Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 21, 1929, Page 6, Image 6

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    pxqe srx 1
mm nun?
Kl.sslK who would put over th'1 Oscar Ij. Prl. V' "'Vf
Thiirsduy's game between The
Oold Si iH Creamery ami Open.
'nrehui was postponed on ac
count or rain. This game will be
played May 1st.
The Knit'S no far have all been
very Hoxe and very exulting, each
team winning or loslnn I'Ja. very
elose mnrijin of or 'I points.
KollowinK is a list of games won
nnd lost to date.
was pres.-illed by
no tor Stelwer.
Rex Cafe
Good Food Good Service
' WASHJfJOTOK.) 'Alril . toir-OF)
RoRtori wjn Itif flfnt : srarric sof the
noiisnn ioAay, UcfeHtlnn WdshlnK
lon, 0 to 3, in a ninth Innins ral
ly. Plnali hitter Slandeart broke n
tin in the ninth with two out, his
double sending two runs across.
'Jloth of the fltnrrlns pitchers,
Snm .lones for WashlnRton, und
Itiissoll for Boston were relieved.
.., . . V ; . e ... , .. It. II. K.
HoKtnn : 0 8 ' -
WashlnBton 5 6 1
Itussell.- Bnyno nnd Asbgorson;
Jones, Hurke and Tuto.
8T...I.017IS, April SO. Ph-Tho
St.. Ij)tils Drowns scored five runs
in an , foiBhth . inning rally and
took the first -game of the series
with Detroit today, U to i
II. E.
10 3
11 0
netrolt ...............
Ht. Louis .,..............,.- 9
Stoner. Vangllder and
Cltay nnd Schang.
New Vork-Athl"tlc, wet arounds.
Oleveland-Chl J go postponed,
rnin. -
. I'HIIwDEU'HlA, April 20 (IP)
Lester Hweetland pitched the I'll li
lies to a S to. 2 victory over
lirooklyn in the first gnme of the,
series here today, the homo team
found Watson Clark nnd. liny Moss
fairly easy. , .
n. it. b.
lirooklyn 'I Vi 3
1'hlladclphla G U . 0
O.lnrlt, Mods and Deberry;
Hweetland and Davis, Lerlon.
CINCINNATI, April 20. (P)
C nclnnatl fielded riiKRoilly be
hind Klxey's ineffective pitching
and gave the Pirates a 0 to 4 vic
tory over tho Reds today.
II. II. E.
1'ltlshurgh .' 6. 11
Cincinnati -. . 9 3
- (Irlmes- and lltugraves; Rlxey,
Johnson and Dixon, Mc.Mullen.
ALTO, Oal., April 20. (ff) Racing
to one-sided victories In most of
tho tracks events nnd dominating
tho field trials in Iron clad fash
ion, Ktnnford's Cardinals smash
ed their wny today to the great
est track and .field victory In 0
years ,.ft( competition With tho
University of California Rears
their ...oldest athletic rivals, tho
score of 94 2-8 to 30 1-.1, wiped
out In one .Impressive strke, tho
frmer "big meet" .record set by
California in 189.1.
In that first meeting more Ihnn
throe decades ago, the Bears post
ed 9 1, points to :ir, and that grand
total withstood all onslaughts un-j
til today's disastrous ending.
LAWRENCE, Kim., April 20.
(IP) Two meet records were broken
In the seventh annual Vnlver-
sity of Kansas meet here today de
spite most unfavorable leather
Three nthletes hold the two
new records. Torn Warftc of
Northwestern, who holdB tho
world's Indoor record Tor the pole
vault off a dirt floor, tied with
Ottomosa of Minnesota far. a new
record of 13 feet 2 7-8 inches
made by Earl McKown of tho
Knnsas Htato Teachers' : collego
In .102S, Dan, Heat tin of tho Colo
rado -Aggies,, burled the discus
14(1 feet 0 1-2 Inches. '
New. York at Boston postponed,
ralti... i '
. Chlengo-St. Louis postponed,
rain. -
as helpless as
helpless can be
PORTLAND, Ore, April a 0 . P
Tho MIhmIodk nwtdo it five HtnilMlil
from thei'Jfrvern tmliiy, wlnnlr.K
hohlnd Bert OoIc'h pltohlrw, 4 to
1. Kulnlit also wiik'Iii kimmI rm-ih,
hot hi i two iniilriKH hunched htlx
drovo in two k ruiiH . eaoh time.
( IitMhk'S My, Kinu and Jlnfft c
comUfil for tho two hi the vi
HoiV third, nnd in tho sovonth
two ninuloH nnd cinothor dnuhlo
oiu In tho other two. 8uc;oas-Ivo'-douhloH
tn tho Portland nov
um h by Kessey nnd Jnlin snvod
Povtlaittl from u Bhntout. t,
It. II. 13.
MHlonn 4 7 1
Pcirllnnd I G 0
Col nnd Hoffman; Knlylit and
Ut'Ko, Hat oh, .
ANNAPOI.IH, Md., April 20.
