While,, i". . ;
If In need i ot a dress pattern,
don't forget you can get them for
I Co at the Medford Dry doods
Notion Store. 22J West Main. 200
We are
':.' on - . .
Flour Sacks
Come early
while they last.
J, I Jones Is a business vlsltorr
in the city front M6htugue, Cul.,
who arrived yesterday. ' ' .
Call and look over tha 1930 mod
els of Dodge 0 at Kakln Motor Co.,
Dodge and Plymouth dealer. , 206
Maurice Shelley, 11-year-old boy
who escaped from the county Jail
Saturday and committed two bur
glaries shortly after, left last nlgnt
for his home In Seattle in tho cus
tody of his father, who arrived yes
terday afternoon. The boy's moth
er Is reported to be seriously 111.
Will pay cash for clean friction
top palls. Hutchison Mercantile
Store. -202
, Mr. nnd Mrs. Oeorge li,;Oehrke
of Medford spent Sunday .'in, Clrunts
Pass. Mr. C-ehrke is district man
ager of Santford & Company.-
Grants Pass Courier. ; ;
Closing out screen doors at Med
ford Lumber Co. tf
Lloyd Williamson has' returned
from the American Legion national
convention at Louisville. Ky., where
he acted as drum major for the
crack Salem drum corps. Although
there were nearly a hundred of the
best legion drum corps In the
United States present, Salem made
a fine showing In tho final contest
and won fifth place In the drum
corps contest. Williamson wa
given fourth place In tho drum
majors' competition, ranking
among tho best In America.
Runners removed and snags
worked back In hose, silk unden
wear, golf sox, sweaters, etc. Han
dicraft Shop. 157tf
State traffic officers and univer
sity officials will cooperate with
the Kugeno chamber of commerce
In nn Investigation to determine
the methods by which university
students seek to avoid payment of
non-resident fees, by checking .up
their nuto licenses. (
F. W. Bartlett, furrier. 15 N,
Fir. . . 200
Bounty warrants were lMsued at
the county clerk's office today' ;t
lid Harlsborn of Talent, one coy
oto. nnd to L. Bargont of Butte
Fulls, one coyote.
Corona and Smith typewriters.
Typewriter Exchange. Phone 13C3
William Decker, motor tourist
from New York state, Is a patient
seriously III at the Sacred Hert bos
pltal suffering Irom an acute Ill
ness which uttacked him when in
Medford two days. Little hope
was held for his recovery today.
Complcto showing of the 1930
models; of the new Dodge 0 at
Kakln Motor Co., Dodge and Ply
mouth dealer. 20!i
Cash ball of '110 was forfeited
In the city ourt this morning by
Hurt Rose, for failure to appear
for trial on the charge of intoxi
cation, on which he was arrested
by Policemen- Cnve and Robinson
' Always a good d.inco at Jackson
Hot Springs, Hnt.-nlght. 203
It Is hardly probably that for the
area of -the ground that there is
another gardener In Jackson coun
ty who , grows such a variety of
produce- jis E. 15. Stump on his
place between' Medford and Central
Point. Mr. Stump has two aercB
and It took him a minute or two
this forenoon to recite tho various
products. Off of one piece he' grew
three different crops during tho
past season. ; His plnce formerly
was lurger, but It lost one-half acre
by the construction of the new Mid
way road now In the Inst stugeu
of completion. Air. Stump values
his land tit 81600, per. acre,
Dressmaking ttnd remodeling nt
the Fashion Shop, 434 Medford
Bid. '. Tel. 1181. .. . . . tf
Temporary auto licenses were Ib-
sued.ut the sheriff's office today
to Oeorge Breeding. California Ore
gon Power 'company, Robert Shaw,
Robert Herrlott and K. C. Hart of
Medford and Mrs. W. L. Bdmond-
son of Trail.
Corona! adding machines, $00.
Free trial, Phone Biorma, 13HK.
' Indications are that the fedortl
term of court which has boon in
session here since October 1, will
at least last nil this week, nnd may
continue over Into the, first of next
Lady Elks meeting tomorrow, 2
o'clock. Committee, Mrs. A.. Hub
bard, Mrs. J. N. Butler, Mrs. Men
Moller. 198
Oregonlans registered nt Med
ford hotels include -Mr. nnd Mrs.
C. McAtoe of Oakrldge, Oeorge
Kalbagen of Roseburg, Wilbur
Stadlemon of The Dalles, Hubert
Morrison of Tlllmook, J. J. Rivers
of Oregon Clly, Wilfred Juckson
nf Latlrande, Robert Myers and
Howard Blako of Salem, II. II. Ks
eon and C. D. Flynn of Hugene,
Funeral sprays and cut flowers.
