5 n -f BRiNGING'tJP FATHER 1 ; . : T By George McManus BD8NIXS8 DnUOCTOJT Abaitract DISTRICT HELD UP i..t 1 " iATAGNER CUEEK, Ore., Mor. ' 20. ypclftl.) The contractors' ibitfrt for tho now echoolhoUao in aistrlct No. 56 were opened last i. Saturday - evening, but Uhe .school 'board has not decided which to " accept as yet. :-i Mrsv P. K. W. Smith called on ' J.ivtrs; Klla Abbott hist Monday aftpr : '-noon. . "' ' V - Mrs. I. E. Bradley and sons, 'D. , WW. and M. B., and Mrs. H. T. Slagle -iand'. children took dinner at the j . 'homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Single ' - .of -Cntml 'Point." j .-w i Mrs. M; AV. WcQrowand dauph 'tei Marjorle were 'Ctilters at the home-of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Grlncr last Tuesday. v Glenn Abbott. Leon Tjooliwood,, MIks Cloklta.Abbott and Mlss Cloona Fowler woi'o visitors in Mcdford last. Sunday evening:- Mrs.- M. Bnrnotto spent last Wed 4 nosdv at the home of her mother. Mrs,' tft. 1J. :Pui'vcs. ' -Mj-.h. ainrtsVifr called on Mrs. G. tAUrlneivlast Friday afternoon. Misses - .'Dorothy and : Blossom Ilentl, sohool tcnehcrs In tills dis-r trlnt. wore -among 'tho callers at 'tho 'hnmo of Mrs.. Ella Abbott last Jfut'aday ovonmtr. .. ' r- E. -AY. -Bradley underwent an opt p oration on-'his nose at 'the Sacred H-Hoart hiSpltal In Medford laatiWed- ncsrtny. ;- Paul Deoiier of .McCoy.. Or6., and 'Buy Ibnodka of "Medford: both .Eor-i ... morjy .-of thi.j -creek. iwcve up Is- : . j '.itintf :frfonds .last -Sunday evening. . H.: T. .-fslaglo was called to the i homo of his 'father, J. I). .-Single . ;i',lnyt...Tuesdny:'Qvenin .on accoun M .Jus 'father receiving serious in- , A large number of AVugner Creek . young folks attended the danoe given at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. MurkuesH Inst Saturday on Ander ijBont creek. . ' v Warren Conner is now. able :.'.to ; be ,"iu and about after a seige of motBics. . ''" Misses Dorothy"- and ' Blossom iHedd" sbent tho week end at ..the homo of 'their parents in the Ap plcgatc district. Parrel Davis and Kmory Nealln of Chlco, Cal., arrived itthe-homo df Mivand Mrs. H. S. Lynch last . Wednesday for n short visit. ' .' '.horc will be ISaster services at Jtne. Wagner- Creek - schoofhouse at .2:3jf p. m,v March 3fl. .Everybody welcome. FROM VILD AUTO 'V IMKE CREEK, Ore., March 29 i'fSiieclal) The steering wheel of , tiowien Zundel s car broke as they .wee Kolug lip their hill recently 'toward thoir houie. Fortunately he imnnageil to Keen the car from Bo eing1 over the banlt, so no 'ono was injured. &' Uowell Zumlell left1 Tuesday: morning for 'JjaOrande. ' Mrs. Frank . Farlow returned home Sunday. .. She Is 'Improving, mit'still very weak. . " Mrs. H. Ii. Tonn is in town with hor Ualighteri' wlio 'ls on llio sick: 'list. , . . . ' :' CioArge Alniy has rolrfrnod to El Faso; Tcxus. He was called here -liy the death of his mollior, Mrs. Uowles. ( Xundel Brothers purchased sov- iiiral .'head or stonk-'-cattlo which l.hey. brought out tho first of tho 'wooK; ., . . 1 Mm. Johnson has .returned to: Portland after spending a few days with Iher brother and family. ; f. ;i Mr; and Mrs. Johnson 'of 'La1 Ornndo wore guests at the Zundcl homo' Tuesday. ... ; -. . . . i , SeVorat ladles of. tlio cH4irinnity, 'met hit the home' of Mrs,-, jll. ,,A.. 