Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, October 04, 1929, Page 12, Image 12

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    RfEDFORD MATTj TTtrBtryK, HfTmFOTtT), OftECiOy, FRTDAY, OCTOBER 4. 1029.
Corvultls. Oct. 4. (Special) A
hlRli first term rejtlHtratloii, in spite
of continuing good went liar caus
Ing delayed return of old xtudentis
employed In forests, und on farms
during tho summer, In noted In the
first enrollment report issued to
day by E. H. 1-omoii, registrar.
A totnl reBlfllratlon for tlio term
of between 3400 und 3500 is indi
cated by the early registration of
31K5 on today's report, says Mr.
Lemon. An oven 12(10 freshmen
are already enndlcd, Indicating n
total of some 1GU0 new Htudcnts in
the course of tho year, us predicted
earlier. -
Mechanlcul engineering shows
lh .r.a n.n..LA,l . I ,..,. r.e In Hirla.
tratlon, while vocational education
and homo economics are also show
ing larger totals limn a year ago.
Chemical engineering with fit freHll
ilian hag tho largest beginning en
rollment In Its history.
Fraternities have pledged 'M!
men at the clime of the first tush
period, this being a larger total
than wait announced a yeur ago at
this time.
a i l l '
of the n mount of the bid. " The nd. Also excepting, commence his wife: O. .
rt-'ht li rcsoi-vcil In releol nnv orf... ih 1..1 eritectlnn nf the Cn. road Iloe Anderson.
all proposals, to ucccpt the pro-n, t ll - division line between the Itrown uiHl Jane lion rov ; "' '.i,.f ns to the Court shall
Andcm.n and Jane dobu.rre,l from asserting any aj
his wife: J. t.. i wnaic.i i .7.... .... ,.
nis i or an..
pusul submitted by uny bidder, and ( nnrth one-hlf iinrt tlie south one-twifc
I.. K.
hnleul defects, us the
the city may i-ciiuire.
Ipes, Sluyor.
Hy M. L. Alfurd, Itecorder. I!l7
part thereoi, unci
Just i.n.l eiiuitublc.
nnii Is nubllshcd by
riler of llonoraoio j- -r X
hlllf "t HI'' I MOmilH irUHW 'll I'UIUI- ; i ,ini-in',.. ...... - - - Tl,!
lion l.iinrt Claim .No. 5 1 In Town-Mhem nr.' Ilvlns. nnd if uny then-of
ship 3S south of Uunge 1 west. Wil- are .ka.J. then the unKn . 7 ', ' of ,hc nbove entitled Court,
ii i,-,.-. ........ iu iiHinit Heniemoer J.
und wnlcii uiriuis
: i. ll. .1. ml iii.n wnfif
Hen or interest in tho rea - J ' v w eeks and re-
t Hi I'fiinii !i III i'" " . .. ,
iMlK'ltf nnt i-iinniiitr ' nC our
.i . i t i. .ii i. ,.r iin-i,.u i.i' ri.iriiM uii-i
rifncc itifinu in" rouiuy man m i ui i- - . ft
J : . . i,... 1 ? I f-...i L r.l-iiinfii nnv riiiht. I1IH'. I w-
UKTH.'t rUTIIUIIK HOUlll'.VfSt Ml n wuii", u'li n'k'.'
Hi lieu., H" tuln.,
Niiilv in fiiiiiriielors.
Oi toWi-r 3 ' iitif K. It. rik'ht nf way; thence in a : lHnin,, the above
v..ii i-i.i- ymh.n iu h.m.l.v KdiithfsiHK'rlv (llrt rtt(n nt an nuKto i ilant:
IIAXAUI), Ky. IV A few claya ' iwn that hhln .v m.w callc .l fur Db 1. m o. h K k
L-i lhi-v iircni-lifil the runcinl .r tl111'- Ktittcr ami imvcmvrit i riwht of way 8. feci nioro or Uhh
V Vi m . !u , ! iHedilv Avenue from the W.-st line to the illvision line of airt clulm.
ion of Mllliam (HmoUlnff Af lAnl"wli Strit-t to KukI thniuo east alotm naht divis on line
j K
Slacy, a centenarian. ,. " of iin,i,,v An-nue: and the i to the phu e of beKiimin;
The funeral Kcrmun wag pronch-' wading and wnvellln'f of the ful-j' Parcel No. 4.
m.v..hI mnnll.. M.. 0... lowlll" St WlHI The folloVVlnC
riiA.i in f.n., with or. i I. Nan-nun Street from AVewt pro
' custom of the mountain hoc t Ion of
named Uefen- u" ires you to .t" '
tne coniiiinioi vii v , j. i
r..iii. uHk from tho dato of
In the Name of lb-State of Ore- nr(it ,,,,1.11-i.t ion hereof, tho
gon: You are hereby required w, , t f w,ch first publication is
atiprtur und answer the complaint : s ,..ltPln i)t.r . 1!IL"J. The dtto of
flb-il ntrutnst voti in the above en-i'. M,.inilinn of tills tium-
tilled suit on or beforo the exlilra-' J l)(.;UOI. 4, 1U29.
