Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 31, 1929, Page 14, Image 14

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Famous Trackslera to Compete in Northern Section Meet
Mother Organize at U, of O.
..'Athletics and Pirates Im-
press As Mid-Season Ap
proaches Pennock Is
Chased From Mound By
"'.. Senators, '- '
" By William J. 1ilimnn,
Associated J'cosh Sports Wi-IUirJ
.cn'r Handrail advance from early
' 'cason tuWnrd thn outpoats of mld
fujlason, with tho Athlotlcs and tho
Pirates hoirtlnu thf ad and most
.r of the 14 rcSnalnlnif entries clutcl
tUrw nothlnB but the bins. The innr
.'l4ln of the Mnckmen Is targe. Hint
DJ of the l'lmias siitlMfnottjry tu Hue-
- nneer uoontern. And' the stundlnif
of the ulubs nu lonmr can be sooff-
(fcrfd'.' ttt as meunlhKleess.
IjlTnTho mit hopeful expression which
-'lasan now bo made of clubs down
In' the l'unnlnn Is that any poten-
' t(al contender ownlnir a peroont
jVft'Ro f t)0 cnn Po's'bly rally sharp
jrHy enough to win In the stretch.
Tills statement just: does Include
tha Olnnts, the l'ankoes and . Ihe
"-The Atltletles seized tho onpnn
""flinlly presented In the IJecoriuliin
(louhle-hcnder to Ineiwise
rihelr inrirtiln over the Vnnlioos to
ifseven anil one-half Kanies. Hob
olflrove and old Jack tiullin pcl
irtormed in front of Huston specta
tors, IcadlnK tho A's lo.vlrtory by
scores of D to 2 nnd 'J to 3 as the
'Senators trimmed the Yankon
or.nvlce. WnshhiRton chased Herb
tnl'ennoclt frnnv the- box to lake lie
lloponer by 8 to G, and hurled a
niinlh-roiinil rally at Henry Jnlin
"'feon, Wiley Moore nnd Tom 5!aeh-
.nry to easo out ihead by 4 10 3
lu 'he niiihtrap. Three runs were
jicnred in the jtula finish.
,1, On the weslcrn front pltLhers
nvbero beinp manhandled by the
M'SKrown and Ihe TIrcis. who di-'-'Vhlcd
tHelr double bill to thn profit
" of Connie Mack. Detroit took the
-innrnlnj' Riime hy'M to 0, but the
IrtHt. l.ouis conlenders-came back In
''the afternoon to win by 13 to II.
""-'CI'Cland and Chlcnso swnpped
Victories, the Indians winning the
first Rome by 0 (o li and the White
w-tSlix '.bo second by 3 to 2. , Willis
is .timllhi and Hed Kaher were the
niKiiccessfur pitchers.
oH The I'lrutes retained the Nation.
al league lead by turnintf back tho
ivibs, 4 to.O, In ihe afternoon aftel
KPtJii' llrulnn had Tomiied off with
ihi' opener 5 to 1. Ilemy Kremer
W"was not nullo enual to nuitchlni;
'MirmH with the vetmnn. Arlte Nehf
t- In the m o r n I n , but Hnrleluh
(Jrlnies had' a wide margin over
V-Vharlle Hoot In the afternoon, win
'"Iflrm his elirhtn suroesslve victory.
;";"The lendl of tho Pirates is only
fa.'lh percentage points us- the Card
"dials entered into n virtual tie for
tv-ilip top by defeatlnR tho Herts, 'G
to 1 and 8 to 2,. in- an afternoon
Ttarnuln. Old Alex outplielled lied
f jUioan In the first' Reme anil the
LKceonil was n caa of too much
i J (nines. ' ' I
Jolin J.. McOraw wonl his first
'double victory of the season when
J,', the Cllants rullied to defeat the
.Vltohlns by 8 to 7 in the first name
i and slammed tho ball all over the
fadot, tO'.'takO' the second,. 16 to U.