'liloyor Thursday lor a quilting bee. ' CUASSIFIEO ACVfimiSINQ RATES i ' Ratof Mr word for first 'foMrtlon. 2oi Mmoh ..uee.tdino Intartlon, - lai mtnliniim .aso. Ind.x your adj with For 8lo, f H.ntt-oto., and count thMO wonf a valr at aaoh ln(.tlal( talaphono numliar( ate aa :a word. . Claaalflad ada oath In advanoa and not takan ' ovar onona, unlaia advartlaar haa 'monthly aooounL No allowanoa for dfcona tarrora. HIULP WANTED FteMAIiE WANTBp. ; Womaa ..oron'oyod or hliih Ai'llonl cfli-T -to 'aflHtflt with hoU8wot)k or..room -and bourdJ in private home, mono iiou-A. : 537 W. 10th. " '-'- ttf WANTED S1TCATIOV8 UUSfNKSS WOMAN desires office r- )09ltlon. Competent stcnograph I er. Box 75, Mall Tribune. 9 i.WANTUD Housework; day or ) hour.Phone 1345-X. 11 ;:.' Attention -Turkey Raisers, If you want to raise big, thrifty turkeys, start them with v MUlRPHY'8 VIT-6-RAY' MASH Contains all tho elements essen tial to rapid growth, balanced in he right proportions. Made to make little turkeys and chicks grow, and ii Is getting results.' ' . " ' . . , -. - - Inquire of the local representa tive. . . A.T.LATHROP Central -Point ' Phone 13XXX1 I'M 6ITTIM' WORBIEOi OlNTY-HE b NJEVEF". AT j m2n infi Px.ior.SwviM. Inc.. fir.il Britiin THE; NEBBS Rubbing It In f I5MT THAT THE ORBSS 0RESSIM6 IS A PROBLEM AMOM6ST " : 6OIM& TO GET -VJJELI. . UJUAT OF 1T? SOU HAD MADE FOH? WOUI? fpEOPul f AOaAVeW ) soS NJEVW SOVUMS oO PCETTV IM T-X' : ' ' .OAU6WTEI2 BETSVS RECEPDOJ!5 NOU JUOT CAVUMT THE SAME THAT aD 5EA UOM IS NOLtte A SHAUT1FOU ; : '(. n" 'SKIT MUCH 0-T OF STVLE I . &OVWKJ TVUICE - IT MUST BS MICE. ' 1 ' - ' I OT '60lrJ& TO'MAKG I sw0M AM NOU CAM WEAR , "V ...:- ' BUT 1 SUPPOSE IM A PLACE ; i ' TO LIVE IM A PLACE'WEEE ' '7 ,,, v PEMAEK5 ABOUT MV AWTHIM6i6UT THAT OLD : S'5'06007 KMWSy MOTWlMG MATTE2S AMD A ' 1 BOAEO MO MATTER v A . KlJn t 7 T SAM&. UMIF0I3M FOI2 VEAE5 WEB 2 VEAI?.5.y SUE STILL LOOKS WOUMD "1 I 0 .a ''" ' " (Copyrlilil. ICT. by Th Bell Syndlcaw Inc.") Tidt Mark Reg. Ua. Pal. Qc - , WANfTED MlSCELUAJiEOUS WAITED Improved OroROnlFOH RENT 5-room furnished : ranch or vacant land for half j , apartment; garajro, '!! blocks! ' acre, 'fine new modern 7-room i from library. . W. F, Cumpbell, homo In suburb of L,os AnKelos. 804 JO. Main. (itf 1 tllve.full particulars, dibits &! UitlKfin -flld 'I.-ii-ki. xriiiinnnl Tsiink: Whlttior, Cai. 81 WANTED Small rowboat. Griggs, Phono 903. Call i WANTED To givo 'to somo one 'with rrrtfirl hmnp j .vmi ntr tinllr-n' dog, very Intelligent iind tract- able. - Phone 379-U. Add. 618 South Central. - V : WANTED For month, complete- . ly furnished modern apartment, start April 1 5th. ' TVddvess Box A:ii), Muii Ti-iounc. ,; 12 WANTED Koine Individual parly wno uas turitey eygs. aci. iaa-i WANTED Invnlids, convulcsccnls or ageu people 10 care loiv uom "lietent nurse. Results. ' Tel. 1282 WA-NTKD V- Private loan- $-1,750., .v one ,yeari 10 ; good security. .j'osioiiico ijox 023, - Alcurord. WANTED 2nd hand goods & junk -ars, louo i-runo. Tel.,-&47-L,. WANTED Private loan -of $3,000 -on 510,000 property -for 3 yoars. UOX UT, Tribune. WA-NTEDr Invalids and aged peo pie to care -for. Nurse in at ' tendance. P. O. Box 959, Me.d- iord. , - 29 FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING . ROOMS FOR RENT 1 housekeeping room. modern.' - 346 N.