Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 30, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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    Mtotorb Mail TmmvNE
Weather Year Ago
lligluxit year ago today en
Lom-ohL year ago loduy ... an
Dtltr Twnty-horth Teir.
No. 39.
The Weather
Forecast Kalr: light frost tonight.
Warmer Wednesday.
lHa-limt yesterday .. 61
Lowest tills mornine 43
By Arthur Brisbane
California, in Summer.
Concerning Mr. Mellon.
New Bootleg Idea.
Goodbye, Wild Horse.
(Copyright by King Feature
Syndicate, Inc.)
Plnuiiing your 'vacation do
not forget tliut summer is .the
Pacific Coast season all the
way from San Diego to Seattle,
Portland, Santa Barbara, and
the rest of the west coast in
cluded. Many have the impression
th$ the Pacific Coast, Jikc the
Riviera, is for winter vacations
only. A statement by the "All
Year Club of Southern alifor
nia" corrects that mistake.
With excellent, fast trains,
California is not far. From Chi
cago, or any middle western
point, you leave Friday night,
begin your Pacific Coats vaca
tion Monday having seen your
country in the meanwhile. From
New York, allow one more day.
Go by one railroad, return by
another. That can be arranged
on un excursion basis. Or re
return via the Tanama Canal,
allowing yourself a few days
inure. It is well wortli it.
Coining and going by rail,
you see the whole country, in
cluding the wonders of the west
coast, and two weeks is enough
for a first experiment. Those
'experimental two weeks often
mean the rest of a lifetime on
the west coast. -
Don't fritter away your va
cation. 'Sec your ' country, in
eluding the world's biggest
ocean, the Grand Canyon, the
magnificent national parks, not
forgetting Los Angeles, with
Hollywood, world capital of
the moving picture.
To know your own country
is the beginning of a real edu
cation. And to know it, you
must sec it.
Summer is the best season for
seeing the Pacific Coast. Se
attle,, like all the Northwest,
is at its best in July and Aug
ust. Los Angeles is an ideal
summer resort. The huge Pa
cific stores up summer heat
that' it gives forth in winter,
and in summer , it cools the
whole coast. In San Francisco.,
even in July, you must sleep
under' blankets. Take a -light
overcoat with you. You must
make some mistakes, but don't
go to, heaven and be compelled
to admit that you never saw
the Pacific Ocean.
It is said by Senator Norris
that Mr. Mellon is not fitted to
be Secretary of the Treasury
because he owns stocks in va
riuus corporations. Laws might
be passed affecting those cor
porations, don't you sec! There
are 19,000,000 other Americans
that also own stocks in corpora
tions, and the number is in
creasing. Why not select a secretary of
the- treasury in the - simple
minded department of some
county workhouse? You'll find
men there that own stock in no
corporation. They might not
reduce the national debt by
many billions, as Mr. Mellon
has done. But at least you
would be sure that they lauked
the brains that enable men to
acquire stocks.
Bootlegging borrows an Idea from
tho cuttlefish, via tho battle air
bMp. The cuttlefish spreads an
Inky fluid, as he flees. The pro
tecting airplane lays down a smoke
scrocn. to hide floating battleships
from peering periscopes.
' The bootleggcr.'wlth mind open
to new thought, uses for transpor
tation a truck with smoke screen
ICoptinued oo Pag Four),
Earl Peacox Tells of Slaying
Young Estranged Wife-
Breaks Under Grilling
Sweetheart of Slayer
Also Held Wife Killed in
Deserted Home Is Story
' of Youth.
30. (P Earl Francis Peacox to
day confessed that ho killed his
20-year-old estranged wife, Dor
othy, after a quarrel, and burned
her body with kerosene according
to Mlchaej Sllvorstein, chief of
Mount Vernon detectives, and Cap
tain Philip McQuillan of the
Grcenburg town police.
Tho charred body was found
under an apple tree In a thicket
along the Ardsley road last Sutur
day and identification was made
through a small piece of her
house dress. Tho husband was
taken Into custody last night, as
a material witness. After a se
vere nll-nlght grilling at Mount
Vornon police headquarters he
broke down this morning, tho of
ficers said, and made a complete
Cool and collected, apparently,
Peacox, who Is 21 years old, was
brought hero from Mount Vernon
and questioned in private by Dis
trict Attorney Fran kA. Coyno.
