Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 21, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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(lly Mar; (ii'plii(M')
It. hns'JuP bom: learned ' thiit
Al ed ford .may -soon lose rme of Us
prominent ettb.enH MVho has been
niiiro Tn
ULUTd 1 U '
!,-.,. .....
attractinK mori-hanta. trailespeopte
ana munufiicturpr? to Orison.
couniy (iiamfes, uikIiib tnexlHto Kerr uplnm Thoru Knrr on I from completed, ho wild yesterday. ! thn larso sold dredge working tn
chamber of commerce to expend Kroundfi of rniel and inhuman! Two fortunate fishermen of fen-: the Foot creek area,
an appropriation ut 25,00fl i-1 "cntmeni. The couple wan mar-: tral I'olnt were Jamea Hons and; Mm. Krank Jammonol O&kUnd,
IthnrUefl at the. last lecture In ffi ' ' 1 1 "11 . .W . CM'- ' ; hUM gueat for two
Hulph t'owsill returned Friday j river curly lust week. The fish 1 Min. J. A. AlacDougall, of this city.
Mr Xlwrv I I m i.,m. 1.1 nf .......... 1..1 -..i.-n.-. . ui, 1(,ib..L u, ul uiiti mne, m i-h, juinesun, as wen aji ner nus-
XL ..... . .. . . .. . : Tortland. Salem. Wnldport and1 with cKitausod for halt. Several I hand, are former well known local
.1 .1.1.. i l" " mkmk- mi 1 vi uiitj m i'n riisf tw.iTui.s 1111 111 -. rt. i. jinnccH 01 Dii west rcoirr.
Hit print year making a Mlrtnin j terday. hut fLihitiR conditions wore! U reported seriously ill at the
tturvey for the state fifth commts-j reported poor due to muddy, roily j Jacksonville sanitarium, suffortng '
nlon, timl tlii-" work Is ji yet far win nr. nim-h of which cant from : fnun pneumonia.'
The annual Clean-Up week for
Medford i only a week away, the ' Huturday,
CHICAGO. April 20.-
date having been set by Fire Chief
: Klllott, whom the city council has
appointed to again have charge of
(the details of the sanitation pro-
(P) "With I tfi'am because of his success in this
unconditional Kift f $lrt,00U
cash to Oregon State college.
Albert Kitch of thin city has'
been chosen an the manager of tho,
annual Jackson county field and ,
iracK meet at the rafritround next
He wan at the grounds
- .M.:uiurasj premier ammal pet ; tendered a reMpoiiHihle position In
hov presented In three 'acts mi-; South America. W. M. Shepard, I
der the direction of the Jackson ! vioe l'lilnt and Keneral Hk'ent i
, ..,.,.,, Ti..,,,,,,, .,(..... I of 'Jne California Oregon Power i
' company, has under consideration fjfNt hand information as to the regard in past years, and who after
wan n .success, it. was declared so , nn executive position with thei Pasv means Chlmim minsters have : a ctmfcrence with the city officials
an concerned orlKlnatora, par- , American and Korean Power cor-I ,lf obtaining mac.liine Kuns. sim-'Hie other night set the date. May
... immn .imm specuuors. ; poration which, if accepted will
The first act. extended through j n.-cessltate his moving to Huenos
the early morning, when more than Aires. Argentine republic.
liar to those that mowed down
M-vcii men in a north side gar-
awe last St. Valentines day. po
today making preliminary prepara
tions, giving directions to a scraper
leveling a portion of the grounds.
Macy Uintt, arrested some time
ago by the wheriff's office, was ae-'E
quitted yesterday afternoon in a 1
justice court trial at Jacksonville. ! iz
Unit was tried on a moonshine ,
possenlon charge and was said
As last year, the Tiny Scouts will by officers to have possessed sev-
itslst the chief in carrying out the oral gallons of alleged illicit liquor, ;z
1 to
ftllll I Ml II IITI til I III I M I II I lltl I ttl Mil I IMIMIt Itt I M I Itf I lltl I ITILJ Itll 1 1 f II ItlllMtllt It 1 1 1 1 Tl 1 1 tf 1 1 f t il ii if l iiltltttiif vttitsrt-
ennuren irom various points in The Anieriinn .) hWohru - . . ... i- rA. kUii.iih ...,r... ,.. ..u .iiIrpiin whixh ihv ..i..imMi im thm .... r
the county brought their pet ani-; Power corporation, which is a sub- j tWu KOHj ,)lltrnnN of firearms 'are retinested to clean up their the car before he was arrested.:
mals of every classification and i sidiury of the Klectric l:ond & i (i,,t,.r ' Muemises of rubbish, cans and ! When tried here receuilv in circuit
I hen came th parade the sec- Snmh America, as well as in other j nt(.ITHt to lho nuthoriities, Stev-! be gathered ul by the City Sani
ond act up .Main street and I nSim .f ih u-m-M vr,.,wiv.-. ..hi. ! , ,., , ,v. I ,., ,i ni.rn.i
city to the armory, jity properties, representing an in- it ti..u..v.i iitm ...i,h i. avav to the LrnrhiiuP (himn.
