lit : EXQE TWO ' Tocal and -'Personal If the weather 18 fa If today at' least sno btg picnic part)' will en Joy .-the day a Ions the banks of the Bogue river. Its member will In clude Sergeant and . Mrs.; rover Owen, K, (. fillllman and family, Mr. . and Air a. Char lea Helm roth, Mr. and Mr, Ralph Pence, Helen aprapue, Franklin Mr. , and .Wrn. W, Dyer, -Mr. and WTflVFOftft WTE TRIBUNE. CTTOFORD,' OftEOOX; SUNDAY, MAY 26, 1929. : .Mii ; und ,'MrHt . Doyle Mr.; and ; MrH. Haniteiv, Mrs. . Leo Cannon)( a-ncl pognlbly "thorn. : -!( ., i, j V ' - Sedan leaving for Oakland, San Francisco, Thursday a.', rh. Can take : 3 passengers. Call 84t Central Point, h -Xv . ,r-nt i 6S ; ' sMrs. H. S. Garfield of reridlcton, '.Who while attending the. Rebekah convention here last week was the ' guest of her daUKhter, Mrs. M. M, ' lorrnan, departed fprhome yester day. : :' ''.':' i '; . Money loaned to worthy people to pay their honest debts. .Thomas ,: Jlealty Co., Rm. 12, Palm Blk., cor. '.Main and Front,upstalrs. ,.";24tf ' !. Murgaret Turner of Mcdford was recently elected 10 membership In . PI Blgma, honorary society for stu dents. In Latin at the University of Oregon. Miss Turner Ib a Junior in ' the school of eduoatlon and is-affl Hated with the Higma Kuppa so rdrlty. - , - To the Public: I am In need of $800 or $400 to go back to Port land and have my operation -com pleted. I want someone to advance this. Can give pretty good secur ity. 1 should go at onae. W. J. Messenger, R. 1, Box 88, Medford. .;. 65 , Mr. and Mrs. O.- a. Steele, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hicks, Mr., and Mrs, Stanley Butler of Yreka, and Mr. and,. Mrs. H. M. Edmonds of punumuir were among the many dut-of-town Copco people who at tended the Forum farewell party for P. O. Crawford last evening. Parents Send your boys to us for a happy vacation. Here he can enjoy swimming, fishing, mountain Hiking, riding. Reservations llm (tod. Mrs. N, F. Ohrt, Trail, Ore. ; r..-.' . ; ', - , ... 72 ' Much to the disappointment of se.veral Medford lawyers and clients, for the third consecutive week there were no supreme court opinions handed down at Salem on TUesday,. the regular opinion day 0c. the slate tribunal. With Justices ..Brown; Rand and McBrido ill and .'JiJlitloe Bolt absent from the city, ' he court was unable again to mtis . thf" K quorum. ' fMr. Geo. C. Knearln, special rcp riMcntative of the Exchange Do bUrthient of the .Woodmen of the .World, Is here a few days. . Any niehibor desirous of an appointment can do so by calling Mr. E. C. Sim mon; W. O. W..Bldg.. Modford. 69 , For a wbek's visit at Salt Jjiko City, Utah,, Mr. and Mrs. Ous New bury departed from tho city yes terdny. ; . Window glass, all sizes; also platu flaw., Trowbridge Cabinet Wks. ' Miss Ruth Nowbry and Miss Ohruttlno Coughmn of Talent havo taken rooms at tho Llthla apart ments. Miss Coughran has socured employment In Ashland and Miss Nowbry plans to, attend school. Asniand Tidings. . Moi)tnna picnic, Ever Shady Auto Park, Sunday, Juno 2. . . Mm. Fannlo Taylor,' who re turned fast week from California, left tho latter part of tho week for Boston, Mass., where she will visit her 'daughter. , , . : 10ln. green pine slabwood $1.00 per tier, haul It yoursolf. Mod. Fuel Co. Tel. 631. : G3tf ,. yesterday afternoon was onuo clnliy busy at the license bureau of the. sheriff's office, whoro tempo rary lloensos wore Issued to Mrs. William Hwarte, Claronco Bowling. Albert MoCabe, Sabln & Rlndt, D. J. Gold, Armstrong Motor com pany and Oconto Bossum of Med ford; C. L. Htfeotcrs of Talent: J. P. Miles of Castle Crnlg; Bert Nol son Of Eagle (Point; C. C. Hurk of Jacksonville, and H. R. Shcvlngton or KOguo River. Cedar and pine flume luihber. Woods Lumber Co. 68 , Helman's plungo opens May 4th. . . 