Ho will bo taken back to Mount
Vornon this afternoon for formal
According to the alleged confes
sion of the youthful husband, as
made public by Captain Silver
stoin, the couple had been living
apart, following a disagreement.
The wife went to New York, while
Peacox continued to live In his
Mount Vernon home.
Frances' Murray,-' Is.-Ms-.-belng
held In tho Mourft Vernon Jail as
n- material witness. Miss Murruy,
the pollco allege, is Peacox's
sweetheart, she wus arrestod last
night at her room in llst atreot,
New York. -
Tho gh-1 told pollco she , hnd
stayed with Peacox In his Mount
Vornon apartment and that ho
had given her some of his wife's
, Recalled Aniilvorsnry.
On the night of April 21, Pea
cox : was playing cards at the
home of his mothor-ln-law, Mrs.
Alphonse A. Heinztrman, In Bronx-
vftlc, when ho recullcd that It was
his first wedding anniversary. Ho
excused himself and drovo In his
cor to the houso in West 145rd
street. New York, where his wife
was living under tho namo 'of Lil
lian Maney.
Arriving at the house, rencox's
alleged confession continued, his
wife, after a brief talk, consented
to accompany him for a rido to
their old homo in Mount Vornon.
where they arrived at 11:45
As they entered, she snld, ac
oordlnir to Peacox:
"Well, this looks like the old
He resented this and a violent
quarrel ensued. There was '
struggle and she started to "claw'
him with her finger nails. .
The struggle continued, said tho
confession, and sho knocked
weapon from his hands. Both
reached for tho pistol. Sho was
screaming continually and Pea
cox said ho placed one hand over
her mouth and tho other on her
Appeared to Faint.
After a time she appeared to
faint and ho discovered that her
body was cold. Peacox said he
was in a daze after tho struggle.
When ho realized that his wlfo
was dead ho wrapped his over
coat about her and placed' hor In
his car.
Along the Ardsley road near
Clreenburg he stopped his machine
nnd carried tho body to a thicket.
Then he returned homo.
Last Saturday morning, Peacox
said, he saw two milk ' bottles in
front of a Mount Vernon rcstnu
rant, lio took one of them, went
to a nearby garugc and purchased
five cents worth of kerosene. Ji"
thvn drovo out to the spot where
ho had thrown the body, satu
rated tho towel nnd clothing with
keroseno and set fire to the
Questioned closely as to the
motive, Peacox told the police
they had hsd many bitter quar-
i- ....... i,A nf lifA she
was leading."
Pearox later was taken to, mum. r-nginecr ium ...
Mount Vernon. Theeounty medl-aiendale. Jtouglas county, today
cal examiner announced the fur a hearing relative to water
charge against the confessed slayer contests In the Cow Creek adjudl
had been changed to first degree cation.
murder. After arraignment Pea- rom Olendalo Luper will go to
cox will be brought baek to the ; .Mcdford. Grants Pass, and Klam.
county Jail here. . lh ''ll for ronferencos relative
4 - Jto reorganization of the Grants
Marie to Get Vcgrcc Pass. Gold Hilt. Kagle Point and
ALBA .IL'LlA. Rumania. April Hhasta View reclamation projects.
30 (VPi Queen Mirlo Is to be c. K. Ktricklln. assistant state
a doctor. Bhe will be given a engineer, will leave, for Klamath
degree by the national university! Kails tonight to appear before the
for her services in the creation of .circuit court In )hc Bprngue River
greater Rumania. adjudication.
Tired of triumphs on the opera stage. Marion Talley, young prima donna, announces t'-.r.t ;ho will
retire and become a farmer. Picture shows her "learn'ng the trade" by feeding e day old cj'.t f.-oni a bi'
when a girl on her uncle's farm' in Kansai. Inset shows famous -i-r" t -
Big Sum Appropriated for
Pay in Street Car Rate
Fight $26,452 Spent in
Eight Months Council Is
-PORTLAND. April 30. VP)
Charges ht a firm .pf rat ex;.
ports had appropriated In salary
for Its members $26,452.07 of the
$30,863.35 city money spent in in
vestigating tho rates of Portland
utilities, wcro bolng considered by
city officials today. Tho charges
wcro mado by C. A. Blgelow, city
commissioner, and John J. Curtln,
city statistician, after Carey &
Harlan, rato exports, hud offered,
for a consideration of $20,000, to
fight the proposed 10c street car
rata in Portland.
