rTrTDFOKTT. imc TRTBWE, flrEDFORP, OKEfiOy. TITURSDAY, 'APKTL' 1S, 1929. NOT 1 Y i COLLEGIATE CARS HAUL SAILOIEN ACROSS COUNTRY MARSHFIELD. Ore., April IS. UPh With "Coas Bay to New York or bust" and "May the sands keep tho Sujameco the sea won't have he?", painted on the sides of two used automobiles, 13 members of tho, crew of the stranded steamer Sujamcco planned today to start an overland tour after being paid off, Tho seamen left , the stranded transmarine vessel ycslorday and were to be, paid off by Captain Carlson at the United States cus tom house here, . After spending 47 days aboard the Sujameco, the 13 men are pool ing their resources to purchase, two used automobiles in which they will make the trek back to Goth am, ..; Their departure hinges, on whether they will be called before thd; steamboat .inspectors Investi gating the causes of the Sujameco's stranding. Tho. proposed itinerary of tho homeward bound sailors includes Portland, Boise. Cheyenne and Omaha. With two months' back pay, tho 13 men. will have ahout $1200. slightly less than $100 each. Officers of the Sujumcco who did not abandon-thc -vessel will ap pear before the examining board today. . . , .. Salvage' : attempts ',of- ;tl)e vessel will continue at high tide tonight. : DERBY, April IS. (Special) Mr. nnd Mrs. William Dunlnp spent Thursday and Friday at the Chambers home. Mrs. Hiram Webb visited Derby school Thursday afternoon. Elbert chambers, .fourth grado, has the honors for. receiving the most hundreds this month. Forrest. Harrison visited at th'o Chambers' home Saturday after noon. Shirley Smith spent the week end with .Frances WTebb. ..Miss WJdell was a Medford visitor Friday, and Saturday. j Mrs. earless spent the week end with her family in Phoenix. Wesley Marlon was absent- from Hcljool; Monday, on account of Ill ness. ' - ':, : . .- '. ' .' Week-end guests at the Wm. Marion home 'wore Mr. and Mrs; M. C. Pitman.. Mr. and Mrs. Htl dreth nnd Mr. and Mrs: Vyraoro Mr. and Mrsr C. Pitman have returned from California,, where they spent the winter. Mrs. Merl Deen wns a caller nV the Marlon home-Monday aftor liovn. - .-. t- . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Marion, Mr. and Mrs. Hildreth and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill attended Grange in Eagle Point Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Chambers were Medford shoppers Tuesday. f,Mrs. Fred Dunlap spent Mon day afternoon visiting relatives in BuUo Falls.- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill were Who O wes You? ' 'WE 60LtECiT ANYWHERE WE PY. PROMPTLY SEND IN YOUR BILLS ( WE GET YOU THE MONEY Southern Oregon Credit Bureau 11 Nnrtw' entml DERBY ITEMS Phon 710-nii'l Real Estate .100 acres of land near jUodford with about GO acres now in alfalfa and about GO acres liow in grain. Valu able private water right fully paid free. House, large barn, outbuildings, present crops, everything fenced; faoes one-half mile on highway, 10 minutes' drive from Medford. Actual value is more than $1G,000 but you can buy it for only $60 per acre on very easy terms. , EARL TUMY $,f.H''rt' . Ideal Home and Dairy Ranch 187 acres Bottom land. ' 157 acres Paid up Water right; $7000 worth' of improvements. - , ; Best dairy ran-l in Southern Oregon. Machinery and tools. 90 acres alfalfa.' All fenced and crossed fenced hog tigtt. -ISiectric pumping system. 