Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 20, 1929, Page 3, Image 3

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Oil Jlonday nlulit was held one
of the most. inspiration and entliu
siuBtlc rallies that' has boon held
in this union tor noma time,1 when
over 300 people, mostly all youiiK
people, gathered at the Medford
Christian church for the purpose of
CHILDREN 10c.. . .
In the tremendous
story of a man who went to the
end of the world to forget.
"THE -:,'
as a hard-boiled potioo
detective in ?
A new disease I No, not exactly; but u fori
of eyestrain Unit is being given a grout tlenl of '
utti'iition lotluy, by eye specialists and illumi
nating. engineers. 1 .
".'' '
Glurestrain (Optipliosis) is a form of eyestrain .
that comes ' from exposure to glare. ; Civiliza
tion ' bus surrounded us with the glitter and.,
dazzle of reflected light and our eyes need -protection.
' .
SOl'T-LITK Lenses reduce the brightness ami '- '
' glare but admit freely the light most needed
for vision. Permit us to show you sumplea of
this modern Protective, Corrective Lens.
Eyesight Specialist Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted
Exclusively Optical
404 Medford Building Telephone 1329
hearing Dr. Ira Umdrlth. "n sm.nk.
or to youiiK citizens of all Anier-
ur. uanurith has addressed
luiMi nuniuer of youni; pcoplo's
organisations and gatherings, and
wherever he goes ho is always wel
comed by n large gathering, and
, iiu snouiii chance to speak the
! second time in the same town the
.audience awaiting him Is nlwiwa
larger than the previous.
I He lias a very adept nay of be
I ing uhlo to fit his addresses to bis
i audience, and whether the nudi
if7 young people, whether
, it Is all older people, or whether
it is a mixed group, there Is always
n message for each ono to carry
'The, field secretary of Oregon
Endeavor, Ross tiullcy, was also
present and helped in a very large
way to make the Droternni n sue.
cqss by bringing to those present
a glimpse of what Is to be expected
jat the coming slate convention,
i April 18-JM,- and encouraging .all
I who could attend to do so.
A Christian Endeavor Shield,
; which Is held by Crater Lake union
!aml Is given out at every rally and
convention to tho society thavlng
the largest number present multi
i plied by the distance traveled, was
carried home Monday evening by
the Young Peoples society of the
Klamath Kails Christian church.
' Tliirty-two of their Kndeavor mem-
hers and ten other members of
: their church Interested in En
idenvor work had traveled the dis
tance of 78 miles to hear Dr. L-aiid-rltli
give his address. Dr. Landrlth
spoke in Klamath Falls last wlntor,
and they knew what to expect and
did not want to miss the oppor
tunity to hear him this time. Much'
! credit is due the pastor, Rev. Alli
son, Tor the tine spirit exemplified
by this remarkable attendance. -
Another society which merits
special mention was the one from
;the Presbyterian church at Eagle
Point, who had In attendance 13
representatlvas of thoir.' church.-;
' This Is a new society, just organ
ized last fall. .1
! The Ashland - Christians " were
present with 54 and Grants Pass
Presbyterian with 29. ...
.' Other societies present were the
! Congregational' and Presbyterian
'churches of Ashland, the Christian
and Federated of Central Point,
'the Christian church nf tlmets
jPass, the Presbyterian church of
Jacksonville, the Presbyterian
church of Phoenix, and the Chris
tian and Presbyterian churches of
! this cl.y. Also many of the
! friends of tho other denominations
of the city were proseut. ... ... f
It was indeed n great rally iiifd
not oiie to soon he forgotten.
The next big event toward which
all eyes are turned is the union
Easter sunrWo meeting' to ho hold
on the Under hill lust beyond
Phoenix, and to which all young
people of nil denominations are
invited.;: WitM'i.t- .'; ..
NEW YOKK, March 20. (')
Larry Guuld. Bcrnt JJalchen and
J Harold 1. Juno, tho three mcm
, born of . tho Byrd expedition mlss-
i in Vtlnoc last Thursday In the
j Jtot'kuCeUcr mountains of' Antarc;
' tiai, liavo been found, according
: to a radio dispatch from littles
'America, copyrighted by tho Now
j York Times and tho St. Louis
Post-DIfpatch. 1
Commander IJyrd, who flew to
1 their rescue, reported that their
! plane had been destroyed by vs
vcre winds while on the ground.
Pnrtlnnd. Pliins Tlfarllii? com-.
.Inline hrldpp.
The law requires the statu.!
county or city, when- nubmittint; !
bond issues for elections affecting
the constitution or city charter, to !
send pamphlets containing argu- j
incnts to. every registered voter.
