KTOE BIX "'MEmOULKMAlh 'L'UlijUNK MUDJj'OUJJ, (WEUUN, MnilU,-MAltUl 'I3-T3zr - ElOEAVOR PLANS wise lEiG ID UNtASTER MORN ED HilHl CRATER BOOSTING J.) ' ' .'V "J .. wih: thd ihcnlnfl-fof ngonorpl mooting wilTi cnmfrilfcnMn Tho itirl school nobcl (Contributed, . ' An Easter sunrise mQettncr bo conducted on Easter- Sunday P'amtlonV for, the "Cra rrtophln- at T, undo the auspices of tho Crater Lake. Christian pn- 1 TRIP BY ASHLAND ROTARY AifERslis; , LARGE TURN-OUT ' -;j M, , ;, , , , . iosiu, ui ; MarcK.jsa.-r WhcB-tHo. Advertising club . of i iSneclnli-i-A'shland nSti.nn - PoriUuM s'eihdsilts delegation to the l imited; thtelK blrtUday; 'anniversary Pacific: Advertising Clubs' assocla-1 Thursday night when they were t: tlerivor union.' K the weather per mltH tho meeting will bo hold on ttho Under hill, Just south of Phoe- nx,-. If vtho weather, is Inclement thV meeting iwill be hold In the Presbyterian church nt Phoenix. - ' All Christian Kndeuvor societies J of 'Ashland.- Hut.'-' Falls, 'Central Point.' Isnglo Point,- Jacksonville, Medford: Phoenix and Sams Valley nro uniting In this sorvlco, well under way. This year's an-1 - , convention ww cu, hiinr fiMnha '... 'Ki... nk,,il"l'Xt, June. It will make uvlntfon better, than' nil preceding Issues i l?lhtoi-y--for the world and will use a, literary motive. hosts at the Masonic temple to their wives, officers of other serv ice clubs and -Hotui'lnns and their .- The :hooksiwlll -:cost, approxi mately., J1700 to publish, , and the expense will be. covered . by ; solos The eltiti'd directors, at a dinner nicotine at wives rrom Maurord, uranlB Pass Ihb-Congre hotel, Voted to send ?nd Klamath. Kails. A sumptuous the. entire group by 'alr:' ... . banquet was served in the banquet Provision Is hotne . -mudo .ttnM iiwhoiw- who iV7 Y covered .by .sales . at ionst 36 persons Nino were 8fiBte1 t Ions tables, rurtning at i.r,0 ouch; sale .n advertising n"i,r , ?'' ?" P ' s"s-' . '" the length of me- room, at right space aild tho sal dividual clubs in tfie. school, i , ,. pmnes nave noen spoken for. wt.it ,' , , L space to in- .... . . tanelos to the nnenl:oiH'. n i o:u, iavu v;ufiLwiii i i itnnjiui l coiiiiiitny ot-i ,, ,... -, , . - - MOVE PRISONERS l PAUL FARRIN6T0N NlIilOliBRiLliANPll p COPK CpUNTYl PASSES ISALEM It may concern: In the name 01 ine omm i von. and eacn o you. a speaker has boon assigned to each ficlabvwho are co-opornting In the of tho 17 borne rooms In tho high mov'' already havo laid plans for Dhnr.r ..u i. u more nlanos. if needed. . t e . Have asked the young poo-1 frnm (no ,UHS ., wU,..d0vOto,. It will be, says William P. Merry. 4 nlo's societies in the Methodist and IlaptlsC churches of Medford and J AShloitd- to.- 5oln-with u In this ervlcc and hyo received ,an- almost- . unanimous- response , from them that they would he more than willing to Join with us in this wnr- the Kties; of honor were' seated ,A, W: ftroori, retiring president of Iiotary, presided over the ban quet. Tho table program included an offering, from each of the visit ing delegations, and were' all Jolly numbers Interspersed with musical hlp hour on Easter Sunday morn-1 under, the direction few i minutes mwrvv marninv in cha rmah .of. the "On-to-Oakland" boontinir thA map l.nok , i.v.,,n hnn,i committee, the flr.st time in the salesmen huvo also been appoint h'?1 ;0' the world that an entire mlmuei.s . by tn6 jazz orclleslra ea, one td, each class, with, fivo service club delegation will tako trom Klamath' Falls,...., : . . assisianis euen. They iviil . make ' "" .' """" ,. After, the table program was fin- advance sales of the book;, u-: I v!!''on-! ' ' v.