70 , Ariiong visitors in Medford last week were Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Illb- bard of La Orando, who tiro look. Ing ipver southern and wostern Ore gon, with a view to a. change of location. . ;. .. . ; k Helman's plunge opens May 4Ui ,. .-. , . . . 7o - i Mr. and Mis. Perry B. Armold of Aimokl Bales Training school of Los Artgelcs, who held a sales in stitute In Modford Inst week, opened a week's Institute at Klam ath Falls last Tuesday. ; Have your rugs cleaned by tho only plant In southern -Oregon equipped to properly do. this work. Rhone Pantorlum 244, for particu lars, or have our car oall. Uo ob- ilgatlon. 7 ft An election Is to be held In the Berrydale-Howard district along the Pacific highway June 16 to -determine whether the district shall be disincorporated in order that It may be re-formed so as to include a new section of property along the new Midway road to be constructed In u short time. The district In cludes a comparatively large popu lation, but tho valuation 1h -deemed not Huffilcently high for-the con struction of a proposed water sys tems receiving its source from the Modford supply. The system will be laid within a mile of the Cen tral Point city limits. . RUg cleaning special for two weeks. Let us eliminate 2-3 of your housework by cleaning your rugs thoroughly - with our guar anteed process, moth proofs. 9x12 size, 14.00. Phone Manson, 266-R. Medford Mattress Co., 30 N. Grape. .-,;..'.-. '73 " The auto camps of thls. clty were 'inspected last week' by Harold Green, state snnltary engineer, and I Dr. Emily F. BolcomWt the Jack son county health unit. ' r-. ' . Lot mo write your fire Insurance. Carl y. Tengwald, Hotel Holland. Phone 993. . , ,1 - . tf Mrs. C. T. Steward Is oxpected, home today or Monday from .hav ing flpenf a week In San Francisco purchasing new merchandise.-' - Dressmaking, smocking and but tonholes. Tho Fashion Shop, 424 Medford Bldg. Phone 1181. 13tf Miss Ruby Fairbanks loft re cently for Phoenix, Ariz., for a visit with her sister thore, during which she will further recuperate: from an operation. Cheap lumber and cedar posts. Medford Lumber Co. 327tf Jack Kerr of Grants Pass has gone to Dallas, Texas, to attend tho International Rotary conforenco, which will be hold In that city May 27 to 31. : . . ; Balloon Dance, old-time, Nat Sat. Dynge Bros.' good music. ' 66 .. A marriage license, was Issued yestorduy at the county olerk's of fice to Leland De Carlow and Hazel W. Ollmoro, both of Ashland. For rug -cleaning service, call Manson, 260-R. 73 12n route to Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Bert G. Bates and little daughter, Sally, woro lni Modford last Thursday greeting friends while in tho city for a short time. Mr. Bates, formerly connected wltll tho Rosoburg News-Review, will bo connected with tho Fawcett publi cations In Hollywood. : Ovorstuffed furniture can be cleanod at a nominal cost. Phono the Pantorlum, 244, for.partlcu lara. , . ' i - . , - , - - 75 A. J. Crose -of tho state vet eran's aid commission, left Friday for Klamath county and eastern Oregon points on official business, aftor having spent a vacation at homo. ' , Select grado factory blocks $5.60 per load. Med. Fuel Co. Tel. 631. 53tf Mrs. Donna Qraffis, after having spent the winter months in Stock ton, Calif., 1ms returned to hor home In North Phoenix, accom panied by Mrs. Hlldebrand and children. Tho lattor will spend a short tlmq uh the guests of MrH. Graffls. Ladies' house dresses, office drosses or nurses' uniforms for sulo. Tailor mado to moasure. Tho J.' R. Soames "Rosalia" line. "IOvory woarcr Is a booster." Call 9.04 -L forenoons for further Infor mation. Also silk drosses for sale. Mrs. Barto. , 46tf Assistant Postmaster R. G, Bonch and Lawronce P. Crocker, post office clerk, several days ago borran using up tho remainder of their 16 days' vacation periods for