MEProftD m:tt; TnrRnyE. mttdpord, okecon'. Saturday, march 30. 102a .-- ... 1 I - ATTEMPT HIKE 10 BOARD RESOLVES An thry had r''1"""'"' tor '; Th lollvi'lns rulutirn wan In Jvun. Jm Winurhaldi-r ' paB,,.d a, a mr,inK ( th(. M,.d. and Car. M"- "'".ford Itoally Hoard, Friday. March known athletic loving io'-al turn ; who dwtilt the fact that the in: vralk mil around counter dally, j Wherein, th airport committee took a hik. at least mentally, up of the Med ford Chamber of Com Roxy Anne yetrrrtay afternoon merce ha lctf4 and recorn for x?rei and fresh air. 1 mended to the city council, a piece Weiffhted down with a heavy j of property of approximately 20 lunch, a rifle and a camera, they acre located three mile north of bjyan their hike shortly after noon Medford on the Kiddle road, for from the Went end of the Bar, the ite of Med ford 'a nw alrpor:, creek bridce on EaM Main tr-t. ; which Iie haw been approved bv After ihey had walked about) offlrlnU of the I". S. department of Juft feet. durinK which time th-y commerce; Mnd. stopped for rt.i. a tounitf com j Wherean. the M-dforl Realty Jn along in a rj(c car. tiui-- Hoard na. through Km various and halltd them with. "Going far. boy:' "KelrlierUfe.' puffed both the nedertrlan. "Then hop in," wild the (;ood Kaniarlfin. They hopped.. commlt'eeji, thoroughly Investigated land val'teji and other features In the immediate vicinity of the pro posed airport : and. Therefore, be ft resolved by the The auto, however, hoon turneu - Medford Itealty Hoard that It Is Into the drive for !he cemetery, j tne w-ntiment of the mmtirs of and John and Carl, forced to.,hH oraanizatlon thai the location al.Kht. trudged on wearily another .,f.(1 iiy ,h ajr.K,rt committer 100 feet, until another auto came fH ,,,(,al f(,r Th(i -,ah!U-hment of an along und unvc them a mi. Dlxmountinic in the Hillcroat orchard vicinity ihey began their climb up the mountain and had gotten about a third the way after 23 much needed rent when norm; Hort of on Hfiitnal nhot by them That ended the cl rnb. as Carl and John quickly deployed as KkfrmwIierH, th former the loaded rifle half aimed, and both advancing about 50 feet apart eagerly on the lookout for wild :une ahead, when wuddenly Itlga low atepped on a lry tlck, which broke with a loud crack. The unexpected nolw no Htar tled the gun man from Iowa that h itumbk'd and pulled the trig Ifer, the but'et xtr king John"- camera and blow ng It to pieces. Roth. In their excitement, nearly rolled to the foot of the moun tain before they recovered. They then walked b:iit to the city on a load of hay. and took taxicabu for home. airport: that the price paid for the land 1 extremely fair and reason- I able; and. j !te it further resolved, that the, Medford Itealty Hoard unqualified-j l approiv the plans of the com- j mittei? and of the city council for j the establishment of a (hkr A port.) and believes that it In to the b-t In'erei of M'-dford I'- jrens unit' in the approval of these plans. TICKETS SELLING Polling Flacks and Description of Wards Polling places for the election next Tuesday. April 2:r W.ltl I VOTE VVMAC MAKKET, SOITI1 KIVKRMDE. AH territory pouth of Main and East of 8. P. tracks, to Iar creek : alo east of Myrtle street and Crater lake avenue, and Houth of Jackson utreet. Precincts first ward: No. Si. Medford South Central; No. 36. Houtheaht Medford: No. 3C1?, Kt Medford. VUI II VOTE WASHINGTON SCHOOL All territory west of Southern Pacific tracks and south of Ma n street. Precincts. Second ward: No. 29. Medford South Ma'n; No. 33. Medford Oakdale; No. 3 4. Medford Newtown; No. 3, South west Medford. WAi:i III VOTE AT KHIITNEK'S G. It Aft E (for. Fir & 6th) All territory west of Southern Pacific tracks and north of Main gtreet. Precincts In third ward: No. 2. Medford North Main; No. 38, WeM Medford; No. 3S. Northwest Medford. VYAHH IV VOTE AT 1TV HAM. All ter-itory eat of Southern. Pacific tracks and north of Main, to Crater Ijiko avenue, then that section north of Jack-son stree; alfo l-tween Hear creek and Myrtle street, south of Main. Precinr-tM In fourth ward: No3, Medford North Central; No. 32, Medford North Hivendde; xo. 35, Northeast Medford. The p',1!h open at ! p. in. and close at S p. m.; all are urged to vote eariy. Every n'gistenF-d voter, Ahether or not u property owner or tax payer, is entitled to vole. that he will take up passengers I which means that local people will i have their first opportunity to nee j Medford from the air at night. This is a der-jded novelty