Snmuelsnn's Flower Oarden. 208
O. H. Nichols, well known repre
sentative of the Ornyhur Mlectrlc
company, was n local business-visitor
from Portland yesterday,
Special on plaster board at Med
ford Lumber Co. tf
In addition to having both leqs
nnd an arm broken ns the result of
n motor crash north of tlold Hill
Monday afternoon, William Harris,
I local tire salesman, nlso suffered u
gash the length of his face and
two broken hands nnd smaller cuts,
Harris Is In a tlrnnts Pass hospital
and will bo confined there for
Hurry I It's getting cold. We
sell Carbon Briquets for $17.60 per
ton. Best briquet obtnlnahln.
Medford Fuel Co. Tel. 681. tf
Thomas B. Kay, slate treasurer;
In reported to be steadily recover,
ing from his Illness. He Is ,aMi
j to walk nbout some each day,
Charles Lindsay was among the
; business Visitors In Medford tadey
I from the Dead Indian district.
. Wanted At once, packers. Pin
I naclo Packing Co. 193tf"
Stato Traffic Officer Clarence
I Williams, stationed regularly In
Coos and Curry counties but now
doing relief work in the Orants
Pass district for Officer Hubert
Hoxle, injured a short time ago
In a motorcycle crash, was among
the visitors In Medford today.
$5.00 per load, summer price
still an, Medford made factory
blocks. Medford Fuel Co., Tel, 3.
Luke Chester of Bentty, Ore.,
well-known Indian athlete. Is In
Medford attending the session ut
the I'. H. federal court.
Beat Carhan Briquets, $17. SO per
ton. We save ysu $1.60 per ton
Medford Fuel Co. Tel. 3I
- '
I, aWOFQttD. MAlli
t A- fight over the! old question
as. to whether a steelhead I8.;u
game or commercial fish probably
will come up nt the meeting of the
Lower Columbia Associated Cham
ber of Commerce to be held at Ver
nonla, October 9. It Is reported
that sportsmen's organizations
which have been urging legislation
classifying steelhead as a game fish
will be present to gain support for
their movement. On the other
hand, commercial fishing interests
will resist any effort to take steel
head .out of the commercial classi
fication.. , ,. :,-).,',
' Medford-made factory blocks
now $5 per load, clean and dry.
Medford Fuel Co., Tel. 631.; 187tf
Among the Washington state
guests ut local hotels are Mrs, W.
L. Snyder' of Battle Cirovnd and
J.' 12. Dow, B. W. Coon, Mr. and
Mrs. K. R. Hardy. M. Mangell, C.
D. Writesman of Seattle..',
Free shampoo Mon., Tues., Wed.,
Thurs., with mnrcel or finger wave.
$1.00. Phone 07. Bowman Barber
and Beauty Shoppe. ' 219
A Joint meeting of Medford post
No. 16, American 'Legion,' and the
Ladles' Auxiliary Is scheduled to
be held next Monday night, .October
14; at which time there will be In-.,
stallktlon of officers. A covered
dish supper will precede the Instill
ation and there will be an abund
ance of good eats. A brief report
on tho national, .legiop convention
will he heard nnd several Important
business mutters will he discussed.
A special Invitation. Is'cxtended 'c
all legionnaires and their ladles to
ntlend this meeting, which will be
held nt the Masonic hall.
BQst carbon briquets, $17.60 per
ton. Medford Fuel Co., Tol.l!31.
Lloyd H. Watpee nf Portland, air
reserve .officer, on duty at Rock
well Field, lias beep commissloneil
a second lieutenant in the regular
army nlr corps, ns a result of ex
aminations held last June, Kugene
II. Beebe of Moscow, Idaho, train
ing at Marshall Field,' Kansas, re
ceived like. rank.
$17.60 per ton now carbon
briquets same as you paid $20.00
for before. Medford Fuel Co. Tel.
831. - f
Ouests from Portland realstcred
it Medford hotels include Mr. and
Mid. W. H. Warrens, I.. R. Centra,
Mr. and Mrs. .1. Prag. MIks I!. It.
Davis, D. B. Starrett, W. C. Law
rence, Sr., W. C. Lawrence, Jr., J.
C. English, C. B. Smith. II. A.
Thomas, J. J. Oravely. H. W. Van -Flee,
R. P. Hone, N. B. IJvuns. Joe
Smith, Juck Edwards, H. II. Long,
Mr. nnd Mrs. 1C. L. Bushong and
Don Slocum. . ,
Lot me wrlto your fire Insurance.