last year, and will report back for duty on May 31. . Rogue Klk Hotol a place to cat, somothlng to oat, and tho right j IJUIKUUS IU COOK 11, OlM(- Following a visit with Mr. and Mm. C. T. Snter of 26. South reaoh street, Mr. end Mrs. Wilbur Jur- gonson of Clilloquln, where Mr. Jurgenscn Is In the grocery busl- nosw. left for home yesterday. - Moore Hamilton of - Central - Margaret Hammerbacher. Helen' Robert Galllgan, newsboy char Point, junior In commerce, and i Cantlne. Ruth Altken, of Modford, i acter who spends a portion of his ainiim aunoiin, 01 i orvauiH, sen-j ana Ail's, ueorge ti. uo'jrrey of Eu- time in Medford each year, is now air jn vocational uui'uuon, won gene, oil leacners, leit lust Nunday, third prize of $5 in tho contest j May 19. for a hike ovor .(he gov among editors of the Barometer ernment trail down'' the Roguo for putting out the cleanest copy i river. Although they will hike In tho year. . j most of the way, they plan to tflke Summer prices on select grade a boat part way down' the river to green slubwood. Med. Fuel Co. I Gold Beach, where Miss Hummer Tel. 631. v. - 63tf ! hacher and Miss- Altken will tako A visitor In Medford lust week 4he tage to Orescent Jity,--coming from Trent; England, was Thomas Latham, who is making plans to make his permanent home In this city. home over, the Redwood hghwtfy. -it)g M absence. Kindling for sale, limited supply.;' Courier. ' Miss Cantlne and Mrs-. Godfrey will go from Gold rBOaoh to . Marshf Icld and then to Portiandr-jGrant8iPas back with relatives in Itevelstoke, Canada, according to a letter re ceived recently by Clarence Frye, to whom Galllgan usually writes once or twice between visits to .Medford. In his letter is a special request for copies of the Mall Tri bune In order to. become acquainted wlih the course pf events here dur- ,i; Cheap- dry lumber ; at Bedford Lumber Co. , 37tf Mod. Fuel Co., Tel. 631. 1 63tf For a week's visit with Te.iatives at Portland Mrs. Agnes Anderson and daughter,- Rosemary, departed for that city last Friday night. Shortcake and shortcake biscuits for your shortcake at the Model Bakery, 111 W. Main. .. , 66 Mrs; F. F Minear's mother) Mrs. Peter Knsle.r of Granada, Calif., is reported to Tie seriously ill at the 1 Med. Fuel Co., Tol.'esi minear name on tne Jacksonville it- highway. Balloon Dance, old-time, Nat Sat. Dynge Bros." good music. ' ; - 06 Medford und valley fishermen are still 'talking about a remark able catch made by John DHWeller last; 'Sunday, vhen on the 'jsame hook -lie landed a '20-pound salmon and a -42-inch trout. . : .. ; Swimming now In drinking water at the Nat. 44tf Arnold J. Parkot'i well Vnown lo cal business' man, is u patient at the Vetorans' hospital at Portland, where ho will tuke treatment for an Indefinite period. 10-in. green pine slabwood $1.00 per tier, haul it yourself. Med. Fuel Co. Tel. 631. 53tf ' ' '; Among volunteer bankruptcy pe titions filed in United States court at Portland last week was one by John A. Benson, laborer, of Jack sonville, naming liabilities of $17118.06 and giving assets as none. Montuna picnic, Ever Shady Auto Park. Sunday, June 2. For, rug cleaning service, call Manson, 266-R. 73 Of Interest to Jackson county Bchool students Is the recent an nouncement that a free soholarship to the Ashland summer school of art will bo given this year to some doserving Individual. Complete particulars may be learned .from J, II. Fuller of Ashland, according to tho county school superintend ent's office. The school opens July 8 and closes August 10, -with ses sions held six days each week. Eight courses of study will be of fered, . j Get those fenders and auto bodies straightened at Brill's Sheet. Metal Works, opposite Lewis Super Service Station. Phone 418. tf Frank McCain of St. Paul. Minn., and Dan Robertson of Kllznhoth ton, Tenn., wore among tho motor ists In Medford yesterday from a distance and registered at tho local branch of the out-of-stute auto registration bureau. i Summer prices on select grade green slabwood. Mod. Fuel Co. Tel. 031. 