Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 21, 1929, Page 10, Image 10

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...... . HOME EDUCATION ., .
"Tha Child's First 8chool It the Family." Froebei
. Issued by tlift National Kindergarten AsHortnMotr, 8 West 40th
Street, Now York City. These articles aro appearing each Sunday
In the Mai! Tribune - ........
May Whitcomb
Marlon stood, a disconsolate lit
tle figure, nor nose pressed to a.
white button against the window
pane, wutchlnK the sfoody splash
of the rain In pools outsldo, "Oh,
Mama," she said,.''! don't like the
rein. I can't play.) I can't do
anything. Why dovs It have to
rafnV" '., . ,
Mother, busy with lUhy, glanced
up sympathetically ami wild, "1
don't like the rain cither, dear, but
perhaps It will stop before long."
Somewhat comforted -by her
mother's sympathy and under
standing, Marlon- wntehml and
waited for the rain to stop, hut It
kept on and on. No occupation
was suggested other than the
usual. Kun and play with your
tops," which did not appeal, and
by nap time Marion and Marion
were both irritable ' und out-of-sorfts.
"And I can't blame her.' said
Mother to Aunt Nell that afternoon
, when "she dropped In. "Rainy
days always make me miserable
and blue and Marlon must have
inherited It."
"Well," suld Aunt Nell, wise In
experience Knined from rearing a
large family, "possibly it's Inherit
ed, though I doubt it, hut you
might be able to help her over
come such a handicap and it will
be a handicap If she grows up fool
inn that a rainy day must bo a
gloomy, disagreeable day. I used
to try and plan something a 'little
unusual for rainy days when- the
children were small. .Sometimes
we kept u few specluL tops for
such days, or 1 bad little surprise
for them. I'll tell you, I'll start
Marion off with a rainy duy. box!"
Mother was dubious, but agreed
it was worth a trial, and a 'few
days later Marlon received a? large
parcel. Removal of the outer
wrappings disclosed a box, seaurely
tied, and pasted uc ross t he.- top
. . i
: , '
r: ("With Us maiiimot.U phrnts op
- eratlng overt Inns Krigldalre Cor
X peratlon Is making herculean ef
forts to meet the- unpreceilenteil
" demand for eluutrlc refrigerators.
S: All records for compressur ship
f merits were broken In Mtu-uh," says
t A. H. Cunningham, of the I'eoples
5. ':' KlcotrW tslvop, locaf. dmUm's;
v. , "Orders ueceivud during the first
week In April al.ono were suf flclenl
to tax tlVe factory capacity for sev
eral weeks. The FrigidoJre poy
'" roll Is the highest In its. history and
(tho corporation Is experiencing u
period of the greatest popularity
; Us products have ever enjoyed."
continued Mr. Cunningham.
' "The" 'organization exceeded its
i pales quota lor tho first uuarler.
Atarch shipments were fifty' per
l cent ahead of the mouth prccedhm
and JUS per cent ahead of the same
month hist year. During March a
total of 10-ia carloads of flatbed
products left the factories for all
j ' purls of tho world. Units crated
1 for export were 60 per cent more
I in. number than during tin name
j month of tha preceding year.
"Prospects for April indicate
i fit 111 morn broken records." says
I 11, CI. Htechlur, president und gen
. crnJ munuger. "Wo have ali'muly
doubled wliwduled production of
our popular models. March orders
i nml Mhiiiimtntu vi-oi.. uh..,i.l f r.,.
! casts and um n onn.tennMinn A mil!
shipments will bo the greatest In
I our history.
"The Introduction of tho new
J Krlgldaire cold control, through
which tha used can obtain any
j necessary temperature for dessert
' making has contributed gmally to
i present phenomenal conditions.
"More than 26. Out), of these cold
Control devices have linen ordered
as special shipment for muchlnes
In the fiold. It Is not merely a
1 temperature adjustment for tha
. food compartment but it is pri
marily a device for controlling
treating spcds in the detwevt und
' Ice trays und Is capuble of pro
j duolng near-xero tcmiieratures In
- the frooxlng compartment, at the
turn of a handle."
I "The average usor will put mora
' things in an electric refrigerator
j than she will in an lee box. For
I, this reason wo have felt that a
j cabinet with n storage com purl -.
ment of five cubiu feet wus the
smallest should build for geti
j eral use. Hut there hns been a
1 long and insistent demand for a
smaller household model, which
Wrt lutve been forced to supply
with & four cublo foot cabinet,
j Thlsils a heuutlful unit, etmlpped
with the cold control, self-sealing
i ice-trays, and other exclusive fun
l tures- which have Helped to make
, KMgldalre the choice of the ma
I jorlty. ; in refrigerating results It
equals any of our highest priced
J models.'