--,jjBhe(1 tll(, guests Were invlte'd Ho i-litns. inr .1110 1 200 Ing, i We Are- eiipcctlng at least ''young-peoplo to be presont. - '. The meeting will be conducted " by 'Ellen raiwrenco of Aslilnnd, who la, tho prayer meeting supcrlntend nt of tho union.-; The -song servico . ,. wlllibo eonduclod by Marmlo Olson I. , of tho Medford Christian ohurch. ' " Hpeelal 1 music by. Mndeavorors . of 1 the ' different ehumhos will Io en Jbyert: The address will ho. dellv '' ered by the' pastor of the Ashland - Methodlst'eliurch. k, ' An. Easter sunrise meeting was held last year, and was ft very pro-w'-nbunoed suece ji,' nnd duo ! to the . foct' (hat 'tho spirit of Christian '-, Endeavor ts-grnsplng more young people and that tlie success'of last i J year's meeting has reached Ihe ears " ' of many, an even belter meeting Is "" looked for this year with n largeu : nUendnnce.-, AH yo'ung'penple and ull others who can are Invited and r., urged to attend this servleo at 7 .: o'clock Sunday morning. , "....& oampalgn are 1 ' -" Wo are looking forward eagerly nn evening of dancing ifi the audi. of Ed Gould, " - Baiuraay nnernoon, June in," torlum. A charming iSolo dance by business " inai is me clay we leave Miss Blanch McLain was the fea- it .No Cliic to Kumpa Flro ,,' . HAMBUnOi Germany March 29 -H) The Hamburg police who Kayo . beoii :invostlgating tho fire .aboard - tho.' . steamship - Europa, '' have been 'unable? to discover any ..clewH Indicating malicious incen 'illa'risin but hre cpnllnulhg their liiveKtlgatioh ns to whether it was l-nused through neftllgence. editor, and llerl Harrell, manager, both of whom have 'been tor uakiana, wnero mo convention ture of the evening .lust before devoting considerable time to the ls 10 be held Juno 10 to 19, in- the' banquet, hour the high school project. , The hook will be printed elusive. "orchestra clayed a program of sev- )y 'the- Medford Printing torn- '' ""We expect to havo a wonderful oral numbers under the direction pony -and tho engraving wlll.be 'rip aloft, but wo expect to do more of Ward V. Croft. done by tho HIcks-ChnpmaTi com- Ihun that obtain national public-i v 1 ', ! ' pany of; Portland,' while all pho- Ity .of Inestimable benefit for Port-1 Levorett Davis, who in employed ton . are being furnished by the land, organized advertising' and on an engineering project near Shangle: studio. ; - modern air travel. "o believe it Bellingham, Wash.;, and who rls at speaks volumes ror tno safety and icoiit vmuiiig. wiin nia ramiiy.on practicability of nir travel as now fairview street,, spoke Thursday offered' by Went.Coaaj! Air Transr afternoon before the high school port company ami similar oi'Kunlza- Msemhly on - the - engineering pro- lions, when a group :as largo, as the ""' i bsiioiiu . wim cmpnasis on Adyortisinp cluh-r-flnd us unnophis licatod, noronautlcuUy speaking rtoclitea to f?o tho" vloud routo fn the mjssibiHties vlri mlnintr- .unel neeiinp ftud lBto on the opportuni ties offered to youth injivlatlon. . -.) ! Oregon Weather, . Hy- Oenfiially ifuir toniKhf. mul Sdtur day. but UDHetllBd northwest to rilgljU ; Heavy frosts In interior to. s-.-otftlii..". Albilerate ; north west erly WlndH on coAhU -v- ; ;Kiitttnr morii'Iof?.; Wnrrhi 31",. ith'k riniv, ufjepoet - to Till1 tKoIrVftnw milldlnjr ndjolnihtr tho C'hriHtliin cjiurnh at that placo. 