Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, May 05, 1929, Page 12, Image 12

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ladles, when pipes are
brought, affect to swoon;
They love no smoke, except
the smoke of Town."
From "A Pipe of Tobacco,"
by Isaac Hawkins Browne,
1740. In Dodsley's "Collections."
"(Puff, puff) That's a lot of
(puff, puff, puff) applesauce (puff,
puff)," aays the young woman of
today. "A man Is only a man
(puff, puff), but a rood cigarette
is smoke."
Times have changed since Isaac
Hawkins Browne's mother was a
gtrL "Swoon" has been taken
from woman's vocabulary and
"smoke" Is now essential to the
bright lexicon of youth and age
Women smoke In their homes is
they paddle a "vac" around the
floor. A man finds more cigarette
ashes In his spinach today than
sand. Women smoke as they drive
their cars along the highways.
Women smoke at hockey games,
race tracks, football games, night
clubs, restaurants, hotels, theaters,
schools, of Ices.
Woman is smoking every place
today that a man smokes, not ex
cepting the smoking cars on the
trains. ,
She Even Smokes on Street
Host horrible to relate woman
Is beginning to smoke on the public
streets right : here In Boston.
True, women are not smoking free
ly In the streets as yet, but the van
guard of feminine sidewalk smok
ers has arrived. Montaigne should
have found a reincarnation to cite
the change In - customs. In , the
memory of living men the young
man. who smoked cigarettes was
considered effeminate. ' That was
long before modern woman
thought of the cigarette.' Today,
man considers giving up tho cigar
ette because it has become feml
nlno property and onco again it Is
suggested that, tho malo cigarette
smoker Is effeminate.
Back lnl870 (so ran tho story a
few years lator) a. young Cubun
stood, smoking a cigtarette, ut the
entrance to the old Trcmont house
at Tremont and Beacon streets
one of- Boston's famous hotels ut
- the tlmo.
In a few minutes a crowd of
boys and men stood on tho sido
wnlk looking curiously ut the
, young man. In a Utile wlillo he
threw the end of tho clgarctto on
the sidewalk .and the small boys
scrambled for It.
' Crowd laughed at Hint
Then the young Cuban took a
thin piece of paper from his. pock
et, poured somo ground tobacco
into it and mado himself a second
cigarette. The crowd wutched him
closely as ho lighted and puffed It.
' A man in tho crowd, who was
smoking a T. D. pipe, laughed and
said: "That's a hell of a thing to
smoke!" v. . .
. The crowd laughed. Tho young
nan re-entered the hotel and Bos
ton had seen its first cigarette
smoked In public.
But' Boston didn't take very
kindly to the cigarette at first. Jt
was said, to 'havo bcon Introduced
by some young Cuban students and
at first the habit spread slowly
among students first In one col
lege, and then another, until about
But Hie old-time smokers re
garded the cigarette as a sign of
.effeminacy and the young men
who smoked them were called
Called Work of tho Devil
... From the pulpit and health lab
oratory the cigarette was classified
ns one of the works of tho devil.
The name "coffin nails" was af
fixed to the tobacco-filled paper
tubes. Fifty years ago the United
States Government collected prac
tically nothing from the salo of
cigarettes. At the present time
the Government collects an aver
age of 1388,000,000 a year from
the sale.
In the early (O's began in ear
nest the advortlsoment of certain
brands of cigarettes, purchasers of
which were promised a small pho
tograph of a different burlesque
beauty in tights with every pack
ago of cigarettes. Tho crszo for
actresses pictures matched Ihnt In
somo quarters for postago stamps.
Jn 1361 a man could not eveu.
umoke a pipe on tho streets of
Boston. . "No smoking In public,",
was the law so that tho locfactory
organs of tho femlnlno section of
the population might not suffer'
from lawbreakers and so that man
might have his smoke, a circle of
seats was set apart on Boston
Common where man might smoke
., Woman Suiokea on Streets
And now woman Is smoking on
tho streots of Boston!
. A Olobe reporter and photogra
pher sauntered for photographic
proof of the rumor had a long
search but success rewarded tholr
efforts. Young women found puf
fing at tho "filthy weed," (re
member when It waa called that?)
puffing right out on the public
street,- - - . .
The moral aspect of the cigar,
ette between a woman's Hps still
eems to occupy the time and
thoughts of the educator, the
preacher, tho parent. Perhaps,
because they are of an ago that
could not unbend and know noth
ing of liberalism In thought or
action. Perhaps, because they see
more than youth sees today.
A -A university co-ed sent out a
questionnaire to a group of stu- nlnb-J a. -.-.. .1 .. -.- I
lege rosters. She explained In i"
note to tho students selocted for
the questionnaire that she was
necking a genuine statistical re
port on the matter of smoking
among college girls.
Out of tho questionnaires sent to
five educational institutions she
received 110 replies. Of the num
ber replying, 81 college girls stated
that they were either regular or
occasional smokers. Of the num-
Sousa Radio Program Monday
1 -
1 1 safea.
