Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, April 19, 1929, Page 8, Image 8

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stgdforp irxTL rnmrms, medfqrp. qreoon, frtday, aprtl 19, me
Large Crowd Is Highly En
tertained , By Admirable
Presentation ' of Milne's
Comedy, "The Dover
Road" First Perform
ance '; of Studio Players
Universally Acclaimed.
It you , wish Jo bob one of tlie
bpst of the "fitaaxt" nrlllsh nnme
dies, and enjoy an ovening of gen
ulne entertainment, don't lull to
Bee -A. -A'. Mllnes' ."Too Dover
Jtoad," to be prenonted by . the
Studio PlayerH'at the IkIh theatre,
for the second and Ihst time to
night. : , ,
, The Initial performance lnnt
evening wan really too good to dls
mtai In the usual "amateur re
view'1 fanhlon by pinning a com
plimentary bouquet on each of the
performers and letting It go at
that. , ,' ,
For here in a play extremely dlf
floult to, put over. It has no action,
no made to order "HlUintlons, ut
terly without the nmotour'H delight
"Blap-Btlek buileBriuc." The sub
stance of the comedy Is entirely In
the dialogue, the "light touch" anil
UK success depends completely
upon Intelligent characterization,
restraint, and delicacy of treat
ment,. '; '', ', 1
. To claim there were no flaws In
last night's production, would lie
to Istate an obvious absurdity,
There are always flaws in any
amateur production (at "times
many ''of them contribute to the
evening's entertainment). f
... But to state that most of tlje
flaws wore mechanical and acces
sory would be entirely (rue; and to
also state, that this group of young
ana'eurs. under the able direction
of 'Tom 'Swum; got out the "comic
heiu't" 'of this subtlo dramatic cor
fectlon, would aim be true,
' i'. ;;C' ' ,, ' '
", And this to our mind was a gen
ulne achievement. Hntlrely with
out ' local "apple-sauce1 "Tho
Dover Road" SB presented lust
night was not only thoroly amus
ing, but the, humor and skill of
e-itraotlng sapie, Increased steadily
as the play went on. Tonight It is
certain the play will be even bet
ter, and (n a few months, ir tins
group should be kept together,
under Mr. Bwem's. direction, Med
ford will havo a little theatre com
pany that will compare favorably
lth that of any "little clly" on
Ihe Paclflo const,
. .' "
We hope this will be done. But
or these "Studio Players" an op
portunity to see a, Milne pluy In
Medford, would never have been
presented. There are other excel
lent niodorn plays : of; the same
character which, with' a moro or
less permanent company, could bo
given from time to time, plays of
not only dramatlq :but literary
morlt. And plays Which for box
office reasons (professional road
companies would nover tackle.
1 This first performance was a
very auspicious beginning. Those
behind It, most , certainly must
parry om The size and enthusiasm
of last night's audience clearly
demonstrates necessary public ap
preciation and support are hero.
. t ;.. .
. As stated above we are. for
once not going to follow the con
ventional "home-town" newspaper
practice, and with the program be
fore us carefully pin soma sort of
verbal bouquet on each one, from
the star to the house Janltnr, not
forgetting the "curtain ralaer."
That sort of thing -Is futile and
meaningless. What's the use? No,
we are going to be . Hootch ' and
present one large bouquet, a bou
quel honestly earned and richly
deserved to the entire cost, will!
. ihett names annended as follows:
i.uoti ftiiKscnfl
'..;...liUcll!e Murray
..'..L A Me vln
-...'..Oene Wright
..Jo Murray 'Rostel
.....Fred McICeen
......;Mary Orel tier
..Harry CSould
Maid ....
Mnn servant..
: Jionard-j.... ........
. .l.atlmer.
us.. - Harry uouui
finally speaking of curtnln
. Commodore A. Perry nilses
. And
in the next room toj Inquire If un
nmateur . performance has ever
been given anywhere, anytime,
whero the curtain did not slick
and Jump about In a fantastic
suAhlun. . He even maintains If an
nmateur show should he. given In
the Metropolitan Opera House, N.
Y. C the curtain would refuse to
behave. I'erhupa he Is right. But
we have an Idea "Tamaa" Swem
will have the curtain behaving to
night. For no one knows better
than he that a "quick" and well
behaved curtain is more Important
In 'the Dover Road, than In any
other of the Mllno comedies.
