fdociek-Clidisl its f 1 Irene DeLojh, S2S South Holly St. Phone 390 -L or 71 1 i i nmmmamtJZSllBnmmWW''- -m2miF' ' nttniii i. !.. dah ! Indies of the I. O. O. F. of the Monday. -f grand lodge of Oregon, was dis- Women's chorus will meet cussed und decorations were made. at the, studio of Mrs. E. E. j Eleven members and one visitor (Jure, Sparta Building, at , wcro present. The hostess was J:30. ' ; assisted by Mrs. Joe Daniels In Tuesday. , j serving dainty refreshments at tho Women's Association of j close of the meeting. Presbytorlun Church will M - meet In. tho church narlors i Mr. and Mrs. John Talbert of I The dinner to be given at tho j which Is laid in New York City. church ilay 20 for cantons and ut 2:30. Women's Foreign Mission- ary society of tho First Moth- odlst church in the parlors 4 i of the church. Missionary society, Chris- tlan church, will meet at tho homo of Curmen E. Moll, 406 West 2nd streot. Wednesday. Ladles' Day at tho Elks' t club. Cards and pool from $ 2 until S o'clock. 1. E, O. luncheon. Mrs. Pickett. , Thursday. ' Pupils will bo presented in r concert recital by W. Carle- 4 4 ton Janes and Dixie Ambler Harvey at the lsis Theater. The Ladles' Aid society of the English Lutheran church 4 will hold its regular meet- lng In the church, pallors. ,,cto charge of camp and camp David City, Neb., spent the week end with Mr. aml'Mrs. J. F. New bold ut their home at 1034 North Central. Girl coul Will Hold Couit of Awards. The Girl scouts of Medford now have seen active troops of girls In tho various schools. Troop one Is In high school; Junior high has troops' Two and Four: Jackson has troop Five; Lincoln troop Six; Roosevelt troop Seven: AVashing ton troop Eight. More troops will be organized In the future. The girls arc making plans for three weeks of camp this summer, which will begin July 29lh. Tho Floy scout camp on tho Applegatc above Ruch will be used. Miss Alice Loeffler of Sioux City, Iowa, a trained Girl scout leader, will bo camp . director and have com Tho Raccoon (Janzy) Lavon night will for tho first timet be decade after the close of the Anderson. ' ' Memorial liiio . uu....- World war. The novel Is melo-1 "The Moth" LaMurle iicck. ipr. iiei co.es dramatic and short sketches of the I "Soft . Shoe and Tap' -Hlanche 1000 persons. Tlip principal siieak- tl.uiiiuuc urn. .u. 1 EtnciMitrn in ii.v-i ....... ...... - , - ... , book were read which portrayed McLean. Thelma Good, Noel Hen- j ' for this occasion ill , bo Mra. .race. I leal It" Nichols with thoir mo- chunk's and helpers will cull In their transports, so bo ready with your faros and thus speed up the the character of the novel. Kh son and Gordon Benson. 1 Women's College Club also gave an interesting review or ...i-suy ivhik wu " . " " ... . . ...in i, twill Meet SatnrHau .. i... T. Mi..m.. lev nn.i Geiirudo Von Berthcls-1 copal church. Her HUbjoct will ho win Meet Saturday t-i,, ., f .., -., i..i ! ,m.f ..iherwiso "Gertie and Trudy." "Mothers In Relation to tho bpli'U- lubyrlnth of tho universe, marked These you his triumph as an epic poet. No 1 carefully coached Mrs. H. C. Funic will be hostess. , 4 W. C. T. U. will have fr special program for' Mother's 4 day at the Y. W. C. A. at 2:30 p. m. . Just Folks Circle Will ob- servo Mother's Day with a 4 program in the church par- 8 4 lors. 4 4 . Pythian Sisters card party at tho K. P. Hall at 8:00 4 p. m. " Building Bridge club will 4 be entertained at tho homo 4 4 of Mrs. Dubuque on the Ccn- 4" tral Point highway. 4 rriday. St. Mark's Guild card party 4 at tho St. Mark's Hall at 2 p. m. . 4 Junior High Parent-Teach- 4 ors will bo -entertained by 4 4- the Girl Scouts and Boy 4 Scouts at tho school at 3:15. Saturday. 4 Tho Rogue River Valley fr College Women's club will meet at the home of Mrs. j L. E. Williams, 520 South Peach street at 2 o'clock. A 4 largo attendance is expected 4 4 ns election . of officers will bo held. . . ..... 