1 1 . Ijtmt Sunday was , tho . o'nehtrift duy rnnd tho Indies were Invited for lio 'firnt' session. There were, approxlniately 75 . in -attendance.1 Ray Heiidei-Bon led the sons: ser vice vIth mihh .Gregory at .the piano, ii Next Sunday tho ladles will not be present hrtd the men are working for a, full house. ' The' -'fuibject . for discussion , is "Tho --.BlffffeBt-j Fool In Cendw.1 Point." Mr. SCeliey, wh6 la teoh or of the nlaHH, miyn this cIohs can -do much in cenlerinff dtten Uon and imprest; on and in Cen tral I'olnt, us well uh tho (rood mnru nt'rMon.s woro'enrrlod bv Plnno hetwoen' l.o j:tlunf find pan Krun- eiscf' last year death or injury than were carried from Paris to- London over the English .channel,; - "The Advertising club, endeavor ing 'to -use tho most modern tools to solve modern problems, has vot ed to 'do It- hy air' and by ah we pro!""','; -' - , Arrangements for, tho cn'ravan were made directly by Charles V. fcaktn,' president arid -Keneral m'tin atjer of the "West Coast Air Trans port company, Pillock block.' . ".We' .have received wonderful consideration and- eo-onoratlon from- Mr. Jiakln antf his coniiiany the-men derive from .the fialhei: ings. ; Kvery man not otherwise oiiRfiKOd is iii'Kud to ; be present ut '10 :a. m. .next Sunday. ( HALL AINt COMPANY 467 E. Irtalii - Phone 937-R ... Thoufili yrtui ho'ijic may, be expensively constructed I i'i ff the Ixjst ihatoiPflj. Pttift-Ky.'.tjie' fiutjst buildfefe, it , may KiiJi mcic Romctning '.,.-;, it is-the surface that ihbets-tlic' eyd. . Unless.' voiir. hyjiie is protected and :!-l.::::lifcii.;.i.' i.. , ii iicuiitiiicii u,v.kh)u nm woriv you are neglecting the l niOiit important' point olt' 'appoaraiioe.i Paint is ntt only heatitifying hut cconomic-nl ; v ; . It will protect your home against time and weatheiv ) ' J - Ask Us About Your Next Job . Nothing But the Best of , ; U . MateriaU and Workmen Used ' T II if WAY TO BEAU tift L IIOSlES Paint '.your. into thn I nit I sen luma red trimmed ( with Cool green ind a tile a roof make this house as ' much a part of the land scape &s are the encroach ing cactus and distant ; purple hills. This is but . one of tho color sugges tions shown on the B-H Exterior C61or Harmony .- Selector.,' , iv , Mail up of thtdci of B-H brand Prepared Paint and SnictoCoatinicMhe Selector automatically ihow harnio ..' oioufcolortchcmesffircom. , plete exteriori. . .. . .'. t Send our name and 10 cents to Hass-Hueter for the Selec tor and lt colorful' comnan ion bookie, "Harmonious , Kxteriors". Then sec us for your paints. , , y . BASS-HUETER PAINT CO. 11 to-Sileet.SaA ftncUcA . cirritlton Hume Beujul Dept. Bndoltdll toc(ltlimrircinlfir the BH Cilor llftiinony Selector unit booklet "Harmonioui E&ter iurt" rcaubrly 2tc etch. My nitna-.. My addreii ... Mydeilerifttme- NOTB : I hive in mitid pilntlni a lucco U. wood Ui htlf timber 17' , ihlnalttQ houtv -nAS&'iltJETEE nw..rnM. i.. nW-;..(,.... particularly. as. annlled tn tiiA n. travel." ; ' I s'leerlng pronjssionH. -? t'Ms Inter- -V"W.n ' iiiveWtlButcfl-aitf found tht estlftg, aad , lielprul. talk wao tile IlUn UtUill KlVt'Il III II epurKe offered by the lilsh Hcliool wholly without r"1"!"" "uiniiiK. . .,., It .! hoped that, studenlit may re ceive , enough inforiifation on dil' . ferent linen of work to help them I in making decisions on their choice of life work. i Miss Ethyl Marks of the high school faculty, who left for her home in Hosehitrg about a month ago on account of illness, will not return to Her duties this year- Her Place will be filled by Mrs. H. C Oaley: - ,- . ..... ,: , Charles Walter, son of Mr. itud Mrs. W: P. Walter.' - has becii for tne imst i days with an attack of measles.