Carl Y. Tongwald, Hotel Medford.
Phone 9(13. ,tf
Satisfied with the resullH of his
first fight card in Medford, Joe
lllckerslaff left this afternoon for
Ills home In Klamath Falls, hut return here in n short time
to announce plans for his next carl
here October 24, when be plans
on matching the best fighter he
can find vs. Oene O'Orndy, who.
defeated Benny Hill, San Francisco
fighter, In tho first round lust
night, .' ' . '.-
Our first carload of Royal. Coal
will arrive in Medford very , soon.
This Is tho best quality coiil tjiln.M
In the state of Ulah or tlvfi north
west nnd It lour wish to have you
try some of It. Arrange with us
now for ,a, ton .of Royal Coal to be
delivered direct to you from tho
cur. which will save you money.
Phono 833. F. 13. Samson Co. Of
fice at 229 N. Riverside. 190tf
Oeorge Butts of Modoc Point at
tended tho fights at Medford,' and
relumed home late Inst night.
Carbon Briquets, $17.60 per ton.
The have been paying
$20.00 for. Modtord Fuel Co.
Tel. 031. tf
K. Davis and son, Watkln Davis,
well-known residents of Bentty,
Ore., spent yestordny In Medford
on a business Hip, and returned
home late last night.'
Dr. Slmklns, tho Chlropraotor.
with Russian maBsnge, ovor the
Woolworlh Store, Phone 1290,
' ""' : . , 171tf
Hugh K. Shaw, well-known col
lector of Klnmuth Falls, was a re
cent arrival hero In attendance "it
the V. S, fedornl court.
Fur work of all kinds, repairing;
remodeling, cleaning, glazing; taxi
dermy. Hodges Fur Shop, 42 B.
Central. Phone 702. 201
Oeorge C. Uiiich, manager' of the
Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New
York City for Klamath: county, .was
a witness yesterday in tho U. S.
federal court. V.
Dyngo's Danoo' nt Dreamland,
Wod. nnd Sat. Admission 60c. .304
Walter J. Kerrigan returned to
day from Sacramento. Cnl and re
ports conditions In the south In t.
wonderful shape. Kerrigan : will
spend the day In Medford, leaving
for the south this evening.
For Sale Tractor suh-soller.
Phono 11211-R. 204
Joe Scolt nnd fninlly spent yes
terday In Medford after inking a
Irlp to Roseburg,' and leluriied to
their ranch in Heatty. Ore., yes
terday. Dyngo's Dance at
Wed. and Hat. Admission 60c, 204
The Federal Business Men's as
sociation of southern Oregon Jield
a periodical meeting here In the
federal building yesterday with a
fairly good attendance, at which
nothing but routine .business was
transacted. ( . ;
Buy them now factory blocks $6
per load. Medford Fuel Co.. Tel.
681. I?"'
Don't hm home treatment
For pains In your back or side,
or if vou think you have stnmurh
or liver trouble, try Fltl'lTOLA.
One dose shows results. For over
twenty years FRl'ITOLA has been
used by many sufferer who have
thereby been saved from tho pain
and risk of an operation. The
FRl'ITOLA formula Is the same
today as always and often brlnss
relief after the ftret dfie. Many
people state they gave up hope of
ever being relieved, but one dose
of FRl'ITOLA convinced them that
lhey need no longer suffer pain
from gnllstones. Olve FRIHTOI.A
a chance. You enn have the Same
experience. For sale, recommend
ed and guaranteed by Miigill Drug
Co., and other leading di unglms,
, Mr. 'and Mrsv.iWUIIamr Clemen
son and daughter Camilla return
ed yesterday from a motor trip to
Los Angeles and other -southern
California points. ' Kn route south,
Mr, Clemenson drove 620 miles the
first day to Fresno, Cal., and on
the . way back encountered bai
weather from San Francisco t:
Eureka, causing him to drive at a
speed pf from 12 to 30 miles per
hour. .
Get those .f e n d e r s and auto
bodies straightened at Brill's Sliest
Metal Works, opposite Lewis Super.
