Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, March 19, 1929, Page 1, Image 1

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Weather .Year Ago
HfglU'st your ago today 7
Lowest year ago today '. its
Dtuj-TTOiU-UiHd Tnr.
N... nr8.
4 The Weather
Poreuutt Fair tonight, with tag
and frosts; cloudy Weductday.
ntgbest yesterday . 68
lxmewt today to 5 a. ni. 33
By Arthur Brisbane
An Educational War.
The President's Power.
Strikes Against Progress
A Normal Spine.
(Copyright, by Khig Feature!
Syndicate. Inc.)
Tliu little war in Mexico muy
help this country to realize the ,
importance of modern war j
Government forces, attack
ing revolutionists at Torreon,
Smtributc lines to th. j
front page: '.'AIRPLANUS j
"Will this government pro
tect itself with airplane car
riers, with a fighting air fleet,
twice as great as any in the
world, and submarines 1
. Or will the government wait
to rend encerning the bombing
of one of our big cities. "City
bombed, 40,000 killed, popula
tion fie es from city."
Fortunately, Herbert Hoover
is an engineer accustomed all
his life to deal with machinery,
and demanding, the newest
type of machine.
It is not necessary to tell him
that men and cities on the
ground are helpless against at
tack from the iiir,' unless they
5fr. Oulahau, who rcuort-i
Washington' and the govern
ment, says ' Hoover's determi
nation to exercise executive au
thority reminds him, of-Koose-
vdt. . ; ;
f So. much the better. . Th
I'rcsidoutV'haff'authorifr.' inoreTfurcenicnt - or the -prohibit i o n
than any. ruler fat. .the world.
HOW Inat v. llina and llUKSlU
have' no emperor and Turkey
' ,
.110 sultail. - . ' , '
The people elected Herbert
r e
Hoover uccause nicy oetievcu
that he knew how to Use the j
presidential power, and they
hope he will Use if constantly. !
1 ;
Nearly 100 telegraph opeia-,
tors employed by a firm be-i
., ' ... '. ... ,.,,,, i
..fitiun t in irn ltlMMllllle:
printing niafhincs to replaiv:
human operators.-
That is a mistake, and is as
lueleig as the strike ot musi
cians against picture films that
supply their own music.
Men that fight against im
provement in machinery fight
hopelessly because they fight
A'Zitinst progress.
It was useless for stagecoach
drivers to throw stones at loco
motives. suddenly deprived of
work arc entitled to all sympa
thy. But no strike against pro
gress ever was or ever will be
This is "normal spino week"
osteopaths tell you, and those
interested in human welii'are,
old-fashioned doctors especial
ly, .should pay attention.
The spine is as important to
the body a ar columns sup
port inn the roof to a temple. .
. . '
The American . Osteopathic
Society renders public service
T'n making people think about
the backbone.
iousiufr uiul -una -...B
nicely adjusted little bOllCS, Ot The- Virginia urea Is within a ! the cccno said he was merely scelj
, .1 l t,. ,1., three hour ride from "Washington ' Inp shelter from the bulk-ts. Con-
Wllietl me tupuiusi., uiKo..
VeloDed IS the skull. Uuunmg
,i t ' a..,.llmr
uown trout inu mum, --..-9
nut nn liotli Sides HcrVCS that
. ii,. ..,.,.,-
tceu cnei-i)- to inu oou.,, j
iii.r Sn-k wuniiiitrs to thtri'rain.
, " . . . . ,.(..,,.
the spine is the most impoi tunt
part of our physical machinery,
, . i...,..
excepting pcrnups uw "' "
and lungs.
. .
Thousands of children are haudl-1
T"liped by twisted spine?, often
FTftuht enrTainiiv causintr pressure
. . . " a i..... Ari
on imDoriauL Bonos, rcuuciiiw vur
(Continued on rase tight)
President After Violators,
Not Votes, in Enforce
ment Policy No Mem
bers of Commission
Chosen Plans Under
lly James I. West
Associated i'reus Stuff Writer.