4- 4444444'44'i' Mrs. Mordoff Honored Itlrtliday Dinner Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Cliii'gwln cntortained with a birthday dinner last Sunday at their pleasant coun try homo cast of Medfoyi. Tho event was in honor of Mrs. Chirg wln's mother, Mrs. Mary Mordoff. Spring flowers and a beautifully decorated birthday cake formed the table decorations. Covers were laid for ten. Mrs. Mordoff was the recipient of many beautiful gifts. Those who enjoyed tho delicious dinner wcro Mr. and Mrs. Mordoff of Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hecry anil daughters. Oaylo and Madge, of Medford; Miss Helen Chlrgwln, Master David ChliEwIn und thu host and hostess. Mrs. A. 8. May of Kaglo Point and Mrs. M. T. Hakor of Unite Falls vera Medford vlsllors this wook. 1 Girls' League, Kiiterlalii Informal Dinner Parly. Miss Flosslo Mae Blackburn, dean of girls at Central Point high Kchool and tho senior girls were entertained an an Informal party by tho Girls' IcHgue at the high school auditorium. Friday evening, May 3rd. The following program prepared by Mao Elcher, Irene Lamport and Edna Wolfe was pre sented by the girls: Group of songs, clad by Ruth Webster and with Elizabeth Scott ns accompanist. Welcome 'Irene Lainpcrt Solos That Precious Lltllo Thing Call- ed Love" "Avalon" Fern Hathaway Group of songs by the Lkclclo Girls . Group of Sklls "Tho Esklniurdeis "How We Got Our King" "The Doctor Physician" By three groups of girls t1 Furce "Tho Deacon s Sweetheart" ' By Frsnels Parker. Marjory (leo hard, Ruth Collins, Loomls Davidson Appreciation to Miss Blackburn and Senior Girls Edna Wolfe A contest and an amusing in telligence test was conducted by Gloria Bolds. Tho guests of honor were Miss es Mae Blackburn. Eunice Glass, Fern Hathaway. Flora Collins, Jessy Senbrook, Helen I-ampert. After the program Artris Casad. Merlo Nedgopath. Loomls David son and Gloria Bolds served sand ivirhns. cake and punch to about fifty high school girls and their guests. O program. Miss Loeffler comes tu. .Medford with tho highest of rec ommendations, having had years of experience In this capacity. Girl scout camp will be an annual event hereafter. Camp assistants have not been selected as yet, but will include swimming Instructor, phys ical education Instructor and hand craft assistant. v Court of Awards will bo hold on Friday evening. May 10th, In the Junior high auditorium, beginning at 7:30. All Medford girl scout troops will be present at this time anw many merit badges will be awarded. The Women's chorus of this city is plnnnlng for u concert which will bo given at tho St. Mark's hull on Friday, May 31. Woiioiinh Club Has Mectllur The regular monthly business meeting of'the Wlnonah' club was held at the home of Irene Shirley Thursday. . . The meeting was preceded by a covered dish luncheon which was served by the hostess, assisted by Lola Williams and Fredrica Glas cock. Fldalis Piatt presided at the business meeting and plans 'were completed for the card parly which tho 'club Is giving May 8 at -.thc Redincn's hall. -.All were urged to bring friends ns a good attendance is desired. The picnic which tho lodge Is giving May K'th was announced and all members aro to meet at tho Red men's hall nt 8 o'clock The next meeting will be held at the home of Ora Rinabargcr, who will entertain with a card party Hulda Thurman und Fldalis Piutt assisting. Misses Mac and .Marie Crystal, who have been visiting at tho home, of Mr. and Mrs. Itllcy D. Henson. have returned to their home at Klamath Falls. work of urt call be understood ex cept In terms of Its own purpose. Melville, through his art escaped the barren existence of living. Mrs. I E. Willinms closed the program with a discussion of the literary magazine of the day, which included tho Saturday Review of Literature, the New York Times Hook Review and The Bookman the latter dealing with different phases of literature as well as book reviews. The next meclnlg of the club will be social afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. E. Crews on May 15. M 3Ir. and Mrs. Gael Groen and small (daughter. Jayco Mary, ac companied bv Mrs. Green's mother. Mm. Mctcair, loft hero today on a motor trip to Portland. Mrs. Met calf has boon a guest nt nor dainrh tor's homo for several monlliB, and expects to return to Scalllo next week for the summer. rise "Gertie and Truuy. -1 .m. ... -. ung dancors have been ual Side of Life, laehed with tho correct w c T .Mrs. Ha.skoll Entertains PrtM lllu tirvlr H. N. C. Club Entertained at Thompson Home The regular social gathering of Ihe II. N. O. club took place Wed nesday evening at tho now homo of .Mr. Bnd Mrs. Thompson on Washington street. Resides tho regular members there woro present as guests of honor, Mrs. Eva Travel4 of Port land, state vice president of the Degree of Honor, and Mrs. Dalton Cox of Des Moinos, lown. Mrs Opal Clark Harwood held high score nt bridge and .Mrs. Cox low score. Mrs. Thompson served very ar tistic refreshments, carrying out the Maytlmo motif. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rutterlce nnd sons of Klumnth Falls are spend ing the week-end In Medford guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. A Holloway. Delphian Group Meet With Mrs. Crawford Lemmon The group of which Mrs. Myron Hoot is leader met with Mm. Craw, ford Lemmon. North Oahdalo, Thursday morning, w 1 1 h Mrs. Ixmls I'lrlch conducting the lesson. This was tho last group meeting of tho year 'for Mrs. Root's division The final chapter meeting will 'be held at tho homo of Mrs. R. V. j Williams in Jacksonville ono week from Thursday. The Pythian Ulsters are enter tilling nt cards Thursday at the K. P. hall. w,Mlislny Study Club Studies Modern Fiction At the meeting of the Wednesday Study club on May 1. Mrs. Jonas Wol gave a very Instructive paper on "The Trend of Modern Amer- lean Fiction." While the Amer ican novel of the lath century was retrospective and romantic. Ijie general trend of the modern writ ers Is toward realism and human original and not Influenced by any foreign literature Is evident. In the "American Novel of Today," by Regis Mlchaud. the leaders of the modern writers of fiction. The odore Rryscr. Sinclair Lewis. Sher- St Mark's Guild Card Party The St. Mark's guild have planned one of their popular card parties, which will be given on Friday, May 10. at 2 o'clock, nt I lie St MJu-k's hall on North Oak- dnlo. Mrs. Hal Piatt will be chair man. Pivot and progressive bridge will bo played. Mr. and Mrs. I.. M Fisher of Sams Valley were visitors In Mod- fold Saturday. St. Mnry's Spring llccltal Kveut of This Week. Thn nnnimi soring ensemble re cltnl of tho St. Mary's School of lvinuir. will l,o oresented at St. Mary's Academy, Friday, May at 8:15, when both beginning ; advanced students of music win bo heard In a program, ambitious, well executed and varied. The numbers follow: Tho Scarf Dance" unnminano Violin I Margaret Jensen. Elsie Louie, Kathleen High, ignore Estes. Violin IT Mary Sander. Ruth San- dor, llda Willinms, Ann cross. Cantiuuo d'Amour" Liszt nettv Evanson. Pas des Cymbales chaminadc Piano I Evelyn woiu. Piano II Uotty Evanson. Fairy March"............ ...Freeman Audra Mario Llndley. Betty Zool- ler, Luclllo Etcs, Virginia Hign. Ethel Miller, Alvcda Anderson. "T.lttlo Drummer EinerBon I'eggy Murun, Elaine Brophy Yvonne shophurd, Roberta Ivan line Atnes Dugan. Ivy Miller. "Petite Pahuphase" (harp)..Pinto Hlalna Brophy. "Kn.nr of tho Brook" Lack Oracle Lou Ivanhoe. "Mazurka" (harp) Robinson "Berceuse" Godard-Pinto nettv Stennett. "Shower of Stars" Wachs Ehilns Brophy. "ViilHC-Arabasuue" Lack Martha Do Souza. "Adoration" (violin) 1 cima Elslo Louio "Amaryllis" - - Hhys Mary Agnes Louie. Martha Do Souza, Margaret Jensen, Elslo Louie, Antoinnetto Zocllor, Ann Cross. "The Musical Family" Mollnoux Lcwell Duproy, awrence Phlpps, Norman Motic. Buster lvnnhoc, Euscbe Dcllalrc, Billio Piche. "Hungarian Rhapsodic" Liszt . Evelyn Wold. "Spai kllng Sunlight" Ardltl Choral Class. technique which Is so essential in public appearance, and an enter tainment equal to any good one ill a large city Is anticipated. Again this year Mrs. Benson's pupils will perform at Klamath Falls, the date being set for the 6th. "th and 8th of June, nt the lovely now Pelican theater. 4 Mrs Earl Leevor and son, Billy, loft hero today for Portland to join Mr. Icover, after spending tho past two weeks visiting at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Leevor at Central Point. ltnwciut Circle Has Mooting Tho Rowena Circle of the co mnn lodge held its business meet ing for May at the homo of Mrs, Latimer, Wednesday nftornoon, May 1st. After the business was attended to the hostess served do llclnus refreshments. The social meeting for May will be held 111 tho W. O. W. hull, lm mediately following lodge, Friday evening. May 24th. All members and friends are Invited to come nnd enjoy a few hands of 500. Mrs. J. E. Sehrecengost and Mrs. B. II Harwood will be hostesses, The Prlscllla circle ol me r .. i-i I wooa inHerson anu ,.:. M. E. church was entertained by j were discussed. Psychology and Mrs. J. E. Haskell at the home of not morals, the absence of ethics i.er dHUgliter. Mis. John Moffet. j and antl-Purltanlsm were the out let 1134 West Ninth street, W;d-1 standing characteristic empha nesday