Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 22, 1929, Page 4, Image 4

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    ' it'll
! -I, '
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- MEDFOBS mail tribune
' HlDVttll) MINTING M.
II-IM) M. i M. ,
BOBnr w. 10BL, hut
a. wtmu with, inmat
MMd eiaaa auttar at MaaYife,
An if Uvea i, ma.
. tr IUH la Acftim: . ,
2 KaUf, ttl uoaar, w-
Dallf, 1tta Iwlar, Mots......
Daily, vllkoat aVmtar, iw
Mir, ultlKUt SufHlij, Mots...,
WMttr Mall Trauma, oh iw. .,
tuiA. ini nu ............
Hf Wrier. m-rtoranaa in Mraora. inuau.
: JaebooTllla, Genual -Point, rbowU, lalaat, Hold
BUI and on Hlfhwi:, .
Dallr, wltn lundir, swath .JJ
Paiir, vltimit Sundar, booUi 65
' pillr, allhotrt luodar, ooo raal..... too
ball, with Bundar, ooa rear 1.80
AU im, caah la adfaoea.
(aealtlnt fuU Uutrf Wlta lerrlea
. . Iba Aaudated Preia U uclaltilr aoUtlal to
Dh m r aubllatlon of all nana dlrpatebai
"" eradltad to It or alnenrlia crediud lo tola ft,
ani atta to tr local nan pubuibad barthL
r All rujbta for punlleallaa af apaalal Bhaatltai
- aaraia ara alra raaanad.
erndai tnar of u cur of utumt.
Official paocr of Jaekion County.
aara au anraca elreolatkal far Hi
mflm Oct. 1. 10J8, 41S8.
AdnrtUInf napreatmatlTCa
OOVaa Is Kr York, Chlealo, Dotrott,
' iraaebca, Loa Amelia. Bealtla. Fortland.
Ye Smudge Pot
i ' . Arthur Perry ' , '
; Harry . Sinclair, tho cooped-up
oil .baron; In tho recipient of mora
thuir ho has coming, ' though'
heinous beyond words was his con
tempt of tho august sohute. Listen:
. Clad in Hi III. pajamas ho hiid
itat most oC tho night on tho
i-nge of .cot 02, smoking
' : 'olgurcUi. '' Tho finorOH ot (10 ,
;rooiniiiiitcH kopt him uwako.
.No. crime meiitH tho dlro and
hellish agony of being helpless In
the midst of; CO oiling gouts exor
cising their, adenoids as they stum
' tier. .
Petition peddlers who huvo been
milking H Joke of tho Oregon
Inltlativo and referendum lawn.
(Editorial opinion, Tho Dalles
chronicle.) It was not much of a
task... '
Mules havo discarded tholr vests,
and neckties are flying low across
the soup.
They havo a new cook, at tho
Hen Hpaltllng mill, a lady from
Tennessee It l noedless to say
that she will glvo good satisfaction
as all the Tennessee people aro
good cookH. (Grunts Puss Courier.)-
Wherein an editor makes a
bid for a plcoo' of-pie.' ; ,-'. '
.Ono mure dip, and Clara Tlo wlll
bo Hi Til Ian beauty, ;.. iti j.
. i !f . ii i ' .' i .. ;L
'1H tit hltAIHIrtTlJv .Vvi'.
' ' (KR Kiamlnrr) . t'
tilfe. In short, .desplto lavender
bathtubs ami life .extension Insti
tutes; Is what It always was, a'wild
horse of the dOKurt whbse muno is
tho ' Milky Way aiail 'tho sparks
from whoso hoofs irfo bright hells
of. daalh and destruction. The
' magnlfloent brulo is perhaps bast
rlrtdon with a loose roln and a Jlght
heart. - " ,' '.' . , ' v ., . , :
.'.The moon gttve an excellent por
forrrmiice last ovenlng, flooding tho
valley with silver, and .cuuslng tho
F. Byboo alio to stand out In bold
relief. , ... , ." t
School la about ovor. Young men
will rcsmim Micklnit hpplva . ito
teuohcr Monday, Ucptombet 2,,, .
'' The usual number of sermons
will ,be uttarhed to tho Portland
tragedy wheroby a school romance
becomes u aad and bloody deed.