. ' IV W. R.
" GIhsm llousrs .
. ' NEW'TOl'.K. -VP) A non-stop
dtatlstloti ya discovered that
eight skyscrapers In the financial
; district have, an average of 17,000,
.jwines of glnss each. j
1 Healthy people usually get along
well together and enjoy a happy
home life. Tired, ailing, nervous
feople art hot so fortunate. Mrs.
Ilaok of Virginia saysi "Life Is
worth living again, and I no longer
feel blue and discouraged since
Foley 1111 diuretic drove away
' those dreadful pains and made me
a well woman." When oppressed
with backache and rheumatlo stlff
worn nut with kidney and
bladder weakness, take Foley Pills
1 iiiureil'V Hatistaotlon Ruarunteed.
. Kor sale by ,1armln Woods Drug
Store, cor.- Main and Central.
IMHM !, mm Mill ,l ilVTf fil'lllli'lllgtiiliiii'iiiiiiHi'
ANN'S "Extra Special" Sale Sa
The Greatest Money Saving Event of the Season
Buy Your New Spring Coat and Save Money
$1.95 Silk Hose $1.39
Women's, fine pure silk
full fashioned chiffon
hose with pointed heel.
Silk to the top. All new
shades. Every size. $1.95
values Satur
day, pair . .
See Wtndow Display
$30.00 Coals $22.50
These high class coats made by Conde,
Printzess and Missy are wonderful val
ues. Made of the best materials, in all
the latest spring styles , and colors.
Every one of them cheap at $30.00. On
sale Saturday, .
each. .
$18 Coats $12.95
Charming- new spring coats,
made of all-wool tweeds and
sport mixtures, well tailored,
nicely lined, all gpod shades,
novelty cuffs and collars. Up
to $18.00 values. M O QC
Saturday, each. . ,P A fsD
$27.50 Values $22.50
New jacket suits in navy, black, hair
line stripes, Oxford and fancy
tweeds, single and double breasted
styles. $27.50 values. (jjOO Cf
Saturday, suit. . . ... . POl
!y: . .- :.. . v. ;, ' V.vv '- - :,v: "
Including Donegal Rug Coats and all our better
Conde, Printzess and Margules Coats
$98.00 Spring Coats. . . .$85.00
$79.50 Spring Coats . . . . $75.00
$59.50 Spring Coats . . . . $49.50
No Approvals No Exchanges
$45.00 Spring Coats. . . .$39.50
$39.50 Spring Coats . . $35.00
See our new white coats at $18.00
and $27.50 each.
$29.75 Coats
Just 35 coats in this lot.
Made of all-wool broad
cloths. Kashas and
tweeds, many of them
trimmed with high grade
furs, cape and scarf styles
for sport and dressy,
wear. All good colors.
Up to $29.75 values. Ex-
eecia!'.. $14.75
Children's Spring Coats
at 10 Off
Lace trimmed Baillettes a
straw braid creation for midsea
son and summer wear. Beautiful
in natural, c r e a m, white and
French beige. Specially priced
for Saturday,
Hundreds of up-to-the-minute modes , in Swiss
braid, novelty braids and sheer hair hats
at $4.95 and $6.75 each
Clever copies of mother's hat for the little folks.
Hemps, Leghorns and Tuscans in all shades.
40-inch Crepe de Chine
Representing all the ' new pastel .
shades; :.' splendid quality, regular
price $1.75. Extra (t 4C
special Saturday, yd.....',
36-inch Dressy Prints
A very fine quality rayon material
has . the appearance oT an all
sillc m a te r i a 1, color-fast as to
washing, special ' Aft''
Saturday, yard ............p 1 J
New Silk Broadcloth
Just in, 36-iucli crepe broadcloth;
in fancy stripes, fast colors, wash
able.1 Special Satur- d?0 Afl
dayyard ,...., ?P0
Curtain Nets
Filet, ' weave nets in M
and. 45-inch widths at a
price unusual in the width
vhown, choice of several
good numbers O C
Saturday, yd 'V
Window Panels
Lace panels will be exten
sively used and for this
showing , we will feature
several patents all wide
enough for ordinary win
dows, . 2't y a v ds long
fringed or scalloped, ex
tra special , 1 QEl
Saturday, ea...'