- " r . - . 111011s
Uull of four weens irom lite uuiu Dated
and first published this
rribod ' real!., fll. , M-hUMtlon of thl. Hum-1 ... ,,., , st'ember. 1923.
lerty situated in Jucklun Coun-. ,nMi whleh dale of exi!i'otion Is ; OSCAR FUIlllBBT,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Jackson Street to Clark Street. j ly. oreuoii. to-wn : , fixe,. by oriler ot tne nnove emiio u
'I. West Tenth Street, from Koutn neuinmiig i uie niii'ir.;uu.i "'ironrt ns tne 1111 nay 01 ii-it,.,.-. .
' Central Avenue to the Intersection
i of alley between Itlocka 17 und 18.
I original Town
the easterly side line of North Msln. jt y,,,, HO fttn tu anpe.11- and
street in the City of Ashlunil. Jack-I unrKfr. pliiinllff -will apply to tho
,.n r'r.nnli' Orbifon. with the : ... i1.. tlm i-itlinf m:iverl for ill
t'be iilahs aiid stieelflefttlons can southerly side line of Sheridan IH complaint, to-n-it: That n de-
be seen lit the office of the City 1 street: thence northwesterly noing i ,. fee be entered in tlie above entlti
liecorder in the City Hall at tho sild easterly side line of North 8U, determining l.ny and nil
corner of Sixth and Front Streets. 1 Main street" feet; thence north- .rL.i,t, title, - estate, lien or claim
Medford. Oregon.' easterly nl right angles to said wliicl von or any of you have or
lie City Council will
lOA'ILU POINT, Ore., Oct. 4.
(Special.) .Mr. and Mrs. S. K.
Itat-hog entertained Sunday in
honor of K. It. Hliuw of Ashliiiid,
who celebrated bis birthday iinnl
versary. A sumptuous dinner wus
sen-cd. Invited guest Wi,-0 ...
and Mrs. V. A. Cook, Mr. and .Mrs.
Howard fjcarhurt and daiiichter
Marthn, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Vestal, Mr. and Mrs. Wlllnrd MHes
nrtd daughter Timis and baby Miles
and Mj WiittenliorR, nil of Ash
land; Nettle tlrover of .Medford,
Mr. and Mrs. William Perry, Mr.
and .Mrs. Lerny S111III1, I.yle and
iturbara, J'enrl Stowell, Miss Fran
ces Jtnrnes, of Uimlu Point; V.
Carrlgan of llrldKc, Oiccon, und
the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs.
8. IC. Humes." The honored Buest,
r- rtoiiH, roici 0111M-11 1110 Kuesiq
by giving reiidhifcs and speeches.
'" '
southeastirn Kentucky.
Tho custom Mill followed In
many communities, had a reason
jable oriuiii. IJecades nso, when
i the country was scantily settled
! and praclioi-s were few, It was
virtually Impossible to hold tho
funeral service nt tho tlmo of the
: burial, it sometimes took a week
: to Ki't in communication with tho
minister, and because of absence
j of Kood roads and rnlli-oads. a
mutter of 26 or 0 miles meant u' Kadi bid must be accompanied I east line of North Main street ul
hard trip. bv a certified el k or bid bund ; the place of bCKiiinliiR.
1 11 .'. 41 1..., , .!.. i.. llom rive ncr cent l!illAnd Ihat bv said decree it be do-
i.ia.i, , 1 1111111.H iiinnjs 1 ' . 1 . . ,,,,,.,,.,, ...,,1
Iriuhl Is reserved to reject any or 1 each of yuu have no rlKht, title,
lull proposals, to accept the pro-: estate, lien or claim iu or to said
O Address: Cue Title and Trust
l:ldK.. Portland. Orogon
sealed proposals therefor, and the
North Main street 4R feet, more orj(.im 1() ,nv(, jn or ln the follow
less tu the rliflii of way lino of 1,.,, described real estate or any
proposals will bo opened In the the S. P. It. It.; thence southeast- nll.t thereof, situated in the County
Council Chamber of the City Ilull.erly alonit said rlsht ot way line , nf Jackson, Stale of Oregon, to
on Tuesday cvelllnK, October 15, 1 82 Vj feet: thence west 6K feet more : wt:
... f.'in n, or less In r.n intersection with the 1 Pnrw.l 'n 1.
I VI l
ftlMM r. "L""' "
liy virtue of an executiori on
foreclosure duly issued out ofd
under the seal of the Circuit C. t
or tho State of Oreuon, In and for
the Countv ot Jackson, to mo di
rected and dated on September itli,
111211, in a certain suit therein nend
ln wherein Delroy fjetchell was
and Is plaintiff, und A. W. Walker
and others were defendants, and
Haliseam aiul v. 1.. vuiner
; were careful to select a preacher
I who was a .favorite of the dead
i person, requiring more lime
funerals of this kind it was not
1 nc 1 uir nL' ociiuriucu iv: .. ...