-lJurtlott. -I'liono- 753-M. 4tt . FOR REN1 HOtJSES JTOK RENT "Modern 4 - room house, wired for electric range, water heater, largo s 1 c o p I u g porch. ,28, water paid. '907 No. -Riverside. 8 FOR RENT 4-room furnished nouse, air now. . .205 Grant St A-shland. 7 FOR .RENT 4 - room mnrlnrn nousc, garage. l--liono &oa-Y. 10. FOR-RENT Homes. Furnished or .unfurnished. Brown & White. ; .. : -. 47tf FOR RENT O-room 'house. :-woll lurnisnea, near high school. Tel. 1U4Z-W. FOR 'RENT 6-robm house. In quire llungalow Store. Phono 480-H. . 361tf FOR -RENT Lower floor of house at 307 N. ay -St. - Four rooms, completely furnished; bath and garage. Apply at 836 N. Ivy St.' for key. tf MIKf.KliliANEOTJB lot srE'Dp 'Voirn-riAi'uiis-o and save you money. Hawley Trans fer, 619 N. Klv. ,Ph.a044--X. 37 WE CARE FOR old people and invauus. uonvaioscent and Rpst Home, Ashland. 34Stf tFOR EXCDANGK TRADE Building iois in Ashland,1 near .purK, lor equity In small 'house. 153 Granite St. 346tf IlOSlr LOST -OR STOLEN Hawthorn ' ' f lyor blcvclc, blue ,and white." Liberal reward for Information. . Phono 262-W. ' itf High Pressnre :- CarWaihing ? ; ,nd - Steam Cleaning Paint Stripping, .simonlzing and Polishing Armstrong Motors, Inc. Phone IB 101 Bo.fllverildi ABOUT MI'S riirht rewrvwj. FOR REN1 APARTMENTS -! ! FOlt RKNT - Furnished front I D MTl'?". 1 MORLIIM'. 1)IJ)T- . . .. I i . -N ' 1 (ST I . T I V jy.UFk BErftRt iir I H-i . . m rX V--, 5 U . WONDERS- apt.; bath and garage. ,604 W.iFOH SALE Jersey milk cow, 505, FOR RKNT Furn. 2-rm, apts.; (Private-'' bath, -electric .ranKe, hot and cold water. Phono la. 21tf FOR RENT ; Furnished apart-. .ments. . Phonf 452-H. 294tf , 2 ,.rmj .apts.! fBarago. 604 AV. 10th. . ;' ' - ' i65tt DBtiroirPFUL furnished a p a r t- .v.ment; garage, every modern convenience.- 922 ,S. . Oakdalc Ave. .'-'.'' SGOtt-" FOR RETTT-FUfniSlied a'pK'Wf. 'V. "';i'othV- ' '; .-.--v-.j: z6ia FOR RENT Furnished apart iments, $16 and 430 month. 344 3. -Gentral.- .,,-,:..' '840tf FOR . RENT TWO 1006 W. Main. i-robm apts. 338tf FOR RENtT-FtlUNlSnWI) . ' "ROOMS FOR RENT Nicely, furnished sleeping rooms, '.good 'residence 1- district: garage' 004 S. Holly. 15 FOR-RENT ,.;with heat, - Ave. -Nice sleeping rooms 326 South Riverside '-' 5tf FOR "IlENT 'Choice room with sleeping porch. 706 S. Oakdalo. Phone 760-X. , -: 6 FOR RENT Comfortitblo .room in , ,prlvate hoitie, ,tWo blocks from park, 222 S. Holly St. ., 10 - .-i ROOMS TO RENT Close in; new house, new furnishings, largo light rooms: breakfast if desired. 404 8, Grape. Tol. 1136. 0 FOR RENT -Rooms $2 week. 445 344tf S. Front. FOR RENT Pleasant room, with ooaroat 11 0 E. Main. 332tf FOR RENT SnSCICL'iANEOUS FOR ItENT July ,1, .store build ing, 323 E; Main. '. ' ' 9 FOR RENT -Bachelor cabin. 4 46 3601 f S. Front.