It met with tho vociferous approv
' of G5.00U fans, tho larnest base-
iMillinHsemblaKe ever aeeommodal-
1) ftt the Polo Hrnunds, . ,
' 'file Braves turned on tho Phil
lies; 3 to 7, in Ihe tnomtuK name
6X llalcer howl, but lllc home team
resumed Its spell in tho afternoon
In Win by 1 1 to 6.
Dob KniH, Portland wphIIpi
wlm ban nlwayn bfon u Mi-rtforil
oroijnl jilortnw, , will U hppii In ac-
"Hit 1(1 armory, wht'iu lie will mwt
uNTooso Nr.rlieck of l'ortlnml In n
finlsli ni n tell, Moono IiukIho ap
urpcart'd in Mori ford, and lant wln-
K?r 1 ihnnv Chief Kvuhh, Inriiun
"wrrilpi u-ho vn'nlo thrown hy
' f iloth wroHtlers aro in the lionvy
,,...1111 division, nnd Knifto, If ho
; In KUc'rWiftil In drft-atitiK Norl.pck,
N 7lniilnK on takliiK tnrt 'n n
" inti'h In- Portland hooh nKattmt
' num H(Snnfilmr(ri woi-ld's hrnvy
7" fifflit oluunpirm, who defcatod
KtruimlfM LowU, ex.t'humiiion, lu
lioifttm last year. There will he
bmcrM nood )veliininuriiM before
;Ollw main event Prlilay.
fi, The midden-pripiilnrKy of Itlbles
("MVi several I'hicttfco hnlel was nl-
filbuledMo tho InKunully of liool-f.-.)eKfiern
In InHeiihliiK their nameH
and phone njm.ber wKhln their
DlhJ'l 1 J
t iiiiiiif ici'n nit nirimi niivk,
1 n ( ntislipatlon Ih rnnponctl'le for
,t(:i)nn niiHery than any other oanwe.
t(,. rim Immediate relief hn tnon
found. A tablet tailed KcxuH Or'
neriifM nttractH water from.lh iyi
-Uirt Into the !, dry evaenatinu;
, colon, i he water loonenN thP dry
B iiiiir Wftnic and eaiiHe a nentle,
iah(Wonah movement without ftum-
Q fnic ft hnhlt or ever IncreittdnK the
lOnmn jniflVrlfitt from oonllimtlon
irfi'hf w a k'xall Orderlle at nht.
OftNei day hriuht. 1p( 12 4 fVare
"..-' todny n( (He nearest Itcxnli Di vik
tiioro, W'vhI Side l'hiinnmy,
&... i .. - ,
fc- W' 7 : f -t' '"41
Hero are four of Hie outstanding track luminaries, oa tho Puoifie enat, who will plav p'-oni'm nt p-ni
in the iiunual norlliern eoiifcrem'e track nail field meet, which' will he held at Kufjeuc, ihe 111-iiee or
H10 I'aiveimly of OrrKaiit - Preliminaries will ho May .11, ygth finals arhcdnluil for June'. fiuf'.is K'.nci', iluskv
sinr, is national intercollegiate 'mile cliampionj Wesley J'ostor, Cougar, iB 0110 of Ihe bit ". n; a 11 el 1113 spri'Iitcrs in
tho country, and easily Hie h?st in the northwest; Boh by' Robinson, of Oregon, i ilie leading Lole vanlrer in"
the north, while Kile, of O. jp, C, is a sprinter of great abiiity, , '' ; '
Sen Bra-,
in' nni r itin
-rr-. TM-rxiKfif-iiT ,
Compston Takes j First 36
Hole Match, Eight ' arid.j
Seven 'Haig' Is Late On;
Tee,;As Usual, But Eng
lish Opponent Later. ;
':. MOOIl PAW), Tin,. May'ill.
(IP) Archie t'onipston, HMIlsh pro
fi'HKlonal Kolfer, wontho first of
two Stl-holo matches f rom. Walter
HaKen, American pri today, eluht
up and seven to play. They will
play the second' and final mntch
at nirnitiiKliam 'tomorrow. "
Hawen dropped' six iioles- ln a
row lo lose the match.' lluUen won
tiie 23rd hole lo reduce Compston's
lead1 to two up, but the blK' llrlton
then turned on the American-ami
fairly smotliered him Willi ll flock
of pars and birdies.