''a .f'. Plnt 4 feet which sutd suit said C reuit Court
northwest ot the junction of the made: 1 endi ,r 1 and n or,J"'1"
rooniv road and the division line eree under date of hei icmocr t,tli,
At i ,m-a submitted hy any bidder, and ! real estate or any part thereof, and between the north and south half l:i2!l, and w hicn sau t o ecri u '
nit:!., -.ilv. icclinleal defects, as the that the title of the plaintiff thereto nf the Thnmns Arundell Donation corded in tolumo 4 w ino u tun
taaufiule-u' J'rvn I'lmlu
Irene Franklin, blonde tinger of mischievous songs,' makes a
comcoack to the New York musical comedy stage in "Swest Adeline"
after many years In vaudeville. '
Snake in Golf Cup
of Shot put Champ
Causes Loud Yelps (A
'NMW .YOHK- W) A recent
hhartlt meelliiur of u lariie ctmipany
threw Hitme llnltt mi tliu old iiuoH-
non or inu exieiu uirer-torN tu ho mo
eorpuratlanH . Hpeeultftu In lliclr
own MfOurllltH.
The fh-Hl matter tii for dlm'UH
Hion wa a propoNiil to reduce, the
noininon Htouk dividend rate. The
(HrertoiH voted to reduce It and
Hefuro the meeting huh adjourn
ed a few mlnuteH later all except
(tjv otithe .directoi'H. on olio pre
text or. another, had left the hoard
room long unouKh to un6 thu tele-phune.
SKATTM-: (P To Herman
lltix, national A. A. V. Hhot
put chunipion and former
tackle on tho University of
WawhlDKloii football team,
Klf holdH more ttirlllH than
all other HportM put. toKether.
J le Won a set of cIiiIih thiH
Humtner and IhouKht he
would try IiIh hand jit the
ancient Scott lnh pastime.
On the eleventh hole Itrlx
had beginner'! luck to wink a
chip Hhitt and he roared with
rIcc. A few Keconds later be
let InoHc with a Hecond and
louder yell. In rcuehtntf Into
the cup for hiH ball hla hatut
wakped a cold clammy Ktib-
Htnut'o thnt wurin't n.ctul. Jt
WitH a Hnake, ' '
uncommon to have ax iniiny an nix ' Interest of the City miv.v require
......... i fi'l'V 1 'fit VIM 1j.
ju-citcncrH iukijik pail. iteiatlveri
and friends gathered from all sec
tions to attend the Hervlcp.s, nud
HometimcH hh ninny uh li'Mj to TiOO
were prenent. The HervlueH UHimlly
lasted all day. mid KotuctlmcH
hmKer, taking the form of outdoor
religious meeting.
1 ,
Rogue Pears at
Legion Conclave
Publicity Stunt
Nil llonal B11 mdcast In? Cii.
0 to 6:30 p. ni. Interwoven
l 'air. The interwoven Pair, JJUly nroductH. OramieH from t'all-
JoneH and Krnle Hare, will appear 4. f, ja nnd l-hiid-i. Hokiio
I.OI ISVIM.IV Ky., Oct. 4.
(Special.) "The homo town"
received a lot of advertiHlng
at the American Lesion eon-
ventlon, leKionnalros from sev
8 eral state and towns Bivinif
out mimpleK of their favorite
before a microphone at New Vork
City to broadcast a half hour of
coniedy and melody through KHQ,
KOMO, Kt!V, KUO, Kl'O and
0:30 to 7 p. m. Philco hour.
Details for this program not avail
able. 7 to 7:30 p. m, Armstrong
Quakers. Greeting tlieir first na-
tlver A'alley, tlregon, pears:
lly A. W. I'llics. .Mayor.
I'.y .M. I.. Alford. Itecorder. li'i
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for tho County of Jack
Southern Oregon Clas Corporation,
a. corporation, l'laintiff. vs.
Oregon Cias and Kleclrie Company,
a corporation; ltoguo Itlver Val
ley tins Company, a corporation:
J. It. Anderson and Margaret -VI.
Anderson, sometimes known and
described as M. M. Anderson,
his wife; C W. Anderson and
tim Anderson, his wife: J.
no uo
his wife: I.. K. Wakeniin aim
.lane lo Wakcmun, his wife;
Kxehlcl Jones and ' Jane Doo
Jones, bis wife, if any ot tlicm
...... n..,i ir unv thereof arc
dead, then the unknown heirs of I
such thcrcor as are aeao. uis
Ml other persons or parties un
known, claiming any right, title,
estate, lien or interest In the real
estate described In the complaint
herein, llefendunts.
To Oregon das and Electric com
pany, a corporation; Roguo Klvor
Valley lias Company, a corpora-
J. K. Anderson ana aiuiHm i.
is valid and that It is the owner I i.nnd Clnl mN'o. 41 In Township .IS
thereof in lee simple: tnat you nn! smith of Itunge I west or the vt .
each and all of you and all personB ; m., and running thence along the
claiming by or through you or any j county Head In a northwesterly
of you be forever enjoined anil de- direction 4t0 feet; thence running
Fiai-reti irom asserting uny ciauii southwest at an angle of no u'1
whatever In or to said real estate J rees. 800 feet, more or le
Court Journal of Jackson County,
Oregon, at pages r.22-523 thereof,
and which said decree ordered
spread upon tho journal of said
court ill" mandate of the Supremo
Court of the Stale of Oregon, wimcii
the hears dale of July 13th, WJ. and
or any part thereof, and for such railroad right of wav; thenco In a which reversed the former decree
other relief ns lo tho Court Khali ! southeasterly direction, at an angle of said Circuit ouii
of 99 degrees 45 minutes, or along dated r enruary i, i., .........