-' ' , .- Miss Sue Morse, a Junior lilgli school teacher, was called to her homo lit -'Portland-, on Wadrfestinv on acount of tho death of her aunt She expects to return to-her work early In the week. Mrs. O. n. Moffot is tnking Miss Morse's place (luring her absence i -Albert Myers.. a-former machine operator at tho.Vinlng theatre; has returned from Oregon City, whem he has accepted - a position "wjili the Liberty theatre. After prepar ing bis household effects for ship ment, Mr,, Myers . will return 'to Oregon City will) his wife and their young son, ... . .! . . Mrs. Hamona Wise Robertson, has returned to her home in Portland after spending some, time visiting with! -hoi' mother. . Mrs., l telle Scliwelii, and with her sisters, the Misses Warida Schwem and Rosa lind Wiso'. . . ., v 1 In tills, our initial and outstand lug air venture," Oi-cgonlun. said Mr; Merry, CONVICTS FLEE ROAD ,CAl . CHttJbi-.Cal.. March 29. Pi Fourtco'nvIct,escfiped from road camp No. 17 on the new North Pork highway, 35 miles erfst of here, last night. Aimed posses were searching the countryside. Tho osenned -convicts Ill'o Francis Wooster, Marlon Conlcy, burglars; J. II. McCumber and Lloyd Wll kliiB, serving terms lor violation of the motor vehicle act. Franks Comedians J . to Repeat Comedy Tri response- to reo'Ut'Sfsi iliu'cnm cdy, "Tho -whole Uamm Family," will he repented1 by Franks Conle!- dlans for one performance only, suntiay night, March 31. It deals with a family 'of the present day, struggling along, ham peretl by n young man who mnr rlrw into tho fnnilly with Idens to improvo eondilloi'iR for all of them but never puts thorn into action; ThinfcH continue nlonff until eon (lltlons bceomo unhenrnblev, when iinnny too young man proves that nia Idens are really worth while. Sunday night will nlso bo bar gain .olght. i. 1 . Radio Y rogram KMED . Mall Tribune-Virgin Station na urn -!' About: five? imotit'hs nod; ' appendiffis I. did .nocgaln strcngtU enough to be up and about; My mother and Sfster advised mc to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. I have taken five bottles and It has helped me to get strong so I can do my own housework now. 1 have recom mended ,it , to' Several friends who hfive been weak and run down." Mrs. Oscar Ottum. Box 474, Thief Riitr Falls, Minn. mm vmm .' i itai., vt f ' v. ; i..,vm.-h V.':-;'-K'.'v-,'jj.'..i- - tr-r':;:A:. . '; ".z . - 228.9 Metersl310 Itc. Friday Evening, March 29. r. m. ., 0:16 to 6:30Mqdfori Mail Tribune, news and market reports. .. . G:30 to 7 Hand Box Hat Shop. , , , . s to SrO.i Frost Broadcast by . Floyd Young. , :!.,. . - . - Sins to 10:05 Airport Bond Kloction program. Phono questions, to 306 to be an- Swered over tho air. Saturdays March 80. A. M. .- . .-. 4, '9:30 to 10 White King Soap V .1.0, 4. 10 to 11 People's Electric Store. . 11, to 31:30 Beebo & Kindle SorVIco Stations. ,- - 11:30 to 12 Kconomy Groce- terln, 15d nihns. ' 4. 12 to 12:05 Mnll Tribune, news reports, 1 P. M. - 12:05 to 12:85 'Electrle Wlr- lng Co. - ,12:85 to l:S5--Wllham SUper- Service Station. 0:15 to 6:30 Medford Mall t Trlbuno, n6ws and market , reports. , . .