5-room house. Bain, new; 70x1000. Milking machine. Will sell or .trade, preferably .. Medford property. BRINGING UP FATHER I i'll caul, oini vjhoooee - I I cm MR JiGCb- 1 r ... . - ' Infirm urf scJlnc, Crex Briuia rlVl wirwi. ' '. , iitj THE NEBBS Oh, Very Well TV V "1 " ?jf DIPPED M& A TWUO X pasture AMO KlU A v plf T CLS5 PLP UAOGU W J" . , cjpyri TTicVn g- V- S- - dinnt?r quests' at tho tcacherage Wedneailay" evening, ' 1 Mra. Ray Puraaote has been H the past week livestock ' i POKTI-AN'D, Ore., April 18. (IP)1 Cattle and calves: Receipts 95, direct: market: 'steady. . Hogs: Receipts 93. ' Market steady. ir- PORTLAND, Ore., April 18. (P) Wholesale prices: ' Dutter: Extras 424c: firsts 41 c. : ' Eggs: Fresh standard extras 27c; fresh standurd firsts 2(lc. Milk, poultry, onions, potatoes, wool, hay, nuts cascura 'bark and hops steady and .unchanged. . Sim Franclst: Bilttcrfnt' ' 'SAN FRANCISCO. April 18 (P), lJuttorfut f.o.b. San Francisco 4Tc. STATE ENDEAVOR MEET OPENS SALEM TONIGHT SALEM,- Ore., April 18. (ffV The first session of tho Oregon state Christian Endeavor conven tion will be hold hero tonight at tho First Presbyterian church. Most of tho delegates, it is said; will be high school students. Gov ernor I. L. Patterson for the state. I Mayor T. A. Livosloy for tho city Rev. Olmrlos K. Ward for the Speculation? No. 310 Liberty Bldg. THE MARKETS ' ! churches wll welcome the dclo I gates tonight. ' Chinese "Lindy" Safe J CHICAGO, 111., April 18. (JP) Huang Tien Lar, hailed in his ha tive land as the 'Lindbergh of , China, 'arrived a l.lio municipal j airport here last night after being fnl-nprl' rlfitt'ti.ltl n rnrn f lolfl in In. diaiiu. i . 4 : ... Oregon Wcathei' ' Oregon: .Unsettled, probably rain south and West tonight and Friday, moderate temperature,. Fresh easterly winds: - ' - CLASSIFIED. ADVtRTISINO RATE8 . ; RatM per word for first InHrtion, fiot MOh tuoceedino Insertion, lot mtnlmum 25o. IndM your adt with For 8t4, Rent, eto.,-nd oount thel wordt, well e eaoh Initial, -telophono .number, etoN at a word. - Claealfled ade oaeh In advanot and not taken oter phono, unlaee advertleer hee monthly aooounL No allowanoa for phone errore. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED 3 first-class mlllrlghts. Tho Moon Lumber Co., Ashland. Ore. ' 20 NATIONAL organization has open ing in Jackson County for resi dent salesman. Married man, owning his own home nnd car, preferred. Must bo active, have, pleasing appearence, not afraid of work, good references. Kigbt ; man can earn $2400 the first :.; year. Write full particulars about yourself to Box 17, Trlb-. une. . 30 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTKD Uy middle aged woman with bov 10 years, ii6nltlon as housekeeper. 402 E. 12th 81.. .Medford. - ,. 30 WANTED Position by experienced restaurant uiun. . AUdl'uss J. it.. Mall Tribune. 2!l EXPl.OIt I ENCED girl wants house work. Phono 310-Y. 27 WANTED MISCEMjANEOUB WANTED To rent cabin for sum mer; furnished or unfurnished. "What have you? Address liox "S," Mull Tribune. 28 WANTED nabblts, 3 'A lbs. up; highest market prices. Why sell for less? For information Phone 124S. 38 WANTED To buy 60 or 60 head ewe sheep. I. O. Box 3, Talent. 32 WANTED--2nd hand goods & Junk. Pal's, 1G Pruno, Tol. 647-L. . 39 WANTED Invalids and aged peo ple to care for. Nurse In at tendance. P. O. Box 9G9, Med ford. 29 FOB RENT FURNIBaKO .IIOOMS KOH I:i;NT--Nlceping rooms; bath. 215 N. Smie. 32 FOIl HUNT Furnished sloeplng , rooms with heat: also garage. 3L'5 .South Itiverslde. tf FOR RENT Roomi $2 week. . 446 B. Front. I44tf IXJSTr LOST On the slrcels of Medford Tuesday, lurge Kpanlhh hoop style gold earring, Inlaid with red. enamel. Reward. Finder plcuso l"avi- ,-it this offlee. ' - . 20 High Preuurt Car Washing ' ' and Steam Cleaning Paint Stripping, Simonizing . and Polishing Armstrong Motors, Inc. Phona 18 101 So. Rlvaralda . . FOR REN'1 nOCSES UXFURN'ISlffiD MODERN duplex, 4 rooms. 15 Newtown. Phofio 1405. 