City Recorder Alford Is now'
mailing - out the; pamphlets and!
overy citizen in Medford Is ur-'
gently requested to read tho en-'
tiro pamphlet carefully, as it:
gives a complete history of avhi-J
tion in Medford, why the present,
ulr field has . been condemned.
what the new nir port will mean;
to til city, -If, (he people voto the!
bonus on April 2. wna.L-.tiio gov-'
Wnment ami air. lines propose to
do if an adequate port is built
here; gives the estimated receipts
and expenditures of the. new port;
Hhjpws the pay roll of the new port
host been estimated at $80,000 a
year; gives a detailed estimate of
tho ' proposed expenditures for
land, grading, buildings, water sup
ply, graveling runways, etc.. on tliy
port; as well as proposed govern
ment expenditures If tho bonds
are , voted and not unless they
are f about $100,000.
The pamphlet contains a map
of tho- air ways o the United
States, issued by the government,
which shows Medford as a "key
city and only one of two cities
in Oregon on the air map. ;Also
a-diagram of the location of the1
proposed. air port.-.,
Tho increase In ; weight of air
mails In 1928 covin 92 7, and the
remarkable increase of over 300
per "cent In January 3929, over
January., 192$. ; '
Head tho pamphlet, diivo out
and see the field, consider t he
interests of the future of Med
ford and then vote for tho bonds.
Bancroft Is Wolf
.. . In An All-Talker
With a laugh and a sheer for
trouble and u curse for i weakling,
George Bancroft drives- his ) way
powerfully and effectively in his
first a-U-talklng picture. "The AVolf
of AVali Street,'" which comes to
ifunt's Crateriaa theater tdmor
row. . ' : 1
The bars of Wall street are
thrown down in this picture and
George Bancroft in "The Wolf of
you see the dinner workings, the
operation, the -stock broker at his
best or worwt. Bancroft portrays
the "Wolf of Wall street. He Is
the unscrupulous, self-made, ruth
less stock broker who deliberately
loses a fortune to keep his faith
less wife and her lover from get
ting it. .
'. The sterling "stage-trained voices
of the players In .support of Ban
croft are not the least of the. fea
tures of this production. Uacla
nova, Nancy Carroll, Paul Lukes.,
Brandon Hurst, all are products
of the legitimate stage, and the
star, Bancroft, waso one of the
leading atagc players along Broad
why for several yearn,
of exercise
. 'MIIIIodi of buy men and women
re keeping thein.clves in perfect eon-
idition nowadays bmmw they re
leu-ned the .ecrrt of the exerciier in
the reat-pocket box for a dime. .
Caaeareta give your bowela as much
eierciae aa you get from an hour'a
hard play. They give you la .ting re
lief from heaiJaclirB, bilioune, eon
tipation, indigestion, etc. Each time
you use them, your bowcia become
stronger. Oil., Baits and ordinary
laxative, produce only mechanical or
chemical action, which actually
weakena the bowela.
taacarets are made from Cascara
gagrada, which stimulate, the perl
ataltic action and exercise, the bowel
muscle.. Nothing else does tbi..
That', why C'acaret are selling at
tie rate of 20 million boxes a year!
ir ..'(d5S
Two 'hundred people packed tho
display rooms of the Crater Lake
Automotive company, Medford
(iraham-l'aigo dealers, to seo an
interesting moving picture describ
ing the mechanical features of
O rahiun-Palge motor cars. C. B.
Wbsing. automotive expert and
representative of the Oraham
Paige corporation arrived in this
city Tuesday noon from Seattle
with the interesting film and pro
jecting equipment and showed
three reels to students of the Med
ford high school during the after
Tho Crater. Luke Automotive
company's show seemed to make
a deeided hit with the enthusiastic
audience last night. The turnout
far exceeded the anticipations of
J. O. Grey and II. D. tirey, heads"
of that firm.
Following the Graham-Paige
movies, n reel showing the Na
tional Air Reliability Tour planes
landtng at Itarbcr field were
shown and J. O. Grey, Met! ford
councilman, gave a, short talk .In
support of the airport bonds
which will be voted upon April
2nd. This talk was enthusiastical
ly received.
The newest Graham-Paige mod
els were on display last night for
the inspection of thoso who at
tended last night's show. .
. . .
10 OFF
(Reviewed by Mary Gilbert)
"The Leprechaun," a two-act
IrMi phantasy .written by Miss
Many Greiner, reporter and writer
of popular special stories for the
Medford Mail Tribune, expressly
for presentation by Copco from
KM ED Tuesday March 19, Is an
Important contribution to the
growing literature of radio drama.
It is the story 6t a little colleen,
straight from Kiln; of her search
for the famous good-luck fairy of
Ireland, tbc Leprechaun, and of
her finding It in the home- given
her by, an American author 'and
hls'Wifo a'hd In tiie loYe of a hamt
some young Ncn-eaptaln gained
Terrence McBrlde. ' - , 'i
The bravo Utile mother from
whom Noreen learned to be look
ing for the Lcprcclmitn Is not
heard before the microphone
neither Is tho 'gnlhirit Terrence.