Extra Specials
Toilet Goods
Coty?s Toilet Water, $4.00
value, t1 OQ
Saturday' L,tU
Hind's Honey and Almond
Creani, 50c values, JQf"
Saturday .,
All 50c, tooth pastes on sale
Saturday, 38c
each ' " ,
7-OK. bottle Listerine, on
sale Saturday, ftf
h w.
Other Big Specials
See Them Tomorrow
$15.00 Dresses $9.75
Shipment of new dresses arriving daily
from New York, bought away below regu
lar prices. Made of splendid silks, long
and short, sleeves, in pastel shades and col
orful printed silks. Real $15 Q H CT
values. Saturday, each. . . ... . .V& '
i Botony Flannel Skirts .
in the popular "Ann Pennington" style.
All colors and sizes.
Special, a.................. ,PO.OU
Extra Special in Sweaters
A special -group of the famous "Natty" knit sweaters
in all the dainty spring colors and weaves, .07 QC,
$.10.00 values; extra special Saturday, each....1' ' ,
Extra Specials in Wash Goods
3G-inclr fast-color percales, ABC quality, a new ship
ment of spring patterns j list .in, many to . 2Qc'
, choose from, special Saturday, yard
36-inch Fast Color Broadcloth
In patterns suitable for dresses, smocks and pajamas.
Regular price 59(5. On sale Saturday iu new patterns
suitable for the new ensemble. 50c
Special, yard. '. ..............
Saturday Is Children's Day
Children's two-piece Kickermck pajamas made of fast"
colored, prints; $2.48 quality special $2 25
Saturday, each '. SCd,Cdi
$39.50 Dresses $14.75
100 charming silk dresses, made of flat
crepes, chiffons, georgettes, light weight
wools and prints. All good shades and
styles. Sizes 14 to 46. Up to $39.50 valr
ues. As a big extra special d "1 A 7 K
Saturday, each. . .
New.Ensembles Just In
Wash silks, both printed and plain colors.
$27.50 to $59.50
,,, . . -.;' : : ' '
Betty Baxley Wash Frocks
Betty Baxley wash frocks. New shipment of the
latest spring styles of Betty Baxley and L'Aig
lon wash dresses. Fast colors. $2.50 QEt
values. Extra special, each . ... . lijA.CO
Extra Special in Kid Gloves
Women's novelty cuff style, in
all sizes; colors: beige,' simtan,
and grey, splendid quality, up
to $4.95 values, on d!0 QC
sale Saturday, pr v.fO
See Window Display
New Ensembles for Children
Made of Pongee and' prints, sizes J. to b years,
coats and dainty littlo dresses,
very special Saturday, each
Semi-annual clearance of cold
creams, powders, soaps and toi
let sets. Extra 1 n
special Saturday. . . 2 ".HCe
Mail Orders Promptly Filled
Garter Girdles
Made of brocaded silk in rosebud
patterns, several good-fitting styles
in all sizes; a good $l.M) value.
Extra special $1.00
Saturday, each
Silk Scarfs
New style s made . of fine . rayon ;
choice of colors. Extra &f)C
special Saturday, each
Bloomers, Shorts, French Pants
Garment Bags
Made of extra heavy cretonne, all col-
ors; ifii.iy value, i'jxtra
special Saturday, each
Mann's Department Store
Phorra 4M-417 Mmlford, Or bob
. Hand Bag Special
New silk, leather and suede bags in all stvles
and colors; extra special " f i ff
Saturday, each M A UU
See Window Display 6
Postage Prepaid Agents for Butterick Patterns
hw,w,hmi,'H' iH'i"iif"
Extra Specials in Domestics
Cotton buck toweling 17 inches wide, comes in blue,
rose and gold stripes; regular price 29c; 1 Q
,on sale Saturday, yard 1IC
Fancy Crepe Bedspreads i
80xl05-inc.h size, comes in blue, gold, rose, and laven
der, fine quality, extra special to l f
Saturday,. each
Pure Linen Lunch Cloths
54x54-inch size, comes with blue, green, rose, and gold
borders; extra special Saturday, Cl IQ
made of fine quality of rayon, trimmed in
bands of contrasting colors, all shades and
sizes; $1.19 values. Extra special,
Saturday, each :.
89 c
Card Table Covers
with painted designs and "ap
plique, extra spec- t 1 (f
ial Saturday, ea....