28 FOR RENT 5-room unfurnished house: new paper, clean, garden; - Just off Riverside Ave. Inquire 502 Maple St. " 87 BUSINESS WOMAN will rent part of her modern" home, furnlshod. 432 N. Holly St. 2Uf FOR RENT Furnished bungalow, ; 6 rooms with piano; 335 W. 2nd; . S30 mo., water paid. Silllmnn. tf FOR RENT 3 houses; 2 partly furnished. Phono 720., 10tf FOR RENT OR SALE Nlco East side- hbmo; 5 . rooms, basomont . and lawn In. First Ins. Agency, 30 r. Central Ave., Phono 106. .,. IStf FOR RENT Homes. Furnished or unfurnished. Brown & White. 47tt FOR RENT 5-room hoyse. In quire Bungalow Store. Phone 485-R. 861tf . FOR REN1 ATARTMENTS FOR RENT Clean 3-ro6m house keeping apts. with bath and gar age; adults. 327 N. Grape. 27 FOR RENT Desirable apt. Hotel Grand. 80 FOR RENT 3-room apt; built-lns, for older adults; garage. 056-L, or 240 So. Riverside. '. 28 FOR RENT 2-room apartment; adults. . 40 Qulnco St. Phono 641-W. 27 FOR RENT Jforn. 2-rm. apts.; private bath, electric range, hot and cold water. Phone 12. 21tf FOIl RENT Furnished apart ments. Phone 452-11. 2'J4to FOIl RENT Furn. 2 and 3-rm. pts.; garago. 604 W. 101 h.. 1 105tf FOR RENT . Furnished apart ments, $15 and $20 month. 344 8. Central. 840tf FOR RENT Two t-roonj apts. 1005 W. Main. S38tf FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT 2-acro Iract on high way adjoining Medford; 6-room furnished house, city water, light furnished house, city water, lights and complete plumbing; big chicken house, lots of fruit, gar age and woodshed; $35, water puld. Also-have an aero tract with 6-room modern home in . west Medford for rent, $25. Two furnished houses, on oast" side. . Tho 1). 10. Millard Co., 4111 E. Main. Phone 022. 27 FOR RENT Bachelor cabin.' 445 H Front . KROIfo , Palace Barber Shop NOW OPEN New Fehl Building P. J. Harris,' Prop. Cor. Sixth & Ivy. WANTED"" To Buy f or Carti All Your SEdOlfD-HAND FURNITURE Scott Woolf AhJ' FURTHERMORE,! WANT TO MrsK ouMovtjiTH A LOT Op' UOA,FE.R. He WOLILO BE HERE TO-D,V.HE GOT ilsl'WITK SvO L.OMPAM. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS , , . FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms; garage. 325 E. Jackson, Phono 74U-W. 27 MISCELLANEOUS TRV "Clean Towel Shop," 7 N. Fir, for belter service, better work manship. ,, You'll like our bnr- hers q.. A." Tons, Ray.Hooplc, Ulll Kellogg. - ' 38 OLD LAWNS tnkon out, how ones put in. Phono 407. . . . 29 LET ME DO TOUR 1IAULINQ and save you money. Hawley Trans fer, 610 N. RIV. Ph. 1044-X. 37 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALK Barbor shop doing good business. Priced right. Ad dress liox u. ji., Man Triuune. ss WANTED Party Interested In opening drug store ' or ladles' ready-to-wear nt No. 328 West Sixth. Call 326 West Sixth St. -.27 FOR SALE Cabinet shop, doing a fine business. Will sacrifice. 128 Nq. Orapo or call 471, . tf FOR 8 ALIO LIVESTOCK FOR SALIC Gentle saddle horse, cheap. Phone Central Point 105. FOR SALE Milk goats, one or nil at a bargain; must sell, T. M. Trusty, Trail. 27' FOR SALE HOMES Foil SALE Modern 15-room bun galow; hardwood floor in living room, fireplace, garage: paid up paving, 1928 taxes paid. Price $31100; only $100 cash. . E. C, Corn, Montgo'mory Wurd Uldg. 28 INCOME Ashland resldenco prop erty to trade for Mcdfurd prop erly. Call 110 S. Newtuwn, even ings. . 26 FOR HALI2 Now nnd modern house: fi liirun rooms and bath: p hardwood floors and flno fire place; largo lot anil shrubs, gar ngo and wood house. Just right dlstnnce from town. Prlco $4000; somo terms. Address P. O. Box 705. 27 FOR SALE EXTRA SPECIAL! 