Tho- open champion's par foll'
was wood enouKh lo win Ihe 23rd,
hut his rtnmo collapsed after that.
Hanen picked up w Ihe 27th after
a series of assorted I roubles and
n mlnsed four-foot putt enabled i
Compston 'lo lake the tenth.
The cards for the afternoon read:
, Compston, -nut 441 4rn 44i 37
llancn, out 643 440 liGI) 42
Compston,- in 34
IlaKen, In 45.
MOOR PAHIv, Vnft.. Mil' 81.--&)
llrltlith nuhlln opinion forced
Walter Hanon toteep his Kolf dato
with Aivhie Oomnttthn, Htftf Knllsh
pro, hut nil the It inn's horses nnd
all the 1(Iiik's men couldn't Ret
"The HaiK" otit of bed In tlin to
reach Mnor t'nrk nt 10:80 thiw
mornlnK when tho 36-hole mntch
was'to hcKin.
Ilauen kept Compston and n pul
lery of l,r00 waiting for nearly tin
hour before be turned up at the
t'nnipstrtn alo showed ho could
be tempnnvmental, foi he- waited
until llaiten arrived before Ki"K
to the cluhhouse to set into his olf
Thu for ten inute Hrtgen,
himm'lf an hour Tato, stood at tho
first tee before his ftritlsh oppon
ent, was ready for the start of the
4 '
Ruins Found
From Airplanes
With Aid Camera
I'slnK ulrplanefl to trace mnn's
lviilhlli0 of 3.0U0 years nnd more
before lite time of Ohrtst, In the In
teresting method llrittsh explorers
are employing find anclevU forts
and ether ik thnt can be loca
ted city !? gi0it difficulty by
usualarch. says Popular Mechan
(ch Mnpnr.inp, 1'hntoRmph taken
from piWie n a considtmbir nltl
tudiv revenl the queer. BPometrlcal
musings that Indicate the loen
tluu of fdd dwellings, fortlfiiOionN
nnd other habitations that long
slnc bnvfr crumbled Into dust.
(Virefu'Quidy of the aerial views
shows Mies (bat have escaped de
tection of explorer on the ground.
Hueh photography revealed the site
of U'oodhenge, In Wiltshire, Kng.
land, n place Hlte the famous Stone
henae. 1
Social orgnn stations arc oon
pontrary to the spirit of democracy
which Abraham Muruln typified,
the Lincoln Memrlal university has
Uoelded. i-'tutcmltU'S uro banned.
-,. OF THE
; ' V
1'iu'lfio Tonrt Is-iiiKiio
i " . w-
Mission ;,:;.!;4..... .'....J.-. 44 18
Los-AiiRdles '.....'....(l.. 37 2S
San' Kranclaeo' ........... 36 30
Oukliind 3 1 3 2
Hollywood 30 30
HaernmehtO' .'.-..... 27 40
Portland : 23 37
Seattle 22 38
- ,. ' Niltliiual I.eiiKiie
'..!,' . W. I,.
PIltHbm'Kh 23 J 3
Ht. houls-j... 25N 15
ChicaRO 22 14
Philadelphia' 18 17
New York ,;......,.. 17 17
Huston 15 23
Hl'onklyn ..: 14 22
Cliielniiatl 12 25
, American Lcnjriio
Wi. L.
Philadelphia 2.8 !)
St. IOllls 25 15
New York 20 HI
Detroit 24 20
Cleveland Ill 20
ChleaHO 10 20
AVnshlliRton 13 23
Boston 1 1 27
.30 5
Coast League
(By (ho Awsoclutod Press.)
!: Klrst uunio: Jl. , l. K.
San Frunc4soo 11 IK 2
Portlnnii 8 8 1
Mulls. Couch nnd Itoodj' C'nscnr
cllu nnd Woodnll.-
' Kcpoiid priimc! '
Snn l'Tnuclsco
7 i Diivls, Couch, llvnnmj'l llmv
rtrd; Ortmnii nml Hcbo.
' Flint Riimc: II. II.
I.ns AllH0lcs....ii VI 3 5 0
HcillUc' II 15 5
Harfout' nnd llnnniili;. Ilousr,
PlpjsrnA and lliircnnl. r
Second Bnmp: 1!, II. R
I,ns Anpclcn 4 !) 11
Scnltlo' 4 I) i
UobcriH, Hall unit llnnnuh, Sand
bfi'Ki C'hllanl. Msch nnd Cox. .
(dnmo called In nlnili on account
of darkness.)
: Morning game:
Sacrnltiento, .....
' Dlrkormnn, Flynn,
It. H. K.
.. 3 1
.. 10 H H
Koehlr; Mc-
' Afternoon game: It. H
Sncrnmenio' 0 its 0 3
Missions ut 10 19 1
' Cmndull, (lould mul Hevcreld;
lleulher. I'llleili llubbei nnd
First biiiuB: H. ' It,
Oakland 12 2
Hollywood 7 0 1
Crnghead and IteHtl; liulvey nml
Second gnnio (7 Infeugs by ngree
ment): - 1!. 11. . K.
Oakland II 16 I
Hollywood -. t 4 2
D.tglln nnd I.oniburit Ilollerson,
Kinney nnd Cook.
4 .
MOHCOW (P) Special mftke or
clgii.Q:tes. minus the Qlaper
dth'pi'O1 which Is ftttnehed to
ItusKian smokes, ro being
produced' by the Tobacco Syudl
cntu for export to I'ersln nnd
China. A tint her. brnnd hna been
prepiued; for the Argentina mar
ket. The roving life of the nnvy has
proven more alluring to North
western university students than
the irtny. A 'request lins been
made tho Infanlry unit be sup-plunted,
-mu Hill nliMUnL
ttmiti iti it rnriA m m rrnr
AiHLtllU lit
Galaxy of Coast Talent
Seeking; Honors at. Eu
gene Today and Saturday
Oregon Rates Second
Choice W..S. C Third,
lly I 'l a nk o. (iorrlo
(Associated Press Snoris Wrller)'
lOUOll.N')';, Ore., J I ay 31. (fl) .
Tho jrreutest collection of nthlctes
ever hrouj,'ht toKetlier In the Pa
cific northwest, gathered here
from six universities nnd collep-es
to seek honors in1 the- nnnunl
northern division Pacific Coast
conference track and field meet
today and tomorrow. The Huck
sters were representlnis the unl-vei-slties
of Washington, Oreuoh.
.Montana and Idaho and Washing
ton and Oregon State colleges. '
Homo 00 athletes the best the1
Pacific northwest had to offer
were ready to test every confer
ence record beginning with Ihe
iiiialiryliin heats this ufternoon;
Preliminaries were scheduled In
the 100 and 200-ynrd dashes. 120
high hurdles, 220 low hurdles and'
the 4-iO-ynrd run.
Tomorrow the finals will be held
In all 15 evenls with the' lTnlver.
slty or Washington an overwhelm
ing favorite to win the conference
championship, based on ihe best
Individual performances' to date
j this season. m
Oregon was rated second. Wash
ington Slate third, T.Oregon Slate
fourth, Hnffo fifth mid Montana
last. Tlu? powerful Washington
combination, which has eonfiuercd
all northwest competition this
season, was figured tb possibly
take every track event and the'
shut-put lir tbi field battles.
Turner. Addition being built to
plant of l.rtland-JJaniiUiCuai Milk
May Mc&voy To Wed
ih X "7V i
jJHVsi-! .,tv I
June- 26 ha been teleoted by
May McAvoy the dete of her
marriage to Maurice Cleary, Lot
Angelea toanker. It will be her Jlret
marital venture. O
RERIJX (rfVMnrrlage tenda toj
prolong life, the ."weaker Hex"
Uvea Ion nee than tjhe "Htronger."
and the uveraKe life has since 18"i
been lensthened by 20 years, are
the concluBlons drawn by the mot
recent official Oerman vital rec
ordn and mortnlity HtutiHtfes.
In 1 S 7 1, these records show,
the aveniKe feminine-life in Ger
many which was 38.5 years, and
tho masculine averaRe 35.5. For
the period 192-1 to '1926, however,
the average Kli'l baby could look
forward to 58.8 yearn of life, arj
her brother to 56 years.
Tor the boy or girl who' f,Kw
up Bafoly us far aB 20 yeaia of
atfe, the prospectH were stilkbet
ter. A younp man of twenty In
1871 could' only count on reach-'!
ing the ak of 58 5; but his grand
son, a young man of twenty in
1927, could safely look forward to
tid or 07 years.
The figures show Indisputably
fin avrage of 5 years more for
married folk, both men and worn-
en Whether this fact be regard
ed' as proof that people become
Htronger through marriage, or
again, as an Indication that only
tho strong dare to- marry, muRt
remain a matter of taste or pre
judice. , The official statistics
maintain' strict silence
OKEVA (flV The international
conference for the supression' of
counterfeltingt aecontly convened
under the auspices of the Leaguo
of Nations, drew up a convention
witli a protocol nnd final act with
a view to effective prevention-of
the offense of making Kpuriolls
monpjv Various legislative and ad
mlniHtratlve measures were agreed
Kor "certain of; thn contracting
parties thiH convention lnvolves the
obligation to modify their domestic
penal codes and lb tuke concerted
administrative action with a view
to prevent' tho counterfeiters from
e.secaping punishment.
One of the results of- the confer
ence will U the convocation of an
Intfrnntional congress of the na
tional police offices dealing with
t h e 'suprDssion of counterfeiting
The conference further recom
mends that an inquiry 'should be
made into the International meas
ures that mluht be etaken with a
view to preventing the counterfeit
ing of' securities,' Hilch n.s sbalu and
debenture certificates, cheques and
bills of exchange.
Delegations f r p m thirty-five
countries, including the I'nlted
States, participated.
The word "currency' In. tile con
vention is understood ' to mean
coins as well aw paper money and
bank notes. The contmctlng par
ties recognize that the following
should be punishable as ordinary
(1) Any fraudulent, lbaking or
alt taring of currency, whatever
meabs are employed.
(2) The fraudulent uttering of
counterfeit currency.
(3) The introduction Into a
country or the receiving or obtain
ing of counterfeit currency with. a
view to uttering and with knowl
edge that it is counterfeit.
(4) Attempts to commit or any
$ 200 - $ 400
during your vacation
Howt . lly doinor wht
jcojtm 'of yeunir proptp
did Utt year. Thoymkiip
hay while the iuii ihon
took Hd vantage of our
Summer School. They
rcnllttd that tminlnit was
neceMiipy. They dwvov
erod ihtit Northwestern
Training enabled them to
make ' faster proKrj -
Ihnt NoTthwcatrn Train-
tna made It poBaiblk for n"- wier
them to acceft their flmt i'retW-'Ht
pneitlona s-arlfprj They ert 00 ta $480
ahead t You, too, can do thii. t Bee couuun
Mr. Ciias. R VTalksk' ;
N. Wi School of Commerce
1'urtlandi Urcvun
Kindly pend mc Information
hIhuI yuur Summvr Schuol ;
nito your (w book. "MovK
Your r"unifei l-'orward,
Ouling in CnliforoU's Near
est Playgroum! ilie Hrtlwood
Empire nf Hitmboldt County.
i-nj far lwJ(
numttotaw'oatity Rmh. afTnute
Kurek, litfooia
hi " ' mMsi ?;i(L
it TiwWm n
.Miithera University of OtrKou students recently joined together j
in nit brfiaiiizatira si'iuilhr to the
taiiied on the caiiipus en Mothers' Day.