vestment of around $ 1 (ift.ODO.nOit, ; sf.SH Imir, valuable Information Following out its custom of re-
oescnption to tno chililiens play- Share company of New York, has Testimony Yesterday at the in-; other unsightly refuse, place it in court, on an appeal from the Med-!
grounds on l-.ast .Main atreet and actively entered the electrical fidd nUPSt inlo ho St. Valentine's day j sacks or boxes on the curbs in ford justice court, the jury was un-!:
groomed them for the parade. . n a large scale in Central ami : .l,,w.,.a vi..m..,i t.-.i .,,.t.,. f , front of their homes, where it will t able to aeree on his cuilt or inno- :
cence in connection with n trans
portation charge.
Mrs. Jennie Myers of Eugene is
in Medford for a short visit with!
Mrs. H. K. bftnge of, North lEiver
side. The city council of Salem last
week passed an ordinance author
izing the Bale of $50,000 of mu
nicipal airport bonds. The honds
were voted nt a special election
held three months ago.
A divorce complaint was filed in
circuit court yesterday hy C. W.
around the
AVhat took place for an hour or
bo there concerned only the actors
In the pet snow drama, the. di
rectors and the producers.
lint when the curtain rose on the
third act, the audience were in
troduced to the . Interior of the
armory as they had never been In
troduced to it before. All around
the sides were neatly built stalls,
where the pets posed and wi-re ad
mired ' by the steady stream of
have recently , been acquired in I
Argentina, and the company is
still expanding. The various sys
tems which have been purchased
will be brought up to A merienn
standards of operation, which will
mean greatly improved and en
larged services. These properties
will be managed and directed from
Iluenos Aires.
In carrying out this program it
spectators who made the rounds : is the policy of this company to
thorugh the afternoon,
Due to the growing weariness of
both the animals and their young
use native employes as fur as pot
slbie, hut to place American execu
tives and engineers who .are well
owners, nit? . society uecineo io i versed in modern utility practice
abandon the original Idea of ex-1 in charge of their various activi
tendlng the exhibition until 10 ties. ,
oYlock, and closed at 0, the prizes! The Argentine republic. is In the
being practically nil awarded or I temperate zone and is known as
listed by that time. the most progressive of the South
i lie most popular entry for boys American countries, and Huenos
Aires is the third largest city in
the western hemisphere, ranking
next to Chicago in oie. An in
teresting article on the activities
of the Klectric Jlond & Share com
pany in the Argentine republic has
just appeared In. the World Topics
section of the San Francisco
Chronicle under date of April 21.
W. M. Shepard first came to
Medford to take up his permanent
residence in January, at the
time the home office of The Cali
fornia Oregon Power company was
moved from San .Francisco to this
city. He has long been identified
with the development of the Copco
concern as well as local activities,
and should he decide to leave Med
ford his absence will be regretted
by a large circle of friends. Mr.
Shepard is the second Copco offi
cial to he selected for an executive
posit uin in South America. Patil
11. McKee having accepted a posi
tion in Kio de Janiero in 1!27.
according to the vole of the public
who attended the show, was made
by Rodney Hawkins, who is asked
lo send his address In to the Hu
mane society immediately; the
most popular entry for girls, was
the pet donkey brought in by Ann
Scherer of Central Point. The sec
ond prizes in this classification
went to Karl floss and Margaret
The most unusual pet was the
turtle entered by troop 7 of the
Hoy Scouts, and the second mos
unusual was the grey digger squir
re I e til e red by .1 1 h n Pa 1 m e r o f
tiold Hill. These prizes are as yet
unannounced, the winners to make
a choice of a list of attractive gifts.
