Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 31, 1929, Page 16, Image 16

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    tan; utomrT
mnvbrm um, tutbttste, srEnroim, ftTraaby, ranur, irr st, iosj;
A in added Inducement to muke
thf U:um corps conteKt, which in a
fenlure of the department conven
tion of tho American teuton, a
worthwhile affnir "to in tho Mtund
point ot the !ndlviluiU drum corps,
the Sulem convention commission
has vet apnrt nn Additional amount
of money to le lined as drum corps
.prizes. Tho sum of $1000 had already-
been allotted to he divided
among the vuiious corpa on the ,
basis ot number of men and miles
traveled. In addition to thin, prlw'H
amounting to $100 first prize, ti(J ,
second prize and $-10 third prize '
have been offered by the commit 1
sion. Thin niennn ihnt the winning
corps will receive its tdinre uf tho
mileage money and will also be en
titled to $100 offered for first place.
The department of Oregon,
American Legion, annual con von
tlon will be held In Kale in August
8, 3 and 10, and tho drum corps
contest will take place Friday, Au
giiMt 9. Hit I em's crack drum curps,
which won second pluce in the na
tional competition at Kan Antonio,
Texas, Iiwt fall, will not be u con
testant In the stut contest, us Sa
lem lu the host city.
Carolina Queen
IIOHTON, May .11. (ff Mrs.
Herbert Hoover, wlfo of ti presi
dent, arrived here from Washing
ton at 8:4 this morning to attend
the Reml-cnntcnnia.1 of the found
ing of Hadclllfe college. Mrs. Hoov
er was met by a smali group at
South station and left immediately
for "niirMge.
PAULS. May 31. After
wulking 42 hi miles In eight hours
and 30 minutes.'. Miss Kleanora
Hears of ltoHton felt "fine" today.
The tanned Boston sportswomnn
and pedestrian started from Fon
talnblenu at 6:02 a. m., yesterday
and arrived at the Hitz hotel at
1:37 p. m,, finishing fresh and'
chipper nn ever.
I ler time, an average of about
flvo miles an hour, was better than
In previous walk between New
port, U. I., and Host on; Lfirel,
.Maryland, and Baltimore; and
Providence and Iloston.
Cuddy Killed
NEW YORK, May 31. (IP)
Struck In one- eye by a mldlron
k h ot when 60 y a rd s f ro m a te e.
IAdolph tiadowski, 1 2, who was
raddylng at tho public linke at
Ftu'est Park. Is dead.
We Serve You Best
and Save You Most
With Dependable Values
A Feature Value
26 Pieces of Silverware
in the Grace Pattern
, iwikwii atoojo-ii UMrrmtr
Consists of:
?J,6 Tea Spoons
P 6 Table Spoons -U-
0 Dinner Knives
.(stainless steel blades)
1 - 6 Dinner forks
Sugar Shell
Butter Knifc-
A Thrift
The homemaker or gift
seeker will surely welcoma
this opportunity to save.
A sure - to - please set of
silverware that will wear
and wear.
25 Year
(Guarantee Certificate
with each set
June First
't will plnrc nn salt1 for
the first tinio thrsp flvo
ploiuliil vuluos in silver
vire. See Our
: Windows
I'Wc will ho glad to nm-pt
a small di'posit to hold
one of tilcic sets if you so
' desire.
A written guarantee cer
tificate with every sot.
A $200,000,000 Buying
Is The Secret of Oux'JLow "Prices
Step Into our ttort and
jrou'll tec In a minutr that
buying for ovct U00 stores
t once, makes i (Treat dif
ference In the cost ot thing.
We use our $JflO.0OO.UnO
Buvinf Power to save YOU
niltM"e,,,!E 1 ft
Jwlf rriOBCfirrtff
iitfstsossarif I
Wvtt e b Pii kr f.r fr grief
We new ask a minufio
hirer to skimp on quality to
make "bargain price." The
tremendous orders sre placo
J;et us Just a tittle? more qnal
ty for our money That Is
the secret ot out Low Price
A Thrift Opportunity
if lira
i 1 1 Mjffih
A beautiful table? service for six
people, ctinsistinc ol 6 knivrs (Main
less steel blades), 6 forks, 6 tea
spoons, 6 table sikxhu. 1 sugar shell
and 1 butter knife. The design is
our attractive Anniversary Pattern.
Associated Press Photo
At Its fairest example of femi
nine pulchritude, Salem college has
chosen Mary Johnaofl of Raleigh,
N. C, to reign as the queen of May.
BIIOWNSBORO, Oro., May 31.