- FOR SALE RABBITS FOR SALE White rabbits for LasterJ Phone 653-J-2., -8 FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE Turkey eggs. J20 ner 100. Joe Collins, Central Point, Ore., Rt. 1. ... - 10 FOR SALE Goose eggs. Phone FOR 'SALE 160 yenr-old laylrilt Leghorn pullets, let, 2, Lozior Lane. Mrs. Jeffors. '8 FOR SALE-- -Setting hens. Phono 553-R-2. ' FOR SALE Hatching eggs. Reds. Phone T31-W-2, Mcdford. S27tf CHICKS Square Deal Hatohory. A-,, -main. mDne UIB-I 8 MAMMOTH BRONZE turkey eggs cany liaicning. - Xel. .1054-K. ' ' : '- ' - -3tf IbR -;oAt-E-R. I. ited hatching eggs, Phono 63!)-J-2. 30 FOR ALB Black .Jursoy Glani : simnvg eggs. . c, . I DOVob. ToL Do You Want ,' Lb AN Redden & Co. j eiironton'lftnjroiad lty property. Tt Worth tJer tral. Phone 720. v it1 iau . r,, - t- i . i : r. -w ai xw i .i.issri iii: nujuit ".i i i. - FOR SALE LrvlSSTOCK FOR SALK One matched team horses, aye 4 and II years, weight about 1600 lbs; wagon, harness, somo Implements, . also turkoys I : Phono 4-F-U2, Haijlcl'olnt. 9 Big Anplegate, Lee Benson ranch at Palmer creek. 10 FOR . SALE Ued nigs, ready to wean., W. H. Arnold, R. 1,, Box, ' 31. Phono 623-K-2. lit. FOR SALE 1 good Jersey bull, 2 , years void, A. T; Norris, Jack sonville. :- 12' FOR 'SALE 12 good young owes; D, M. Lowe, Ashland, Ore. Tel; 6-F-2;- 7,. FOR SALE AOMOMOBILE8 n ' " 5-DA T SPECIAT ; .1922 TVPE'DODOE SEDAN . with spare tiro and 1929 : license .: ....$175 i " EAKIN' MOTOR CO. -. -Dodge 'Dealer. -,' il FOlt SALE Ford touring car; new top, new balloon tires ana summer trip. .See' A; C. "Wilson. ,aLL :Economy'Grocetoria. 0 y FOR SALE 1 927 ' WillyS-Knight model 70 sedan. Looks like new: new tires good 'phape mechah-. Icaily. Graham - Paige Garage, 103 So. Riverside. - 12 SANDERSON MOTOR ,CO. . ; Oakland and -Pontlac 'Dealer. ' , Have a niae stock of used cars that arc put in thcbcst of con dition for you. The price is low? cr than tho rest, and G. M. A. C. ' -terms ure-ul -your -disposal. - 11)27 uhovrolo-t Coupe in flno - shape. ' . 1926 Oldsmobilo Coupe. ' This car : has been l-ccondltloncd und is a splendid buy. ' 1926 Essex Coach. Wo put a new motor In this car, Chevrolet Touring, with balloon 1 tires. -" liulck "4" Touring; now paint, otc. Iluick "6" Touring. A real car. Ford Coupe; good rubber, 1029 li cense. Yours tor &o. Chov. Touring, $25. ; Dodge Coupo in splendid' condition, 1350. ,7 THESE ! "BETTER USED CARS" " : ARE THE BEST VALUES ' ! IN SOUTHERN .OREGON ' LOOK THEM OVER , ' I 1 TRY THEM OUT, 5 AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF 1927 BUICK MAS. SEDAN....J117I 1927 BUICK STD. SEDAN;.. 86 1927 BUICK sport 'tour...;. -935 1926 BUICK Std. Tour.. 475 1925 BUICK Std. Sedan '675 1922 BUICK "6" Sedan 275 1928 WHIPPET "6" Coach.... 050 1927 CHRYSLER "70". Sedan 975 1924 PACKARD "0" Sodan.... -676 1926 CHEVROLET Coupe 275 1925 STAR 'Coupe I ; '' 185 1925 STUDEBAKER Duplex.. 475 1 92 DODGE Coupe i 1. 275 1924 OLDSMOBILE Tour 185 1921 FORD Coupe 35 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR LOW PRICES RUY TJOW : - AND SAVE. pSEil 'Ml LOT, 9th and Riverside SCHEKKR MOTOR COMPANY, Your BUICK Dealer. 1 88-40 N. Riverside. - ' ' ' OPEN EVENINGS ! 7 STUDEBAKER SEDAN In por foct condition lnsldo and tint? ; almost':.new -rubber; -mcohdnln-'- i puiit-cu win sacriiice ror f quick sale. Call 76. 