'oRtiox, suxt) a r, aptctl ,21, 302a PAGE four ?' f ' ;wt , t . I i J i i I i j 5 ! i 1 1 t i J f t i ( I .4 ! i? TICKIEFMN' A i "WASHINGTON, D. C., April 20 "Chcfoo, China, recently scizol ,11 by revolutionism, is a city mado . fnmoUH by "fickle fashion,"' unys a bulletin front the Wiuhingtnn. C: headquarters of tile National- apograplilb society. v' "Tho (tormana started tho hair net industry on a largo stain, but tho World war In Kurope, ir, and cheap hair and cheap labor in Asia, caused the Industry to -'m'trrato to tho shantung province with Chcfoo as hcadciuartors. Streets of Chinese Town Hrlstlo ''". With Business Acltlvlty. t-v "AlthouBh American women's money paid the wagos of thous ands of women and girls in and ." near Chcfoo when the hairnet in- dustry was flourishing, per--:haps few of those American y- women .could lbcate Chefoo on a -map wltliout considerable search " Irig. : Tho city lies on tho north shoro of tho 'Cape Cod' of China, i which extends Into tho Yellow Sea ' from tho main portion of Shan j' tung-province, toward the middle "'Mellon of Korea. If a lino wcro drawn due west from Clnclnnutl, " Ohio, through Denver, Colo., and ' -continued across tho Pacific, Clie "Too' would bo one of tho first ..Chinese-' cities ' tho lino would "'touch -' -. . "jX".;-'Chefoo now ranks third nmong 'Hhnnling cities, with about 100.-j fpo& Inhabitants. A large foreign ' sotclemont, with modern hotols, ' s consulap office- bulldlnKst and rcsl ' donees-, bordorlna: ' wide, olootrl-cally-lhfhtc-d streets, occupies a 1 5 knob of-land on Jtho north. 'Ir "tW ndjolning Chlncso quarter j ts congosted. Narrow strocts, ;i winding-through this portion of j the ' town, ore lined with squatty-jl-hillldlngs, mostly of flimsy con Jstructlon, but It Is horo that Cho-foo-tirlstlos with business activity H throughout tho day. v. II'minutR.' Introduced by American jl Missionary, Igi "Htoop-shouldcrcd' coolies from i Jjii'lghboi'hood farms and villages rtnudgb to tho marRot place under loads: nearly as large us those :,aton mules and donkeys. Othor itpoolloa tug at tho handles of ! loaded snaniung wiieeuiurrvwH , - whose' whcols aro sometimes three I foot hush. There Is llttlo room ' lii- tho lunollkc thoroiiKhfaros for ! anything else, nevertheless ' tho ifrlckshatti boy draws ills taros m if hlgh speed, often forcing, pedos itirlnn!. to sidestep into ' chlldron- filled doorways for safety. "Through tho Chefuo streets, nil litllit!- prodtielH rbr"oxinrll ft;om' tho i uiChcroo nelghbofltoiid nro'- oaiwlcd ! jto- waiting imiuo boats In tlio hitr- oi -'AphIob, sweet potatoes, pere uIh, wheat, cotton, corn, tobacco, jpongeo silk and hairnets aro tnins borled by vessels flying tho flags sof many nations. Cargoes for Clil ''nese consumption are loaded on (coastwlso boars ntnt' rnnko Chefoo . ,a port of coll. Junks that lazily ijfloat about ih Hie harbor pick up short-haul shipping. 1'ongee silk 'and peanuts are among tho more ' shnportant Chefoo exports. The skitter Were Introduced In Hiuiniung -'Shy an American missionary. j , Uobhnl llnlr MxplodeH Ilnlinot ' "Cliefoo -was classed ' ns ono of She unwulled, theiefoie unlmpor iftiint, coiuuiunltles (of China before ijISO when the port was opened' to jlforelgil .shipping. , l.uior a large '"portion 'of .Shuhtung shipping Ifpassed through Ciiefou! am the "felly enjoyed a period of pronperlty 1 4UHIII , 1911-1. when the HlmntmiK ruiij-oad was completed and the ifVol't v.-as forced lo share coln ilBiereo with ports tho railroad touched. l "Another shock eflme when the jTlentsln-i'ultow railroad was coni :plctd In I1IIL'. Tslngl lo, a port j on the southern ro.l of 'Cape Cod.' succeeded hi getting railway i r?A.,,.t,n,.ll,.t, i-l,M,, l'1,,.r,i nl itltlv t- ' " "a promise of a connection. As a ItroMlll Tslngtao griulually outgrew 'tts northern competitor. The near "Be.st railway station to Chefoo now jils 200 miles to the southwest, bc- 'tween which busses freiiuently run j lover u government-owned hlgh- way. (fc- "Klchle fashion threw a bomb rtlietl Into Chefoo Industry when It decreed bobbed looks for American ijlwomen. When the Industry was tot its height $5,000,000 worth of 11alrnetH were shipped from Cliefoo ; ,Hiinually; a majority wero sold In gho United States. Two years later lhe value of hairnet exportation Rlropped to