The figures developed from a
check of the statement Carey &
Harlan presented, the city council
with tho request for $20,000 to
continue tho Investigation. Tho
$26,000 salary item, however,
proved such a bombshell that Har
lan offered to withdraw his $20,
000 request contingent upon -his
employment 'to fight Iho car fares.
Carey and Kenneth Harlan of
Tacoma wero employed about
eight months ago by tho city to
investigate tho rotes of th Port
land Electric Power company. An
appropriation of $48,000 was made
with which' to conduct tho Inves
tigation. At yesterday's confer
ence It developed that $9000 waa'noon
lett and tno rato experts woiuu
receivo $6000 of this amount, mak-(
irig about $15,000 each for a
year's work.
Further investigations by city
statisticians indicated the rate ex
perts spent $13,411.28 for operat
ing costs, the remainder going to
salaries. City officials declare the
firm's profits bo far on the con
tract Is about twice what they
paid out for engineers, account
ants, rent, stenographers, depre
ciation and other items.
GENEVA. 111., April 30. F
Roy Smith, tho deputy sheriff who
shot and killed Mrs. Lillian DeKln?
during a prohibition enforcement
raid on her home, was exonerated
today by tho Kano county grand
,. SAL,r'', Ore. April 30.-MV-
Hall Announces Plan for
Administration Structure
To House Office, Wait
ing Rooms and .Depot
As soon as tho Mcdford airport
Is mado. read.y for buildings thQ.P.a
cific Air Transport, wlli start con
struction of a $5000 administration
building, according to an an
nouncement mado today by Socley
V. Hall, superintendent of tho
Mod ford division of the air line.
The new building will consist of
division offices, waiting rooms, and
depot spaco, and will conform
architecturally with the Adminis
tration building to bo erected by
tho city.
The pacific Airport Transport
wilt lease their hangars from the
city for tho present, but will even
tually build their own.
Mr. Hall returned yesterday
afternoon from California, whoro
he conferred with P. A. T. officials
on local building operations.
Hull visited thirty ait-ports In tho
vicinity of Los Angeles, getting
points on the latest construction
and flying mothods. lio left here
last Friday and after a day in Han
Francisco and Oakland, flew to
Los Angeles. He left Bakersfleld.
Calif., Mondsy night, and flow
over the lighted night route stop
ping at Fresno and Oakland fields,
and arriving heYe yesterday after-
Find Walloon
A wrecked balloon was found half
submerged forty miles off . Half
Moon bay and was towed to Ban
Francisco by a fishing boat.
Hijack Vlftlm round
DALY CITY. Cal.. April 30. m
Tho body of an unidentified young
man was found with his throat cut
at the bottom of a cliff on a lonely
road near Salada Beach. Police
believed hijackers or rum runners
were the slayers. '
Following it joint mcrtinu; of member of (lie Morchanls.'
Association, City Council and Planning Commission at which
an agreement was reached on the essential points of the pro
posed new traffic ortlinunee, the City planning Commission
wished an esprcssion from tho public in general on a few of
the points concerning parking regulations. Therefore the
following iilestions will appear in this paper every day this
week, and it is requested that all readers, both city and
country, express their views by clipping out the. coupon, ad
dressing the same to the Traffic Committee, care of this
Answer "Yes" or "No." '
Do you favor one hour parking in the ceutrul busi
ness district!
2 Do you favor half-hour parking in the. central business
district ?
3 Do you wisli the present area of limited time parking
extended to increase more territory I
4 Do you wish the limited time parking to be in effect
until 9 p. iil .Saturday nights!
5 .Should double parking be prohibited!
6 Arc you in favor of limiting service station driveways,
in the central business district, to 18 feet on cacti street in
order to provide more parking room!