365lf FOR BALE Studobakor sedan; ) special six mptor; first-class con 1 dltlon; mochahlcally perfect. Tel. -' 76. ' - 349lf WANTED To Buy for Cash All Your SECOND-HAND FURNITURE Scott Woolf BUSINESS OrrOKTUNlTIES FOR SALE OR TiiADE lO acros; service station, storo, stage office, etc. Inqulro Rogue River Auto -Cainp ov 244J So. Rlversldo, city. ' ' . -9 FOR SALE HOMES FOR SALE 5"-room house; sleop Inir' -norch.. fironlace. beautiful - :shade, shrubbery, lawn, 'largo ;lot.' - Jasy terms, . only . $auu casn. Priced to sell. Phono .1339. :B C. Corn, Montgomery Ward Bldg. PUOPEKTY AT A SACRIFIOE-r Beautiful suburban home, 6'rms, ..bath, breakfast room, glassed in ; porcli, upslalrs storago -room,' t concrete basement, furnace heat, hardwood floors throughout, flre : place, electric .radiators; wlrod ,1'or mnge, gat-age; fine oak shiulo " with 2Vi acros overlooking tho i::vallcy..- An expensive higb-ljlass property.. Pi-ice and terms nr , ranged,! This . is going to sell.' Sec ,tho D. E. Millard Co., 419 'K. Main. " Phono 922: ' ' 11 VANCOUVER ST. HOME BAR GAIN 5 rms, strictly modern, hardwood floorst fireplace and all built-ins; garage, woodshed and basement: assessments all nald. ".To-.be sold , at -a -sacrifice quick. jrnuu aim- ii-iiim quuiuu lo 111- , . .terested iparties. - See the. D. E. 'Millard Co., 419 :E. Main. Phono . 922. - , , 11 FOR SALE Bargain, new modorn 4-aoom---house. -.-Small, payment "down; balance easy terms. Call at 51 .Liberty St. -. 10 FOR SALE House and large Bear creek garden lot. Prlco $1000, on your own terms. Brown & Whlto, 31 No. Fir St. Wo are : -100,-for uticquuto airport: - 357tf FOR -SALE ' Modern 4-room -house; garage, close, in, nearly now, lot 46x100. Money talks. W. E. Rowley, 336 N. Ivy St. tf FOR SALE-REAL ESTATU : BUILDING BUSINESS means the right location. How about site lOOx 115 ft. In block whero fully thrco hundred thousand In build ings -alreudy in? Tho price 'now will look llko a "pick-up" In two ' years more.'- See Holmes? for Homos, Nash Hotel corner. 8 WHEN YOU think of real estate. . see Brown & White. tf FOR SALE-Largo corner build ing 'lot, paved slreet, closo In, between two schools. . Call 720 W. 2nd St. Phono 821-J 8 FOR BALE $2000; 9 miles from Medford; must be sold before April 15; 520 acres, 3 sets build ings, J acres family orchard,: 100 acres plow land. 7. running Streams.- Terms. Wold & Wold, Room i Sparta Bldg. Tel. V'-g- FOR SALE htneo bulldlngj20x 30 fti.'. suitatlo for smal II dwell Ins.. l'hoho U69. Hours 8 ing., l'hoho SIC to f ni.' ' 4 ?!. SEE CHARLES A. mm TO BUY YOUR HOME WANTED ! Mohair, Wool and Pelts. We pay top price. See us before you selL : ; i . : Medford ; Bargain House - , 2 North Grape St. 3-2- FOR SAIjE RBAJLi ESTATE 1 COMPI.KTELY EQUIPPED DAIRY10 acres, 1 miles from Medford; 1 acre grapes, 4 acres bearing pears, 6 acres in grain, good new dairy burn, olec. mulct ing machine and elec. water sys tem, separator, milk route with 80 customers, ford delivery wag orirlO cows and 5 heifers, 1 pure - bred Jersey bull, team, wagon ' land- harness,, all ; implements ' to ' operate place; milk cana, 'bottles, - etc. - present income ?iu a month. P v 1 c o $7,000; i$HO00 down, balance on easy monthly . .payment if desired.; immediate possession Kivon. ! THIS AUO20'nc res i o