v sfrwiv&n irtv,fv'. Wr"ftAfn rT'frAVir.r: V.''":' KTRftFoTre WATT", TTtTr.T7?iTTrfyFOTlT7rT?T!?TQy, TTTJTRSTffiY. STlPTfiMr.ETt 26, 1023. 19" Years ii n n i i i crxi ill1!) f?' t Tlio now home of lite H(I;t Tiro Srvlcc Inc., Mcdfoiti Firestone dtnl-r, iti Mmh and lUvorslde streets will In- olTlf-iiilly opciio. Saturday. Tliin establishment Im nm- or (ho largest mid fine of lis kind In the norllivct and Is one r ihe iiki( modem on Hit lti Hflu Coil st. It Ik a complete unc-siop f-crvlce Motion and about tin" only llilnjc tin- niitomohill! cannot mo tlicr:- Im u ntolur reputr joh. FINAI WflRK VOTf tilTI! IH I WB B! ON A O I BULKS Boeing Executives Land On New Field for Inspection Visit Entire Project Is Praised Vancouver Port Chief Says Best Planned Field Seen First Mail October 2- Arriving nnd departing by air-j piano TuuKdny, j Thorpe JIlHCocli, j chief of communication for' the Boeing Airplane tumiiany, nnd Kenneth llumihreys, UHsfslant tu ' thi preHldenl, both of Hcuitle, weroj ViHitnra ut Mediard' now niunlrl- j pal airport now under cuiiHtruc-. lion, nurth of the city. The vlHit liK plane tnadu an oany landlmr I unit takeuff on die nearly com-: pb'tod runwaya. Tlio two men inndo a K''i'iiTij Inspection of the field and ex prvHHed HatlHfaetlon Willi Hie entire) project Mr. 1-liHcoek, one of the; highest salarhtl men In tho I'u-1 clflo north wem, paid particular 1 attention to manlier dmallH and ; to wiring which puHHlmy might I cause Interference with radio re ception and tramttnlHfdon. Another vlHllor at the field Ui!h! Week wan William Teiuplelon.'hea.l of the Vancouver. It. ".. nlt i'or.. j accompanied by bin wife, lie wa-! n route home from the Oevc- i . lutid air whow and bail viih d j. 2U iilii-.ti'la Ihi'itiiL'buiit llw ciiiin-i try. lie relntPil to City Kngl r Fred Hi heiiol that he l id li d Horn an air field as well planned iu the locat per. nlnl lie wan pai -tieularly a 'ixiou:; to pmrhaxe a net of photographic plan?. Tor 512U.OOO .M.dio.-.l rt'ivlxtM more for ItH money tb.in im' eastern cltleH have rct-fited for n million, ho wild. Xwir (oiuplettoii. A Vinlt at the large adinlnistr.t tiou bulltlliiK yeHteiday icvi ale I that structure to bi in the last BtnKCfl of completion, wlm fluors beltiK laid and fixtures ItiMtallnl In the office rooms, which will house the nupe rlnlendnit of the field, weather bureau, l'aUb Air ' Transport offices, mall room, ticke. office, rest rooms, rcsiauruiii, pilot lockerH and Hhower baths. Th.. haiiKar. adjidninv; the oiflces, is jrIkq In the la.-t hiouch ,of .com pletion, nnd when ready will b BUfflrie'ntly lare to bobl four .18 paMene,er planet-, i m h with a win; Hpread of Kit fi-.-i, ur id xmalt planes, Rlmllur t; the type owned by W. H. Mulrbeud. flravel trin-kii are rtl rtump Inr loadH on t tie matn rnuw.i v, Hever.il thousand feet lumr. nnd luru enouuh fur the larue.st air plane built. The taxi runway ba-i lrt en i)lle and Ih now In pet lVt t condition. ChHollne com muUch ar also huy Instal biK ' rvb-e oiiI'm to be operateit by tht Tex i-, nun-j pany, Associated Kt eotnpaev.j Htaudnrd (til t-ompany. 1(1 bfleld, j Vnlon Oil .company and Hhel Hinall Hcrvb't statlnn buildtni: ' j have already been erti. t by tb j Hhell and Standard ontitnles. J The first air unll r,iKin V(I i leave the new field Oi-.mIm r a., nnd Med ford nnd so:tb! ru i.ivn;i resldenta w ho would i ( ml firu ; flk-hl mall to rri-ndfi i.imI 1.1. i- j tlves. are urK-e.l l. b ive b tiirs ai I i ho chamber nf utiinitee r.i eirlv li I osslble : SCHOOL CLERK IN BUTTE FALLS Ity Mary (ii-eiiier. Another iitflesiono wait panned In the history f Untie I-'alls bn-t iiiRbi. when a clerk of the school board was elected without wiious results to any of the voters pres ent. Words flow around freely, 'o be sure words that talrly sizzled as they penetrated tho middle at mosphere of the. grammar s hool auditorium on their way across from one side tu anoMier. lleil hot similes and metini horex brought the ether to the boiling