The harvest of unrestrained jeal
ous' Is .iilwuys (ho same: .broken
hoarts, prison If Death does not
1 n t o r v e n e and tho clammy
'.morgue. 'Tho samo thing Will hap
pen again, tho tlmii, and tho place,
and tho aetors alono changed, It
Is a sign ot tho times, In loss
hectic days boys fought utter
school, when tho courso of puppy
love reached a rough road. Van
quished mid .victor alike wore pun
lshod at homo, and by tho princi
pal. Tho cause of tho battle,' ami
all tho, other girls, ncorned tho
combatants for months and they
were chastened. , Klroarms ,wnro
. not left -In, tho reach of Infants,
und the homo was not an nrHenal,
(lolu, Kan., HegltUT) 1
The- wedding bolls are wringing
good .
If you dont bellevo It ask Will
Ho sulil he heard them tho other
night ,'
The wjiy they rang It was a fright.
v wonder what the ParrOrits
will do when schnail Is out; tlobo
(lay was Thlt-sday and they wer
In good shape, l'ntchea and llobo
coalotn.'' '.'.
Mrs llocky Arnold entertained
for, lunch a Thlrsday eavenlng at
Mx o'clock ' Mr. Paul and son nt
tola nnd Mm Moffltts of La ilnrnc.
and a very iiloasant eavnlng was
J. T TreadWay renewed 'his
youth by driving tho Troadwtty
delivery wugun down Home a Krl-
, i jl'eoplc are comnlalnlng about
JtheUr Radishes bolng pnthey, Kad
Ishes need warm weather and
growing weather and not so much
ground J log o Htar,: i
' WAHH1NOTON. May 21. (l
A revolving fund of $l0,000.000
to aid farmers on wet lands by
loaning funds to drainage districts
which have Issued securities to de
fray costs of the projects was pro.
IMiNfMl In n hill IhIi.uIiiiw.1 I...
nenamr 1 111 null. Keplllillcnn
ATE KNOW OP NO SECTION of tlio cofintry where nir mail
service would be more appreciated, or more sensationally
speed up mail delivery than east and west pf Medford. .
Last summer we had friends at iUandou, Ore. ' Letters to
them, and from them, were f roni tw;o to four days in transit.
Letters to IJend, Ore., from Jfedfoi-cl, have to be routed via
rot-timid or Klamath Falls, delivery1, requiring as, much time
as. air mail to.!hieagor , : . ., ;
' 'With'air iniiil established, rcttcrs ajotlld reach I$nndcm froth
Jredford in, approximately one hour; Vho flight 'to. Bend could
probably be made in two 'hours or less. ; , :
There is a strong demand among btiisincss men on the coast
and .-in eastern Oregqir for. such. an. air jnail,sorvice.. Tbure is
no doubt that tlie peojile of 'Medford imtl Jiicksdu county would
be solidly, behind such a program. i '
."'We believe if the filets pt the jiituation were brouglit before
officials o the, post pffice .department, tleywojtld be (glad to
authorize a' service which is so greatly neieded, and "which would
confer. such extraordinary benefits ,ypon such a large territory.
EVEu SINCE the debenture plan was proposed, the demo
cratic press has followed itsf; bell wiither. the New York
World, in declaring:.
"If the tariff is right, tie
;To support tins claifu, it Us
gives the same protection to'. the. wheat farmer that the pro
tective tariff gives the 'manufacturer.;'. ,
If one asks "why,!' the answer is;..?lJeeatisc tlio.tariff is in-
effective iiv beneyttiiig an cxfortabl(j product." ? i.
V "-, i'' i ' '
O P.,COURBK this is all twaddle. , .Steel is an; exportable
product. ; Iraetieally all' 'Amcrica'n ' liianufacturc'ro pro
duce a surplus over what is required for domestic consumption.
They export it.-' .They rceeivo
protection, the wlieat farmer
debenture, no subsidy. :
"Why! .Heeauso they don't
they did. They don't need it
The individual oan't .produce 'au iron ingot, or a dish
washing jiuichinc or:a, flivver.
with land can produce wheat.