- Sunday. March ai. 8 to 8 p. m. Valley Radio - church: -.- S to 10 Airport radio forum. . - Music, . Alford's orchestra, ,v -8.11 or t.:;tnlks. ..Everybody . ; should tune in.V ;;. . . . ' ', . ..... .1 OWN CLUB 10 HOLD Tho Medford Gnrdrn chin will hold n. plant 'nnrl nnlhnlo at the Puhllo Market' Salurtfay. Tnnrnlmr. All persons having bubs and plants to donate nro asked 1o please bring them as .soon after & n; m. ns pos sible, cull Mrs. Semon, 1 64-11. It. Unable to briiiR in donations. There wIH he iituih 1h.iii4. mai of-the-vnlley, tonK-spurred coluni hlno, swet't-williams, Michaelmas daisies, liadllns,' some shrubs, ninny bullis and a nl6 variety icr c'lioose from. Proceeds to go towards tho oxpenseg ot the annual flower show. ., CHICACO, 11L, March; 20. 0P) Tbjii was laoyliip dajl for- 150b 'pris oners 'In' the'Cobk cu'nty jhiV ' . At ..sunrise police and deputy sheriffs' began the -transfer of the hundreds of prisoners from the' old prison ! Austin and i llearbbrn streets' to 'the' new county jjjall on the southwest side at West 2Cth street and South California - ave nue. r;: 1 M I ' ' - ' ' 1 ' ;i The p'ilsoners;word moved ui'lO pnMeoser Ibises' 'and the streets lliey traveled were lined with 500 policemen stationed at all street intersections. The buses ' moved through thS police lines' with' de tective bureau squads and motor cycle 'iidlicenien drmeS -with shot guns in front and at tho rear. . .l ford, Oregon, and to Acme Motor i Company. Klamath Falls. Oreiron. hnl tO ,hnmt'., It mo .nnnaxn. Innnt .J .-. In tho-name of the State of ore- hereby notified and WU) take Jiotke, I son: You and ouch of you. are that the following described per- nnrnnu. nnttria.i nnri ...ill i.b. Rnnai ijronoiij'. " - - . ! lice mac tne toiioa I personal property. t( I i iiiiunuu ,-ieuu , nearing License io. . - t. i ' : 187-007. for ihn vont- loss, motor! rial No. - , was seised by .the 1i'o. 47S383, serial No, ,, was sheriff of Jackson Coim y oregont ifelzcd. by the sheriff or Juikson , on the first (lay of 'S'V, 18 J. ! pounty, Oregon, oh the 1st day of J at about the hour of 5:00 o clock .March, i2!i. at about tho hour of! l: m. of said day, in tho County of , r.:0fi o'tl,.b n r.r ..i.i ,i.. in , .I.lcKfldn.' riluie or urfsuii, 111 "wing desTriSed C6u k'.Ca'iifoKlri Temporary. Per to-wlf T 1927 of Hegisterad Dealer No ,.107.4 ring UcenV No. . !. the e.s f SALEM. Ore. ,Mar. 2 Paul Payton FarriitRtbnl brilliant newspaperman; was found dead in ;.sessloiv. siiul custody of said sheriff I 01. jacKsnn t.-ounty the Oounty of Jnck;:on, State of 1 vicinity of tho Clreen spring uregon.. In the vlcliiltv of tho rireon : lion in suiu i-uumv, '" . T Miulrig Junction in-sold -cbuntv: ! f.'oupe ever since luis Jaeen, una now that .said Hudson Sedan ever since (.lias beeii'(and noy is, In the pos- EASTER CANTATA FOR j Tl auartpt of the T?resb'ytorIan church ': has 1 be,eh working- for weeks 6ri a 'beautiful Easter can tata, which will be given in coir nection with the regular Sunday morning:, servico at 11 a, m, ' Music lovers of the city are Invited. Tho cantata Is entitled "The .Crdss vic torious" by Demarest.. It has four prtrtfl namely, . "Accepted,"- 'He Jfletod," , "The Savior's I'loa'V .anfl "Exalted. -'; 'Phe following are the singers and musicians: Florence Hazel rlpg MaElhoso, soprano; Edna EI fort Inaflcs, contralto; A. j.. Mac- Donongh, tenor and Br;. W. W. Howard. Imsy. with