point and tho nerves of contetttnni.i to tho breaking point before the meeting finally iidjotirued. Te'.'hnlculltlea tlu i e were ton to be observed at the election, and the Unite Kallers Insisted upon them. The election f a school i lerli is a serious matter In th.it town, and a leal slip Is apt to hriiiK about no etui of trouble in tho future, ium'oi iliim l-o the oM- tion to close the nnmiimtionH Irid not been voted upon. The chair man of the meet inn called for a i Islng vote of all i hone In favor. Men, wo tu en and children stood and sat down silent iy, The puss lug of ballots continued. Tlie candidates were left dangl ing In mld-alr at the end of sus pended lead pcnell.s. Another technicality had not been observr-d The nominations wen; still not properly closed. The negative vote had nut been la ken. "All opposed rise.' said tlie chairman. I Mute Kails sal ttuht and put Its two candid:ae down in black nnd white. The ballot box an unturned bat fin the teacher's desk, wan Ihe target for more technicalities. A woman In thu hack of the room had a suspicion that someone had rtlippwl a ballot or two In tho hat ahead of time. The director proved I lie honesty of tlie board and voters by turning the suspected headgear upside down. Another resident Insisted thru the voters be counted as they cast i heir votes. The tellers lined them tip nnd look down their names they dropped their ballots. Then, before the ballots cou'd be counted a master of purlin -nu-ntary self-control sandwiched in the last technicality. An hou. miist elapHi- before th polls wer declared, clo-ed. So liittte Kalis look a deep breath for another long wait, and Al lllldrcih was i a C.etl. market was marked by n street parade and a general celebration. Over $ltii),iM(i has been invested In dist ri but ion plants hi Vancouver , alone. Kichfield-Klhyt Is an entirely new motor fuel, a specially refined ; gasoline developed after three 'years of laboratory research. Kich- t'ield-IOthyl was developed primar ily lor hih compression motors in .which it delivers maximum per 1 forniance. but It gives astonishing results even in low compression cars witii the spark properly ad ( vaneed. ; Searien Spencer Is the dlstrlbu , tor of Jtichfield products In Med ' foul. Find Baby's Body PALKM, OreL, Sept. 2$. W Tho body of a new-born male In fant was found in the Call pool a river at Albany yesterday by chil dren, who Informed employes of the .Mountain States Power com pany. The Una county coroner will Investigate. How One Woman Lost 20 Pounds of Fat Cain ci l Physical Vigor Valued in Vivu'loiiiics (altiiNl n Slmpely Flgtirc- I f you're fat first remove the cause! ; timers. . Mrs. Hill is Court right was the first cMiuliditte nominal, d. Her ! spokeswoman shot up from h"r ; seat in the front row. "I nominate .Mrs. t'ourtrluhl," She sat down. That was that. 'I nominate Al IMIdreih." cunt. from between llf le-ih uf ntinther . front searer, who also sat down, only to bott up iiMiin Imuiedlatelv ' with: "I move thai the nomiua-, lions bo dosed" It was seconded.; 'Ibis brought a High of ivllef from1 both shies of the room and the! two members of the school board hcK:in making ballots for all they' were worth from a sheaf of com-, pfcb (on oaoer. Two tellers were appointed to pits the ballots oti either side oi tile room. Point i f Order. A Unite Kails pi.i HamenCiria'i rote to a point of order and rall-d aMentlon to the tact that the mo- ORDER TO SELL .Med lord motorists may now (ticui-e Itlehfjeid products at the tUd'-r Tire Nerve c. 1 uc'.l por:i tetl he;iduartcr on "i-louth Uivecdde. lllcbfield. 