1 I
I "''- (-.'
-sansossss.- , jeasaiaaa- i
John Philip Sousa
on Chevrolet Program
John IM-I lip Hourja, ;ind his world
famotfi band will heard over
thp radio for the first time on Mon
day evening. May 6lfci, In an hour
broadcast, sponsorl by Chevrolet
Motor Company to slgnallzo the
achievement of placing on the road
over half a million new six cylinder
cars In four months. This will
come on the rcgulara. General Mo
torn "Family Houi" utartlnsr at
8:30 p. m. eastern utirindard time.
"Naturally, wc Chevrolet dealers
are proud that our company has
he on instrumental in introducing
Ho una and his band t othe micro
phone,' said Mr. Allen, of tho
Pierce-Allen Motor Co, local deal
ers. "We aro equally proud of
putting on the road over 600,000
new Chevrolet nixes alnco January
1, esetablishlng a record never be
fore duplicated by any dealer or
ganization distributing six cylinder
ber 51 confessed belt iff confirmed
Hmoltein and 13 stated that they
smoked, occasionally. There wore
4H girls who reported-, that lliey
did not smoko but of thit number
18 had tried smoking and slopped.
The colleges from which then an
swers came wore Iceland .Stanford,
University of Wyoming. Hmith.
Michigan and Hwert Briar the
Inst seems qulta appropriate for
pipe smokers. ' .
, Draw Your Own ConrJ unions
Draw your o w u conclualons
from tho facts reported In this
(jtientlnnn ft Ire. It w ould appear
that tho majority of college girls
are smoking. It would appear
that in a few more years women
Huiuking on the street will bo a
common sight. If tho Boston City
Council ever creutes a "smoker'
Circle" on Boston Common for
women smokers, bo assured that
smoking on tho streets for them
will be common. For that was the
opening wed go for the men. Fifty
years ago a man would not think
of smoking in the presence of a
woman. " TIo youth who has Just
attained voting age can -remember
when a man would nk. "Do you
mind if I smoker Today the
oung man says to the young lady,
"Got a cigarette?"
Walk along .the Charle River
Ksplanade any pleasant morning
and watch the young ladies on the
stone benches. Some are walking
to their offices. Others are walk
ing to claHs. Many are reading or
studying Greek or Latin. Most of
them seem to bo smoking. Per
haps this is Boston's feminine
".Smokers' Circle." It Is not t:ie
public Htreet in the general mean
ing, but it la certainly an approach
to it.
Glrb Colleges Provide Room
The girls at Pembroke College,
co-ed branch of Brown University,
have Just voted In favor of smok
ing In their roms and have asked
for separaate smoking rooms as
well. Byrn Mawr with Vaaaar
have both accepted the cigarette.
Vassar neniors, somo years, ago
built, with a collection amounting
to about $1,200 taken up by the
class, a smoking room for them
selves. Hmlth College girls are re
ported as having taken up the pipe'
last year.
Why are women and girls smok
ing? Men may theorize, but wo
men fail to explain very clearly. ;
Somo smoke to be good sports;
some for a new thrill; many from ;
curiosity; some because others ;
smoked some because it looks'
smart and stylish; some because It
appears sophisticated; somo to be
sociable; some because told it '.
soothed the nerves; some for a
prank. None of these reasons
makes confirmed smokers, but
thousands of women, report that
they liked the taste and sensation
of smoking and acquired tho habit. '
And If women have the habit they
will smoke in public. A smoker!
insists on his or her smoke. ; - 1
To close Its winter season of con
certs and inaugurate National mu
sic -week tho Atwatcr Kent hour
this evening, Sunday May 5, will
present a gala program in gala
fashion. Kleven famous artists of
the concert and operatic world.
who have helped make the Atwater
Kent hour an outstanding radio
event, together with the Atwatcr
Kent quaratet and orchestra, will
participate. In addition to the mu-
ical numbers there will bo a short
add roses by Mr. Kent, sponsor of
tho hour.
Reinald AVerrenrath, tho distin
guished American baritone, will be
one of the stars this evening. Two
other especially flno voices will be
those of Agnes Davis, soprano and
Hazel Arth, contralto, winners of
the Atwater Kent foundation's na?.
tlonal radio audition for 1927 and
1928 respectively.
Young Golf -Star p
r s
1 'JlltfrA
v, a '(ftp
Helen Hfckt, 18-year-old New
York golf star, was one of the ta
'oritet in the nnual Miami worn
;n't golf tournament. She was
-liBtin the qualifying round.
COLEBROOK, N. H.. May 4.
Tho Mohawk river valley
stretching from the Connecticut
river eastward toward DIxvillo
Notch presented a scene of flood
wrought havoc today. Houses and
bridges were swept away and high
ways washed out, when - waters
rushed last night from Balsam
dam, 1 3 miles above here. The dam
burst from pressure due to heavy
Estimates of property damage
ranged as high as 1100,000.