the railroad right of wav. to the said latter decree as so rendered
division line ot said claim: thence. and entered gave and granted
eusl along said division lino to tin. I unto the said Linnie Hanscum and
southwest boundary of the HohalllA. C. Walker, as said appellants
tl'MI ,,,! wblcl, .Hi-cfts 'Ihul this l. ; nPl, ,li. noil ib'fcndantS. a' llTSt, SUpenor,
summons be published once a week recti, ,n at an angle of 13U degrees ' prior und paramount lien against
for four successive weeks and re- 0 minutes or along said boundary i the hereinafter desc Hbed premisj.)
quires you to appear and answer the I "10 feet to the place of commtnc- as of date of July mil, 1JH. in inv
e:i.. i l. , . I'lll'l II? anil ni'dftrPfl Kililll
seem .lust nnd equitable
This Summons Is published by
order of Honorable 11. 1. Norton.
Judge of the above entitled Court.
which order is dated September
coiniilalnt on file herein on or before ; lug
fa ,.,.,-n i,-i iri,.ti ,.t 111 Ailloll
from loiva; pamphletH cut In M. Anderson, 0cle;ndn""0Y"
the shape of firnpefrult from
4 the TCIo Grande valley, and a
mule, (a real live one) led by
the Missouri unit, were but a j
few of tho ndvcrtlsinR stuntH.
tlon-wfde audience with a nuiHlcul I .-- .zz 1
"Ib-llo, Kverybody," the Armtrnnn 1 $TATEMENT OF OWNER8HIP, MANAdE- J a'end; aluo all olher persons or paW
Quakers will present their initial
weekly proKi'ams. Two voenl solo-
IntH. Lois Ilennett, Hoprano, nud
Mury I hippie, contralto, ' a Kultar
riololHt, the ArniHtroiiK t-Juukers
maie (uariet nnt an urcucHira - ,.,,rpii s s. smitlt ,
t(Ml by Ictor -Anlcn will pnv- wmn m.-conliiite to I:iw
UST 24. 1912.
nf i Hi- M-tfoi-d Atiill 'I'lllnnir iil)li(t)iccl
iliiilV lit Miilfiml. eicu'iu, ri MrtuhiT I
Itt'tori' mi', u tiulnrv imblti; in hihI for tlir
Mull1 ami 1.(11111 1 j ait'O hiiiti, iientviinny
liaviim hft'ii duly
dt'OOM-9 uhil Ml.
tielpate Ift the presentation which '" '""1? 'J,,11
comes lo the West from the NliSs f1f tllp tvsl o( kri,w).,(. anrJ
New Vork KtUillos. l!roadeust lii'llif, n true ntulrinriit of tin' owneu'liip,
i. i.-i ii i.-.iMi. ! iii.iiu.u-ctiipiit fiiinl if ii tl:iilv im nor. tli, cir.
! i'V , ',vv-",,"' ..,iti..i. -t.:. or n: Uii' Mik-anuii
I K0 aixl In I 1. fr (). ,i;lU' hIiuwii fn ihn Ihvc cuiition, r-
7;3 to 8 p. m. Armour pro- j ipim) by tin- Art vt August ti, t'Jlii, cm-
iri'ii iti lVoil Wit III nor lint innnllv I tnl l In ttirjnn 4 1 1 Cohtul I.jWk', imtl
fnumiiH tenor, -will be
niKbt hy auditor of NHS K,vnlem
slatlotiH tuned tu the weekly inond
TA1J0NT. Ore., Oct. 4.- (Spe
elal.) 1,11 Me Kreda Nichols was
out for the ril-Ht time today rdncc
relurninic from tho hospliiil, She
contracted ptirumonla when she
narrowly uscaped drownlUK nfter
falling Into an IrrlnuiUui ditch
tlmt runs tlirotmh the yard at their
home near Talent.
nun fai.. tut. i(,Vj-
Mrn. Alma Curlllii was being held
hy nuthorllies today petiilhiK an
Investigation Into (ho shooting to
death of her husband, KohiiIco, far.
rllln. at their ranch home uoulh
casl of l.os .Miillnos.
Oriicers said Iho woman shot her
husband after a tunrrel Ihat had
followed n thinking parly.
HA KICK, Ore. (A1) Two furax-
uv ueni H wil l a nan I iiaiicucu tin. ,
for hums, biicoli. anciir.'Tliiiir nud cast of the Armour program. Jos
henns, hut whhdi apparently didn't "'ph ICocstner directs the llii plcee
even slop nt rat poison, came lo n j Armour orchestra w hich is font
tragic end 111 tlrtint county moiin-i "rod with a male vocal trio. Iiroad
lalns. ci si through KIKi. Ktuio, KI'.W,
When lOnr Huy, miner, left Ills Kl' and Kl.
hiiitinlalll cuhln rnr Ihe smniui'r he s I" 9 '' 1'A hour. Airs
locked bacon, hams. sncUs of r.ugiir. i ''" operna woven Into a program
flour nnd lietins inside. Two rov-1 "f classic gems in other forms and
lite, hours caught the ottor ot meat Henry 11. ny.ies astronomical u-e
und tore a hole In the roof.
