Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 30, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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Jackson County Health As
sociation and Fair to Co
operate ' in Honor Roll-
Awards Made at Fair This
Fall, Is Plan
! In reooenitlop .'of the efforts put
, forth toward a 'higher standard of
health and attalnmont for children
of thq county- of Juukson County
Health association,.. the fair ' board
has Inaururatcd a system of "health
honor roll awards" .which' Will be
distributed on children's, day at the
fair this fall. . ;v ' -) -
A parade past, the reviewing"
stand will be . staged before the
awards are made and additional
cash prizes will be given for schools
in three, classifications having: the
greatest number of pupils present
for the .occasion. , . - 1
The awards and : requirements
for competition as drawn up by
the fair board are as follows:
j , Ffojl-Class Districts. '
Medford and Ashland:
Banner for the individual build
ing" .(elementary - or junior" high
: school) which has the largest per
oCent of its members on the health
honor roll; May 2, 1929.-
. Second-Class Districts. !
u Central Point, phoenix, Talent,
Rogue River, Jacksonville Gold
' Hill: .v..
Banner for the individual school
building (grades lr8) which, has
the largest per cent of its members
on th health hnor roll, May 2,
Third-Cluss Districts. - -All
other schools in the county:
Banner for school (grades 1-8)
which has the. largest per cent of
Its members on the health honor
roll, May 2, 1929.
The banners used for award pur
poses shall not exceed 110 each in
, cost and shall be designed by the
JaoUaon County Health association
and purchased by the fair board.
1 . The number of members tt school
has is the number of pupils actually
on the roll-and 'in attendance, not
marked :,'dropped''(bn May 2, 1,929.
Percentages in all' cases are deter
mined on, this number as a base.
Requirements for Honor Jtoll, !
Honor roll pupls must bd certi
fied, to by, the teacher (or;.prin
Vcipal; 'and the ' county (or , city)
i nyrse in' the case of each 'pchooj,
These' certifications properly made
and checked must be in the hands
of the county fjchol superintendent
before the close of; the pr ,ent
school year, and .In no case later
than May 31, 1929. The certlfica
: tions, in turn,, will be duly report
ed by '.the- county school superin
tendent to the secretary of the fair
association before the date set for
the award. Awards will bo made
to the schools winning them by
the. fair . association on children's
day at the Jackon county fair in
September (date to be announced
later). . . 1
, Parade and 'Attendance Prizes.
There will be a short parade past
the reviewing stand before the
awards are made..; For the. great
est per pent of pupils. present In
this parade, prizes will be offered
' the several Individual competing
schools as follows:
First and second-class 'districts:
First-prize, $15; second prize, $10.
Third-class districts: . First prize,
. $10; second r-fize, $7.50.
All competing schools may enter
the parade but no school' will bg
counted in competition for the at
tendance prize which docs not have
at least 25 per cent of its mem
bership" present and in formation.
Ily Mildred Carlton,' President.
: BOARD. :: ' ',
By H. O. Frobach, Secretary.
.. : ':- ;;. , .
Standard Requirements for the
Health Honor J toll.
A child will be considered elig
ible for the honor" roll after a phys-.
. leal examination by a physician!
and In the opinion of his teacher j
he Is.ratcd as (1) mentally normal; :
(2) physically free of defects; (3)
reasonably cooperative . in health
habits; (4) satisfactory in his bo-j
havlor and attitudo. in the school
environment. V
1. Mentally normal: Is consid
ered mentally normal if doing pass
ing school work in all subjects.
2. Physically healthy: Has had J
on examination under the, medical
service of the Jackson county
"health unit or' an equivalent ex
amination and report by a phys-
a. Of standard weight. (1) No
"- ! more than 10 per cent under
' to 20, per cent above the aver
age weight 'for- his age and
. . helKht.'; ' -
b. To be free from defects: (1)
A112X and ;'3X defects under
treatment or corrected;1 (2)
hearing normal and no chronic
: dischargeavfrom ears; (3) vis-'
ton 20-30 .or 'better in both
eyos. -'with dr; without glasses,
and eye free from chronic ln
: fectfon or abnormal condition
1 (4) nasal breathing unob
strutitcd and.. nose free from
any, chronic discharge or ex
udate; (5) all teeth-(both tem
porary and permanent) free
from- cavities orv'all cavities
. filled and badly decayed teeth
? extracted; (6) skin and scalp
clean free ' from any chronic
. disease or abnormal condition;
j. (7) posturesatisfactory.. '
c. All IX thyroids' under treat-
rv ment. -".- 'y-v-'i-r-:-d.