WASHINGTON. March 19. (11
rrctldont IJoover hits no Idcu of
any drastic, drumutlc prohibition
drives u.3 it niouns of briiiKlng
ubout the general law enforcement
for which he declared in his in
uugurul address.
The purpose of the chief execu
tive Is to build up the enforce
ment of the luws generally by
tightening up the federal organi
zations and the reorganization of
the federal Judicial .system.
.Mr. Hoover is undertaking to
in tl... 1'nitcfl St :l t e
and In doing so he expects the
support of the press and every
good citizen of the country.
Tito president Is moving with
caution In the difficult task of
picking those who are to compose
his law enforcement commission
and the best information uvuilublc
Is that ho has not yet definitely
decided on a slnglo memher.
Scores of names have been pre
sented for his consideration, but
many of those already have been
eliminated for one reason or an- :
other and ho "now is described as
literally scouring the country In
the; etfurt to una suituu.c men
who will bo willing to undertake
su gigantic a task.
The personnel of this oonimls-
' sion probably will be more cure
I fully scrutinized by the country
1 than 'any that has heel) named.
' 'i... ......... Tl.i.1 .fill
i be largely by reason of the fact !
- ttlAt; 'an Jnvestigiitioji pi', tlto '... I
,"epf te ,o.b0 ':'c,m,cd 1,1 I
. This phase of Iho whole InquhT
iwl" bt' the one t attract the
ierentest public, attention and proh-
I ably will require more exhaustive j
j s,uuy thil al'-v oU,,;r- 'e'"""-' f !
the organized wets und drys as,
as many others will be heard
and the testimony of many present j
,ont officers will be taken.
I" the effort to find the causes
uf lire-Kent abuses in the enfurce-
mcll( (ho CUIlllnb)a,un wU, iMUire
Into federal enforcement statutes
to deiennlne 'w hether the abuses
. . ..... . . ,r
lure Inherent In those laws and If
so what chun-res mlsht reasonably
be expected to relieve t'.le situa
tion. -Meanwhile, there are to be In
creased efforts at enforcement of
the Volstead and other dry acts.
Knforccment officials appointed or
retained by JJr. Hoover arc re-
Kurdcd as friendly to the prohibi
tion cause ana it is expecteu inai
they will be kIvcii a free hand in
uu effort to dry up the country.
President Hoover has not yet
announced precisely w:iat enforce
ment activities now carried for
ward by the treasury will be trans
ferred to the Justice department,
nor Is it cleur whether be holds
such transfer win be made without
un act of congress.
Mrs. .Mabel Walker AVillebrandl
is In charse of prohibition enforce
ment in the Justice department
und It Is understood that when the
transfer Is made the scope of her
duties as assistant attorney general
will be considerably enlarKcd.
WAKIJlNdTON. March l'.l.UT)
Flthlng holes for President Hoover
in nearby Muryland and Virginia
have been acquired thru bis secre
tary, liwrence Kiehey. so that
during the summer week-ends und
dull days In the "White House, the
chief executive may bo able ,tu
angle for brook, brown und rain
bow trout. .
( 't he -tlslilng waters in irgima
I are ut the source of the Itapidun
river In Modl'suii county In the
proposed Shenandoah l'ark area.
The lease covers JS miles of the
stream. -.
A lodge will be built and f 11. 000
expended lo construct a road con
necting the fishing grounds with
the Mudlson county courthouse, a
uistunce of nine miles.
by omoniobllu und probably will
be used olmost exclusively tor J
week-end fl-jhing expeditions.
Thl, MarJ.und Kround Is 1
miles from Frederick, und
ably will bo used durini; the
m(T whon ,hinm uro slack
i White Hou-c. o
I This property, known as Cacoc-
Un Furnuc(, ,, whlch once
formed a part of the estute of the
i first governo.- of Maryland, vrun
,,, uy Mr. jtlehey as his own
I nersonul uroDijrlv.
..!.... . ....
