Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 26, 1929, Page 14, Image 14

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News From
Junior High
(Reporter, Mabel Annlnff-i j
The. spelling average for the
huildintr laHt week was 07.9 per
cent. The I's made 100 per cent,
the, U' .fM.PPK cent, the Ill's 9U.1
per cent. , , .'
,, V ! MklnB Heuort,''. , - -"'
The bunking averiiKe for the
liullillnc Ihls -week wim 95. ii per
cent. ' -AW rooms bnnked 100 tier
cunt'-' except : rooms five unci eight.
,'Itoom five had 82 por -cent ..and j
l oon. ,('.K!ll. nun po jit-r -rm,
ill try 'and . make .our final week
i-JOOper ;eent. s ; 7;: y; ;
'( ' Mitain
the harmonica band played 'nt
tho Htnte convention of the I.- O. i
(i: P. and RebekahH. The band:
olno plnyed nt the Pear fcatlvnh
Library News
f On Friday all the grade Hchool
book A were returned to the Junior
"high library to be checked .and
mended. Jn the fall many new
' books will be added to the old nnea)
when nil will be return-id to tho 1
rade uchools.
Girls league
The program for the OlrlH'
league was given by room ten. Mrs.
If row n gave a mont entertultilng
rending called "Kntertalnlng Sin
ter's Reau." Grncio Lou Ivanhoe
played a piano solo. Naomi Front
nnd Ruby Phetnn put on a clever '
little play called "The Gumps."
Kliulcnt RMly OfflcerH-
The following candidaten are up
for offlcei-8 of the Htudent body:
Prenldent Dick Hleeter, Evely
Herman. Marjorie McNnlr.
Olrln vice president Deah Hig
don, llarbara Schmidt, Dorothy
CJ ore.
Roys' vice president Noel Reri
ftnn, RufiKell Rrown, Tommy White,
Phil (JulHcnherry.
Secretary 1IIU Prentice, Harold
Flynn, Alma Edler.
' Song leader Afrntha Ruchanan.
Tho following pupils have re
cently received writing certificate!
from the Rice people: Tom Fuson,
Alva Merrltt. Almn Inlow, Peter
Vinne. Ansel Knox, Clifton Hhanr
non, Dorothy Clark, Kthel Slagle,
l-Mward Renont, Evelyn Robinson,
Fresteen Wnlker, Harold Me.Col
lum, llene dale, Kenneth Ander
son, Xorbert Dleklnson, Patwy
.PlijKlcal Kdneation
1 All of the phyHlcal education
clftMscH have been going to the
Na thorium for swimming lewons
Instead of having el nun work oil
tbe choo' -rtMt'
Scliool Kxhlblt
, The annual school exhibit will
be held Friday, May 31, nt the
Hchool building. The exhibit will
lie open to vltdiorn during tho en
tiro afternoon. The iminuul Train
ing and domestic eioriee depart
ments hnve done nomc very inter
n.Htlng work during the year, nnd
thlH will be on exhibit. 11 very de
partment of the Rchnnl will he
represented. Parenm are urged to
pome." ", . -.J- ..- . ' . ; ,
V Festival
The junior high Hchool enjoyed
taking part In the spring festival.
The 7H girb under the direction of:
MIkm Carver put on u very fine
flag drill that was greatly enjoyed.
We nre especially proud of King
Rose, portrayed by Max Rae, nnd
Queen Cornice, by Ruth Ramstrom.
Roosevelt School
The A's really enjoy writing news
Hems. This will he their lasl yen!
to write ltoosevelt Items, because
they will he in Junior high next
year. These are the .jieoptc who
are reporting: Clarnhelh Howell,
t'atherlne Urnndt, Stanley Kun
man, r.arhnra Huh, Itussen t'lrlrh.
Itllly Shepherd nnd Molllc Ill-own.
f'tlnfly Sale.
, Th Olrl Scouts hud o candy sale
Friday noon. The money was to
put In tho camp fund. This Is the
first and last chance to earn their
ten dollars which they nro sup
posed to earn. They look In about
fa.r.o. ,
The spelling for the Roosevelt
school Is nH follows: The BR was
the highest with 09.3 per cent. The!
building averaue was per cent.
We fell down, ns last week's aver
age was 90.4 per cent, which Is 1.3 j
better than this week. The 6A'sl
are almost through with their spell-;
or. We will prohnhly have n mix-'
ed up spelling lesson nevt week.
The coming week we hope to do
heRor. L, R. I',
nail Games.