afternoon. The meeting sized. was called to order by President j Mrs. R B. Hammond then re- Joe Daniels, Airs, imz.ei i viewed m Koaa lo iieaven. n I Beer, a modern novel, tne scene ot l.Wdlngi tho devotlonuls. Word has been received by friends in tho city of tho death ot Mrs. Jennie A. Bratncy of Portland, on April 2lh. Mrs. Brutney nnd her family were residents of this city a number of years ngo. coming here from Nebraska nnd later mov ing to Portland. Her daughter Grace was living with her at the time of, her passing nnd she had two sons and two daughters mar ried. . Eve llcnMiirs Class Will Give ltcvue Pupils of the Eve Benson Danc ing Academy will bo presented In their fourth annual rcvuo at Hunt's Cratcrlan, Monday and Tuesday, May 13 and 14. Tho program promises to be an exceptionally good one. consisting of Interpre tive character, Jazzy, acrobatic, novelty, etc. Following tiro the numbers: "Gypsy Life" Doris Patton, Helen Putton, LuMurle Beck. Do- rcen Levcrottc. Marjorle McNair, Arleno Ames. Lavon Anderson and Margaret Mann. "Holland Kiddies" Barbara Holt and Gordon Benson. "Little Maids of Nagasaki" Orotchen McAllister. Barbara He van. Viola elevens Barbara Frank lln. Barbara Holt and Rae Le Fevre. "Trolko" LaMurle Beck, Doris Patton. Helen Patton and Noel Heneon. "Plerette" Marjorle Mt-Xalr. Iivon Anderson. Barbara Holt. Rae IFevre. Gretchen McAllister and Barbara P.evan. "Spirit of the Night Wind" Helen Wood. "Acrobatic" Doris Patton. Helen Patton. LaMurle Berk. Rne LeFevre. Barbara Holt. Gr.etchen McAllister and Barbara Bevan. "Argentine Tango" Marjorle Mc.Valr and Noel Benson. Miss Sophia Roshclm of Silver Ion, Ore., is visiting In the city with her slstor, Mrs. O. A. Sentcr. Benefit May Frolic St. Mnry's Academy. St. Mary's Academy will hold Us annual benefit May Frolic on Wednesday afternoon nnd even Inc Mav 8. tho affair to bo open to tho public. The program will begin at 2 o'clock, . wit ha card party under the direction of Mrs, Ei'lo Wold. . A chicken 1 dinnor ( will bo served In the , aendemy dining hall from 0 to 9. Patrons nnd friends of St. Mnry's are urged to como and to bring their friends, as oth students and fac ulty are anxious to make thU benefit a financial success. , v Mr. and Mrs. Al Sherrlg and daughter Rosemary have returned to Eugene ufter visiting Mrs. Sher rig's parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Burbldgc. Daughters of Veterans Moot at rmory. Etta D. Hubbs Tent, Duuglitcrs of Veterans met In regular-session at the armory April 26th. After tho routino business n short pro gram was given by Miss Cox In commemoration of G. A. It. Day, Appamattox Day and Grant's birthday, all of which occur In April. At tho next meeting Fri day, May 10th members are ask ed to be prepared with response appropriate for Mothers day. Will Visit Relatives III the East Allen B. Drury. owner of Drury Lane orchnrd, leaves tonight for Detroit, Mich., on business. While enst he will visit his parents In Evanston, III,, and expects to re turn to Mecdford by tho early part of Juno. Dr. anil Mrs. K. O. RldilcH aud daughter. Dnrotha. nro spending tho weekend at their cabin, "Kl Nldo," at Shady Covo on tho Koguo. Mrs. W. Andrews Hostess Informal Luncheon Mrs. William Andrews enter tained nt a 1 o'clock luncheon Thursday ot her homo on North Oukilalo, honoring her son, James Stevens, of Portland, who Is hero recuperating from a recent illness. Covers woro placed for Miss Mary Grelnor, James Stevens, Tom Sworn. Porter J. Neff and the hostess. 4 Concert Recital 'Planned For This Week iDixle Ambler Harvey and W. Carlton Jnnos will .present pupils In concort-rocilal on Thursday, May 9, nt the lsis theatre. Mr. Janes will present Donald Mnoro, violin student, and Mrs. Har vdy will present several of her danco pupils. Assisting artists will Include Ellow Mao Wilson, who will bo heard In whistling selec tions, and Eunlco ' Parrett Butler, who will give vocal solos. Mrs. Mann and daughter. Dor othy, of Portland, wcro guests this past week of Mrs. H. W. Hamlin of South Oakdnlo. They left Fri day for New York ami other cities In the cast, after which they will locate In Pasadena, Calif. ousorvo ' Mothers' Day The members of the W. C. T. U will present a program of special social chairman. interest at their Mothers' day meeting in tho Y club room Thurs day at 2:30. Scripture reading, Mrs. J. C. Woods. Threc-mlnuto tnlks on "Tho Mothor of