Tito meat lusted brleily and they
dragged the lOu-poiiud sucks of
bonus anil Hour to the roof.
Mut (he last thing they did he
Torn leaving tho cuhln wns sample
stitiiu rut poison.
Their bodies were fottitd tnur
thu cnhlti when Uny returned.
heard to- , " ,.ir: '
ture will be highlights of Ihe
Itl'A hour program. Margaret
O'lleu. coiilrnlto, will offer the
only vocal excerpt from gri.nd
opera when she sings "II Segreto
per I'isser Kellcl" (The Secret of
liolug llupiiyl from lioiilzeltl's
"l.ncrezla llorgla." Henry XI.
Hyde's led ure on the subject of
The .Moon" ill the second section
I'litit the ntinipii mill fliMri-HHi'i of tlic
IihIiIIhIii'I , Mlitur, intiliyKliiir oilltor, insl liu
iiici-ji iiiiiiuigciH lire: CuIiIIhIih, Ueilforil
Prinliiiir Co., Mi-'lfiinl, Orr(oii cilPor,
Unlit. V. Until. Mi'Hfoni, Ori'irun; miiimKliiif
clilnr, It'ila'. W. Itiilil. Mrilfnrtl, IbrKuei
Im.liipHs iiuiiixgrr, S. S. Miuilli, Mt'ilfortl.
2. That Ihe ownrm nre: A. M.' Until.
It'l.fnrn. IIIIiiuIk; II. W. Itulil, Uiillord,
lliiftisi; Ituhl. Ruhl, Mttlfurilt Oifgnii; N,
S. Sniilli. 11. goo; Urn. N. H.
Smith. MrUfoitl. dregoii; Uyrtl. W. Uluks
liv. llnltiii.l, Orooli.
It. T!ml thv immli heiiilliiil.lrrii, mort
Cl?iv8. mut oIIiit Bc.-iirlly liold.m tinning
or hiililiiift I pi-r irnt nr more ot tot.l
.mount of Iwimlij, miirtgUKi'g, or other sreur
llle. .re iioiip.
1. Thai the two putngraiih. next Alsive
uliii.K Ihe iiaitii-. uf Ihe uwnen htiKkliohl'
em. unit security htihler.. it ma, lontmn
mil' mily tli lui ut Mm-kliiililer. mill secur.
lly tinlilers n. they niieiir Um Ihe IshiK.
.it the f.Hiii:niv, inn alvn, it, in. where
ihe sIih Kliiil.ter nr !".ciiiil' iiiiejril
UIHiu Ihe Ihhi), nf the itaiii,m us tnu.tee
or in .nr oilier fiituei.rr relathm, Ihe luiui.
ol uie Hr.uli nr inreoruliou Mimni siii'h
I...I bv .o .relieslral!1"":1 '" ben; 0I.0 tluit ttie
... , .tin ivo iimtuni .l.leimltlK .111
'MLHpatW was
Let's tdkealookdfc
some radio3.tdd.i&
Come oi-v.-we 'lL
qo dowa bo '
Radio Service Laboratory
2t . Orp
rhon! Offic 335: Rn. If
WAUKKN. N. II.. fat. .1. ll'
Klv men, field workoiK for Ihn
New Kimland Power eoinpHiiy, were
killed al a urndo itohhIiik of the
llimlon & Mtilnn rallnnd today
when their inilnmulilh- wok.
fHhed hy n Hnshm to Montreal
Until. The dend:
Wllllnm K. JohiiHon, 21, Kver
Kleen, Ala.
.Ioh.'liilr. 2". tinmklyn. N. Y.
Pnul Haldwht, 'Jl, Unrton, Vt.
HukIi Tueker, -T, Texas.
K r n e h I Aiiili'vuon, Worcester,
MiOpflioii. A Mienhil Hnlult Will la;
I Marold Hprtiitdliij;. It r o a d e n h t
thrinmh KIKi. K(Ml, Ki V.
Ktld. KP( and 1KI.
I to man p. m. Ittirdi-M ltrn
Knun. ProHcnted ly a Hiiar
Ict, hu-ldental Mitltiistn, nnd lltr
Honli n hand under I'IuiiIi-h llart'8
dlnrtli'ii. Uie weekly ae-mlmm-I
lord en pinKiaiu 1e liennl
tlunimli K1IW. K(i.Ml, KliW.
KUO, KPU. Kb' I, KS1, and KOA.
l:'M to M p. in. t niun Secv
lee Station Kour. The rnlini Simv
lee Station Kour. a iinrlet of ver
HHtlh' Insli nmenlal and vocal art
stn. will he heard In a tlht mii
ti al pruKram llirotiKli KIUJ, KU.NU.