slightly more than j J:', ooo. ooo. Seventeen thousand fwouien and girls In and near Che .fio mode hairnets In 1021: now jS'tily a 'few thousand arc employed ' In the Industry." nh New Two-Door Model Is Presernted i ''',,( : I GRAHAM-PAIGE ' MODEL 612 TWO DOOF SEPAN f 1 lUi 1 or.tSar VeZHM.Si'SS .. GRAHAM-PAIGE MODEL 612 COUPE' . ' i,. Wsr;i:rrrjKKajiar J-r'n rem ' :swk Sfc-WWSt"-- '..... GRAHAM-PAIGE 612 NOW HAS POPULAR TYPE'' SEDAN AND COUPES ' . . I A two-door sedan on the six-cylinder 112-inch wheelbase 'chassis is the latest offering of Graham-Paige, production having begun early in April. The coupe model, with or without rumble seat for two extra pas lengert, was brought out? after the automobile show season.1. 1 VEEDOL OFFICIALS PREDICT BIG INESS, 1 Frank Wajjur, wcHturn ndvortlH liitf muiuiKor fur the Tide AVutcr OH SnlcH corporation, has Just re turned from four Puclflc coast Kathorlngs of dealers and Hulemnen. JIo add loaned' meotina In Kan FninciHeo, Lon Aimt'lon, Portland and Hoattlo on the auhjnct of J 1)211 adveitlHint? plans of the company. Tho muotliiK". ealh-d by W. C. PetUnfiell, regional nanaKt' of th icomimiiy, wni;o-;iUteiidtid by- allj of the saiim oxocUtlvofl of iho foapoc tlvo territories. Those pruHont, at all four wnthorliiK. prophesied un other record breaking snles voav 'for tho company. It was - recalled that 1028 tinlalillHlied a now hlh ftales voluino mark for Veedol oil In thiH territory, and will continue to allow a material inereaso thta Ken Hon. Mr. WuKar said, "The most ex tensive newspaper campaiKii ever planned by the company Ih beintf used thin houboii ln order to ac quaint the public with the many superior featureB of Veedol oilH and grouses. It Is .significant that many of tho most notably out standing nviutor.s have uliosen Veedol motor oil for use in their jlutiPH or in the planes they use in making new world records -or sensationally lonw distanco fliKhts. 'Veedol has really been proved in .the air to bo tho best oil 031 earth." olin .Francis aticoinpuiiJed AVa Kar, di.s:ussinrr avbition, Hh rapid dnvolomeut and tho prominent jilifco which Vvedol plays u most of itti outstandlnK achlnvementH. firstIkgi Tho ,fli-Mt (utr to uViiler Kit, 1 in the ; ItMrhl-wldo slilesl, ol-KHlllxaUoil of DodK'i Ih'othera b;w been l'ounil to be the Kumo Hturtly' jierfornlo'r It wan when It rolled off tho aa Honibly lino buck in November, 1914. Tho veteran tourlns ear was re cently traced to Nashville. Tenn.. reeords HhowinK that tho ear renehed that city in December, llll-l. ItH owner Ih Htlll driving the car dally. The dMllK-tlon of hotdlngr dealer contract No. 1 kocs to John (Mleek. pi-CHident of the Cumberland Motor Cur company of Nashville, who made tho first sale ofl a bodo car. and who .still holda. tho com pany's francliiso for that territory. The story of his success in the automotive field, und his start with the UodKo ORency of Nashville is indicative of the character of the man himself. It was In 1814, when Kurope was In r tho first KtaKcs of the World win', that Mr. Check first heard that lloraco and John BodKO were boIh Into the automotive manufacturinK field. -Mr. Cheek and his father, Col. Joel O. t.'heelt, happened to be in Sandusky, Ohio, at' the time. On approaching them, arrfinKemcnls were completed for the first Doduo agency. Without jKiviiiK seen a ear, .Mr. Cheek placed his order for 5(1(1 for tho first year. Just before Christmas In 1IH4 the first shipment, eonslsliiiK of' a. Dodco loiirlin; car crated In a box, reached Nashville by express. Kinco that lime, tho Cumberland Motor Car company has cxpnndoiL lo take cure "of -tho constantly increasing . business In -D o d K c Hrotliers car, motor trucks, ami OIIHCS. SCIENCE SAFETY AID SAYS DE SOTO OFRCIAL t Wltllo safety bureaus and police (departments throiiKhout the nation iara illrectUig their, efforts to pro 'vention of accidents, tiro egineer ! ins brains of the country, in auto ! motive laboratories- behind tho ; unes, aro eo-operatinK in a silent j hut equally effective campaign to I wards the same end. ! "Leaving aside the human enua i tlon and the tendency nf drivers to j ho careless, the' margin of Bafety ! from a mechanical point of view edpends almost entirely on tho principles nf quick acceleration and perfect braking- power," according to the Meatl-Furch