NKV: VOUK. ,T)Tho lirwr
financial Insuiullons horo nl
throuRhout the country nro ftolvinit
th problrnt of mfety by lnntulllnir
'nen-oiw K'fftnu" In tholr itolil
' TaultiL Finely strunir wlrem huov
tly InmiUtod. am mhrtit(l in th
concrete walla of the vuuM. Thea
cannot he dlnturheil or broken
without setting off an alarm.
The new bullilinar of the New
TorK Life lnaurance compnny
adopted the aj-.item after oonmilm
tlon with anglneera. of (ha treas
ury department nnd the
Jteaerve banks. .
with a rainbow jlabul marked, "Do
not onen until It rains."
During the two sunny days
Which followed tho mysterious
package remained unopened, und
for the first tlm Marlon could re
member she was happy to find it
mining on the morning of (he
third day. At last she could open
tho package! i , .
After breakfast' tho : box was
opened, disponing more packages.
four of them, all bearing ralu-
bow label. Marlon pulled nut the
top one and Mother read tho note
which wild-: '
"After breakfast open me
"I'll keep you busy,, just you
Inside Marion found a, shiny,
new pair of scissors, mony' pages
of bright magazine pictures and
a large square of muslin to spread
on the floor or table to catch the
scraps, ' r i
Marion wanted to open the other
packages at once, but Mother ex
plained that tho note on each one
told Just when It was to ho opened
one ut eleven o clock, another
after lunch, and tho fourth after
nap time. Their contents a pic
ture hook, bright-colored bends
and strings and a soap bubble out
fit kept the child busy and she
was glad to help Mother by amus
ing the baby with her strings of
beads. I , 1
-. Thoroughly convinced of tho
valucyof t:h ; plan, Mother told
Marion at ten. time that they would
put the new toys back in the box
and ktiep them for rainy days. The
next rainy day box. Another day
Mother muiln tiny sandwiches for
hr doll's tea party. Magazines
witti pretty pictures were saved for
Ik iuuI u scrap book started and
gradually rainy days were looked
forward o as a vtr.y play time
rather than "days when you can't
do anything."
Coming Attractions
To the Klaltti
, "Rnthrrtfiit's-. i'hlldcn." Corhlne
(fjirfith N latest idcture, Will be the
nHi-avtfnn at the HiulTo thealro tn
rnrjrrow. is un Intimate study of a
twentieth century working girl of
the native middle eluss.-who has
ultra-modern ideas on the subject
of matrimony. Hobby dutermlues
to convert her husband Into a
lover and her manner of bringing
about this rulalioiishlp forms an
absorbing story.
At Hunt's Cratcrlnn
H. Van IHno, the mysterious
author of the most uuccessful
series of detective stories. Is seen
on the screen for the first time In
"The Canary Murder Case." his
famed mystery story, at Hunt's
Crateiian Wednesday.
The exact manner In whirh the
author appears when the picture
is shown on the screen will not
be revealed. However, he hits fa
mous companions, for the cast of
The Canary Murder Case" in
cludes William l'owell. as Vhilo
Vance, tho super-detective; Louise
Prooks, James Hall. Jean Arthur
Charles Ijino. Lawrence (Irani and
C.ustuv von Keyffertlu.
Tom Mix at the
Rial to Today
RldlnK Tony, hie wonder horse,
Tom Mix pnlluiiii to the nen ot
Hie Kinlto thoatre toduy only. In
"The Drifter."
Tom parlli'liiatee In mnny
Unit Klunlx. Theeo IhrillH ini'lucle
Tome ruraiiw ride on the
vvlnse of an alrplnne, the pilot of
Mhlih eeeke to nhiike him off hy
dariMtevN .iltintlnit; hl ti
ke.'ii iwcwitin uf a myxterloue
white mule, the only llvlm: iinK
which known the y m a hidden
mine; nnd hie tlNlic , encontilns
with a minx of dcp.rn.l... ho
mH-ntly me a Inin.l ( nmvolli
tmtlKlcrH. 'The Dummy9 at
Hgn93 Craterian
mixture tf conuMy and melo.
drama Is th new alt-tttlklng pi-.
lure, "The Dummy," wt Hunt's
Crntorian tm.iy.
Mnt ut the tulklnir ili;imn. ti.i
have so far npiie;irt-d unon ih
screen have aped the M:xe-plity
tcchiiique. "Tho Dummy" is real-
lffij;fcETTING THE FACTS Vv.j'
motion fiictuita tlmt'tUlks. The
action is unlimited 'in scope,
and eoncroto. And the voice re
cording Is the wuhI, If nottb
superior, of auy that has been dune
thus far. . i v . . , -
The story deals with n gang of
kidnapers and an office" hoy who
succeeds in outwitting them hy
pin y in g deaf and dumb.