Mosos", Mrs. Leonard; The Mother ot Samuel," Mrs. Cudncy: "The Mother of Jesus, Miss Van Ness. Solo, "Little Mother ot Mine," Mrs. A. E. Lyman. Reading. Mrs. Floyd Jenkins. "Th History of Great Men Is the History of Great Mothers," Mrs. O. Prescott. "Love Between Mothor and Child," Mrs. W. T. Berry. "Tho Child Our Chief Asset," Mrs. Lyman. "Our Children," Mrs. Hilzler. Reuding, "My Mother," Mar garet Batcman. Duct, "My Mother's Hands," Mrs. C. 11. Paske, Mrs. Raymond Doran. "Tho Mother's Vision," Mrs. Conrad. Address, "Present Day Mothers," Mrs. Carmen 10. Mell. "Mother's Creed nnd Prayer," Mrs. J. E. McDonald. Refreshment committee, Mrs. John Blass, Mrs. Ray Sipes. - . Reception hostess, Mrs. Ray mond Doran. A silver offering will bo re ceived. All are welcome. Tho Women's Collcgo club will bo entertained on Saturday. May 11, ut the home of Mrs. U JJ. Wil liams, 620 South Peach street. Election of officers will be hold. Mrs. Georgo II. Cunodo will bo M las Marjorlo I'aley is a week- end guest of Miss Joan DeLosh nt the DeLosh cabin ut Edguwuod ! park. 4-4 Mrs Kiersted Hostess Building Bridge Club Sirs. If. W. Kiersted outortnliii'd the Building Bridge club most pleasantly at her Jiomo Thursday afternoon. Tho house was docoruted with spring flowers. At tho close of tho playing at four tables, refresh ments were served by the hostess, who was assisted by Mrs. Leonard. Tho next meeting will be with Mrs. Dubuque. ... Past Matrons Club Will rBeakfast at "El Nldo'" Tho Past Masters club of tho Eastern Star will bo entertained at 11 o'clock breakfast nt "Kl Nldo," the cabin of Dr. and Mrs. K. G. Klddcll, on tho Rogue ot Shady Covo. Hostesses will Include Mrs. O. U Boggs, Mrs. W. E Hrayton and Mrs. U). G. lliddoll. 'Wild flowers will bo used on tho table. About 3d mombei'H aro expected. ' O. 3. C. Will Observe Mother's Week Mother's week-end nt the Oro gon State college. May II and 12. Is expected to he a bigger event this year than ever, as for the first time mothers of men as well as of women are Invited. This Is made possible by the completion of the Memorial Union building with Its banquet rooms and other facilities. A new feature of this traditional event In honor of Oregon State mothers Is to be a special luncheon Saturday noon for launching the American Association of Univer sity Women's memorial scholar ship fund In honor of Dr. Margaret Snell. Many former students of Dr. Snell will attend. A co-ed dance festival is planned for Saturday afternoon and the annual mother's banquet Saturday Cniierrl-Heoltnl Event of Tills Week. The concert-recital being given by Carlton Janes and Dlxlo Am bler Harvey Thursday, May Itth. promises to bo a jraro treat to tho pooplc of Medford. .. Donald Moore, the young vlulln isT, .being presented by Mr. Janes has exceptional talent und plays with fine feeling. Mrs. Harvey's students of tho dance present somo very fine cho rus work, solos and ducts, their numbers being classical, are col out'ul and, humorous. JEtlow Mao Wilson s, whistling sdlos always add a noto of novelty tcf 'f-lio -program, and she will give several selections during tho eve ning. Tho vocal numbers will bo sung by Eunice Parrett. Butler, already well known to music lovers, Miss Ruth Severance, who is prominent in musical circles, dues sovoral solos, and ably nccompan les the vocullsts and dancers. .,Tho danco pupils appearing aro Ruth D'Alblnl, Jane, Mary and Clara Beth Powell, .Cleo Hopper, Lucille Lowry, Adra Edwards, Ool die and Dcall Hlgdon. Prelude Ruth Sovorance Figures on a Greclon Urn Dance Ensemble Believe Mo If Those Endearing Young Charms Cumin' Thru tho Ityo Eunice Parrotl Buller Violin solo Legendo of Wlcniawskl Uonuld Moore, accompanied by Mrs. Janes Sweet Heart Dance Uoldlo Higdtin and Jane Powell Fifty Years Later , Adra Edwards and Dcall Hlgdon Intermission Piano Solo Ruth Severance Tho Lotus Blossom- poor Butter Fly r Eunlco Parrett -Butler Japanese Characteristic Dance- Lucille L,owry Violin Solos Oricntulo Pllzer The Daives Melody Donald Moore, uccompaniod by Mrs. Janes Group Whistling Solos Ellow Mno Wilson Egyptian Bulk-it Dunce Enscmblo Shuck lo Dance Goldlc Hlgdon Vocal Solos Hay-making Will o' the Wisp ' Eunice Parrett lluller An Original Interpretive Dunce Lucille Lowry Violin Solos Cnmonnotta Fandlcr From tho "Cane Brake" Gurdner Donald Mooro Spanish Duot Eunlco Parrett Butler Ellow Mae Wilson Spunish Fiesta Dunce Dancfj Ensemble Finale - Tickets