f al Mlf a adjoining, good stun a, good for .150 tonH this year;, rich soil; big aiay'barn, hay scales, "mowcr.ttna ruke. Prico for this fine 20, $G,ri00; only $500 cash and bal ance long tlnm at 0 interest. THE D, 10, MIKLAUD fj 41!) .E. Main. 3 ATTENTION 1 Acres, 4 miles frdm Medford, nil in fruit; house, 'barn, '6hfcUcn equipment, city water, electric ity; u dandy little farm, $3500, to trade for a good Medford home. - . : 3H Acres strawberrieBUBmall bulldi ings; fenced -woven vire, Med fold dlLch. "fine soil, Cloao in, $1500, good terms. . 5-Room '-modern house; corner lot on pavement, all improvements paid. This is our best. house buy at $2600; somo terms; r 3 Acros alfrtlfa,-Pacific highway; best soil in valley, no improve ments; $150 cash, bal, 5 years. A.vnte for the' new nirport wilt add to the values, spirit,, progress of .the Rogue Itlver -valley, .In .tho r.nicantimn -see tiieso properties; they arc money makers. . WAKNOOK & HHMLLEY, 44 N. Riverside. I'hono liiGZ. - u ;--- FORJNT OK BALE All or part 509 and Gil Hamilton 8t., with 4 adjoining lots, under; chlckori fence; good garden land. Bee Ben Oeary, 511 Hamilton st, 7 FOR HALE Small darry ranchj fully equipped and stocked with oxccllont cows. Near Medford. j This place can bo -bought right If taken Boon. K Gt , care Mall Tribune. , ( ,tf FOlt SALE 4 aoroR on highway; paid-up water, modern house, .garage, chicken house, barn. In qglro John C. Thorson, Rt. 2, Iteall Lane, Medford. 1 "" 1 JOR SALE A spjendl(k ranch on good school on an excellent road. The ranch will carry a good a" dalrjrhord And a flock of sheep, etc. Abundance of wator, alfalfa, ' grain, pasture and woodland. Wo boliovo this Is one of tho-moHt at tractive stock and dairy mnonos 'in this valley. Rrown & "White. Realtors, 31 North Fir St. 348tf VOll 8AY;lr-MIfJCEIiLANEOUS FOR SALE 14 price, new electric range; also sewing machine- 255 Orant, Ashland. - - . 7, BUNGALOW MODEL PIANO New, slightly -damaged In ship ment, Rig reduction In prlco. Phono 726. . g OXALI.fdr border plant.'- 311 So. Pouch. s - , ; ., 12, FOR HALrj-:hf)Cikrow corn plant er, practically now. Tol. 13!8-It. - " ' J 0 WANTED: We Buy for Cash All Used Furniture and Stoves : :.:.)' Call 505,".' j -' W.: A,. KINNEY " - Furniture House 315 East Main -THE ACS. OP WONDERS By SOL HESS FOR SALE MJSCtajTjANEOUS FOR SALE Princess kitchen cabi net, Hkeiriow. ahono-316. 1 8 FOR SALE Adding machine, safe, cases su itable if or pipo fitting re . pairs. Tel. 920." - : 9 lJOTATOJ2S FOR SALE Saturday, March 30, Klnmuth Notted Gems, 80 contsiper 100. Only few .left. -C. & 13. Fi-ult Co. . 1 FOlt SALE Cow trailer, cheap. Frnzlor's Blacjcsmlth shop. - 7' FOR SALE OR . jMiwer -wushr. TRAUK Hand- w. 03. Downs, ',' - - .- -. .. 7: FOR SALE Used sowing ma chineq: all makes, up; terms if UOKired.. AU makcj routed and repaired. Whlto Sowlni; Machlno Co., :24 North Bartlett. ! 