V. Cnflotoii Janes on the violin land Miss Rose Aiken, cello and Kva JTazelrlgg MarHh. organist. Thff :i'onctrts at the PrtishYte-i-Jan church havo always drawn1 largo audiences so every ono who attends Is urged to; bo in '.their senrs promptly at 11 a. m. bed In his room at th Y. ..M. ,C. A. yosterrlny 'aft'Hi noon.' , Death isrb-1 licvodto have- been- due to. hatu)l causes uperliiduc4Hl 'y;t' hervous breakdown. , : ' i ; Fai-rlngton, w,ns. a ,nativc!..of,.Ku7 gene. , io had -been; employed by. nnwHpaiiers In Kugene,.Kalom', Port-! lahd, Klamnth Kails. Bqtte. Mont,- ana rmiotuyn, .n. y. .Jie was.ai years old. , :'v , . - , ' ' His ability as a' stylist and. fea ture Writer brought him Important assignments, partloularly while hp was Iir the employ of the Brooklyn Times. His last employment was iwlth the" Salem Capital Journal. ' He was a. native of. Eugeocr the son of Ml, nnd Mrs., R. A, Fnrrlng ton of that city, and interment will take place there. Ho attended tho University of Oregon .nnd'was a member of Phi Delta Thora,. fra ternity.. He was In tho service dur ing-, tho "World war. ; : Oi'eiron ntid is b e 1 a g MJroceedeil ntiilnst in--tho abnvo yiitUled Court for tho fnr- rpiiure .or tlifj sainn Tor n vJolnti in tlm iniKsesslon and custouy of im hi sheriff of Jackson County;. Oregon, and is being proceeded airninst in the ubovo entitled 'Coui for tho forfeiture of the Hamefop a violation of Chapter 29 of the General Ijuvn of Oregon ror ivza,- :-i IfO Brealcs Up, , ,: BISMARCK, ,V D., March 20 (JP) -Honeycombed above'by .a hot sun and below by flowing .water, the huge "Ice gorge In the Mis souri river at Huff, below here, beganto break up this afternoon, apparently ending any further flood .menace to thlsisoction of the river. ' '. Notlroj' . . NO..M5-C.'"' In the Circuit Court o the Slnto of Oregon, for tho County of ' Jackson. The Htnte of Oregon. Plaintiff, -' ' VS.- : . , , ... . ' .;. . ',' One Tludson Rodn.iu- 1020 Oregon .Mcuiiho.Nu. :1C!I-C(17. Motor No. 173333, (j. . Hangralnettl). or J.oula Snngulncttl. Dofontlant. - State of Oregon. County of Jack . sorfi ss. , - : lo In bungralnettl or- Louis San- pf t'haptej; 2!) of. liie'Oeiierul Laws ! ",p same bring nh rtct relating tl; of, tircijou for 11123, Die same ho Ing !in ni-.C, relating to llle, forfeiture Jtlltl, .-.spHr-iPf, boats, . vehicles Mind olhor coiivoynnceif used In the un lawful tvansporttulon or yiossesslon (rf ; Intoxicating liquor within the Htnte or Oregon;: and ibal all per sons having or Claiming any inter est in said Hudson Setlnn urn bere py required to appear lieforp (he above entitled Court in . tho Counly (.oiirt House or .Jackson County.' Oregon.,, nt Medford, . Oregon, . by' .Snlurdny, tha .) 3th . day , of. April, 1029, which said day hlls hereto fore Jiecn duly set bv tho ahnvo entitled. Court as ftp answer day tu-roiii. anu lo tlclend against said proceedings, and that upon their failure o to do, a .tudgmont of forfeiture of safd Hudson Sedan ttltl bo entered. ' This Notice Is issued and civen (0 you, ahft each of you, pursuant to an order duly mad'o by Hon. H: D. Norton, presiding Judge of the above entitled Court, on the 20th day of March, JS29. (Witness my hand and tho seal of said Court, affixed at Medford. Jackson, (,'pun.tyK Oregon.' this 24th day of March, 19211. r .. : DELIUA STEVENS METER, Real or the :Caunty Clerk. Circuit Court. . , ! : ., NoHce. ' '" - " " No.. 996-C. - -,!: , In the Circuit Court of the State .' of Oregon, for tho County gf . Jackson. . - -, ' , - The State ,of Oregon, Plaintiff, , , ' vs. One Ford Coupe. 