aro now on snlo at the lsis theatre. American Legion Auxiliary Conduct Air Derby The air derby in the aeronautical contest conducted by the Modford Legion Auxiliary Is on the last flight. Ten auxiliaries met at the armory Thursday afternoon, May 2, and laid plans for the transpor tation of 100 passengers needed to nut Medford unit on the landing field ahead of the quota hy May 10. The national Kentucky derby closes May 18 and the two depart ments of the legion and the aux iliary are working to put the Ore gon horse, Kingman, under the wire first. "Amelia Eatbart", "GrsyblU", "Ruth Nichols Dally". "Phoebe Omlle Tburmon" and "Lady, Mary St. Mary's Academy May Day Party Ono of tho pretty social affairs this week is the annual May Tote Wednesday afternoon lit St Mary's school, to which tho public is lu lled. Card playing will com mence nt 2:30. Hand paintad score cards will be given and prizes awarded for bridge and flvo nun died. Hoglnning nt 0 o'clock a j Btruutlvu flvo-mlinite talk on the Hullo Fulls tho morning of May 10 with Mr. Leo Brown, wild flower expert, to study the wild flowers nnit shrubs of thut particular lo cality. Tho Medford chamber of com merce has set asido $100 to help the Gardeu club 111 their various Important activities, 1. e., garden club contest, prizes, flower shows and any othor praiseworthy en deavors to beautify and Improve the appearance of Medford und vicinity. This move on tho part of tho chamber of commerco Is highly appreciated by the members of the Medford Garden club. The members of tho American Legion Auxiliary aro . giving a home products dinner at 6:30 p. m. May I) nt tho kikh ciuu, and tne Garden club accepts their invi tation for us many as possible to be present. Anyone nlnnnlng to go nuiy got their tickets at the chamber of commerce. Tho "Hotter HomcB and Gnr dens" magaziuo tins prepared an informative lecture nnd 00 colored slides, illustrating the bcautiflca- tlon of homo grounds and land scaping of same, correct planting and care of shrubB, vines and llowors lis to garden furniture. For ten two-year subscriptions they will send us a lecturer and these slides for ono evening. The price is vory smnll. Those inter cstod cull Mm 10. If. Porter. Thoso who caro to go to Korby May 11 call Mrs. Carl Swlgart. After .Miss Jane Snodicor's re port of tho flower show given last wock at tho liotol Modtord, a ris ing vote of thanks was given her for her loynl co-oporollon and per sistent effort In niuklng this show a success. It fs hard to estlnwto tho value of Miss Sned'cor's ef forts and accomplishments for Medford Garden club, nnd olhors of southern Orogou. Mucligratl tudo Is duo her. .Mrs. (iribblo offered sprouted myrtlo treo sood to unyono who would come (or them. This Is appreciated. Mrs. L. E. Williams gavo lln In tor r,U( chicken dinner will bo Borvod. Hosoi'vulions lor cards or dinner call Mrs. Gerties, phone G13. t St. Ann's Society Has Meeting SL Ann's Altnr society held their bUHlncBrt mooting Tucsday The ladles have on hund a supply of aprons for sale. Owing to tho May festival at the academy this wook thoir next card party will he hold May IS. Blrthdhay Dinner Event of the week Mrs. 8. A. St. Cyr was honorod guost at n 0 o'clock dinner party given by Mr. nnd Mrs. O. C. Fail ing nt thoir homo on South Holly atroct on Wednesday, Alay 1, the occasion being Mrs. St, Cyr's birthday. Four generations were presont including Mrs. St. Cyr, Mrs! A Murray, Mrs. O. C; Falling and Betty Jane Falling, Robert Mason was also a guost. O. S. C, Students Visitors' Here Mlssos Ruth Koozer, Fiances I Ann Llnko and Arthur King, who nro attending Oregon Stnto col lege, drove down Wednesday. Miss Lllnke visited friends In Ashland, while MIbs Koozer was a guest of her mothor. Mr, King lo In tho geographical department at tho college nnd was In t.hlB city In regard to tho drain- ago of Ihe now airport. Mothers and Daughters to Meet Tuesday In keeping with Mothers' day, Mny 12, tho local Business and I'mfcaBlnnnl Womon's club will hold a mothers' and daughters' meeting this coming Tuusduy night In tho Presbyterian church parlors, beginning nt 8 o'clock. , Cluiibella Elliott, club prostdont, will extend a welcome to the mothers, and a responso will be givou by one of the mothers. Ap propriate musical num born and skits will mako up an enjoyable program for the evening. Tho election of officers for the ensuing year will- also he accom