Service. Station. Phone 418. tf
If he has his way, Raymond Rit
ter, the 240-pound wrestler of Gold
Hill,1 will stage a few ' wrestling
matches in Medford this winter n
the absence .of a wrestling pro
moter, he; said when he wus in
Medford last evening for the box
ing smoker at the Armqry. RItter
weighed 266 pounds ; last winter,
but has acquired an athletic form
by losing 20 pounds. ' iti a match
a short time ago, . he had little
trouble In disposing of Fred Mor
tonsen, the Terrible Dane, who ap
peared In Medford last winter,
r- ,
A. IfJff Innp selling AontcRt in
wl.lQlij'.nvflty omijloyo qf ;the -tfali-)
fornia Ort'Kon Power company ' Is
taking an' active part- 1h causing
ponHlrtmb!tV Jntorent In thlB com
munity. '; TJijp cnnipaign which ties
iii With tho nttlgnul observance ot
"XJght'K (loldn Jubilee'' .extends
throughout the I entire., territory
nerved by the Ciilliornia .Oregon
l'ovver conipnpy urnl competition
for the utlrnctive prizes offered
promises to be keen. ' fhe grand
prize i.s.a trip by air plane to Sun
1'Yaucinco and return, and -In nddi
tlon .several fIne;c:i-Mh prizes are
offered, hociit employes aro out
to make a good showing for this
roinmiinity and expect to capture
some of the big-prizes. .
Tho campaign features tho well
known Mazda, electric lamp In the
convenient home size carton of six
lam its either of standard size or
assorted. Coming right now at
the start of the winter season wilh
its long nights, the campaign pro
mises to prove popular, ,
A . .regional. ' meeting for the
Southern Orogon division nf public
health nurses, will begin' at Hie Y.
W. C. A. on Bartlett street Friday'
morning nt 9 o'clock nnd will In
clude u representation of . nurses
from several counties.
A number of well known
speakers will address tho nurses
Kriduy morning, followed by a
round' table discussion. 'A soccal
work program will take up the
main part , of the program Satur
day moronoon, followed by n
health piny presented by Medford
school studonts In the afternoon
and a heulUi center domoiiatrutlon
at llie. new Central Point center.
Ten will ha served ut 4:110 lit the
Berrydule health house. There will
ulso he a. luncheon given i for the
visiting nurses Friday noon.- Mrs.
Olendoia Ulukeley. head of nurses
in Uregon, up-state supervising
purse, present. The meet
ing will be ouen to the public.
25 Acres A No. 1 soil. 15 A. alfalfa
" and clover, 4 mile from good
school, 4 A. orchard, apricots and
-. peaches! B-room modern house,
uulomuttc electric pump; in nn
excellent' part of the valley. ' Also
,' 10 head good milk cows. 1 team
- mares, milking machine and full
line farm equipment. Price com
plete, $12,000; half cash, balance
good terpis at 6. :3ce Charles
A.; Wing Agency, Inc.
Confectionery and crocery store,
well equipped with fountain,
packers, show cases, etc. Doing
an exceltent, business. Well lo
cated. Price $3.5i0; terms. See
tMlarlus A. Wing Agencyi Inc.
' S02
FOR HUNT Large unfurnished
house, a. central. Inquire 228 N.
Ventral! i. ' , . t - . 2(iu
FOR RENT-Rooms for (pen. $12
month. , 8 Ijiurel. j , 2,0 1
FOR 8AI,I one 4 horse John
Deere alfalfa oultlvator; 1 fresh
cow.' 1 coming fresh soon. Hay
tn stack and In field. N. 11. New,
comb, .Itoss Lane. 200,
WANTKD Truck driving or ranch
work. Hex II. H., Mall Tribune.
FOR . HUNT Deslrnblo apt.
Quince St. ' 20
FOR RF.NT 0-room house. Phone
4H-R. ' , 202
WANTED Prune pickers at Duff
orcnai-d, 1 mile on Jacksonville
highway. . 200
FOR RRNT Modern furnished
ant. 1 Itl I .ii urt'l. 206
'Your Eyes First
Dr. D. A. Chambers
, , ' 404 Medford Bldg.
Films Free
West Side Pharmacy
t Dyw ludtyi sad Iraliujt
All tin Tim
M.- D. Lth, division manager,
A. 15. ,,Horn, aH8iaLun(j to division
manager; O. H. Ford, field sale
manager and H. H. Monher, divis
ion engineer, with V. I. 1'owein,
locul district munager, are Inspect
ing the properties of the General
Petroleum corporation la Medford
and district.
Mr. I,eh'8 visit, he said,' wfs
actuated hy the Hplendid nupport
given ly local niotorlKts to Violet
Ray gasoline and Socony p urn base
motor oil, to see If the present
efficient method of dispensing
Violet Hay gasoline and Socony
pnrnjinse motor, oil could in anv
way foe Irtiproved on. When ques
tioned regarding expansion of the
corporation in this valley,, and
community, his only comment wns
that such needed expansion wow Id
no doubt be taken care of Jn the
near future.