Conditions such as orthopedic
, defects which have been.cor
, re c ted by still carry some de
formity or handicap, deflected
soptums, and chronic, condi
Uoiih which nro under super
vision or' treatment, shall -be
r honored according to the rec
ommendations of the examin
ing phynlclnn. ;
, 3.- Reasonably cooperative 'Jh the
practice of certain health huliitits
a. Is , physically clean;;
:b.. obtains sufficient sleep ' '
. c. cutH well selected ,food
I'd. Obtains plenty of fresh air
and exercise.
.,4. Satisfactory in his behavior
und attitude In the school environ
ment and Is amonublc to ordinary
school discipline.
30. (Special.) Airs, ;A1 Hender
son entertained'a few ladies of the
Past Noble Grand club at ; her
homo all day Wednesday. They
made three quilts. Mrs. Henderson
served a" delicious chicken dinner
assisted by her daughter, Mrs.
Viva Lewis. . Those present were
Mesdames F. Adams, H. T. Pan
key, LJ, R. Gleason, Simmons, Jesse
Ricnardson, Kd Parra William
Ferguson and Ed Vincent and son
Brfbby. ' . ..,; ..- , .
Mr. E rick son of Kingsbury! Cal.,
visited Charles Hermansoh pn
Wednesday. ; . -; ,
. Eugene Merritt returned home
Monday from Portland, whore, he.
has been attendink Behnke Walk
er Business college. . . v . i
Mrs. Farlin has joined her hus
band who has been working on a.
house near the city park. They
leave soon for Canada to attend
to some business there.
Miss Elva Adams who has been
attendng the Ashland Normal, is
quite ill with flu.
H. R, Stearns and wife moved to
Medford Tuesday. , . ,
- Claud Van Zandc had the mis-'
fortune to; dislocate his shoulder
last Saturday .while boxing; with
his brother-in-law,1 Guy Eddy.
Mr. and Mrs. Chandler of Santa
Cruz, Caiifw were, visiting : Mrs.-
Chandler's ant and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Cochran last ..week
end. ;; i: '(.'M. 1 V
. Mrs. Al Hermanson and sister-:
in-law, Mrs. M. Mi Morse, were
shopping " in1 Medford'.. Wednesday
afternoon. , ' ; .; v
Mr. and Mrs. Guy W.' Brooks
returned Thursday from California
where they spent the winter.
: Mrs. Jbe Mann and Mrs. lister
Mann wore shopping in Medford
Friday afternoon. ' ' '
: " Mr. and Mrs. Nimrlcher of Med-"
ford recently .purchased some land
of Mr. Hall and ; are bulding a
house, on It. " u.'fi i-.ii:i
Mr. and Mrs. Ren Rainey of
grants Pass werS , visiting with
relatives 'in Central Point Thurs
day. Ir. Rainey is Interested in
the bulb business, having six acres
of tulips and. expects to plant ten
acres of- gladiolas.'. v. ;' : ; ; ' '
j Mrs. W.'- E. Chauncey' has re
turned homo froiii the" Rogue
River Sanitarium where she has
been a patient for some tihio.
Mrs. Obe. Pankoy who has been
ill. for some time, Is! much - Im
proved at this writing and is able
to be out again.
1 Mrs., Arthur Myers and ' little
daughter Betty Jean of Medford
were visiting Mrs.' Frank , Miller
Thursday afternoon. -
Mr. and Mrs. Nimrlcher of Med
ford had Sunday dinner with Mr.
and Mrs. 45. Doerschuck. . u
John Mann of Medford. was
visiting his mother, Mrs. W. E.
Mann,, Thursday evening. V
Mrs. Sally Williams accompan
ied her son Alvln Williams to Kla
math Falls Monday. . .. ' ; .
Ed Docrschuk s building a new
garage on his place, ulso a he
chicken house, lie expects to In
crease his flock of Rhode Island
Reds to about 300.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dubbs and
Mr. and Mrs. Ray, Kellcy -wore
callers at tho G. E. Fox home in
Medford Sunday. ' . .
Mrs. Lester Mann visited with
hor aunt, Mrs. Ted Morava at
Agate Thursday. . ;
Ptftriilflod flvrtllnfir BTPt" iBtilts.
Ned MiCobbV
With . '
irIene rich
A picture theme of soul-stirring import, ten
sely dramatic, thrilling and ,deepdy appealing
don't miss it. 1 ,
- - f
Adder Attraction - -LATEST
COMEDY - r .