The best cared for animal for
Ihe poys prize was tho shepherd
dog owned by Jack Sanderson of
I'entral Point, and for the girls'
prize was the bull dog .entered by
Ray Le Ferver. I loth these re
ceived $1, while Margaret Bateman
mid Raymond iCrlckson, who en
tered a Spitz and a. Springer, re
spectively, received the seen ml
prize of $1.
, The best trained dog proved to
be a Most on teYner entered by
Leonard Klein, who received the,
first prize of $3 offered by IV.
I). W. Stone. The second prize of
J2 went to Caroline Hill, who en
tered a 1 2 -year-old Hi-lndle bull.
Margaret Hateman won third,
with the best walking dog. a Spitz,
fithers that reoeived honorable
mention were: The best dog at
playing ball, entered by Pegggy
of the killings.
In the meantime from I-os An
geles came the news that Charles
W. Lloyd, under arrest t here for
violation -of the prohibition law,
had been identified by a veteran
of t he internal revenue depart
ment as a former member of the
gang -of Hymie Weiss, slain by
hoodlums on the steps of the
Holy Name Catheuul some -years
P.e here wired for finger-
cent years, the city government
will not uy m expens' ir
removal of sacks or, fcoxeij tt
rubbish and otiier rfeiise, ui.i eacn
citizen will pay for the small ex
pense of its removnl from the curb
In front of his home.
The Itoy Scouts will -assist In
(Meiin-l'p week in various ways, in
cluding making a canvas of all
neighborhoods and reporting espe
cially undesirable looking places
that need cleaning up. and the
prints of IJoyd. and also Hen ' placing of cards of merit on
Milrot and Jack Watson, arrested j houses, the yards or lots of which
with him. hoping to connect them have been-made sightlj; and kept
with the massacre. Watson and that way. j
Milrot later were released by Los This co-operation between the I
Angeles police. A badge, first! city administration and tho home!
believed that of Chicago detect- j owners, or dwellers, has made
ive and taken from Lloyd, was Clean-L'p week very successful for
identified as a "Chicago sanitary
inspectors badge."
A machine gun was found in
the homo 'of Oswald, known as a
beer runner, and one of the fire
arms dealers on the stand yes
terday told of selling, six machine
guns to Thompson who lives, nt
Kirk la nd. III, Thompson's wife
said he . solicited students for a
university and was home seldom,
and then only on week-ends.. His
aged parents in Chicago thought
their' son sold cemetury lots,
A -.vest and , n .half dozen re
volvers, found in n raid on the
Webster hotel after the killing,
might result in- some valuable
clues. Dr. Herman N Bund ese n .
believed. Major ' Calvin Ooddard,
New York expert, began compari
son of the weapons and the bul
lets they fired, with bullets tak
en (rom the bodies of the victims.
Some of the guns may be found
to hnvr been used on the--seven
men, authorities believe.
David Sheldon. 1 1 year old soil
of Mr. mid-Mi's. Hen Sheldon, may
not secure ri Carnegie medal, hut
his friends maintain he deserves
Oarlock,: the beautiful Alaskan i "'' "nn nay tins past ween, ne
huskv entered bv Karl (Joss: thel" llis brother Abbott, age five.
Knglisb Shepherd, owned by Alice ' were playing in the
Prjick: polie dog, I.uclle Kstes; j
fox terrier. Hula Hall; three pups.!
I ten la h Rush; "the tired dog.")
Hyer Putnam.
I Hue ribbons wen to bull dog
entered by Ray Lo Ferver, who
won the girl's first prize, and Mar
garet. Halenian. who entered a
Spitz, second; Jack Sanderson of
Central Point, who entered a
Shepherd, first, and Ray Krlckson
of Medford," a Springer spaniel,
Red ribbons went to Joe Bench,
who entered a Collie and Shep
herd: Caroline Hill, a Pitt bull;
David Sheldon. Irish setter: Stuart
Forbes, two pup-; I lelen Mercer,
fox terrier; Fred Scbeat. police
dog; Peggy Oarlock. Airedale and
Shepherd: lone Kindred. Shepherd
nnd Collie: Velma Thompson, red
terrier: Brier Putnam, terrier:
Robert Brown, Australian Shep
herd; Bob Harrison, police dog;
Austin Reed, baby Spairtel: Charles
Price, Shepherd; Karl Ooss, full
blooded huskey: Ruth Prow ley. po
lice dog.