10 to 1 1: :iu p. m. "In the Par
lor." The front room of Mix. Syl-
VeHler TpdlkeV flivt w It I ho the
tinirlriff aftiutil s (ml k turn If (Iirt- ;iml lutl. f hh
lo tl:c t-irt unittntHY atxl itnulitnm' unliT
vliidi sUn-llwUtfi mmI rrwil ltWk Imi
tin not pi';ir mum ihr Iiuoan o( tin i-nn-enny
a Irtisli. hnM MmA anil wiirltii'i
tu tpufity tttlirr tlmn Itmt nf Imhiu li-k
i". hit; hihI Hits itt(iTil mi rtdMin to Im
Hcmp Hiilt uny tillii r in-rum, u-hiH (mi nr
i-4iririHeii tiitv uny IiiIitpvI Ofrrt t nr huli
ni I In ttie .lit) dttN-lt. l-tniil or oIIht
iiirltle-i (hnii to tn n.inl hy Mm,
i. 'I liui Hie a.vrnj,e utiinbvr of ctijiien
it f.ieli 1(.j.up t thih inlblKutlfln noltl m
.llktrllmtvil, tlintiiKli tli tii.tiln or othi'mlnw,
lo pi( nilm.-rilwi-m ihirtna the l montha
prnrtling Itif d.itt tlitmii ulotr U 11 71.
S. S. SMI'UI, MffT
Nwoni In mi'l iiMrr:tKl before me tlill
tlh ila (if Urtolnr, 1
Noturv IVbllr.
(My ri m:nklti rpirc Apiri t, tH.tJit,
)tkv to I'llMlitolN.
XnUce Ih hereby Klvea Uifit. I
have hern appointed hy tho County
Court of .laekHon County. Oreu-on.
.dniint.tritnr of the estate of llat-
setttni for amdher half hour ii tie At. I'iekctt. deceased, and have
old-tliue nuisic and hutnoioiH din- qualified. All pernonn having
loitue. Muslenl InteiludeH will he i ' "iinis iiUMiom HJtiii esinie arc here
provided hy these and olher art
WAHIIINt :TO X. ( et . A . (A!
Senittor lleflin, lemoerat, Ala
Imiiiii, Haiti hefore the aenato nrl
eultinitl eointultteo that he would
idmrtly iok an Investlmitlon hy the
Hi'iiiite lo determine whether there
Ih h "eonaptrary to depres tho
price of coUoti."
"I invnelf think there 1 a eon
Kpliney to depreMH the piieo of rot
ton." ll. riln nald.
"t don't know Whether tho te.t
IIIch nre In ll. I don't know
whether Clayton. Anderson nre In j
'I "t f Mtn nultm to have It in-1 APPLES COMING FOR
Isls. The run I In ii II y Is from the
Hen of 11. C. Connote. ItriiiulcHut
throimh KHQ, K II. KSI. und
lti:.1(i to II i. in. "The No
mad. " llol lni; In fuuey frum one
lilciureMiiue locullty to fiuotlicr i
their tniuitiniitionH ure HtlniulutiMl
by de8erlillve nielndlert from ihe
works of modern cemnoser!, "The
NoinmU" will hrviiulciiHt n luilf
hour prouruni through K110. Kl't.
KSI. u n.l KilA.
1 1 to. IJ nil.lnluht. Musical
.M u.vketeer!..
the 11 pine b.iud which will In
terpret n croup of eupcclully nr
ruiiKed none nnd dunce fnvorltei. IhrotlKll KUW, K(.l.Mtl
und Kfd.
i by notified' to present them, with
i proper voucher, nnd duly verified,
to me ut my olfice In Hie Medford
liiilldlmr. In .Medford. (irccon. with.
in six months from the dale of this
notice, limed und flrsl pulillshed
Hclober tlh. man.
hia wife; Ci. W. Anderson and Jane
Doo Anderson.- ills wue; j.
HroA-n und Jnno Uoo Brown, nls
wife; I.. K. Wakoinnn nnd Jaiio Doe
Witkeinan, IiIh wife; JCzeklol Jones
and June Doe Jonen, his wife, if
anv of them ure llvins. and if any
ibi'.icof nre ilend. then tho un
known heirs of nilell thereof as nre
ties unknown, clulininix any riKiit;
i ltl.. nsintn. lion nr interest in the
real estate deserlbod in the com
plaint herein, the ubove named de
fendants: '
In the niimo of the Rtnto of Orc
ffon: Vou nro hereby reiiuired to
nppear und answer tho comiilalnt
filed auuliiBi you In the above en
titled suit on or beforo tho expira
tion of four woekn from the date of
the first publication of this sum
mons, 'which date ot expiration is
fixed bv ord-r of Ihe above entitled
cotllt us thu -till day ot October,
1H2U; it you so fail to appear and
unswer plaintiff will apply to tho
Court for tho relief prayed for in
Its complaint, to-wlt: That n cle
creo be entered In the nbove entitl
ed suit determining- uny and all
rlnht. title, estate, lien or clnim
which you or any of you have or
claim to have In or to the foilowins
described real estate or any part
thereof, situated In tho Counties of
Jnekson. Josephine anil JJouulas,
State of oreuon, to-wlt:
l'arcel No. 1.