Air. Jtlcuuy aifo umuiiicu itii
eight yeara lease on several miles
I of tile slrcum Devon.. Hie estate,
1 eiriiut a runing rang" oi more
;,i,nn nn miin.
. muu u...v.
(Contlnuod on Page
L..-J ARIZ jN.MUAf. , f 'UJi if.
J tr im . y h I
American troops nuarded the border line at El Pao. Texas, duririft the Kehiing hstween Mcxicsn
revolutionary and federal Iroops M Juarcl. Brig. C;n. Van Horn Mo?ly (rinh;) is in command of
American troops at For Bllis, El Paco. Maj. Gen. William Laisitejf (left) ii commandant of the
eighth corps area at San Antonio. Below is a unit of the cavalry division from Fort Bliso.
nc onn7 pamp nr winwiCQ paq mo mum m
Dan Maloney of New'York:
. . . . . . j
r-orce uies in ristoi oat-
, , , . , ri ,'lrom (Ktvuneou tunercuiosts, j.u-.
tie Liquor Feud Blamed, k. c. i-ishbaugh. noted i.os An-
Igeles pliysiclun attending her, said
Oft Arrested, But Neveriiday. sue is uitiiuted wim -nd-
Jvaneed tuberculosis in both lungs"
Convicted Thug in Cell. .,-lls Tory Blcl,..
,NKW VOKK. ...jlriaKS:
in a guns feud over contro of the i c!plulllod thlll ,vhlIo (U,ut wlls
l quor supp y business a policeman , 1u.lU llnk.HH ,,,, ,.,.
r.dimr In the ear of a Urooklyn . . .
gnv.g leader was killed early today.
The leader engaged in n sun fight
with members of a rival t'm(;.
I'tilrolniun Dunk-1 Maloney. -8 j
years otii. died on the way to the !
Norwefc-luu hunpltnl with a bullet j
near his heftrt. Thomas Cunnull,
years old, who pollee said was j
a friend of -MaloiieyV, was shot In '
the bf,'. Uaruld Kichurd, It, was!
yhot in llio Nhoutder. ,
(Vnnell. ltlehurd and Charley
IllKKhiH. year old. Kaid by po-
llee to be ihe leader of tho other!
f,r:uiK. who was captured near the
He"iie of the Hhoutiliff. Were held J
for tuesl lontny. !
Pollee Herseutit Churlea Mo- j
(.iarly reported to bin t-upcriorn j
that ho Mhot Maloney and Connell j
when he rume upon the kuii flh'ht
and bnlie ins H was a holdup I
opened fin:.. j
After the FhootinK pollee found
kIx plstoln In the slnret a nil two
KtitiN were found un the body of
Maloney, one of them his service
pistol. ' - .
Detectives wild they lrarn'd that j
Maloney. who wuh off duty for the ;
day. had Hpent It with tVitinelt. i
The policeman and ConnoH, tlin J
drleetlveH ta Id, met lliKKlnM nlid
two eompanloiiH In a mi loon. Later
the two partfet left and tlrove to '
the OwI'h Head lavern, liny Hide. I
It wa outside UiIh place that the,j
'looting occurred. )
Police waid a feud of Keveral ,
yean hlundiiiff had existed between .
IMi;Klnn and ('onnell over control'
of tho liquor trade In the 13 ay
KUfffv district.
iHk'hif has b'-en arrewted wev
eral t hne nn houtieldf and nun '
carrying charKts. but there won no
record of his over having been
The three who were held for
ruetloninR all profewd to know
nothinc of the Hhootlns:. JUiciilnB. i
who wu8 captured runnittK from
nell said he and Maloney was talk
Inu when three men drove up and
epened ft
fire on th?m.
HPCKAXK. Vash.. March 19.-
fTl . Ul...pif 1.-1. ..'.1 lVn.H 1.1. W
- - .......... .
been Instructed by C. W. tlreen
oimu. vmsccuiiiig uiinrney
$1 "9,00(1 from 25 Hpokune
(eoiiiity bunks If they full to pay
that amount in taxes within It
... - ... - -
LOS ANdELEH. March 19.