Name - ' -
Address -
Wife ! Granted Divorce
Savs Paris Visit Was
Spent in Hotel, While
Husband Took in Sights
Dined Alone, Is Claim-
HOLLYWCIOD, Col.. April 30.
who thinks up funny thiny a for
Harold Lloyd 10 do In tho movies,
wan dlvorcod and facing a court
order to ay J200 a month alimony
her todny.
Mrs. Whalon, known to vaude
ville 8H Judy King, told tho court
they went "vcr to- ueo, Paris, .but
when thoy got thero M'helan de
cided tho gay oily was not for her
and mado iher slay at tho hotol
nights, whilo ho went out to sco
what ho could see.
"For two weeks I had only two
meals with him," she related, "and
then he gave mo a ticket homo and
told mo he'd break my nock It I
didn't leavo on tho next boat."
The' 1260 a month alimony Is
tho minimum tho court allowed.
isho is to get 20 ncr cent of Whal-
en's earnings and any year h
makes moro thun $30,000 sho Is
allowed a bonus.
PORTLAND. Ore, Aplrl 30. (P)
Homer Van Hrn, 18, and Rupert
Jones, 19, who stole an automobile
In California and drove it to Ash
land, Ore., wore sentonced to one
year and a day at McNeil Island to
day by, Federal Judge McNary.
Van Horn was' parnted to IiIh fat ho r
and Jones to his attorney.
Moialla high school will bo en
larged to houso agricultural de
AT H i
Questionnaire Method Used
to Find American Youth
With Scientific Mind-
Will Be Trained By In
ventor to Carry On Great
Work Oregon Boys
Have Chance.
NKW YORK, April 30. (P)
Thomas A. Kdlson is seeking an ,
American school boy whose scion
tiflc mind may qualify him to
carry on tho work of the great in
ventor, i
When such a boy has been
selected by means of one of Mr.
ICtlibon's famous questionnaires, ho
will bo awarded four years tuition
in tho technical school of his own
choice. High school and prepara
tory students arc. eligible.
Announcement of tho offer was
made by Charles A. Ktllson, son of
tho Inventor and president of tho
Kdlson industries at Orange, N. J.
Thomas Kdlson is in Florida.
"As the weight; of advancing
years falls on the .great Inventor's
shoulders he Is seeking a youth of
unusual capabilities who perhaps
will havo tho genius to carry on
the great work ho has so well
sturtcd," tho announcement sold.
The governor of each stattj and
tho commissioners of tho District
of Columbia will bo avkod to desig
nate one male student who' is tho
bout representative of- A mcrlcan
manhood and possesses the high
est ability in uclcntifio subjects
during tho school year of i92829.
K&ch of tho 49 winners will re
ceive a free trip to tho' Kdlson
laboratories where they will be
asked to answer the Questionnaire
which will be prepared pcA-soually
by Mr. Kdlson. ' Kaeh ofi tho 40
will bo given an Kdlson radio-1
pho nograniWc. Memeu -uy t-iie -(Hate
winners must ue in flip. Kdlson s
hands July 1. Tho (Oust Orange
trip will be made early In August.
BAI.I2M, Ore, April 30. UP) A
four-yeur scholni-shtp In ono of the
leading lochnicul schools of tho
country Is tho prize for which ono
boy from each stato and ono from
British Columbia will compete
through tho generosity of' Thomas
A. Kdlson, Governor Patterson has
rocelved notice of tho contest and
has turned tho oorrcspondonce
over to the stato educational de
partment which will select the
Oregon boy for tho competition.
The 49 boys will moot Mr. Kdlson
at his laboratories at West Orange,
N. J., and ho will give tho exami
nation that Is to determine tho
Baseball Scores
i American.
It. 11. E.
St. Louis 6 13 0
Detroit 6 10 . IS
Huttcrlos: Ogdon, Collins and
Schang; Ydo, tjmlth und Phillips.
K. U. H.
Philadelphia 1 II
boston 4 9 1
llatterlcs: Karnshaw, Shores
and Cochrane; Morris and (loving.
" R. H. E.
Cleveland 4 1
Chicago 8 14 1
Uattorles: Hudlln, Harder, Mil
Jus and It. Hcwoll; Wolland, Dugan
and Crouso.