, . ,
AS A RESULT, there is lways a. wheat surjilns over and
above the immediate market 'demand, and low prices re
sult.. The,. protective tariff helps tho American farmers by
keeping cheap, wheat out, of competition, but .this is offset by
the', fact tlnit..tlio iiionient. wheat prices soar, more wheat is
planted. ' ' '' " ' : ' " " "'
Senator IJrqokhart and other
this .condition .byjeaving things
farmer a Boverumlent subsidy..,
President IllooVcr wants to correctit by restricting produc
tion,, diversifying products., aiid through co-operative aetion
sta! -prices, i dti, -othot '.W.orOuaiJiieilig'.tlin (iiriuing indus
try as far as possible,. on the same economic piano as the manu
facturing industry.
TO BAY UROOICHAIIT is right, heeaiiso.tlio protectivc tariff
is, right and tho debenture is eiuivalnt to '-tho tariff, is
simply nonsense. ' . . .. , ,-, '
As fur , as tariff, protection js cOneornoil, , the farmor, and
manufacturer. are on ait. approximate 'equality.', Their differ
ences, tis far aa .financial returns are concerned, arc 'duo Jo
fnmlaiiu'iital differences in the nature 'of . their organizations
and the character of their products.
President ' Hoover would remove these differences by
changes iu method. Senator Urookhurt would keep them. and
force the taxpayers to pay the farmers what they cost. ... ; '
There, as wo sco it, is.thc.dcbentur'e.jssiio, h a nutshell., i. .
The New York AVorld says
The Hearst papers maintain A.l Kmllh is politically extinct.
AVitli tho St. Louis Rrowns out "of the race, also tho Jones' and
Smiths, a .majority of America
Apparently it is safer to drivo fast. ' At, any ralo the driver
mixed up in a serious accident never is going moro than ;12t
miles an hour. 1 ',
Men aren't knighted in America, but it seems about, the
same thing when, they .get Jh'cir first invitations to address a
graduating class. . .....
Secretary Good, says Chicago has growing pains. The
trouble, you remember,, kociiis. to be jnthe joints.
, 4.,
The great man, is like anybody olsV, except he doesn't be
lieve it when people tell him it can't be done.
Yet it isn't probable that any philanthropist 70 years ago
wotdd have picked Ktlisou as tho brightest boy.
fle o-ccoc,: this siwm, Kuo.c: t, Jt . V rLiAbUKt. ' fZ S T
rAfe that: r-
- HEDTOttD M3crc
, , ',"' ( 'I' ' !
j " ' .
.debenture, plan is right."1
maintftiimd the debenture plait
'" i i ' . ; ,
approximately the ; same tariff.
receives,'. but they ask for no
. , . -. ; ; , ; , , , ,
need,', it and wouldn't get it if
because they restrict production.
Butithe individual any man
; ......
' m! ..
farm saviours want to' correct
as they are und paying ,the
'n . t i,
the. Jones law is a dead letter.
would seem to he under eclipse
A Gentle Answer Turneth On the Wrath
S1DK1ET, Ktout:
a ID
r TfOU DON'T H'Wl VAurPsei pr I AAAIM! DO YOU ITrV I ' r mmx . M a M
trtbuct:, itoford,
Personal Health Service
Blgmad lattata partalnliw lo parsonal
HHlMMl ww w Bunvasu J w. INMJ II a iud, K.l-MN.nMI RlTWOpa W aOCloaaO.
Utters afeoald be brlaf and wrlaUo la Ink. Owing to the lama otunbar of lattm n
oaltaa, only a law eee ba aeewarart tiara. Ho raplr can be made to qnartae net oonforaa.
l la Inatraotlone. Addroaa Or. William Bradr, la care of able newspaper.
tVNotlclng your advocacy of solar
baths la preference to the carbon
arc and mercury ' vapor quartz
lumps or ultra
violet light,"
writes B.- P. O..
"I ' wondered
whether you did
not place too
high a value healthy. -He was brought up care
upon the quality I fully, out of doors, sent to school,
of the sunlight In I "hurch, and had good companions,
the latitude of Vet at about J 4 he wouldn't study,
Michigan dur!ngnor work, .ran away,, was dlsobedi
t h e w 1 n t e r ent, cruel to animals. (Later he
months when the sun ihlnca. If at
all, through a dense pall of hu-
midtty and smoke ; . . " '
Mr. a.'s letter turned up here on
a busy day when there were ovor
iRfwi int.aml in .u.1.1, an i
hn.i ti. ni,i onn.n wn.kinp. i,i
that day, and some word or phrase
111 thA Inal nnnrtnr nf lh lftpr
(tlmt'B generally a likely place to
hit on a clew) led me to the er
roneous conclusion that here, was
another student of the propaganda
who wished to enlighten -me about
the ultraviolet ray business, and
I believe I answored the letter In
that humble and grateful spirit I
always have when a layman offers
the -gist, of what lie has garnered
from the propaganda.