(4) -Tho Mftftnaohuwptts Instltuto
of Tochnolofiy vai'Hlly ofow won
a victory over Navy oarsmon to
day for tho firt timr In tho nln
yenn tho Nfnv Knland shellH
havo lcin hronprht hro tn open
the rowInB Roann at tho naval
"t& A 4 ', "' . " M. X'MW ft . Y ! The High Yanks won their first;
I ' . 1 t , 4 A? Y Vf J f r"" ""! ami lost to date. . - '
I ' " ' vV 3.3 KSfcf ll V if' nlBI,t a :'-",nlnB over-time W. L. Pel.
K "' .J fit 1 L-ifV? I fn 1yf 7 J 1 l' I'b't game, score 4 to, 3. The score (.tir0 ,-.. office... 2 0 Ida.. . ,ml,,1,uillM
ft i r sfZflC ym., .FrvH ' 1 w 'ndi,,..k.m,,ii,(t(., lllill 1 5 : PiXSBmwm
!' Intro . .lf.rJ. MCf-v Mi'Vr5:av q
. JJ-?g, j- r- ...... ( w-mJSc.SaiiHsikmi wss - jT
hbkh k mm mm mwr. i
1 t mmmsm mmm?1 'wg&kPA .. 1
li- . tr-vr ...,.,.. .y-., .,.1 ,. ' J3dliiSr3! I
Baseball Scores ... :. mm: . I
-.nor " . tfr
Tne British Ryder cup team. Back row, loft to rlntit: Henry Cotton, Fred Robson, Archie Comp
ion, crnost wmicomoe, erewan Burns, rront' row, left to right: Attorey Boomer, Abe Mitchell
ueorye uuncHn, cspiain. ana v,narie vvmtcomDe. , .;
Sport Briefs
p;UO 12X13, Ore., April 20. (&)
Tho baHi-ball double header hu
twoen tho Unlverftlty of Oroon
and AVillnmnll ITnlvorulty lit re
today wan ionlponod hRcaime of
wot fixnundH, Tho next simic on
thb OrpRnn Klato will bo Tuesday
with tho Mcljl- University, Tokyo,
almost an hour off
tiino made Hint year. ,
Tho flyins Dunnoll entry flaunt,
inf? tho title of ".MIhh I3aHtern"
eoverod the 130 miles In the rec
ord time of three hourH, 20 min
utes and 4 0 HOconris. Thirteen
other crafts, although badly dis
tanced, beat the mark of four
hours, 2 7 minutes and ;10 sec
onds .which was Knd enough to
win last year.
Southern AsKoohithni
Atlanta 15; Chattanooga 12.
I-ittle Hock 4; Memphis 3.
Nashville-P.irmlnKham postiion
ed, lain. ,, :
Mohilo-Kew Orleans postprmed
There's Pride and Economy
LOS ANOELRS, April 20. (If)
fcceslve singles by Karl "Webb,
Walter Jlorgor and '.'.SIub" Tol
aou In the tenth Inning broke .up
an oxcltliiK pltchinB duel nnd unvo
l.o AnKeles a 3 tn 3 win over the
Hneraniento iHenntora here today.
W. It. H.
Sacramento 2 0 8
Jxis Anitolos 3 10 0
(10 Innlnm.))
(lould and Koehler; ltoberts,
Peters nnd Hannah, Sandbem.
HAN niAXCIHCO, April 20.
jT"j-i 1 a fust bull ganio featured
by numerous double plays, Han
J.'runclsco defeated Oakland here
today by n scoro of 8 to 8, sottllnK
the same in the second Inning by
n rally Jn which four runs were
scored.. ,
n. II. E.
Oakland S 10 l1
Han Francisco - R 0 2
Itatteiios: . CniKhead, .Hnrat,
Itnehler and Head; Jacobs and
Ueod. .
Houblo header Healtlo-llollywood
postponed; rain,
. . ..
NEW, YOttK, . April: 20. (ID
AVbelher, It . means anything to
fisticuffs in the near future, .lack
Hempsey trotted Into Htlllmnn's
gvmnnslum again today nnd went
ibrnugli a brisk sW-round work
nut on .t)io exercising machines,
light and heavy bags. "Iron
Hike," his famous left hook, was
In prime, working order as the
former heavyweight king pelted
Hie heavy mek.
liempsey still declares that he
does not know whether lie will
ver fight again.
Klamath Falls. I'holoplione
equipment, being Installed In I'ell-
cun theater, will open. May 1,.
i: "K d. Lllier) ! '
StilrtinK at !T o'clock this morn
ing, tnams from ' the National
Ouard companies of Ashland,
Crnnts Pass. Klnhinlh 1i IIh nnd
Mclfftl'il me t,.,,nl In... t.iri,. rtn I
lost on tho local National (luard
and rlfln club range enst tit the
city. The Medford Nntlonai Itlfle
club members will jiot use the out
door range for piftctlco today, in
ordei'that all targcUs may bo avail-,
able for I lie competition. The
course of fire will bo Identical with
tho qualification course as .pro
scribed for the guard und for tho
civilian rlflo clubs, and Is as given
below. ...