plished during the evening und tho result announced. Light refresh ments will be served members and gnosis hy the ladles of tho Pres byterian church. Lyle P. Wilcox Addresses Medford Garden Club Tho Medford (iardon club mot at tho Hotel Medford Thursday evening at tho usual hour and en Joyed a most Interesting mooting. Mrs. Iliden presided In tho an soneo of Mrs. Curl BwlgnrL Mrs 15. If. Portor, secretary, road min utes of lust mooting and corro uiKindonco. Many subjects of Interest were discussed and somo decisions reachod. It. was decided to mako an ex hibit at Portland Hose show and ovoryone having choice roses are urged to koep tho dido In mind. The roses will have to leave here Ihe evening of June 7. Those hav ing roses to sand call Mrs, Blden. Mrs. Bundy will have charge of tho garden contest and the mem bors of the Garden club are urged lo make this a greater event than the Initial experiment last year, the results ot which were quite satisfactory considering It was the first trial here. Tho president of Ihe Klrby Gar den club, Mrs. Geo. James, cor dially Invited the Medford Garden club to be present at a flower show to be given at Klrby May 11. It was voted to accept this In vitation and as many go as poa slble. It was also voted to go to narcissus i'uinily. , Sho suld the narcissus, daffodil nnd Jonquil nil belonged to tho same family Bud originally came from southorn Europe. Tho narcissus has a flat leaf,, long and slendor, while the jonquil has a round leaf. She Il lustrated by showing the two kinds ot loaves In question. The word Is dorlved from tho snino root word ns narcotic. Flowers may be single or double yellow or white, but nil belong to tho snmo family. - Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Dlden woro appointed ns a conunlttoo lo work out a 'hotter classlflcath L'l schedule for (ho various species of narcissus brought In to tho shows, Mrs. M'cCaskoy and Mrs. Salady a comiuiltoo to do tho sumo with rosoB, The question of whoro to hold the next flowor show ' was dis cussed. Tho armoVy was spoken of rather favorably, but it Is ' be lieved we haVo not bncome largo enough yot to occupy such' a spa cious room. Comlmttee to bo appointed, a mombor from each gardon club In southorn Oregon to moot and dis cuss ways and plans tor flowor shows. Mr. L. P. Wilcox dlBciisscd "In sect 1'csls and Their Control," and offered many' useful suggestions. First he inado a chart showing tho two classes ot nphlds. I. a., tho "chewing" 'and the "sucking" class. I to showed how (ho ant co operated with thoso by carrying thoir eggs away In tho tall and storing them for the winter and thou carrying them back again In tho spring to hatch and standing by later and Irritating tho aphis until they obtained tho honey dow which the aphis gave oft like milk and which the ant so loves as fond. Aphis aro called tho "aula cows." Tho sucking aphis or scale Bhould be sprayed with Black Lout 40 or nlctoluo when tho Insect Is adult. The chewing class, the slug or caterpillar, should be sprayed with arsenuto ot lead or for the slug dust sprays. Spray your cork elms In June, Just bofore eggs hatch. For slugs on cherry, spray with arsenate of lead, two or three nnitnrln In 100 nniinds nf Vflliir Lime and sulphur spray good for scnlo Insects. Ilso sulphur dust for rod apldor, Uso hydrnted lime for snails, Uso nntlirnl for ants. Black Ieuf 40 for roso hectic. Use map suds for roses that wilt. Arsenuto of sodn on sharp stick for dandelion. Sulphate of ammonia for plantain. Lyo In wood ashes kills moss In lawn. Use limo sulphur for mildew on roses, Mrs. w. Crews advised not to kill the web weaving, pestiferous spider. She said "Put him out ot doors whoro he would Justify his oxlstenco by destroying tbe aphid. It would bo a good thing ' If every child had the opportunity to achieve physical rightness thru tho dunce. Tho solo dunces were given by a number of girls ot high school ago, Ethel Chord, !5o Dell Lantis. Roso Gore, Jane Antlo nnd also by tiny tots, Dale and Gale Beebo (twins, age 4), Barbara Ann Bray ton, Nona Hcyland and Charma- - leo Williams, age B, and others, Frankie Hlnabarger, Betty Johns- ton and Maxlne Vaughan, a hit w older, but still possessing the In- comparublo charm ot childhood. Miss Luy believes in building up slowly a foundation based -on essential fundlmentals. which load ;'' to gradual development of the muscles, maintaining their natu ral pliancy