4-room suburban homo: good barn, 2 acres In berries, family orchard and garden, 2 acres of cxcollent alfalfa, deep soil. Prop erty locuted one mile from Mod for city . limits. Bargain price $2350; terms. See Chnrlcs A. Wing Agoncy, Inc., exclusive figents. 27 A QUALITY HOME For those 'who desiro tho best in a small house, 4-room stucco, exquisite .Inside and out, partly furnished, "fine neighborhood, offered at a sacrifice prlco this week; terms. Heo owner, 345 N. Bartlott. 27tf Fort SALE Suburban home; a money maker; lots of berries; chicken house, -garage, wood shed, electric lights, water sys tem piped to house. Undcrprieed for quick salef good terms. Deal , direct with owner;' savo money. Box 02, Mall Tribune. 28 FOR SALE Modern 4 - room house; garage, close. In, nearly now. lot 45x100. Money talks. W. E. Itowley. 335 N. Ivy Ht, tf , WOOL MOHAIR JUNK TURN YOUR JUNK INTOCASH Wo buy old tires, tubes, rags, brans, ! copper, alumi num, radiators, zinc and old storago, batteries. Medford - -Bargain House 27 N. Graps St. Phona 1062 1 X. pEDCI3 By Gleorge McManus . 10,1, v - fr v--m FOR SAUCf-DOGS AND PETS FOR SALU English sottor pedi greed puppies. . I'llono U20. . 27 FOR SALHi rotnxT FOR SALE Wo nro taking orders ; lor Miunmoiu urongo oaoy tur koys for May delivery. C0o each, aiigh Bunks Tuvkoy Farm. Tol. . 314, Central Point. . , 22tt FOR SALT!- R. I.. Itod hatching eggs. mono D3'J-J-2. 3U FOR BAL13 Black Jersey Olant sotting eggs. C. A DaVoo, Tol. 623-J-2. 854tf FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 200.00 BUYS : (425.00 equity in 1020 . Pontluc 4-doop sedan, 0 weeks old; a real buy Call Dav enport, Llthla tipgs Hotel, Ash land. 26 . , OUARAN'TF.RD . , ' " ' ' UBHD CARS Our slock of used cara is up In : first-class shape. , prices Low. Every enr wo dlspluy must 09 a bargain. Seo Us. Terms and Trades. ARMHTHONG MOTORS, TNC. Hudson-Essox Dealers. 48 SANDHRSON MOTOR CO. Oukland and Pontlao Dealers. Put their Used Cars In the boBt of condition and guarantee them. Wo want to satisfy you and our low prices and sorvlce will do It. Coma In and soe these vuIucb before you buy. 1 !) L-s Pontine 2-door Sedan. 1920 Olds Coupe. 1026 lissox Coach. Jlulck Tourings. laV' (,'hovrolot Tourings, llupmobllo Tourings. Durunt. Tourings. Star Tourings. Cars In ovory mako and values from 2I up. . ... .J. ii' FOR BALE Btudebakor sedan; spoclat six motor; flrst-clnss con dition; mechanically perfect. Tel. 76. 49tf FOR SALE nEAL ESTATE! FOR HALl'J OR TRADE 43-acro truck and dairy ranch; crop all in now; 2 acres pears; team and farm machinery; house all fur nished. Write W. W. Robison, 'Talent, Ore., Rt. 1. 20 FOR SALH Dandy home and pear orchard; good .crop and easy terms. Heo this and you'll buy. 3 N. Bartlett. Phone 1234. Wu specialize In stock ranches. 80 FOR HALI'3, TRAOK OR ItKNT -25 acres 2 miles south Oti Pacific Hgwy; purliy seeded to potHtocs. : Call at 220 M. 0th, off of So. Cen tral, or Phono 37I-X. . . . - 30 FOR BALIi 4 and r C-room new homes on aero and aero and 'a half tracts; domestic nnd irriga tion water, electricity; ideally lo cated for the city worker. Terms less than rent find no down pay tnent to responsible partlos, For Bale imall chicken ranch, ,10 minutes from this offlco; free soil, now 4-room house; torraa to suit. . . For- Snlo A dandy homo on East side overlooking tho valley. Movo in nnd pay like rent. ' wold & wor.o. . CJuarta Dldg. Phone 1303. BUBURBAN FARM of B acres with nlco 6-room plaster ed home; electric- lights and bath; Ideally located for chick ens. Price $2600: $260 down. haianco In monthly payments, f'hauncey Florey, 201 First Na tional Bunk Bldg. Phono 3 is. 1 25tf FOR BALK 11IO SAf'RIFICKI 15,acros sandy loam; alfalfti, and berries, good water, wonderful house, 'gurugc, near schools, 6 miles from Medford. Also beau tiful 4-room cottage 1 mllo city nmits; also n-rnom sningm nun g.ihnv. a.imc location. Owner leaving, niust m'll. so rlon't pass FHIJNCIl tc ATWOOD, 15 N. Fir. ,. . 