IVPi -Mnhi'l Vnrnniiwl fnr,ner star!
j of motion pictures, is suffering
very little opportunity of recov-
i. i
MANILA. March 111. P)
Mpiseopallan niionary x I n I e rn.
Bridget and relhdtaM. both ofj,niK t. llat;giii, prenhh'nt of the
Peekhklll, X. V.. died today of (,'erro le Paco Copper cprpora
polHodtng at liontoo. mountain tlou. with mines hi Peru, died
province, on tho Inland of Luzon, 'here today.
President Uniori Air Lines
Predicts Medf or d Key City
Clins. V. Eakin, .president niul general niiinnger of the
Union Air liines, who own und operate West Co.-ist Air Trans
port planes, with daily f Ii - t li-rli pitsseiiiier service from
Iio.s Aii).'eles, via San Franeiseo, I'tirlland and Taeoina to
Seattle, in writing to the airport publicity committee of the
Chamber of Commerce, says: .
Portland, Ore., Feb. ,' I'M'.I.
We have Iranferred our operation from Med lord
to Montague on account of the field conditions in
your city,
The present, field in Mrdfiird is iideiiiale for a .
. . small plane, but for a large transport 'plum; it is dan
gerous to the lives of the passegeKs und to the ship
' itself ' ,
' Jt seem td ine that Medford, being a "key city"
in Oregon on both the until aiitl transport air lines,
it should be possible in some, way to have a field in
Medford or vicinity where it will be possible to set
down and take off without endangering the lives of
passengers, pilots or the condition of the ship itself.
The city of Mcdford, for both tho mail and trans
port service, would be, under proper conditions, a
clearing house for the entire territory n far iim I h as
li'oseburg and as fur south as Kureltit and also over
into Klamath Falls., I think the government has
recognized this fact when it established a large radio
station there, also betieon lights, etc.. and I believe
that it will only be a short time before the city of
Medford will Wikc up and install a ciass f'A" air
port. I.'ntil that time, 1 am sorry to say. it will be im
possible for Us lo take our chances on endangering
. the lives of our passengers m- wrecking our planes
by tryinsf to irivc service in and out of Medford.
Uy Chan. V. KtiMn. President
OKTHMOfTil. Ohio. March 1 9
AT MiiV' Muddox. 4l.jfotor purentH until hIi.s wk kuIiiit
Portland. Ore., ended her life by.
drinkiiiK poion today at llic homo
of f'hnrles Taekett, youth of Vun
eeburyr, K, where police Buy she
hud been uttrueteil by eorren
1 elide nee ninth' jiuible through
ii iiuilrl muniul tiKeney.
Tho woman, who had been sepa-
rated from her htiMband, left a lot-
In lir. I.liinio.l lli.r llllR-I'
bund" for , her act. She uiimo loU
IllllH-llq rUlllt' IU lllljn U((U uim i
'TarUett ohiatned her name from1,
ia matrimonial agency and wrote
her, pollee Kaid.
I XKW VOKK. March 1!. (I1)
ULttino m
Murder of Woman in Penn
sylvania May Bare P.ow
wowism Georgia 'Witch'
Found Slain in Home
Faith Healer Due 'for
I ALU:.TOVN, Ph., Miii-cIi 1!)
iiA) A siM'uml allcrieit pow-wuw j
iliiftur whh fuuKhl liy InvcHtiKulorH
Unlay In (-uiitiiTtlun wiih 1 1 1 death!
by potHun KriUay of M t Vurna 1
Ortuvht IX-Ip. With the euri:l
for this nam uiuk-r way It wasjlp, HOOVCP FflVOrS Written
Inllinalod that un InvrsiiKullon
would be made of tho whuln prau- j
lke of powwowlnni in thv county.
JXclpherint; of one of iu niys !