" Then came a' nice ''.'bright' suimy
day when a, fellow would Hits to
go out and puller around In the
ultraviolet, but seldom can, for It
does seem that tho mall Is always
heaviest on bright sunny days. Not
that folkB write more letters on
bright sunny days. In fact I be
lieve It is Just the opposite most
of these letters, are written on
dark or rainy days, and they reach
me a day or two later, when ' the
sun is again on the Job for a few
hours. Toward the bottom ot the
basket I came upon K. P. G.'u let
ter; something had made me lay
it aside for more careful perusal.
I can't understand what that some
thing ie, but maybe it is a kind
ot Intuition. Hero Ib what E. P.
G. was trying to tell me:
"Granting that a small amount
of ultraviolet does filter through
the cloud and smoke of our north
ern winter, l Is of the lonzor
wavv which also tutor through
the glass of the ordinary Incan
descent lamp, and these longer
waves are 'Of no known value un
less it be to read tho newspaper
by. Granting that there Is ultra
violet down to about 3000 Al U.
In wave length In our summer sun,
there Btill remnlns tho difficulty
of receiving general ' Irradiation
without . Inviting tho co-operation
of tho prtllce. i -A fflend of mine
purchased ton acres ot liocllfded
woodland wllh the Idoa of absorb
ing a lltlo free Rolar ultraviolet
from tlmo to time.' Neighborly
threats of legal Invocation caused
him to 'desist.'' Even .iii the latest
conceits In bathing suits, 60 per
cent of the bajdy remains' Inde
cently clothed. 1
"I purchased an .old arc lnmp
for $.1, smashed the globo,' substi
tuted "C" carbons for the old
ones, made a reflector from 'unld
percolator, jina nave lnumpeir iu
the luxury of winter sun baths at
the modest cost of three cents n
kilowatt hour. Don't tell the
power company! I have dosed my
self with progressive doses at a
fixed distance from the nrc.
"I can assure you tho results are
not entirely psychological. . My
usual stock nf winter cri 1ms be
come sadly depleted. Without any
reddening or sunburn I hnvo added
a modest coat of tan to portions
of my anatomy which were damned
by society to everlasting white
ness. Underweight, my avoirdu
pois has Increased remarkably.
1'lleforo an VP ultraviolet, 1
thoroughly read Hull and I-orund
and consulted my doctor ns to! the
danger, and received his permis
sion. 1
My claim Is .that the ultraviolet
are fills a,, needed pumo in our
proBcnl over . oigunl'MHl cos
mos . . . "i
And It seems to mo that Mr. G.'s
way of Rotting It Ib sensible, effi
cient and safe for ono who. knows
bow lo handle an arc lamp and
tho powerful current Hint lights it.
Chickens, Uncovered
A woman's club recently dis
cussed health problems and one
member nutted If It were true that
chicken or veul If left' covered to
cool after cooking would contain t
polsorous subsUince. (Mrs. A. E.
W.) . ...-.-..'
Answer. -V Not unless some
wretch nHiiped some jKHnon tindnr
eor xo
A SAV FOR r WU'rJfeVJcl MARRY R iS -i, r- . A rrAV A 'Hi I
oKEfioy, wedsesday,
baalta and hyilaoa. not to dleaaae dlagnaale er
the cover. ' 'I would '.suggest that
the club discuss the problem ot
uncovered chickens, and what
their mothers ought to do
Grandfather's .Fault..."
Client and wife adopted boy
from institution. . The child was
three years .old " and the most
beautiful child I,, ever saw, and
(was dismissed from a club twice
for drunkenness, and got Into
cither trouble. He married, has
i1 children, doesn't pay hU rent,
nd will probably be supported by
1 society. Can anything but heredity
' explain this case? Environment
j Jjelp' Perhaps, but cannot o any
uu,.uiuB union moo wuuua
tlon. You cannot' make, a silk;
purse out of a sow's ear. (L.