According to the peculiar tech
nique of tho radio drama they are
made to llvo ill tho story through
thu- conversation and dialogue of
the other characters; Dwlght Carl
ton, the author, read by Gene
Wright; Gertrude Carlton, his
wife, read by Jo Murray Hostel;
and Noreeri herself, read by Miss
These actors succeeded In pro
ducing authentic Impressions of nn
irritable, depressed literary man
changed to an eager, unselfish
pei-sou successfully writlng under
fresh Inspiration; n fashionable,
sophisticated wife with too much
leisure -transformed Into a
thoughtful, Interested woman; and
a lonely little immigrant made
over into tho treasured daughtcf
of a comfortable home all be
cause of tho Leprechaun.
The announcing was done by W.
A. Gates In his usual pleasing
.style. An original song, "Noreen
O'Kane," tho music to which was
composed by MIhh Maude Barrlgnr.
director of physical education of
Medford schools, was sung by Miss
KJuanor Curry, popular soloist.
, The civil action of Ed smith
niinst Frank Cameron, Miles
Cantrall. Jesse Taylor and sevcrat
other Applegate ranchers to con
demn an irrigation canal, known
as the farmers' ditch, to supply
himself Irrigation Water, was be
gun in circuit court this forenoon.
Tho cuso is not expected to bo
completed- until tomorrow evening
and will be followed by the trial
of WitIam Lulng against the
Kogim Itlver Studios for the re
covery of money. Lalng Is suing
for money In connection with the
construction of a studio building
on the Crater Lake highway, north
of Medford.
In today's case. Smith' claims
tils land Is In semi-arid condition
and needs wutcr for agricultural
purposes, but has not . been able
to obtain It from the present
ditch. It Is his plan to widen the
ditch six Inches at the bottom
in order to convey 1.5 second feet
to hfs land. This plan is opposed
by other ranchers having an In
tercut in the ditch.
Gasoline In Medford went up
yesterday afternoon from 20H
cunts per gallon to 27'A, und ac
cording to local dealer, there may
j " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " '
) 1 Dresses and ' j
i .Ensembles- jWlk-'t
I Through our New York buyer we have made a Jji S
1 fbrtunate purchase of high grade Dresses and lri if A yjf vL) 1
1 Ensembles direct from the manufacturer and KQ fit Qv r I
lp we are passing" this saving on to our friends in Kf 3xfN Jj(k
I Medford and Southern Oregon Just in for XA Cj2 '
I These Dresses and Ensembles rkil i
I would sell at other places from ' J 1 N '
I $10 to $20 more Our prices are ' VvsAJgy ff "
I Stout Sizes - JJ Regular Sizes n ' ' p,
I 44 to 50 --V iaV. 36 to 40' 1 ; , n ,m
I , . Take Advantage of This Offer 1 A
I Thursday, Friday and Saturday ?
l Ladies' Readyto-Wear 28 ' W l I
jilliBi 'igiiiiHiipirlglayM
price Incrcanc wnH nix centn, tin:
retail price IncrcuHt'd Hevmi rniitM
In Modfonl, duo to dcnlurH kuIIIiik
oslo cent clicuper tlinu rcKUlnr
prlco when ganollua wits uclllng nl
ItS low level. Tho decision to odd
(be extra cent wuh readied by lo
cal (lealcru yesterday Hliortly be
foro tlio wliolcsnlo price InereaHC
went Into effect.
IORTUX, Ore., March 20. (p)
All service Btatlona todiiy had
p'OHted the new L'VJi-ceiit price on
gaholinc, iilthoiiKh Iherc was atlll
Somo varlnileo III tlio wholesale
..Tho General 'company, which
sold nt low cost' to dealers yester
day had raised Us wholesale price
today to 1014 tcnls, leaving the
Tdxas company tho only distrib
utor still selllnB at lu'i cents
' Ofdcers of the Texas company
were to arrive hero Inle today from
m Angeles, nnd nnntiunecmeiit of
Hie firm's future policy wes ex
peefpl. APPETITE
ft. . . QUICKLY
HJf IRt I III ! fU
If yoti haTe no dcnfr
for food, nnd rou feel
nilt nf nrt ttnt rlo.
nreiaed, stimulato your dlgestlT
um ns. i ry ur. tuners own rortn
ufsu Tbesf puis taken after mfalf
irlll aid dlgftatlon. relieve the gns,
tlon poiaons and arouse appetite.
law WMUU
J JJru KglSLA b 0 nQ iOC Ted pKffS.
'II 20. 1 !)!).
1 C.'oqullle. f l.r.ilO will be expend-
led for Iniprovenu'iit of wvrul locul
! Htr't'f .
i'Sa. tlj
Winter freezes have raised the turf which must be firmed back
to the under soil so that the sod will not suffer when hot weather
comes. ...
Rent Our Rollers for 50c a Day
Roll the ground before you sow that new lawn. Rolling makes
a level surface that will be easier to mow and irrigates
323 E. Main Phone 260
' .Myrtle I'olnl. Hlraet IlKllthm
furl III will be Improvi'd In. this
!uri. -
Antoriii. 2V,00'0 upuroprlntcil
for erection of new Federal buiUI-
I Inu. - ' ;
be no chanKc in price until next
(.ill TVWIr. ttl. nfflrtfil T-1 . r, I , ,. 1 .