UM'tutis tntHivi's found ti.d over
the dead Klrl'a breast when her
body was found Saturday in a. i
field near the Catasautiua kuii
(elub rant'e, Indlrated to tin hi-'
vestlKators that she had feared'
death or violence. liccodhiK of the
.symLol was contained in- u letter '
Ireeeived hy Chief of"Pilice Uern-1
hard from an unnamed person In
I Philadelphia, ami turned over toll'1" P'diMc speaking cnisnsutiicntH
cenoner iiuuseh.
The loiters "N 1 It" which an-
pcurod on one of the- missives, and
'which were repeated and set
ttlown in the firm of a i-oss. are
.jsald to constitute a charm against
iroiMM-i-s una inurucrerH in tnti ' tiux i manor oi course. lioweve.r, denied suing for peace.-
; ritual." None of those versed lu Uu bus taken the position that : Escalon, the new Insurgent hoiid
I powwow practice would have beenitl president's public , aiNlrtutHon I quRrtom. Is a virtual oasis In an
able to give It to her, it Was said. should o messages of considerable I ur, ,BMri region. The insurg-l-oroner
llausch and District At-1 Importance to lllo people. Unless ,.ntlt i,nPve u strategically strong
jtorney (learhart still hohl to the ! "v call he so considered, ha tools, j ol. than' Torreon '
Itheory that .Miss Delp was mur-! Uley slloilltl not bu allowed to colt- Tllc Ktimtioii along the border
Idered, and that the practice ofi' Hi" Unto which might ho (,i i,v,i..rnt f,.,-.. .
"hex" was a factor In her death.
lr. John .1. Wcnnor, pathologist
iat the Klientowa hospital, has
:y,,t hientltled the poisons which
ieaused lh young womn-s .leuth.
Charles T. ltelh-s, self-styled
r-i.u - ,
I . "" - " """'V'itl ,.li. Me r, r i U
minuet- (.uiui.v. Jiq iiiMiMiH I lint lie
ih not n jiowwow tluntor niul uiut
I- V -' '.'V!
un,i nuv n(ruitjtti ti, inr K"i"
in h.m uMom i.-it
'ridiiy for what
.whh described hh "powwow treat -
ment for a nkln condition."-
KOMK, (la., March I It. M
i. i t . ........ i.
1 . ". ...' i. ",.?, , " .; I.! ' ,
... , .... . ... ,, .
' '
much a mystery today' an ever.
coroner'H jury had failed to caHt" 'io i-oiihii Army oteranH" as-
ltwwU W1W ,.t,t and beat to
j .1. A. Humphrey, a lneeiianle,
who illscovereil the woman's body
Uvlici) he eullcil upon her for
"Ireatnient for poison In my sys
tem" falleil to tell tho Jury any
thing other than that she wus
KlviiiK him medleluu nuule from
roots, peach buds anil that ilcail
spiders, war meatus, Knives iinn
many trinkets played their part J
In her treulinenl. j
Trade Restriction Blamed
By English Economist fori .,., , , ,r
M.M.;.I. Ore., .March 19. ll')
Gravpst Timp in Businps1? r""1"'"'1"" flom u,lllnc relations
UldVLM IIIIIU III DUolllL&S .,, other hlKh schools In the
'u;.l, d.i:i:.!., r.. slate hluli school itthletlc assoclu-
History Politicians Fos-Hon f,,r mo .est ot mo school
in- i tl l i I ''"ar has been dealt Halem hlKh
. ter Disaster That impends is. hooi i,y the bourd ot control Uf
'the association, as tho result of
.IA.--i:sTl;lt. Km,-., .March 19 j Iho "riot" that look place' hero
CI'h The gravest fliiaiKlnl crisis r, u,,, ,,1,.) nt jar,.h g ,fi,)Wng
In the wurld-s history was de-l,. defeat of Halem high-by tho
perilled by Kir ticorge l.'alsli, econ. , :ii,.muwa Imskelbull teum.
omlsl, as threatening modern busi-. The suspension was announced
ness. Htr fleoi-Bc slarUed his uu- M a ,.tter received l,v .1. C. Nel
dltors at Ihe nutloiiiil- free trade. ,, principal of Halem, from ltoy
conference here with his prciltc,-Vunnon, secretary ot the assncla
!" illon.