Tho followlni? described
property situated In Josephine
County. OreRon, to-wlt:
Beclnnlnu nt a point 21.87 chains
north of tho southwest corner of
Donation Land Claim No. 38, Sec
tion 17. Township Sri south, ItanKe
5 West of the Willamette Meridian.
Oreuon: tlieneo east a distance of
ULTi.SIl feet; tllenee north a distance
of K.n feet: thence west ti distance
nf hl'o.BD feel: tlioueo south a dls
tnneo of K'O feet lo place of beuin
nlni. beiliK the south liU feet uf
the tract ennveyed to Catherine
l'hillips by J. 1. Calvert and wife,
and recorded in Volume 3 at paiie
184. Deed Heeorils of Josephine
County, Oregon. .
Also n point 21. S7
chuiiiH north niiil "2r.3ii feet east
oT the southwest corner of Dona
lion I.nnd Claim No. as ill Section
17. Township :(' south, IIhuxo G
west of the Willamette Merhlii.n.
Josephine Couulyi Oreuon, and run
time llience east a disttineo of
-o.HO feeti thence north u dlvtnnee
of J.'iO feet: thence west it distunee
of L'jri.311 feet: thence south tudlH
tance of KiU feet to place nt i)p
ultthinff. beiliK the south l.'id feet of
Ihe tract conveyed to tleorue !:. Har
rows by J. I.. Culvert and wife and
recorded in Volume 31 ut puko 48 1,
Deed llecords ot Josephlno Couhty,
I. ess and exeeplmp from the
liremlses last nhove ilescrlhed a
tract ot land tin feet In width off
the enst nldii thereof conveyed to
the tirants l'ass und RoifUo ltiver
ltallroad company.
Parcel No. I',
Lois 0, 7 ami 8 In Second It a 1 1 -read
Addition to the Pity of Hose
hilrit, In the county of Dour-Iks and
Stale of fireiron,
l'ureel No. .1. " . .
The follo-vlnit described real
properly situated In Jackson Ceun
t', tircKiin, to-wli:
Commeiiclnir ul , the Northwest
corner of the Thotnas Arundell Do.
nation Land Clulm No. 41 In Town
ship 3S South of ItatiRo 1 West ol
Wllliinielte Meridian and running
thence south ts.55 chains to tin
division line between tho nortli
ricr mil.licntifm hereof, thn ilair- of 1 1.... 1 1. ;..i,t ,.t ... ..i,... .tivi.ii.n I be sold iii tho manner provided by
whlch first publication is September line of said claim; exceptine and law for the purpose of satisfy:n
6. I!i2!i. The date of the last pub-, reservitu; also riKht of way for ir-!said decree, accruing costs and ac-
llcation of this suiiimons Is October rirjation ditch. :crued interest thereon.
4. ia:. fn ice i x,i . I Notice Is hereby Riven that. pur-
Dated r.nd first published this The fnllowlne described realisuunt to the terms of said execu
6th day of September. 12. I property situated In Jackson Coun-jtlon, nnd said decree, I will on the
OSCAlt KURL'SKT. ! ty, Oreiton. to-wlt: jlilth day of October, 1929, at tho
Attorney for l'laintiff. I CommencliiK at a point C31 feet front door of the Courthouse in the
P. O. Address: SOS Title and Tylst northwest of the junction of the ' City of Medford. Jackson County.
Ride. Portland. Oreuon. I Countv road and the division line : Orecon. offer for sale and Will sell
i between the north and south half-at public auction for cash to the
SUMMONS ;of tile Thomas Arundell Donation i hichest bidder, to satisfy said lion
In tho Circuit Court of the State of il.-iml Claim No. 41 in Township 38 and decree as aforesaid, together
Oregon for the County of Jack-iSouth of Kange 1 West of the W.I with the costs of this sale, subject
.M.. and running thence along Wo i" redemption as nroviueu oy law,
County road in a northwesterly ill- free und clear from any and all
rectlon 21S feet: thence running ; right, title, estate, Hen and Interest
southwest at an angle of 90 degrees; that said plaintiff, Delroy Oetchcll.
Till feet to the division line be-1 or said defendants, A. W. Walker,
tween the north and south half of Katie Walker, K. if. reimport,
said claim; thence :llo feed more ' Frank C. Brumwclt, Superintendent
or less, in an easterly diiectioiiiof Hunks of the State of Oregon,
described as SI. SI. Anderson, his, along said division line; thenco in' Mullock .Mercantile Agency, tier
wife; O. W. Anderson and Jalio ' a northeasterly direction ut and! Inch liurklow Co., Otter Manufae-
Doe Anderson, his wife; J. C. along a line bisecting the County luring Co., New England Fabric
Drown and Jane Doe Brown, his ( road at right angles, 492 feet to ! Slantllncturing Co., The Osborne
wife: I.. K. Wnkeman and Jano l hlnce of commencement. Reserv-i Co.. Louis Roeseh, State Industrial
Doe Wakeman. Ills wife; if any i in and excepting 16 feet for right Accident Commission. Gus New
ot them nro living, nnd It any lot way nlong said division line of bury, might have or claim to have
thereof are dead, then the tin-! said claim: also, reserving nnd ex- In and to the following described
known heirs of such thereof ni'ceptlng a right of way for an irri- premises lying and being situate in
are dead: aiso all other persona gallon ditch. Jackson County, Oregon, to-wit:
or parties unknown, claiming any Anil that by said decree It lie do- 1 Lot One (1) of Hlock Forty-nino
right, title, eslate, lien or In-; clared and udjudged that you, nnd Mi'l of the City of Sledford. Oro
terest in the real estato described 1 each of you have no right, title. t gon, as the samo is designated, de?