hore find 1 a lai-tre number of local citizen .are expected to take the night . trip. The demonstrations of air ; port lighting equipment which have been carried on during the p ixt week are spomtored by the Airport Publicity committee in the , intrets of the coming election. , April 2. Ti I PINE BEETLE PEST: WILL START SOON It became known yesterday on the arrival of Superintendents E. C. kolinsky and C. O. Thomson, national park superintendents. In the city for a few days stay, that in about three weeks an intensive campaign to eradicate the pine bettle pot, which is V-stro"ng o many trees In Crater Lake national park, will be begun, which is ex pected to free the park of that evil. This will also be the drive in this park to eradicate the pine beetle, and an appropriation of iooo- for ihe purpose will be ex pended. The intensive wo a nul be done from three camps ... Cia .ter park, w.iich will necessitate the employment of from 55 to CO men. The work will have to be done in three or four feet of snow, and only experienced woodsmen, axe men and cook- will be employed :n the drive. The pine beetle crews will not be hired until shortly before the drive begins in about three weeks,, so applications for employment in thia work will not be considered now. It is confidently expected that with the I Sort n to be expended and the targe number of men to be engaged in the work, the pine beetle pest can be eradicated all thru the park during this drive, which must be completed before the summer weutaer comes, espe cially u the Crater National forest will cooperate with a drive along the border of the forest adjoining the park, at the name time. LichU" ceremonr. the and ' fh- trmon in the afternoon serv- ' Hotel here, causing a Iohm of be their ladies wi.l eofnv . vMr'lc. ! iw-n 1400.000 and $500,000. SeV. dinner t fh. Uni. .AMnu which thv will -t.enrf erv. , ROCPKV MOUNT. N. C. March , eraj women were overcome by I. vwet-it enty guests escaped although eev 1 l eral women were overcome by ices at the M. E. church. Kever- JO. (f5A fire early today damaged j hysteria or fainted and had to be end RavmonH s rm vPi riiivr i th fr torv annex of the Ricks Icariled fromthenoiei. W! KOlTTIir.RN PINEH. N. C.. Mar. ao. At MIm Virginia Van Wle today wa the holder of the lfti'9 midsouth wonien'M golf chantidon Khtp won yesterday from a field nf leading feminine stars. The 36 hole medal play event a novelty in women' gnlf was aandwlched between the north and sout;i open for men and the annual north and south tournament for women Which begins April 1. The Chicago girl finished the two days play yesterday with a card of 16 2, a margin of three trtrokea over the field. Trailing her ln second place, was Miss (Henna Col let t of Providence, It-. I., the national champion. Misa Helen Hicks, the IK year old Long Island star, was In third place with 167. On her lie-l was aliss Marion Turpie, the southern champion, with 168 to finish fourth and Ml I.oule Kordyce of Youngstown, Ohio, with 1 to and fifth place. I Interest l growing in the wrest- 1 j ling match at I lie armory next j j Wednesday night between Taro m k j t ii!irtt grHfpir. t and Hob KruM. well known Port- j land wrewtlrr. Roth men are of J the amc weight and are rough j iind rewdv Wrewtler. Tickets fr i the mutch me reported to be -jelling rapidly. Hiyako has wrestled Kd (Stran glerl lewls. former world's heavy Height champion, and is said to hive put up a remarknMv good battle 1m fore he was finally de feated. The reclrt event of the evening will he a flnlh match between To'niny Itvun Medfo-d"s wrestling tMllor, and .l:n k White of Port -land. It vii n not liren dffi-ute.l in Medford. but faces a difflrent prospect Jn this match ? j A la rye attendance of interested 4,'recL.ttoi s Is looked for at tonight's demonstration of night flying H hedub .l to t;rke pliict at the fair at ourxN ;it 7: So p. in. Thtouirh tlte cooperation of the California Oregon Power com puny ami the Oneral Elect ri". Co. a larce 0 kilowatt twin of the latest modern atroort type has been brought here for demonstra tion. This huge lighting equip ment which is of 20,"0O watts ca pacity uill Illuminate an area of half a mile square with an inten sity of .15 foot candles as required by the I. S. Department of Com merce. The equipment was In stalled today by tho Co pen service crew, through the courtesy of J. c. Thompson, division manager, and all is in readiness for tonight's flights which will be made by the Sanders Aeronautical school. PI