Answer. Perhaps : not,. - but I
dare say. a skilled craftsman could
turn out. something .-finer than a
silk parse from a sow's ear. Viewed
impersonally, this case is not so
impeccable the environment was
not very good, after all, if 'the boy
was a tone boy. The beolile should
have adoptedj sdveraf, or at leant
two children, for an only child is
up against a pretty tough propo
sition, no nmttor -how! ."carefully','
ho may bo 'brought in p. 'Assuming
the child was physically and men
tally nornjAl, 1 , refuse to believe
that he would have taken to
drunkenness If he had the right
sort . of precept and example at
home. You mention that the boy
was "sent to school." I suppose
he occasionally saw a circus, too?
You didnt mention that., nut
never mind, brother. You go on
hugging your heredity complex and
I'll continue cherishing my en
vironment complex. . That's what
makes the world such an interest
ing place, isn't It? I don't like to
think that I am bound to turn out
badly Just because grandfather got
caught stealing horses; and I cer
tainly don't believe, the. world owes
me famo or fortune If grandpa. was
never caught at It.
The Whole Bllln' , ' '
Several years ago I figured out
this remedy for toe Itch (ringworm
or tricophyton. infection 'of the
skin between the toes). I. heated
water to eaxctly 124 degrees F.,
measured by an accurate ther
mometer. I put my toes to tho
water for 20 minutes and presto,
tlie trouble was ended. Tho fungi
can't- stand the high temperature.
One must place a small object, bei
tweon tho toes and move the folit
up and .down in the water. Von
will think yon are bolng boiled
alive, but you are not,' if the. tem
perature doos .not exceed 124 de
grees P. 1 have found tho foot
will Bland as high as 120 F, with
out Injury. (E, II. C.),.- '
'-. Answer. r-It'';. sounds-' :fhie,' - but'
ouch! It's hot staff!, Thel shoes
should be: disinfected, 'of-course.
(Copyright John F, Dille company)
Miss Aggie Moon wuz 31 years
ote before she knowed ther wuzn'
no Dan Cupid. Most parents seem
to think that if they tide a boy
over till he's big enough to go
to school It's up to his teachers to
mold his character an' keep him
out o' Jail.
J,n (Jramlo hns new servlejB ga-
rage oppoHttq Union Pacific P0-
WuTTiBurr'MTEPPlftLV I 'iV""' - - . VJ ,' l W J. - I
mast 22, 1929. -
t. Cblef actor
a. OrtlKeau
la. Klllptlcai -. '
14. naked tiaf
u. J-'einlDlna name
10. Hindu aaered '
17. Motion
IK. Intarual -ID.
litem lalnnd
it. one thai wlada
11, Salt of tar. .
tarlo ael4 '
- SI. Corala '
St. Conulnlor .
7. Ananltlea
"31. Ona wno an
noya . . -31.
- 3a. Soft mineral 1 ,
sh. Broken rock T .
,3a. Flili crga
40. nealred car
neatly Solutlon.,of
v :.:'
!. Pemlnlna .
name , .
43. Shrub - .
45. stnpefy jb
4. AboTa -47.
4. Ploneera
tl. Hon of Seth -33.
JiWnad tl.e .
31. Before a birth
4S. list oatelier
t. lllnda qoeen
03. Decree of tha
33. Smalt qnaatlly
;. I.rare out ...
Tlaft" T " -
3D. Satellite .
II. Om olon
ancient people
71. Volcano r- J
DOffjr t-p
. . '
1. Commotion '.
I. Horemeat of
0 a ttis't oTit vris i
1 w U mi iLIl a m t ia
' T 1 jiff' 8 w 1 LB" u
IU H ' Lff" 8 w T
w Pt i i tDtlff aTs e
v n o mc o f t ida t
r V T UM! 1 MT 1
t T 3 Bfo A A T t Qt V
e a yHi w t h 7ljI1i ?P
0 HgJT W A m pBitK I a 3
it 1 1 tfj' i ' n 1 1
A I L 1 1 1 R 1 tU a 1 0 1 fi I r j t U I q I t
' 2 3 F I. .15 16 . p .-II Is IO ! ;i ' 12 1,3
i ' I5 " " JS
7 ' ' 7; s ' T 1riT-"T
-;?;;K I, . . ixja , v ....