1 lit- FOR HA LIU -la-lriclt IJOrty ouk wood, $3 per tier at l-nnch, C. C. Hoover, Phono 007-R-2. tf- l)ODY PINE, 10-ln,, t3.50 tier; body pine, 12-ln., $3 tlor. Valley Fuol Go. Phono 78. i FOR SAIJ2 Showcase and Nation-' nl cash register. "West Side Vari ety Store, 222 W. Main. 9- FOR SALE Oregon -improved everbearing inspected strawberry plants, $1.00 per 100 1 pne mile west of .S. Oukdale on' Stewart Ave. C. Howry. . - 9: FOR SALE The "Rosalia" line of uniforms, smooks, business and house drosses, tailored to your, measure,, in white and colors, cot ton, linen, pongee and tub silk; ;.. men's uniforms also for office and hospital use. AH garments -launder beautifully nnfl -do 'not' shrink. . MxcIuhIvo agency for southern -Oregon for "(11 it. Suumes gui-ments. Call 9G4-L. - : . v'. .!' ' ' '' ' - 8-' FOR SALE no John Deoro-cbrn pluntor, 1 John Reero 10-lnch . (tang. plow; both nearly now. Tel. CU1-J-2, - . 4t FOR SALE Walnut console Bruns wick phonograph, vory cheap. Call 722. . . 8C7tf- FOR SALH Pago tlold fence, . yard fonco, gates, netting all kinds; . cedar arid stoel fonco .: posts. - Complete lion of fonce material. "Wo .build foncos." Caddis & Dixon, Phono 268. 370- FOR 8AL1-:! Heed potatoes, Quick Lunch, Ka, of All, Eu. Hunrlso, Ea. Ohio and Bliss Triumphs, Monarch Seod Co. tf FOR SALE For sand and gravel, sediment and genoral teaming, Tel. 912-J, BamT'l Batoman. tf- BUSINESS DIRECTORY .Attorney nt Xavr W. R. OAYLORD, Attorney at Law, i-uuiry i-uuiio, - iza jast junm Street. ' 881 Tyo Snoclniutt. DR T. DK LA IIHUE Eyeslitht Hpoclallst, Eyes o-x a m 1 n 0 d, glasses fitted. 1 Sulto 404 Medford Bldg. Phono 1329. Exclusively optical. ar.Stf DR. -D. A'. CITAMBERS, Optome trist. ' Eyoj oxamlnod. Glasses fittod. H17 Medford Bldg. Tol. 188. 862tf- Radio Service. RADIO -BERVIOB on any make radio. H. O. Pitrucker, 22 South Grupe Stroot. Off Ice Phone 336; Res, 1442. til Signs. AllTCHAFT BIO NT SERVICE signs of all kinds, on glass, wood '.. or motnl. Phono 1187. 114 N. Frtrnt St. "We nro not super stitious, but wo beliovo In signs." Spraylnj TREES. SHRUBS and Roses nray. ed by- experts; also whitewash ' lnsldo' or outside Woodsheds, barns and garages. ; Mo .order "too small. Phono 664. 8G4tf- -Sand and Gravel C. A. HARTLEY Sand and travel plant. Cleaned, washed sand - ttntl .Rmvl; crushe.1 rnvnl, -nil slri-s, i'lione jiluut, 1203 or nfflrc W7. . .. .. .. .. tttf MURRAY ABSTRACT CO, Jlb stracts of Title, Title Insuran-a, Rooms and 5, No. Ifl iNoidl Central Ave., upstairs. - JACKSOV CO. ABSTRACT CO. ' Abstracts of T-'H and Title llnsur anco. Tlie- oj complete! Tim, System In Joe son County, r . I Chtroprartlq Fhyaldana DR. B. W. HOFFMAN .Chlroj- practlc Nerve bpociii, -""'-7 hours 9 to 12; 2 to 6. J-J04 Itlberty Bldg. Office phone M0; Res. pnone ijv-n. DR. iEIVlND Mi NEL8ON Chiro. .praetor. Bpecino ;uirarw adjustments given at t29JNotH Riverside. Office hours: :ld te 7:30 p. m. ---.' ; ; ' Contractors ' R. -I. STUART - - SONS General Contraotors, i n c 1 u S i n g bae ' ments, ditches, -U Ulnae :ot cement and concrete vrork.-R. I. t Btuaft, 217 Apple, -phone -41; , Gilbert Stuart, 17; . Rose Court, -.-phane 966-M. Miles Stuart M S. Newtown, phono 860. ': Dentist. . DR.-F. O. BUNGH, Dentist, ;roora !31B Medford Central Bldg. ! TeJL. Office .1443; ' residence 1231-X. i Export Accountant VILSON AUDITING CO.E. "M. Wilson, C. P. A. Attention -given to -anything in accounting and . Income Tax Requirements. Look into our simplified accounting method. Liberty Bldg., . Medford. Phone 157-R. ; A. -ORIN SCHENCK AcCOUnWttt and auditor. 