Two more baseball games are
to be played by tbe fifth and slxlh
grade boys' team, and ns they have
lost their chance for the cham
pionship, they are going to fight
their hardest to nt least win the,
last two gami'H of the Keason. The
scores of the first four names are
ns follows: Jackson 0, Roosevelt
7, nnd Jackson Is now In the lend
for the championship: Lincoln 22,
Roivsfvelt 15, and Lincoln Is now
In second place; Washington 13,
RooseTelt U, and score of second
g.ime with Jackson: Jackson 1,
.Roosevelt 0. We have never been
beaten, verybnd and have a good
chauoe to win the next gnmo with
I lea lib.
The health was not no good. The
building was "fl.3. The banner
room was the 4H with !fi.6. We
nil hope to do hotter next time.
May Font I vol.
The annual May festival was
held at the VanMcoyoe field nt 3
p. m. on Wednesday. Children that
were not In the program were ex
cused nt 2 p. m. Some singes
railed between 2, nnd 8 o'clock nnd
collected the children taking part
In the feMivnl. The program only
lasted one hour. We hope you want
and had it 'good time.
"-' IIooIim Returned.
Wp hnve been very busy gather
Ing books to return to the Junior
high ftsltnit!. The honk were all
' tied up on FrM.iy and were r-
City and Valley School
Ittirned to the JunlorhlKh Hchool. I tlon unci chain drive monVH, four
iThe puplhi'of the HooHCvelt school f wheel orakcH, three sizow."
j hated to hcc them go. I KIwood'M Auto Shop. 1 the local
'' t'juidy Suit. ' I rtp'ilp'" tor Mcilford, and they would
At 12:30 on Kriduy the Cllrl
Ht-oiilH had ji candv Hale. The mon -
' V arnert Ih for their camp fund. I
They took in $3. DO.
I , Kxamliiatloti Near. j
, ,, Exams am near at hand. 1'rob-!
f a,,lv. many pupil vi II, lie excumtd
PbecauHe they-have" A' : and TJ's on
their cards. Al! the exams will mu" ,u,t .'' um.iK mi
ne mimeographed thin time. These ; lncul automobile dealers.; f
examH will probably he Kfvcn the; , , ,, - , ,-
nth and flth of June. : ! lurolil frey' f nth,e: fjmhim
-, ,, , V ;- , I'aiKe afroricy, and Ralph Hpencor
1 ; Pupils KiitiTliW, : . ' u..f2.i ,.... mh ....! .f-
The only pupil who huH come to
) Roowevelc m-hool Hlnce
May 17,
f l!2ii, Jh Evelyn Oeorge
Lcftine from California.
We want '
h"1 'njby her work' an much
m California.
Jtarbara Holt.
The OA's were .'.frnld they would
not cot HM per cent last Tuesday
In hanking, hut (hey did. The per
cent.'iges for ' tho different, rooms
were as follows: O, 1 10; fiA.j.Mayne, were business visitors in
.1(,.-r,i..1A;. lllA.-,loo;.;iA,
5ii-tin, luu. .'jn buiwing iiv-
ei-age was :ni.z iier cepi, wnicn us:
nut on irorxl u t lm H'ni.k hrifiir-n
Rut 100 nor eent lmr.l to beftt. 1
f i p
Sliitlenl Body.
Ilooseve t had an lnt...-otlnB as-iiH
uk ' follows;
Piano nolo by Alar
garet Mann
a playlet, "The Oys
ters and Its Claimant," given by
tho fourth grade; piano solo ' by
Rarbar Holt; reading by Dolph
Janes; harmonica solo by Martha
Shrutluff. Tho assembly was en-Joyed-
by nil. Kathy R. 13.'
Ranking 92.9 per cent; 100 per
! Jackson School I
cent, rooms, Miss Hansen's, Mrs. jtorcd to Crescent City today.
Laldley's, Mrs. Outhrle's. LasU . , 1
regular bank day May 28. Spelling! ,A U,yfn employees of tho Ker
9G.3 per cent, Rest, grades, 3-15. Wj'" Z1 (t,'P"'-tments nj the
9.7 Per cent; 3-A. ift.7 per cent. ''-Al en company were nti'r
Cycles ended last Friday, Health 1 n thP management Wed-
80 fi Cood .nesday evening with a dinner, at
'children have no desire to din-1" ,,tH lM,"lfjl'''- William O'
contlnuo health inspection for J"'11' traveling service rpresenta-
Rail game: Jackson, 10; Lin
coln, 9. Jackson will piny for
championship Juno 2
Last P.-T. A. of year irrldny
May 31, nt 3 p. m.
No school decoration day. . ,
Writing Sent.
Writing In the- grades from 2
to 0 have been- completed and
samples of work will be sent
away for the Rico experts to
chock up and grade,
Those who j
have made tho proper Improve-
mont will bo sent certificates of
ll.ra.-y Bookft.