5" T. ST" jp5 HT7 T "T" JT""-" -r-
"r-jrr.v? " Sw rnr, jj r -r- rr'
a--' fW ; if-, as -m
n it ii . . 30 "T Ti TTtCss ir
- .- i.-:i -. ,. '. ..
i , ' aa,1 ' ' i .
t 3 u ?5c- a
tt if " -
w, "sriuiM r ;
rl; WI, TW s2 S3 i '
im? te ; r
KirAt'z, JtL -i '
54 , fS S6 37 it (f So ff
- . ...... ... , , . . , ... ., ... .
61 ' - jtJ Si iS "" 15
c: yj - zi -
J J . . -i -
Quill Points
The meanest man 1h thrf farmer
vho plants' nothing closd to the
road except Btuff touristB can't cshti
r '' '(i'i ' . 1 f i t - '-
';Hei the' sale of - pistols because
they, 31U people? Well, ; automrji
Hiles kill a lot more. Vnatf abbMH
nh i
TheabjeatlohUo waiting for an
Ideal. niuto Im that you get ovor
iouked by others who aro doing the
same thing. ' f - - ,
Think how much worse conditions
mlglU be if woman's voto Jadn't
uplifted and-purified us. ' "'
Queer'riitortala! There lk'-no
"coloj line' for Indians ; because
tho red man feela superior to
whites., ,. ' i ' ' " i.
If vbu can't set rich. Hnd vet
hong to feel free and Ihdependent
and arrogant, get a job driving a
truck. ' i '''' :
Predestination n the theory that,
your tlmo having come, a dry agent
will get you if a locomotive doesn't.
.The question is, if a high-brow
magazine didn't confess that It's
printed fur intellectuals only, would,
anybody 'suspect It? J '
As we understand it, the lay says
nu man who owns ships can be
secretary of the treasury ' unless
he is rich and nblc and popular.
A family quarrel Isn't; over until
tho man has tlmo to forget what
an asrt. ho was and fool rcspsd table
Some concerns luivo only one
vlcoprrwtdiit( and In other
comca tlie I mm? luu scveml mar
ried daughter.
A moron Is one who avoids do
ing certain things for fear people
will think him a moron.
Brief revelation of the law's, at-
tllude toward an ordinary offend-
1 1
Yeaterday'a' Puizle
i i
II. Mine entrance
1J. Ujnoj
91. Aannni allk
33. Walt
Si. Loir tljel
37, llebren loir
ts. Coin of Ionian
lalauda .
it. I'oor
III. (:ti len( h
, nlsa .
33. Blile nf a
-S3. C lie red ofTlclal
Jl. IL'i Hefi
37. Inrui.r bottle
40. Pliico of com
bat 41. (Jomptetopes '
13. f ertlilnlnr to
-former daya
IS. Meed
30. BeTeroffe
33. Sliaroos Acta
34. College dance
Sa, 'Branch of a
treex rare
33. Wife of
37. Unit
33. Blow of a horn
00. EnglleD. col
lege .
'31. Genoa of com
mon froga
4, Political party
a,' To the ihel.
. tared alda
V . Aelaam.
. ' ' 'V
3. Frletlonnl J
- coaaonaati .
: 3. Ia able
,. Ba,
8. Kple poem liy
Jlomer '
t. Valklnt" bird
10. Jint too maeh,
11. airl'a name .,
er: "What do you mean by bcin
broke?"' '
A hick town is a place where'the
Ilchts.iro.OUt if .thern la n siniinl nf
i'lhuijafcr ivthln ten nUloJs !
4 Atftbrlciahisrhr Laughing at " the
man who combs, his hair over hfs
bad spot: stijiving earnestly to find
jthuj-tjjct to culture..
' Only a few Americans havo
. the true look of Ki'euUiCMM, and
most of Uiom arc Pullman con
'' tluctors. ' "
The most successful farm relief
'yet devised consists in saying to Uie;
banker: "Take the darned thing'.