B. H, B.
Washington 17 2
New York 10 13 4
Huttcrlos: Braxton, Brown,
Llska and tjponcer, Tuto; Zachary
Monro and Jorgonaon, Dickey,
National. -
R. 11. B.
New ; York 0 S . 1
Brooklyn 3 0
Batteries: Walker and llogan:
Vance und Dcbcrry.
-. '. n. II. B.
Chicago 4 8 1
Cincinnati 6 B 1
Uattorles: Blulio and Antry,
May and Oooch.
I " r K. H. E.
Boston ....v H 1 2
Philadelphia 1 18 t
Battorles: Brandt, Werlx and
Taylor; McOraw, Wllloughby.
Hwcetland and Leraln.
I NEW YORK, April 0. (A')
Lou Gehrig hit his third homerun
of the season In tho third inning
of today's game between the YarA
, kces and the Honatora at tho sta
dium. Gehrig's blow gave tho
Yanks a lead of 4 to I at the end
! of the third. Garland Rraxton was
'in the box,
o f Phone
at Conclave
i .
roi KNF.MOLTll. England,
April 30. Tho annual confer-
ence of British Rntarlans here
listened In Impressive silence
this afternoon to what was
assumed to lio the volco of
their Intcrnntinunl president,
Tom Sutton, "sent by trans-
Atlantic telephone from Great
Falls. Montana."
Afterwards It developed that
t moy nau oeen tne victims of a
playful hoax. The message
was 'spoken from outside the
hull, Mr. Sulton having sent
It yestorday when It had been
written down for repotltion to-
expect me
Federal Attorneys Must Quit
When Asked By New At-
fnrnflV Rpnpral Now
lorney uenerai mew
w , , iiu..x
IDIHei Ulliy nUIUUUl
Against Reorganization,
'invnTn in (TO
un miumiLiu,
n bub m m i
,, , ,,, . '. r , I Administration suppoitors In op
unless William A. uogroot, louo- K)!lllon to (he debenture pronoRnl
rat attorney for the ciiHtorn New continuo confident that they will bo
York distiii-t. complies with At-(ablo to defeat (L They were cn
torncy Clencrul Mitchell's demand ' curaged yesterday by tho division
- 1,1. i....ii.. i,..i.i.,, n I01 sentiment among Its proponents
for his resignation, President Hoc- lndlcntod by tho altaclt ot jentttm.
ver Is oxpoctcd to removo him caraway, Democrat, of Arkansas,
from office by tho simple method j on the amendment proposed by Sen
of appointing a succosaor. - ator Norris, Republican, of Ne
Dogroot is the only district at-p"1 to via for reduction of
, ,- , . , debenture rates as a means of dls-
torney thus rar who has refused couraitlnir overreduction nf iiffm-f.
to comply with the attorney gene
ral's request for his resignation
In the process ot reorganising tho
law enforcement agencies ot tho
hhWfSo''ddi)artm''dni; ,' Thftt" undcr -
taking has tho support of tho. tend to sncourago ovorproiluctlon.
president, and high admlnlstra-1 of debenturablo products. ' A IkiI
tlon officials havo no doubt that . lot Is planned before tho tlebenluro '
ho will back un Mltcholl In tho suction Is brought to a vote, Tho
Degroot Incident. I Arkansas senator contended Its nf-
Tho .attorney general . hlmsoltl
has no authority to removo a dis
trlct attorney, but the supremo
court, In tho celebrated Oregon
postmaster case, doclded that Pros
ldent Wilson's expedient of ap-
polntlng a successor wss legal and
that tho chief exeoutlvo had ou-. public testimony given by agrlcul
thority to dismiss appointive of- j ture department experts during its
flclala from tho government scr- hearing on Uie hill, which is nnder
vlco. Mltcholl has already re-1 stood to favor the debenture plan,
quosted and received iho reslgna- ,'Tholr testimony was- hoard beforJ
Hons of three other district at-j President Hoover declared his on
tornoys and Is expocted to ask for position to the plan on the basin
others. Thoso who havo compiled j ot studies conducted for him by tho
with his requost woro stationed at agriculture, treasury and connnorco
Philadelphia, Jacksonville and In i departmonts. . '
Misslsslnnl, and their successors ,i ,
uro expected to bo named In the
near future.