Am excellent cast, Including
Ruth: Chatterton, Fredrla March,
John-Cromwell, Fred Kohler, Jack
Onkit? and ZuSu Pitts. ..
. LOS AaNf1l-:rS April 21. Time,
which has "a habit of flying," flies
especially fast In the "automobile :
game," and just as motor vehicles j
cut down tha hours and miles in
accelerated transportation, so do ;
they rapidly drop Into tho limbo of
forgotten things once their me
chanical features are unthpiatcd by
new inventions.
This, according to nulnmnblle
men. has hocn especially true since
the. advent of the now universally
accepted high -compression head
motors as stock cqupiment for
most of the 1329 modal cars.
- It Is this fact, primarily, which
hns caused tho immense Increnso i
In gallonnge of Kthyl gasoline, uc
eording to statisticians who have
cheekoil tho comparative gallonngo
of white nnd "red" fuels.- ISecuuso
KfKolinen blended with anti-knock
IJthyl fuel nro specifically demand
ed by owners of advanced cars.
Inn ratio of. demand for Kthyl is
rapidly approaching the- 50 per
cent mnrk, it Is- declared.
Another fact responsible for tho
heavy increnso In Khlyl demand,
it 4 declared, Is that auta owners,
finding Khtyl so snportor In their
new h Ig h -com pression ars, are
having their older cars adjusted
for advanced spark so that Ethyl
In the low-compression cars may
turn carbon Into powir.
Indicative of the Increased do
mand for Ethyl on the Pacific
coast Is the announcement, made
last week, that another big oil
company the Standard Oil com
pany will hereafter sell Kthyl
oil company
company. j
Thus, at all points from Canada j
to Mexico In tho vct, Kthyl anti-
knock gasoline is available at all!
Motions serving prdomts of these)
four major Pacific oil companies, j
The city of Ouisburg. Oermanv.
will celebrate its eight hundredth
anniversary as an incorporated
town this month.
fuel. This brings the total to fourj lually every transportation . need. Jv'T"-
r-ompnnies dispensing Kthyl on t he. j Among the passenuer cars ore tho j
Pacific coast: I'nion Oil company. I two open types, the roadster and VV;
Associated Oil company, Richfield I phaeton. The standnrd closed curi --'
and Standard Oil!
Is Your Car In
Condition for
Spring Driving?
317 East Main St . Telephone 237
tartest Anto Parts Dealers In Southern Oregon
- if
, ;xtt;. - -
Subscribing to the overwhelming activity at the huge West
ern Doraut factory, newspapermen from the metropolitan
papers in the San Francisco Bay region last week inspected
the Oakland, Calif., instilulion to gather information for their
readerfl. The delegation is shown above in the delivery yard
with Norman De Vaux, vice-president and general manager
of the Durant organization in the west, and below in the Du
rant body plant. De Vaux, who personally took the visitors
through the factory, is shown above, the fourth from the left.
Ford denlcrs huvn never bad
such a complete nnd weil-halanced '
line to offer to their prospects as j
they now possess In the Model A j
cars and Model A A trucks.
Full production of the lino was !
recently achieved for the first time j
when all of the IS different pas- j
sengor and commcrciul car types
designed for tho Model A and tlio
Model, AA chassis came off. the as-i
si'tnlily lin eat the
ly lin eat the Uouge plant.
:At that' time the Kord Motor
company announced that Its manu
facturing schedule had been bal
anced to provide for a steady out-f Pineered by Chrvsler experts, that
put of entire lino of cars. little or no piiysil.u effort is need-
During the first weekf - of March tM, lo ariveind manipulate the con
the rate of world production was .troS of a ino,lern automoi.ile. Just at npproximaioly 80D0 ; lho ,,.IV iM.rre yesterday, the uuto
c.irs and trucks a day. ( mnMi(. (tlv,.r w) .h sired to turn
tiio is iiirierent lnl hoax types
have heen dntaned t covci' vir-
tine consists of the Kordor sedan,
Tudor sedan, sport coupe, luislneHH
coupe, cabriolet, town sedan and
the chauf feur-drivemtmvn cor. The
other t wo-passenuer vt-hlch's are
the taxieab anil the station wagon.
Tiie cotnmercial vehicles consist
of lite Model A A truck, express,
pnm-l und platform hudles. the lat
ter also available with stnk stock
rack and grain sides; the light de- I
livery pickup . with either clnnd
Ootvl woatlior is now here. It's time '
to have your car overnauled nml put in !
ill! ... ! ' . 1 1. -. I
ftiiituuoM tor spriujr ami suimtier aiiv
iK. Take your car to your favorite garage
man. . . lie can do a speedy, thorough
repair job for you . . . no waiting for
parts and supplies . . . He can secure
them right here in Medford.