Although np official statement
was :mnde, It has been rumored
that the, General Petroleum cor
poration may establish a marine
base for supplies at Crescent City,
which would mean that the com
pany would run its own tan Item
to, that sea coast town. However,
it is said these plans will depend
to some extent , on, the., construc
tion of, .thp . proposed WilMams
creejt cut-off, bringing Medford 40
miles closer to the coast, and mak
ing the trucking of gasoline and
oils to this section of southern
Oregon a 'much easier problem.
Screen Sea Dogs
. at Rialto Today
Two sea dogs of tb screen are
united in "Hurricane." Ihcvnll
talking epic of the sea, now being
shown nt the Itialto theatre. They
thousands say. It's wonderful.the
way soothing, cooling Zemo brings
relief to skin which itches and burns.
Even in most severe cases, itching
disappears almost as soon as Zemo
touches the tender and inflamed sur
face. To draw out local infection and
help to clear away unsightly blem
ishes. we know of nothing better than
invisible Zenid.. Always keep this
family antiseptic on hand. Use it
freely. It's safe as can be. 3b'c, 60c
and 91.00. All dealers.
r. r
Vou need ike riqhl
service &s much as
righb ra.dio.
Zou, get. both.
Radio Service Laboratory
22 S. Grape :
Phone: Office 335; Ret. 1442
It takes a trained abstractor ;
to examine a title with any .
degree of certainty. Be sure,
of yours. Lei us work with
you from the moment you
consider purchasing. ' It will
cost surprisingly little. '
Jackson County
Abstract Co.
121 E. Sixth St.
Phone 41
are ruiph lninej director,. find Ho-
bart Boswortn- Btarv'Tnese two
have .bee;i , uw8oclat,ed, ,w(th nea
drama's Jib lorig that' it' 'id difficult
id ,tihrilf .oflin.e without thinking
ot th others ) . . ' -
Hosworth Is responsible for the
first sea nlcture ever brought to
i the screen. It was the sensation
!of its day and In proportion to its
j cost, made more money than any
other picture has ever made.
! Exponents of the virile type of
! ho.mnn iiini In mmn(mrrl tn he the
product of the sea, Ince nnd Bob
wurth make a combination that
has produced An "Hurricane" one
of the most fascinating pictures' of
the year. ;
. Johnny ' Maclc Brown Is cast , as
the-Juvenile lead In "Hurricane"
while, L,eila Hyams and Leila Mc
Intyre have ., the only . feminine
roles. . j . -
MQther and Daughter Praise
Vegetable Compound j
. Johnnon City, N. Y. "My "daufih
tor Wtta only 20 yenra old, but for
two yeara rihj
worked in miB-;
pry. Bhe was all'
run-down, nerv-
oua, had aelie i
and pains find no j
appetite. I wnp
taking Lydia K. i
Pinkliain's Vego-J
lable Compound j
with good results ,
so Bhe decided to
try it. Before j
Bhe had taken '
two bottles her appetite was better,
she wqb more cheerful and was able
to vorl. X cannot praise your medi-!
cine too Highly. It is wonderful for I
mothers .and for daughters. It's
surely 'a friend in need.'" Mrs. L.
E. Haix, 22a Floral Avenue, Jobiiscu
Qity, Ji. Y.
Do you know
it's only 10
weeks till
Make an appoint
ment N O W for
your photographs.
318 Medford Bldg.
' Phone 1308
i. 4-i r "va ... i s r tm r ....
Also .
Mttl INu NtA i rnium
JTiii toward Parent-Teachers' ns-
wlll meet at the schoolhouse Krl
day evening, Octouer 11. Parents
are urged to attend and n special
Invitation Is extended to fathers.
All Hopkins Lateral users deslr.
Ing to purchase more water, who
have not already notified the dis
trict, are requested 10 do so at
once. Phone 317, Medford.
.12 North Central Avenue. 187t(v
Fifth Avenue, New York City
At the Small Town Wise Guy Who Outsmarts Broadway
' JJ
j'.' Phone . " 4
AUt xsr vi
You are cordially invited to inspect these latest New
York and Paris creations. .
Medford National Bank Bldg.
Eve Benson Dancing AcarJemy J
' "- - : Medford. Center'Building 'r.'' '
Unllet, Top, Novelty, Acrobatic, Tap, Spanish, Dreaka
wny, etc.' For children mid adults. ";.-
Special. Classes for Women Thursday! 7 iW V. M. .
New ballroom steps. . ' y
PHONE 1111 !
From Ring Lardner't Famous Ply
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