(Special) Rev. Griffith proach
' ed a very intoroHtlng Hermon last
Sunday afternoon at the close of
Sunday achool, taking his ' text
from tho f.fth chapter of Matthew.
Thoro will be preaching serviced
every other Sunday afternoon and
all are Invited to attend.
Louis Itohrer and Catherine
HaynoH successfully passed their
j eighth grado - examinations and
! have received their diplomas
( Mr. Schafer of Medford spent
: last Sunday visiting at the home
1 of Iteed Charley. ' :
j Mr. and Mrs. D. Bradshaw of
Nevada nre visiting here with
friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hansen
and son, Oernld and Mrs. I. J.
Itohrer. spent Decoration day at
Hornhrook. Cal., with relatives.
1 Funeral services for Mr. Thomp
1 son were hold In tho cemetery
i Wednesday aftornoon. The .eym-
pathy of tho community goes otit
! to Mrs. Thompson in her sorrow.
Friends here of Mrs. Kate Walsh
1 are very sorry to hear of her ao-
rlous Illness In Medford.
j Carl Beiberstedt was laid , to
rest In tho lirownshoro cemetery
s on Monday afternoon. Tho f ani
lity wish to thnnk all friends who
so kindly nsslKtcd them. : ,-
fl Newell of Hongriel. Calif.,
arrived here Monday, and on re
turning home, will be accompa
nied by his daughters, Georgia
and I J Ulan, who have been mak
ing their home with Mrs. Mary
llradshaw for several years.
pgiii '-flu !! . tf ilLiS - ' ' ' ' ""TZTj
TOKYO, May Japanese
residents of southern Saghallen Isl
land fought today for their lives ,
and their homes against forest ftrea
which were believed to have killed
lOOforsons and burned more than;
1,00V houses. , ,. . . j
Sparse dispatches to newspapers ,
were le-V to fear there had been a j
major UstaAter. Communications:
on the Island were badly crippled'
with railways blocked, telegraphs1
and telephones down; and only!
meager reports were obtainable.
A dispatch- to the newspaper1
Ashal Shimbun, from Mao ka ha ma,
a village near Exutorl, said Mnoka- f
hama had been wiped out and that
there were 100 dead and 1,000
houses burned.
Syncopation Coming
to Hunt9 s Craterian
Fred Waring and his - famous
Pennsylvanlans known everywhere
by theli talking machine records
and their engagements in the
larger picture houses, are to be
seen- and heard In "Syncopation."
the all-talker, coming to Hunt's
Oraterlan Sunday.
Fred Waringt beginning the or
ganization f his present band
when he wus a student at Feifli
State college, gathered his fellow
students together and formed the
now internationally known or
chestra. In addition to the nine num
bers which these inimitable Jazz
artists are to play In this first
of their pictures, Including tho
popular new song hits(l "I'll Al
ways Be In Love "With You,"
"Jericho," "Do Something." a
number of singing and dancing
artists will appear.
In the cast unfolding the love
atory of a pair of Broadway hoof
ers are Barbara Bennett, Bobby
Watson,. Ian Hunter, Morton Dow
ney Osgood Perkins, MacKenzie
Ward, Verreo Teasdale and Dor
othoy Lee.
Buster K eat on at
i Rialto Tomorrow
"Steamboat Bill. JrT' will head
thai bill at the Rialto theatre to-,
morrow. I
The frozen-faced funny man'
who rendered such farces a "Col
leg" and "Go West," now be
comes tho well-bred son of a
buily Mississippi river boat cap
tain. When things start going
frojn bad to worse for tho father,
his;, "softy" son arrives on the
scene. Bill, Jr., doesn't exactly
give dad any helping hand when
go falls In lovo with the daughter
of tho rival captain, nor does ho
help to regain the business which
the other has stolen from his
futhr.- However, a cyclone comes
atong and ' then Buster but it
doesn't require such imagination
to think of the antics he Indulges
TCrnest Torrence Is cast as Bus
ter's he-man parent. Heading
Kenton's supporting cast are Mar
ion Myron, Tom Lewis, aud Tom
McGuire. 1
PROWNSBORf, Ore.. May 31.
(.Special) While en route to
.-ITiu thorn California, J. D. Henry
was taken very 111 in Sacramento
and It is feared that the reminder
of tho trip will have to bo given
Mr. and Mrs. Joe MaxfJeld have
received word that a baby girl
was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
Hird of Cblloquin hint Sunday.