We carry the most complete line of
automobile parts in southern Oregon.
To avoid possible delay ami assure the
finest quality parts, ask your repair
man to order from us.
'1 YwESwaP PI
cab or open cab; the panel delivery
and de luxe delivery.
Each type, except commercial
cars, is finished with variety of
color combinations.
"Gone aro the days -when the!
motorist returned from a spring
outing, leg-cramped and arm -1
weary, eyes strained and blood- j
shot'. Toduy, the car driver reach-
inir tho end (if n ionrnev kIodm from ;
hiH r:ir ;is flvo fr( ' f(lttllP ;
nnv traveler lenvimr a Pullman."
says Mr. Henry of the local dealers. '
'It has heen primarily due to the
engineering features designed and
a corner at ripht angles, threw tions.
himself upon the huge steering "The Chrysler C5 has proved the
wheel. AVith both hands he swung ' favorite with women because of
the front wheels in the direction the ease with' which (t can be op
he desired to go. When he desired j crated at all speeds, on the open
to shift gears, he used all; or most ' highway or in crowded city traf
of the strength of bin left h?s ia; fie. 'Absence of vibration notice
push in thfc clutch pedal, while his I able in this car. The body Impulse
right hand and arm yanked upon neutrafczer with which it u
te Itrver supposed to control ihel euipped and the seven-bearing
PPttl- uhfft olttlru. An i, ..npnttiarl ' fnlllltilf.Wplf'lllOfl PI'Jl t ksliaf t are
comiiartment nermlttinir little, le
or shoulder room. Chrysler has
led in remedying these conditions,
Chrysler automobiles since -their
Inception have been noted for ease
of'operntlnn under all road rondi-
A demonstration will prove
Chrysler performance leadership'
. Drive a Chrysler "75" or "6S"
and youxannot help but understand
why Chrysler successfully main
tains its performance leadership.
No other car regardless of price
offers the remarkable combination
of features which make Chrysler's
unmatched performance possible.
To try out a Chrysler in traffic is to
gain a thrilling new conception of
how eager, fleet and smooth fine
car acceleration can be what infi
' mte safety has been attained in
Chrysler's weatherproof internal
expanding 4-wheel hydraulic brakes.
To open the throttle wide on the
broad highway is to feel the exhila
ration of steady, effortless high speed.
To negotiate a steep grade or a
winding hill is to relish the satis
128 South Riverside
TrA Vt. '
n a m .ar m via
J I .1 rt-. B -V t . a aw
32 North Riverside
I other features which eliminate the
j vibration. The ease with which
te Chrysler Ufi steers is due to the
' pivotal steering gear and tho small
j diametered .wheels of the car.
"The immediate response of the
I i'-J
; Chrysler ','75" hoyal Sedan
Wirt mhflt lira)
faction of boundless energy end
power, ever at your command, i ''
Yet it is only logical that Chrysler :
should give such performance. If
. you were to have a motor car en-gineered-to-your-order,
you. would
unquestionably insist on every one
of the advancements in design
and construction which, together)
endow Chrysler with its masterful
t-ejUnitr hltt-amprtitica enfimt f CkrysUt
"Silver-Vmt" principle . . 1-ttmrtmt fUt
writHtid crankshaft . . Crankshaft impnlu aa
tralixer . i ln-therm Invar Strut piitni wit
tenlit and inavt rlntl ... . RnUtr
engine monntingt. '
Chrysler "65" Six W; itfUt triad fnm
tl(M0 to tlHS . . Chryslkh "75". Nina
ktdy Uylts priced from tlS35 te. 12345 . . Alt
prices f. .. b. facterf. Wire wketh extra.
Medford Motors
K V I-"- iVJ
w0V"- M
4 AVi
' cVT W .-v)t
" . - v- f
..V ...vWV " ftO
f e ( '
Open Eyenings
silver dome type enginie to the
slightest acceleration, arid the
manner in which. the -internal ex
panding hydraulic four-wheel
weather proof brakes act at the
least play of the brake pedal, per
mit the ChryMer 65 being mtn,
In the heaviest traffic with utmost
"These features, which are but a
few, either have been originated
or developed by Chrysler engineer.
They have made history in the
automobile Industry and contribute
td the popularity of the Chrysler
09 wKh a great army of motorists
the world over."
$15JS .
Phone 762
nV -.,r
1v .ue a
. AC-" . eu-0
Phone 366