27. A4KSO COS . INFORMATION' I MOT A LECTURE' By SOL HFSS FOR SALI5 ItEAL ESTATE FOR SALE Dairy ranch, fully equipped and stockod; splendid monthly lncomo; location excel lent; abundance of feed; terms reasonable. Also for sale A wonderful river ranch with deeded watur right; about 50 A. alfulfa, lots of grain land, pas ture and wood. This ranch will carry a largo liord of dairy cows or shoep. This Is an unusually attractive property from every standpoint. . lteasonabto torms. Brown & White, 31 Mo. Fir St. .1 13tf FOR BALE 2 'i acres, beautiful home site; one acre in pears; gnnd soil. 12S No. Grape. Tel. 4.71. U FOR SALE SUSCICLLANEOCS FOR HALE Horses and fnrm im plements. Opposite nakcr's store, Jacksonville highway. Tel, 844- Y; 30 FOR SALE" Folding bod and . household furniture. Call at 614 W. 13th St. 20 FOR SALE Prlmroso and snap dragon plants. 200 8. Holly. 27 FOR SALE Gasoline tank and pump, .(nenrly new). Truck bed and wire screen top. Wooden tnnk (200-gal.), suitable for spray rig. Poultry fencing (6-ft). , Westltighouse oleetrlo range. Phono 201-W. 27 FOR SALE Singer canaries,, roll ers. Mrs. Jack Wood, Hotel Grand. - 1 20 FOR SALE Outdoor growing enrly cabbage", C. Caroy, Phone 341-J-1. 88 WHEN 'YOU think of real oatate. soe Brown & White. nt FOR SALE One comploto set of .carpenter tools, cheup. Jennings Loull . Office . ... i 33 PIANO FOR HALE Piano that has boon repossessed with . largo amount paid, will sucrlfleo to re sponsible party .for unpaid bal- -nneo; convenient torms if doalrcd. - Your phonograph or organ taken Jii as part payment. For Infor mation write Mr, C. D. Htiggins, caro McMorrun & Washburno. Eugene, Oregon, 27 FOR BALE Piano, Knabe, $100, Phono 1253, ; 10tf KOR ffALE Newtown apples. urowors' .uxenange, sin ana Fir Bts. tf FOR HAl.rO la-mch body oak wood, 3 por tier at rancn, c. C. Hoover, Phone 607-R-2. tf FOR SALE Used sowing- ma chines; all makes, $6 up; torms If desired, All make rented and repaired. Whlto Hewing Machine Co., 24 .North BurtlcU. . , lltf FOR BALE Jror aano and rstvel sediment and general teaming, lei. mw, uamii Kateman. tf BUSINESS BIREOTORT Eyo Specialist. DR. T.. D13 LA RHUE Eyesight Specialist. Eyes ex a mined, glasses fitted. Hulte 404 Mcdfoi-i Bldg. Phone 1329. Exclusively . optical, ' 856t(a DR. D. A. CHAMBERS. Ontoma trlst. . Eyes examined. Glasses filled. 117 Uedford Bids. Tel. 18S. I52tf Slgtu. ARTCRAFT HIGN SERVICE eiK'is oi an Hinun, on glass, woon or motnl. Phono 1187. 114 N. Front St. "Wo are not supor stltlous, butwo bellove In signs,' Painting and Pancrhanglng H. MARX, Genoral Painting Con tractor,, tinting., paporhanglng, carpentering, repairing, phona jis-j, lies, pi rjummit. . Radio Repairing RADIO REPAIRING Thi Muale Box, 402 East Main St., Phone 433, hnn an expert tnrtia tech trlelnn from thn factory, Ws miike a npocinlty of expert repair work nnd guarantee It. Special consiqerftiipn I0 n.eaers. BDSNIESS DIR.ECTORY f r yAbairacta MURRAY ! ABSTRACT CO. Ab. atracto of Title, Title Insurance. Rooms 8 and 5. No. 13 North ,Oentral Ave., upstairs. JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT X). A Iw traits of Tills and Title Insur. ' ance. The only complete Title System in Jack son Connty. Beauty Parlor. FASTIDIOUS WOMEN get expert facials, permancnts. water waves at Emma Cllne's Shop, Liberty Bldg., S. Grape. Phone 454. 37 Clilroprnctlo Physicians DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chiro- Sractlo Nerve specialist, utnee ours 9 to 12; 2 to 6. 