Ample warnings reached the
half dozen or mare families com
prlnlng the hullilet of Klildcrvillo,
nine miles cast of this place.
"Old Kouk" Well
"Tho Old Soak" Is In good health.
Cablo message from Singapore tells
how Secretary Stlmson's Chinese
parrot is thriving on his voyage
from Manila to New York. His
vocabulary Is quito extensive and
the crew has been restrained from
teaching him undiplomatic . expressions.
This Beautiful Glenn Oak Home
Completed this week by the Southern Oregon Construe- V
Hon Company. Inc., is for sale. Its beauty, sound con- .
struction and charming location will appeal to prospec
tive home owners.
Participated in Its Construction
v Heating and Sheet Metal
H. 0. Purucker
. Building Material
Sheet Metal Work ,
Tents and Awnings
Paints and Hardware
SALEM, Ore, May 4. (P) Fruit
and berry crops in the Willamette
valley should be normal In ton
nage and some of them well above
the average If present indications
hold . true. In the opinion of the
largest growers and packers here,
although all are agreed that it is
yet too early to make accurate esti
mate. ' '
A short; retarded blossoming sea
son for prunes, due to cold and
wet weather during April, has left
the experts guessing as to what
the result will be in the set of
fruit, but there are no indications
that the trees or buds were dam
A heavy set of all varieties of
cherries is indicated, but most of
Ve contracts signed with growers
leave the price to be determined by
tne prevailing market during the
picking season.
Some loganberries have been
contracted at 4 cents a pound, but
most of the crop is still unsold
with buyers showing a reluctance
to contract for futures because of
the stagnant conditions of the
canned market. A large holdover
nr i-nnn.rl Ineanherrtes has caused cut. quotations as much
as 30 per cent from tneir opening
list prices.
Heavy urops of strawberries are
indicated in all sections of the vul
ley and practically all have been
sold, iMicker, reiwrt. Soft varie
ties for barreling are being con
tracted by the growers at from 5
to 64 cents, with the lower figure
prevailing. Etersburgs and other
firm canning berries have been
taken at prices ranging from 6 to
7 cents.
. t .
"LIUHtcr" Kcaton, wife of the film
comedian. Her aue was civen au
28. Netcher, who had been mar
ried once before, said he was 35.
. . 1 :
Medford is the county seat and
tnetrnpnlla of the Rogue - River
valley and gateway to Crater Laka.
LOS ANGELES, May 4. yp)
Constance Talmadge, star ot the
screen, today made her first step
toward a third marriage when she
appeared at the county marriage
license bureau with Townsend Net
cher, Chicago merchant, and filed
notice of Intention to marry.
Miss Talmadge. whose romance
with Netcher had been reported
for some time, said the wedding
would be held hero next Wednes
day at the home of hersister. Mrs.
All Work Guaranteed
Phipps Auto Park,
Highway at Jackson
Phone 1037-R
Jot Zeoncmieal Transported
seal UL F rtl
(D). (D)(0)
New Six Cylinder
since Jan. lsr
Again, Chevrolet Surpasses Its Most Brilliant .
Record of the Past by Producing over 500,000 Six
Cylinder Chevrolets in Four Months a Greater
Number of Six-Cylinder Cars than Any Other
Manufacturer Has Ever BuUt in an Entire Year!
Even with such an impressive
record to focus attention
upon the outstanding value
of the Chevrolet Six, many
people still do not appreciate
what "a Six m the price range
of the four" actually means!
Here, at prices so low as to bo
within easy reach of anyone
who can afford any automo
bile, are afforded all the
smoothness, reserve power
i and quietness of a great six
cylinder valve-ln-head motor.
- In Its speed, Its acceleration,
its absence of vibration and
drumming and, above all,
In Its economy of better than
20 miles to the gallon it
completely revolutionizes
every previous standard of
performance In the low-pric
And in beauty and comfort,'
as well as in performance, the
new Chevrolet Six ranks as an
outstanding achievement.
Its new Fisher bodies are
beautifully finished and lux
uriously appointed. Steering
is delightfully easy, due to a
full ball bearing steering
mechanism. And the newly
designed 4-wheel brakes are
powerful, quiet and unusu
ally easy to apply.
If you are in the market for
an automobile come in!
You owe it to yourself to
learn why over 500,000 people
have chosen the Chevrolet
Six since January 1st!
ro'ajstkr....,525 The COACH rtDAu...'725
PHAETON J C nBf V asjaf Dclltery
Jo'upe .-..'595 SMS KiCVchs-MOO
SSan .'675 J S J r;.M ,545
rwjl AQ5 MMeto b. factor TliTon EA
CABRIOLET.. " riint. MIcMtan Chsult with Cab 0V
COMPARE the delivered price as well as tho list price In considering
automobile values. Chevrolet's delivered prices include only reasonable
I charges for delivery and financing.
Pierce-Allen Motor Co., Inc.
112 So. Riverside
PhonS 150
Automotive Shop, Ashland, Ore.