White ribbons were awarded to
Rodney .Hawkins, who entered a
whnfe ht: Aileen and Km ma
Thompson, white rabbit: liillegrad
Lang, brown goat; Donald Horner,
a bantam rooster; Hobert Storn, a
hen; Dorothy Schumaker of field
Hill, n white goat: Thomas New
comb, a pair of mallard ducks and
a goat: J. D. Smith, n pen of rab
bits: Jack Knders of Ashland, a
pair of bantams; Alfred Picket of j
Central Point, a p'air of pigeons: !
troop 7, a turtle: Helen Kvanston. j
' n cat in a basket : Herbert Har-'
per. bantam rooster: Kmil West
ring, n Persian cat; Frances Brad-,
ley. three white rats; Josephine
Bullis. a yellow cat.
Special prizes on the parade j
were contributed by H. D. McCa-j
key, the first award. $.(. going to j
Wayne Harrison, who led twoj
police dogs, and the second, $2, to !
Rillie Rartium. who rode his wheel j
nnd carried his pet bantam rooster
In the wire carrier.
hcldon orch-
ird on Kings Highway when the
hitter slipped and fell into an
abandoned well, the cover of which
hud been broken. Fortunately the
well was nearly full of water so
there was no long fall, but as the
little fellow cannot swim, he Would
certainly have drowned If David
hud not grabbed' a ladder nearby,
crawled out on It and pulled him
to safety. Although badly fright
ened Abbott suffered no ill effects
from his cold plunge, and joined
with all the children of the neigh
borhood in acclaiming his older
brother a real hero.
years past la tho way of making
the city more sanitary and beau-
A, new supply of dog license tags
was' received yesterday' y the
comity .clerk's office and" were be
ing mailed out yesterday afternoon
to the" hundreds of dog owners who
made application for licenses after
thp first supply of tags had been
exhausted. , Nearly 1700 licenses
were issued, still leaving many un
licensed ,dogs in the county. Dogs
under eight months of age do not
require licenses..
John, Caton of Butte, Mont.t
Is a visitor for several weeks at
the -home of his brother, J. Bk
Caton, in the Oold Hill district. .
Tho Marlon county Pomona
Crrangej" tit meeting at -Stay tori1
last week. Indorsed a resolution
adopted by the Benton and Linn
j A large delegation of legion
! members from Medford post No. lfi
is expected to join with Ashland
I post in entertaining National Com'
i mapder McXutt at the Lithla
Springs hotel next Wednesday
noon. It is also planned to bring
the legion executive to Medford to
see the Amcriea'n Legion' play
ground and the local honor roll
board of which the Medford niem
bers'are justly proud. Final details
will be discussed at next Monday's
meeting of the local post, to be
held at the armory.
Daily Meteorological Report
Sunday, April M
, Medford and vi inity: cloudy,
with showprs; moderate tempera
ture. Oregon :. Rain; tiioderate tem
perature ; a, I tj w
Local Oat a
SALF.M. Ore.. April 20. fFt
Struck by an automobile on the; O
Pacific highway near Woodburn j
while coming from school Friday ; Temperature tdegst.
afternoon. Kloise Barstead. II. ! Highest (last 12 hrs,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert lowest ( 1 i 12 hrs.)..
K. Barstead. who live near uooo- j;ei. numuilty (pet.)...
i v'recfpitation( inches)
of weather
.. 4'i
) r,4
.. 4.1
.. 7f
burn, received injuries that caused (
. T.
9 o'clock Friday night. Her broth- . XMaf precipitation since
er. Marvin, about a year her Junior j tf,mIl(,r , yH. la.iji Inches
received etits and bruises.
i:e: ores of $h.o0 by the
prrretary of commerce for estab- j
lishnient of two fish hatcheries in (
T.i-.itrt would be authorized In a -
bill introduced today by Represen-j her mills will cut SS.Oaft.onn feet j
tative French, Republican, Idaho. ' of timber during the current year.'
Sunrise today. 5:21 a. m.
Sunset today. fi:.riS p. m.
Sunrl-e Monday, 5:1ft a.(. .