1929. Motor jto.' A873I93. Cnlifornla Temporary - Permit of Registered Dealer No. 1 107;rr.6, (fl. Ftirnero), JJefond n tit. State ot Oregon, -County -ot Jnclc . sonss, . . . lo. the CommereltU Credit Com pand, -address' Sncram'ento', 'Cal;, nnd to ff I,',, .r...,.. gulnotU.iaflfesB County Jail, Med- 1 Medford. Oregon, arid to whomever the forfeiture and sale i of boats-, vehicles -. and. other conveyances used In the unlawful transporttif ,,nunuul.,n nt.. InloYlentintf liquor within, thu State of Oregotl nnd that all persons , having ot, claiming any'llfterest in said Ford. Coupe are hereby 'required to apj . pear before the', above .-entitled: Court In the 'county. .Court House, of, Jackson County, Oregon, at Med-, ford, Oregon, bv Saturday, the 13th day of Aptilij 1929, which said day. has heretofore peeii-i duly $et by, the above entitled Court as, an an, swer 'day herein, nnd - to defend .ugninst said proceedings, and. t hat, upon their, failure so.'.to do. a.judgr' m.ent .of forfoittrre pf said JTord'. Coupe will bo entered. ' -; This notice Ls issued and A'veri i-i to you, and each of you, pursuant to an order duly made by Hon. H.' D. Norton, presiding Judge of the obovo entitled Court, oh tho 20th day of March, 1929. . , ,v j n -Witness my hand and the Se'al of said.. .Court affixed - at Medford, Jackson County, .Oregon, this 20th' day of Mftrch,' 1929. , . ' -. . , . DELlLlA STEVENS MEYER. Seal of the . -y County Clerk.' Circuit Court. ' - - t - . i; i Notice to Creditors to Present . .- ' l liiims. Nolice is hereby given that I, have been .appointed by the County Court of .Tuckson County, Oregon, Executrix ot the estate of Robert H. Paxson, deceased, and have qualified. All persons having claims:; against said estate are hereby noHr fled to presont them, with proper, vouchers, nnd dlily verified, to me nt.the office of Harry c. Skyrman attorney for said- estate, at Room; 40(i Medford Building, in Medford,. Oregon, within six months from the- ditto of this notice. . x Dated and tirst published March Stll, 1920.' ' , . -,, ... . I ..- LELIA M. PAXSON, i. ExncittriT.t mm- .f-. aw - - '. r- -. .i--f-- jr. .iff.:. . .. , ' -'..W4--;? l&i m?-,r;. .. far ftfi i . if NOW you can h&ve the conveni ence . . . the great economy . the, hedlth-guarding services of d General Electric Refrigerator at a - much lower price than ever before. -' '?.! .. .- ,.-t . . The public instantly recognized the merit of the General Electric Refrig erator and has shown a marked pref .' erence for it since ihe day it was ' first announced. The demand, has ; exceeded expectations. Increasing production to keep pace with the '. ''. ...' ' ' . . 'V ' t J u. ;' '-; : . jf- '-k":"'i S' , " ' . , 4 ' -." " i'- .. . '.' . .1..' -' -Ci; ..:.- : . - - "-: - .''.' s ; '- ' . ' . '' -53, A .'i lit . . .w . ;;-). .fi v .fMj ever-growing demand has effected . ' manufacturing economies. These " sayings are now being passed along ' to the public through lower prices. Come in today and see' the many -models and learn how easy it is io- purchase a General Electric Refrig erator under one liberally spaced . payment plan. The new low pric63 " which now start at $21o bring x the .General Electric Refrigerator " within the reach of every family. elegtmk: t i .., , ;;K'' j . ,,- i . . . Phone 90 .Ji'Y,'i BiJi.