Motor Co., local dealers for tho e Soto Motor cor poration, a division of Chryalef-Motors. "Spring and early summer again bring the pfcrlls of the congested suburban highways' to drivers with cars that aro not' equipped with the bent braking devices and en- 'gines that wllrnot pick up quickly Jin an emergency. The perfect brake Is the first essential of safety flashing' acceleration, where the engine immediately responds to the touch- of the foot accelerator, of almost equal' importance. ( "The brakes; however; must op erato with 100-per cent equalization-. The same pressure must be applied to tho brake shoes simul taneously; ; Otherwise sldeuwaylng, with its often disastrous' results, Is virtually unavoidable. "The He Soto-six is equipped; with Internal expanding, hydraulic four wheel brakes which are sclr-equnl-izing, depending upon the principle of hydraulics for their operation and equalization brake equipment which is the best ttant engineering skill can produce. They stop the oar quickly, operate smoothly and safely, and give the driver perfect mastery over speed; "The automobile is subjected' to innumerable sudden and violent accelerations and decelerations In a day's driving, so-brakes must he pendnule and simple In operation. Those used by the 1)0 Soto six havo both qualities. The braking pressure reaches all four wheels at the same time and in equal de grees; making the operation In stantly effective. "Safety ih operation, too, de mands a quick get-away in traffic. The engine that picks up Instantly when tho foot forces tho acceler ator down minimizes the possibil ity of accidents." " -i 1 m 1 i m FLIVVER CAM tfim-M have I toM you not to buy mote foreign tires? If only the Awk fumLshed with the cur was th? kind needed to lift th inortKaKO. Traffic Cop: "So! After knock ing down that old gentleman you arc running away to escape a sum mons," Chauffeur: "Cosh. Officer, I thought there was enough trouble as it was." The man who Ik full-of personal liberty makes a dangerous auto mobile driver. i "Does your fiancee know much i about automobiles?" i "Heavens, no! She nnked me if ;I cooled my car by atiipplng the gears." , j Traffic!cop: "Kay, you. who the ; Hell do you think you are, going : tiu miles an hour?" ' Motorist: "It s this way. Officer ; 1 was hurrying to get a couple of tiekets for the I'olieenuin'H Ball." Traffic Cop:. "I've got Just two ! tiekets left, sir. Hre you are. sir. j That's right, two dollars, sir. Love i ly weather we're having, sir." happen If that mun on. tha right Lido over missed u day at work?" i - Interested Observer "So, what ! would haptn n?" GuMe "Twenty-two hundred land sixty-one Fords would, go out of the factory without springs." f Interested Observer "Sa Mls I ter. that fella's been sick a lot, ain't he'.'" j ' ! If you think man isn't hateful ! by nature, observe how ' many : speed up when you toot for gang j way to pass. i Automobile courting has one ad ' vantage. There's no small brother ' under the sent. Hoard of an automobile accident ! the other day which 'was due to the fact that the back seat driver went to sleep and didn't attend to business. HniyJIians linrrmv Heavily mo JAXK1UO. (P Cra Lilian slates nnd cities borrowed SI 05,3.10.000 In tho United States and 555.000.000 in Kngland In I!t8. Xono of these amounts was borrowed by the Brazilian federal government. A newspaper recently commented on the situation, sav ins: "All that wo have Is less ours t linn foreftrners." If: nu f i IX, F SHIP BY PLANE - A I W.yiIINaTONT. Dealers In ? rfruit, garden produce and flowers i ln Holland have solved the prob 1An of' transporting their perlsh . able stocks by the use of airplanes, jkflie department of commerce fleams that two now freight planes IVlll be put Into operation soon be tween Amsterdam and london. .j Airplanes have mado It possible j or London residents to enjoy at ' dinner strawberries picked that jjinorning lm Holland. i ( t Political', speaker ot Kim Und J iiave thought of a way to defeat jjhe hecklers vho Interrupt cam ' paign oration, v Speakers trucks ' Are ' ul0Pd ith toud8peakrs ( r hi ch convey sound a half mile Wnd more. . !P. Cl rao vanttd ml tin Uall "TMmWlMt - - ""ri'" 1 in l , 1 1 W"" t)(xf I) rot hart t r tf NEW DODE i)K Luxe Sedan (wire wheels extra) Proud Security for the Woman Who Drives