All shooting will bo conducted
nt 200 ynrds. Ten shots
tired In the prone position, five
kneeling, five silting, nnd ten
standing, nil In slow fire. In rapid;
fire ten sbnls will he fired pron
ennd ten kneeling or silling. Keen
cnmpeiltoin i,s anticipated, ns It is!
known that at least one of the oul-j
side teams has been firing nearly j
perfect scores In practice .In some I
of tho positions rather consist eni ty. j
, The personnel of the Medford i
learn Is as follows: Team captain.
Lieut. Weldon IT. Molloe; team
coach, Lieut. Frank Lludley; and
the other , members to represent
this community are First Hergoant
Hoy F. Hewitt, Hergeant llruce W.
Mofl'etl, Sergeant Chus I). Wiley
and Corporal . Willfs A. Porter.
Four members nnly will fire the
match, the other being designated
as alternates. ,
. No doubt i number of Medford
people will be Interested In going
to the rnngo to witness at least
a portion of tho shooting. Tho
range Is located a short distance
beyond the Rolf courso on the road
In extension of Knst Main street.
In driving eastward the targets
may bo easily seen from the road
before the Ilillcvest orchnrd Is
Anyone visiting the rnngo during
the match is assured of some good
entertainment If be Is nt all inter
ested n rlflo practice.
GRANTS PASS, Ore., April 20.
NEW YORK, April 20. W) I VP) Clyde Moore, 22, was today
A pink orange cockle shell steer-j sentenced to servo two years In
ed by Jacob Dunnell of Boston j stato prison for killing his uncle,
came snarling down the Hudson Raymond Moore, in an argument
,-v.rnr from A'hany to New York I over payment for work. Raymond
today nt an average speed of 37.4! Moore was shot at Radio park,
un nour 10 win tnu second near here, Inst January 2. Clyde j eighth floor and . burled at least
e"minl outboard motor racing j was convicted Inst week of lnovl- five more In wreckage at the street
classic by about four-miles and untary manslaughter. , level.
NEW YORIC, April 20. (P)
Several steel girders fell today
from the eleventh floor of the
Western Union building, under
construction at Thomas street and
West Jioardwny, killed at least four
workmen on a scaffolding ut tho
SEATTLE, Wnsh., April JO. (PI
The I'nlveinlty of Washington nnd
Oregon lied with 8.0 points each,
und two wrestling championships
npleco were won by Washington
State nnd tho Huskies in afternoon
events here today of the first minor
sports carnival, ever held In the
Pacific northwest.
Korty-nlno athletes from the
three schools competed In the
carnival, which consisted of hand
ball, boxing, -wrestling, fencing nnd
tumbling. Twenty points were
snwrded to the winner of each
sport, nnd ten for second place.
In the fencing ptvemlnnrlcs
Warren Powell, Winchester llelcher
nnd Red ltadke of (egon scored
20 points by eliminating ulx W. H.
0. nnd Washington swordsmen,
nnd elnehed the championship In
ihiic event for the Webfeet. The
trio meets tonight for Individual
honors. The Huskies defeated the
CoHgars to carry off ten points In
that event.
SOUTHAMPTON, Kng., April 20.
(Ti The giant liner Levintban left
for New York this nirtrnlng with a
slock qf liquor aboard for sale to
Instrument panel ulso
or Diamond Matched
Oriental Wiilnut framed
with Mutt Walnut anil
UlnlVcyc Maple Panel
Louis XVI Walnut Cabi
net. Doors Diamond"
Matched Oriental Wal
nut with genuine inlaid
Marquelryr Border.
7 Preferred
Invest your money in this suc
cessful homo institution it's
AVAILABLE. Owners of tins
stock wore recently paid $30,
000 for G months carniiiffs.
1 a
Make an invesenient of your
rent dollars. Enjoy the home
you've always wanted.
Our convenient home loans
make this possible . . . you can
pay in easy monthly install
ments, just like rent.
Over 20 Years in Medford Not One of Our Stockholders Has Lost a Cent
High Boy
Model 72
With Tubes
Low Boy
Model 71
With Tubes
With Majestic Super Dynamic Speaker
When You See
And Hear
(lie now Majestic receivers vou forgot all
but QUALITY . . . Quality' of Perform
ance . . . Quality- of appearance that vou
can really FE10L. You only KNOW that
you want to own one of those now models
... to athl breathless beauty to your homo
juul pvo you matchless performance.
The Majestic, with its super dynamic
speaker, is tho ideal radio for southern
, Oregon people' . . . it roaches out . . , gets
all the air has hi offer . . . and its tone is
Palmee Music House
Clayton H. Isaac William H. Fluhrer
im rtiTmnaiiriii 11 ii. iinm m-ar nroirir-j .iIiii iikhh u t, nuaiini mini mi
.:r per-: :? ' " ' 7TTZJTr
"Mr; Businessman f
vulinow the economy
of an
Provide that '
economy for
r your home try
presenting your
lamuy wicn a
you would not
be without in
hzcost is Uita few cents
a week
Home Telephone & Telegraph Co.
Of Southern Oregon