nnd grace, ' The artistic program of classics played on the theatre organ by " Miss Botty Brown, who seemed to sense Intuitively the rhythmic ' meaning of each dance, was an inspiration to tho young dancers, nnd was greatly appreciated by the audience. ' '" Miss Luy Is already arranging another program, which she will give before hor vacation In July. Tho program: 1 Skators Danco Frahkle Rlna- ''" barger (clown), Virginia Rlans, ' Betty Johnston, Jane Antle. Peggy a;tf Rter. Rosa Ooro. Maxlne Vaughan, ,,c'1 Zoo Dell Ijtntis. Marjorle Lewis, Dorothy Ooro Ethel Chord. Russian ..Dance Barbara Ann Brayton (ago 6.) The Maids Frances Clark, Joan Pease, Patricia Croup, Janet Retcr, Mlgnon Phlpps, Nancy Morrow, Charlotte Older, Nona Hcyland. Pocullar - (song and dance) Chnrmnlee Williams. Tho Clown Zoo Dell Lantis. Dnnce of the Shadows Ethel -, T; Chord. ; Tho Cake Walk Franklo Itlna ';'' barger. ' Oriental Jano Antlo. . ' ( Parade of the Fireflies Zoe "' Doll Lantis. - - Red Riding Hood Ethel Chord. n'' Musetta's Waltz Frankie Rlna bnrgor. - ' v.. - .- j Tambourlno Botty Johnston. .... Idliio Rosa Gore. The Wooden Parade Ethel Chord and Zoo Dell. Lantis. Shy Little Violets Maxlne Vau ghan, Patricia Croup, Jean Pease, Peggy Reter, Nancy Morrow, Emily Tyroo, ' Charlotte Oldor, Franklo Rinabargcr, Dale; and Gale Bccbc, Janet Rcter, Francis Clnrk, Mlgnon Phlpps, Elslo. Older, Janet Rush, Barbara Ann Dray ton. ... ..',''-', . riT nil In tin ) Dnnoo Itevuo linjn) able Kvont, Tho pupils of Miss Ruth Luy were prosentcd In an artistic ana oolorful dunce rovue at Hunti C later lun Monday evening, April 29, In solo, team and ensemble numbers that afforded a delight ful dlvcrtlscment between tho two shows. The group work, featuring about twenty children In each group, showed a technical training and unity of movement that were most pleasing. Too, Rimlan, ballet, character and tap dancing, a beau tiful series of cartwheels, ono arm stands and acrobatle stunts added to the beauty ot form and rhythm. . Junior High P.-T. A. . Will be Entertained ' The Parent-Teachers', circle of tho Junior high will be entertained -Friday afternoon- at 3:16 at the school by the newly organized ..... troop .of Olrl 8couts , and Boy i Scouts The new presiuonta win be Installed. A . -' " :ai Neighbors of Woodcraft ,lU Met on Wednesday , The Neighbora of Woodcraft Thimble club met at the home of lyl Martha Gall on Wednesday after- ; noon. Fifteen mombers were pres.- out. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Scriptor and Mrs. Draws. 'DOVER ROAD' TO BE PRESENTED ASHLAND IS COMING FRIDAY I Mnny Modford rosidenta who did -lt not have tho opportunity to seo the Studio Plnyers' premiere pro duction, "The Dovor Road," as well a', ns many who did, are taking thea- t tcr pnrtles to Ashland next Friday to soo the local group in the Vln Ing theater. ' The curtain rises at 8:30. giving out of town, people v, ample tlmo to enjoy their dinner nnd motor to tho southern city; in y, tlmo for tho production.' . Al Mclvln, who underwent an . oneratlon for appendicitis at the . ' Saored Heart hospital since - tha Medford presentation of "The Do- . vor Road," has been replaced in tho cast, by John Patton. Other s(. members of tho cast will remain ., . unchunged In the Ashland show ing. Including Fred McKoen. One oa Wright, Jo Murray Rostel. Harry Ooold, Mary Grolnor, Lucille Mur- jt ray and Bob Mlksche. ) r? Tom Swcm, director of tho show, being ably assisted with cos ,q tumes, properties and general ar- 0 rangements for the Ashland pre- sentatlon, by Mrs. Porter J. Ncff u. and other interested advocatos ot Ihe little theater movement In Medford. : -: ,H Solomon Temple lecture - , To understand the Bible one should have some understanding 3. of what tho Temple symbolhted to tho Jews. We have grown up in- aj the west with no Idea of any sym bolism In our church structures, nml have little Idea of the extent .-ft symbolism was used In the east. Many of the symbolism Is roferrod ni to constantly In tho Biblical text. ! Mrs. Bnrtlett has been a close .- student of tho Bible, and Oriental i- llteratur for many years and makes a very Interesting story of 1 the Temple of Solomon. , - Monday evening In the T. 8. lodge room. SI North Grape street. ' ROSEBURO, Ore., May i. lP) . George M. Hess, Janitor In the Roseburg post office, was shot and killed at his home, about one mllo i west of here early this morning. v