Miss Dill Stanley, who has been
George Henry and family and
Catherine Hnynrs, attcndt the.
grud unt ion exercises In , shland
lat Wodnesdny.
Vernon Haynes left with his
friend. Mr. Riley, for Massachu
setts, whore they nMll make their
headquarters, whllr touring the
eastern state;. JThey expect to be
away until No?mber. ,
Are 7ou
The Racing Fool
ah the his Toniht
"To Ihose who onto raring
thor la a real thrill in "Tho Kac
InK Pool." starring Reed Howes at
the lsln theatre.
Heed, in the title role, gains his
snbrequet beeause of the ehanees
he takes behind the xheel of his
motor ear. Against terTir odds
he drives a racing car to tirul vic
tory, u:iln the fast train of he
railroad wbo tracks run pniWol
with and Intersect the highway.
Ruth Dryer plays the leading
tenunine role. tJ
Kan l.liuly
-There are hearts and arrows
on the fuselage of Lindbergh's
plane, which was ftown le by a
friend after the marrlaKWof the
mijming colonel. YuHtors to the
hangstr al!o have strung boots
from the and placarded the
tail "Just married."
NEW YORK. May 31.
Lucille l-o Sueur, olherwiw
Ciawford. and "Dodo' nn
ei It! I H) u n la a F h I rba n k Jr.
a re
When your
Children Ciy
for It
Baby has little upsets at times.
AH your cam ennnot prevent them.
But you cflu be prepared. Then you
can do what any experienced iiiirsn
Qwou'tf do what mt physicians
woiua leu ynu o no pive a tew
drops of plain Cnstoria. No sooner
done than Bhy is soothed; relief is
i'ust a matter of momrnts. Yet you
;ve tKsed your child without "ns
of a sir.ple doubtful drug; Castor it
is rentable. So it's safe to um? as
often as an infant haa any little pain
you cannot pat away. And it's always
ready fotClhe cruder psnir of colic
or constipation, or diarrhea; etftv
tivc, too, for older children. Tirrntp
.i million bvttit irer boupttt la
visiting from Molly woid. Each
wears a wedding ring and Joan
has a slave anklet. They Insist
they are m;t married, but hope to
get m:ii.cU ii October.
One More Big Day
Saturday JVill Be
A Record Breaker
Not a Single Coat
Fashion Is Omitted.
Every coat new this season the
very smartest furred styles are
here then too,- there are many
furless coats, trimly tailored in
new manner values here up to
$42.50. .
Take your
for only . ,
50 Smart Silk Drosses,
all new, pretty prints and
pastel shades. Extra spe
cial $7.50 values for Sat
urday ."
Business Sale
LT A. 310 East Main 1J
310 East Main
Medford, Ore.
' ItMl SlilrlB Til boo
CTUCAtiO. May 31. Red
flannol Hhlrts are forblddon by the
H'hlcaKo. Milwaukee, St. Paul &,
' Pacific railrond. hecnue of the
possibility ' of being mistaken fur j
piitnnlo. I
m L 1
Our meats are all aged in our own refrigera
tors which assures the housewife of getting
meat at its best. .
Day's Corn Fed Steer Beef
Milk Fed' Spring Lamb . .
Ray's Corn Fed Pig Pork
Young Milk Fed Veal
Veal Loaf
o Lunch Meats for your outing
Lamb Stew, per pound . 16tf
Home Rendered L?rd, per pound 15?
Morrell's Pride Hams; si2e 7 to 9 pounds,
per pound 32C
Phgne Orders Given Personal Attention
Nichols and Ashpole 0
566 E. Main Pone 46
Films Free
West Side Pharmacy
Open Sundays and Evenings
! All the Time
IB and Hou-r St
Complete Cleaning and
hveimo Service
Women's Hose
$1.00 Pair
Silk from top to toe with
pointed heeL
Trowbridge Lumber Yard 0
Everything In Lumber and Building Material
Distributor for John-Mnnvlll Roofing
Trowbridge Cabinet Works
Oblnat. Window. Door, Scraana, Etc
Th Old Railabla Eatabllanad In llot
Whan In need of ANYTHING for Building, hon M.
W can ba of raal aery lea to you.
First Insurance
Aj. HILL, Managar
Phona 105 SO N. Cantral
dadford, Oregon
When firemen of (lullfonl. Coi:n.
derided to tent three new b -itrunta
with a powerful pumpei-.
tV.-i'V promptly exhnunted tlie
It'wn t, w itvr aui'jil)', i