"I speak with the blithest na- .
thorlty, and I challenge any one' II Is the local belief that the
to deny it, when 1 say we uroiboolng luetics of tho Halem stu
threatened with the greatest fi-denls during the basketbull truir
nunelal crisis tho world If. ever ney last week, also hail something
seen because the governments ofto do ft-lth the stiHponston.
the world have followed thu pol-. Ilefure announcing tho dishor
ley of trade restriction. ju-eventliiK j ment of tho Halem school, the
debtors from paying their debts." state board announced yesterday,
Hlr (leul-go declared. that under a new ruling u district
"We are- face to face with this Uoiirnaineiit loser could enter a
crisis. The KToulost authorities stale tournament. This means
In this country and In Ihe rult-.tliiil whenever Halem Is,, defeated,
ed -Htates expect It to come tllh-jlt can enter the state tourna
pring and unless this policy of; ment. . '
safi-giturdltig or protection Is- The suspension will not provent
checked. It means disaster to (heiHalem from taking part In foot
world, jball next fall, and In basketball
"I am not exaKKci-allnK." Hii'incxt winter, so the suspension Is
Ieori.-e vie hided. "I wish 1 1 not us ffcrco as It sounds,
were."' lie tinned polftlcli.nsj The suspension Is for tho bul
wlm hud ptirsui" wrong policies unco of the present school year,
blnco tho war for tho tmpcndlng'whcn high schuol ulhletlcs are at
j erjf-ls.
Old .Zhioned Thugs
Rob a Lady and
Flee on Bicycles
.MIN.NKAI'OI.IS. Marcll, l!.
I t'l.' -Scorning lite automo-
! bile two tliievis miatchod a
j purse from a woman Iktc
' In st night upd escaped-on hi-
i cycles. They pedaled, up be-
1 side l.llllun llolmstend us
'f site was walkiiiK home, lean-
! ed their hlcyeles against tb
8 curb, seized the purso und
then tiedaled away, ,
rnn nnnTiniin!
ftW UKflMUNd;
i nation aalnt tht rubcln and vua
Instead of Spoken Worclim'Ka,iij!lns a Mvm
r 1 vnnce on Chihuahua, now Import -
. ... wi wKv..w
a Year Planned Declines
Red Cross Invitation.
WASHINGTON, March lit. (yP)
President Hoover plans to limit !
i to three or four a year, and al -
ready has declined two Invitations,
: froini the American Ued Cross and
i the l)ilH;lilers of the .'liner lean
Uevolttllini, whlelt his predecessors
have acerpled nnmmlly almost as
mora valuable It Unvoted to tlto
cond tcl ol ho executive, office
I "lino public undresses tbi not
: cotiHinne much time In actual div
"very nor lnlerforo seriously with
'he exee.tllve tunetlon by nccossl-
I tut nil necaslnmil IrliM iiwnv Irion
, i 11 . it 1
I "l "r "y luv wviiiuniiiiuen m -
! 71,
, : i . I
i hlH W cle,ir u ""clortuko nt fro-
(liient IntnrvnlH.
! TllUH f,ir ho Ihb nccepted only
",U,U01 "l t'i
j liivilatloiiH received, one. to nrtrtroHH
! tlu AHHoclated Pcchh dinner nt Now.
I Vni-lr in A nfll n.wl Hi., ni Un. t -
Itnkn I. Iho Memo rial av ex -
, ,,., i.. m,..- ii uu njlai...t niu,.
, . cnnHlde.MiiltntlnnH from Mm
American Farm llureatt Federation
1 "t ChlenKO Hnvnnnnh.
(la., respectively.