From tho dainty wing-tippctl radiator to the graceful curve of the rear fenders, the new Dodge Brother Six is a car women invariably ndtnirc. Its brik alertness in starting at the touch of the finger, the accessibility of pedals and the simplicity of controls, the case with which it handles and the feeling of security and protection which ,iV Mono-piece body imparts, all recommend it as the ideal woman's car. Its proverbial dependability and safety plus the new comfort and beauty so typical of Chrysler-styled cars aro daily winning more devotees,, among women who would motor in proud security. KICIIT ltODY STYLES: 9 15 to 106." r.o.B. DCTHOIT. Comcnianl Jerm.i. E BROTHERS SIX CnRYSLER MOTORS PRODUCT EAKIN MOTOR CO. 1648 South Fir . v 1 Tclciihono 301 Open Evenings and Sundays Now with' nil the other little services rendered . by gas station attendants if they'd Just scratch u fellow's back. ' Irate Kmployer: "Late again. Havo you ever done anything on time?" ' - Clerk: "I bought a car." Here Hob a pedestrian, Much colder than ice; He only jumped once When he should have jumped twice. j Tho upkeep does not worry the motorist half so much as the turnover. Trials or a Tmffln Cop "Say, Ktupldi what's tho big Idea turnln" three blocks straight ahead and jjo up Glontz Avenue to the city morgue, no laoV I don't know where you can buy buttered dog biscuits now don't gimme no argu ment or I'll slip you a ticket yes lady thorn signals work by elec tricity I ain't allowed to carry baby buggies across no streets so you never seen mo put my hand up, well, why didn't you, .are you blind1 or just dumb no mister I don't know the population of this city say who ever told you you could drive a car yes lady the 3 o'clock train for Celery Palls leaves the Union Station at ? o'oloek well you - big bum the JutUie'll give you 20 years for that pull over to the curb there how should I know whore you can get safety razor blades sharpened and don't gimme no Back talk yes lady you dropped your handkerchief what do you think I'm blowing this whistle for just for fun you poor sap would you care to buy somo tickets for the policeman's ball?. . . . Wife I just bought a set of Shakespeare. Husband fa n g r II y ) Mo w m a ny : -fluid (to tour party bf the ford plant) "Do ynu know what would A Kine Is a "Go." not a "Como' "livery thing comes to him who waits." "Yeah; that's how I got a tine for parking my. car today." ; Garage Proprietor: . "Police sta- I Voice on' the phone: "Yes. ! What's wrong?" - . - "Ive got a suspicious character i-her-e. He. wants to pay, cash for a ! .t oiid-hand car." Copyright; Moss Feature !$rndl. rinsnlfled advrTrsme gets results Ready For Another Big Week I yVriTTTrTfll ' t.'Ui'' I ' LEWIS SUPER-SERVICE STATION , Mcdford PHILIP B. LOWO, Mgr. "We Never Close" Phone 1300 GENERAL MOTORS w, See the hew Chevrolet : 'V a Six in the price range of the four! SIX You aro cordially invited to visit our special display of the new Chevrolet Six arranged in conjunction yith the great nationwide Spring Showing of General Motors cars. Here, in a price class that has hitherto been occupied exclusively by four-, cylinder automobiles, you- will see displayed a line of beautiful models that bring you every advantage of six cylinder performance. Vet,, due to. its. great' array of mechanical advance, raents, the Chevrolet Six delivers better than twenty miles to the gallon oj 'gasoline with extremely low oil consumption. And this amazing six-cylinder per formance is matched in impressive ness by the beautiful new Fisher bodies. Come in any time this week. Sec for'yourself that no other car in the world can give you so much at prices within the reach of alL . .. . - .. . COACH J J .'525 525 595 f675 695 725 Roadttcr lb Phaetoa. . Tb Coupe . Sedin TbtSpfirt (tbriolcf The Cmvtrtihlt Lindiu Tt Scdtn Dflitfrr. . . I 'ht Dtliterr Chiivit . . . . 1 14 Ton Cbassii tH Ton Qusii WithUb 595 400 545 650 1 on Are Gtrdialty invited to Sec Our Special Exhibit the ,cw O . Altpritetf.fi. k JmcttTf Flint, Micb'xin COMPARR the dHiTfrM price wclltthp)mrric 1 in coDsiorrinicintomnhil lne. CheTfolrt deltv ertd prices incliHle onf rmtonahlr rharsri for de ierr nd finjncioR. Chevrolet Six , c PIERCE-ALLEN MOTOR CO. 112 South Riverside Phone 150 0 Automotive Shop Aahland, Oregon - QUA LIT Y AT LOW C O S T