hit S:i nle rs has a nttonneed E TO TURN IN TICKETS EASTER SERVICES i Local Legion members who sold tickets for the "Legion Revue" are ; urged to report their sales at the Chamber of Commerce before 0 'o'clock tonight. This is a neces , sary precaution as the advance , sale indicates a "Rell-out before j Monday night. Tickets have been ' going, like the proverbial "hnL cakes." one Legionnaire selling 7t, another an, another 25 and numer ous others sell ins from five to 25 : each. From all parts of southern Ore gon, members of Mlta Command en, No. 4 and Scottish Rite Ma sons will gather in this city to ob serve Ea s tr tomorrow. At 12:30 tomorrow all Commandery and Scottish Rite members, with their wives and mothers, will assemble at the Masonic temple to observe the impressive "Lighting the Lights" ceremony which is to be held under the supervision of Scot tish Rite members in memory of Philip S. Malcolm, who recently passed away In Portland. Following the "T I E h l ) n c the Coast League Yesterday TO AID ROBIN TEAM WKST PALM UKACII. Kla . March l' iV The Hronklyn team was encouraged today by the re turn of clenn Wright from a sue ce-jsful Visit to a specialist. The former Pirate short fielder participated In the Robins' win $ it rally for four runs In the ninth yestrrday to the extent of walking ns a pint h hutMnan arid -coring n run. An Injured ai m had prevented hlin playing hitherto. R. H K. Portland 6 II v Ban Francisco S 6 Mahaffey and Hego; Malls and Tolvogt. R. 11 Hollywood 1& I'M I 1 ttacramento 4 II 2 j Johna anrt Hasnler; Kenney. j Oould, Freitas, Osborne and Koeh- , ler. ! it. li. i: Heattle 7 12 I Los Angen .. . . 1U I 1 Z Plpgras. Ault a fid Hlelnecke. Cox; Plltt, WalMh and llniimi II. Missions 1 1 Oakland' .6 12 Nance and Italdtt in; ltor) and Lombard. . ... , Portland 2 I Hucranientn 1 1 Los Angeles 1 1 Missions . X Z Oakland 2 2 Kan FranciM-u ... .1 3 Heattle 1 a Hollywood 1 LARY FOR YANKEES JACKSOWILLK. Kla.. March jn. Heady to begin their sor tif. through various minor league teams of the southland, the world champton Yankee hi i ived here to day from their ban, nt St. Peters burg, where camp was'broken yes terday. Miller Hugglh Mjild that l-o Otirocher. New 11 n g I a n d Frenchman, bud uon shortstop honors over Lyn Lnrv, the expen sive ndditlon to the Yankees from Oakland of t he Pacific Coast il VT, WOHTII. March 8" . oV ' Hearing a nv of buttle hltmeir. John J. Mcfiraw lid the undefeat ed Cllantn Into this city tiMl.iy to ; resume his nerie.igaltist the Chi cago While Hog. already twice ili. feated by Ihe New York Lftm. ! The CJlatit manager was nursing' ft bruise inflicted by an eccen- ! trlcly thrown bait which struck! bim In Ihe head Just before the Kame yesterday as he sat on the ' bench. lbs sew th ball coming! Just In time to avert his head Chough toescupe serious Injury. i Who Cton Vote. Every man and woman who Is registered, whether a property owner or a taxpayer or not. can ' vote at the airport bond elction ?ucfday, April 2nd. JO FRANK'S Comedians One Night Only Sunday, Mar. 31 MEDFORD ARMORY Present Three-Act Comedy The Whole Damm Family Many request have been made to repeat this com edy SUNDAY NIGHT BARGAIN NIGHT O Adults 25 Children 10 QQK I Dress Sale Tonight From 6 to 9 o'clock A Big 3-Hour Feast of Bargains 200 New Dresses Values to $17.50 On the Bargain Block Now! Chic New Creations at SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY! Lj7 - ) What Will the Revenue Be from Medf ord's New Airport ? A Comparison With the Oakland Airport May Answer This Question Here Are the Sources of Revenue: s Leases to oil companies. Lease of restaurant concessions. Pilots' sleeping quarters. Space leases for office buildings for1 Air Transport Companies. - (Some are already re quested and they will erect their own build ings). Hangar charges to transport companies for storing planes. Parking charges for transient planes. Storage for locally owned planes. Lease for aviation school. Lease for machine shop. These Insure a Return for The First Year Of $4,500 To MedforcTs New Airport The Business of the Oakland Airport Increased 300 in 1928 With a like increase at Medford, or even one-half that amount, the Medford airport, besides insuring the future growth of our city, should be a good municipal investment. HELP TO MAKE MEDFORD A BIGGER CITY Vote for the Airport Bonds April 2nd Chamber of Commerce Airport Pubcity Committee This advertisement made possible by THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY