..Ik ' MEtlPpRITlfIL' TRTBTTNE. ' ''6wS0ibV ?S A'TUttfiAlfr MARCIf 30, "1529;'' ft 1 it A . Devout Villagers. Reproduce 3ge Old Procession Figure of Christ Carried Oji Bier-rrAnimals Receive Blessing. -: , '.".i'JSiliji -'' GKASS1NA, Italy, March '30.M$) As the Bha4qwo: of evening fell yepierflay over tula ol town on the outskirts of Dante's own Florence, an ageolil procession, typifying-the principal scenes in the passion and death of (phrls't,- jyendei) its way fhrough fhe narrow streets to the accompaniment of mournful music. , 01' al) the Good Friday commemora tions in Italy, this of Grassina is undoubtedly the most picturesque., j antj mone akin (n snirit tp the paq- , sipn piaya known to Americans, i The procession, which .had Its; origin centuries, ago, alms to repro-i uuuu all, of the Incidents of what; Catholics know, ay Vthfi Wav of thfi'i " cross?' the. descent from the cEOBS('(ratlbhs "jji .'this scrylcg'''are",.'take xqu uiq- qui pt MMlKUina, ana ine final sepulchre. In order to ap proximate the traditional darkness otfeudaut upon the.death of Christ, tne 'participants nevsr, get under way until well after twlligut, and move' a,loig ac,con;pa,nied by tqrcU bearers, " . Vnder a black, canopy,, borne, by a dozen iheh appeared a figure of tile dead Christ, carried shoulder high on a' bier! Men dressed as Roman qenturiqqs, other .townsfolk, ihqurning matrons,' bpys. sipglng (lirges, and ihe yi'Uage. baqd with muted instruments, closed the. pro cessipn. .- . . ; ,..;-.' '' . " " 'After this nelanc.holy, parade, of Oesu. Morto, the .farmers ,., of tho region literally take Ulfltr. animals, oxen, horses and sheep to, : .tfye church ' with them. They march solemnly up , .the c'ehtral aisles , pi the various Jittle phapqls, where tliey ancl . the beasts ftre solemnly . blessed.'. 1 r ' . ! : . All the parts in ths. sorrpwfiil pageant .'are taken by. ownspeeple, ja in the passtpn play at pbefam mergau, Gevniaiy. . Ih-pldeh- flme.$,.. hefpre '2Qth cetitpry sophistication penetrated oven Into this hilly re treat, the man east fpr the rple ,fif. Judas had o' watch pu for. him self. Sp real did the pious play acting become In- theimipds of the 'ueonle that he often had to flee for ;hls Jlfo pefqre the ,showersrqf stioks .nnil -'?nnfiR' imrled' at :ii1m-, bv th and 'stones' )iurledat 'him; by, tjie uevqui onipoaers. Sutui'tluy, ilurclv Med ford unci vicinity: Ftiir to (il gilt- and .Sunday.- icavy.- front :onight; Rtng tcmncratur.e Sun Hay.i ' - - '" r. ' . Oregon: '.General jy (air tonight .m Kuflduy.' Jlcavy friwts tonight. Ittslng temperature Sunday.- w 1-3 If Local Data 3. ' ToiTiperatui'e ' . (degrees)' 47 , v ' 30 Hlghe.st (last 12 h'oUi's) 52 49. L.oyeat (last 12 hours) 22 ; il'ql. humidity (pci ct.)' 45 I 91 1recipitatin 1 (inches) I ; KUit of w'cttther:.....i,t- Vldy. Cldy. ' ' lyowest tennieratur.g hls-inorn- ; Ing 2p degreey. . Total lii-euipltalion since fciept. 1, J!i28, a.i-o- inohoH. .. . - ' ' Huntot today. 0:;t4 p. pi. SunviKc -Kundiiy, TcSfi a; m. yiinHot Hundny, p. jn. . Obeprvations Takon t" 5 R M. ' "120th 'Meridian time ST b CITY !W-3 fa Baker City Bismarck "nisi. ................. Denver : ; .csivtoines Frespo. Helena' '...... los Angeles .... Marsh.fle.ld ...... Itlo'enlK :.......'.... PoVtlund .'....:... Hod' BlflfC, ........ Roseburg Halt I,ako City... Kup l-'ranciscp... Santa Fo ........... .Seattlo Spokane -'.-.....'..... Walla Wallu .... Winnipeg 42 D4 411 70 64 OS IS 86 ; 48 48 '", 00 r.B : 46 40. 46' 20 ' 22 " 32 32 38 . '44 SO .62 84., CO jG . 34 36 40 88 34 :r 20 36 ' ;P. Cdy. j Cloiidy! Clpiidy ! Clear Clour Cloudy Citiuuy Cloudy . Cloudy Cloudy Clear . .Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Snow P. Cdy. L.. W. DICK, Meteorologist. . -: ' !T . Presbyterian Service for Sunday School ' Tho following holt hour excrelse hn.s. been arranged py the suporln i lendent ef tho Presbytorlan Sun day school from 10:20 a. m. to 10:40 a. m. ' , Beginners' department "Song. Primary department. Easter .reci tation and-Easter song. - ' ;' Junior 'department, a'pageant en ' titled "Karl Morn at the Tomb." ' "The Oreat Commission,"' Jlamll -.ton Patton's class. ,' , .'.. ' - . Woman's Bible class, a song. Men's Bible classe, "Hew Wo In vpst tho Offering,"- S. M. Hussong. All pupils are urged to be pres ent on time and go direct to. their plnsses nnd will then he cnlled for Die joint exercises nl 10:20 a. m, ' Daily Meteorological Report 30.-T " Easter Observance -Features, rams m ' . First Bailttst Church. ' Sunday, school 1 8:46. J. p. IVprtman, superintendent. .; Thi; niornlnir hour, will bo' given over to an Easier program as follows: - ' ' .''!' ' '' "... : Holy, Poly, Holy. : ' Iriyocatloh:'; . ...'?'..- Hymn 10 a. . " , ; .. ..-: .' Scripture' ' . ',' . H'' ".' 'Church quartptte, ."The .Lord -Is Exalted." . . Announcements,. ... ... , ,.r: ' Offering.' , V '.' ' ' ! !!. ' ' Duet. -'"Jesus On the 1 Cross1 Edith stump'arid Mrs.p. Vi'Elatt. Soiigs by prlinary dept. ''Eastor tlay, - "'Easter Song. "Wo're Glad- tor' Eastor'-HJoan Noff. '. ..: ::'.' . ."Tho Air Mall" Jimmy Olon. "My- Buster Flpweii',', . Eo-ttJ' Crawfprd, ; -. -. ..- f-:.-1. : r '"Easter Gardens" Bctfy DauBh- crty. " ' Song, i primary ' department ' ".Praise' Him.",' ' '': ''' .".''in!. Exerplse, four junior girls "EaKter prpsaes.' ' "- ' ":'". Song, ' "Welcome Happy - Morn ing" Jufiior department; ' '"'.' xci;clse, '"Faith "in ' the Bisen Ijprd" Four .junior boys, . ;.', itecltatipn. ',Tbe Easter Victory!' Ruth Jordan.' , '"' . - ' -';,.'-J!.' ' Tall; by Dr. "V. H.' Eaton. Hymn '200. "' I Saptis'rri. ,'lii'' . A missiona'ry'serylce will bo pre.. sented during tho evonjn'g .entitled. "Thft Ttrrikpn . Rnt'sr" Tho 111U! iraituns ln.xnis service are itnteu . o-?- jJr.'i-i' V;1 , from Afi'H (ito mlsWna'thomfti .P4!fVn'9:T-S-.S WW . L fi-.-rui 'i.:: 1 jl.I'j- t't'j-. I1 ir.vnrlnutinc': i .Gounod has "been caned' '"The.' Dark -Conl" Joln.1; SHPr.tsfi prayer sp,rv.ce., f. u. ti'nen'fc'' " Today' light" breaks upon. m. at Rader's hill. . If as Hover before. ' Thousands' ard .' Ejneetng,'8:30 p. ro;- Study arising ' from'- death of ' 'paganism Viiwords and Plowshares , l from to a new lifo in Christ, tfognin .' r'an ''thp .Htnjfi.Aineca. presents four' episodes; (1) . An African Sears tho Cross of Christ'. (2) .Releiis'lng Africa's ". TYpmen. ty PallveiiInK' Afrlfja'ij glpyb.! i) Africa's' Easter Mat'jj-ifltj; '. ... '..' ' ' '' piiBltsh 'tutiiera'ii liurcl). ' :' ''. FpurtK'at Oakdalo' Ave. " .l'Wpero fho tfay is ilad'e Plin;", Dr.'it. p. Funjc,''pastpr. ! ' '''i'1. ; ',. Ph9ie",a. 'Hcsjaencei .'".'' Fourth' 'Mis. If. 'J. Harris; 'pT gunlst. '!' 'X. '.''Ct'; "'.''I) X'i '"','' Hpur p.f '.w(jrsh'ip, il a.' m.';" Spec ial .astc'ser'yls' a'pd r'c'ceRtioplof p.ew - piemb'crs. , "A Scen'tipn'thp Flrfit Easter ilorh'! will be tho suo- Ljc.ot of thb sermjm by thq pastor'. 1 ( . apeciai. rrjusic: ; jascer jrempe '(Ijawreiicc);' anthem,' ""He'Rose' fqr Me" (LlghthaU);. boIo. ''I ; Know That My Redeemer -Llvigth.:'.- (Flll-i more),- by Mr. Weiscr; offertory, "L'o n g I n g'l " (Wllspnl ; ppstludc! Festival Postlude';.. (Lor.eijzX.. . , The Bible school will, give il spec ial Easter prpgram at:40:iaa.' .m.,i consisting of .s'on$s vand tecUatloHj -"y theprlmary ;nd junlpr aenart- , ments. .. I'-i "r" ,, Tho public Is. cordially invited to- jolp us in cdldbratlng therglorlous reshrVe'qtion of burvJjord.' i ' i'fl -- ' - f . Main Street Metliodlst Cliurt li, ' '.'.'' tofntiy "" '"'. ' " .Tames E;' Cohd'eri p'aston. -:i ' ' v Sunday school at 0:46 a. m: pi. Frank Robert,''sucrIhtdndent.'' '.'-; iias'ter sunrise ''service1 near Adf yqnt' academ'y Sunday'6rhtifg.' All meot:at ctiurcri'at C:3o' a,'m.' sharp.. 'Preaching at "i I ''a. ' rh.-- SermOtf Vuljfeqi.' ''Xpb Risen Christ." Speri-' IrmpKlc b the cl'iolr.'5.. Baptism of babfos and reccption 'of 'ddiilts info the church. . ''! ' :. "'. Both lengueswlli meet 'at 6:30 i). 'nil ' X' gdod' sohg'"rally "before' the prograin.:;1" '' .'";' 'At.:7:36"'p."m. a'short'-Easter prov' sr.am by. tt)s S3uniay. chsai;. , 1 . evening ,sermqn supjecc,. -yine Qld Rilggedl Cl-orT ';. V:V- "' . 1 ' Snerlnl m'nskf bv the choir. Solo ist, Mi'. McDiVoughi, whd will Sing .VThe qia Jtuggcfl cross.",- ; .. . Mid -ftreek-.services Wednesday Ovenln. 7:30,. cprd.al. e'ttujrne awaitv you. . - , -: , .. . -Ilrst Christian Church. Ninth and Oukdule. Carman H. Melli 'minister. Office and pastor's study in thp-churcn, phone ioot; residohec'' phone '-1337, '''I V ;'-. v : '" "Tost pur Welcome." '' ' - v KHKtc'f 'H n r'V I c o'h will 'be hl(l rlOiihig add' evening with .apprp lii'liVU! moans' knd. "mUHlcv . ' V "'Morning :wbrslity aridj ' common'-, Ion, 10:5u.'1- AnthemH.'solo'and scr inon. Subject, "Thp Rlse . and Living Lpr.dl'j1. -1 .' ...'' ' ,; : ppiiuhir pyenipg 'sbr.vlpeV ' ' 7 ;H 0 Good singing; aulhcms"' solos, hab- an'ce. '.'Sermon,' ''Behold fhp Man!V '''nbie scbpo) assembly, 8:48 a.' n. For' scvoiul ! veeks, t.hp attqhdancp gpftl i;or Sunday,, JiMO, ,,,r - hrlsHan Endpavpr ,-vyili meet in tour, groups ,, 6:30.' A . sunrleo prayer meeting -will be held at 7. a. m. on the hill south of Phoenix. , . First Methodist Cburoli. J ,iWt Main at I,aurol.: , X.'ijj ' Raymond.' S.' Itees, 'minl'stor, ' . . Kaster Services: v. ;'. . '' . i; . ' Church school programs nt 0:45, Baptisms -and reception of 'chil dren Into membership,. 10:30 a. m, Morning worship at 11. Serri.on, "Tho. Man , Who Would Not Sliiy Dead." . . , . '" .Z . :. ' ' " Anthem, "The Song of Easter" (Fcarls); solo, "As It Began - to Dawn." Mrs. 'c. H. Paskc, .Rocep tlon'of members. . ' : :' Eastor service nf Knights Temp lar,, 3' p.::-fh. 1 Malta .Commandery No. 4 will, attend. ; A. ' Happy Sunday evening h 011 r, 7:30. -Easter meditation, "Suppos ing Iljm to Be" the Oardner,", Mr. Hoes. Choir-' cantata, ' ''The Opspol of , Easter." ' ' ,. :'i'. i' ?,;" Central Point Christian; fliurch. p. E. Millard, minister. i. Raster services: '' ' .' . '- ' ' Special Easter services are being held at the -Central Pol n't Christian church. :-". :v ' " i , .. ', Bible school meets at 10 Special program arid decision acrr-H0 Ices. Morning Easter 'service, 11 a. m. Subject, "In Another Form.' Special-music1 by tho choir. -, " The public 'Is Invlrpd to, enjoy muole. which forms. a .very Import tills specially; prcpnrp.il. wlce., ,nt and ItnprsalVa narl ot the prn- meat pnurcnes J- First Kresbytoriuii Church ' J j: 'if " Easter frosram. , Edwin Pe,roy lwrencc, mlnlater, Ministry of Music:.' Eva Bawl rlgg Marsh,- organist; Florence Ha- aol-flgg "McKIhose,' supranoj Edna Eifert isaacs;'contraltb; A.- 'J. Mc-j prpsent jaJioir, pm IFTSf. Dbriougli, 'tonorj " Dr; W. W.' Hdw-1 ujl the openlng.pt the .work by Uie nr'd,'basi MW Rose Aiken, cello; jnwy eI.eQted.njwtorBev. 8mL H Ca'reltop' Japos; violin."'"' -' : j slopes, . aqd special Kater services. i a. 'ml '1'' "'' ' ' : " i . S.UD!ly 'f'hpol pF0graroa5 10 a. nivnn Preliiite. VThe Resurrection !;nt,N i . ; r. ' ,' '. ; '- " Mom" ...... '.;..A.V:....::.:..:Jo1nspn Doxology Invocation. Lord's iPrayeif and Glerla. Scripture lesson. ,- , Hymn No. 75; 'Christ, s Risen To- ....'....'...'.......v...:':. Wesley: .Bantlsm of .infants." Trip, ' "The CJld R)frja'ln'K;..Kreisler: Prayer.: '--""'"; 7:' .:,;.,',';,...' j-: Ce,(o s,o)p, VJ'liDream.".,,' '-! ., . M'M P9e 4lten. . '-.-. Rcfli)Mfin! ft' 1JW. mPmbFVH- :. Sing onb verso of No. 209. ''" Cahtttta, -'I'Tlio iprpss victorious" '; A..;..'...i:....l'..'..I.;-...;.-.:D!marost '.'.- Eartl-4ccepted;' : .;;;! Part 2 Rejected.. .'-:. Part 5--The Savior's Plea. , , ; Part' 4Exalted. " ' - - '-.' 'Mixed' Quartet.' - -Offertory. ''Londonderry Air".....'.' ' ' ' ' .V...fe:::A...r;...trrans. by krelsferj Brief sermon, "The Risen ChHst!' ... ; .. ..,:.,...'.'.::.:..v.'.'.....1........'....Mti(ister rwC'v.-Wji,"'?''; Stone 4vrW.,i :.-'.8optti Benedlctlori and silent, prayer, or-, gan piuyiiijj ci.t!i There will bo no . evening sfirylfie. First CUiirch of Christ; Scientist. '' 'Authorized branch' at tho 'mother' church' the First Ohureh of Christ, Scientist in Boston, Mass. ..' Sjexylces are he,( pvpry Sunday Ui Jl 'o'qjpck'l churcli edifice, 212 Nfirtli f'QakiMe.; ''s'Mbjecf",for "to-1 m6n-bw::-''ReliMty'.'"' !' '...',. . :"'' Sunday , sdhbor'a't" 9:46. .: Appli: cants undc7ho' ago of 20 may. bp admitted' ' . "''"' '...V'. ' " . .wcanesaay,.-. evening - mwiaiBoi which Incju.'dfl; testlmpnle's of chrls ttn Scfp:n:pft 'healing's! at 8 o'clock. !j! reading 'iQptii $lclj;ta i'n.the Medfortf ' pplloTing, is- open irony u to 4, cxqqpt Sundays and (lolidaya. Tho'Bibte and att au'thbriaed Chris tian Science literature' may be read borrove'd''or du'rih'Wed. " " f' Tlie'puVllc is cpr'dlally invUed to attend fhe services! and, vlsH ...the' I'oauing yopin. t-n, : '..Advent Cliristlan Cliureli. . (Not Seventh' Da)' '" ,' Cofner .Wcst Japlfqpn, and Welch streets;'' 'Mw.;:-1v,;.'l,i(r..iVi;-i-V,, .;l.;l'j f' Blblp.sphpqh 9:4.5;; :Mrs. .Shiap, superintendent'. '.:-'; .'V' ' .. prsa'cttiiw. il a.' m. and 8:00 1. "IrtV" '!'' ;"!-.'!'h ;;'ft )' : S. Tiltdn will bo tliq speaker at bith'-crvie.--"-. !"'-!-' '' . .' Ypung "peoples ?mopUng ftt; 7.: (10, n.' -m. ... -,.'.,":'' ' M1d.-yepk prayer meeting' Wed-1 nesday nigpt, : q-oiook.- . !: ;We have recently added a new 'vntiim to''biir"Beryices.'".'i Tuqday .fthd Friday nights of jach wce.H, until lurtner nonce, th wnV ' n slneln'g class, Under tho tuFplnge of J! S; tilton. A'riy one jvishinj to learn musiq: will h.? w.elfibpVeJ arid' made' to feel at homo." Come to any "or all of. these 'servieos. . . r ... . 1 ' "-'irvih Dupras, Elder. Corner' Newtown and Main St. Bible school. '9:46 a. n. i.. .'-' "' Mbrhlhg worship-, 11 a. m. ': Jail service.' 2 P. mi. '' .'-' ' Voung peop'le'B service, (J:80 p.m.; ' Evangelistic servipe, i:ov p. "Tuosdiiy' evening preaching-serv- lce','7:30 p. m. t . - . -" Wednesday p. th., prayer meet-: ipg" '.! ' '; " "' '.' . ' Thursday 6:30 prfn., choir re hearsal and praVer meeting at 7:S0 iftitiW 7:"' 'ofthteifc 'tlcc. ' ' Vf"st,' 'Mark' ii!iiiHipfl!J. ,'!; !.' ; 'Corner pak'dalp.'a'Pd Fifth. 7 V' niM Holy "C-omhmnlPh-. ,, '.'. 8 a.: m;r. tttly tommunlon. '. '. yi) 'a. ni., phildrbri'.s service,. 'l'i'tl'B a. m., iibly qommunlon and sermon.'''.''.''' "":-'.' ''.'.-, ' 7:30 p. ih. Evbnlng service and sermon tP the Elks. :" Wm. B. 'Hamiltnn, rector- llcllwl Baptist Church. ' '' Elder, ircdenburg, pastor. '.., . Kunday 'school, io ai'm. ' ''' Pr.paqhlng, if m. V.vnlnfr.. MflPvlcCS. 7:30. - - I. :. Services over Modford Pharmacy?) third floor. - : 1 Come hear tho old-tlmP, gospel. EYorypnO'clcprnjO... v; )' "! V -; Sacred Heart' Catholic aiurch: HA :. Oak-dale Ave.. & 10th St.' Easter' masses at 8 and' 11 q. m. M ;,. '-w ttlnrk. Pastor.. Rev. ' - Prosbytcrton CliurcU. ' Phoenix, Ore. - . Easter feervlccs: -"10 a. m.. Sabbath school. ; J. O. N. Polini, superintendent. ' it, a; m.,' Preaching services. Special Easter message by the pastor," Rev. Wepdbrldge O. John son. Two. special, Eautcr anthems by tho choir;' ' tin. H. W. Frame, choir director. ; " ;.- '".. . A-numbor 'of 'flow membors WH bo taken- Into 'tho church on tjlils morning. ' -.;" ''- y ' 4 p. 'nn'Jurilor Christian En deavor. Edna JlrltfeOe. leader. '-'T V,'fBi The! Easter drama, "Tho Kinrs iiignway..-. i nis -win iaae the plice'ol the Christian Endeavor and evening churoh services.- The dram 'carrl?' :d ; Beautiful Eastor tftbry throughout and brings home 1 yt the rcspdnslhlllty that rests o each one. - THO cast is comprised of 10 characters. ' The dramatic part of the drama has been under hhe direction pf Fletcher Fish. The gram, is In charge of Mrs. II. W. Frame,. , r All In thp qomniunlty and all otherR who find It possible are cor dially invited to attend thp Uastor services Sunday. .. . . , . )reiibtor(ln ' cfcuKiUT t. acison- . -;' yutc ,'. '-i Next Sunday is' Easter hd. a special day with this church' in several ways. If Is.thf) pjose pf the annual church ye'aiv also tho' 'Close I f? the pastoral relatipnshiq of the !: .- Eaater services t 11 a. pi. The program Is as, tpllpws: - J-'P.qiPgy. ,v . -. :. Invocation. , v ;'.',. , .. .liorft-o. PrayeiC,: - ..-J". ,'.'; , Glqrjit. patrla. :'-A special by thp ohpip, . . ..': ....'--.-. . crlptpf e Icsspn.,!.;' v Jiynin. . prayer; fo)p,wed' by resppnsq; ?: Quartet, .; i vi: J..y,-:, i;' :' Anpqupcenippts,; ..:-- . . ': .' pffortory. v : :-. Special by, the. , choir.;, Sermon. ,;: ;, ;,:. :f,;-ay; .'. 3fjpe.(UCf)pn. .-. '.; ... . -, ,-v Christian. Endeavqr,.6:ift p.'n). pipacljlng'at t;80 p. ml'...,. , '; ;; YaUey Jtadlo C)iprrt.ii.f, - Bill Ray, jiastpr.-'-P, O. Box 9J8. ! roajfiasti'ng frjjm. ijtlo. p evgVy Sunday;, to 9. p. ;' :. '.. Kim paslpr night : p.rograi)i: Tin,,.: .'-'vy .-' . PrayeK' sp'riutdre, sacred'.' h'y.mn, ' v'.;t). 'ILulp, iisbur,,;:licksp;n:iklj 'V!(je, .,lliu.ilcal iipems. ,v. V.''V- I Blmei- welser. Bismarck.' S.'.D.. ' ii; T'j.r- .T - i-ta."iT!Kr.!. JBJss.jyiary. wamcr, paugnter pr nicely. t ie ua raene)-,-,- oy. tne pastor. .... I W-'inVMni RnniV. w.iii 'n'W M,- : , f'K .HSip ifflreq s! " ' tho.-week end with 'her -pat nor eft sole y by voluptar ccqtrl- yiss' IVIary drove a opwr car, Jbutlons; : It' la. llndcnomtnatlonal. ' ij. :-ZiiVl. i-f-.' iima gj'-oWo&.'irr n,. '".v" "sm V? .r. , prrji;-!--- frji-rv--viij "t-v-"..-!--'-. ., . jacK Menten . ot . soutnern i-aii-vnc ptftry -.wfthput any doctrine : or. do- f6rni,'.- who' tust reeenltV mir0ha- elut nonilnatippal ogma. liatsqev.. '. tf l id Vft4l lUV'.if ' Corvills,: 'Marph'.((8pe.ciai)r 'IK ! d'alry -farm -taj .Oregon i'dorivlng fj nercent'of tVr inomp.frrnhe jjpr, '.i)epj)s tP...iaV8. frpm 48.r"to 3?-': ' fift's. nrflduplng ,?B : :(o - S5Q pounds of ' butter fat, each to, rdr :tWh'!a living "of- t50b' a year to fh6"bwne'r iff aoditl6n"t;6'!that"'sup', filled ! ' t'fe" ArW v 'ItselfT 'fi'fv,; TliesVj-:a'hd' ptipr:i',,-factsi','glcape'd ',ffom;,"a .stiidyv'of,, tireon'!;'?dalfy hrms, 'fire tbntlned In' A' fieW--' Waldn.-And'jt.'.tttMrpr 'Wncnie'lieqttireil ho'-tHii it8Jo.'''StarJr.''ari''! froHleS'Sdlh ologon.", ' written"' bj" 'Ijlalim S. .Basse, farm-Tnnagdineht speelalist ap.'! H ,t) Jamison," dairy spbCiailst. .' tfys. bulletin- is the 'fjfs1 of.: a Series on 'D.regori ti&m .'' itfepmes according -to 'announcement r of Paul V. Marls, dlr.eptof. , qf the qxtehslbh service. ; ,.Xs.' data be conies' - available 'jftnd !. opppriunlty Is. afforded, other ! i)umbers Will folow, '.''each . dealing separately with! a djijtfnctivo' tynii pf ' ifafm 'Ing " such; 'as ''-'poultry prpduptlpn, iru, raising,, range Hvestdi'jt pro- r Tw '. objects of ' this -aeries, i aC- l 'cordlrif Vp Sjlroctor, '!JiarIs'.are. to j ntinnd'xnnA ll-l J n4r' A.i.lj..... -M:y"i 'Jy"1 for future develptiment' in. Oregon ' agricuUure:, c'.'f ',,' . - ' , wm.o,. .yuiichiuj points put,, ace striding to succeed, under circumstances 'which do not - permit, suce'eas. HcVente'en Ihous-: and farhiers In Oregon In 1925, j or onpfpurth the! Wal, had a net; I in larraing, to, niustrato a retnoa ; arrived to spend tnoeveMng lilay-i !whlch' any ohe : m'ay; apply' with Ifig' c'tfrtfs. ' 7 ,';! .!'''-" "' .':'''''' modifications to his pwiT situation, ': MollIe,""'lfelirift daughter ' of . Mr.: and finally! to establish"1 standards hnd itrrs. corge "Helmi('''Af SellviitW. .equity m oniy t!ipu in tneir, busi-i Finally tpp dhiHps Wqrq M placed ness," Including tipth home and. q,', "tli tii'bl and Vfrd'heal'tily. qn land. Kv'en allowing liberal rq- joVetT by tiiq giHs.'';,' ,;'r.-';:'!'.,' turns on both canltul and labor. . .1 w wnil.;,... ..i !.'.i... bt'he incoitiPK'-. frttiv' 'these ''farms.'! must nci'cssarl.y be small. V Thp (lest bulletin takes Up .tjib mattero of adequate fod, '"offec - tlyei use rot vby-produ!ts, ' capital aniUJiUior requirements. Indobt-: requirements, Jndobt lrico'mo.- A grbss lii' edness. .aqd income.'; A grbss In yojiiq'iqt'iit' ieaiit W,WM .nfecded r. r. Tiwyw- ni- living 'ex-.q, family, It , ws peases -. tor . tne - ealiang what the nw proposed airport means to Medford wa regret jyrj much pin ,-ipability to vo jite the coming election,' , ;'r April ..f '';'V ' HOPE It GOES GYER 100 . Mr; and Mrs. Hubert Dericks '-':,. -. : ; -. a I ;- i.-"-.-"-.; r-. .-v ', '-1-' ; , I I ' . - i--'. -'," ;i I.ai AnffAUt': ,' i II ...' ,' -;.-..,;!" .:- . rvfvt ,' , .,.' '. .. .' LMlmjir-f ., , -T- , - J . '' ., ' :: ," , ' -. .',".'....-' - ', ,' -F.":"- -,.---".-,,'-'-u ' . .' " " COMMUNITY CLUB OF MEETS APRIL TEN .';'Ej.i'5o'r'.Jtoy,''o.-i- j.fspecia.;j----n5 reguifir meeting, pi the' UppK yalley . Community club will bp hpld. 'in thp . clubrooms -on Wednesday afternoon,. - April. .10. ! plans for tne program for the cpm- .In'g' yeai'.wlll e discussed at 'this time, and if is qoped inat tne ladles of the'cluo wlll.-comp. prepar'ed tp exprss''tholr wishes for, the com ing"1 year. ;' '. ?Th$ Ijpstessesij. . pf '; thp afternOPh, arp 'Mrs.'' J. Jt.' Rpbcrt iin'd )(Ir.s.' 'jk. r AV Klinglpr.', :' "''Oh April'' ii; . hefp will b.q an old-faslilpned ; (hincfe atr.t!)P 'clijib; house; wltl' music'.oy 'te u'ter 'cttk'o'ai5 cbffcfc during lljd cvph ing.WsuaDt,;;:;;'. . X: ::'" ' Sv. Gv iiupkej pidvSd hip hngs bp yhursdaSf frphi pis: plai;e' i ipjr view tjj )is'"sto6lf rapeh On Emi grffpt. trpefe. ";, ; ' - 'hp'-tnlkran' qj:c,ek',jlani is get-: inestra. ;, Thq iaql,es will." sprye ting jylthth 'a few' feef pf .the ton, the' rricltjng jnnw jf;iiuses''a rise" Of , pypr $ f ppt ,eqrV 2t' hpurs. .' Thpsp iiaer f tip liirlgatl'qn SrJ!tem. u0 assured 'ef surtfclcnt witter.' during thp summcrnion'ts.;,' r'!!V '.,' ', : ' A. iarge ' trVrck 1 belo'itiithu to Mr. Co'gglns ot th.e Cpgsl'ns ' mill! . is ir" v 9 -' " ? - u-- M" :utM!pfM large . legs from the Greendnrlhe Ifuiuuiiis, uyvfi 1,: uwfp Ui4 .wuurf) enu. . back UPPER VALLEY tri,i 'fit!. " j.;i!r" !.' h wmy , - . . ed a' tract, oj!. land, .forjnerly.'ewried we-p" d6lghtfully''entiertalnpd Wpd by' ihRrBovpililtcttUy. cpmpan,y pn ne'sd'ay 'aftgrnqjSn- ai!'tlio'tip'nie'"of tlp'oorrief ;bf(!vafiqf gyptiuq and Paelfle hlchw'iivl' hnH rommflnrad pri ijg, h'ey building which is to !b. Used ' tor jai tpflrltts; ' festairaht .'fltpl-'c'; i'vV5y'c'c' isUitlpn''a'nd camp'.ground-'w'ni :also' bo Inp'ludpd with 'Other; .lm,Breye(r)qn1tt', ' ! '! !':": . Mrs.'Maimgre'h of Phocnh; sttpr- taped tiiotHfly c'lph!-TOembors at her' Irome o'n Monday. "At noon a delipipus'co'vered . dlsh- luhpl)epn' v ;, :liv v v..t Jpy of jJpllylew ' Wer Jn', attend- ance,' at .this-'affalrVv', '.,;''':'' !," V ) ijeqrge iBieputriM; pf 'itiampth Falls,; who just recently, purchased a-trapt oip lanjl on the corner of the pajcjflq highw an the ellT view road, is prpparlpg to plant his spil tp gi'adlpH' b,u(b.- '.tfhis place was pwnedby! Mr, -CqoBer uiitil.'a fevy months-agoiyhcn he kould his place td'WUltam-''''WhlnBl6,V''.v.'' ,- "lr. Eanltey o.f.prqspiot,!tvh6 Just reqently purctiaSed 'a f lye-acre' tnaot pf larid f rqm O. D! 1-aw, Is pulldlhg a, new garage on his property. ! . T :Tn A tltn,'nHLntUn.XT'll creek district, '..who hW''.it.'.'m''"'fwwVrW-H'f---for some, tfme, with (lii.- ts slowly mer MoVlckpr at, the Church Thurs recovorlhg 'her.! health,' and It' la das afteTnpon.T'vlrhov hjBh' schbbi. hoped that .she '. 'Willi' aodh' Mb diit i Siihaay'sohbol'clasW' pVt p'n 4 $? again'.1.' '.'',' -;f '' "'--. -V -'f'-i ': ea'n't'enl'tled'"Dac; befe SHul1-a'ftpr ','? Mr.'' ah Mri . Fred VHomeir ahd l which ft dejiclqus, iuncjfieoi) ' ylks and. Mrx and Mrs;': Albert Ci Joy! ierved.' A Vafge'riuWiTje'rVe're nrea- n.nd Mr. and ' Mrs. C". B. Lambklh all of this community attended' the qBA,,VB AShland Commercial ". club ' dinner dn ' Monday evening,'' held' at the Llthia tSprlngs hOfelr'"'!'' ; '' iidwih. Diift'n 'attbn'ded thb dinner BlveH at the libnie'df MW! ll'ndMrs. a. a. .r-tjwu'B, .jr., on euiufaay. even-: Ing; '.' This affair .was Planned as a ' at Itf pi'lsef by :Hrs.;Petei-s' lri honor St "hbi- 'hflsband'i'-' birthday.'' i-A'fter, 'jl'Mu' ..Un"i..l,.' -U 1.- '.! httehded'' (lie1 Presbyterian junior! Christian lfrideavor paty' held'at liiu viiurcn.un ouiurauy aiiernoon. The ''Ju'riibrs'.BPeiit'vtHi "afternoon maklhc sci'anbbbks. At'fhe elosn tHifi girls were' served refreshments,; which' weio In 'obursei and hUdeh'! In 'various piaccs about tlie i-oom'.ij tr(u '01 filii "'(il.r'oif 'rtiiifsdHy.'