NI3W YORK, April 30. (P) The
apparent passing of tho month end
credit stringency, reflected In tho
lowering of tho call money rate
from 14 to 10 pet cent, stimulated
a general recovery In prices In
today's stock market. Hcores of
Issues woro marked up 8 to nearly
20 points, many of thorn to now
highs; oft a rovlval of pool activi
ties, and a broadening demand on
the part of small speculators.
Wild ' fluctuations again took
place In United Aircraft, which
soared nearly 12 points to a new
high record around 150 or nearly
double tho low of three Weoks ago.
So swamped was tho specialist
with orders In this stork that he
found It lmposslblo to accept any
but market orders, Other alrplano
Issues wero heavily bought on pro
dictions of unusually largo earn
ings and rumors of now consollda- j
The upward pace quickened dur- I
ing tho lato trading with tho turn- !
Ing over of largo blocks of Impor
tant Industrials. Office Kqulpmcnt I
shares were particularly buoyant. I
National Cash Register, Under
wood, HHInt, Fisher, General Klec
trlo, Air Reduction, Warner Bro- '
thors and Tlmkon Roller Bearing I
'roso 6 to 7 points. Motor products
and Midland Uteel preferred each
mounted nine. Tho closing was
Total sates approximated 4,200,
4 ,
' Oregon Weather
' ' Fair tonight and Wednesday:
light local frosts In the Intorlor to
night, warmer Wednesday. Con
siderably lower humidity tn the
Interior Wednesday. Oentle. vari
able wind).
McNary Believes Considera
tion of Measure May; Be
Completed This Week
Hoover Supporters Con
tinue Confident Defeating
Debenture May Vote
Dosplto Interruptions which havo
delayed progress of tho sonatu
farm bill thus lar, Chairman Me
Nary of the agriculture committee,
In charge of the measure, was hoiie
ful today that Its consideration
could bo completed this week.. ,.-
A voto on tho debenturo section
hud been counted ou today, but luu
fact that the senate wus abto to
give only one hour to tho farm bill
yesterday and developments during
yesterday. and developments clu
,nat discussion changed timt
I'ucuiuun. flow a voio on inis niK-
puted section Is not looked .tor
until tomorrow or Thursday, but
with no Indications that other sec
tions will arouso such disputes tno
final action on tho bill Itself Is ex-
' I'uuieu 10 iuiiuw uuicaiy.
ed crops.
Moth are supporters of the deben-
) turo plan and the Non-la amond
; ment was Intended to, win .vntnu fni- .
i.' among tfioso who fear lt wtjiild
feet would ba to' penalize faniM-VM
for using production advice given
them by the government.
Chairman McNary called his com
mittee to meet today to consider
ono pliaso of the dobzenture dlscus-
Ion tlie ntiostlou whether to innko
Death Toll of
the Automobile
LONDON, Bng., April 30.. (
Countess Powis, wlfo of the fourth
earl of fowls, Was killed yesterday
whon her uutomobllo sklddod and
overturned near Towchestcr. wlillo
driving from Fowls cautln to l.on
don. Inasmuch as her body showed
no signs ot Injury and her chauf
feur wan unhurt It was . believed
sho died from shock.
-' Hard Back at Work.' '
" LOS ANGELES, Cnl., April 80.
(P) Superior Judge Carlos S. llnr- '
dy acquitted by the California sen'
ate on Impeachment charges,' re
sumed work on the bench.
Will Rogers Sayi:
BOSTON, Muss., Apirl 30.
Senator Norris is doing nil
lie can to throw out Secretary
Mellon'. Well, if they throw
out Mellon and keep Norris,
and keep Mellon in the. gov-;
eminent employ it would ba
jtlst like keeping Jackie Coo S
gan on a team and releasing-
Ha be Ruth.
Norris is tho
fellow that
fooled Al
Smith so
that ,S m 1 1 h
when Norris
bolted over and joined him.
that his influence would
bring all the farmers in Nc-
braska with him. Ho brought
all his strength over in a
Kord roadster. If you eau't
be good, be different. . ;
Yours, : i :n