'The (iasollne of Power," recent ly imide its public apliearance on the t'amidlan mar ke( as a standardised product In 'n mid Inn servl-, nt at Ions. ( iver fpit Imlepcndent denlers and K service t'l'itious built by tlie com pany, all opened slmultaneoiiHly I'or luifitiCNs with Uichfiebl pro ducts. The entrance of t:ie K:di ttebl ctMopany to the ".incouver KliKSCIIKX HALTS contain the t! mineral salts your body organs, u la nils and nerves must have to function property. When your vital organs fall to perfonn their work correctly your bowels and kidneys can't throw off tint waste material before you realize it you're grow ing hideously fat ! Try one hall" leaspoonful of KIcTSCUllX SALTS iu a glass of hot water every morning in 3 weeks get on the scales and note liovv many pounds of fat ln.ve van ished. Notice also that you have gained iu energy your skin is clearer your eyes sparkle with glorious health -you feel younger In body Keener in nunu. k iu 'Ncjik.n will give any fat person a joyous .m rprihe. ii t an :e bottle of KIIPHCHKN SA LTS from any leiullng druggist anywhere In America, (lasts -4 eeks). If this first bottle doesn't convince you thi I the easies-i. safes-1 and surest way to lose fat if you don't fee) a stiprh Imnrove inent in health so glorioutdy en ergetic vigorously alive your mo;u'.v gladly returned. M . T I ft Ml 4 a E fi fa S E P T. 1 ilv I 3 '2 9 THI DANGER POINT SCT THI DANGER POINT 4 - Xnv l!ni:llna- li Vi.v VdtiS ' Mlllli'lill-ii. s , A lull,!' itiimlM-r of rim. rovj 4. ! lll-HCI'H hi v Ih-mi I. I i In J MciHoril Ihl. yr.ir limn' linn 1 iIiiHiik imy um f ir In ihr I rlty'n hbtiiry. I Th.-ro li ivo Pino boon nn unumi ii iiimilt-r tit Inrn- rmmnorrl'it ft.rnr- till-pn 'lop:ril In l!l;':i'. riMMnu 4 hiimlri'il. i.f thmiKiimU ir iloi- lain. Thn-n. niul m.iiiy olhoi i will n i I r I u r r l In tin. Mall Trlltunp'M ipcrlal . w r'ii ftitiplenii'iit, the tii't'- 4 llmlnnry prpiumitidn of v lii.-h A hnn nlronily liorn fciiiitcil. Share in 835 Prize Contest Awards Totaling $25,OO,0c?JLe For writing lit 400 word letter toJlingi Whjr 50 Degree la the DunnT loliil," yon can win first prise 1 iVIODEL HOR3E econd prize a 10.10 five-piuutrn-' rr (adillao Coupe, M-IIIng ut P. O. H. Ifetrolti the tlilr.l irle f2.XK Iu iiolrt end m on dnwu the Hit of 033 other bin mull ewardn. in 1. i f Ak us for your fir enpr of tlie booklet "How to Safeguard YoarKamityalealth".Thitelli you tlie rule of the eonteati the jnaraea of Ihe Jiidimi and glrea complete ll.t of priire.. To aet the nation thinking on thi ritalljr Important tuple of ' proper food preaerratlonto alean oew tdraii. new faoia and tiRilrea roneeruing food praaer . allon In mianiinff health and Rreveuting ecoiiomlo wante, the atlonal Food Preaervallon lUinnrll ofTern priaea to the value of fcU.000 for the brat eaaajre in a National Idea Content, mm m "i The capital prtra la a Model llomei or llu.OUO In Eold.Tue THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY OFFICES Mtdford . , , Oranta Pan , , . Roteburg . , , Klamath Tall Oragon of Business StARTING Saturday, Sept. 28th, we enter our 19th year of business. To us the occasion is one of deep sentiment. Past, present and future meet in the memories and traditions, vis ible realities and the inspiration of the years to come. It has been Mr. Mann's ambition that the institution bearing his name shall be an epitome of the progress, growth and efficiency of Medf ord. In a myriad of different ways this store has had a part in the lives of the people of Southern Oregon. Our idea is not to linger overmuch on thoughts of the past, but rather to do something progres sive in the present that will endure for the future. To this end we have entered upon an extensive program of value giving, an exposi tion of sales and fashion reviews that the in numerable friends and patrons of this great store will consider the crowning achievement of Mr. Mann's 19 successful years in jbusiness. We trust all Medf ord and Southern Oregon will rejoice with us. Tomorrow's paper will carry full page an nouncements of the super values to be offered during this, our greatest of Anniversay Sales. The store will open Saturday morning at 8 o'clock and Mann's 19th Anniversary Sale will be a reality. This great event will include our annual Fall Style Show. Come. J(anrib$tpaAtmarf6tot f "THE STORE FOP EVERYBODY" J Yr.k. Dunimulr California