State Athletic Board Takes'
Action for Disorder After
Chemawa Defeat Capi-
tol School
Notified of
tttelr lowest ebb, -
:Same Is Scorned As Rebel
Forces Flee Torreon to
Balk Air Raids Federals
in Hot Pursuit No
Change Along Border.
(liy the Associated Iri'sj. t
HavtiiK captured thi rebel
NtronKhold uf Torreon without u
buttlp, ft'doral arnib'M today wro
pn-HshiK piir.suit uf the Insurgent
tu t ho north.
(Ifiierul Callea, truniniaiMler-ln-
cllfl'f lf t h.i 1'nV.M'lllni.Mt fufciw
promised a campaign of "I'Xtorm-
oonorul Kacobnr. liwuriront i-hh-f-
tain who. evacuated Torreon yes.
terday, consolidated his position at
T-Isealon, 10 miles to the north ami
said he expected to engage the fed
erals in a major battle within ft
lie asserted lis evacuated - 'for -reon
to spare the inhubltants .the
j vi-hinh 0VCr tii -irvck'vnd tuuk foui-
1 lives. ...
a request for neaee terms
j rcpnrtcii to have been received by
i president Portcs Oil, who declared
I tiiat he would not treat with !the
i Insurgents. The rebel, generals.
Nm.0 wm.0 ,, ellll.on,,,lod '.,,,.
,,.,,. .,, ,..,, .,.... ,
; (.,iiu,lun i .
j ',,,,,, t .' a.norioil ''.id.
j I01 ,Vn ' "oul,Vc
1 ? y! , h"' Tn, "?' ,
,u" MaWlan v het e J.ntio foil.
"' holdlngrtho Itiwn.-... ..
, r - , ,f ,
, PABO, Tex.," Slap. 1H. (VPi '
Uk- M" P."'
nere, itniiniinceti early tinn niornlr.c
that ho hud boon hi telephone ron-
fereneo vNth I'rofllflent Oil of Mex
ico shortly nfler midnight, mnd tlmt
tho latter hurt confirmed the re
port that Oeiiernl. Mnrcclo Cavavo.
Kovernor of Chlhiiithua, and one ol
i 'hpl """"' ""e'' ""'"' "cto-
Millions for pence, anil to end the
revolution, through tho American
eontul ot Chihuahua City. Ho ask
ed tho United Htotcs to convey the
message to President (ill. Llekens
said (111 told ll I in Cavnveo had ask
ed for terms of peneo on behatr
of himself and (Jcneral J. Oonzalu
Kscobar, revolution leader, and the
rest of tho rebel leaders.
XOO ALKS, Honors, lexlco. Mar.
ta. UP) Tlic rebel generals Fuu.Hu
Topete anil Francisco. Borquez,
commanding northern Boaora, reb
el headquarters here, early today
received with nppertn amusement
reports front Kl Puso. Texas, that
tho revolutionary leaders In fill-.
hliahua had nsked for peace terms
from the Mexican federal govern
ment.' The rebel generals sald'.tlley
"did not believe If und that the
nsserted peace move would have
no effect In Honora."
Tim U'nnll....
or..KOn: Fair toniKut and wed.
nei.duy. hccomlnff cloudy In west
v'l",cmlIlJ'- '"' .temporu--
turcs east and locul fot-s and frosts
ds 0;. Ci"n"" ;vn'""""
Will RogertSayi:
'ramniany Hall is in a mess,
it's been uneasy ever since
Smith insisted that they
clean up and get respectable
for that election.' They are
in u hurry to
get buck to.
They are
proud down
in Alabama,
a u d m y
friend C! o'v-'
eruor llib Graves wouldn't
ask for help if he didn't 'need
it. so help. I will admit they
are Democrats, but. after al!
they are human beings. '
. Mixed in' with the, wuv
notes was the following:
"lleflin was St. Patrick's
day speuker at lirocktoi).
Muss." '.Town. .
WILL ROtlEhs. ;
P. S. : No fighting in Mex
ico Sunday. Moth sides at
tended bull fight.
IN 110