Matinee, 1:30
. . : ( . I
. , i . I
ASHLAND, Maroh 30 (Special.)
-t-A rinB stylo show was put on
, , , ., i
Thursday ovonlnB, under the ...
ngement of the Civic Improvement'
club., in connection with the usual
1 program at the . Vln ng theater,
j Vonderfullv attractive spring wear
(was shown by- tinders Department
. Store.v Penny a,., Isaac s . and Mc
j Oee s
' Mrs. H. O. Kndors. Jr.. presi
dent of the Civic club, who had
charge of the.-affair. made, men-i
tion of tlie various firms as the)
models were shown
Penny s Do-
partment ktoro was represented fwp the contruction of a munlci
l.y Miss Ijlllian Olsen and MIhs Wi ,
.(une uneraru; jsaacs by Mrs,
Cl'fford Gass and Miss Gertrude
Ahlstrom; 1 Enders by Miss Elvira
Rlchert and Miss Ward: McGee's
by Mrs H. D. McNair and Miss
i Cleo Wiltse. Otis Johnson, the
jeweler, furnished the costume
jewelry and tho bags, while Miss
Anna Hargrove and - Mrs. Sugg,
milliners, provided the pick- of
their stocks for the models. - I
Miss ' Aha Norcross, Is in Ash
land . on a visit to her parents, 1
Mr.' and Mrs: L. L. Norcross on !
the Boulevard; , Miss Norcross .Is
a-student a rthe College of the
Pacific at Stockton, Cal., and will
f 'nish ier work ih the spring,
taking a, degree. In education
Dick and Adena Joy, who went
north on Thursday , to- debate
against -the. Monmouth Normal
school, were successful , in winning
a decision there on Thursday night
nn tho minullnn' "Rounlwn1 ttini-
a. substitute for the jury system
i should be adopted." . i
j ' David, Campbell ' gave' a piano
j recital in the . auditorium of the
Southern- Oregon Normal school
bn; Thursday evening. Tho recital
was preceded . by a short lecture
and ' the artist interpreted the
numbers for his audience. In the
lecture; - the V artist sketched the
development ,pf music from the
crude .rythmic tones of the sav
age to the highly developed com
positions of . classic music. ; ,
v' An audience' made up of music"
lovers of tho valley listened atten- '
tlvjely- to ;tho artistic., program;, Mr.':1
CHxnpbell fayed In splendid form,!
witir won developed technique and
with dramatic- feeling. f
. Mr. ;' and' 'Mrs,'. George Walton, !
former Ashltt-nd . residents wero
among .the visitors at the Rotary !
birthday . celebration which was
held on Thursday evening, !
Miss Fredrika Brommer of Mod-!
ford will be a visitor In Ashland i
over the Easter week-end at the!
home of her. friend. Miss Irwandal
Bateman on .Hargadlne streeti : J
. Miss Helen Harris of Dunsmul'rJ
has been visiting Miss Silvia Pro-i
vost for a few days.
..' 'Mrs. Ai 'E." Kinney entertained I
at; luncheon on; Wednesday after- ;
noony, honoring Mrs. E.V. Carter
anl Mrs. E C Poll, whose hirlh- i
days fell close to tho date The!
luncheon was served at one o'clock !
at: a " table' ; lovely with the early
spring flowers. 'A handsojiio birth- 1
day cake was served in tho desert '
course.;. Lovely gifts were placed,
at the places for the honor guests. 1
The guests for the charming tit-i
fair were Mrs. . Fred Wagner, Mrs.
J. H. Fuller, Mrs. Gordon Mac-!
Cracken, Mrs, J. H. Fuller, Mrs.!
J. : H. Turner, Mrs. T. H. Simpson
and 'the honor guests. - j
After the' luncheon, the guests
spent the .afternoon at bridge in
which, honors were awarded to 1
Mrs. E.. V Carter for high score
. The Girls' club was entertained
on Thursday evening nt tho home,
of Miss Gladys ApplCKnto on
Oranlto street. The evening was
pleasantly spent at needlework and
in conversation Members of the;
club, ' who received Miss - Applet. 1
gate's hospitality were Misses 10m
ma Jenkins, EIhIo Alexander, Ruth '
Osmun, Lita Wnlkorc Hellene Bicd,e, j
Calla B'egle, Ethol Shrlim, Gcor-1
gla Coffee - and Mesdames Dan .