Jlcre U the executive committed of "Orr-jpo Mothers," with Tresident
Arnold Ucuiiett hull; From left to right, first row:' Dr. Itoll, Mis. Vnink
Ifoitkemper, Portland; Mr. Trove .Imicp, J'ortland; Mts. Ocorge 1'ctera,
l'ortlaml; Mrs. W, J. Seufert, The DnlicR. Seerail' row; Mrs. J. Hill,
rbrtlmul; Mrs. K R. Crane, PuitliimV: Mrs. Vilsnn II. .lewett, Kupene;
Mrs. C. D. ItoDine, Portland; Mis. Kmil K. Judd, RoscburgV Miss Million
I'hy, exeeutive se--"rarv.
intentional participation -in tho
foregoing nets.
(6) The fraudulent' making, re
ceiving, or obtaining of tools, .dies
or .other instruments particularly
adapted for the counterfeiting or
altering oof currency. . ..
. Kach of these acts, if corphitted
in a ditflPrcnt country, la to be con
sidered as a distince offense and no
distinction is made in the .j,cnlc qf
punishments between acts relating
to domesetic currency and to for
eign currency. Ih countries -.where
the principle of the Jnternatlpnal
recognition of previous, convictions
is- recognized;, foreign, conyif-tinns
for offenses of counterfeiting cur
rency shall' be recognlKed- for the
purpfise of- establishing hnbituat
Thb-convention further Includes
pro vision ft concerning- the extra
dition of-fOreignerH, which" vary ac
cording to the laws of the different
couritdies but at hi in a general way
nt preventing the offender from es
caping' punishment owing to the
fact that he Is residirr7 in n foreign
country or ina cod ,ry: other than
that in which he has committed
the offense.
There are alsa provisions for the
seizure and confiscation of counter
feit cUrt-eney, ns well as the. Instru
ments used for making it.' 9'he con
voneion provides that n central
dffleo sliall be established in each
of the contracting countries to in
vestigate cases of counterfeit cur
rency. There are stipulations re
garding the institution of. a central
internationol office with which the
national office will correspond.
On the proposal of Roumanla. nn
optional protocol was laid before
' Park it in front of the smartest hotel arid your Reo Flying'
Cloud has" nviaf same assurance that it has in action -I.'
- through the heaviest traffic or up the toughest hill. nart; '
llkMlraMd b l UNV mf C JrW tl' "'
. KlU
132 So. Riverside
"Ole'J" Dads," when they were enter
the conference by which contract
ing, parties undertake in their mu
tuai relations to consider the acts
refei'rcd'to in the convention as
ordinary offenses so far as extradi
tion Is concerned.
Theh optional prdtocol has so far
been acceded to by Austria, Czech
oslovakia; Greece, Portugal, Hou
manlajiind Jugo-Klnvla.
Aviators Taught
, Blind Flying
in a Barrel
Students at a' Paris flying school
take their- lessons irt -one of the
oddt-st classrooms Irt the world. It
is like a half' barrel and Is equip
ped with flying instruments by
which Jhe pupil Is expected to cor
rect the motion-of his compartment
as It lurches and swings about. The
plan is part of the method oftraln-
ing pilots- to rely on their instru
meats rather than on their senses
when flying through fogs or jit
night. It Is predicted that the In-
ger planes -of the future will b-- op-
orated by two' pilots, one who will
take the ship off and land it while
seated where he has a full view, of
the outside, and another who Is in -
closed in a hooded
cockpit. "
part of the
The West Ilranch, Iowa, house
where Prbsident Hoover was born,
recently was the scene of the vo-
manee of Dorothy. Ibden . FYnm-o
and Krancis Iteidesel. It was the
first wedding there.
distinctive in line obviously
Cloucis give you more reason' than ever to-consider
thoughtfully, this point:, that for years the Reo has been
universally regarded as-a' car' o perfectly balanced-in.