'r' The'llhrnrv books have nil been
el.n,.l,,.,l ,,,,,1 Kent to tho ccntrnli""K business In I'oiMand
library for final checking and re
pairs und sorting for next year.
More books hnve been rend this
year than ever before.
. ilnnitor Out.
Mr. Stliison was missed from
the building last week because of
the very serliuw illness of his wife.
Although she has lieen reported
much Improved. Mr. Hllnson will
not be able to leave her bedside
fur some time yet. Mr. Morgan
is pleasing every one fl
'till .
In ninn."
Miss linrrlgnr Vleoseil.
The teachers, pupils and prin
cipal are recipients of a ,nlce noto
from Miss linrrlgnr In which no
small nmnunt of elation eninnnted
Here it Is:
"I wish to express my sincere
admiration for the work you have
done nnd the spirit which yon
dlsplnyed to make our first near
blossom festival a' success.
"Yesterday's performance of the
flrsti pear blossom festival was
most Ri-atlfylng. The precision
of dances nnd drills and presenta
tion was excellent especially since
the children had not rehearsed
onco with the other..; ..' v
The Mt. Pitt school was surprised
to hnve visitors Wednesday. May
23rd. They were Pete Leventxm,
J x Ve Ahs L. p!
Cross. Mr. Lo vent .en played sev
eral eseb'ctlons on- his accordion
for tho children., which they en
joyed very much. When Mr. Lov
cntzm finished playing Mrs. Stan
ley and Irene Anderson played a
duet on the piano. Other children
did ji folk dancr. then Mrs. Cross
played n few numbers on tho piano.
Wh appreciated thdr, comihti and
thank Mrs. Jones Tor bringing
thctiu . v .
The Mt. Pitt school closed Fri
day. Fvoryone will be glad f a
vocal ion for a cotiplo of months.
Thin week was ppcm In Inking
A pirnfe wa nlveii by tbe school
Friday. May 24th, near the Willow,
Creek bridge. Parent and fiteml
of the children attended. The board
furnished five gallons of lee cream.
The children brought sandwiched,
salad, cake, coffee nnd cream. The
primary chltdreu sunn and Kcveral
folk dances were Kiven by all of
the children Tine boys played n
KitiTie of haehall with the nh"ls and
the ladles wort' by a few points,
liveryone enpoyed themselves. 1
A new advertiser in the noto de
partment of this papir today is
International Trurk, spoeUfly rcc
oemxed for' heavy duty work; the
features of which nre set out In
their a1 In this Usuc.
They are advertised: "Rullt for
Inn liven of hard, henry, fast haul-!'
Ing. Kniiln... rlulehes. transmit
slons. brakes everything Is built to
heavy duty upecificatiout. of the
highest standard. Poubl tislue-
( Mt. Pitt School !
! I,e "leaned to demonstrate
Auto Row Gossip
f ' Ktshinfc-corrtlnUc-s to be more
',,,, . ,,,
...... (llimn ,wim. ... thB ......
whatever that means.
W-. W. Allen, of the Pierce-Al-
lien Motor company left hero luMt
1 niirlil frii- 1'iirtlnntl: nnrl VI find Hii'.
... ..,.ay.,,. C,.uc.iuk no
American l.huln company of San
AledfordKriday.. !
. -
u-pi-i' iii'iivi'rpii to iiic Millie 111 iii-n-
"n tf ,,e Ued by traffic ofriceiH.
were brought to
Bedford this
'Hcherer Motor company,-Rud Hay-
. rhn,.lt.s Hui.k ( WbiC0lM-
the Hchorer
home, and Virgil Coggins,
Several models of Marquettes
will be received at the Schorer
show rooms this week. These new
cars being put on the market for
the first time are attractive Ruiek
products and should meet - with
public aproval, according to Mr.
Hcherer. .V
'Lloyd Dicks, snles manager for
the Pierce-A lien Iotor company,
accompanied by his family, nre
among tho local people who mo-
" i nvviiMi-i t:Jiu puny
with heailiiuaHei-s at Portland,
was a special guest at the meet
A large Hhipment of Hlandard
Do Son sedans will be received at
the local agency tho first of the
week. s ;
F. W. Kittson, office mn linger
for the F.akin Motor company, re
turned to Med ford Thursday after
u four days' vacation trip, to Ran-
don. Marshfield and North Rend.
i '
J n'1 - w- Vny.
r tlle Myei-s Mitnr conijiany,
I".1''' "Pending several iliiyaVuiinsac-
Postponement of the muturllv date
of tho French .war- supplies debt ctf
Hiu.iKio.noo ponding ratification or
the Mellnn-HerenEer debt agree
ment by tho Kronen nnd Amerlcnr.
govommonts, was asked in n reso
lution introduced today by ('hah-,
man Snioot of tile- scimto finance
i' '
Hocus Itivcr Valley Tho Scenic
pnradlse'nf the world.
Doublo Reduction and
2, 3i, and 5
4 -Wheel Brakes -
licdvsigntd hood and radiator
Uiat gicct new, ruggrd
Arw, nttttxrful engines.
AVte-fvpc chdchrs witli vibra
tion darngerg,
Confur0iUet -itclosed fooj.
Jiufimttd 'ear ariddtain dritrs
UruryiilY, at toy st ret springs,
fti.irf;(iii frame$ strongly
4-nr.r:i, hrki-s on
yaj Mo DLLS
118 South Central Avenue . . .
I Medford, OreffOH
Announcement wan madet Just
week by K. Y Fuhr,' Pacifji Hc-
,MIU( Ul ,11.11 tJJtLMIlt
nient of Wl Ilium 11. Packer hi
zone HaleH manager for the Houtli
Mn California territory, effective
Packer Hiicreeda Oeore',lt. 'Wal
lace, who becauHe of the outMtand-
l,, Tecord rrrnjle by himself
the L,ob AngeleB dlHtrlct, han been
appointed -aHHiHtant general waleH
manager of tho Huiek Motor cont Flint, Mieh. ; Wallace ia
a nalionully known figure In tho
IndiiHtry and becomes, through
I his new poKition, one of tho put-
' MfunHnir ovpriilK'fK In tho niito -
1 1 11 1 . 1 .1
with General .Motors units- extends,
over .1 per.oo 01 w.,e yea.
acker Is succeeded In the po -
j s.uon ot uuy sa n,am.Ker
i Los Ancelcs hv Wllllltm C. Herrlnir
who has been regional sales pro -
motion manager with offices ntj
. t)10 phevroiot Motor factory at
. . . . ... .. ... ..
Oakland for the entire Pacific o.
Construction of a mammoth oil
eracking plant to product a 'newi
type of gasoline, said to be revo
httionary, both in nature and ef
ficiency, will be started at Wil
mington, California, within tho
next few days, according to word
received In Medford by A. E. Pe-j
derson, local representative of
the Western Oil and Refining Co.
Tho plant, with tank facilities,
Ik to cost about fa.OOO.OOO, and
will be located on tho Western
Oil company' property-, on . San
Pedro boulevard, adjacent to the
L'nlon Oil refinery nd Wilmington.
Jt. R. Rakeslraw vice-president
nnd chief engineer of the West-j
ern Oil and Refining company,
who made the announcement of
the expansion, guardedly revealed
that tho plant will operate und-jir
a now .and revolutionary ljlurit,
recently obtained by tbe-. mitro-i
leum Conversion Corporation of s
New York. .
Likewise, ho announced- ., hlsj
company has purchased rights to;
manufacture this new type o gas
Richard Florian,' pvesidnj and
general manager of '"Western Oil.
closed, the negotiations f.o.. JJils
prlvllegu In Now York a few days
Mr. Rakeslraw explained yoster
day that tho new gasoline may
have n far-reaching effect on tho
entire motor Industry.
To date, ho explained, tho high
est compression ratio built into
gasoline motors hns been five and
a half to one.
Rut with tho use of this now
gas, . he declared, a far ' nt'ore ef
ficient ratio Is possible. A ratio
of seven to one can be , obtained
ho slated. . .
C, H. Shattuck, vice-president
of Uio Rrnun corporation, saltl'tho
new process Is known as the true
vapor, phase cracking process- It
differs from the ordinary process
in that vapor Is cracked Instead
of liquid.
The Western Oil nnd Refining
company nre anticipating entering
the southern Oregon territory, ac
cording to Mr. Pedersnn.
Cliain-Drive Models .
- Ton Sizes
New Engines
! ! nr yPTrnnirnro I
TVrilKN 'you' are In the market
" for the best value in a kcavy
dtity truck a rugged chain or
gear drive truck that will make
your hauling, a source of estra
rofit see the new International
Irnvy Duties. They are built for
long lives of hard, heavy, fast
hauling. Engines, clutches,
transmissions, brakes everything
Is built toIiravy-dutysDCcihcatioits
of highest stamlards. The 5VC,
7MU and 10-t-C models are the
only chniu-drive heavy-duties with
4-whel brake t
Ask us to demonstrate one of
these new International Heavy
Duty Trucks lot you.
Phone 760
II attemptH to
modernize traditional art product
In (ierniany huve Invariably met
with the KHme lettult. Jazzing up
; Wagner- or 'other elasAfeul compow-
fers, or giving; Mumlit, or the time
honored tlayH of rtehfller Up-to-
(date KettingH, firt evoked a wide-
ln,H1,lw, lnte,.e't, which soon. turned
into diftdiilnful criticism and fre
fluently terminated- In vindictive
j reHentinent. ' - ' ; .
j A typification of the latter In
stance were violent ntmckH on
jOtto Klemperer, one of tho con
ductors of Llie Htate opera, who wan
. . ...
I threatened with gaa
bombs for
i.i-IntHiiu- out .. Wninni'u "U'lvlntr
Ijul(,nn,nn.. in a Blal.inKly realistic
B(.ttnK, in which romance, accord
.1B , thp tmfW of ,hp wKnel.
Hen. plnyed hut nn liullfferent rolo.
., '1,0,1 ' 1,., ..n
! aa u,neH,mn''a ,-
, malUen!i wearing woolen
; ,,, .
1 . .-
j nis was loo mueit for the wag'
nerian societies, who promptly pe
titioncd the Minister of Fine Arts i
and Public Worship to prohibit
these performances as a "desecra- j
tlon of a -Herman cultural irt'oduct, ;
a, defamation of Wagner's, works'
und discrediting to the standing of
the national stage." . , I
Ry letter and telephone Klem-
perer was threatened wit:i a theat
rical demonstration nnd the em- t
ployment of mustard .gas if he '
dared continue his. "contamination I
of a Wagner opera." .. - r - .;
Only the strategical distribution
New ports added ...
more shore features!.,
all time concentrated
on essentials... pick of
the world's ships ...
Canadian Pacific ser-!
vice, cuisine and man?
agement throughout.
Will you go this year? ,
Dookings are being'
Mediterranean -
Empress of Scotland iKeb.S)
and- Kmpress of France
(r'eb. 13). ,73 days. .'
Round the World
Empress of Australia. 137
days. From New York on
Dec. 2. 24 nations. The
(right seasons.
South America
Afrfcfi . Ruches of A thrill, 104,
il.iys. From New York Jan.'
21. To the most curious
corners of the earth.
A ten -three cruises to the
, H'est Italics by ihc Duchess
o Half out.
CuJt.TH Pacific Tw.vir.Tj ChcjHCt .
' , OW the WutlJ Oyi r
WH Oricon Or nl 1gent Pissr Dcpr
SSIlilnlK nviliiidMulliiomJiHMrlBI;
All Work Guaranteed
: Phipps Aoto Park
. Highway at Jackton
Phon. 1037-R
f a l.rK.'foroe of pnH-fhfo,
out the .,. k,re(l,l
ld.Win 'f ' huKr nWnHte.
If,-..... Hi.t.-tinv n rMn.rh rir,.i.. i.m.
- m- , I
Let Your Rent Dollars
Buy a Home for You!
. Stock
Invest your money in this suc
cessful home institution it's
AVAILABLE., ' Owners of'tliis
stock were recently paid $30,
000 for G months earnings.
Over 20 Years in Medford-Not One of Our Stockholders Has Lost a Cent
' '.
On Salurdoy, Buick will present the new
built in Buick factories. Marketed as an addi
tional member of the Buick family, it will in no
way affect Buick Itself. Buick will continue to
express the policies that the leader
of the fine ear field for. the past quarter
century, 'i- In the smart, comfortable bodies
of the Marqutte you will recognize the fine
38-40 North Riverside " s
rniui.-" .he performance )HH11lo.
The .mU-n "Flying Dutchman."
- : 1.6Veer. ' w m. taken off the
. iniiM-tiore. Ann mm" iierllliei-H :n
That is 'actually possible -Our
convenient . ' ' "I''..., ,
'enable you to pay for a home on
Canadian Factorial Oon.r.1 Mw -
UoJe.rm.i rht III -hupper n
....m. .arf :Klen,,.e. er. Ik nostn to
.h.veta ..podern on U.he,
- i"" -
easy, monthly installments just L
investment in this way that Twill
pay big dividends.
Come in. . . Talk it over with us
tomorrow. 5'
& Wm
hand of Fisher design. In its balance and
poise you wiH see experienced engineering.
And in performance that final standard by
which all tars are judged you will find the
Marquerloleading ks priccclass byan impres
sive margin. Be on hand when this eventful
new car is shown Saturday. See what a
remarkable new automobile Buick has pro
duced ct a price within the reach of millions.
, ; ' ;
Phone 73
4 .