. ' ' . ,!,! M'v, lvelt Is' oiicratlnB Ills spiiiy ,,'nSatshl'n ftrSpvc;i'u' 'cifMlie Belrr ; views 'folks' who 'havn 'drpliards H6 , sunbi' V'" ' 1 '"'. ' " " "'cV,,!. trtn ' i...n.n.. ' nquUry' house' for. Mrs.' 0. HaVklns, MJi..ilaiiiln i a flock Of H.'l 'licd clilckon's tllls'i spring. or aaugiitec, Miss iatn- l erine Harking, m.qnagerof the loenl .' " ... ' 1 .. i ' hospital, la JntereatejJ in' ll Is proj ect with her mother. Dick and Aden joy left Thurg' day morning ii) company with fedlfof and fiHs ;(en Galeyfor the northern part of 'the' state, where they will debate on Tlrurs day evening -yth t-hfi Mohmquth team and on FHday .evening" "With the: Oregon 'State College rpokti MiHH Ellon Guley went an an alter nate. , ' , ''W.;. j3. ierion: is' wrecking hln old bari) .on )b ilat;e pn. the 3.oile Vard. penaratory'to erecting a nbw modern building. ' y. . ' ' ftlrs. Jpe q., :1.q haH ben confined to her home with the flu for Home time, is anle to ait; up sorne eacb day. . , , i -.. . , Tiie koweria clrcjg, of , tho Teo man lodge Jh ' sponuorlng a food sale to be d at the Cah apc Carry grocery store In Ashland oh Saturday. Mru. S. K. Barnes and Mrs.-Qacar Iilartan, both f JBolLT yjpW';, are' aHHi8tirif with' Uila sale, v"; -ThJ? feellVieW gtrls cooking claw Vfit at tJ)p'iie -of helr jeader, ixH, 'InJipHon, pi. Thursday atpr noo'h. and recved ihstrudiloha' ih cookiqg, "Thdse: who; bplpnst fq the claKa'tjr'e Neva ap'd Paul! hp Byrd, Iova worlandi Velina -ahd Thelma Tymij, Fraqcps IMrpt'H and MtUy Helmti. Xhg girls pro making rapid' pVbgrcss ' .With ' their "cooking7 ahd wlji bo rpady "to compete for prizes1 at tlio closp of, thelr'-lcsabhsl " Mr. --'14bmer Barron ! " irom,; the upper, valley, aKaiaiod" by Mrs. Hihea of Ashland, wore thp h,ost esueH for the iiikS iadiW card party op Tlm.-8()a afternpou! bol i thjj ladies lubroom at 2 "p. m. After tho .games were finlHhed.'dellolouH ref reHhmo,nt3 : Tyqre ferfyfid by.", the hoHtcaagB- " 'i "-- ' ; W. and'r Mrs. Wlllard'Vhcii vof Bejjvlow:. apnoppqe, 'thfi' hlrtji-' o'n . uuuKiir, iurn un iymcen m. roiu Edwin! Dunn attpnded the hrldgp party, given. b,y, Mrs, David Whlftlp 'jjt lier 'hpmp on ! b: treat Aiouuny. ovuifiiiu. - . .. !. ap.f es pi tne v panesaay of the"' PiRRlvt'erlati'''Chiii-rih iirsPOjto' wlnteV'-'qn 'ftp' !Bol)le: 'Vnr(.:'-''.'.irs:, 'F.'F'i Whittle of Ash- lad apd Jirs. tvade Wailfs pf Beil- We're "assistant iiostpsses'.fol' he 'jtrn0V .'fhe'''OBe':o'(''th!e aftofnjon',.;dpJclpu.s refreshment's, carrying pit' -th:p . Ep'stor "(fugges- tipri;! ,W.crc , seeyed tfie' iadtos. "rf 'ttB.MVtdft yhp; Hfcftfj Vulte ,lliudtvm!tiorn ie'ijasf., of!! lbvri.,!l sbmow!har lmproved'at' this time,;': r. 11 it iV:; The'MlBs'lbnary:, 'sbd'etytyAf.'. .the esfey terlh'n cliurbh -ng'' j!he tj ..g'lf OBltlpncf. p ;'qgp)inunify eh't,K l;? '''.' 'T?;1'-1 '" - , -M tf.D flrlna' wl.nlH'o,u Mr. and' Mrs. Jeriklns'.' who"hav'e bepn ' living In tip iVtilo hpuse bd Ippging" to 'Mg qlld Mri.'C! .'fOgle 'qflilh'err'rqipfl'tt:'arfe laylnp sqpn io;i'.tn',''S()re' $?,! Jenkins will take .'pHiirs. '' Pt griping lntirpats tbr n qhcle ;oX hli. ' . ;,'"9PYerii trprn' Ihqrp qftppflqd t)je fiance. IVpp by'tfie Wodqi'q Vq tqert at! Mqdfqrd Thdwdqy plgbt, 'Mr. arid "Mrs! B, J!. 0gje ar!e 'the proud grqndpa.rqtfl ! of ''' littfe grandson born to Mr. and Mrs. H. H.'"0gle; ot :JsHaTatn tqVls,' March 13;'nairiei J,oh'n '8eldbh. ' Uho Suhdhy: school' bf "the Pres pytwlan church wllj give an, Easter program Sunday at Id tt. m., fhere r'l b'q special rdusfp' (jy the choir durlng'the church hour. " ' . '. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wakefield and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shawand little daughter ttettyvXn.n 'went to Rbso fcu't'y Su'(iday- ,'a'nd1 visited ' frloridB and 'relatives. Mr? Shaw's tjiiiit fc tiifhod home with he'iq.' '' ''1' !::. ' ' :Mf7 urid Mrs. Wm. Weddeil "bt jkrtolsuq ; ftlvni '''HboiiV !fiihid,ay''iit ; tlie jiunin oi mr.'ano mr. junn morris. '! ''Mr',' "feliUss.f fqrrncrl'lo'f "easterh Oregon, has Ubiighi! li homo ' in Jnfeksohvl'lle,' '!Tn '. ' - - W't ' . .: M.ri end. Mrs. rjci( .qt ;ihfl:;ycrtt Hldq pomhitinlly wcr.q'Suhdqy even- Vqm'6'. "'Ml Misses Gcaclo and Frances Wae-- field arid tft'i :rl Morris were dinner .- .. . : ::..'-' . ; I ;. r.-v I. '. guc-Hls 'at' the AlpO Norrls home Sunday. . '.."'.'."'-!''' ": "Mr. and Mrs. Jake Shafer. anp hairs.' 