, v.ui icl-1 .in is .winienef y i re
member my dwn youth." said the
father, "so I'm never uneasy when
Mary is out with some boy.'1 ;
LiSllON, Muy 22. The last
echo ot Portuual's royal. Idyll
sounded ' today In tfho death of
JOIIm Henslor, aged 03, morKanutli:
wife qf .the- lute Ferdinand of
Sn'xo-Cobur, kins consort of I'or-tURal.'-'
Uliza ' Henslor was a bcuutlfnl
younir American opera singer of
German origin, who In 181.0 sang
at tho Lisbon opera huusc. Fer
dinand then u widower und recent
of FortUKat. fell, deeply - In Jove
with her. . .
Ho-conferred upon the opera
ginger tho tille4of Countess Edla.
and married her, despite the op
position of the. court and people
of Portugal.
:They lived, happily together un
tli Ferdinand's --dejith In , 1885.
From that iime on ahe lived In
nun-llkc seclusion.
Commercial Hotel at Madras
belrury q'ift)letjslyrenioileled.
Do Yon Remember?
(Prom files of Mall Trlbun.)
May 2S, mm- ,
Klevcnt ca "f Blruwbcrrica
from the McBrlUe, ranch sold at
Public Market: .. .....
Smudge: Buffi-age for woriien Is
a stop forward and a great thing
until thiy vote you out "''
Sharon Merrlman awarded high
est honors 'of senior class at high
school. : ';
LeHgue ot Nations attacked In
senate by Senators l-odgo ond pher-
CHy council bars
new city uuto camp.
horaos from
Table Rook hogs sell for ,18.60
per hundred In Portland.,... .- -20
(From files of Mall Tribune)
May 22ud, llion. . . , !
Covornor Benson appuints-J.i M
Kocne and J. E.. Enyart, on Cra
ter Luke road commission with y
G. Steel secretary. , '' j
Five Ashland Normal ,stua
on hike kill .Wack .bear and. sctj
enjoys bear meat banquet..
Judge Kelly says hl.s ."kds'
he able to nlay the unmo of
lives on Sunday when they
Jacksonville tor top
league. . '.
place In ,tiic
After a wait of 44 years. Judge
Stewart of this city has been al
lowed a claim of $4.. against -the
government for' a Cloflitng allow
ance during- the Civil war... -
(Continued irom Page One.)
Millions of Catholics will -rejoice
that the Hgreemciit with
the irovermnciit of. Itnly and a
'restoration of limited temporal
power puts an end to this lonn
self-nnpo.scd imprisoiiinent. '':;
Paris reports that representa
tives of tho allies have aBreed. on
a letter to Schacht, head of tthe
perman debt . commission, unani
mously accepting gome of the Ger
man orfcrs In connection with tho
debt settlement. ; .
That settlement ; will soon .be!
made. Then will come a great
boom in German prosperity, prob
ably leading the rest of Europe.
President "Hoover makes public
his conviction' that the- supreme (
court decision, setting aside inter
state - commerce commission find
ings hostile to railroads values,
will not increase railway rates., ;
'Time Wilt not1 discourage' railroad
management. The supreme court
decision will permit railroads to
keep a much greater part of what
they' earn. That Is what the rail
roads wont.- - - . . . '
Mr.;, Asliton, president of tho
American Railway association,
says this Is the most careless na
tion on earth, wastes every year
ten thousand millions of dollars,
and "this amount Is nothing com
pared to the enormous loss in
human life attributable to careless
ness." . . -; ' . ' -
. President. Hoo-er's ' cohunisslon
on prospetlty, outlining our gi
gantic resources,' ' a d d e 4 that
Americans have barely scratched
tlie surface of national .wealth.
. As an efficiency engineer. Presi
dent Hoover may suggest a way of '
cutting down waste. ,
' We nuiko a great fliss,' as' wo
should do., about, ten billions lent
to Europe", ' ahd we1 waste that
amount every yean
.'i1 M-v.;
WASlllNCTON. May" 'it
"Secretary Uuod today authorized
the attachment of Captain Helm
Speidel, of the German army, to n
bombardment group at. Langloy
Field, . Va for a .pericll) jDf. one
month. . ,,., ,
Captain. Speldel recently 'arrived!
In the United States with Captain'
Wirilmont,. .also- of the- -German
army, foj-. , Instruction . in nrmv
service schools 'Thcy-aH Ute iirrt
German :olf leers to bVatiashed to
thA A mrlpn Ovm .1
'World war. -
" I' " ' ' ' i i
. !