Kay and Elmer Biegle. . t ,
Mr, and 'Mt'B.4 Walter 13. New
combe of Grants Pass wero In
Ashland Thursday evening to at-1
Apr. 31--Apr. 14
VvNight7to 11 p. m.
and 15
tnd tho Rotary nnnlveriiary cele
bration. Mr. and' Mrs. Newcombe
wees formerly resrttlcnts - of Ash
land and have many friends hero.
:. Mi-H. W. M. MeNalrvwas hotessl
on Wednesday at a cnarmins
luneheon'whlch prec.eded an after
noon of ol(. . Tho luncheon . was
served at one o'clock . at a table
that was decorated In green and
yellow to accord with the1 season.
After the luncheon the ladies
urtAnt tlin nftnrnoon on the (jolf
course. . Those' who enjoyed the
day 'together were ilesdames B.
L. Bmdio, Jr., Frank Jordan, Will
Bodge, Prank . Dean, ' Henry - En-
dors, Hubert Bently. Louis' Dodse
' h0)lteM Mrs. McNalr.
Tha Kftoofn election hore April
9 -n ihn Unn iRS1,fi Df $120,000
. -V--H. : I .. II'
III 1 - .. .
Help to Make Medford a
Government Air Terminal
and a
"Key City" on the Coat Airways
Medford People Must Awake to the Great Importance of Establish
ing a Class A Airport The Future Prosperity of This City Depends
Upon Voting the Airport Bonds Be Sure Vote YES
' Chamber of Commerce Airport Publicity Committee
This Space Contributed by the Medford Mail Tribune
,,010 ON", SATCKTMlY,
pal airport 'is: attracting interest
throughout- the cyunfy - and laHt
night at tho regular meeting of
the-Table Rock Community club,
was endorsed us a miive of benefit
to Medford, as well as all sur
rounding points.1 When brought
Up: before - the meeting 1 there : was
no hesitation In Indorsing tho air
port movo;and members all voiced
tho hope tho special election would
carry..;".;!.'';;;'-!;.'.' .vaVv.!': r vu:.--'-:
. The Community club has regu
lar meetings' once" a month, always
well attended .by residents of tho
section. Last night's meeting was
led by R. H Nealon and included
an entertaining program, featured
by Copco movies, shown, ,by Hor
ace Bromley of this city.
. Several solos were; rendered by
Miss Boris Richardson, followed
by ..readings by Mrs. Strohmeier,
recitation by Earl Cameron and
several violin selections by Joljn
Rane, who made a special hit
with . his rendition of "Pop Went
the Weasel." He played the vio
lin; from various angles, making
one of the most unusual acts ever
seen in that district, t
MATCCUI .10, 1929.
' 8. A.'. Motten of the Willard
Storage battery-company of Cleve
land, Ohio, and H. P. Luwson,
branch manager of Portland, ar
rived in Medford Friday to com
plete plans for. the -convention of
VVillurd battery dealers, to be held
Easter Sunday at the Hotel Med
ford. ,'". .:!-.. ff.. ,
The-onventlon, : which will be
hold in conjunction with tho Llt
trell' . Parts store, will include
dealers in southern Oregon and
northern California. Plans have
been made to. accommodate 30
Moving pictures showing' details
Of Wlllard battery manufacturing,
methods of salesmanship, service
and other Important and interest
ing features will be included In
tho program. According to present
plans, tho convention will be an
annual affair. :1 . 1
, There was a light frost In Med
ford last night and this morning
with a minimum of 20, and a
heavier one in , the north end of
the valley, which - caused two or
three orchards there to '. smudge
The evening forecast had been
for a heavy frost, and clouds aris
ing later in this vicinity ward
ed it off, but because the north
end of the valley remained clear,
it wns much coldor In that section;
' Today was, for the most part,
cloud v. but fair weathor is fore
cast for tonight and Sunday which
prolongs Troflt - danger -,y another
day. '! J'i' ftU'Gt&ttt IB also for rls-r-,ing
toinpera-ture Sunday ?.
Although residing in Los Angj
les, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Derlcks,
former Medford- residents, who;
operated Derlck's Cafeteria on.
Riverside -avenue; are still : loyal
Aieotord boosters. An air man
letter t' was received from . them.
today by The Mail Tribune to (n-' -sort
an advertisement In today's
issue, boosting the proposed con;
struction. . 1
The ad. Is as follows: , "Realfz-;
ing : what i the new proposed aiiV
port means to Medford. 1 we regret ,(t"!
very much our inability to-vote at
tho coming, election; jApril-2. Hotv. .
it goes over 100 per cent! Mr. and
Mrs., Hubert Perlcks, Is Angeles;"