'Systems Installed. Income tax specialist. -410 Mad ford Building. Phone 328. ' PPAZIER ACCOUNTING SERV ICE W. A. Frazien'-PubHo Ac countant. 'Machlno bookkeeping, ' Income tax service,, audits and in- -stallatlons. 202 Liberty Bid. 'Phones 1169 and 606. Financial T(VE LEND MONEY to ' worth ipeople to pay their honest debt.. : 'Paclflo Coast Credit Association, ' 423 Medford Bldg., Medford, Ore. Freight -Transportation ' - PIERCE TRUCKING CO.,, Med ford to Portland and San Fran , .Cisco. -Furniture moving a epeav laity. Phone 65 or 437-R-i. 1 LONG DISTANCE HAULING:' Medford - Klamath truck line. ' Daily service. Bonded carriers. Special rates on load lots. AUte) . FrelBht terminal, 36 8. Fir. (Tel 1033. V I , CALL Portland-Medtord-Truck Lino for through or Intermediate point service. Slxteen-hour eer i vice to and from Portland. IPhone : 669,' Medford, Auto freight Va mlnal at 36 S. Fir, Medford. ' . Interior Decorator INTERIOR DECORATING paint. Vlnsvpaperhanglng and floor vino "', Ing.-'Frcd Gardner. Phone 'ftMa ' W-2." r'6h. Perrydalo, Jockaohi vlllo Highway. ' 1 Money to Loan MONEY TO LEND To wohJ people:to pay their honest debts Securities of -all kinds accepted Jennings Loan Office, 6 B. -Front MONEY TO LEND J50lto'2l to loan on furniture or good se. , curity of most. any kind.! EigM per cent loans on city property, r -Thomas Realty' Co., Ro)om.!lH Palm Block, cor Main nnd( Front upstairs. i Lone; "Ame' Real Estate -MoTtgago 'Ixmns ' Phone ISM Commercial Finance (Corp. -Medford, -Oregon Do TTou "Need Money? Wo ':mtko -short time 'loam. - Transactions striotly confidential. 317 Llborty-Bldg. .Phone 676-R. H. H. Banister, H. C. Christneri- Monuments THE 'OREGON GRANITE CO. ' Moriumonts; . !E. A. Hicks, Gea 'eral Manager; P. M. Kershaw Sales Manager, 802 N. Front 81., Mod ford. J if.- Mnslo ' .1 THORVA'L If.' FOLKilNBERO.-i--Teacher , of 'vlollnt orchestra prnctlco for students; also a de partment -for adjusting (and re pairing violins. If jyou fdesire -a reliable violin outfit, call at the studio, room 4, College Bldg,; II . N. Grape. St. Phono 269-J. .:) Painting and Paterhnnglng ' ' II. MARX,' General Painting Con tractor, -tinting, paperhanftlng, carpentering, repairing, Paone 178-J. Res. 67 Summit. ,! Plnno Instruction; FRED ALTON.:i!AIOHT Teaoher of Piano and Harmony?, Hnlght Musio Studio, tie Llbefiy Bldg., Phono 72. 169tf 'Plumbing. PLUMBING, -IIHATING-iMaterlaJ and service, Hawk, tho Pluniber, 24 So. Grape. Phono 687. 180 Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING- CO, Has the best equipped printing office In Southern- Oregon. Bookblnu in?, loose loaf ledger!, billing : systems, etc. Portland price. S7 N. Fir St. t T .i-.-i: Ilaillo Repairing RADIO REPAIRING The Mutlo Box, 402 Kast Main Kt., Phone 433, has an. expert radla tech trlclan from the factory. We make a spocialty of expert repair wtfrk and guarantee it. 8peelol consideration to dealers. ; ; t - Transfer EAD8 TRANSFER 4 StTORAGal uu ornce in n Fir it. Phone 815. Prices Right. Br vlce guaranteed. ' , JDAV1S TRANSFER A STORAOB oerviijfj Kueranieea. XO S, urse ni.r t-none or residence l9, -Window MOT (IIOOIHUO 11(1 IT Phoe. H7f 6