Li W. DICK, MeteornloKiKt.
Lakevlew. Iake county nim-
OAKLAND, Cal., April 20. (A1)
J'oliine announced they hail iden
tified ' James : Hennessey, one if
three men arrested here in con
nection with the $ 1 2.000 bank
hold-up Wednesday, as the son
of -.lames S. Hennessey, superin
tendent of schools In Irass Val
ley, and noted California educa
tor. Hennessey, the police said, told
the.m a story which will implicate
the other two men in a score of
robberies of gasoline stations, drug
stores, and soda fountains here-
hie himself, it was said, was not I
connected with the robberies. I
Developments came fast with
the announcement of Hennessey's
identification; the statement of
bank officials that the trio were
not the men who robbed a bank
Wednesday; the identification of
Dan Tteilly, second person held,
as the man Who tdnhhed Arthur
J . R lg ney during a b o Id -up I n
Cakland March 15, nnd the state
ment of Rigney, a tith contrac
tor, that he would swear out 'war
rants to hold all three of the
men. The third Is U. E. Pow
ell, A woman arrested with the
trio, gave her inline as Alice Powell.
SUN. and MON.
April 21 and 22
The Law
' and
The Man
Snapping the Whip
Coming. Tuesday
Afternoon nnd Evening
10c and 15c
Jackscn County people
have been coining here for
all forms of insurance.
Jackson Co. -Bank Gldg. Phone 444
SINCE 1909
RBSssHannsa .....
There can be no IFs about
your title when you have
had the common sense 'to
have it insured. This
nteans that for one small
premium, we, are pledged
to fully protect your title
and to stand the loss, if
any, resulting from any
litigation and this pro
tection is permanent.
Jackson County
Abstract Co.
121 E. Sixtht.; Phone 41
These Drug Stores
Are Open Nights
This Week
Jannin & Wooib
James McNair Pharmacy
West Side Pharmacy
It's Time
To Think
Let Us Help You
Solve the Gift
The World of
Work Welcomes
The Graduate
You, the graduates of today,
will be the backbone of to
morrow's business world.
The nation places its hopes
in you. Finance is the life
blood of business. Learn the
power and value of money
and you will succeed.
The Modern Jewelry Store
' ' bsiMMse v if is ' : ;1 ;
. i:,i .... i . , .. i , : '
" ... ' '' ' '
Mot IuiiiImI! on top . . .
liprniilUnlly M'lilcd . . .
ii p v ( i iicciIh oillnu
. . . fiiiirt, all-HlfM-l, cnii
nrA wnrp . . . pUi-li-lnl-ly
oiM-mml. S'JS.V ilcllv
etiMl nt Mnlronl.
All-HKM'I llh c'Jodrlrnlly
wnlilod Joints. Ilpnvy
iKinlwnlf IhiIIchI Inlo tilt
Mi-pI. IShu-k - nut-cl dooi-i-iIki.
w-ir-i-IOHlns liili-li,
Klichi-M to protprt llnn
liiim, mill ni n n y oilier
finlniio fi-iiluri.
rZSMIE General Elfcctrlc Refrigerator requires no sold
Jl ering or plumbing because it hns no druin-pipe.
It is merely put into place and plugged into any electric
outlet It uses a minimum of current because the all
steel cabinet cannot warp and therefore never allows
heat to creep in or cold to seep out.
No longer does "any refrigerutor" satisfy the discrim
inating apartment-hunter. It must be a Genrl
Electric . . . because this remarkable all-stetel refrig
erator has many unique features which make It
particularly ideal for apartment use. '
It is individually controlled its operation docs not
depend at all on the janitor or on any Installation lit
the building. It is exceptionally and remarkably qaieb
It freezes ice faster (one tray in two hours, two tnrS
in four). The General Electric Refrigerator has always
had an easily accessible temperature control so that ; .
the user might accelerate the rate of freezing whfenettff
deeirablc. 1 v . -
Another vital factor which causes so many progressiva ,
builders to choose this refrigerator is the prestige of
the General Electric name. It instantly identifies Ike
npurttnent with all that is dependable and desirable.
Listen in on Ihe General Electric Hour, broadcast every Sattr- .
day evening, 6 to 7 o'clock, Pacific Standard Time, oer th
N. B. C network of forty-two stations through KCW,
Medford Building
Phone 90