'Marsh wore Medfo'rd sppners .Tuesday afternoon., . , ' 4, Harold HUdreth, son of Mrs. Jim Cantrall, aijent 'the ' Easter ' yapa tlpn with bis mother. Mr. HUdreth Is attending Oregon university. ', -! Mrs.i'OBorgs Henl'y.' pf Brpwns boro vlBlted her unple, J-f. C- Oallui), the first pari of the'week, also vis iting Mm 'rlnllnri: '-Whn' Ik llt thb Jtogue River sanitarium.. ' - '. ' 1 W ' Mr. and ' Mrs. Frank TouVelle ! entertained at a t o'clock dinner! Saturday evening. There were 12! .guests present. After dinner thp; evening was spent at bridge, three taoies oeing in piay. . ., i ' Mrs. Kendall of Medford waB palling in bur city "WWneedoy. T ! V Mrs, . 8. Wilspn eiitertalnod the j Past Noble Grand Club ather home ' Tuesday' afternoon. After a short !' business "mepUng refrosb.niijntq were served by tlie hostess. . rj George Russell Is ernployed at 4 ; service. In Medfqrd. ;, , . :-. .. , ;.v: ' : ! : Harold Crump pf Applpgato was lh. town- Wdnesdiy and "was ftlsp I transacting pusinpss in tyieaxoru, r ' , ''Mr. -and' Mrs. Frank pverictialn 'will remain here fpr a short 'tlmo. . Mr, and Mrs. Hiiltc.pt Applcgptp Iflhavp .ntoypd (q. towrii and. are living :in r.nn ,.r iUn. Uoant.'u hmload Aft Ofegbn stneBt. !".ii.'.;v.-".' ' ' '. '; Sev, Bill. Ray wk HI at his home here a couple" of daVs th'ls'weck.! 1 , i. Mr.- and- Mrs.' - John ! Stoley pf '.Central Point' were .catling on their i daughter and -fclendir h4i'0 Wed-! hesday-evqnliig. . .--' ;-.s '! ' .'-!s !' v": Cliff Dunqingtpn ! accomimnlod" Jack' Sharp to : portlahd ! Tuesday, ( where Mr, Srpp ven(. tqi ppnsult a . 'physician.. .V';,v!! .'.,;.''.('. .. ;-: : . '' I tledrge 'Merrttt! was-' it ' business j: :.ysltprtn'; Medforjt !Wednosdny,. i I j) Mr. and - Mrs.. Cheater Ursel 'Wer'e 'dlnhe'r. guests pf Mr.''and- Mrs. ,. H. t. Nobllt of Mpdforg Wednesi ! 'day' eyenlng.-r-. ' l V .-1!;!'! ,! '!!' ; ''. "raqlc,- and ', Harry ::.OvpriQhain ! came' ln from .'Bly -'Wednesday to ' attend th,elr, grapdropthpr's, i(trs. i .George 'I,pwis,. funeral, -and return ! $d to thblr home-Wednesday, pyen- : lug-". ' ' . ; ' ":-"; .-v. ,,-.: : ', Wrs. Oepvgp Lewis's funeral was held at'-tho'Cphger';'parlors Wed-.,! nesday, ''March'.27V : Hpy.. McVlclter conducted :th'p. "uncraV. services,, which wero .r$i-i';jj;ejidjdr by friends, and' .;r!eia?lveH.' Tho '' floral , : tribute 'We'l'e" mp'tiV! alio, beautiful, Mrii.' '1'wls1 was: laid ;to 'rest Iti .'the J 'Jacksonville', Mnsonlo cemotery. i . Crawa j-eayq ; Tqriioht i' . '' SteATTLB! . Wash . '.-Mnroh' '30j- '(j-r-Wlth a" f InaJ.. hari) .lrtfi8 V top 'off tholr.' tt41nlng;:nBrp, thiub tinlyeralty of Waablngtqh- crew.8-fcp- l; Sight:, Will 'lqllnrw;;.thBlr."lihjiHB -tq uiaiiiuuu,,VTiavii3.'!iuy uiyjbuifl, iovslty of. tialittfrntk ' clBlftS3, AWll TODYfbhKr Kiddles 10o Any Time Ik. ''B'js!:Siffl l:;:!(',i;:'j!!. Tho beginninflf of a great North WooaVPoUce Story "N'W SCAflLET , ON ."THE 8TAGE ' l,A.ST'riv1,e8iT0NIQHT '; Famous Dog 8tar,4n . .. " P.raort ' ; TOMORROW. . ' MADQE BELLAMY 1 'BS'M' ;V'tiV"AUo' ! vv ,:"'.' ,' ' "'S''i'; ';!: !""':.'! lUiilmi ppHTIaXNpj. pre., Mareli "SO'y- : (flkrai onrtatina, iawis. 22, was burned to deat) here! td4,ajr; Hen her! house waB destroyed by tire, paused by- aa 'overheated r etbve. George Uaaa. a neighbor, waa tak er) to the ' emergency hoBltal badly burned : and ' sufferlnff cute' from ; Krokeh glass. !:.:H9-Will. ' 4eBdr: ate attempt " to. rescue the woman who, blinded by -amoke and frantic tromfear, tap back-Jptpftlie fjames. , '.- '.:"- 'n ', '.'Vj-, j .-. ..(.. .' Invitation We invlt'eyduocele- ; . bratev tliO;- ' ' - Glorious Resurrection ; ' of our ' ;":,:'"; V. , - - at the Lutheran Church jVjurth a Oadate ' ;'Where the'y 'Is le fiiwa :- . . faster Music and .' '. Easter Flowers ' li1. Fiink will apeak .... ' at 11 a. m. r' ;'r"'i.:.', ?": '; ! . "A Scene on the ' ' ::Krst''Earster';Morn,' Thi s pt:. great 'onie-. hxuioovjixig day.'- ' j : "Come thbii with b" 1 nfjH J PAIPFOPILS .' s ' BW,ful!i T v ' .jT.j.ry' Sastar QHHi-h-vv; .;, SAMUELSON'S r Flower Gardens 208, Clark 8t. ' . Phone 7S4-X ' " TOE, PLAOI TO BAT' T Rex Ckfe 6oo4 Food Ooo Sirrjca A Complete Cleanikomd I Women's Ho 1. $1.00 Pair , S :' " w ".''' - ' Silk from ttfp toWitk M PnW4 hd..'n, - '.- ""'... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!::::": A. : .lllllllllllllll(IIIIIIHMn"au v T pint Agency . f he,ne, 101 ' It N, (nMK mat 9TtM! !,'!! :-'' CHOICE M'v 'i .'..' . . . ' ". . . . r I