in the Complaint herein, le- i estate, ilea or clulm In, or to said 1 llncated, numbered .nnd dcRcrlbilf'
lenilants. real eslate or any part 'thereof, and upon the official plat thereof titW-
To Oregon Ons and Klcetrlo Com- Unit the title of the plaintiff them- i of record.
pany. a eoi-poraiion: ltoguo Iliverjlo-ls valid and Ihat it is Ihe owner Dated this 12th day of Scptcm-
Valley (las Company, a corpora- thereof In fee simple; that you and bor, l!i2!f. ; ;
Hon; J. it. Anderson and Margaret ! each and all ot you and all per-1 KAl.l'W f!. JliXNINGS.
M'. Anderson, sometimes known sons claiming by or through you or j Sheriff of Juckson County, Oregon.
.'ion iloyiTtocu ny .M. !I . Annerson. "'iv Ql vol' oe lorever i nieioeil atul I'v iMira ... Anileron. lleny
son. ,
Angelo-Callfornla Trust Company,
a corporation, Plaintiff, vs.
Oregon tins nnd Kleclrie Company,
a corporation; Rogue River Val
ley Gas Company, a corporation;
J. R. Anderson und Siarguret SI.
Anderson, sometimes known antl
Not Hi? to Contractor.
Medford. oreton.
Oetoher 2. lltl'O.
Nntlee of ltldn. Nntlee 1m her
hy Riven that bid are new edllrd
for the eonntmetion of an 8-lnoh j one-lmlf nnd the nouih one-half ol
newer on the followlni: client: wihl Claim: thetire eat iilonn ad
I. Wwi Tenth Street fnm lliim-idlvtin line S- eh:itni more nr iiKa
u utter nenan direein '" uue i j.oi
f. i mte k i. ltjH AUOlllon. -.
Aero) un ;it niook I. Uruy Addl
lion, from Xiinvfcan Street to the
iitley In Mhek 1. Urny'jt Addlilon
to the east linn nf the rnnniv mml
thenre In a northweaterly dlreetlon
nlnn the lust line of snld Count
roml in the north hnnndarv line o!
aaiu munition l-mrt Claim No. 41
(Special.) - The
company hag Installed an electric piieklni! shed of die Hulls packing
tramline pump for Roy A.hpolc, company In Gold Hill has packed
proprietor of the local hardware out iMveral ears,
store, c. K. Stoner of ihe R-ielc Kmtilovment now seeni to b
Point garago did the niiim;. il. nl Itul.
tllenee North to the South line of i thence West s. 19 chains to the plact
'in ioock i. i.rj.y s ..uiiuion (mil mm neKinniiig. reservinic and excenb
Kouih to 'he Norih Ime of Lot . Iln the lalln.nil rlBlit ut way
lllock I. Grays Addilion. 8. Along throUrh oahl tniet.
Columbus Avenue from Haven j Also exet-ptlnir. eoninience- at the
Sirtel In the South linn ef l. llelHI nf 11,1 ..-....ll.... ... .k.
r. a , . . i n a A. nil I ui ,. . ii.i..i .it.... I,. ... . . wesi
rAUN Nil). UULU n Ll I' ""'" ..onion. une iii m. inomis Arundel Dona-
rnviMiiu, uw.u uiu Tll p,, lim, specifications csnitlon l.nnj Claim No. 41 Ik Town-
he sn-n at the oftlce of the Clivlshlp S south of Range I west of
col.D till. I.. Ore.. Oct. 4. Itecorder In (he city Hall at Hie Wlllnmett,. Meridian. Prtion with
(Spech.1.1 With the close of peal I . ,,,,.?i!x,h ,,,,,, Streets. the westerly line, of the right of
In nearly nil of the or ''t . -i .. .-... '.,..,, ......- K . ..V' - and
,-, ' i"i'" i'"1' e ."inn leet more or iess
seaieo pioposais mereior. ami tin' m tne iiiviiion line between the Mill ht mi.ii,.. I I., o.n ' ni. I. u.t. .,. . . '
..... .ii ,-i. i . .u V.i. .. V. i . "---"ii ""ii uie souin one
'""'o'-j-i .o- i ut 0:01,111a 01 saw claim; theni-e east
....., V..I1IIII,, v".l'l-. .l,
at T:sn p. m.
Kneh hid must he arenmnanleil
! bv n certified cheek nr bid bund
"" j pieklnu
Ore., Oct. 4. chants in ll(I illsutel. the apples
Associated oil nre now hecinnlnii lo come on. The
of not Ivss I hull live per v;tii (i'.vj heKlimltig.
along sAld division line fe.i
more or less to th wetori nnA
of said right of wav, thence In a
northerly ilircclinn lo Ihe place of
liiV' ' 1 '-. 'T
means Truth told interestingly