203-204 Liberty Bldg. Office phone 680; Res. phone 790-H DR. EIVIND M. NELSON Chiro practor. . Speciflo Chlropractie adjustments given at 829 North Riverside, Office hours: 6:80 to 7:30 p. m. . Contractors . R. I. STUART & SONS General Contractors, Including base ments, ditches, all kinds of cement and concrete work. R. I. Stuart, 217 Apple, phone 643; Gilbert Stuart, 17 Ross Court, phone 966-M. Miles Stuart, 608 S. Newtown, phone 850. Dentist. DR. F. O. BUNCH, Dentist, room 815 Medford Central Bldg. Tel., Office 1443; residence 1231-X. Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wilson, C. P. A. Attention given to anything in accounting and Income Tax Requirements, Loolc Into our simplified accounting method. Liberty Bldg., Medford. Phone 167-R. FRA55IER ACCOUNTING SERV ICE Most modern bookkoeping service In So. Oregon. Audits, systems. W. A. Frazler, Publlo Accountant, Hotel Holland Bldg. Phone 993. Farm Loans. . FARM LOANS 614 per cent. J. K. nowen, secretary Kogue Klver National Farm Loan Assn., Roguo River, Oregon. 18tf Financial WE LEND MONEY to worthy people to pay tneir noncst debts. Pacific Coast Credit Association, 423 Medford Bldg., Medford, Ore. Freight Transportation PIERCE TRUCKING CO., Med. ford to Portland and San Fran Cisco. Furniture moving a epeo laity. Phone 65 or 437-R-2. . LONG DISTANCE HAULING , Medford - Klamath 'truck line. Daily service. Bonded carrlora Special rates on load lots. Aute Freight terminal, 86 S. Fir. Tel . 1033. : Interior Decorator . INTERIOR -DECORATING, pain - ing, pnpornangi'ng and floor wa Ihg. Fred Gurdner. Phone 7S1 W-2. Res. Perrydalo, Jacksom vllle Highway. Money to Loan MONEY TO LEND To worth) people to pay their honest debt! Securities of all kinds accepted Jennings Loan Office, 5 8.- Front, ' MONEY TO LEND $60 to $2 io loan on lurniture or good soi curity of most any kind. Elgl( per cent loans on city property Thomas Realty . Co., .. Room 1 Palm Block, cor Main and Front . upstairs, i , Long Time . Real Estate ' : ' Mortgage Loanf ' Phone 1.122 ' Cdmmercial Finance Corp, Modford, Oregon , Do You Need Money? We make short , time logn'a Transactions strictly confidential, Sir Liberty Bldg. open Tues days nnd Fridays till 9 p. m. Phono 076-R. II. H. Banister, H. C. Chrlstnor. Monument ' THE OREGON GRANITE CO. Monuments. E. A. Illcks. Gon erul Mannger; P. M. Kershaw, Sales Manager. 802 N. Front tU, Medford.- Muslo THORVAL H. . FOLKBNBERO. Teacher of vlotin; . orchestra practice for students; also a de partment for adjusting and re pairing violins. If you desire, a reliable violin outfit, call at the studio, room 4, College Bldg., 31 N. Grape St. Phone 259-J. Piano Instruction. FRED ALTON HAIGHT rTeacher of Piano and Harmony., Halght Muslo Studio, 318 Liberty Bldg., -'. Thone 72- 159 tt Plumbing. PLUMBINO, H HATING Material and sorvlce. Hawk, tho Plumber, 24 So. Grape. Phono 687. 880 Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO. lis . tho best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Bookblnd- Ing, loose leaf ledgors, billing systems, etc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir St. Radio Henrico. RADIO SURVICU on any mnke radio. II. O. Puriickor. 23 South Orapo Blrcot. Office Phone 335; ' Res. 1443. Band and Gravel C. A. HARTLEY Sand and gravel plant. Cleaned, washed sand and gravel; crushed gravel, all sites. Phone plant, 1202 or office 117 4f Transfer ISA OS TRANSFER STORAOH CO. Office 111 N. Fir Bt. Phone 815. Prices Right, Ser vice gunrnntecd, DAVIS TRANHFER A BTOHAOH Service guaranteed. 10 8. Orsn St., Phone 64. or residence 1060. Window Ctamlng l.wr UKOHOK OO IT Phone 1171 for housecleanlng. floor waxing, janitor HfTMt eV ftfty - ? '