. design, so carefully made, so dependable' mechanically
'that'it is always compared, for performance and long life"
With cars of the highest'
Now you can
at a lower
Rto flying 0oud$ art prtcjjat tlij factor as fpilrgni .5-P,jimjef Sni"
Sport I4! Mmr l 715. Spun $1870: Cp of ih,Monih UVi.
3-PMfnget Coupe- 11375, Sport
Soon J1495: Mef JI625, Sporl JI750. 5-Piiengt Broujhm. Mtp JI5W.
' Sporl JI720. 4-Pengr Viciorii, Mirer SI 695. Sporf ) 182ft Rotflner
. Miner J1685. Sport JUltt- .. ' ,
j By Envln Greer i
' (President Orer t'ollPHo, ',Ciivng5 -
Vow nW haw liquid ,M
!of your engine, but- Is It a lUlfrt--leant?
Many me this litjuld is a
j combination of cylinder oil and
'kerosene. Its lubricating proper-,
i ties are poor and should tho bear
lings burn out through lack of oil
i the owner Is aiH to blame Oio oil
i fur the trouble. Thert ho im'mo-'
tdaltely buy oil or andiher gi'ade,
j without knowing the real reason
for his trouble.
I have found that he best way
i to make sure of using the right
I grade of oil is to religiously , buy
the oil recommended by thie man-..
!ufacturers of the particular car
jone happens to drive. ;.
I Depending upon the type of eh
gine. crnnkcase ', oi shodld be'.
I changed regularly. Old lubricat-.
ling oil should be drawn off and
: thrown away, then new oil putf In
at least every IvOO miles of dlllv
ling. In special oases It W". adVla
lable tb renew the oil mucH more'
jofteii. but this Is the usual lengtM
of time it should be -left In, ih?
it the nntrSifa doesn't get a suffi
cient amount of oil It will run hot.,
If the driver does not notice that'
his oil gauge is failing tb Indicate,
It is doubtful that he wbuld know
the engine was hot uritir It froze
and wouldn't ruH any' more. Jn
such a- case ht) .would probably
discdvur that orti' or nibre of thd
bearings were burnt , put.
AVheh: the enginb is riot gfettlng
enough oil it IH usually because tho
oil supply has' beep ruri
low or there Ih1 something wrong
with the-circulating system Either
the pump Ih hot forcing the' oil
to the- bearlrigs properly ol the
pipes are plugged or the'eonn'ee
Hons are loose, or thV strainer i
obs'tl'ucted with-foreign matVeV. .
Whenever' the' gauge does" hot
function pi-bperly thb Unjuhlo
HhoUld- be irtveBtigatpa: at biica.
Mak sure, first of alii that' there
is enbugh: oil' In- the crftnkbftse; '.
Then, inspect thP plpe conhectqns!
for lenktige. - If these' nre; tight,
titkn out' Hie oil strainer' and' clean
it.- and' if- the irotible' is still- In
evidence" disconnect all oil pipes
and stick rt-tres tHrougH' theni' Of '
biuw them-out with' the tiro pUhip.
If this cannot be dbnf; drain out
the . old1 oil and -wash out the ,
cranki-ase" .with kdrdtfene; then re
fill with' new oil; Finally -a neW
adjustment of the oil- putnp may
be made to cause It UrpUhipniorw
oil, provided indications ooint 10 it -
bpeing. improperly , adjusted:- -
Make n poiht of clean I tig' thn
inside of the engine every, time lite-,,
I lubricant is-removed. PUt irt about
one quart of kerosene and . turn
1 the engine, over by- hand; with the
pot cocks open, a1 dozen" tlmea.or
; more. The kerosene' wilt dissolve;,
jthe particles of grease and' drive;
out1 the dirt, it is not ivdvlsable
to' run- the engine with; the kerO
sene in tls base.
The final unit of Idndbergh ilohv
at San Diego, from which the fa-.
mous aviator started on his epochal
flight to Paris- la now under cph-'
I struction.
thoroughbred ---these Flying.
price; ; ; ' .
have a Reo Flying Cloud
price than- ever before.
1 1475. J-4-Paingr Coupe II34J
Phone 464