1 63tf Mrs., Jorry -Milam, primary teacher at tho Prospect school, huvlng completed hor tenching du- tlus, has taken up resldenco for the summor in tills city. Rogue Elk Hotol a plaoe to ont. somothlng to ent, and the right persons to cook It. 60tf ; Screom ; doors, j ; Woods ' Lumber Co. Phone 1 08.. ' ; h 1 ; ; . M - , ! 68 ' 'Let me do your hauling and save you money. Hawley Transfer, 619 N. Riverside. Phone 1044-X. 90 : Ward Beeney of the Jackson County bunk : left' last week to spend some time visiting friends j and relatives In .Bridgeport,4 Neb. Kindling for sale, limited supply. '63tf Mrs. May. Hogan and Mrs. Her tha'Whaley, who had "been -visiting In Gold Hill fot- some tim bit the guests of their sister, Mrs. Dick Walker, left last week for Whlttier. .Calif., the home of -Mrs. Whaley. OLDPASHIOlf Flagstones '. t T f t t T 1 for 'Walks and; Stepping Stones, V. J. Beach ' Phone 89 i THE PICK .'p THE BIG 8ILENT PICTURE3 ' ; f- WB Continuous 12:30 to 11 P. M. TODAY Only! IT'S THE INSIDE FiOTS ON ' CRIMINAL POLITICS ' Doug Fairbanks Jr.! j.-Si ,rTV OF With JOBYNAj RALSTON An American Watch from Lawrence's We liaA'e scores of other gradu ation suggestions ; which vill hdlp to solve your problem. WATCHES-JEWELRY and SILVER of QUALITY Main and. Fir. Sts. . Established 1908 .. Medford 's Long and Well Established Jewelry Store Phone . 0 ILK UTTER CE CRBM PASTUERIZED SAFE PURE PRODUCED - PACKED THE SANITARY WAY Lest We Forfeet Buy a Poppy Have All You Can Have All the Salads and Deserts You m When You Want Them Let us tell you more about Frigidaire's simplic ity agd what Frigidaire does. Let us tell you about the new low prices. Stop in today. Peoples Electric Store - i i i , ' ' ml I I I U , amm I WZ'i i I II ; i n?A .mil . - flu: J i ,-, f i-i. -,.;h- -,- ,-; I mMT m mm 1 X v tr- m m f s I I - GOOD COMEDY i ' . f "'vfrXl III LATEST NEW8 EVENTS 7 'J I I ROTHERMEL'S ' f' III '- MUSIC 1 ;" I .'- t STARTS I sjS' ' "v. - tomorrow", r-. lWPM fk. McLAOLEN ' BlM.Bi ...:s2r m llSSGl "The Hard Bnilarf III iy ; CLAIRE WINDSOR . j KJmrrlimKm Melodramatic Comedy I . I "Captain Lash" 1 c .... J -.-.,- ... t .-- r ; More Fn and Real En- I I tertalnment was Never I III .. ,'' I Put in a Picture I Ml ' ' M . mU0imr ! ; -Jii ' l Ml 1 id Dm You Want I - ' ' . ' : -- -- - I tt A TV I i i sj- k r r a " ' III kzI IJ J 1 . ' mm Want- i The Gift for the Graduate No gift will be more useful, more apyropi-late and more appre ciated at graduation time than a gewd watch.. American watch makers may occasionally look to Paris for style, but the whole world looks up to American watches for timekeeping accu rate, true, unfailing . . That's why we' offer the, finest line of American watches Elgin Howard Waltham Hamilton Illinois F s , , ''as ' ! - :A gtfoup of typical Auicricau watches : . . . featuring some of the tmurteat ' eloins . . . Legionnaire aud Parieiennes amoag them.. AT LAST! The Talker that is different one that takes you to romance, adventure and tragedy in the heart of the tropics, and holds you as no talkie ever has before. . the Ice Cubes With The New Cold Control You Can Freeze AH the Ice Cubes You Want STARTS c . ioaay Continuous Sk...,. UIIWW8 1:30 to 11 P. M. 100 All Talking! Tropical nights Love-maddened men' and a Woman as Dangerous as ' : She Wjs Beautiful. ,: ; gerous From the Story, "The Woman Who Needed KUIing," ' Starring: Baclanova Clive Brook Neil Hamilton a notorious huntress ofIhearts who recognized no barrier .TO LOVE i lW'i i n ' TWO BIO ACTS OP TALKIES BORN and LAWRENCE . In THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN sr mtfflft 212-214 W. Main lhone 12 Ik